Part of the Farmer Group Rural Newspapers covering Victoria

THE community has rallied behind the efforts of father and son duo Stephen ‘Pappy’ and Jackson Hunt, who transported two truckloads of hay to the fire-affected Grampians recently.
The Hunt family, the owners of Simpson-based Hunt Excavations, made the more than five-hour round trip north of Moyston in solidarity with those who had made their own donations after the south west was impacted by the St Patrick’s Day fires in 2018.
Pappy Hunt said his son had pitched the idea, and the pair didn’t need to spend much time on the thought.
“It was no big deal to us, just helping some others out,” he said.
“People have donated to support our community when there has been a fire out this way, so we wanted to do the same for them.
“I’m not a farmer but my father was among the early settlers at Heytesbury.
“Jackson and I had spare hay from a block we’re leasing so we wanted to donate what we could.”
Mr Hunt said he and his son turned to Need for Feed Australia in search of locals who could add some additional hay to fill their truck.
The family was quickly inundated with support from
Ian Lester, Denise O’Keeffe, Kevin and Carla Gass, Dan and Tania Campbell, Paul and Helene Foster, and Brad Plozza.
Not only did the additional support fill their truck, but it also filled a second truck – which Tom ‘Boof’ Robertson donated for the Hunts to use.
“We asked if some others could give a bit, and they were fantastic,” Mr Hunt said.
“That’s the strong thing with farmers – they get busy doing so much each day but when something goes wrong, everyone wants to do their bit.”
The Hunts set off for the trip around 40 minutes beyond Moyston to make their delivery – a trip which Mr Hunt acknowledged was special to undertake with his son, but also heart-wrenching when they arrived to see the devastation.
“To see it burnt like it is, was unbelievable,” he said.
“Fire is so damaging, it doesn’t take prisoners and destroys everything in its path – homes, farms, animals.
“So many people have lost sheds and fencing; it’s so destructive even the plastic culverts installed on farm tracks melt.
“It was eye-opening but to go with my son, that was special to do that with him.”
The Grampians fire was contained after 21 days thanks to the efforts of hundreds of Country Fire Authority (CFA) units – with volunteers giving up their Christmas to help battle the blaze.
The CFA has since confirmed the fire footprint had a circumference of 422 kilometres – burning more than 76,000 hectares of national park and agricultural land along with four residential properties and 40 outbuildings.
Preliminary data shows more than 775 sheep, one horse, one beef cattle, 1285 beehives and an untold number of wild animals perished.
Need for Feed Australia took to social media to thank the Hunt family, and all involved in the donation, for their efforts – which, at the time of publication, had amassed thousands of interactions.
Mr Hunt said it was rewarding to know how appreciated his small effort had been received by so many, but was quick to acknowledge those who had given far more.
“All credit goes to the CFA, they’re the ones out of in front of it,” he said.
“We played a small part but if you can roll in with a load of hay, it helps.”
LIVESTOCK agent Andrew Wilson recently pleaded guilty to four charges for traceability offences under the Livestock Disease Control Regulations 2017.
Mr Wilson, who appeared in the Warrnambool Magistrates’ Court last month, was sentenced to an aggregate fine of $2,500 with conviction.
He was also given an order for costs of $341.79.
Agriculture Victoria compliance manager
Daniel Bode said on four occasions in October and November 2023, Mr Wilson sent cattle to an abattoir in Tongala (Victoria) without recording or forwarding the property
identification code prior to their dispatch.
“This resulted in the loss of lifetime traceability for a total of 61 animals,” Mr Bode said.
The Magistrate considered Mr Wilson’s prior convictions for related offending in 2017 and 2021, his plea of guilty and actions taken to prevent further offending.
The Magistrate also commented that the offending had consequences of significance and general deterrence was necessary to send a message.
Mr Bode said the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) is Australia’s system for identifying and tracking cattle, buffalo and bison for disease control, food safety and market access purposes.
“An effective traceability system is critical to protecting Victoria from biosecurity risks and ensuring access to international markets,” Mr Bode said.
“The NLIS provides information about a product’s journey from farm to the end consumer and enables prompt responses to food safety incidents, emergency animal diseases and also protects the reputation of Victoria’s livestock industry as a supplier of quality meat and dairy products for domestic and export markets.”
Mr Bode said the detection of the offending and thorough investigation conducted by the department had ensured potential risks to Victorian livestock and consumers were avoided.
“The outcome of the matters brought before the court served as a strong reminder the Victorian community takes biosecurity seriously,” Mr Bode said.
“The vast majority of Victorian producers do an excellent job helping to ensure a strong biosecurity system is maintained.
“A strong biosecurity system not only protects our agriculture sector, but also our environment, biodiversity, cultural heritage, economy and way of life.”
For more information on NLIS, including training on how to use the system, please visit
Anyone wishing to make a specific complaint in regard to livestock welfare or traceability breaches can contact Agriculture Victoria on 136 186.
AS we move through summer, heat stress in livestock can become a major issue both for production levels and animal welfare, but there are precautions that you can take.
According to Agriculture Victoria senior veterinary officer Dr Jeff Cave, the ideal temperature range for cattle is between five and 25°C, and for adult pigs just 18 to 20°C.
“It is important to remember high producing livestock, such as dairy cows, are the animals most sensitive to heat stress,” Dr Cave said.
“Poultry have been known to perish due to heat stress on very hot days.”
As temperatures rise, animals use their energy to cool themselves – this results in reduced production or weight gain.
Feed intake is also reduced, further increasing these impacts.
High humidity can also play a significant role in heat stress.
For any given temperature, the degree of heat stress increases as the relative humidity increases.
“Heat stress can significantly impact the production and animal welfare of your stock,” Dr Cave said.
“Check your livestock daily, looking for any signs of stress during hot weather. Heat stressed livestock will seek out shade, drink more, eat less, stand rather than laying down, pant, may produce less milk and can be less fertile.
“On hot days, give livestock unlimited access to shade or shelter and good quality, cool drinking water.”
Dr Cave encourages all property owners to ensure they are ready to implement their fire plan.
“Avoid moving animals during the hottest part of the day and try to avoid on extreme days,” he said.
“High quality feed should be given during the evening when it is cooler, as livestock are more likely to consume it.
“If you are not living at a property, arrange for a neighbour to check on animals in your absence.”
By making some minor management changes and taking a little extra care of your livestock in extreme hot weather, the effects of heat stress can be substantially reduced delivering better welfare and production outcomes.
For further information contact your local veterinarian or Agriculture Victoria veterinary or animal health officer.
Jodi Fry
FIVE days before Christmas, the Grampians National Park was on fire.
Started by a lightning strike in thick, inaccessible bush, the fire flourished out of control.
In its path were towns and homes, families, animals and livelihoods.
It took 21 days to bring this fire under control.
More than 76,000 hectares of national park and agricultural land were burnt.
The fire claimed four residential properties in Moyston and Mafeking, and 40 outbuildings in Moyston, Willaura, Willaura North, Mafeking, Pomonal, Glenthompson and Mirranatwa.
Preliminary data indicates livestock losses include 775 sheep, one horse, one beef cattle and 1,285 beehives.
Additionally, more than 13,538 ha of farmland, including 10,053 ha of pasture was burnt, and 540 km of fencing was damaged.
The impact of these fires on so many people was enormous and profound.
The impact on businesses, in what would normally be an incredibly busy time of year, was devastating.
I have heard figures of a 25 per cent reduction in annual income lost –accommodation venue cancellations, cafes, hotels, supermarkets with no patronage… the list is large.
Then there is the emotional toll, the trauma.
For those of us on the outside, we worried for the loved ones fighting the blazes to protect people and property.
For those fighting the fires, there is always a toll.
The weight of decision making; being responsible for other members of your team.
Coming to grips with images that become imbedded in your head.
Christmas becomes a non-event in situations like this – because the fire is ‘the event.’
There are no words that can adequately express our gratitude for the work of our CFA volunteers and emergency services who have valiantly protected communities yet again.
Charlie Blackwell is a lieutenant in the
Dunkeld CFA.
His family has been farming at Dunkeld for over 100 years and has a proud history of involvement within the community and the CFA.
He said it was a “harrowing few weeks,” when the winds took hold of the fire and it escalated out of control.
“The fire was only 15 kilometres to the north of our property,” he said.
“We implemented our fire management plan; we had moved stock onto the summer crops and into containment areas. We were covered in smoke and dust as we patrolled for embers.”
Charlie had sent his family off farm early to keep them safe, and to join his CFA co-workers at the fire front.
In a de-brief within his Dunkeld brigade after the fire, Charlie said how amazing the volunteers and neighbouring strike teams were.
Conditions were really difficult but the teams coped well.
“There were some concerns over information getting to and from incident command and we will work on improving that,” he said.
“In 2006, the fires spread 22 kilometres in 16 minutes. That was fresh in people’s minds, and there was a real sense of panic; Pomonal, Moyston and Willaura copped the brunt of it.
“What did make a huge difference was the roadside burning that we had undertaken only days before the outbreak – it played a huge part in stopping the fire spread towards Glenthompson.
“That goes to show how important it is, to be able to do roadside burning and how we need the resources to carry them out.
“Unfortunately, regulation is making it more difficult to do roadside burns and reduce the fire fuel loads.
“Roadside burning is also a great way to initiate new CFA members and to gather experience with fire behaviour and to get accustomed with the trucks.”
Charlie was full of praise for his community, who held strong and gave enormous support to one another during the fire.
“We all just pulled together. There were a few beers on offer at the pub and coffees for volunteers at the shop,” he
“It was a job well done by all the volunteers and thanks to the many employers who allowed time off for their staff to fight the fires.”
Pat Millear is group officer for the Westmere CFA Group.
Battling the Grampians fire was a “steep learning curve” according to Pat.
“I believe we have done a good job. We were pretty well organised.”
The Westmere group consists of 18 brigades and about 20 fire trucks which were backed up by about 400 private fire trucks and units, as well as water tankers.
“There was helicopter water bombing and assistance from Forest Fire Management but it was a real battle –our resources were stretched over a huge area.”
Pat is very humbled by the experience.
“You only need to put the word out and the community rocks up,” he said.
“The conditions were bad but we knew that Boxing Day was going to be horrendous, with the forecasted temperature and the winds.
“We spent a lot of time early on in the
Yarram Gap Road and Yaram Park; we had about eight tankers there.
“We were lucky that the pasture was low as the fire came out of the National Park, it was all about trying to protect the fire borders and keep the fire from entering open land.
“There was an ember spot fire that went about six kilometres out to Toora Road from Yarram.
“Christmas Day we had strike teams out towards Dunkeld, and then it really cranked up on Boxing Day when the wind picked up.
“Our area was all the way from south of Yarram Park to Mafeking – it was huge – we had a massive fight on our hands particularly in the Mafeking/Willaura area.”
Pat said the group had people on hills with UHF radios spotting fires and letting members know where it was breaking out.
While Pat was out fighting fires a spot fire started on his own farm on Delacombe Way.
“We were lucky that it ran to the Hopkins River and a private unit managed to control it – we only lost 150 acres.”
Hamilton’s weaner sales
started on Monday, January 13 with a yarding of 4800
Angus and Angus cross steers selling at the average rate of 412c/kg or $1370 on 332kg-average weight steers.
Buyers were represented by locals, processors, finishers and feed-lotters. Volume buyers were few.
Vendors were subject to a rollercoaster of results – from $380c/kg through to around $440 c/kg.
The winter/spring paddock feed season has varied greatly for producers – with some producers stating weight gains this sale compared to last year, but those towards Casterton and down towards Port Fairy stating up to 30kg down per head on the previous year.
This difference is reflected directly with the rainfall totals on farm.
Coffey Partnership sold 62 Angus steers – five weeks weaned, average 344kg – Lawsons, Te mania and Boonaroo sires at $430c/kg.
Jacinta Coffey said conditions on their property near Port Fairy were extremely dry, resulting in their steers being approximately 30kg behind last year’s weaners.
Calga sold 16 Angus steers (six weeks weaned) at an average of 359kg – Pathfinder sires at $390kg.
Simon Cuzens said conditions had been fairly tough on farm but the steers were “pretty good considering.”
There did not appear to be a premium for the European Union
stock, with many buyers opting out of the system.
Bernie Grant of LMB Livestock said the line-up of cattle was very good, “particularly considering the trying conditions.”
“There was good support from buyers from Gippsland, New South Wales and South Australia, but only a couple of feed-lotters,” he added.
“It was a fluctuating sale but a lot of steers, the 350kg plus steers were still making around $1600.”
Day two of the Hamilton weaner sales saw a mixed breed yarding.
Best Presented Pen went to Sandy Camp from the Mibus family.
They sold 22 angus steers, February/March 2024 drop –averaging 465kg, four weeks weaned, EU accredited, Bassano Sire for $405c/kg.
Best Presented Pen of Herefords went to Inverell Herefords, with 18, March/April 2024 drop, Yaram Park and Glendan Park sires, EU accredited steers, averaging 403kg, six weeks weaned for $382c/kg.
H.E & M.F Jarrett sold 26 Angus cross steers, March/April 2024 drop, averaging 381kg, Claremont Sire, two weeks weaned for $394c/ kg.
Sam Savin of Nutrien Ag Solutions Hamilton said the good Angus calves topped out $430 - $440 for the early 300kg.
“There wasn’t really a premium for EU but more a premium for weight, anything over about 400kg,” he said.
“The one soft spot was cattle between 355kg – 375kg – not quite heavy enough for the feedlots and too heavy to go up north.”
Day three, mixed breed and mixed sex European breeds.
Best presented Pen was won by
L.R. & R.B Wheeler with pens one and two.
Pen one was 26 Angus steers, five weeks weaned, Yarram Park and Mawarra sires, EU accredited, averaging 399kg sold for $396c/kg.
In pen two, L.R. & R.B Wheeler 29 Angus steers, five weeks weaned Yarram Park and Mawarra sires, EU accredited, averaging 391kg sold for $406c/kg.
Old Ripponhurst – Elsom family, sold 19 Hereford steers, March/ April 2024 drop, six weeks weaned, Injemira sires, averaging 331kg for $378c/kg.
“The season had been pretty tough but the steers have come through better than expected, considering the conditions,”
Michelle Elsom said.
According to David Elsom they were lucky to get a bit of rain before Christmas and that really got them through.
“It was just at the right time, and that makes all the difference. The steers weigh about the same as last year so we are pretty happy.”
Bernie Grant of LMB Livestock said there was around 2700 cattle in, the top end Hereford steers were making $370 to $390c/kg with the odd lot going over, the second line of Herefords were making $$360 to $380c/kg.
“I think we are starting to see the volume of cattle starting to pressure on the job.”
Day four of the weaner sales kicked off at 8.30am and saw 1700 mixed breed heifers being sold.
This was to allow more weaner cattle to be sold from Mortlake Livestock Exchange (WVLX) in the afternoon.
The market saw mostly Angus heifers offered.
Top end heifers for breeding stock were selling for around the $350c/kg, then the second run of lighter weight heifers sat in the $320-$340c/kg range – mostly going to feed-lotters.
Day five from Western Victorian Livestock Exchange in Mortlake saw the remainder of the almost 8000 cattle sold.
Livestock agent Jack Kelly said it was a “wonderful achievement” for Mortlake to draw so many cattle.
“This was the first time we’ve had numbers like this. The vendors have been through one of the toughest years I have seen since being in the industry, and the cattle have presented well.
“The longer the cattle have been weaned (up to eight weeks) the better they looked and the quieter they were.
“It’s given them an opportunity to get some weight on. Steers have made anywhere from $380c/kg to the tops around $445c/kg. Heavier weight steers were headed to feedlotters.”
Thomas Foods International buyer Ben Davies said he was surprised with how the cattle looked.
“I am quite surprised; the conditions have been very tough here yet the cattle look better than I expected.
“I thought they could be back 30-40kg but most have come through better than I thought.”
Mr Davies bought 1200 weaners out of the western district to go into TFI’s feedlots.
Overall, the market was slightly weaker than previous sales at Naracoorte and Wodonga.
Northern buyers were dominant, taking around 90 per cent of the yarding’s after good seasonal conditions.
There was an obvious difference between steers and heifer prices –with heifers considerably cheaper, and strong demand for cattle with weight.
THE reintroduction of an agricultural field day at Koroit is filling a void in south-west Victoria and exceeding organiser expectations.
The field day will be held on Saturday, February 22 as part of the Koroit Show. It has already attracted more than 25 exhibitors, with more expected before the event.
The positive response could lead to the event being extended next year.
The field day will fill a gap left by the Sungold Field Days, that were last held at Allansford in 2020.
The event had run since 1981 and was recognised as the one of Victoria’s premier agricultural shows.
Koroit field day co-ordinator, Julie Houlihan, said the response to the new event had shown the need for a local agricultural field day.
“When the much-loved Sungold Field Days stopped, we knew there was a gap in the market,” Mrs Houlihan said.
“We decided to have a go and combine it with the show and we’ve been overwhelmed with enquiries and bookings.
“Because it’s the first year, we didn’t know if it would take off, but with the response we’ve had, next year we might have to run two days or look at running the show separately.”
The field day will feature more than 25 exhibitors, including tractors, drones, contracting and irrigation equipment, dairy innovation and feed and pasture companies.
The event will cover all agricultural fields but with a special focus on dairy.
All the usual agricultural show events will be also be held, including horses, cattle, poultry, cooking, flower/vegetable and photography classes.
“The field day will add another dimension and will make sure we remain relevant to the community, especially agricultural industries,” Mrs Houlihan said.
Most of the field day will be based on land owned by the agricultural society on the side of Victoria Park, with the oval being kept for traditional show activities.
Mrs Houlihan said the field day would provide a platform for farmers to learn about new technologies, techniques, and products.
It would also facilitate networking opportunities between farmers, suppliers, and industry experts, and showcase the latest research and development in agriculture.
This will include new crop varieties, farming methods and equipment.
There will be a range of hands-on demonstrations and trials of agricultural
products and services along with discussions on key industry issues such as sustainability, climate change, animal husbandry and environmental management.
“Koroit Agricultural Field Days aim to promote the development of sustainable and productive agriculture, and to support farmers in improving their operations and contributing to the growth of the agricultural industry,” Mrs Houlihan said.
Innovation technical presentations and workshops will run through the day.
Selected suppliers and service providers will outline how their products’ features are innovative and would be useful to attending farmers.
The DemoDAIRY Foundation will assist with this activity.
The presentations and workshops will take place in the basketball stadium.
BOONAROO’S Claire, Shane and Jodie Foster welcome everyone to view this year’s exceptional bull sale line-up at their open days before heading to the main event on 21 February.
BOONAROO Angus is excited to introduce five new powerhouse sires into its sale lineup this year, after investing in the country’s best bulls, purchased exclusively to provide clients with the best outcross and the most versatile genetics available.
Shane and Jodie Foster, with children Tom and Claire, started the Boonaroo Angus breeding program back in 2003, concentrating on structure and phenotype, retaining females which thrive in the stud’s sandy soils, with good feet and temperament number one on the ‘must have’ list.
“We’re really conscious of catering for those clients who support the annual weaner sales and are grass finishing in the paddocks, to meet modern markets,” Jodie said.
“We aim to breed bulls with strong phenotype, soft, deep, with structural strength and docile temperament.
“We are focusing heavily on fat cover, muscling, and carcase quality in our 600 registered cows, combining these traits to produce cattle which can run at higher stocking rates without losing their ability to finish and be fertile.
“Our genetics aim to assist-grass finishing producers to breed an animal which can be efficiently finished year-round on grass.”
To meet the Fosters’ own high standards, Te Mania Reaves R574 (the $130,000 record priced son of Peru), Te Mania Resolution R970, Lawsons Quantum R652 ($26,000) and R238 ($40,000) and the curve bending Cluden Newry R214 ($50,000), have been added to Boonaroo’s sire battery.
“These are an outcross to mainstream bloodlines, offering new, fresh genetics of bulls that aim to increase market versatility (feedlots or grass finishing), feed efficiency, structural soundness and marbling without compromising type,” Jodie said.
“At Boonaroo we focus investment into genetics that make cattle versatile and suited to all markets.
“New genetics producing balanced bulls that can sire progeny which excel in MSA
grading and compliance and at the same time excel in the paddock maternally.”
The majority of the 130 bulls in the 2025 sale group are ‘curve benders’ – they are 18-month-old bulls which offer calving ease without compromising growth and quality.
Generations of New Zealand genetics back through the cow herd, can be seen in the robust, sound, and deep-bodied line of bulls, many years of dedication to performance recording creates performance predictability and Boonaroo bulls are guaranteed sound and fertile.
Shane and Jodie said while the southwest’s green drought conditions this year created tough times for farmers across the board, Boonaroo was buoyed by a big team of supporters.
“We want to send a huge thank you and all the very best for the new year to our clients, our agents and everyone who has supported us in 2024; it has been one of the toughest years imaginable and it has brought to the fore the need for feed efficient cattle which respond quickly to feed and bounce back with vengeance,”
Jodie said.
Outside of the sale ring, Boonaroo’s major focus is pre and after-market service, with customer satisfaction their top priority.
“We want everyone to walk away from our sale with bulls and genetics that work for their environment and their production system,” Jodie said.
“Providing extensive genetic information on our bulls and working with clients up to the sale to identify their needs, then touching base with them when we deliver bulls, learning about their individual businesses and just chatting one-on-one, is something that we really enjoy in what we do.”
Boonaroo Angus can be found at Foster’s Lane, Corndale and Jodie and Shane can be phoned for information on 0475 239 687 or 0487 133 824.
Boonaroo will have its first field day at Clifton, Hamilton on Wednesday, 29 January, where 40 sale bulls and 10 heifers will be displayed.
The SA Beef Week Field Day will be at Boonaroo on Tuesday, 11 February, with all sale bulls and a heifer display
The 21st Boonaroo Angus Sale is held at Boonaroo on February 21, 2025
Inspections from 9.30am Auction starting at 11.30am (VIC time)
LIVESTOCK owners are encouraged to look for signs of blue-green algae when inspecting farm dams, troughs and other water sources.
This is particularly important during the warmer months, when algal blooms are more likely to occur.
Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, is bacteria that can multiply rapidly under certain conditions.
Blue-green algae is more likely to occur when the water is warm and enriched with nutrients like phosphorus or nitrogen.
While blue-green algal blooms typically appear as green paint-like surface scum in water, they can also be reddish-purple or brown in colour. It can be difficult to tell blue-green algae from other less toxic algal species.
Blue-green algae may contain toxins that damage the liver or nervous system.
Drinking contaminated water can kill livestock quickly and a number of livestock may be affected at the same time.
Animals exposed to affected water supplies may continue to die over a prolonged period. In milder cases, productivity losses may occur, which in dairy cattle may be seen as decreased milk yield.
If a suspicious bloom is found, farmers should move their stock to an area on the property with a safe alternative water source.
Farmers should plan for managing water availability in the event that a blue-green algal bloom impacts their primary livestock drinking water supply.
The plan should include calculating how much water livestock would require if the primary water supply was unsafe to drink and identifying additional alternative on-farm water supplies that could be utilised quickly.
In the medium-term, your plan could include improving water reticulation systems, considering options for treating blue-green algae affected water, or agisting your stock elsewhere until your farm water is safe again.
Jodi Fry
HAVE you checked on the regulations for replacing a boundary fence?
According to the Moyne Planning Scheme VC237 (clause 52.17) the requirements are as follows:
To ensure that there is no net loss to biodiversity as a result of the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation. This is achieved by applying the following three step approach in accordance with the Guidelines for the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation (Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, 2017) (the Guidelines):
1. Avoid the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation.
2. Minimise impacts from the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation that cannot be avoided.
3. Provide an offset to compensate for the biodiversity impact if a permit is granted to remove, destroy or lop native vegetation. To manage the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation to minimise land and water degradation.
Permit requirement:
A permit is required to remove, destroy or lop native vegetation, including dead native vegetation. This does not apply:
• If the table to Clause 52.17-7 specifically states that a permit is not required.
• If a native vegetation precinct plan corresponding to the land is incorporated into this scheme and listed in the schedule to Clause 52.16.
• To the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation specified in the schedule to this clause.
Do be aware that if you require a permit to remove native vegetation, that you may be required to offset that loss.
A ‘property vegetation plan’ will be required to show where a farm will incorporate new native vegetation to compensate or offset the loss.
Also be aware that, in order to comply with council regulations, you need to read the entire native vegetation guidelines before commencing fence replacement.
Heavy fines have been handed out to those who have been considered over zealous with the clearing.
There was a boundary fence replaced locally, where the fence-line was cleared to enable machinery easier access for fencing.
Unfortunately, there was a fine imposed for excess clearing.
WHEN it comes to loading livestock for transport, farmers are urged to ensure their stock is ‘fit for travel.’
Livestock must be inspected prior to being loaded and they must not be suffering from conditions that could cause, or would be likely to cause, increased pain or distress during transport.
Agriculture Victoria senior veterinary officer Dr Jeff Cave said if farmers are in doubt about any animal’s suitability for transport, they should always ask their private veterinarian or any Agriculture Victoria animal health officer or veterinary officer for advice.
A guideline titled ‘Is the animal fit to load?’ has been produced by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and can viewed on MLA’s website.
An animal is not fit to load if it is not able to walk normally or bear weight on all its legs (this may be due to a recent or old fracture, an injury, a deformity or an infection) and if it’s not strong enough to make the journey.
It is also not fit to load if it’s not strong enough to make the journey, is suffering from severe distress or injury, is blind in both eyes or is in late
If it has a condition that could cause it increased pain or distress during transport, an animal should also not be loaded.
According to Dr Cave, there are a few options available when an animal is considered not fit to load.
“You could treat the animal and transport it when it has recovered and is fit to load – naturally this is not an option in cases that aren’t readily treatable,” Dr Cave said.
“Alternatively, you could humanely destroy the animal. A knackery service is available in many areas to help with this option.
“Or you could consult a veterinarian and only transport the animal under veterinary advice.”
Dr Cave also sent a reminder that it was the person in charge of the animal who was also responsible for its welfare.
“Community values and expectations will not accept anything less. If it is unfit to load it is unfit to be presented at a saleyard,” Dr Cave said. For further information on animal welfare contact your local animal health staff at Agriculture Victoria on 136 186.
AGRICULTURE Victoria is inviting farm business owners and managers to take part in a free online business program.
The innovative program supports farmers to build on their knowledge and skills to strengthen their farm business and be better equipped to manage the risks associated with a variable climate.
The online program, starting in February on Wednesdays, runs over six weeks and is suitable for livestock, grains, mixed farmers, horticulturalists and apiarists.
Past participants have rated the program highly for satisfaction and benefits gained.
Project leader Kit Duncan-Jones said participants would improve their skills and knowledge to better prepare for and manage risk, adapt to change and strengthen their farm businesses.
“The course is designed to help farmers set and achieve their individual business goals and is relevant to those who are new to farming and young farmers, as well as more experienced farmers,” she said.
The program will be made up of five sessions on key farm management topics, including identifying and managing risks, strategic planning and setting business goals; financial management, budgeting
and profitable decision making; managing people on farm, succession planning and farm safety; climate risk and natural resource management, and business planning.
As part of completing the course, participants will be offered a one-on-one session with an experienced farm management consultant to review their business plan.
Mr Duncan-Jones said participants would be supported by Agriculture Victoria staff and farm business consultants from Rural People Co.
“Online delivery of the course allows farmers from anywhere in the state to participate from the comfort of their own homes or workplace and without the added time commitment of travel,” he said.
“If you’re a farmer who wants to better manage your business, strengthen your farm resilience to withstand future droughts and shocks, and set up your farm for success now and into the future, this is the program for you.”
To register your interest, please complete the short survey here: wUGjPY3MvJ
For more information contact Sarah Clack on 0417 316 345 or at sarah.clack@agriculture.vic.
We are heading into our 54th Bull Sale on Tuesday February, 25 2025 at 1pm, and invite you to visit our sale line up at the Beef Week Field Day on Wednesday 29th January.
Both two-year-old and eighteenmonth-old bulls will be on display, along with a group of Registered HBR and APR PTIC females that will be offered for sale on AuctionsPlus following the field day.
Reference Sires include Sterling Pacific, Witherswood Bronc P197, Waitara Quidditch Q43, Landfall Mainland Q494, Myers Fair N Square, Dunoon Quambatook Q317 and TeMania Perique P1224. There is plenty of power, calving ease, phenotype, docility and carcase from these sires. Sterling Pacific is creating a lot of interest in the industry.
We will have his second run of bulls for sale here at Weeran. His progeny are a standout. He is a powerful sire with top 1% growth data coupled with excellent docility and feed efficiency. His type and structure are flawless and with breed leading carcase weight and IMF, it makes him a must use in our eyes. We are excited to watch his progeny grow out.
Landfall Mainland continues to tick many boxes after his
sons sold very well in the 2024 sales. Witherswood Bronc keeps producing top grade sale bulls. He has been in the production system for some time, and we are seeing his females now perform. He just continues to deliver.
Myers Fair N Square is an outcross sire with that extra shape the industry is always looking for.
A very high growth and carcase bull. TeMania Perique also has a number of embryo sons in the sale, which are a very nice type. Waitara Quidditch is also a calving ease sire, who adds thickness to his progeny and incredibly quiet.
Fifty plus years of performance recording continues to this day by our enthusiastic team who share our passion. Every calf is weighed at birth, sale bulls and heifers scanned for IMF and EMA, regular weights taken and to top it off, genomics on all sale bulls.
To have the ‘actual’ information to back up the genomics, gives our figures great accuracy along with sire verification! The success of Weeran Angus is the honesty in our program along with the passion year in year out from our dedicated team. We are investing in top walking sires, along with using leading genetics in the AI and ET programs.
It is an exciting time to be offering these genetics with Alec Moore
saying ….the beef boom is just around the corner!!!!!
The sale bulls have been bred from a cow herd of 850. The females are proving their worth with the ‘old girls’ still performing, alongside the newest and latest genetics joining them. You cannot underestimate the maternal power behind these bulls. A number of the bulls in our sale have also been used as yearlings in our own joining program. We have two sales a
year which ensures our clients can access Weeran genetics when needed.
There are very strict parameters for the bulls to reach the sale. All bulls are structurally assessed by Dick Whale of IBMS and fertility tested by Nationwide A.B. Temperament is something we are very proud of, with Weeran having a great reputation for docility in the Cow herd and sale bulls. We receive fantastic feedback from
clients to back this up. We look forward to welcoming you at Beef Week on Wednesday 29th January and our on-property bull sale on Tuesday 25th February. Please call us if you would like to visit us at another time to look at our program. We welcome your interest in Weeran Angus. To keep up to date, please visit our website www.weeranangus. and also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
INNOVATIVE sensor technologies, such as those used on dairy cattle, are generating large data sets that open up new research opportunities.
The Dairy UP team is taking advantage of this, in a project that aims to improve the accuracy of the Heat Tolerance Australian Breeding Value (ABV).
Under the supervision of Dr Anna Chlingaryan, Dairy UP PhD student Alice Shirley is using data from rumen sensors to explore how cattle respond differently to heat events.
The team is using artificial intelligence (AI) tools to develop a hybrid AI-based model to improve the assessment of heat tolerance in dairy cows.
The model draws upon more than 20 years of historical climate and dairy cattle production data to improve the identification of more heattolerant animals.
By collaborating with DairyBio and DataGene, Dairy UP researchers aim to contribute to a better tool for breeding dairy cattle with improved heat tolerance.
The current heat tolerance ABV, published by DataGene, allows farmers to identify and breed animals with greater ability to tolerate hot, humid conditions with less impact on milk production.
However, it is derived only from genomic DNA testing and has relatively low reliability, leading to slow uptake by farmers.
The research will develop phenotypes (indicators of animal performance that can be measured in commercial animals) to add to the model for the heat tolerance ABV.
Combining genomics with traditional and new measures of heat tolerance should improve the reliability and accuracy of the heat tolerance ABV.
The research used data (supplied by SmaXtec) from three Australian pasture-based dairy farms with more than 1400 cows fitted with rumen sensors to monitor core body temperature every 10 minutes, 24 hours a day.
A water threshold model has been developed to track the impact of drinking on core body temperature.
Climate data, obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology over the past 20 years, has been used to match observations from the cows.
Initial research has found significant variation between animals’ core body temperature and their drinking behaviour. It has also demonstrated core body temperatures increased at lower temperature
and humidity index levels than previously thought.
The research will continue, with a collaborative project undertaken by DairyBio and La Trobe University PhD student Laura Jensen under the
supervision of Professor Jennie Pryce. It will combine the animals’ genetic and performance data with a variety of approaches, including the sensor technologies from the Dairy UP project.
Dairy UP PhD student, Alice Shirley, is exploring how cattle respond differently to heat events. Cows on three
AGRICULTURE Victoria has lifted quarantine on the last property impacted by H7 avian influenza, bringing the outbreak in Victoria to an end.
In 2024 Victoria experienced Australia’s largest avian influenza outbreak.
Between May 22 and June 24, eight commercial poultry properties in south-west Victoria had birds that tested positive for high pathogenicity H7 avian influenza.
Seven infected properties near Meredith were confirmed to have a high pathogenicity H7N3 strain of avian influenza, and one infected property near Terang was confirmed to have a high pathogenicity H7N9 strain.
Victoria’s acting chief veterinary officer Dr Cameron Bell said the two Victorian H7 strains of avian influenza were now successfully eradicated.
“Victoria’s response included undertaking extensive surveillance, with testing of 38,000 birds taking place,” Dr Bells said.
“The collaborative efforts of government, the chicken meat and egg industries, and the community have ensured that we could respond effectively to the outbreak.”
All bird owners across Victoria are reminded to maintain good biosecurity practices including keeping poultry sheds, yards, aviaries and equipment clean and excluding wild birds from feed and drinking water.
If you are a poultry farmer, backyard flock owner or bird owner, report any unexplained bird deaths to your private vet, Agriculture Victoria on 136 186 or the Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) Hotline on 1800 675 888.
TWENTY-FIVE of the best bulls of Chateau Limousin’s will go under the hammer on Thursday, March 6 at 1.00pm on property at Londrigan via Wangaratta.
With a blend on traditional Apricot and Black sires on offer including 18 poled bulls (including seven Homozygous Polled), coupled this year with a draft of stud 15 females, backed with over 40 years of
careful selection to present the finest quality Limousin genetics available.
The bull offering will consist of Rising twoyear-olds and 18-month-olds with an even balance of short gestation, calving ease sires suitable for joining maiden heifers through to rugged high weight gain bulls - with a large portion of both groups of bulls having carcass weight EBV’s in the leading end of the breed, and with an even split between the Apricot and Black coated bulls enabling
ample choice on both sides.
With females being added to the on property sale for just a second time, the McIntyre Family are proud to offer up some of the latest genetics in unison with some of their highly proven home grown pedigrees that have lasted a lifetime.
Reflecting the bull draft, the female portion offers Black, Apricot and French Pure matrons worthy of any inspection, from heifers not yet 12 months old, through
to Spring joined heifers and two Autumn calving two-year-olds.
The sale will be conducted via Video format with footage shown during the sale, while the stock will be on display, with the sale being interfaced with Auctions Plus. video and photos will be available from mid to late January via the studs website and facebook page. Stud contact Andrew McIntyre is also available on 0428 191 282 for any questions or to arrange a pre-sale inspection.
MORE than 40 young people from across Victoria and South Australia enjoyed a taste of the dairy industry at a camp in Noorat early January.
The Western District Youth Camp was held at the Noorat Showgrounds from January 6-8 and attracted a capacity 44 participants aged 8-16 from Gippsland, northern Victoria, south-east South Australia and the local community.
The camp, revived last year after a three-year hiatus, aimed to introduce a new generation of young people to the world of dairy cattle.
Organising committee member Bryan Dickson said the 2024 camp was a resounding success and this year’s event had also been fully subscribed.
Mr Dickson said there was a strong focus on education and dairy career pathways, along with animal husbandry and raising cattle.
There was also opportunities for participants to learn about showing cattle,
which culminated in a handling competition.
Representatives from WestVic Dairy, DemoDAIRY Foundation and the Timboon Agriculture Project were on hand to discuss potential career opportunities and pathways in the dairy industry.
There was also talks from people who have shown and judged cattle in competitions around Australia and USA.
The camp received strong support from the industry, including major sponsors DemoDAIRY Foundation, Genetics Australia and Jefo.
Mr Dickson said support from sponsors was essential for the success of the event to support the future of the dairy industry.
“The basic reason for running the camp is to get young people interested in dairying and agriculture in general,” Mr Dickson said.
“A lot of kids who did agricultural programs at school became dairy farmers because of that exposure, and we want to inspire the next generation to do the same.
“Some kids who attended last year from Melbourne had never been on a farm before or had any involvement with cows and they got a lot out of it. Gone are the days when most people had a relative on a farm that they could visit.”
Most of the participants had some farming
background but some were introduced to agriculture for the first time.
Mr Dickson said the camp had been fully booked, with people on a waiting list.
“It was a good number and we weren’t able to take any more, but it shows the level of interest in dairy and agriculture,” he said.
SEVEN years ago Trevor Parrish’s bull-buying clients were asking about the new Heat Tolerance Australian Breeding Value (ABV). Now it doesn’t rate a mention, unless it is hot.
But that’s not because the bullbreeder’s clients don’t care about heat tolerance.
It’s quite the contrary. These farmers, who are mostly in New South Wales and Queensland, consider heat tolerance one of the core breeding values that make-up a sustainable and efficient animal. These farmers, who milk up to 2000 cows, expect high Balanced Performance Index (BPI) bulls to have an above average Heat Tolerance ABV.
“Clients, they are thinking longer term, we have to select for it,” the Kangaroo Valley farmer said.
“Into the future, they are going to want more of a compact cow, a cow that can handle just about everything.
“A smaller cow, with good feet that can walk more and convert feed into milk. A cow that’s efficient.”
Heat tolerance is part of that efficiency.
“Breeders are trying to cover all the bases and heat tolerance (now it has an ABV) is part of a solid, good quality cow,” Trevor said.
DataGene’s Good Bulls Guide reflects the growing focus on breeding heat tolerant bulls.
In DataGene’s August 2024 ABV release, one third (197) of the Holstein Good Bulls had a Heat Tolerance ABV of 100 or more –which is the Australian average.
Included in this group were 34
Holsteins which scored at least 105 for heat tolerance; this means they are five per cent more tolerant to hot and/or humid conditions than the average.
Or the fall in production due to these conditions would be five per cent less than average.
This compares to a small number of bulls that ranked more than 100 for Heat Tolerance back in December 2016, when the breeding value was first released.
Australia was the first country in the world to have a Heat Tolerance Australian Breeding Value.
Scientists developed this ABV by identifying genetic markers for heat tolerance using genomic technology (DNA testing).
Mr Parrish said breeding was one of several tools he used to help their herd of up to 300 milking registered Holsteins handle the humid conditions.
“It is just one of those things, we put sprinklers on to try and ease the heat and we have shade (trees); you have got to have shade.
“Breeding for heat tolerance is just like planting a tree, how long will it be until the tree provides you with shade?
“But if you don’t start planting trees and looking to breed for heat
tolerance, it is only going to get worse; it is about starting.”
Trevor, his wife Leah, their daughter Toni and son-in-law Nathan are all part of the dairy business called Illawambra Family Trust.
Nathan and Toni have a rural contracting and fencing business that has been incorporated into the farm business.
They are taking over the running of the farm, while Trevor is more of the herd manager.
There are four other full-time employees and two part-time.
The business also sells about 60 bulls and 100 females annually to dairy farmers and supplies sires to be tested for artificial insemination (AI).
Breeding for AI also requires a focus on heat tolerance for the domestic and international market, according to Trevor.
“A bull that’s above 100 for heat tolerance is a fairly good selling point and you will get royalties on those bulls,” he said.
Most of his herd has a Heat Tolerance ABV of more than 96 which means the cows susceptible to heat “naturally culled themselves”.
“What we used to see here is, in the summer cows could be in calf and three months later they come in bulling because they have aborted their calf due to the heat,” he said.
“So, because of their fertility they end up in-calf later or they don’t
get in calf which means they are culled.”
The science behind the Heat Tolerance ABV has provided him with reassurance when it comes to making breeding decisions.
“The good thing with heat tolerance is there’s no human error,” Trevor said.
“The reliability is at 48 per cent and yes, I would like it higher, but that is all a DNA test.
“A bull at 105 is better than 95, it is that simple.”
Trevor’s herd is medium-stature and fed a pasture/ TMR diet from about 70 ha plus about two tonnes/cow/ lactation in the bale of a pellet supplied from a nearby ethanol plant.
More than half the herd are heifers as Trevor has opted to retain his best genetics.
Anything that’s not over 330 BPI may get a dose of Angus semen and all animals below 350 BPI are for sale.
“I think AI centres won’t take bulls that aren’t good for heat tolerance. It will be like calving ease – now they won’t buy a bull that causes difficult calvings.”
To breed for improved heat tolerance, Trevor suggests farmers look for high BPI bulls with a Heat Tolerance ABV of more than 100.
DataGene recommends using a team of bulls to allow for the lower reliability of the Heat Tolerance ABV.