June edition of the Westchester/Playa HomeTown News

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C O M M U N I T Y ,


playa del rey



p l a ya v i s ta


m a r i n a d e l rey

NEWS T h e H T N .c o m


J u n e 5, 2 014

Playa Provision’s Small Batch turns out homemade ice cream, waffle cones and sweets making it a worthy summer stop. Pictured: Edgar Sernas and Tayla O’Brien serve up treats at Small Batch.

Parade looks to crowdfunding for this year’s event Thousands of people line Loyola Boulevard every Fourth of July to celebrate America’s birthday and to participate in the community’s largest event with their friends and neighbors. “It’s a great feeling to come out here on the Fourth of July and see all of your friends and neighbors celebrating and waving flags,” said

A Look Inside Your


Gwen Vuchsas, who has served as the parade committee’s chair for the last 15 years. “We are proud to have so many community groups and local organizations want to participate every year. This is a perfect example of a hometown event that brings all of us together to celebrate.” Although the parade is a feelgood affair that brings out fifty-plus


community groups to showcase their floats and march along Loyola, the event is not without its share of challenges. According to committee members, navigating the permit process and working with the city can be like a full-time job for event volunteers, who are often left starting from scratch every time the parade rolls around.


Funding is also always a challenge. The parade, which can cost upwards of $20,000 when you figure in the fees, honorariums, portable toilets, trash pick-up and supplies, relies on donations in order to be held each year. “This event is one-hundred percent funded by the generosity of our (continued on page 4)


Councilman Mike Bonin (center) was on hand to swear in the new board members at the Tuesday, June 3 NCWP board meeting.

New Neighborhood Council board members sworn in and officers selected at June meeting After spirited campaigning and more than 1,100 community members coming out to vote at the polls on election day, the Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa (NCWP) swore in its new board members at the Tuesday, June 3 board meeting. Councilman Mike Bonin was on hand to do the swearing-in ceremony and a representative from the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE) was on hand to oversee the procedures and provide the new board orientation lecture. Newcomers to the board include Fred Smith, Yvonne Fok-Gundersen, Michele Cooley-Strickland, Erin Hanson, Dave Oliver, Tim O’Connell, Garrett Smith and Harold Johnson. John Ruhlen, who won the Senior Citizen Director Seat has previously served on the NCWP and has served on the Planning and Land Use Committee. Alan Quon, Sibyl Buchanan, Patricia Lyon and John David Webster ran opposed in the election. Cyndi Hench retained her At-Large Director seat, as well. Also sworn in at the meeting was Residential 2 Director Gregg Aniolek, who was appointed to his seat at the May board meeting and Residential 4 Director Nicholas Middlesworth. After the swearing-in ceremony, the board nominated and voted for its 2014-2016 officers. Each position only had one nomination from the board and Cyndi Hench was voted to continue on as president; Mark Redick was voted to continue on as Vice President; Geoff Maleman was voted to continue on as recording secretary; Erin Hanson was voted as Treasure, Page 2 • June 2014

replacing Alex Eychis and Dave Oliver was voted as Corresponding Secretary, replacing John Casey. All of the NCWP’s officers were approved unanimously by those in attendance, except for Hench’s position, which garnered one abstention from Youth Organization Director Scott Carni. For new board member Garrett Smith, who was elected to serve in one of the two at-large seats, the hope is that now that the election is over

We want to create a place for everyone to bring their ideas and share their he r opinions. ons. and the new board has been swornin, community members can focus on rebuilding ties and focus on the common goal of working to better the community. Smith hopes that the people who were not successful this election year in securing a seat on the council will continue to be active with the NCWP and consider applying to sit on a committee or participate in other volunteer opportunities. Smith has previously volunteered with the council as a member of the Planning

and Land Use Committee before being elected to the council in May. “I appreciate everyone who participates. It’s very impressive,” said Smith who is a 36-year resident of Westchester. “Being a part of the process makes me think that this is really worth it. We have a lot of strong people doing a lot of good work and it would be a shame to not have them participate.” For Playa del Rey resident CooleyStrickland, a desire to make a difference in the community and represent her neighbors, led her to want to get involved. She sites the last few council meetings where there was an overwhelming negative atmosphere for the need for a “reset button” on the relations between some in the community and the council. “One of my goals is to create an environment that is more inclusive and where people can bring their children to,” said Cooley-Strickland who hopes to revitalize the council’s education committee. “We want to create a place for everyone to bring their ideas and share their opinions. In two-minutes it’s difficult to express your opinion. Emotional topics are being discussed and it is fine people don’t agree, but we are asking that that expression is respectful of other people. We want to harness that energy and get people involved.” Strickland would like to see public speakers at the meetings pool their two-minutes to be able to have enough time to express their point of view. According to Hench, committee positions will be appointed at the July NCWP board meeting, which will

NCWP members listen to the board orientation provided by DONE.

take place on Tuesday, July 1 at 6:30 p.m. in the Westchester Community Room. Each committee has up to two volunteer non-board positions available and those interested in serving on a committee are asked to contact Hench at kentwoodnw@ aol.com. The president of the council and the committee chair are responsible for making the volunteer appointments. For newcomer Fred Smith, at the end of the day, being a part of the NCWP board is about creating a strong unified neighborhood. “I want to be a voice of reason and coming to a common goal is important,” said One West Bluff resident Smith. “I want to be part of the solution to make this the best community it can be.”

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

June 2014 • Page 3



Fourth of July Parade looks for community funding (cont’d) gives donors the opportunity to hold the ceremonial flag as it makes its way down the parade route. The group hopes to raise at least $6,000 to help offset the cost of this year’s event. This year’s parade theme is “Love My America,” and begs the questions “What do you love about America?” and “What does America mean to you?” The parade committee is currently accepting applications for floats and community participation for this year’s celebration. Entries will be accepted on a case-by-case basis and only fifty entries will be chosen to participate. The committee is looking for engaging and interactive floats and entries that express the parade’s theme. Entries are encouraged to include musical entertainment. Those interested in participating in this year’s parade are asked to call the chamber office at (310) 645-5151 to receive an application. A $25 entry fee is collected from all participants. A mandatory participants meeting will be held Wednesday, June 18 at 6 p.m. at the chamber office to discuss the floats and the schedule for the day.

Westchester’s The Real Estate Consultants celebrate Independence Day and sustainability at last year’s parade. PHOTO BY GLENN MARZANO.

“We are honored to be able to put on this parade for our community,” said Davis. “Every year, we feel like the bar is being raised and the entries are really doing some fantastic things with their floats. We can’t wait for this year’s event and hope the community will help in making this year’s parade one to remember.” The parade will take place on Friday, July 4 at 11 a.m. and will run down

Loyola Boulevard from Westchester Park to Loyola Marymount University. For more information on the parade, please call the chamber at (310) 6455151. Interested in contributing to this year’s parade fund? Visit the crowdfunding site at igg.me/at/ lovemyamerica. The HomeTown News is a sponsor of the parade.

Loyola Boulevard

Alumni Mall

(continued from page 1) sponsors,” said Christina Davis, president/CEO of the LAX Coastal Chamber, the organization that puts on the parade each year. “Without them the event wouldn’t be possible, but every year it’s a challenge to fundraise this kind of money.” Now in its 15th year, the parade committee has had to think outside of the box when it comes to raising money to put on the event. After losing funding from three major sponsors due to budget cuts, the group has decided to use crowdfunding website indiegogo.com in the hopes that the community will rally to support the parade. “This is the first year that we’ve made a concerted effort to ask the community to help fund the parade,” said Davis. “We know everyone loves the parade and we hope that the people who look forward to it and line Loyola Boulevard will consider donating even if it is just a few dollars.” In hopes to incentivize those that donate, perks are being offered for donations. For instance, those that give $100 will receive a Fourth of July Parade t-shirt and a $50 donation

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Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

This Month Brings You A look inside your HTN Fourth of July Parade looks for community funding 4 6 Comment period extended for Northside Draft EIR 16-17 Summer events 19 Business Shout Out To Do/Calendar 20-21 24 Healing after loss 30 In pictures

HOMETOWN STAFF/CONTRIBUTORS Stephanie Davis, Publisher, Editor Fay Craton, Contributing Writer David “Duke” Dukesherer Sr., Looking Back

Nora Lee Owens, Humor Jeff Blair, Contributing Writer Jack Younger, Contributing Cartoonist

Advertisers’ Directory Airport Marina Counseling 24 Business & Professional 29 Covenant Presbyterian Church 22 Custom Design & Construction 07 Daily Grill 13 Drollinger Properties 14, 19 El Segundo Car Wash 14 Food Pantry, LAX 22 Gateway to GO! 14 Guilded Cage 24 Kevin and Kaz Gallaher 27 Jane St. John 27 LA Arts Collective 11 LAX Coastal Chamber 08, 31 Loyola Marymount 04 Marina del Rey Hospital 25 Matilla Realty 07

McClintock Dental 13 Neighborhood Council 32 Nora Lee Owens 28 Playa Vista 17 REAL Creative Space 09 Silver Seminar Series 15 Socal Sports and Fitness 23 South Bay Brokers 28 Vergari & Napolitano 11 Visitation School 12 Voss, Silverman and Braybrooke 19 Westchester First Fridays 22 Westchester Lutheran 10, 30 Westchester Town Center BID 23 Westchester/Playa Village 30 Zacha Homes 26

About The HomeTown News (HTN) The HomeTown News is a monthly community newspaper dedicated to providing information about the people, events and happenings of Westchester, Playa del Rey, Marina del Rey and Playa Vista. Look for the HomeTown News the first Thursday of the month at your home or at one of our drop-off locations.

Connect with the HTN:

Mailing Address: 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 110 #745 Westchester, CA 90045 Phone: (310) 641-1016 Email: westchesterhometown@yahoo.com or htn@thehtn.com Website: http://www.thehtn.com Facebook: facebook.com/thehtn

The deadline for submissions is the 22nd of each month.

Advertise with us! Contact us for rates and to reserve space at: westchesterhometown@yahoo.com or (310) 641-1016

CONSTRUCTION PROPOSAL IS INAPPROPRIATE INSIDE ECOLOGICAL RESERVE Hometown News recently afforded the Annenberg Foundation an opportunity to present a carefully crafted PR narrative regarding their proposal to construct a 46,000 square foot building in the protected Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve. Missing from the interview with the Foundation’s Jackie Jaakola, however, was any of the welldocumented factual information that overwhelmingly contradicts that fictional narrative. Ms. Jaakola disingenuously claims that the Foundation became interested in Ballona when it learned about ongoing ecological restoration efforts planned for the site, and suggests that the Foundation is only fulfilling an existing need. She downplays the pet adoption facilities as something included only to “to tell the complete story of urban ecology.” However, Ms. Jaakola is well aware that her boss, Wallis Annenberg, has long desired to construct a companion animal center on a campus of public open space, and that the Foundation only took an interest in Ballona when they were blocked from constructing such a project at Point Vicente in Rancho Palos Verdes after a 5 year, $6.1 million effort there. In fact, Ms. Jaakola’s own title was “General Manager, Wallis Annenberg Companion Animal Center” and the limited liability corporation created for the project was named “Companion Animal Center LLC.” A spokesperson for the Foundation went so far as to acknowledge that the name “Urban Ecology Center” was selected because it “accommodates the animal adoption process.” This project was never about ecology and always about pet adoption, a very noble cause that can be located just about anywhere else in urban Los Angeles. Readers of Hometown News deserve better than to have a fictional PR narrative presented as objective information on such an important issue. How can we tackle big issues like climate change and clean air and water if we allow PR spin to masquerade as objective information? It is always disheartening when rich and powerful entities pursue their

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own ambitions at the expense of the public interest, but especially disturbing when an organization like the Annenberg Foundation does so. Hundreds of volunteers invested significant time and money over several decades to preserve this land from development, with no help from the Annenberg Foundation. If the Foundation suddenly wants to help improve the ecological health of this unique public resource, and create truly inspiring outdoor educational opportunities for kids, their participation is of course welcome. However, people intuitively understand that a supermarket sized museum with adoption facilities for cats and dogs does not need to be constructed on top of wildlife habitat to accomplish those goals, and no amount of pseudo scientific PR spin will change that. The Foundation should respect the overwhelming public feedback about the inappropriateness of their construction proposal inside an ecological reserve, and begin working with public stakeholders on a new, more ecologically sound vision for Ballona. Walter Lamb, President, Ballona Wetlands Land Trust

PLAN IS BEST CHANCE FOR BALLONA TO REACH POTENTIAL I want to thank you for an outstanding story on the plans for the restoration of the Ballona Wetlands. While an ambitious project like this will obviously stir emotions on both sides, it is important to remember that the state’s plan and the involvement of the Annenberg Foundation represent our best chance to help Ballona reach its true potential. Every day we wait, Ballona degrades a little bit more. We should work together to seize this opportunity to bring back the native plants and animals that used to call Ballona “home,” finally allow real public access to the area so we can all enjoy this special place and focus on an educational center that will spur a whole new generation of people to love, embrace and protect the Ballona Wetlands. This project is an incredible legacy we can leave to the generations that follow us, and I cannot wait until it becomes a reality. Nora MacLellan, Playa del Rey

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Comment period on LAX Northside Plan Update Draft EIR extended; public workshop to be held June 11 A view from the Westchester Business District overlooking some of the land that encompasses the LAX Northside.

For decades the land on the north side of Westchester Parkway has sat largely empty. Although plans for the land stretching from Sepulveda Westway and Sepulveda Boulevard in the east to Pershing Drive in the west have been discussed and debated since 1984, a new detailed set of guidelines called the LAX Northside Plan Update hope to be the final say in guiding future development on the property. Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) released the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the plan in May, and comments on the document are currently being accepted. The comment period was recently extended 21 days through Monday, July 21 in part due to the request of the Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa and the LAX Coastal Chamber according to project manager Lisa Trifilleti. Since coming on board with the project in 2010, Trifilleti has met with dozens of local organizations, neighbors, businesses, sports teams and non-profits to create a plan that she feels has a great deal of community input. “At one point, we knocked on every single door on 91st Street,” she says of the residential street that is adjacent to the project. “The last plan was more regionally focused, but this updated plan is intended to be more local serving.” The LAX Northside Plan Update, if approved after making its way through the EIR process, the city council, the Board of Airport Commissioners and FAA approval, would provide new regulations for current developments along the 340 acres that over the years has sat largely undeveloped, save for one-off projects built on the land including Fire Station #5 and a child care facility. Trifilleti stresses that the LAX Northside Plan Update would bring existing design guidelines for the project up-to-date, reflect current market needs, enforce best-practices with sustainability, and perhaps most importantly, “down zone” the approved

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A conceptual image of the Northside Paseo that could be located along Westchester Parkway. COURTESY LAWA.

a parking lot could be built right up to the backyard fence of those homes with a building just 50 feet away. The plan currently being proposed would require creation of a 100-foot, densely landscaped buffer zone between the Northside and adjacent residences in Area 2 of the plan. “This proposal is a big improvement over what is there currently. 7,600 jobs will be created and it’s intended to be more local serving,” says Trifilleti. “I think there are a lot of people that want to see this project move forward. It’s a win-win situation.” The plan also enables development of areas for recreation, open space and community amenities that could include soccer fields, a dog park and open space, although Trifilleti is quick to point out that all of the land must be leased at fair market value. Because the land was purchased through FAA grants funds, LAWA is obligated to comply with all of the government agency’s requirements. She says that the recreation support part of the project would be paid for by commercial developers looking to lease and build on the land. Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del

4.5 million square feet of commercial space for the site that was approved by the Los Angeles City Council in 1984. The updated plan calls for a maximum of 2.3 million square feet of development with a maximum building height of 60 feet. The plan outlines potential uses for the property including: 470,000 square feet of mixed-use commercial that could include retail, restaurants, hotel and office space; 215,000 square feet for community/civic use; 1,025,000 square feet of office, research and development space; 10,000 square feet of recreation support and 600,000 square feet of airport support to be located on the south side of Westchester Parkway. Trifilleti states that working with community stakeholders has led to updates in the proposal that cap retail spaces to nothing larger than 100,000 square feet to ensure big-box stores are not allowed on the site. The existing zoning allows for only a 50-foot buffer between buildings that could be built on the Northside and residential properties on 91st Street, which means

One important feature of the recreation portion of the project is the LAX Northside Paseo, which seeks to create a pedestrian-accessible promenade that would run along Westchester Parkway from the Sepulveda Business District to Pershing Drive. While the current sidewalk is 10-feet of concrete, the paseo would add a 12-foot wide path of stabilized decomposed granite intended for various forms of recreation. Entry plazas and open common spaces are proposed for the area as well and could hold the potential for a farmers’ market or other community uses. Local recreation programs, sports leagues and community organizations like the Westchester Family YMCA have expressed an interest in looking into the feasibility of having a presence on the LAX Northside. “The Y is very supportive of the plan, which includes recreational uses on the site,” said Westchester Family YMCA Executive Director Karen Follette. “We are always looking for ways to better serve our community and are keeping (continued on page 14)

Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

As the summer heats up, take steps to protect your home By Cyndi Hench Open and unsecured windows and doors are the primary means of entry for burglars. Many of the residential burglars that have occurred in our community and throughout Southern California have been of the “knock, knock� variety and unlocked doors, windows and side gates make carrying out these crimes easier. As the summer weather heats up, it is wise to take steps to secure your house when you are home and when you are away. Cars are often burglarized because the doors have been left unlocked. Other times they are broken into because something that appears to be of value was left in the vehicle– gym bags, back packs, golf clubs, mobile GPS, cell phone, iPad/tablet, brief case, etc. The message from the LAPD continues to be “Lock it, Hide it, Keep it.� Neighborhood Watch groups help to raise the level of awareness about and reporting of suspicious and criminal activity. As community members work together to improve the safety and security of their block, they are better prepared to recognize

suspicious activity and not be a target. Below is a crime recap through May 31 of this year: Basic Car area A67 (Covering the area east of Sepulveda): Year to date (YTD) overall Part 1 crime, defined by the FBI as homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, burglary from vehicle (BTFV), grand theft auto (GTA) and theft, is up 19% with increases in GTA, BTFV and thefts. Burglaries are down 35% compared to last year at 51 compared to 79 last year. There were 7 fewer incidents of violent crime (robbery, rape, assault) this year than last and is down 24% compared to 2013. Burglary/theft from vehicles are a big problem in the area of Westchester east of Sepulveda, with 116 burglary/theft from vehicles reported this year. Year over year, BTFVs are up 40% from the 83 in the same period last year. The number of stolen cars is up 84% as compared to last year with 94 cars stolen through May 31 as compared to 51 in the same period last year. The majority of the incidents of (continued on page 29)

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2014 Teacher Eddy Honorees

The 2014 Teacher Eddy Award winners pose for a photo at the May 13 event. Each year, one teacher at each local school is selected by their peers as the Teacher Eddy honoree for excellence in education and presented a crystal “eddy” award at the spring event. Honorees are also treated to a complimentary dinner and participate in an honoree-only raffle. PHOTO BY ANGELA CLOUSE.

Wright STEAM Magnet hosts Young Engineer Day Elementary school students and their families learned about the fun side of engineering on May 30 at Wright Middle School STEAM Magnet’s Young Engineer’s Day event. Students who participated in the event had a chance to learn about engineering through a variety of hands-on projects and real life applications. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) engineers presented a miniature model of the Mars Rover vehicle, which taught students how photos and samples of the surface of Mars are collected. Aerojet Rocketdyne gave a demonstration on how students can apply robotics to box art, while Bricks 4 Kidz engineers taught kids to make vehicles out of Legos. Other activities included making movable devices such as a catapult out of every-day home items, and more. “Wright Middle School STEAM Magnet’s Young Engineer’s Day offers students in our community an opportunity to experience the real-world engineering and design pathway that is our school focus,” said Christina Wantz, principal at Wright Middle School STEAM Magnet. “We want to fuel student interest in engineering and how it can be used to change their world,” added Wantz. Young Engineer’s Day is organized by Wright Middle School’s STEAM Team in

real reimagine. enjoy. aspire. learn.


s p m a C r e m m u S





Students tackle an engineering challenge at the event. PHOTO BY EVELYN ALEMAN.

collaboration with community representatives to help generate interest in Wright Middle School’s STEAM Magnet program and to showcase the upcoming programming and partnerships that the school is building for students. “Kids can only be what they can see. STEM Education is the key component for a stronger America,” said Tony Magee, Director of STEM Education Outreach, Aerojet Rocketdyne. “STEM learning is an economic imperative. The goal is to inspire and encourage our young people that they too can ‘be more, do more and have more in STEM.’ Also, good grades lead to good careers, which leads to a better chance to experience a really good life!” For more information about Wright Middle School STEAM Magnet or the school’s Young Engineer day events, please visit wrightms.org.


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Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

We w ant to he ar from y ou! H a ve an id e a for a story ? Cu rio u s ab out y our com m unity ? Em ail us at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com June 2014 • Page 9

Page 10 • June 2014

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

St. Anastasia School was recently gifted a fish tank for its science lab. The fish tank was given to the school by a group of former teachers who wanted to give back to the school with a tangible gift. The fish tank now sits in the middle of the science lab, inspiring students and helping beautify the classroom.

School Notes

Giving back. Students at St. Bernard High School (SBHS) recently collected more than 300 bags of clothes and other items to donate to the Goodwill. The fundraiser was in collaboration with the non-profit,

which gave the school $625. The school used the money to enhance their prom. “It is really important to us at SBHS that we ground our efforts in fellowship and service,” said faculty member Kalina Flores. “All of our programs are aimed at uplifting our community. The Goodwill clothing drive allowed us to help others while preparing for our prom. It was our ideal program.”

Congratulations to Westchester Lutheran’s track and field team for placing first out of 13 teams at the league finals in May. Pictured: Coach John Susich, Matthew Saito, Brandon Miyakoshi, Weston Priestley, Tommy Villalobos, Matthew McClune, Kanoa Johnson, Harrison Laine and coach Barbara Wittner share their excitement for their accomplishments. First place individual winners were Brandon Miyakoshi in the 80, Weston Priestley in the high jump and Matthew Saito in the shot put.

Lifetime Achievement Awards. At this year’s annual Teacher Eddy Awards, three lifetime achievement awards were presented. Sibyl Buchanan was given a lifetime achievement award for her work with Playa Vista and now Playa Vista/ Brookfield Residential in supporting the education community. Buchanan was recognized for her dedication to the local schools and sponsoring educational events.

Retiring Loyola Village Elementary School principal, Melinda Goodall, was presented the award for her years of service as a principal and for inspiring thousands of students over the years to reach their potential. St. Bernard’s Carolyn Quijano was given the award for her fifty-year career in Catholic education. Have something to share about your school? Please email us at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com.

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June 2014 • Page 11

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Visit Us At: www.visitationschool.org Page 12 • June 2014

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

Heroes of aviation honored at dedication ceremony Walking down Sepulveda in the Westchester Business District, it’s hard not to notice the plaques in the ground dedicated to the heroes of aviation and now one more name has been added to the long list of honored luminaries. On May 29, the Flight Path Learning Center and Museum, the non-profit behind the Aviation Walk of Fame, held a ceremony to welcome its newest honorees. More than 50 guests were in attendance at the dedication ceremony held in the Ralph’s Westchester parking lot. At the event, Joseph “Tym” Tymczyszyn was honored posthumously as the latest member added to the Aviation Walk of Fame. The first four Honorary Service Awards were also presented posthumously to family members and representatives in attendance. “Our criterion for the Honorary Service Awards is that each honoree has provided significant contributions or services for the advancement of the Southern California airport community,” said Flight Path president Nancy Niles. “The 52 plaques on the Aviation Walk of Fame honor pioneers and luminaries who have made major contributions to aviation or aerospace.” This year’s honoree Tymczyszyn was known as the FAA’s test pilot of the first jet transport aircraft, the Boeing 707 and the Douglas DC-8. Tymczyszyn was president of the

Society of Experimental Test Pilots, achieving a distinguished record for a wide variety of testing, including airliners, military fighters, general aviation planes, helicopters and navigation systems. He was an instructor pilot and later an engineering pilot in the Pacific during World War II. Although a native of Torrance, he and his family resided in Westchester for many years. The following Flight Path members and representatives of honorees pose in front of the new dedication wall located at individuals and group Howard Drollinger Way and Sepulveda. PHOTO BY BILL BALLERINI. were also recognized at the event for their work distinction in the LAX community as showcase to aviation history, including in aviation and related fields and are a leader in education, business and examples and replicas of aircraft, honored at the Honorary Service Wall: support for training of future aviators. aviation photos and memorabilia. • Howard Drollinger. Drollinger He served 24 years in the U.S. Air • Bob Hope USO at LAX. The Bob was a key developer of Westchester’s Force during the Cold War and Hope USO at LAX has for years Sepulveda Blvd. “gateway” to LAX, Vietnam War, retiring as lieutenant welcomed military service personnel including shopping, parking and other colonel and master navigator. For his and their families en route to and from amenities of benefit to travelers heroism he received the Distinguished their assignments. Staffed primarily and local residents. A native of Los Flying Cross and Air Medal with seven by volunteers, the center provides Angeles, Drollinger served in World oak leaf clusters. The Westchester information, recreation and other war II as an Army Air Forces navigator, resident served as chief financial assistance for these men and women, flying 50 combat missions over Italy. officer of Flight Path before passing many of whom are unfamiliar with Following the war and graduation from away earlier this year. LAX and the Los Angeles area. The USC, Drollinger joined his family’s real • David Tallichet. Tallichet, owner of center’s goal is to create a “home away estate development firm. a group of restaurants, developed the from home” environment for those • John Garstka. Garstka achieved Proud Bird Restaurant near LAX as a visiting.

PICNICS, PACKED FRESH Our Picnic Bags are the perfect, shareable complement to summer activities. Starting at $22.95 Per Bag Packed in an insulated re-usable tote bag. * Please order at least 24 hours in advance.

Located at The Westin LAX 5410 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles 2 Hour Complimentary Valet and Self Parking Available (310) 665-0149 DailyGrill.com Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

June 2014 • Page 13

Northside (continued) (continued from page 6) our eye on the project to see how things progress. We are staying put at our current location, but a satellite location or the possibility of a gym or aquatic center in the Northside is something that we could be interested in exploring the feasibility of in the future.” The implementation of the proposed project is expected to result in impacts to the community in terms of air quality, traffic and short-term constructionrelated noise. According to the Draft EIR, construction is expected to occur over a six-and-a-half-year period from 2015 to 2022. To mitigate the air quality issues, LAWA has committed to “expand and revise [its] existing air quality mitigation programs” and “include all feasible methods to reduce air pollutants.” The primary pollutants are expected to come from off-road construction equipment; “fugitive dust” from soil handling and dust from vehicle travel; and emissions from architectural coatings, solvents and hot-mix asphalt paving. In terms of traffic generated by the project, significant impacts are expected at the intersections of Jefferson Blvd. and Lincoln; Sepulveda Blvd. and Westchester Parkway; and Sepulveda Blvd. and 88th Street even after mitigations. “The LAX Northside project has been an amazing process. Never has there been such a high level of community input and so much of that input is

nominate a community leader for the

reflected in the EIR that is out now,” said Playa del Rey resident Nora MacLellan. “While there so many aspects of the plan I am really happy with, there are a couple of items I am not as thrilled with. However, with any process there needs to be give and take. Everyone’s interests and ideas were considered, yet not all ideas could be worked into the plan. The LAX Northside plan today is reflective of what will work best for our community as a whole.” LAWA is holding a public workshop on the Northside Plan Update on Wednesday, June 11 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. in the gym of St. Bernard High School, located at 9100 Falmouth Ave. in Playa del Rey. The workshop is intended to give the community the opportunity to review and ask questions on the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR is available for view online at ourlax.org and at the following community locations: Westchester Loyola Village Library, 7114 Manchester Ave. in Westchester and Playa Vista Library, 6400 Playa Vista Drive in Playa Vista, as well as the Inglewood, Culver City and El Segundo libraries. Interested community members are invited to submit their comments on the Draft EIR at the workshop or online at ourlax. org. Letters can be mailed to LAWA; Capital Programming and Planning, Environmental & Land Use PlanningAttention Lisa Trifilleti, 1 World Way; Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Howard Drollinger Achievement Award To receive the “Howard Drollinger Achievement Award” an individual or company must have 1) made a meaningful commitment of time, talent or money that has had a significant impact on the Westchester, Playa del Rey or Playa Vista community and 2) focused that commitment on the betterment of our community through such efforts as philanthropic contributions, environmental advocacy, homeless and senior services, economic betterment, beautification efforts, etc. Preference will be given to those who have a historic track record of contributing to the community. Nominees may be honored for their work on a particular project or for their overall efforts in wide variety of areas. A committee of the Drollinger Family Charitable Foundation will select the recipient of the award. The recipient of the award will receive $5,000 to be given in his/her name to the 501(c)3 charity of his/her choice at the Westchester Family YMCA’s Kids Need Heroes Luncheon. Send your name and contact info along with your nominee’s name and why they deserve to be recognized to Howard@drollingerproperties.com.

GATEWAY TO GO! Every Tuesday 11 am to 3 pm

5 Minutes 5 bucks exterior car wash

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free air guns



Page 14 • June 2014

free towel x change Program full detail shop

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125 N. Sepulveda blvd., El segundo | 310.535.5555 Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

The Silver Seminar Series Presents

Tuesday, June 24 2-4 PM at the YMCA Annex 8020 Alverstone Ave Westchester, 90045

Sponsored by: Drolllinger Properties Morrey Plotkin

Please join us for a fun afternoon: x

Music & Dancing


Light refreshments


Drawings & Prizes

Recommended $5 Donation RSVP by Monday, June 16 to Westchester Playa Village (310) 695-7030

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

June 2014 • Page 15

Summer will officially be here Saturday, June 21, but it’s never too early to take advantage of all the great summer events and activities available right here in our Westchester, Playa, Marina community. Below are our top picks for 15 activities and events to consider trying this summer:


Ice Cream at Small Batch. Summer is the perfect time to hit up the beach for a day of surf, sand and fun. With Playa del Rey’s newly opened Playa Provision, which houses ice cream and dessert shop Small Batch, a trip to and from the beach has never been sweeter. Stop by the shop, located at 119 Culver Blvd. in Playa del Rey for homemade ice cream in flavors like Oatmeal Cookie with Marshmallow Cream and Banana with Fudge Ripple and Candied Peanuts. Milk shakes, malts, cookies and cupcakes are also served up at Small Batch and prices start at $2.50 for a kid’s scoop to $9 for a 3-scoop sundae.


Movies in the Park in Playa Vista. You know summer is here when your Friday night plans include a movie in the park under the stars with a few hundred of your neighbors. Playa Vista has no shortage of family-friendly movies planned for your summer entertainment. Each event will have eight food trucks with food available for purchase. The movie events will take place at Concert Park, located at the corner of Seabluff Drive and Discovery Creek or the Central Park Bandshell, located at 12045 Waterfront Drive. For an event at the Central Park Bandshell, shuttles are available at retailer Yummy.com, located at Pacific Promenade and Seabluff Drive in Playa Vista and run from 4:45 through 11 p.m. Guests can also park at the Hercules Campus Lot off of Bluff Creek Drive for $9. All events run from 8 to 10 p.m. • June 13- Disney’s Frozen SingA-Long in Concert Park • June 27- American Hustle in Central Park Bandshell • July 11- Despicable Me 2 in Concert Park • July 25- The Breakfast Club in Central Park Bandshell

Page 16 • June 2014

• August 8- Gravity in Central Park Bandshell • August 15- Pitch Perfect in Concert Park For more information, visit playavista.com.


Attend a Midsummer Night’s Dinner at Emerson Ave. Community Garden. The Emerson Avenue Community Garden, located on the campus of Orville Wright off of Emerson Ave. in Westchester is a labor of love for the volunteers and gardeners who have helped nurture this once neglected plot of land into a neighborhood jewel. The garden holds events year-round, but summer is when the garden really shines and is in full bloom. On Saturday, July 12 the garden will host its second annual Midsummer Night’s Dinner, a night filled with music, community and wonderful food with many dishes created with the garden’s own organic haul. Starting June 10, the garden will be hosting Storytime in the Garden for little ones and their caregivers every Tuesday at 10 a.m. through the summer.


Visit the Flight Path Learning Center and Museum. Interested in the history of aviation and LAX? Visit the free Flight Path Learning Center and Museum to check out its large biplane model collection and loads of airline and aviation memorabilia, as well as the DC-3 plane, the Spirit of Seventy Six, it has on display. The museum’s proximity to the south airfield makes it an ideal location for airplane watching and photo opportunities. The museum is open Monday through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is located at 6661 W. Imperial Highway in Los Angeles (on the southside of LAX). For more info, please visit flightpathmuseum.com.


Explore Playa Vista’s Parks. It’s no secret that Playa Vista has its share of parks, but it may come as a surprise that the community currently has dozens of parks that are open to the public! Take the day, the weekend or even the summer to explore and visit the wide-open spaces for a picnic, play-date or for a chance for Fido

to get some exercise. Some of the stand-out parks include the Ballona Discovery Park, Campus Central Park with its large bandshell and the numerous “sports” parks dedicated to basketball, volleyball and soccer. For more info, please visit playavista.com.


Concerts in Marina del Rey. Enjoy a concert in the park with the annual Marina del Rey Summer Concert Series. Take your pick of Symphonic Thursdays or Pop Saturdays, pack a blanket and a picnic and head on down to Burton Chase Park in Marina del Rey for the weekly events starting in July. • July 10- Opera at the Shore • July 19- Yuna (R&B, Electronic, Folk, Pop) • July 24- William Hagen on violin • August 2- Blue Oyster Cult (rock) • August 7- Yana Reznik on piano • August 16- Roberta Flack (R&B and pop) • August 30- Pacific Mambo Orchestra (Latin Jazz, Salsa) For more info, visit marinadelrey. lacounty.gov.


Take a tour of the Ballona Wetlands. The Ballona Wetlands are a true community gem and non-profits like the Friends of Ballona Wetlands offer the public opportunities to take a tour of this natural wonder. • June 8, July 13 or August 10 take a tour of the Salt Marsh and Dunes from 1 to 3 p.m. • June 14 and 18; July 12 and 26; August 9 and 23 take an informative tour of the Freshwater Marsh and learn about native plants and birds that live in the area from 10 to 11 a.m. • June 14, July 12 and August 9 from 2 to 4 p.m. join the Friends for an open house at the Salt Marsh and Dunes. During the self-guided tours visitors are free to walk unescorted, while docents at various stations explain the sights and answer questions. • June 28, July 26 and August 23 9:30 a.m. to noon help the Friends at one of the monthly habitat restoration volunteer days. Children

under 15 must be accompanied by an adult. For the salt marsh/dunes tour, open house and restoration days, please meet in the parking lot behind Gordon’s Market at 303 Culver Blvd. in Playa del Rey. For the Freshwater Marsh tour, park on the southwest side of Jefferson before Lincoln Blvd. For more information, visit ballonafriends.org.


Fourth of July Parade Celebration. Join the LAX Coastal Chamber parade committee and thousands of your neighbors from the community and across Los Angeles for this hometown salute to America’s birthday. This year’s theme is “Love My America” and asks participants to express what America means to them. Fifty floats and entries will travel down Loyola Blvd. from Westchester Park starting at 11 a.m. on Friday, July 4. For more information, please call (310) 645-5151.


Playa Vista Summer Concerts. Get ready to rock and roll at Playa Vista’s annual concerts in the park. This year’s calendar includes local heroes Pine Mountain Logs, a Queen and Journey cover band and a variety of music acts that will crank out pop and rock hits from the last fifty years. Concerts take place on Sundays from 5 to 6:30 pm and food trucks will be parked at each event for attendees to buy food. • June 22- Queen Nation, Queen tribute band in Concert Park • June 29- The Soulville California

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

Band, an American Idol Live Tour band cranking out contemporary pop hits in Central Park Bandshell • July 13- Surf City All Stars, playing hits from the Beach Boys and Jan & Dean performed by musicians from the legendary bands in Central Park Bandshell • July 20- DSB, Journey tribute band in Central Park • August 3- Pine Mountain Logs, covering decades of major artists in Central Park Bandshell • August 17- N’Demand, playing the latest pop and music hits in Concert Park For more info, please visit playavista.com.

with the local businesses. Once a month through September, Visitation School, located at 8740 Emerson Ave in Westchester will hold its Food Truck Friday Nights on its campus. The events will take place June 13, July 18, August 22 and September 19 from 5 to 10 p.m. The event includes a band, bake sale, movies for the kids and a beer garden. Beach Eats brings food trucks to Marina del Rey’s Mother’s Beach, located at 4101 Admiralty Way every Thursday in June and July from 5 to 9 p.m. Trucks rotate weekly and the event is dog friendly.



Food Truck Events. The food truck trend doesn’t seem to be going anywhere and summer is the perfect time to venture out to one of the local food truck events to try some a cuisine and socialize with your neighbors. Westchester’s First Fridays take place the first Friday of every month from 4 to 9 p.m. in the Westchester Triangle, located in the 6200 block of 87th Street. The event includes more than 10 gourmet food trucks, live music and an open-house style atmosphere

Playa Vista puts you right where you

Explore our Best Of List. It’s our Best Of voting season and summer is the perfect time to see if you agree with last year’s picks for best pizza, best burger or best romantic restaurant. Whether you agree or disagree with last year’s results, make sure you vote to make sure your favorites are represented in our 2014 poll, with the first round of voting taking place now! Visit thehtn.com to vote.


Hop aboard a yacht for Cruise ‘N Brews.

want to be and close to everything


else. You can walk or bike to places


If craft beers are your thing, you won’t want to miss out on attending the second annual Cruise N’ Brews event held in the Marina. Strictly for the twenty-one and older crowd, this Saturday, August 9 event will give attendees the chance to hop aboard a Hornblower Cruises and Events yacht and sail around the Marina, while sampling beers from more than 40 different boutique breweries. This event is hosted by the LAX Young Professionals and runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Pretzel necklaces and tasting glasses will be provided to attendees and food will be available for purchase. Tickets are $55 each and available by calling (310) 6455151.


Attend the Gillis. Few events epitomize the Southern California lifestyle like the Gillis. Now in its 44th year, the weekend-long tournament combines beach volleyball, costumes, camaraderie and community, effectively creating a block party like atmosphere on Playa del Rey’s Dockweiler Beach. This year’s event takes place August 9 and 10. For more info, visit thegillis.com.

that vary from shopping to creative

Movies in the Park: Frozen (Including a Sing-A-Long) Concert Park | 8 - 10pm

work spaces, dining out to working out,


entertainment to live events, all from

Concerts in the Park: Queen Nation Concert Park | 5 - 6:30pm

your doorstep.



Fireworks in Marina del Rey. After the parade and the bbq, make sure to look towards the Marina for the annual fireworks show sponsored by the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors. The fireworks start just after 9 p.m. and the show lasts approximately 20 minutes. If you aren’t lucky enough to have a view of the show from your home, the best viewing spots include Fisherman’s Village, Burton Chace Park or Marina (Mother’s) Beach.


Race in the Jet to Jetty. Enjoy the last days of summer with a morning run at the 30th Annual Jet to Jetty Race at Dockweiler Beach taking place on Saturday, September 6. Whether you’re walking or running, competing or just participating to get some exercise, you’ll be supporting a good cause. The race benefits the Westchester non-profit AMCS, which provides free and low-cost mental health services to those in need. What’s on your must-do summer list? Let us know at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com or at facebook.com/thehtn.com!

Movies in the Park: American Hustle Central Park Bandshell | 8 - 10pm

JUNE 29 Concerts in the Park: The Soulville California Band Central Park Bandshell | 5 - 6:30pm There will be gourmet food trucks at each event.

PlayaVista.com Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

Plans, pricing, square footage, products, amenities and community/neighborhood information are subject to change. Models do not reflect racial preference. © 2014 Playa Vista. All rights reserved.

June 2014 • Page 17


REAL Creative Space owners Kathleen Marinaccio and Tina Cho held a grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday, May 17. The event included music, the opportunity to make art and a tour of the space.

Grand opening celebration. Real Creative Space held a grand opening celebration party on May 17 (pictured above). The event included a ribbon cutting, music, food and the chance for attendees to express their creative side with drawing and photo opportunities. Real Creative Space is located at 6207 W. 87th Street in Westchester. New business. Westchester native Paul Horn (pictured at right) recently opened Horn Strength and Conditioning. The private training facility is the West Coast’s first “Starting Strength” gym and Horn’s focus is on helping people of all ages meet their potential for stronger, healthier bodies through barbell training. The program focuses on four basic exercises, and as your training progresses and your technique is mastered, more weight or more repetitions are added. According to Horn, strength training can help build more muscle mass, improve people’s balance and coordination, help increase people’s metabolism leading to less body fat and help with bone density. Horn Strength and Conditioning is located at 6204 Manchester Ave. in Westchester. For more information, please visit hornstrength.com. LAeXpo highlights businesses and restaurants. The LAX Coastal Page 18 • June 2014

Chamber will hold its annual business expo on Thursday, June 12 from 4 to 7:30 p.m. at Playa Vista’s CenterPointe Club. Re-branded from ChamberFest to LAeXpo, the event will include more than fifty local business showcasing their products and services; photos by Venice Paparazzi; a food court featuring food from a variety of local businesses; entertainment; prizes and for the first time this year, a Kids’ Zone. The CenterPointe Club is located at 6200 Playa Vista Dr. in Playa Vista. The entry to the event is free, but the cost for the food court is $15 per ticket book. For more information, please call the chamber at (310) 645-5151. Farmers’ Market evening hours. Playa Vista’s Farmers’ Market recently announced its Wednesday Night Farmers’ Market is back through the summer. The night market runs Wednesdays 4 to 8 p.m., while the Saturday market is held 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Discovery Creek and Seabluff Drive in Playa Vista. Check out the market on Wednesdays or Saturdays to view the large array of fresh fruits and vegetables, including stone fruits (pictured bottom left) that are now in season. PHOTO BY DENNIS RAWADY. Have something to share about your business? Email us at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com. Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News


And that’s the way we still treat them – like family!



Every Father’s Day I think about my Dad and how much he loved this community. He always told me that the businesses that rent space from us are much more than just tenants, they’re family.

– Karen Dial, President, HB Drollinger Co.

Business Shout-Out Who doesn’t love a business that gives back to the community? Marina del Rey’s Tony P’s Dockside Grill has a long history of giving back to the local education community and non-profits. The popular restaurant holds “Dockside Dollars� fundraisers where schools and non-profits can set up a week-long fundraiser to support their organizations. During the fundraising week, participants include the fundraiser coupon with their check and 25% of the bill goes back to support local schools. Since launching the Dockside Dollars program, Tony P’s has raised more than $360,000 for local schools and non-profits. In addition to the fundraising program, the restaurant also holds

field trips for local elementary schools. Elementary school students are invited to the restaurant to get a sneak-peek at how a restaurant works. During the field trip, students are given the opportunity to play the role of chef for a day and make their own pizzas on the restaurant’s large patio, which are then served for lunch. Thanks for supporting the community’s local schools Tony’s P’s Dockside Grill! The restaurant is located at 4445 Admiralty Way in Marina del Rey. Have a local business that deserves to be recognized for outstanding customer service and going the extra mile? Email us at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com, ATTN: Business Shout-Out.

310.417.8048 www.hbdrollinger.com

8929 S. Sepulveda Boulevard, #130 Westchester, CA 90045

w w w . h b d r o l l i n g e r. c o m

Marina Towers ay, Suite 800 4640 Admiralty W 90292-6602 Marina del Rey, CA








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Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

June 2014 • Page 19

Calendar Ongoing monthly events: Rotary Club of Westchester The Rotary Club of Westchester meets every Wednesday at 12 noon for lunch at the Crowne Plaza LAX Hotel, 5985 W. Century Blvd. in Westchester. The cost of lunch is $20 and validated self parking is free. Guests are most welcome! Reservations are not required. For information regarding the upcoming luncheon programs, visit www.rotary-westchester.org. Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary Club Join the Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary Club at its Wednesday morning meeting at 7:15 a.m. at the Marina Club Restaurant, located at 4333 Admiralty Way, Center Tower, 3rd Floor in Marina del Rey. The cost of the meeting is $25, which includes breakfast and a guest speaker. Guests are welcome and reservations are not required. For more information, visit www. playasunrise.org or call (310) 4293808. Life story writing class Thinking about your life story? Learn a simple method to recall and then write your memories. The Life Story Writing Group meets every Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in the YMCA Annex, located at 8020 Alverstone Ave. in Westchester. The donation to the YMCA is $12 a year. For information, please call Mary Sage at 310-397-3967. Harvest Westchester Looks for partners Holy Nativity, in partnership with Food Forward, is re-energizing and revitalizing its Harvest Westchester program and is looking for local residents interested in donating to the program. Harvest Westchester is designed to help ensure the extra fruit on your backyard trees does not go to waste while donating to a good cause. While many with fruit trees or that grow vegetables often have a surplus that is given to family and friends or left unpicked and eventually rots, Harvest Westchester will help pick your excess fruit and deliver it to local food pantries to help feed those who do not have enough to eat. Harvest Westchester will send a team of volunteer pickers to your yard to harvest your fruit trees, and 100% of the fruit will be delivered to the local Food Pantry LAX or, if there is more fruit than they can use, it will be delivered to other food distribution centers nearby. If you have fruit trees and want to donate the excess, please call the Page 20 • June 2014

TheHTN.com church office at (310) 670-4777 or visit holynativityparish.org and leave your name and a call-back number. June events: Kentwood Players “The Hollow” Agatha Christie’s “The Hollow” is currently playing at the Westchester Playhouse. The play runs through June 21 for a six-week run on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. with Sunday matinées at 2 p.m. at the Westchester Playhouse, located at 8301 Hindry Avenue in Westchester. The production is directed by George Kondreck and produced by Arlene Cohen and Sheldon Cohen by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. Agatha Christie’s “The Hollow” is a 1951 play by the famed crime writer, based on her 1946 book of the same name. The action takes place in the garden room of Sir Henry Angkatell’s estate, The Hollow, about eighteen miles from London. His wife Lucy has invited several people for a weekend, but when John Cristow turns up murdered, Inspector Colquhoun and Detective Sergeant Penny are called in to solve the crime. As usual, Christie throws plenty of twists and turns in the way before the murderer’s identity and motive are revealed. Westchester Lutheran Annual Carnival Westchester Lutheran will hold its 30th Annual carnival on Saturday, July 7 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the school’s campus, located at 7831 S. Sepulveda Blvd. in Westchester. Attendees can enjoy rides, games, food, bake sale, face painting and a chili cook-off. The event also includes an extensive silent auction and the chance to win a trip to Hawaii with a Hawaiian raffle. Elks Lodge Flea Market The Elks Lodge will be holding its annual Flea Market on Saturday, June 7 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Flea Market will be held in the back parking lot of the Westchester Elks Lodge, located at 8025 W. Manchester Blvd in Playa del Rey. If you would like to reserve a space to sell items, the cost is $15 for non-Elks members. Both the spaces and table rentals are limited, so be sure to sign-up early to ensure your spot. To reserve a spot to sell, please email elksfleamrkt@gmail.com. Yacht Club Swap Meet The Pacific Mariners Yacht Club will conduct its annual Swap Meet on Saturday, June 7 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pacific Mariners Yacht Club’s Marine and Household Swap Meet

is one of the club’s most anticipated local grass roots events of the year. For decades the boating community has turned out in the PMYC parking lot to buy/sell used boating gear, but also to convene and chat with other local boaters. The price to sell at the event is $30 for each 8’ x 20’ space. Limited spaces are available. The club will also have an open house, refreshments, food and live entertainment. A fire extinguisher certification and recharge booth will be available for updating your fire extinguishers. To reserve a space or for more information, please call the club at (310) 823-9717 or e-mail kent@ pmyc.org. Centinela Adobe Annual BBQ The Historical Society of Centinela Valley will host the 39th annual BBQ at the Centinela Adobe on June 8 from noon to 4 p.m. featuring BBQ beef or chicken, baked beans and cole slaw. This once a year fundraiser helps to maintain the artifacts within the 1834 Adobe, which was the home of 24,000 acre Rancho Centinela once owned by Daniel Freeman.. Guides will be available for tours of the adobe and the land office. Vintage and classic cars will line the driveway. The suggested donation of $12.50 is requested for each lunch. For more information , please call (310) 431-5517. Westchester Playa Village Walk with Ease Events Back for the fourth time, this selfpaced exercise program, certified by the Arthritis Foundation, has proven to reduce pain and improve overall health. The program helps you get motivated to get in shape, walk safely and comfortably, and improve your flexibility, strength and stamina. The class starts Monday, June 9, from 9 to 10 a.m. at the Westfield Culver City Mall, located at 6000 Sepulveda Blvd. The class meets on the first floor in front of Macy’s. Class meets Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for six weeks, June 9 through July 23 (no classes on July 4 and July 7). Class size is limited, so please register by calling Westchester Playa Village at (310) 695-7030. Main Dish Salads Cooking Class Patricia K. Rose of Fresh Food in a Flash will lead a hands-on cooking class on Thursday, June 12, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Holy Nativity Community Hall in Westchester. Never buy another bottle of salad

dressing! Once you learn how easy it is to make a fresh vinaigrette with lots of variations, you will be on your way to a limitless supply of salad dressings for all your salads. Summer is the perfect time to explore some new salads for your repertoire. The farmers’ markets are overflowing with a huge variety of fresh veggies and lettuces. This Main Dish Salads class will get you outdoors and out of the kitchen. This month’s menu includes Chinese Chicken Salad, Thai Beef Salad and Ten-minute Chickpea Salad with feta and basil. The class fee is $40 when you reserve by Monday, June 9 and $45 at the door. To reserve your spot, please email Patricia@FreshFoodinaFlash.com. Holy Nativity Episcopal Church is located at 6700 W. 83rd Street in Westchester. Westchester YMCA events Join the YMCA for its June events. On Friday, June 20 the YMCA will hold a blood drive. All presenting donors will receive vouchers for Wahoo’s, the Laugh Factory and for a LA Galaxy game. To make an appointment, you can visit redcrossblood.org and enter code YMCAWestchester or you can call the welcome center at (310) 6704316. The blood drive will run from 1 to 7 p.m. On Wednesday, June 25 the YMCA will travel to the Getty Villa for a day of art and architecture education. This event is open to YMCA and community members. RSVP by calling the YMCA. The bus departs from the YMCA Annex and participants will have 3 to 4 hours to take in the art and architecture of the J. Paul Getty Villa. The trip will run from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For more info, please call the YMCA at (310) 670-4316. Senior Aloha Summer Dance Please join the Silver Seminar Series for their summer dance. The afternoon will be full of music, dancing, drawings, prizes and light food with refreshments. Since the dance is “Aloha” themed, Hawaiian inspired clothing is encouraged. The event is open to anyone 50+ years of age. The suggested donation is $5. The dance is scheduled for Tuesday, June 24 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the YMCA Annex, located at 8020 Alverstone Ave. in Westchester. For more info or to RSVP, please call the Westchester Playa Village at (310) 695-7030.

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News


June Sunday






First round of 2014 Best Of Voting Begins (through June 27th)

NCWP board meeting @ Westchester Community Room Gateway to Go! @ Crowne Plaza



3 Gateway to Go! @ Crowne Plaza

Annual BBQ @ Centinela adobe

Storytime in the Garden @ Emerson Ave. Community Garden

Tour of Ballona Salt Marsh @ Ballona Wetlands

Father’s Day “The Hollow” @ Westchester Playhouse


LMU inaugural Walk @ LMU Mall

First Friday @ 6200 87th Street


Westchester Farmers’ Market @ Westchester Park

ChamberFest LAeXpo @ CenterPointe Club

Speakers by the Sea @ Playa del Rey

Beach Eats @ Mother’s Beach

LAX Northside Plan Spine Therapy Event @ Update Workshop @ St. Marina del Rey Hospital Bernard High School


Open House @ AMCS

“The Hollow” @ Westchester Playhouse (through June 21)

“The Hollow” @ Westchester Playhouse



10 Gateway to Go! @ Crowne Plaza Storytime in the Garden @ Emerson Ave. Community Garden

11 Westchester Farmers’ Market @ Westchester Park Speakers by the Sea @ Playa del Rey

12 Beach Eats @ Mother’s Beach Secrets to a Successful Remodel @ Custom Design & Construction

6 “The Hollow” @ Westchester Playhouse

“The Hollow” @ Westchester Playhouse Carnival @ Westchester Lutheran Flea Market @ Elks Lodge Flea Market @ Pacific Mariners

7 Deadline to nominate someone for “Star of the Neighborhood” Award

Frozen Sing-a-long @ Playa Vista “The Hollow” @ Movie in the Park Westchester Playhouse Food Truck Friday Night @ Visitation

Fresh Water Tour @ Ballona Wetlands



“The Hollow” @ “The Hollow” @ Westchester Playhouse Westchester Playhouse Blood Drive @ YMCA

Fresh Water Tour @ Ballona Wetlands



Concert in the Park @ Playa Vista


Senior Aloha Dance @ YMCA Annex


Concert in the Park @ Playa Vista



18 Westchester Farmers’ Market @ Westchester Park

Storytime in the Garden @ Emerson Ave. Community Garden

Speakers by the Sea @ Playa del Rey

Gateway to Go! @ Crowne Plaza

Life story writing class @ YMCA Annex



19 Beach Eats @ Mother’s Beach

20 Last Day to Vote in the First Round of Best of Voting

21 Restoration Volunteer Day @ Ballona Wetlands

American Hustle @ Playa Vista Movie in the Park




Storytime in the Garden @ Emerson Ave. Community Garden



Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

June 2014 • Page 21

A Look Back at Westchester/Playa By David J. “Duke” Dukesherer, Sr.

More on the history of drought in the area... Living in Southern California, we have grown accustomed to droughts, floods, fires, and the occasional earthquake. Of all the catastrophes that have beset our region through the years in however, my opinion is that the floods of the late 1800’s were the most devastating, here and all over the state. During the early years of the Civil War, in the winter of 1862, Southern California and the entire west coast of the United States had an unprecedented rainy season unlike anything experienced since the weather started to be documented. The rain began in December 1861 and continued until the summer of 1862. This period became known as the Noachian Deluge. The great Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys of California were turned into a lake about 300 miles long and 20 to 60 miles wide. Many towns were submerged, and the residents had to flee to the surrounding high ground or move to the coast. The state capital at Sacramento

was temporarily moved to San Francisco when much of Sacramento was flooded. The governor, state legislature, and state employees were not paid for a year and a half, as the State of California went bankrupt. It was estimated that approximately one-quarter of the taxable real estate in the state was destroyed. To the south, the rivers coming out of the mountains flooded the narrow coastal plains at Santa Barbara, and the town of Ventura was completely abandoned. The Los Angeles plains, at the time a marshy area with many small lakes and several meandering streams from the mountains, were extensively flooded and much of the agricultural development was ruined; small settlements were submerged in most of the lower laying areas. These flooded areas were formed into a large lake system with many small streams and a few more powerful currents cut channels across the plain and carried the runoff to the sea. In February 1862, the Los Angeles, San Gabriel and Santa Ana rivers merged. Government surveys at the time indicate that a solid expanse of water covered the area from Signal Hill to Huntington Beach, a distance of approximately eighteen miles. Most of present day Playa del Rey and Playa Vista were likewise submerged, as were parts of present


day Westchester. Beginning in 1884 flooding was relentless. It now seems clear that weather changes following the eruption of Krakatoa were the principal cause. The winters of 1884, 1886, 1889, 1890 and Downey Ave. Bridge at Spring Street, Los Angeles, 1886. The storm 1891 saw severe washed out one-hundred percent of the bridges in L.A., isolating the entire city from the rest of the area. Parts of homes, furniture, livestock cyclonic sea and even human bodies were strewn along the beaches of storms, which Playa del Rey. Photo courtesy the Author. are unusual Torrential rains and flooding for southern continued into the 20th Century, California. The intensive rainfall driving a public outcry for reform. caused sediment saturation of the Aggressive flood control channelized bluffs along the coast and large storm most of the free flowing streams, swells and high tides coincided with which traveled across the coastal river basin flooding. plains to the sea, revitalizing ground The storm of 1886 completely water supplies in the process. Ballona isolated Los Angeles for weeks. Trains Creek is a good example of this. and stagecoaches could not make the Some groups are trying to reclaim trip in or out of Los Angeles, and the these watersheds and redevelop only way to access the coastal areas Ballona Creek and parts of the Los was with a small boat. In Westchester and Playa del Rey, many months would Angeles River. This would create new pass before local residents could leave, riverfront lands for recreation, and would utilize more of the water for as they were virtually surrounded by irrigation and general industrial use. water. Ships that were able to dock in places such as San Pedro Harbor and Please email comments to: Shoo-Fly Landing (near Venice) could dukepdr@gmail.com not disperse their cargo.




Emergency Food Distribution to those in need Sponsored by Westchester Clergy Association


Thank you for voting us a Favorite 'SQQYRMX] )ZIRX

Life’s a Beach!

Open Tuesdayand andFriday Friday •• 11:00 a.m.toto12 12:30 Open Tuesday 10 a.m. p.m.p.m. (noon) 355 Beach Street, Inglewood

Food Trucks & Fun!!!

If you have Food to donate, take to Covenant Presbyterian Church or bring to location from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Volunteers and money donations also welcomed and encouraged. For further information, please call (310) 677-5597 Ad donated by Covenant Presbyterian Church

L.A.’s Best Gourmet Food Trucks, Music and Lots of Tables and Chairs! Visit us at www.facebook.com/WestchesterFirstFridays or email wherethesidewalkeats@gmail.com

Friday, June 6nd TQ

@6200 Block of W. 87th Street, Westchester Page 22 • June 2014

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

Caption this photo for a chance to win dinner for two for June’s FTFN event.

June “Summer of the Selfie� Photo Caption Contest Summer is right around the corner (the official first day of summer is Saturday, June 21 even if it feels like summer now!), and we are helping kick-off the summer entertainment with the “Summer of the Selfie� Food Truck Friday Night (FTFN) photo caption contest! This selfie was taken at Visitation’s first FTFN event of the season on Friday, May 23. Can you come up with an original, fun, witty caption for the photo? If so, please email your caption to Terry O’Connor at terry_oconnor2012@yahoo. com by Wednesday, June 11 to be considered. You must be 18 years

or older to participate or have your parents’ permission. The winning caption writer will be notified via email and will receive two free gourmet good truck dinners to the June 13 event. At the event, look for photographer Anna Cody to get your photo taken for a chance to have your picture featured in next month’s contest. You can also upload your own “selfie� at visitationschool.org/food_ truck_menus.htm#selfie. If your photo is selected to be featured, you will receive 2 free dinners to an upcoming FTFN event.

t a t i d n u o f I ! r e t n e C n w o T r e t s e h c West











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shop dine enjoy www.westchestertowncenter.com June 2014 • Page 23

Random Notes/Opinion


Healing after loss By Fay Craton Opinion: One of the inevitable changes in life is that loss will happen. Whether the loss is about the death of a person, a relationship, a job or something else very important to you, the normal reaction to the experience is grief. When there are several losses in a short period of time, the feeling of loss tends to keep being reopened– perhaps even bringing up memories of losses from the past. In addition, loss can trigger fear, anxiety and depression surrounding other potential future losses. It is not something that happens one moment and disappears in a week or two. However, sorrow does not need to follow us around forever, coloring every experience. The stages of grief have often been published. In psychology studies, we memorize the acronym DABNA (denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance). It is as if the knowledge of those stages is supposed to, somehow, transform the grieving individual. To have an intellectual understanding of what is happening is only helpful if it is teamed with compassion for yourself and for those

around you. Poetry can give us guidance when coming to terms with loss. During May of this year, a phenomenal writer and poet, Maya Angelou made her transition. I opened up a Maya Angelou book, Letter To My Daughter, and read “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” It is a well-known quote providing good advice when dealing with death, change, or life in general. How can we be a rainbow– be kind– to one another instead of criticizing, finding fault and shaking another person’s confidence? Recently, I experienced the deaths of several people (including an Aunt) who were a part of my life. As part of coming to terms with the deaths, I attended memorial services. Services of this type are rituals for the living who need to acknowledge that the death has left a hole in their world. The service is really about connecting with others in order to move toward healing from the hole that the person’s passing has left. When grieving, it is important to be kind to yourself. It is okay to shift around activities to allow some quiet time to process what has happened. I shifted some activities. I contacted people to arrange new project

completion dates. I honored the place within me needing to come to terms with the reality of the losses. A solid step in healing from grief is about connecting with people around you in a positive and meaningful way. Our lives connect and intertwine with others on a continual basis. Just as I experience heartache, so do others. We are all touched in this manner. When going through this experience it is important to be understanding and kind to the people around you who may also be trying to come to terms with change. To connect with people in a positive manner, it is necessary to reach past the limitations of “my own cloud” and consider that another person may also be hurting. I need to stop dwelling on myself. I may need to let go of a belief in order to “be a rainbow.” Sometimes the belief needing to be released is about accepting “what is.” It may be what is desired is not available or present at this time. A simple act of kindness can create the possibility of connection and healing for you and another person. One of the ways to cope is to make meaning of the experience. Sometimes to do so I need to dig deep inside myself. Finding meaning is

not always immediately apparent. In an age where we usually want rapid answers, finding the meaning can be frustrating. The mystery of meaning may need to percolate within me for a while. Another way to find meaning is to spend some time each day in meditation. When in meditation there is a tapping into a spiritual presence where mystery does not need to meet the conditions of our outer world. Writing, drawing, or painting after meditation can be helpful to help bring your new awareness into language. My wish for you is that you are able to find meaning when a cloud surrounds you. While what is lost may forever create sadness when thinking about it, the experience of grief can change. It is possible to shift thoughts to a place of contentment. We can find new opportunities to enjoy life. Ultimately, a contented life is about experiencing meaning and connection with others. I encourage you to reach out and connect with kindness to others around you. Fay Craton, M.A. is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (mfc40011). She has an office in Westchester. Contact her at (310) 645-6762.

To shake or not to shake By Nora Lee Owens Opinion: For recent medical reasons, I was told to wash my hands often and not shake hands with anyone. Since I’m a bit compulsive and wash my hands a lot anyway, I thought it would be a cinch to follow those two simple rules, but I have found that while I do have control over how much soap and water I put on my hands, I find people everywhere sticking their hands out for me to shake. Sometimes I am rude and say that I can’t shake hands and other times I just take their hand and hope I can find a sani-wipe soon.

Page 24 • June 2014

Now I understand that one of the known cases of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) in the United States (I think there are all of three so far) got the disease by shaking hands. He apparently didn’t get to the sani-wipes before he touched his face or ate a banana. Hugs are supposed to be good for our mental health, but maybe hugging isn’t healthy in other ways. Or maybe it’s healthier to hug than to shake hands. I saw online a lapel pin for $9.99 that shows two people shaking hands with a red X through it. The message is “No Offense, It (continued on page 29)

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

Resistance training gets vote for best exercise By Jeff Blair Opinion: I was at a party recently and someone asked me: “If you could only perform one type of exercise, what would it be?” Without hesitating, I said “strength training.” While many forms of exercise offer benefits, strength training offers the most and many of the benefits of other forms of exercise can also be achieved through resistance training. Here are 5 reasons strength training is my number one fitness option: 1. Slowing/Reversing Sarcopenia. According to Harvard Medical School, most of us start to lose muscle in our mid-to late 20’s. I am not talking about huge, bodybuilder-type muscles, just normal muscle we see in healthy, active people. At this age, most people replace muscle weight with fat weight (plus a little more). We begin to get weaker-but heavier. This process is called Sarcopenia. This Sarcopenia process continues through our thirties and forties. By 50, many metabolisms are significantly slowed and people often gain even more weight at this age, sometimes up to 3 pounds per year. When I discuss this process with people over 50, I usually get a head nod and confirmation of their experience that they really felt a dramatic strength loss somewhere around 50 years old. Many of the negative effects of aging (joint pain, for example) can be explained by the Sarcopenia process. Sorry for the depressing news, but

the good news is strength training can help you retain and even gain muscle while helping to prevent fat gain. At a minimum, Sarcopenia can be dramatically slowed through a consistent strength training program, and it can often be reversed. While cardiovascular activity like running can have many benefits, it does not offer the muscle retention benefits of strength training. 2. All Movement Requires Strength. As muscle loss occurs from our mid-20’s onward, we lose strength as a consequence. As we lose strength, movement becomes more uncomfortable and even painful in many cases. Since people avoid performing activities that cause them discomfort or pain, people are less likely to walk, run, hike, etc. as strength levels drop. This lowered activity level has many negative consequences for all fitness markers (resting heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, joint health, etc.). By incorporating strength training into your fitness routine, you can maintain strength and activity levels and improve overall health. 3. Strength Training Improves Posture. When we are young and active, our posture is mostly upright, and we move better. As we age, our shoulders begin to drop and our legs and core weaken. The muscles in your mid-back are referred to as the postural muscles and

as they weaken, posture suffers. The process from active young person with strong posture to bentover older person who maybe even needs a cane to walk has been termed the “long, slow fall forward.” This predictable pattern is seen throughout our population and throughout the world. Just like Sarcopenia, postural loss can be largely stopped or reversed via strength training. Row movements and related exercises can help maintain strong posture in the upper body. Deadlifts, planks and similar exercises can load the core and lower body and improve overall posture as well. When posture is strong, movement is more comfortable and easier. Good posture also has multiple psychological benefits, but I will save that discussion for another article. 4. Strength Training Burns Calories During the Workout...and Beyond. A well-designed strength training program burns a good amount of calories. While the precise number varies based on many factors, the calories burned can keep fat away over weeks, months and years. The “bonus” from strength-training is an increased metabolism through a process called EPOC (excess postexercise oxygen consumption). Numerous studies have found certain types of resistance training can actually help burn more calories around the clock. While you are grocery shopping,

watching television or waiting in the bank line, more calories are burned. For busy people, this “bonus” has a proven, positive impact for maintaining a healthy weight over the long-term. 5. Strength Training Can be Done in a Way that also Provides Cardiovascular Benefit. Most of us separate “strength training” from “cardio training.” However, a well-designed strength program can actually improve both strength and cardiovascular fitness. By maintaining a high heart rate during the resistance session, we can improve cardiovascular fitness. I incorporate 60 second “cardio bursts” into my strength training to get even more cardio benefit. There are an endless number of ways to do this, but I often throw in jump rope or battle ropes (Google “battle ropes” if you do not know what they are) into my training for a fast “cardio burst.” As shown by the five points above, strength training has massive potential to improve your quality of life. Take steps today to incorporate it in your fitness routine. Before you try this or any fitness routine, please consult your doctor. JEFF BLAIR (M.S.) owns a personal training studio located in Westchester. He was voted “Best Of” Personal Trainer in the Hometown News 2013 Readers’ Poll. Email jeffblair@ jeffblairfitness.com for fitness story ideas or comments.

4650 Lincoln Blvd., Marina del Rey, CA 90292 (310) 823-8911 www.marinahospital.com

Advancements in Spine Therapy “The Spine Hospital” cordially invites you to attend a SpineHospital.com event, featuring Dr. William Dillin and Dr. Hooman Melamed, who will discuss the latest advancements in spine therapy, technology, and the exciting improvements taking place at Marina Del Rey Hospital.

Thursday, June 12 from 6:30-7:30PM Marina Del Rey Hospital, Boardroom, 4650 Lincoln Blvd. RSVP at (888) 600-5600 or SpineHospital.com Free Parking


Snacks and Beverages will be provided

William Dillin, M.D., specializes in the treatment of spinal disorders, back and neck pain. He is certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery and is a signifi-

Dr. Hooman M. Melamed is Directory of Scoliosis at Marina Del Rey Hospital. He is a highly-regarded boardcertified orthopedic surgeon specializing in both children

cant contributor in the medical professional community.

and adult spine disorders. His main focus areas include

Dr. Dillin practices at the Marina Del Rey Hospital and he

minimally-invasive spinal surgery; revision spine surger-

is also co-founder of the Kerlan-Jobe Spine Center.

ies; complex disorders of the cervical spine; and more.

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

June 2014 • Page 25

Page 26 • June 2014

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News





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155 Washington Blvd. Marina del Rey, CA 90292 BRE #00998927 If your property is already listed, this is not to be considered a solicitation. All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.









ChildrensHospitalLosAngeles A portion of every commission Jane earns is donated to Children's Hospital Los Angeles in her client's honor.

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

June 2014 • Page 27

Advertise Your Listing with Us! It’s important to get in front of both potential home buyers and sellers. Let us help you reach out to local residents, while promoting your listings, as well as you and your business and/or company!

Contact us for rates and to reserve space at: (310) 641-1016 or westchesterhometown@yahoo.com Page 28 • June 2014

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

Business and Professional Advertising Chiropractic



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Email us at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com or call (310) 641-1016.

Chester West

By Jack Younger

Crime update (cont’d)

To shake or not (cont’d)

(continued from page 7) stolen cars have occurred in the Manchester Square area and around the rental care parking lots near LAX. In the month of May, there were 9 burglaries, 5 robberies, 3 assaults, 16 stolen cars and 23 burglary/theft from vehicles. Basic Car area A73 (Covering the area west of Sepulveda): YTD overall Part 1 crime is down 5.6% with decreases in stolen cars and burglary/ theft from vehicles. There were 78 burglaries so far this year, which is 6 more than the same period last year. The trend has been improving

(continued from page 24) Just Makes Sense.” I’m thinking I should send for one of those pins. Maybe we all should. What is the history of shaking hands, any way? Well, it goes back at least to Medieval Knights who wore heavy mail and offered their hands to each other in order to prove that they weren’t carrying concealed weapons. Hmmm, maybe shaking hands is timely after all, what with all the 2nd Amendment folk itching to carry concealed guns into coffee shops, schools and movie theaters. Whatever the history and whatever the current reason for it, I have decided that I will never again be the person first sticking out my

in recent weeks as the number of burglaries has been decreasing. Total violent crime is up YTD at 21 compared to 16 in the same period of 2013. The violent crime incidents that occurred this year, which include robbery and assault, occurred early in the year and have tapered off since March. In the month of May, there were 17 burglaries, 1 robberies, 0 assaults, 3 stolen cars and 20 burglary/theft from vehicles. Statistics for Playa Vista were not available as of press time.

Stay up-to-date with news and events by liking us at facebook.com/thehtn

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

hand to shake. I may learn to nod or perhaps to bow. Bowing is easy and sort of pretty, I think. By bowing, I don’t mean curtsying to someone like you were being introduced to the Queen of England, but I suspect the good Queen has people curtsy so that she doesn’t have to shake all of their hands. Bottom line: Shaking hands is not only apt to introduce you to a cold or worse disease, but its practice may also make your hand sore or even aggravate your case of arthritis. It’s just a silly practice, much like saying “How are you?” when you don’t have any intention of listening to the answer. Let’s just hug and air kiss. June 2014 • Page 29

In Pictures


We celebrate all year. You may only know Westchester Lutheran as the host of a fabulous carnival, which marks its 30th anniversary year. We areFreedom so much more. Freedom reedomthis from doubt. from fear fear. We areus a church community, eager to welcome you Join oin at Westchester Lutheran Church, Church and onfreedom your faith journey. andaccompany embraceyou the found Through in a worship, and service, we lift each other lo oving,study, forgiving relationship with theup as we draw closer to God. Lord. ord. Join new friends in a celebration of

everything verything that is possible when you live

We are a school community, dedicated to helping in n harmony with the Word. parents raise the next generation of involved citizens and invested scholars. We are now offering campus tours and accepting applications for Junior Kindergarten through 8th grade for enrollment this fall.

All are welcome. JoinCome us.Come for thewith carnival; celebrate us!

stay for the community.

30th Anniversary Carnival, Saturday, June 7 at Weekly Worship Sundays at 10 10 a.m. a.m. to 6 p.m. WeeklySummer WorshipChoir and Rehearsal Sunday School,Sundays Sundaysatat9 a.m. 10 a.m. Vacation Bible School July 29-August 2 Midweek Bible Study, Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Adult Sunday School, Sundays at 8:45 a.m.

#' ( ( %& %& $ www wlcs org www.wlcs.org

Honoring our police and firefighters. The Rotary Club of Westchester held its Gun and Hoses event on Wednesday, May 7. The club joined forces with the Rotary Club of Inglewood to honor fire fighters and police officers that

have shown exemplary service in keeping their communities safe and working with the public. More than 200 guests were in attendance at the event at the Crowne Plaza Hotel to help thank the protective agencies. PHOTO BY HAROLD JOHNSON.

Chess champ. Westchester’s Nicky Menotti received the Playa Vista Chess Club Player of the Year Award on Saturday, May 24 at the Playa Vista Public Library. The criteria for this award is consistent attendance, outstanding attitude of service and overall sustained improvement. Menotti is currently a sixth-grader

at Westchester Secondary Charter School. Pictured: Ben Eubanks, Friends of Playa Vista Library Board of Directors; Nicky Menotti, Playa Vista Chess Club Player of the Year and Joe Atkinson, Senior Librarian, Playa Vista Library pose for a photo at the event.

Part of the NaĆ&#x;onal


MAKING A POSITIVE IMPACT IN THE COMMUNITY Members enjoy being part of a special, growing community, and can receive assistance from wonderful volunteers. x Programs and social events x TransportaĆ&#x;on x Help with grocery shopping/errands x Trash bins put out/in x Help around the home x Friendly visits/walking buddies

Happy Father’s Day

Give the Gift of Membership “We are so grateful to WPV for helping our Dad to feel comfortable by

uĆ&#x;lizing your many services‌ we appreciate knowing that he can turn to WPV for help and companionship.â€? Children of WPV Member

Call Today! Voted Best Place to Volunteer!

Call us: 310-695-7030 Website: www.thewpv.org “Like� us on facebook: .com/WestchesterPlayaVillage

WPV thanks OPICA Adult Day Care, Creme De La Crust, Kevin Quock, Fire Station #5, Covenant Presbyterian Church, and the students/faculty of LMU’s Elder Law and Exercise for Special Populations classes for their support of our senior programs. Page 30 • June 2014

We want to see you In Pictures! Email us your pictures for a chance to be featured in our photos section. Email us at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com. Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

Nothing says “Hometown” like the annual Fourth of July Parade that takes place along Loyola Boulevard. The HomeTown News is proud to provide the Official Parade Program for this event! In addition to our normal distribution, the July issue will also be distributed along the parade route. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to wish your community “Happy Fourth of July” while promoting your business or organization.

Reserve your space by contacting us at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com or (310) 641-1016! Westchester estchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

Reserve your ad space today for our annual Fourth of July Parade Edition! June 2014 • Page 31

NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL OF WESTCHESTER / PLAYA Neighborhood Council Election Results More than 1,100 people cast ballots in the May 18 Neighborhood Council election – one of the larger turnouts in the history of the Neighborhood Council of Westchester Playa. The following is the ¿QDO YRWH FRXQW &DQGLGDWHV ZKR ZLOO EH VZRUQ LQ DQG EHJLQ D IRXU year term at the NCWP’s June meeting are highlighted in bold: Residential District 1 Michele Cooley Strickland Julie Ross

595 328

Residential District 3 Fred W. Smith Craig Eggers

522 404

Residential District 5 Erin Hanson Trevor Candler

731 151

Nominate A Star of the Neighborhood The Stars of the Neighborhood Award is sponsored by the Neighborhood Council of Westchester/ Playa, and its purpose is to identify and honor those unsung heroes of our community who quietly, persistently and without fanfare voluntarily perform good deeds that serve the needs of their neighbors and/or the community. <RX DUH LQYLWHG WR QRPLQDWH D SHUVRQ ZKRVH HIIRUWV ¿W WKLV FULWHULD 7KH QRPLQHH PXVW OLYH LQ Westchester, Playa del Rey or Playa Vista. Nominations will be evaluated by an ad hoc committee of the Neighborhood Council, and the winning honoree(s) will be honored at Westchester’s Annual Fourth of July Parade. Please provide the following informaton to nominate a Star of the Neighborhood (PLEASE PRINT NEATLY)

Nominee’s Name ______________________________________________________________ Nominee’s Address ____________________________________________________________

Residential District 7 Alan M. Quon


Residential District 9 Dave Oliver


Residential District 11 Tim O’Connell


Residential District 13 Yvonne Fok-Gundersen Kathryn Evans

508 335

Nominee’s Phone Number _______________________________________________________ A brief description of what makes this person a Star of the Neighborhood: ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Business Director (Zip Code 90094) Sibyl Buchanan



Garrett Smith Cyndi Hench Tracy Thrower Conyers Christopher Baker Gary Aminoff Jabari Jumaane

623 593 266 175 50 38

Income Property Director Patricia Morrison Lyon


/RV $QJHOHV :RUOG $LUSRUWV 'LUHFWRU Harold Johnson Roger Cuevas Marlo Richardson

383 272 199

Religious Director John David Webster


Senior Citizens Director John Ruhlen Sharon Dilworth Stoltzman Michael Allan Frisch

601 266 199

___________________________________________________________________________ Your Name ___________________________________________________________________ Your Address _________________________________________________________________ Your Phone Number ___________________ Email _____________________________________ Nominations must be received by no later than June 14, 2014 Please mail / fax to: Stars of the Neighborhood 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd PMB 191A Westchester, CA 90045 (310) 821-9429 (fax) Form available on-line at www.ncwpdr.org or email the information above to: starneighbors@aol.com

www.ncwpdr.org Page 32 • June 2014

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey • Playa Vista HomeTown News

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