Trees in the Farming Landscape

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Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Trees in the Farming Landscape Meike Weiser Forest for Cornwall Project Officer

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

What is agroforestry?

And why is it good for farming?

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Agroforestry options: • Hedgerows with standards: Allowing occasional trees to grow up into fully mature standards along field boundaries. Widening hedgerows can create important wildlife corridors between other isolated habitats across the landscape.

Trees can provide an additional source of trace minerals and protein.

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Agroforestry options: • Silvo-pasture: the inclusion of trees in livestock/grazing systems

Deadwood and scrub are important components

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Agroforestry options: • Silvoarable/Alley cropping: Trees are planted in set rows to complement the underlying grassland management.

Planting rows can follow contours or be orientated north– south depending on management and species choice

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Agroforestry options: • Alley Cropping with Arable the intercropping of trees with annual or perennial crops .

Alley widths should be around 24 m

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Agroforestry options: • Orchards/Traditional

Stem spacing can vary from 510m depending on rootstock and species used.

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Agroforestry options: • Shelterbelts Planting density can vary between 1–2m between stems

The sheltered area can extend to 20 times the height of the tallest tree

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Agroforestry options: • Small copse and infield corners

In-field copses can be used as anchor points for holistic / mob grazing systems

Field corner plantings when connected by hedgerows help to improve the connectivity of the landscape for wildlife

Information Classification: PUBLIC NATURE RECOVERY TEAM


Rosuick Organic Farm, The Lizard • 25ha of new agroforestry • Significant and complex site on a national scale • Consultation with Natural England (SSSI), Historic England and National Landscapes

Information Classification: PUBLIC NATURE RECOVERY TEAM


• Planting consists of diverse interventions: • Shelterbelts • Parkland • Habitat enhancement planting • Living barns • Silvopasture w/ timber production • Grazed alleys of orchard/fruit production • New hedgerow standards

Information Classification: PUBLIC

Tregerles Farm: • Intensive silvoarable system. The first of its kind in Cornwall • Grazed by cattle, sheep, horses and goats • Designed with farmer to be a workable, productive system with forthcoming SFI payments in mind • Plans created with HER input for historic round

Information Classification: PUBLIC

Future projects: Petalon

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

For funding options and advice please visit our website

Forest-for-Cornwall-Programme Contact the Forest for Cornwall Team

Email: Mobile: 07871736295

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