June Westchester/Playa del Rey HomeTown News

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Westchester Rotary seeks family for home makeover project The Westchester Rotary Club is once again on the lookout for a family to help for its Home Makeover Project. This will be the fourth time the club has undertaken a home makeover project, which enlists the help of Rotarians and the community to help transform the lives of one needy family. Rotarian Geoff Maleman came up with the idea after being inspired by ABC’s “Extreme Home Makeover” and wanted to do a similar project, on a much smaller scale, to help a local family. Once a family was chosen for the first Home Makeover project in 2006 and the family’s story was told to neighbors,

community members and through publications like the HomeTown News, however, the project became much larger than the original concept of light landscaping, painting and updating some home fixtures. Everyone who heard about the project wanted to help whether it was volunteering at the site, donating money or offering their skills, and by the time the project was complete, the home had all new furniture, floors, kitchen appliances and completely relandscaped front and back yards. The same infectious spirit of giving and goodwill has been at the core of every project since.

Said Home Makeover event chair Geoff Maleman, “We are looking for families from Westchester or Playa del Rey who deserve a home makeover. Think of your neighbors who might have fallen on hard times, veterans returning home from active duty, or families facing extreme financial or health difficulties. We look forward to making a difference in one family’s life through this project.” If you know a deserving family who should be considered for this year’s Home Makeover, please send their name, address and phone number to Rotary Home Makeover,

8939 S. Sepulveda Boulevard, #518, Westchester, CA 90045. Please include up to 250 words about why the family deserves a home makeover, whether the family owns or rents and ages of children in the family. Include your contact information as well. The deadline for nominations for this project is Saturday, June 30. After all of the submissions have been received, a panel of Rotarians will select the family. For more information about contributing goods or services to this project, please contact Geoff Maleman at (310) 645-5151.

Principal says “goodbye” after twenty-seven years In the twenty-seven years that principal Rosemary Connolly has been at Saint Anastasia School in Westchester, she has seen and been at the forefront of many changes. When she first started at the school as a middle school teacher, books were outdated and the school was in need of a new direction; now every student at the Kindergarten through eighth grade school has access to an iPad and students and the school are flourishing. With the school now on solid ground due to Connolly and the guidance of the schools’ board of directors’ and its strategic plan, she is retiring at the end of June. Said Connolly, “It’s time that we pass on the reigns to someone else, but I will miss the staff and I will miss the kids especially. I just love being with the kids. That’s my passion—you know to teach and be with them. It’s kind of a mixed thing.” Connolly has been considering retiring for a few years now, especially after her husband, John, retired a year and a half ago after some thirty years of working in the theology department at LMU. A few important projects being

finalized, however, helped Connolly make the decision to finally step down from the school that she loves. The school recently went through the strenuous WSEA/WASC accreditation process they must go through every six years. With all of the paperwork and the reviews completed this year, Connolly felt closure and that she was “leaving the school where [it] needs to be at this point:”poised and ready for new leadership. Connolly didn’t always know she’d be a principal, but after teaching fifth graders religion as a high school student, she got the teaching bug. After graduating college, she taught in public school in Milwaukee and her hometown New Orleans, before she and her husband, John, settled in Los Angeles. After having her daughter, Rachel, Connolly took a job at a small Catholic school in Inglewood. With a meager salary and the school downsizing, she left her position to try her luck with LAUSD. With her teaching experience, she easily landed a job and went (continued on page 8)

At left: Principal Rosemary Connolly discusses “Romeo and Juliet” with seventh grade students who use their iPads for certain lessons.

A look inside your


7 Race for Success raises money for schools 11 Step into Summer Guide


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�������������������� Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

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T h i s M o n t h B r i n g s Yo u June Features Planning for shuttle landing at LAX underway 4 5 Trees get ready for a makeover along Sepulveda 6 Westchester YMCA adds name to Golden Book 11-14 Step into Summer Guide Community Calendar/To Do 16 NCWP Community Update 24

Monthly Features Community Random Notes/Opinion Looking Back... To Do

Calendar Happenings Pictures Business and Professional

Submit Submit articles, pictures and letters to the editor at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com. Be sure to include your name and contact information (phone number, address and e-mail) and correctly spell names of all those involved. All materials must be submitted no later than 12 noon on the 22nd of each month. The HomeTown News reserves the right to edit all submissions for content and length.


t a t i d n u o f I ! r e t n e C n w o T r e t s e h Westc – JACK DAVIS

Stephanie Davis, Publisher, Editor Fay Craton, Contributing Writer David “Duke” Dukesherer Sr., Looking Back

Nora Lee Owens, Humor Mishele Viera, Contributing Writer Jack Younger, Contributing Cartoonist

Advertisers’ Directory AYSO Region 7 Ballerini Cooley Studios Behind the Wheel Driving School Business and Professional California Mentor Covenant Presbyterian Church ChamberFest Dept. of Beaches and Harbors El Segundo 5-Minute Car Wash Food Pantry, LAX H.B. Drollinger Co. Hornblower Cruises Jane St. John Kevin & Kaz

5 6 9 15 8 10 13 2 23 10 23 12 21 21

“As a realtor, I know that everything comes down to three things: location, location location. I’m so ���������������������������������������������������

21 Laura and Jack Davis 22 Nora Lee Owens 24 Neighborhood Council 10 Playa West Automotive Promenade at Howard Hughes 12 21 South Bay Brokers 18 Dianne Stevenson 7 St. Anastasia School 11 Truxton’s American Bistro 6 Urbansitter.com 9 Vergari & Associates 8, 18 Visitation School Waterside, Marina del Rey 13, 14 Westchester Lutheran 7 Westchester Town Center BID 3 20 Zacha Homes

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About The HomeTown News The HomeTown News is a monthly newspaper, dedicated to providing information about the people, events, and happenings of Westchester, Playa del Rey, Marina del Rey and Playa Vista. Look for the HomeTown News the first Thursday of the month at your home or at one of our drop-off locations. Mailing Address: 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 110 #745LA, CA 90045 (310) 641-1016 • westchesterhometown@yahoo.com • www.thehtn.com

The deadline for submissions is the 22nd of the month.

Our Special Fourth Of July Parade edition of the paper will be published on Monday, July 2. The deadline for ad reservations and submissions is June 22. June 2012

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After 100 million miles, what’s 12 more to travel? SPACE SHUTTLE: With the space shuttle Endeavour tentatively scheduled to arrive in October of this year, city officials are working to coordinate the massive effort to get the shuttle from Westchester to the California Science Center. In October of last year, the California Science Center was one of four educational institutions that were awarded a space shuttle orbiter for permanent display by NASA and local government officials have the monumental task of trying to figure out how to get the behemoth from LAX to Exposition Park. Said Coucilman Bill Rosendahl at a May 23 L.A. City Transportation Committee meeting “It is a great honor for any city to get a shuttle. One of the reasons, I want to say, that our science center was picked was because they have a very strong educational component there and they were awarded it out of 50 that applied throughout the nation.” At the meeting, tentative details were discussed regarding moving the Endeavour space shuttle through the streets of Los Angeles. Los Angeles City Transportation Engineer Aram Sahakian stressed that all plans for the shuttle are “fluid” and numerous city departments are

June 2012

The Endeavour arrives at the Kennedy Space Center atop the 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. FILE PHOTO. PHOTO COURTESY NASA.

collaborating to finalize the best strategy before the shuttle can land at LAX. The target date for the shuttle landing is Monday, October 15, although Sahakian stresses that no details have been finalized. The shuttle could land sometime after midnight on the back of a 747 NASA Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA). According to Chad Molnar, the LAXCommunity Liaison for CD11, once it lands the shuttle will be housed in a hangar on the west end of the south airfield and the process of removing the shuttle from the SCA will take a few days. Depending on its arrival date, the shuttle could be at LAX for several weeks.

At the transportation meeting, Sahakian stated the plans for moving the shuttle will be a coordinated effort between Los Angeles World Airports, LAFD, airport police, LAPD, Bureau of Street Services and the Department of Transportation. Said Commander Matt Blake from the Office of Operations, “We will all be working together along with all the other entities within the city to make this a very good event. The Science Center is excited and we are traveling just about 12 miles or so. We are not allowed to remove anything off of the shuttle because it is a national treasure.” The current route being discussed

would take the shuttle from LAX, to west Westchester Parkway, to La Tijera, to Manchester to Crenshaw to Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Said Councilman Rosendahl, “We are all very excited about it and hats off to the museum for being able to secure it. I know in my district it’s going to be coming down Manchester and we will be out there and we will all be excited because it’s a major moment for America and especially for those on the West Coast to see such an incredible vehicle come to our place as a home.” Nothing will be finalized, however, until the route gets a sign-off from the coordinating agencies and the substructures under each street can be checked to make sure they can withhold the weight of the Endeavour. Other considerations include the shuttle’s 78-foot wingspan. An estimated 300 street poles and overhead signs will need to be removed for it to fit down the route. Streets will also be closed as hundreds of thousands of people will line the streets along Endeavour’s route to catch a glimpse of the shuttle, which has made 25 flights and has already traveled more than 100 million miles during its 19 years in service. Although in the early stages, parades might be scheduled at different stops along the parade route.

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

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Sepulveda Boulevard Project to Begin Later This Year The Westchester Town Center Business Improvement District (BID) and the Westchester Streetscape Improvement Association (WSIA) have announced that construction of the Westchester Landscape Entry Project will begin later this year. The project will include the removal of the 50-plus-year-old Ficus trees, many of which are diseased or structurally unstable, to allow for sidewalk, curb and gutter repairs on the stretch of Sepulveda Boulevard from Manchester Avenue to Howard Hughes Parkway in Westchester. “It is always difficult when we have to lose mature street trees, but in this case it is important that they be removed and the sidewalks be repaired so that pedestrians can safely and easily walk along the boulevard,” said Don Duckworth, executive director of the BID. “The reforesting will enhance the safety of both pedestrians and vehicles that use that stretch of Sepulveda.” The project will include the planting of approximately 100 new trees and vegetation, including New Zealand Flax, Fountain Grass and Pink Trumpet Trees, which will not present the problems inherent with the existing Ficus. In addition, the project will reconstruct the pedestrian areas, including creation of meandering sidewalks, lushly landscaped pocket

June 2012

parks, hard-packed red sand and benches. The $2.85-million project will be funded through a variety of sources. Congresswoman Maxine Waters secured a $1 million federal grant for improvements along the west side of Sepulveda Boulevard. Councilman Bill Rosendahl worked with Equity Office Partners, the owners of Howard Hughes Center, to secure a $1.85 million contribution from Equity Office Partners to handle improvements on the east side of Sepulveda. Equity Office has also pledged $850,000 to create an on-going endowment to maintain the improvements. “We are so pleased that our elected officials and Equity Office have stepped up to the plate to make sure that this long-overdue project is possible,” said John Ruhlen, president of WSIA. “We have spent a lot of time, sought ideas and support from the community, and it is exciting to know that, after all that collaboration, work will begin sometime this year.” WSIA and the BID are also currently seeking funding to pay for a new Welcome to Westchester sign. For more information, please visit www.westchestertowncenter.org At right: An artist rendering of what Sepulveda might look like after the Westchester Landscape Project is complete. COURTESY CHENIER DESIGNS.

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

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YMCA adds community member to “Golden Book” For dedicated volunteers of the YMCA, getting recognized by having your name inscribed in the “Golden Book” in an honor that usually only comes after decades of service. At this year’s YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles’ Annual Dinner, Westchester Family YMCA board member and Westchester resident, Mike Arias, was inducted into the Golden Book. The Golden Book honor is bestowed upon individuals who have made a significant impact on their local YMCA and have helped keep their branch thriving. Each year, only a handful of honorees are chosen from the 25 branches that belong to the YMCA of Los Angeles. Said YMCA Executive Director Karen Bradley-Follette, “That gift of leadership is the greatest gift a man or woman can provide to their Y. Mike has provided the Westchester Y, and our community, with an abundance of his ‘time, talent, and treasure,’ as is written now in the Golden Book. For that, we will be forever grateful and deeply moved by his commitment.” The tradition of having one’s name put in the Golden Book dates back to

1934 and is a way of permanently “recognizing volunteers for long and remarkable service.” The book now holds only 324 names. Three copies of a Golden Book page are printed with one going to the honoree, another to their branch and the third is bound in the actual book. Honorees are unaware of the recognition until the actual evening of the event. Said Arias, “I was surprised because this is kind of like a lifetime achievement award and I hadn’t ever thought I had done enough to deserve it– I never have done anything in this community for the accolades. I participate because of the youth component. The Y is consistently and has always been about the youth in our community and I am a big supporter of the Y and in particular its Youth and Government Program.” Arias first got involved with the YMCA in 1992 because of his children Stephanie and Michael. The Arias family soon made the YMCA like their second home playing basketball, participating in the Y-Guides program, camping and swimming.

Mike Arias (center with plaque) is surrounded by YMCA staff, board members and family at the YMCA Of Metropolitan Los Angeles’ Annual event. PHOTO BY DON MILICI.

Not content to just be a member of the organization, Arias began campaigning for the Westchester YMCA in 1995, raising significant dollars for its annual support campaign. He also chaired the golf tournament committee for 14 years and has served on the Board of Managers for 16 years – serving two terms as Board Chair. Although Arias has played an integral

part in numerous strides the YMCA has made over the years as a volunteer with the organization, he is most proud of his work in helping acquire the Woman’s Club property that is now the YMCA Annex. This piece of property will be essential for the YMCA as they add onto or completely remodel the (continued on page 22)

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Runners get ready to take off at the Kids’ Fun Run at the 2012 Race for Success event at LMU.

Race for Success event raises funds for local schools Thousands of participants and spectators were out in force the morning of May 19 for the 5th annual Race for Success 5k Run/Walk. Held on the campus of LMU, this year’s event drew participants from both our local community schools and from the South Bay and Westside. Joining the participating schools this year was the soon-to-open Playa Vista Elementary, who made an impressive showing considering the school is still under construction. WISH Charter won the coveted William H. Hannon Spirit Award by registering the most runners (211) and received the accompanying $1,000 cash prize bonus. The goal of the Race for Success is to raise much needed money for local schools. This year, 12 schools participated in the event including public, private and parochial. Funding cutbacks have impacted by all schools in our community, and this event provides an opportunity

for the entire community to come together and show support for education. Each school will be able to best decide how to use the funds raised. This year, the event raised over $50,000, bringing the total amount raised and donated to local schools over the last five years to more than $140,000. On hand to start the race this year were Kathleen Aikenhead, Executive Director, and David Herbst, board member, of the William H. Hannon Foundation, the event’s title sponsor. The event’s major sponsor from the first run, the Foundation doubled its support of the event this year, with a donation of $10,000. Other major sponsors included the Drollinger Family Foundation and Anachem Labs, both of which have donated to the event since its inception. Loyola Marymount University donated the use of its campus, (continued on page 15)

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June 2012





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Principal (continued)

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(continued from page 1) downtown to finalize the details. Something kept her from signing her contract that Friday however. She told the clerk she’d be back early next week. Said Connolly, “I always wanted to share my faith with the kids, which is something you can’t do in public education.” That Sunday at St. Jerome Church when she saw a job listing for Saint Anastasia in the bulletin she took it as a sign. “God was telling me something,” said Connolly. “This job just popped up. I saw it in the bulletin and it was amazing.” She applied on a Monday and was hired that Wednesday. She taught seventh and eighth grade for five years while also serving as administrative assistant to the pastor. In 1990 when both the principal and the pastor left for other positions, Connolly was named the interim principal before being given the permanent position. During her years at the school, Connolly is proud of the strides it has made with its science programs, the use of technology including the use of iPads and being able to provide students an arts education through the Gateway to Art program and through music assemblies made possible through funding by Playa Vista. Said Connolly, “I have to say I have enjoyed my time here especially with the kids. I have an awesome staff that really works hard and I think we have

Rosemary Connolly shows her surprise as she is given a “Lifetime Achievement Award” at this year’s Teacher Eddy’s. PHOTO BY GLENN MARZANO.

a pretty good reputation with the high schools our kids get into. They go to many prestigious colleges; I’m very proud of them and what they have accomplished. I think it all starts here in the elementary school and I hope that’s not going to change.” Although she didn’t get to see the school’s pre-k program come to fruition during her time as principal, she is happy to have helped lay the foundation for it to be hopefully implemented in the 2013 school year. From reading all the novels she has been collecting over the years, to gardening, traveling, visiting her grandchildren and cheering on LMU’s basketball team, Connolly is not worried about boredom in retirement. She will miss working with (continued on page 15)


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June 2012

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Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

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Looking Back...

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By David J. “Duke” Dukesherer

Food for Thought in Westchester/ Playa The gourmet Food Trucks got me thinking again of the many dining changes that have occurred over the past 50 years. For instance, and despite the fact we share a proud Spanish and Mexican history at our Rancho’s, Mexican food did not actually go mainstream in the area until the early 1970s. In fact, it was almost completely nonexistent in Westchester and Playa del Rey. We did have many choices, however, partially thanks to developers Fritz Burns and his associates. Burns had a hand in, or in fact owned, the land or controlled many of our first eateries. The Clock Drive-In, The Fireside, The Cavalier, The Pancake House and the old Airport-Marina Hotel, to name a few, were all Burns properties. The Airport-Marina Hotel, now the location of the Custom Hotel at Lincoln and Manchester Boulevards, premiered in 1963, with Bernd Enck as Banquet and Catering Manager of the Hotel. The Beatles would stay at the hotel the following year, when they played their historic concert at The Hollywood Bowl, and John Lennon raved about the food there, especially the ice cream. The Tony Duquette designed hotel interiors included the very popular Kismet Room. First class dining and entertainment occurred here amidst Duquette’s gilded metal screens, chandeliers and tented ceilings. Before fast-food mania, ethnic foods were more regionalized and you had to travel a bit to other Los Angeles areas to enjoy the many tastes of World cuisine. In fact, well into the 1960s, Westchester had just one pizza parlor, Pizza Napoli, just off Sepulveda Boulevard, and there are long time residents who swear that they made the best pizza in town. An exception to our old meat and potato’s world, was another Burn’s brainchild: The Airport Village. Most folks assumed that the “Airport”

Hamburger Handout-Airport Village. A sign at the left of James Collins’ original Hamburger Handout stand advertises 10-cent hamburgers in celebration of its sixth anniversary in this 1958 photo. The 19-cent burger chain that eventually grew to four outlets began in 1952. Founder James Collins had studied the new hamburger operation that New Hampshire brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald had begun in San Bernardino on December 12, 1948. He decided to use their concept for his own version, Hamburger Handout, which opened in Westchester at the corner of Sepulveda and Centinela Boulevards near the Culver City border in October 1952. Collins opened the additional restaurants in the Hamburger Handout chain in 1957, 1958 and 1960. In any case, by the early 1960s, Collins had begun to abandon the concept after meeting up with Col. Harlan Sanders over this new fried chicken concept and closed the Hamburger Handouts down. As a result of the Sanders discussions, in 1962 Collins became the exclusive agent for Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets in Southern California. By the mid-1960s his group owned more than 200 KFC outlets in the West. McDonald’s opened up one of their first restaurants in Westchester on La Tijera, just up the hill from the Hamburger Handout. In June 1967, Collins bought out Delmar and Helen Johnson, the originators of the Sizzler steak restaurant chains. His company, Westchester based Collins Foods International Corp. built the chain into an international success. In fact, the first Sizzler restaurant opened in 1957 also at The Airport Village. COURTESY SAM GNERRE, DAILY BREEZE, AND WESTCHESTER, CALIFORNIA: THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE REGION, COURTESY THE AUTHOR.

association had to do with LAX, but it did not. The reference was to old Culver City Airport, founded in 1927, just up the road at Sepulveda and Jefferson Boulevards. Back in the day, studio bosses like Syd Chaplin and Cecil B. De Mille flew their own crates. Many famous film stars learned to fly there, including: Clark Gable, James Stewart, Ruth Chatterton and Henry Fonda. The airport closed in 1951, and a Mayfair Market was built on the site and shortly thereafter a Jack’s Ranch Market. My father managed the Ranch Market, and purchased much of the produce sold there from the old ranches at La Ballona and Del Rey, which in those days still lined Jefferson and Centinela. The Fox Hills Country Club, host to the 1954 Los Angeles Open Golf Tournament, was just across the street. Developed in the late 1950s/early 1960’s on land more or less across the street from Dinah’s Family Restaurant, at Sepulveda and Centinela Boulevards,

The Airport Village and its International Food Court was a local attraction and great weekend adventure. The place was part carnival, sometimes a circus, and always a great deal of fun. Anchoring the Village was the

Hamburger Handout, but within the International Food Court, your choices included: Mexican food, Swedish Smorgasbord, Japanese, Mandarin, Italian, Cantonese and Greek. Food was served on “small plates,” and you could go from food-stand to food-stand and sample all the great varieties. And all of this was surrounded by carnival games, pony rides and amusements. At the Hamburger Handout, if you got a red star on your receipt, you got a free hamburger. One of my family’s favorites was the Mexican food seller, who was preparing a new kind of taco (new to us at least), which was served with fresh warm tortilla chips and salsa. His food became so popular, he opened up a permanent restaurant a few miles away, and we have been enjoying his food for decades. The name of the Mexican restaurant: Tito’s Tacos! The Airport Village location was later developed as the Amfac Hotel, and today is the location of the Double Tree Hotel and ITT Technical Institute. Finally, who could forget Chicken Delight, opened on La Tijera? Their jingle “Don’t cook tonight, call Chicken Delight,” emphasizing their delivery service, was widely broadcast on local radio stations KRLA and KHJ. They were known by their use of Volkswagen Beetle cars for deliveries that featured a huge plastic chicken on the roof. Comments: dukepdr@gmail.com

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June 2012

Westchester •

Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Page 10

LAX airport modernization to begin affecting traffic at LAX

Come Join Your Friends At


Worship Service 10:30 am Canines@Covenant 5:00 pm Sunday Covenant on the Corner 80th and Sepulveda Blvd.

Church School for Young People during Service

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If you have Food to donate, take to Covenant Presbyterian Church or bring to location from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Volunteers and money donations also welcomed and encouraged. For further information, please call (310) 677-5597

Ad donated by Covenant Presbyterian Church

Beginning in early June the first of several temporary lane closures will take effect within the Central Terminal Area roadways at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) -- marking the start of vehicular traffic impacts expected over the next two years from various construction projects that are part of the current $4.1-billion LAneXt airport modernization program. Passengers, motorists, airport workers and vendors should plan accordingly and allow more time to get to/from LAX. Up-to-date construction traffic alerts related to LAneXt can be found at www.lanext.com and at LAX’s social media sites at www.Twitter.com/LAX_ Official and www.Facebook/com/ LAInternationalAirport. Beginning this month, the following traffic alerts will begin: • The three curving inner lanes on the Lower/Arrivals Level between the west end of Terminal 3 to the north end of the Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT) will be closed to traffic. • The curving curbside lane on the Upper/Departures Level between the west end of Terminal 3 to the north end of TBIT will be closed to traffic through July 2012. • Escalators and stairs on the north side of TBIT (between the north end of

TBIT to the northside terminal doors) on both the Upper/Departures and Lower/Arrivals levels will be closed through September 2012. • Lane restrictions on Lower/Arrivals Level will occur nightly through June 2012. According to airport officials, up until now, LAneXt airport capital improvement projects did not impact vehicular traffic on the Central Terminal Area roadways because the projects occurred on the airfield, inside the terminals, or on the sidewalks. The following tips are provided to help passengers plan their next trip to LAX: • Before driving to LAX, check for construction-related alerts at www. la-next.com and for real-time traffic conditions at http://trafficinfo.lacity. org/html/lax.html. • If picking up passengers, park and wait in the LAX Cell Phone Waiting Lot until your arriving party calls to say they are waiting terminal curbside. The cell phone waiting lot is located at the northwest corner of 96th Street and Vicksburg Avenue, adjacent to the entrance of LAX Economy Parking Lot C at 96th Street and Sepulveda Boulevard.

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Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Page 11

Step into Summer! Summer is officially here, hopefully leaving our HomeTown readers with a little time on their hands to explore the neighborhood and take part in some of the great community events and activities. For the months of June, July and August the HomeTown News will be highlighting some of the hottest events and the coolest places to visit in our hometown. This “staycation” guide will let our readers now what places can’t be missed this summer! If there is a place or event we should know about, please email us at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com

The Central Park Bandshell is a great place to catch a concert or movie.

Can’t Miss: Movies and Concerts in the Park Nothing says summer in Los Angeles quite like a movie in the park with hundreds of your neighbors, and Playa Vista has arguably the most beautiful parks in the city. Once again, Playa Vista and Time Warner Cable have partnered to sponsor “Movies in the Moonlight” taking place Fridays from 8-10 p.m. at the Central Park Bandshell. These free events are a great kick-off to summer. A shuttle service will run from “The Shops at Concert Park” to Central Park at 7 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. Drop-offs after the movie will occur at 10 p.m. Pack some snacks, grab your beach towels or blanket and head on down to the park with your friends and family. No dogs please! For more info, please call (310) 448-4630. Movie Events in June: June 15: The Muppets June 22: Crazy, Stupid, Love (this event also features gourmet Food Trucks) If music is more of your thing, bands will play twice a month during the summer season. Events take place on Sundays from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Shuttles at the Shops at Concert Park will be running from 4 to 5 p.m. every fifteen minutes and the drop-off back to your car is at 6:45 p.m. Music Events for June: June 10: King of Pop– The Band June 17: The Boogie Knights

June 2012

Summer Guide Advertising Section

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Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Page 12

The Central Park Bandshell is a great place to catch a concert or movie.

Berries are in season and are abundant at the Westchester Farmer’s Market. Golden Berries (at left) are only in season for a short time and often sell out.

Must Visit: Farmers’ Market The HomeTown News community is fortunate to have not one, but two, farmers’ markets in the neighborhood. If you haven’t been shopping at the Farmer’s Market lately, the summer is the perfect time to get back into the swing of things. Not only is the market a great place to catch up with neighbors and meet new friends, but it often has cheaper or comparable prices to the grocery store on fresh and sometimes organic produce. Stop by Westchester Park on Wednesday and Playa Vista on Saturdays to stock up on your fruits and veggies for the week. Visitors can sample fruit from a variety of vendors and get tips on what’s fresh and in season.

Herbs like mint, Thai basil and lemon basil are sure to add a twist to traditional dishes and can be purchased at the Westchester Farmers’ Market.


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Summer Guide Advertising Section


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Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Page 13

The Central Park Bandshell is a great place to catch a concert or movie.

Berries are in season and are abundant at the Westchester Farmer’s Market. Golden Berries (at left) are only in season for a short time and often sell out.

Volunteer: Coastal Clean-up The Marina has been called the “Gem of the county” but it’s also a gem in our community. Unfortunately, waste from runoff during the winter season can threaten both wildlife and waterways. Hornblower Cruises and events is helping ensure this great destination for locals and visitors alike stays that way by hosting a coastal clean-up on Wednesday, June 13 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Teams will meet up at Fisherman’s Village and scour the harbor and its surrounding area on foot and on pontoons. Log on to facebook.com/ respectplanet to learn more or contact Cassidy Eastwood, the “Respect Our Planet” Coordinator at ceastwood@hornblower.com or (949)574.4334 for more information and to sign up!

June 2012

Summer Guide Advertising Section

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Page 14

Hop Aboard: Free Beach Shuttle Thanks to Supervisor Don Knabe and Playa Vista, people can once again enjoy a free beach shuttle to and from Marina del Rey and Playa Vista.

The Central Park Bandshell is a great place to catch a concert or movie.

Thousands of people will line Loyola Blvd. for the annual celebration honoring our nation’s birthday.

Celebrate: Fourth of July Parade

This year, thanks to the hard work of many dedicated individuals, the community has two large Fourth of July celebrations to participate in with the parade and the triumphant return of the Marina del Rey fireworks (more info page 2)! Start the Fourth of July off right with the LAX Coastal Area Chamber’s 13 Annual Fourth of July Parade! There are a lot of new entries this year (read all about them in our Fourth of July edition out July 2), and participants are really stepping up their game with their float designs. This year’s theme is “Tribute to America’s Pastimes.” The parade committee is still looking for sponsors and participants. For more information, call (310) 645-5151. This year’s Parade Gold Sponsors include:

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The Beach Shuttle is currently operational on Fridays, weekends and holidays through September. Hours include: Fridays and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays and holiday operating hours, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. The free service will travel from Playa Vista every 30 minutes, carrying riders to summer hotspots like Fisherman’s Village, the Waterside Shopping Center and Marina “Mother’s” Beach. Shuttle stops are located near seven Marina del Rey WaterBus boarding locations. For additional information about the Beach Shuttle, visit www. beaches.lacounty.gov. Fisherman’s Village is a great place to take the beach shuttle. While there, hop on a cruise or enjoy a bite to eat while watching the boats in the Marina.

Nothing says “Hometown” like the annual Fourth of July Parade that takes place along Loyola Boulevard. The HomeTown News is proud to provide the Official Parade Program for one of our community’s largest and most popular events.

Reserve your

Reserve your advertising space today for space our Fourth of July Paradead edition!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to wish your community “Happy Fourth of July” while promoting your business or organization.

today for our annual Fourth of July Parade Edition!

Reserve your ad space at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com

You live a busy life and deserve a little pampering.


Walk-ins Welcome Now Open at Waterside, Marina del Rey Admiralty Way & Mindanao Way | 310-305-1400

Waterside, Marina del Rey

June 2012

Summer Guide Advertising Section



Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Race (continued)

Principal (continued)

(continued from page 8) facilities, staff, equipment and parking. Without this generous support, the amount of money the event raises for participating schools would be much less. “Hosting this race is the university’s way of demonstrating its ongoing commitment to the schools, students and parents in this community,” said Clarence Griffin, director of community and local government relations at LMU. “The education of future leaders is a quality that everyone agrees is the highest priority.”

(continued from page 8) the kids, which she calls her “passion,” however, and hopes to come back from time to time as a volunteer. Said Connolly, “I feel like these are my grandkids. They are so adorable. I’ll be out in the hallway going to a room and a kid will come up and give me a hug and say ‘We are going to miss you Mrs. Connolly’ and it just does something to me. That’s probably the thing I will miss the most.” The school and the community will miss her leadership as well. At this year’s Teacher Eddy Awards, she was surprised with a “lifetime achievement” award for her work at the school. “There’s a very special gift Rosemary has that makes her a great principal—she knows each student by name—and it’s much deeper

Event founders, Mathu Matthews, Gena Vincent and Christina Ayala were thrilled with this year’s turnout and by how much the event has grown over the past five years. “Bringing our community together to show our children how much we value their education is really what’s behind this event, said Matthews. “Regardless of what community school your child attends,showing him or her that we all care about education is what matters.

Our Special Fourth Of July Parade edition of the paper will be published on Monday, July 2. The deadline for ad reservations and submissions is June 22.

Page 15

than a passing ‘hello,’ it’s knowing who they are as an individual, their challenges and triumphs and every day being present to them in helping them grow,” said Saint Anastasia parent David Herbst. “I have seen firsthand with my daughters, how Rosemary has created a learning community where students are taught to nurture their own unique gifts, where they foster respect for each other and demonstrate through service a special concern for the poor and disenfranchised.” When asked about the legacy she’d like to leave, said Connolly, “I’d like my legacy to be that I had a passion for teaching and my faith and I wanted to impart that faith on the kids. I would hope that people would remember me as a person of faith, and caring for our kids.”

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By Jack Younger

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Page 16

To Do Rotary Club of Westchester The Rotary Club of Westchester meets every Wednesday at 12 noon for lunch at the Crowne Plaza LAX Hotel, 5985 W. Century Blvd. in Westchester. The cost of lunch is $20 and validated self parking is free. Guests are most welcome! Reservations are not required. For information regarding the upcoming luncheon programs, visit www.rotary-westchester.org/ or become our friend (Westchester Rotary) on Facebook. Playa Vista Farmers’ Market Come out to the Playa Vista Farmers’ Market, located in the heart of Playa Vista. Open every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and showcasing the freshest fruits, vegetables and flowers direct from the best local farmers’ California has to offer as well as other traditional market fare. This is a Certified Farmers’ Market sponsored by Sprouts of Promise Foundation, a 501(c) 3 nonprofit focused on the education of healthy eating habits. Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary Club Join the Rotary club of Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary Club at its Wednesday morning meeting at 7:15 a.m. at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel, located at 13480 Maxella Avenue in Marina del Rey. The cost of the meeting is $25, which includes breakfast and a guest speaker. Guests are welcome and reservations are not required. For more information, www. playasunrise.org or call (310) 4293808. Elks Lodge Flea Market The Westchester Elks Lodge is holding a Flea Market on Saturday, June 9 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will be clothing, household goods, jewelry, new and used things, a bake sale, a food truck and much more. Entrance is free to shop. Spaces are still available if you’re interested in selling your things. If you would like to reserve a space to sell items, the cost is $10 for Elks members and $15 for non-Elks members. We will also be renting out 8 foot tables for $15. Both the spaces and tables are limited, so be sure to sign up early to ensure your spot. To reserve, please email (elksfleamrkt@gmail.com) or call the Lodge at (310) 821-3005. The Flea Market will be held in the back parking lot at 8025 W. Manchester Blvd in Playa Del Rey. Speakers by the Sea Toastmaster’s Group Improve your public speaking skills every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. by joining the Speakers by the Sea Toastmaster’s Group. Visitors are always welcome - just drop in. The meeting takes place at 12000 Vista del Mar in Conf. Room 230A in Playa del Rey (One traffice light South of Imperial Highway on Vista del Mar)

June 2012

• your community newspaper • your community newspaper • your community newspaper • For more info, please call (310) 5592834. Themes for June include: • June 13: Graduation • June 20: Nuptial • June 27: Polarizing Summer Book Sale at Westchester Loyola Village Library On Saturday, June 9 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. stock up on great summer reading and gift books at bargain prices! Most hardcovers are just $1 each. This sale is presented by Friends of the Westchester Library and all proceeds help support the Library. The Westchester Loyola Village Library is located at 7114 W. Manchester Ave. in Westchester. For information please call (310) 348-1096. Emerson Garden Club The first monthly meeting of the general membership of the Emerson Avenue Community Garden Club will be held Sunday, June 10, at 2 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Fellowship Hall of the United Methodist Church, located at 8065 Emerson Ave. in Westchester. The meeting is an opportunity to get more involved in the garden project at Orville Wright Middle School and to help it grow in so many ways! “Greece!–The Musical” at the Westchester Playhouse The Kentwood Players are delighted to present a Kentwood Kids production of “GREECE! – The Musical” by Sue Gordon, on Saturday, June 9 and Saturday, June 16 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Westchester Playhouse, located at 8301 Hindry Avenue in Westchester. The production is directed by Drew Fitzsimmons and Melodie S. Rivers by special arrangement with Lazy Bee Scripts. This hilarious musical mixing of Greek legends tells the story of troubles on Mount Olympus - the boiler has stopped working and Zeus isn’t getting any hot water, causing him to be in quite a bad mood. And Dionysus has a hangover so it’s up to Hera to sort things out by calling for Heracles, the odd job muscle man of Ancient Greece, to come to their rescue. But when Prometheus steals fire from shorttempered Zeus, handy-man Heracles, adventurous Icarus and an entire Greek Chorus get involved. Tickets are $10 with a special family four-pack of seats for $35. Please call (310) 645-5156 for reservations. Reclaiming Democracy -- A Panel Discussion About Money and Politics A lively discussion about the influence of corporate money in politics by activists on the front lines of the social justice movement will discuss the campaign to pass an amendment striking down the Citizens United

decision, the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court case which held that the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent political expenditures by corporations and unions. The speakers will also highlight the fight for clean elections, the continued influence of the Occupy movement and its messages, as well as efforts to preserve endangered civil liberties. The talk is presented by the Sholem Community, a secular and progressive Jewish cultural organization. Children ages 5-14 are welcome to try out a Sholem school class while adults attend the talk. Contact Principal Julie Gamberg <julie@sholem.org> to coordinate. The event will take place Sunday, June 10 from 10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. at Westside Neighborhood School, 5401 Beethoven Street in Playa Vista. For more information, please visit www.sholem.org or call (818) 6099214. This event is free; complimentary coffee & bagels will be served. Mother Son Ball at YMCA Annex The Westchester YMCA in association with Partyby5.com presents the Seventh Annual Mother-Son Magical Ball for boys of all ages and their mothers. The event will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, June 9, at the Westchester YMCA Annex 8020 Alverstone Ave. in Westchester. Entertainment at the event includes “Alponso” the Magician, from the Magic Castle, who will perform various magic tricks, followed by dancing hosted by D.J. I.O.T. Guests can also have their photos taken on the “red carpet.” The event is open to the public and free parking is available. Tickets are available for a donation of $15, which includes admission for a mother and son, additional sons $5 at the door or in advance at The YMCA. Proceeds benefit the Westchester YMCA Youth Programs and the Jim Hill Rotary Scholarship Foundation. For information or to purchase tickets, please call the YMCA at (310) 568-2079 or (310) 600-6912. Inquiries can also be sent via e-mail at giselechb@gmail.com. Concert Singers Presents an Afternoon of Movie Music Grab your popcorn and a take a seat for an afternoon of favorite movie music! The Concert Singers under the direction of Jenni Brandon will take you to your favorite movies with exciting songs from The Lion King, a medley of James Bond songs, Indiana Jones as well as other favorite movie musicals and themes. And along the way enjoy our afternoon of ice cream and treats for the whole family! Join The Concert Singers in their beautiful new performing location at the Centerpointe Club at Playa Vista for an afternoon of

lights, camera, and action! The event will take place on Sunday, June 24 with doors opening at 3:30 p.m. for ice cream and treats and the concert begins at 4 p.m. The event will place at the Centerpointe Club, located at 6200 Playa Vista Drive in Playa Vista. Admission is a $15 freewill donation. Contact (310) 376=1601 or www. theconcertsingers.com for more details. Boy Scout Open House Boy Scout Troop 716 is holding Open House on Saturday, June 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p,m. in the Scout Room at Westchester Methodist Church, located at 8065 Emerson Ave. (west of Orville Wright School). Learn about scouting, acquire a few scout skills,enjoy refreshments and some friendly competition. Troop 716 has a long history in Westchester, with strong emphasis on outdoor adventure, and a dedicated program of achievement, leadership, and service. Upcoming events include deep sea fishing, a beach BBQ, summer camp on Catalina Island, and spending the night aboard the USS Midway. The boy scout program welcomes all boys ages 11 to 17. For more info, please visit Scoutmaster John Skidmore at (310) 417-8076. Miracle Worker at the Westchester Playhouse Kentwood Players present “The “Miracle Worker” by William Gibson through June 16 on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. at the Westchester Playhouse, located at 8301 Hindry Avenue in Westchester. Adapted from William Gibson’s 1957 Playhouse 90 teleplay of the same name, “The “Miracle Worker” is based on Helen Keller’s autobiography “The Story of My Life” and won several Tony Awards including Best Play. Tickets are $18.00 with a $2.00 discount for seniors, students, and servicemen. To purchase tickets, please call (310) 645-5156 during box office hours. You may also purchase tickets and

How to submit a listing for the To Do/Calendar section 1. Write-up your event in paragraph format (no abbreviations please!) 2. Submissions must be received by the 22nd of the month to be considered 3. Please include contact information and the cost for your event, if there is one 4. Email us the event * Due to the volume of submissions received, we can not include all events or respond to requests of event inclusion. Events should be $25 or under to be considered for inclusion.

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Page 17


June Sunday


Tuesday Tuesday

Wednesday Wednesday

Thursday Thursday

Friday Friday

Saturday Saturday

First Friday @ 87th Street & Truxton Ave.

1 Gateway to Go @ Crowne Plaza LAX

Westchester Farmers’ Market @ Westchester Park

NCWP Meeting @ Westchester Municipal Building

Speakers by the Sea @ Playa del Rey

ChamberFest@ CenterPointe Club

2 Book Sale @ Westchester Loyola Village Library Mother Son Ball @ YMCA Annex Concert @ Howard Hughes Promenade


4 Still Need to Do Day

5 Gateway to Go @ Crowne Plaza LAX



Speakers by the Sea @ Playa del Rey

8 Deadline for nominations for the Star of the Neighborhood

Coastal Clean-up@ Marina del Rey

Movie in the Moonlight @ Playa Vista



12 Gateway to Go @ Crowne Plaza LAX

Happy Father’s Day



Speakers by the Sea @ Playa del Rey

9 Greece!–The Musical @ Westchester Playhouse Playa Vista Farmers’ Market @ Playa Vista Concert @ Howard Hughes Promenade



AYSO Soccer Skills Clinic @ Playa Vista Sports Park

Playa Vista Farmers’ Market @ Playa Vista Concert @ Howard Hughes Promenade

Movie in the Moonlight @ Playa Vista



19 Gateway to Go @ Crowne Plaza LAX

Concert Singers @ CenterPointe Club




Deadline for nominations for the Rotary Home Makeover

Speakers by the Sea @ Playa del Rey

Playa Vista Farmers’ Market @ Playa Vista

Vote in our Best Of Poll at www.thehtn.com 24

June 2012








Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Page 18

Random Notes/Opinion

• your community newspaper •

No simple melodies for me By Nora Lee Owens I recently woke up to the news that The Beach Boys are going to have an anniversary concert. Really? They’re still around and can carry a tune? And Neil Diamond is due in town soon, and he’s newly married. That’s cool. The music of my youth just keeps playing and playing. I long ago gave up on the oldies but goodies concerts on PBS. They depress me because the “kids” now look like grandparents and can no longer sing remotely on key. That’s mean, I know. Johnny Mathis is still wonderful, but I was never able to watch him sing for

the same reason I can’t watch Celine Dion: grotesque mouth movements. Both of them are great to listen to, although I must confess that whenever I hear Celine these days, I can see her mouth move and I have to change the station. One of my old faves, Willie Nelson, should hang it up, and I’m not sure why people still flock to see James Taylor. Maybe it’s just me. One of my exercise instructors sometimes plays John Denver while we stretch. Man, he was good! I know some people found his music maudlin and overly simple, but hearing him always makes me feel better. It reminds me of the smell of mountain air or lets

me feel again the bite of the snow as the chair lift climbs the hill, and I long for someone to sing sweetly to me like he sang for Annie (never mind that they got a divorce. That misses the point). My all-time favorite record is Rod Stewart’s recording of Maggie May, and I’ve no idea why. I think it has something to do with the instrument that I can never identify which does a couple of riffs in between Rod’s singing. Or maybe it is Rod’s singing, with his scratchy, vulnerable voice. Of course, it could be the words: an older woman lures a young man from school and they mess up a bed. Interesting, indeed, and in these times probably a

lawsuit. But for the most fun ever, there is the musical Hair. Another of my favorite tracks is the Cowsills’ version of the title song, and I think it’s because of the clever lyrics and the fact that guys with long hair and beards were so sexy, weren’t they? Sometimes dirty in more ways than one, but always sexy. I saw Hair a few years ago when it was in town for a reprise, and when everyone in the audience (yours truly included) got up and danced in the aisles with the final number, I knew I was getting old but I knew there was nothing like our generation. Definitely don’t make mine milk.

Celebrate “Still Need To Do Day” By Mishele Vieira, Certified Professional Organizer® Although perhaps not a widely celebrated holiday, the second Monday in June, this year June 11, marks “Still Need to Do Day.” This day is a chance to catch up on some of the to do’s and projects we’ve all been meaning to get to but have not been able to find the time for or as I like to say make room for...yet. Here are some tasks to

consider if you’re feeling inspired to join in the celebration this year. Schedule your medical appointments. Whether it’s getting your teeth cleaned, your eyes checked or your annual physical/wellperson exam, schedule those doctor’s appointments so you can take care of number one. Rotate clothes. Thankfully we pretty much have perfect weather all year round, so most of us don’t have an entire wardrobe to switch out,


but there are probably a few heavy sweaters and coats you can store away to make room for the lighter weight summer clothing. If you still need to clean out your closet a bit, refer to my April 2012 HTN article now available in electronic format at http://www. thehometownnewsonline.com/eversion. Clean the carpets and upholstery. Having your carpets professional cleaned regularly is a great way to have

them look good and last a long time thereby protecting your investment. It’s a good time to check the blinds and fans too as they can often accumulate with dust during the winter months. Write (and send) a thank you note. While there is ongoing debate on when thank you notes should be sent, and whether or not it is ever too late late to send a thank you note, the fact remains that thank you notes are (continued on page 24)


Congratulations are in order... Visitation School’s Award Winning Parents and Families (L) Mrs. Sue Marozik, PLAYA WEST AUTOMOTIVE, receives the “WOMAN OF THE YEAR” Award, and (R) Mrs. Kristen Herber, Visitation Teacher and Parent, also accepting on behalf of her husband, Mr. Randy Herber and HERBER AIRCRAFT SERVICE, INC. in El Segundo, receives the “HEART OF THE COMMUNITY” Award. Mr. Christopher Watson, Principal, presented the Awards at Visitation’s Annual Spring Gala. June 2012 Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Home Sweet Home

Page 19

Welcome to The Westchester/Playa del Rey HomeTown News’ Real Estate Section

Mid-Century Inspired West Westchester Home

Contemporary home, with an indoor-outdoor feel, offers three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an office/nursery off master suite. The 1,812 sq. ft. single level home located at 8826 Villanova Ave. in Westchester also boasts a detached bonus room/guest quarters/office. The kitchen with custom cabinets and counters opens to the breakfast bar and dining room...beyond which lies the living room/great room with high ceilings, double fireplace and french doors out to spacious rear patio, pool/spa (with safety net and gate) and a grassy play area. Neutral color scheme throughout with contemporary finishes/fixtures. Security system, sprinklers front and rear and top-of-the-line SUNPOWER energy efficient solar system provides all the electricity for the home. The garage was converted to a detached office/media room with a separate laundry room. Parking available inside gated area and along wide driveway. Originally built in 1953 on a large 7,767 lot (per LA County Assessor). Remodeled in 2004-2011. Convenient to freeways, golf and recreation facilities, LMU and new shopping at Lincoln and Manchester.

Offered at $759,000

June 2012

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Page 20



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Best Buys Helping People Move Ahead

6781 Altamor Drive

7741 Dunbarton Avenue

7921 Kentwood Avenue

7836 Flight Ave. #106

Exquisite Kentwood Collection Bluff Home. Spectacular, captivating and expansive views. Immaculate, two-story, 5 + 4.5 custom home.

North Kentwood home featuring 3-bedrm, 2-bath, private master bedroom suite addition. Separate custom wine cellar, fully enclosed grassy backyard.

Prime Kentwood 4+3.5 pool home with Huge Lot size. Large open kitchen overlooking private bkyd! One of the best priced homes in Westchester.

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7523 Alverstone Avenue

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8324 Gonzaga Avenue

7806 Dunbarton Avenue

Located in the very desirable North Kentwood. Two-story open floor plan, Entertainer’s delight. Beautiful renovated home w/pool, 5-bds, 4-bath.

Wonderful 3+1 home plus HUGE 1+1 guest house. Gorgeous hardwood floors in main house. Move-in condition, new roof, copper plumbing.

Fabulous opportunity in Loyola Village 3-bedroom, 1-bathroom home in turn-key condition. Secluded, fully enclosed extra big backyard with 2-car garage.

Custom remodeled beauty, 4 bedrms, 2 bath. Beautiful granite kitchen overlooking mini-family room, Hdwd floors, forced heat and new windows.









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RE/MAX Execs

Golden Book (continued)

Mortgage interest rates are low, Buyer Purchasing Power is High

Might This Be the Right Time for YOU to Sell?


(continued from page 6) current facility in the future. He is also proud that the YMCA has been able to flourish despite the recent economy. Said Arias, “The best part of the Y is the neighborhood. It’s truly a neighborhood Y. Westchester is a real community in an urban area. The people you see at the Y are from all aspects of our community. Every Y strives to incorporate and involve the community, but ours really does accomplish this.” Other Westchester YMCA Golden Book honorees include Mary Ellen and Alan Cassman, who assisted in

presenting the award to Arias at the event, and the late Hugo Francis. “Mike has a vision to where he wants to see the Westchester Family YMCA in five years in ten years, and beyond. He has been a catalyst on our board for a long time and he wants other kids in the neighborhood to have the same experience his kids had at the Y,” said Westchester Family YMCA Operations Executive Chad Maender. For more information about the Westchester Family YMCA, please visit www.ymcala.org/westchester.

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Random Notes/Opinion

Page 23 • your community newspaper •

Attitude crystals in your body Water is an amazing substance. Flowing freely over 18 million years, it created the Grand Canyon. I have to wonder what would have happened if the water said to itself, “my job is to quench thirst and shower plants and not to carve stone.” Or, “the rock is too hard to erode, I can’t do it!” Or, “the stone is being stubborn and I am not going to have anything else to do with that dense granite!” These “attitudes” are common in humans, yet according to physicists, approximate 60% of an adult human body is made of water (the body of a newborn is about 79% water). Physicists also tell us our bodies are comprised of stardust. It is not the water or the stardust creating our “attitude,” but a mind-set formed from our thoughts and feelings. Research is showing water absorbs and takes on mood and patterns from the environment around the water. One researcher, Dr. Masaru Emoto, in his book, The Healing Power of Water, tells how when music is played to water, the water crystal changes to reflect the vibration. Other studies show water reflecting the essence of the flowers in the basic water crystal shape when a flower is pulled through water. Science is showing how when we embrace the nature of water within

us, healing can happen. Dr. Emoto’s research has also established water cannot form a crystal structure when in an environment which is hurtful and belittling. The nature of the water within us is to be open and receptive. Free flowing water creates beauty in its very movement. Waves breaking along a shoreline are beautiful. Water trickling along a stream is peaceful and soothing. When water stops being open and receptive it stagnates and its vitality diminishes. The same is true of the water found within us. When it absorbs negative thoughts and moods, the crystalline structure of water becomes malformed and vitality is lost. Lessons learned from studying water clearly provide us with guidance as to healthy and unhealthy attitudes and ways of being. When we take on the attitude that something is “not my role,” such as if the water had said, “it is not my job to carve stone,” we limit the potential of what we can be and the contribution we can make in this world. If we say “the job is too hard and can’t be done,” again we limit our potential. When we look at another person and say “he or she is too stubborn” or “I will not help him or her because it is just babying him or her, we create an environment of negativity and conflict. The environment you create

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. . . r e f f o We now

permeates your body as the water within you transforms from a state of beauty to a weak or broken crystal structure. Since water makes up 60% of your body, this means the way you relate to others and to yourself has a direct impact on your health and your moods. Even if water did not change its basic crystalline structure from its environment, we can use water as a metaphor for behavior. Water interacts with all its surroundings – in so doing it relates to the world around it. Vital water is free flowing and being around it makes people happy. Stagnant water stinks and being around it is not pleasant. When your behaviors reflect a positive attitude, you and people around you are much more likely to be happy. When your behaviors are hurtful and belittling of another person, your attitude stinks and people avoid you. When it appears something needing to be done is too big or too hard to accomplish, think about how water created the Grand Canyon one drop at a time. Over a very long time, it formed out of the stubborn granite and other rocks breathtaking beauty. Take the task and break it down into very small steps. Complete each step one at a time. If needed, after each step, stop and take a deep breath. Feel free to reward yourself when you complete a step– perhaps by taking a walk at the

ocean. When confronted by a person who is stubborn or has to be babied, think about the plateaus found in the Grand Canyon. Each one of the columns creating the plateaus was unwilling to move and the water moved around it— perhaps babying it—creating additional visions of awe. How does the person you consider to be stubborn or needing special care add to what is being created in the long term? How can you change your attitude to embrace the unique difference in the person who is not flowing in the same way as you? My wish for you is to experience health and vitality. I know within you are beautiful water crystals of perfection. When your attitude is wholesome, many possibilities are available to you. Each day we can be grateful for all appearing in life. When life gets tough, stop and think about the majesty of the Grand Canyon and know that the water which created it, is also within you. Fay Craton, M.A. is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (mfc40011), which is the psychology license specializing in relationships (with ourselves or with others) and she has an office in Westchester. If you have any questions, please visit Fay’s website at: www. communicationtriangle.com or contact her at (310) 645-6762.

Every Father’s Day I think about my Dad and how much he loved this community. He always told me that the businesses that rent space from us are much more than just tenants, they’re family.

And that’s the way we still treat them – like family! – Karen Dial, President, HB Drollinger Co.

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Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

Page 24

Need to do Day(continued) Pick up the HTN at any of the (continued from page 18) generally appreciated by people who give us gifts and perform nice gestures. There is someone I’ve been meaning to thank, so I am hereby resolving to let go of my embarrassment and send out that note by June 11. Check your Credit Report – it is generally recommended to check your credit score regularly. However “regularly” can vary in frequency depending on who you ask and what your needs are. Suffice it to say, if you haven’t done it in a while, you may want to make sure there aren’t any inaccuracies that may affect you in the event you need to apply for a loan, rent a home, etc. Another good reason to check your score is to make sure Nothing says “Hometown” like the annual Fourth of July Parade that takes place along Loyola Boulevard. The HomeTown News is proud to provide the Official Parade Program for one of our community’s largest and most popular events. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to wish your community “Happy Fourth of July” while promoting your business or organization.

you haven’t fallen victim to identity theft which unfortunately happens to many people unknowingly. So whether it’s these tasks or some others on your some day, honey do or project list, completing some of those “still need to do’s” will have you feeling good as you get ready to celebrate some of the more popular holidays coming up this summer. Mishele Vieira, CPO®, owner of Away With Chaos helps overwhelmed, overscheduled and under-organized people make room for what matters most in their home, work and life. Visit the Away with Chaos boot at ChamberFest or contact her at mishele@awaywithchaos.com.

Reserve your ad space today for our annual Fourth of July Parade Edition!

following locations: Drollinger Building Lobby (8929 and 8939 Sepulveda building) Westchester Family YMCA Covenant Presbyterian Church The Guilded Cage Airport Office Center Medical Office Building Chase Bank The Coffee Co. Paradise Building Lucky Cleaner Ayara Thai Cuisine Ted’s Hair Design Truxton’s American Bistro Soundsations Needlepoints West Westchester Watch Works Bill Rosendahl’s Office Loyola Village Library Senior Center Loyola Village Library Elks Lodge Ralph’s Westchester Watch Works Kentwood Playhouse The Real Estate Consultants Office Dario’s Carpet Tower Pizza Chase Bank Paradise Building LAX Coastal Area Chamber of

Commerce Wells Fargo Westchester CenterPointe Club Playa Vista Library Dinah’s Restaurant Lucky Cleaners Family First Playa Vista Urgent Care Coffee Bean Cantalini’s Emerson Pharmacy Howe Liquor Del Rey Liquor Ace Cleaners Coin Laundry Felicia’s Coffee Garden Outlaws The Shack Prince of Wales Tanner’s Coffee Holy Nativity Westchester United Methodist Westchester Christian Church Zacha Homes Airport Marina Counseling Service Lloyd Taber Library Piknik Holloway Cleaners Trader Joe’s Shopping Center *partial list of drop-offs

Reserve your ad space at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com

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Stay up-to-date on the community’s news and events by liking us on Facebook!

In Your Hand and Now on Facebook. HomeTown News (310) 641-1016 westchesterhometown@yahoo.com thehtn.com

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Email us at westchesterhometown@yahoo.com June 2012

Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News

NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL OF WESTCHESTER / PLAYA Run for Your Seat on Neighborhood Council About half of the seats will be on the election ballot in the fall of ������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������

Nominate A Star of the Neighborhood ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Please provide the following informaton to nominate a Star of the Neighborhood (PLEASE PRINT NEATLY)


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Nominations must be received by no later than June 15, 2012

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Please mail / fax to: Stars of the Neighborhood 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd PMB 191A Westchester, CA 90045 (310) 821-9429 (fax) Or email the information above to: starneighbors@aol.com


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