On the surface, the western lifestyle might just seem to be about the look: cowboy hats, pearl snap shirts, Wrangler jeans, and some boots. But, we all know it’s about much more than that. It’s about working hard and getting the job done even when the odds continue to stack against you. It’s about independence: doing things for yourself instead of having to rely on someone else. A necessity and some of that independent spirit became a passion and a business for Jolene Phillips who started creating her own cinches about two years ago. As she put it, “My husband needed a cinch, and I thought to myself, I could make him one!” A cinch for her husband turned into one for each of her four children and herself. After her product stood the test of time, sweat, and dirt, she started making them for friends and family and from there, her business, Arizona Ranch Gear was born. Having grown up on a ranch in Utah and now ranching with her husband in Winkelman, Arizona, Jolene has always known a cinch is an essential part of the rig. It was only when she started making her own did she give it much thought. Research on the best product to use for her cinches led her to use one hundred percent Mohair, a yarn made from the wool of Angora goats. This material works well for a cinch in any climate but outshines competitors in the hot, dry, desert. It’s soft and doesn’t stretch or shrink, something that might happen with wool blends or other synthetics. As Jolene mentioned, “Our horses are almost always sweaty, and the Mohair wicks the sweat away from their body, keeping them comfortable so they can continue to work.” PG. 20 :: SUMMER 2019
Not only can a person purchase a high quality, hand made cinch from Jolene, but customization is also available. She enjoys adding personalization on her customer’s cinches, but a brand touches her heart. “There is something really cool about cinching up and seeing your brand on the side of your horse,” she explains. “It makes you feel proud.” Cactus is another specialty of hers including the iconic Saguaro. Flowers and other designs are available, but really the customer’s imagination is the limit on what she can add. A saddle is an essential piece of equipment for the rancher and once the perfect one is found you’d be hard pressed to pull that piece of leather away from its owner. Yet, without an excellent cinch to keep that thing strapped on to your horse, it’s not worth a whole lot unless you have outstanding balance! For many of you, we suggest ordering one from Jolene. To order a customized cinch and learn how to measure your horse for the proper fit, head over to Instagram at Jolene’s handle @ azranchgear. A direct message is the way to get a hold of an order form which provides space for you to fill in details of what you want on your cinch, which buckle you’d like, length, and other information.