There’ll be some extra chilly days ahead for a group of staff and students at Warrnambool College who shaved their heads for charity earlier this week –including principal David Clift (centre) who braved the clippers, cheered on by college captains Nyasha Iervasi, Mia Mills, Zoe Borthwick, Chelsea Redmond and Hayden McGovern. 2024D For the full story and more photos turn to page 5.
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Unpackaged celebrates
WITH so many locals struggling to make ends meet, it’s comforting to know there is somewhere to go for affordable, sustainable pantry staples.
Warrnambool Unpackaged Food Cooperative, which operates from ‘The Den’ at the Uniting Church in Koroit Street, last week celebrated its 30th birthday.
Operated by a group of dedicated volunteers, who donate their time on a rotational basis, Unpackaged now offers more than 100 products – with everything from flour, sugar and rice through to salt, pasta, seeds, nuts, laundry liquids and the occasional chocolate treats.
“Our founding principle is to ensure
our products are purchased in bulk to minimise packaging,” group treasurer Gail Lemmens said.
“Our members simply pay a $20 annual membership fee, volunteer three or four times a year to work in the shop (on a twohour shift) and book in a time slot to come in and pick up their goods.”
Products are sourced directly from wholesalers to keep costs low and prioritised from Australian and local producers where possible.
According to coordinator Louise Serra, the cooperative is more than just food.
“It’s also about coming together as a community to make sustainable choices that benefit us all,” she said.
Members share the labour of ordering,
collecting and distributing products.
By purchasing in bulk directly from wholesalers, members benefit from significant cost savings, making highquality products more accessible to the community.
“We’re excited to continue this journey and to see what the next 30 years bring,” Ms Serra said.
The cooperative operates once a month, on a Friday.
Members pre-book their ‘shopping slot’ between 12 noon and 8pm.
“New members are most welcome,” Ms Serra said.
Anyone wishing to join can simply email their name and phone number to
Monday’s Results: NORTH-SOUTH
1 68.33% L. Newton-Tabrett - Paula Bailey
2 54.58% M. Stalker - Pamela Roche
3 48.33% Nick Houghton - Susan Dawson
1 56.43% Kerri Worland - Anne Serra
2 56.07% Beryl Duncan - John Van Baaren 3 53.57% Dennis Hilder - Kathy Hilder
Wednesday’s Results: NORTH-SOUTH
1 59.52% John Nicholson - Kathy Hilder
2 57.14% P. Thomas - Gwen Hindhaugh
3 56.25% Helen Job - Lyn Tierney EAST-WEST
1 58.04% Anne Serra - M. Lines-Kelly
2 57.44% Jean Fitzgibbon - S. Herbert
3 55.36% Dennis Hilder - Patsy Ryan
Thursday’s Results:
1 61.81% Patsy Ryan - Aileen Park
2 59.72% Anne Serra - Joan Malikoff
3 53.47% Linda Picone - Paula Bailey
4 52.08% Dennis Hilder - Kathy Hilder
Brenda O’Connor, Gail Lemmens, Val Ryan, Buddini Ekanayake and Louise Serra were some of the smiling faces greeting visitors to ‘The Den’ last week. 2024D
Coffee and conversation
LOCAL shoppers had the chance to sit down and chat with local police members during ‘Coffee with a Cop’ this week.
Four members from the Warrnambool station spent time at Gateway Plaza on Tuesday morning chatting with shoppers about their concerns and issues.
for St Joseph’s
ST Joseph’s Primary School has received a $2.4 million state government grant for construction of a new learning hub.
The funds will enable the construction of the new hub, which includes general learning areas, amenities and associated spaces.
Announcing the grant last week, Member for Western Victoria Jacinta Ermacora said the new hub would bring the school up to modern standards.
“St Joseph’s Warrnambool is the largest primary school in the Ballarat Diocese, with 620 students and growing,” she said.
“I’m delighted to celebrate this $2.4 million allocation to rebuild an original section of the school to bring it up to modern standards.”
Along with St Joseph’s, dozens of local, low-fee Catholic schools received funding to upgrade classrooms and build new facilities.
These projects are being delivered through the Catholic stream of the Labor Government’s Building Fund for Non-Government Schools.
This fund helps schools upgrade and expand their facilities, ensuring families have the best learning environments for their children.
According to Minister for Education Ben Carroll, thousands of Victorian children attend a low-fee Catholic school every day.
“We’re aware there has been some anti-social behaviour in the shopping centre and we’d like to stamp that out; shoppers deserve to feel safe when out and about,” Snr Sgt Raven said.
“This session (Coffee with a Cop) is part of a big focus on our Neighbouring Policing Framework.
“It’s an opportunity for people to voice their concerns and have a chat. A big part of what we do is community policing.”
According to Senior Sergeant Andrew Raven, the morning gave police the opportunity to not only have a positive visible presence in the plaza, but to also answer any questions and concerns from the public.
“We’re supporting our low-fee Catholic schools to expand, build new classrooms and open new campuses,” the Minister said.
“Non-government schools are an important part of Victoria’s education system, with more than one-third of Victorian students studying at Catholic or independent schools.”
Local shopper Don Stevensons was happy to stop and have a chat with Senior Sergeant Andrew Raven, Senior Constable Christian Bryden, Sergeant Graeme Cox and Constable Lachlan Preston at Gateway Plaza earlier this week. 2024E
Cut, clipped and coloured
IT will be a chilly few months ahead for 15 Warrnambool College students and teachers who will brave the cold after shaving their heads for charity earlier this week.
Eighteen teachers and students chose to shave, cut or colour their hair during a special college assembly on Monday to raise money and awareness for the Leukaemia Foundation.
The event was the brainchild of the year 12 College captains, Zoe Borthwick, Nyasha Iervasi, Chelsea Redmond, Hayden McGovern and Mia Mills, as part of their ‘passion’ project.
Each year the school captains chose a project that will leave a legacy in their final year of school.
Shave participants included teacher
Tom White (who parted with both hair and beard), teacher Emma Hatton (who bravely had her head shaved), year 11 student Taj Lowe (head shaved) and year 12 student
Franchesca Urritia (who had her hair cut).
“I lost my mum to cancer about seven years ago so this fundraising event holds extra special meaning,” Mr White said.
Fellow teacher Emma Hatton was also a big supporter of the event and didn’t hesitate to take part in the shave.
“I did have quite long hair before today but it doesn’t bother me that it’s gone,” she said.
“Raising funds for the Leukaemia Foundation is so important because the foundation also supports families with overnight accommodation which is vital for regional families.”
Phil Dennis was another staff member who didn’t hesitate to take part.
“I went through cancer treatment about
10 years ago but thankfully I have a clean bill of health today so I was more than happy to join in,” he said.
The college captains said they were overwhelmed with the support they’d received from the school and wider community, including local businesses.
“We can’t believe the number of teachers and students who put their hands up to participate,” they said.
The 18 participants included seven teachers and 11 students who cut, shaved or coloured their hair on Monday afternoon.
The captains set an original fundraising target of $1000 but easily surpassed this, raising an incredible $3,204.
“We knew as soon as we started our captain-ships that we wanted to make an impact in our community and leave knowing that we had helped our school make a difference in the lives of others, as well as promote the ideas and behaviours
of compassion,” Zoe Borthwick said.
“After many brainstorms, meetings and ideas, we chose to organise a Leukaemia Foundation World’s Greatest Shave,” Nyasha Iervasi added.
“We planned this event for several months and were so excited to not only have so many staff and students participating, but to celebrate the achievement of raising money for the charity.
“We could not have done this without the support of many great local businesses.”
The day’s celebrations also include a year level colour-themed dress up for students and staff, a barbecue and the chance for the school community to colour their hair for a gold coin donation.
Anyone wishing to support the school in its quest to raise as much money as possible through the World’s Greatest Shave simply go to worldsgreatestshave. com/fundraisers/WarrnamboolCollege.
Barber Zak Welsford performs his magic on Phil Dennis. 2024D
Staff members Tom White, Emma Hatton and Phil Dennis were all happy to share their stories and take part in Monday’s shave. 2024D
Eliza Morton was happy to have her hair cut shorter for the cause – and fellow students Hayden McGovern and Zoe Borthwick were happy to pick up the scissors! 2024D
Jordan from ‘The Crooked Gentleman’ took the clippers to Taj Lowe’s curly mop. 2024D
Franchesca Urrutia with some long strands after her haircut. 2024D
Rhonda Simmons, wearing colourful pink hair, sprays some colour on to student Ali Watson. 2024D
Centenary celebrations at Merrivale
STUDENTS, staff and families both past and present enjoyed the opportunity to return to Merrivale Primary School last weekend to celebrate its centenary.
According to staff, hundreds of visitors enjoyed Saturday’s ‘centenary celebrations’ with many enjoying the opportunity to rekindle old friendships and browse
through old memorabilia on display.
“We had lots of past students and current students and their families pay a visit – as well as plenty of interest in future enrolments after seeing what Merrivale has to offer,” staff member Sarah Barbetti said.
“There were many past students who reconnected with each other, and shared stories while looking through old photos.
“The positive feedback we received about the event was heart-warming and greatly appreciated.”
The gold coin donations made on the day will go towards the kitchen garden project the school is hoping to launch next year.
“It truly was a great day to celebrate a great school and it was an honour to showcase our school to the community,” Ms Barbetti said.
Three generations of students - Noah Burgess, Alison Burgess, Ivy Burgess and Jeremy Burgess. 2024D
Toejam Assoustics entertain the crowd. 2024D
Enjoying the day (from left) Bindi McBain, Travis McBain, Mia McBain, Ros McBain, Debbie Collis, Judy Waterfall and Megan Collis. 2024D
Warrnambool and District Historical Vehicle Club display. 2024D
Alison Burgess with an old photo of herself in the school committee with other mothers. 2024D
Kaiden and Jimmy enjoyed the chance to have their faces painted. 2024D
The displays of old memorabilia were popular with visitors. 2024D
Big crowds enjoy Sheepvention
THIS year’s two-day Sheepvention Rural Expo has once again been hailed a huge success, with hundreds of visitors through the gates.
The event, held last Sunday and Monday, offered visitors a vast array of agricultural displays, competitions, live music, cooking demonstrations, wood carving, entertainment, food and much more.
The CopRice Victorian Farm Dog Championship once again drew a quality field, with Bree Cudmore taking out the event with her dog Lanarch Moana. Bree also took second with Vera Slim while Andrew Whelan finished third with Whelans Run Burls.
Mount Yulong Poll Merino Stud received the honours for Supreme Champion Ram while Tamaleuca Merino and Poll Merino Stud took out Champion Ewe.
One of many highlights over the two days, the inventions competition attracted great interest among both entrants and spectators.
In the improved and modified inventions
class, first place went to Sheri Symons (planket pot), 2nd Matt Byerlee (gas knife buddy) and 3rd Matt Byerlee (wool pack buddy).
New inventions class results - 1st Trudie Nutt (twist ‘n lock agricultural fence tensioner), 2nd Joshua Murcott (mainframe adjustable stock crate) and 3rd Rohan Giles (retractable vaccinator holder).
The Careers in Ag (senior judging) and VAS Junior Judging competitions were tightly contested, with almost 40 competitors entered.
Junior judging results:
1st Georgie Taylor, 2nd Emmy Finlayson and Immy Cameron, 3rd Rubi Thomas and 4th Alfie Price.
Senior judging:
1st Lucinda Smith, 2nd Alex Tonissen and Chelsea Wilkinson, 3rd Elli Burgess, 4th Lily Jackson.
Overall champion – Lucinda Smith.
And for the littlest visitors, the chance to have their faces painted and get up close with animals in the nursery proved a big hit – as did Olaf and Tigger who roamed the showgrounds throughout the day.
Police target illegal window tinting
MOTORISTS are reminded that local police are now on the lookout for illegal window tinting on vehicles.
Tinted windows can significantly reduce driver vision so it is important your window tint complies with the requirements. Windscreens need to have a minimum visible light transmittance (VLT) of 70 per cent.
Tinting cannot be applied to windscreens, except for the top section. They may have a tinted band but only above the wiper arc (or the top 10 per cent of windscreen) – tinted bands are not allowed on the bottom of the windscreen.
Front side windows may have tinting, provided the VLT is 35 per cent or more and windows located behind the driver’s seating position may have tinting provided that is 20 per cent or more.
Any signs, stickers or wrapping must also meet these requirements.
If motorists are pulled over by police, they will check window tinting using a Tint Meter to measure the percentage. Motorists found to have tinting outside of the requirements may receive a defect notice and/or a penalty notice of $790 for not complying with the standards of registration.
For further information on window tinting visit the VicRoads website.
Hazel Bamford was keen to get up close to the animals during her visit to Sheepvention on Monday. 2024D
Olympic spirit shines out West
THE Olympic spirit was well and truly alive at Warrnambool West Primary School last week.
Students and staff were allocated an Olympic country to dress up in for the day – with Spain, South Africa, Australia, France, USA, Philippines, Greece and Italy all represented.
After an opening ceremony, which included flag making, face painting and torch bearers, ‘Monarch Monk’ (principal Clare Monk) officially opened the games.
Each country completed a lap of honour before students participated in a variety of events.
This included horse riding (an obstacle course on hobby horses), swimming (shower cap, wetsuit and pool noodle across blue tarps), Eiffel Tower making (spaghetti and marshmallows), table tennis, water waiters (balancing cups of water on trays to fill a bucket) and gymnastics (course of rolls, climbing, tunnels and balancing).
Gold, silver and bronze medals were awarded for each class level – with the United States taking out the day.
Dawson Prescott. 2024D Monarch Monk. 2024D Mason and Mason. 2024D
Team Greece. 2024D MacKenzee and Letisha. 2024D
Team USA. 2024D
Ella and Paige. 2024D
Eiffel Tower. 2024D
Officeworks gets on board
Warrnambool has jumped on board to support an initiative by a group of primary school children to support those less fortunate in Tanzania.
Students from St Patrick’s Primary School in Port Fairy have been busy in recent months preparing home-made material pencil cases to send to children overseas through The Bandari Project.
Led by year 5/6 teacher and sustainability leader Benson Steere, the students have been collecting recycled fabrics from local families to upcycle into pencil cases.
“We will shortly be sending the pencil cases overseas but the
students wanted to also send them filled with stationery,” Mr Steere said.
“So we reached out to Officeworks and they were happy to support us by donating rulers, coloured pencils, erasers, glue sticks, sharpeners and other items.
“We’re all very excited by this donation and I’m sure the recipients in Tanzania will be even more so.”
Year six students Ben Mirtschin and Kolo Sakate were in-store late last week to collect the items.
“My dad Seif was a co-founder of The Bandari Project; he was born in Mto wa Mbu, Tanzania, so this project is extra special to us,” Kolo said.
“We’re very grateful to Officeworks for helping us out.”
Britnell invites Minister to hospital rally
West Coast Liberal MP Roma Britnell
has invited Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas to attend the upcoming ‘Hands off our hospitals’ rally in Warrnambool.
Speaking in parliament early last week, Ms Britnell encouraged the Minister to attend the August 16 rally.
The event has been organised by the local community in response to the state government’s cuts to health services funding across the state, and threats of
possible mergers.
Ms Britnell’s invitation follows the failure of the Health Minister to rule out hospital mergers across the southwest region when asked in parliament more than two months ago.
The Minister’s silence comes after she missed the official deadline to provide an answer to constituency questions in parliament.
“If Ms Thomas doesn’t wish to give me an answer in the House, I invite her to attend the rally on August 16,”
“Once again the government continues to duck and dodge questions and the people of the south west are left with uncertainty about the future of their health services.
“Labor cannot manage money, cannot manage our health services and South-West Coast communities are paying the price.”
The rally will be held at the Civic Green, Warrnambool from 1pm.
Ideas welcome for joint youth strategy
MOYNE Shire and Warrnambool City Council want to hear from young people to help shape a new joint youth strategy.
The strategy will serve as a blueprint for enhancing youth involvement, services and opportunities throughout the region. By working together, the two councils are aiming to create a strategy that reflects the voices and needs of the region’s young people.
Moyne mayor Cr Ian Smith said public consultations would be held from August 1 to 15, including in-person sessions where participants would be invited to share their thoughts.
“Involving young people in decisionmaking is essential in empowering our
youth. We know from research young people want their thoughts, ideas, perspectives, and experiences to influence how decisions are made,” Cr Smith said.
Warrnambool mayor Cr Ben Blain said the sessions were the perfect way for people to share their thoughts in a relaxed setting.
“To make this the best strategy it can be, we need as many people as possible to tell us what they’d like it to include,” Cr Blain said.
“Everyone has unique insights into how we can make our region a better place to be as a young person, and this is about empowering our young people to drive this process to shape their own futures.”
Several public consultation sessions were held over the past week at various locations across the district.
For anyone who missed the public sessions, there will be a series of online consultation sessions as well as an online survey.
Full details can be found at: https://
The final online consultation session for young people will be held next Wednesday, August 14 from 6pm - 8pm.
An online consultation session for adults in young people’s lives will run from 6pm-8pm next Monday, August 12.
This project is funded by the Victorian Government through its Engage! fund.
St Patrick’s Primary School teacher Benson Steere (right) with year six students Ben Mirtschin and Kolo Sakate were thrilled to receive a donation of stationery from Officeworks Warrnambool technology manager, Nick Kilvington. 2024D
1. Surpass (7)
5. Milky-white gem (4)
10. Affluent (7)
11. Stupefies (5)
12. Relation between two amounts (5)
13. Sufficient (6)
15. Spectacle (6)
17. Violin (6)
19. Coloured (6)
20. Camouflages (5)
23. Transparent (5)
24. Generally (7)
25. Specks (4)
26. Delcaring (7)
2. Boat or ship (5)
3. Preliminary (12)
4. Text format settings (6)
6. Filled, as in a gap (7)
7. Without (4)
8. Bestowed (7)
9. Great surprise (12)
14. Ships (7)
16. Plain (7)
18. Skilful (6)
21. Illstrated (5)
22. Surface-to-surface missile (4)
Fabric flower creations
WARRNAMBOOL Floral Art group members have put their talents to the test and designed some pretty fabric flowers.
Once again their imaginations and creativity came to light, producing some amazing creations.
The group will next meet on Monday, September 2 at Our Lady Help of Christians Hall from 7.30pm.
For more information phone Judith 0419 671 080.
Trees to help offset carbon emissions
MORE than 26,000 new trees will be planted across Moyne Shire thanks to the latest round of council’s Community Carbon Offset Program.
Early last week councillors approved more than $73,000 in grants to assist with planting of trees on public and private land.
Mayor Cr Ian Smith said the program had been running since 2010 as a way to offset emissions from council’s light fleet.
“We started the program in 2010 and more than 73,000 new trees have already been planted in every corner of the shire,” Cr Smith said.
“That equates to about 14,660 tonnes of non-verified carbon offsets over the seedlings’ lifespan.
“These new plantings will provide a further 5,200 tonnes, taking the program’s grand total to just under 20,000 tonnes of non-verified carbon offsets over the seedlings’ lifespan.”
Cr Smith said the quality of projects was outstanding, with applicants considering biodiversity and habitat connectivity in addition to offsetting carbon, and that the project was a practical way to offset carbon emissions.
“It’s a really simple program that delivers big benefits across a range of areas,” Cr Smith said.
“Not only does it help offset carbon emissions, but it helps create habitat for fauna and increases biodiversity across the shire.
“I’m pleased to be able to award these grants and look forward to seeing these trees thrive and grow.”
Public land funding was provided to several groups across the shire including the Hopkins Falls Landcare Group, Lake Cartcarrong Commitee of Management and the Port Fairy to Warrnambool Rail Trail.
Private land funding was provided to property owners in and around Laang, Mailors Flat, Minjah, Nirranda, Panmure, Port Fairy, Rosebrook, Toolong, Warrong and Woolsthorpe.
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Effectively Forum
Wednesday, Aug 14 ~ 1.00pm West Warrnambool Neighbourhood House
Bookings/details: Jill 0418
Wednesday August 14 Day Meeting First race 12.30pm Free Admission
Takeaway, Light Meals, Bar and TAB Available
Local Trade Directory
42 less
Mortlake agents yarded 1930 cattle this week being a slight decrease on the previous market. There was a good lead in the bullocks offered and they did tail off quickly to the manufacturing types on offer. Big improvement overall with the trade weight cattle along with some well finished grainfeds. Lighter numbers of good heavy beef cows was evident with more plainer and dairy types available to most of the regular buyers that were present however not all were fully engaged. Feeder and restocker interest was active for suitable lines. The offering consisted of 200 grown cattle along with 625 trade weights with over 1,000m cows and 66 bulls. The market remained strong over most categories with the heavier weighted grown cattle gaining 10 to 20c/kg mainly for heifers with steers remaining firm and the best of the trade cattle improving 10 to 15c/kg and more in places relative to quality. Manufacturing types gained 20 to 25c/kg. Better cows remained firm with the lighter weights showing good gains from 20 to 30c/kg and bulls were up to 45c/kg dearer in places.
Trade steers and heifers made from 340c to 435c/kg with grown cattle topping at 400c/kg. Manufacturing steers sold to 340c with crossbred steers selling to 378c/kg. Heavy beef cows sold from 290c to 355c with the medium weights from 240c to 280c/kg. The better covered dairy cows were generally between 228c and 312c/kg with grown beef bulls selling to 348c/kg.
Market Reporter Chris Agnew.
BULLOCKS: Mahogany View, ang x, 554kg at 330¢, $1830.00; N Gleeson, m/grey x, 648kg at 322¢, $2086.00; N Gleeson, frsn, 604kg at 322¢, $1944.00.
HEIFERS: B Kent, ang x, 605kg at 350¢, $2117.00. COWS: T Rea, hrfd, 713kg at 348¢, $2482.00; T Rea, hrfd x, 550kg at 318¢, $1749.00; T Rea, hrfd x, 618kg at 318¢, $1966.00; Western Vic Welding, frsn, 713kg at 305¢, $2175.00; Western Vic Welding, frsn, 549kg at 276¢, $1515.00.
BULLS: Mahogany View, ang, 466kg at 285¢, $1328.00.
BULLOCKS: J Stinchcombe, ang x, 840kg at 350¢, $2940.00; J McKenna, ang x, 822kg at 324¢, $2664.90; S Quick, frsn, 596kg at 312¢, $1861.60.
STEERS: Green Acres, spec, 596kg at 385¢, $2295.00; Freshwater P/L, ang, 474kg at 388¢, $1839.12; L Cowan, ang, 466kg at 357¢, $1666.00; E & D Stinchcombe, ang, 620kg at 363¢, $2250.00.
VEALERS: Freshwater P/L, ang, 452kg at 376¢, $1699.52; Green Acres, ang, 408kg at 370¢, $1510.00.
BEEF COWS: Forward Past, ang, 587kg at 340¢, $1997.50; I Kirk, ang, 620kg at 330¢, $2046.00; Donaldnash, mg, 546kg at 330¢, $1804.00.
COWS: P Thompson, frsn, 647kg at 310¢, $2007.25; MI & MD Quick, frsn, 618kg at 310¢, $1915.80.
BULLS: D Blaxand, ang, 706kg at 298¢, $2104.00; ED & L Dakin, red ang, 800kg at 290¢, $2320.00.
MONDAY, AUG 5, 2024
BULLOCKS: SR Seabright, ang, 706kg at 834¢, $1713.00; SR Seabright, ang, 630kg at 380¢, $2394.00; Wilnorgross, ang, 540kg at 368¢, $1987.00; JTM Trust, ang x, 575kg at 360¢, $2070.00.
TRADE STEERS: CD Baulch, char, 416kg at 425¢, $1770.00; RE Tickner, lim x, 570kg at 402¢, $2291.00; RE Tickner, lim x, 451kg at 400¢, $1806.00; Ocean Road Past, bel blue, 514kg at 374¢, $1922.00.
VEALERS: PA & JA Ritchie, ang x, 258kg at 332¢, $857.00; K Aldous, ang x, 320kg at 274¢, $876.00; PA & JA Ritchie, ang x, 225kg at 262¢, $589.00.
TRADE HEIFERS: JTM Trust, spec prk x, 460kg at 386¢, $1775.00; RE Tickner, mg, 580kg at 374¢, $2169.00; Ocean Road Past, bel blue x, 520kg at 374¢, $1944.00; JTM Trust, ang x, 517kg at 370¢, $1916.00; Te Mania Angus, ang, 512kg at 368¢, $1886.00.
BEEF COWS: Wypanda Co P/L, hrfd, 693kg at 350¢, $2425.00; W Bailey, ang, 650kg at 350¢, $2275.00; Te Mania Angus, ang, 643kg at 350¢, $2252.00; Wilnorgross, ang, 616kg at 350¢, $2156.00; E Justin, ang x, 745kg at 348¢, $2592.00; D Naylor, char, 653kg at 348¢, $2273.00.
DAIRY COWS: Lendene, frsn, 768kg at 298¢, $2288.00; MR & NL Hoganm frsn, 765kg at 298¢, $2279.00; P & M Kerr, frsn, 630kg at 298¢, $1877.00.
BULLS: AP & MA Hickey, ang, 936kg at 328¢, $3070.00; J Brunning & Sons, ang, 1088kg at 316¢, $3438.00; Te Mania Angus, ang, 570kg at 310¢, $1767.00.
BULLOCKS: A Buck, ang x, 676kg at 340¢, $2298.40; P Logan, frsn x, 670kg at 339¢, $2271.30; Morrison Borthers, frsn x, 675kg at 325¢, $2193.75.
STEERS: Emu Downs, ang x hrfd, 515kg at 396¢, $2039.40; S & A Farming, ang x, 548kg at 366¢, $2005.68; P Logan, frsn x, 594kg at 290¢, $1722.60.
VEALERS: J & F Delaney, ang, 295kg at 390¢, $1150.50; TJ & CJ Beasley Family, ang, 480kg at 352¢, $1689.60; A & S Farming, ang x, 430kg at 345¢, $1483.50; Shirlea Park, ang, 440kg at 340¢, $1496.00; PR & MA Gristede, ang, 470kg at 290¢, $1363.00.
HEIFERS: Emu Downs, ang, 501.7kg at 382¢, $1916.37; Shirlea Park, angx, 535kg at 380¢, $2033.00.
COWS: JW & AG Suares, ang x, 643.5kg at 355¢, $2284.25; Shirlea Park, ang, 647.5kg at 352¢, $2279.20; McCrabb Enterprises, ang, 638kg at 352¢, $2245.76; PR & ME Gristede, ang, 598.9kg at 316¢, $1892.49; RH BH & JL Askew, ang x, 504kg at 296¢, $1491.98.
BULLS: Wrens Flat Farming, s/hrn, 890kg at 332¢, $2954.80; JW & AG Suares, spec prk, 882kg at 320¢, $2822.40; RH BH & JL Askew, ang, 810kg at 290¢, $2349.00; TJ & CJ Beasley Family, ang, 762kg at 290¢, $2209.80; McCrabb Enterprises, ang, 682kg at 288¢, $1964.15; Cashmore Park, blk bldy, 652kg at 270¢, $1760.40; Elston Farms, jrsy, 702kg at 262¢, $1839.24.
Total Yarding: 4500 (-967)
Sheep Yarding: 1500 (+280)
Lamb Yarding: 3000 (-1247)
Hamilton agents yarded 3,000 lambs and 1,500 sheep at this weeks market being a decrease of 1,000 on the previous market.
Despite the lower numbers and the time of year the overall quality was much improved overall.
The sheep yarding was principally medium to lightweights.
Not all the regular buyers were fully active and along with restockers and feeder interest which was more subdued.
Despite the drop in numbers the market was very strong albeit erratic for lambs over most categories.
Light lambs and light trade weight lambs were dearer by $10 to $15/head.
Medium weights remained firm and heavy weights gained $30/head.
Most of the better lambs to the trade realized between 760c and 930c/kg cwt.
The best heavy lambs topped at $294/head.
Light lambs 12 to 16kg sold from $48 to $155/head with trade lambs 18 to 22kg selling from $178 to $192/head; 22 to 26kg sold from $185 to $211/head and hoggets topped at $138/head.
Sheep gained $5 to $8/head in places with the general run of mutton realizing between 350c and 430c/kg cwt.
Heavy crossbred ewes sold to $120 with Merino ewes to $88/head.
Merino wethers made $110 with Terminal sires to $45/ head.
GOALS, Portland: J. Wilson 7, M. Curtis 1, L. Goldby 1, T. Jennings 1, T. Sharp 1. Warrnambool: B. Cunnington 7, L. Cody 6, S. Cowling 5, M. Bidmade 2, H. Morgan-Morris 2, H. Ryan 1, J. Turland 1, J. Walters 1. BEST, Portland: J. Wilson, T. Sharp, L. Huppatz, P. Procter, B. Malcolm, T. Jennings. Warrnambool: H. Ryan, B. Cunnington, L. Worden, M. Bidmade, T. Wason, R. van Beek.
GOALS, North Warrnambool: T. Batten 5, T. Keast 2, A. Wines 2, J. Bermingham 1, J. Grundy 1, X. Harris 1, F. Jones 1. Koroit: J. Block 1, C. Byrne 1, T. Byrne 1, W. Couch 1, L. Hoy 1, J. Noonan 1. BEST, North Warrnambool: J. Bermingham, J. Grundy, L. Wines, J. Lewis, T. Batten, Z. Everall. Koroit: D. Mooney, J. Block, D. Shircore, T. Byrne, T. Baulch, T. Stephens.
CAMPERDOWN ...............5.4 6.6 9.9 11.15 (81)
PORT FAIRY ....................0.2 5.4 8.7 9.7 (61)
GOALS, Camperdown: M. Field 2, J. Dundon 1, E. Guthrie 1, F. Lucas 1, I. McVilly 1, H. Sinnott 1, Z. Sinnott 1, C. Spence 1, I. Stephens 1, L. Stephens 1. Port Fairy: J. Rowan 5, L. Gunning 2, G. Hogan 1, T. Macilwain 1. BEST, Camperdown: H. Sinnott, C. Spence, E. Guthrie, M. Field, A. Gordon, H. Sumner. Port Fairy: J. Bartlett, T. Macilwain, C. Harwood, S. Lucardie, J. Rowan, L. Gunning. TERANG MORTLAKE .......3.2 5.3 6.5 10.7 (67)
HAMILTON ......................0.4 2.5 4.9 6.11 (47)
GOALS, Terang Mortlake: W. Kain 5, R. Hutchins 1, A. Moloney 1, R. Tanner 1, L. Taylor 1, T. Vickers 1. Hamilton: T. Morris 2, D. Russell 2, V. Huf 1, E. Knight 1. BEST, Terang Mortlake: H. Roberts, D. Jones, R. O’Connor, G. Bourke, W. Kain, R. Hutchins. Hamilton: B. Hicks, V. Huf, N. Herrmann, J. English, E. Knight, T. Morris.
STH WARRNAMBOOL .....2.2 7.5 9.7 12.10 (82)
COBDEN .........................4.3 7.8 8.9 10.10 (70) GOALS, South Warrnambool: S. Beks 5, S. Kelly 2, D. Nicholson 2, B. Osborne 1, W. Owen 1, J. Rantall 1. Cobden: H. Robertson 3, T. Spokes 2, B. Berry 1, C. Koroneos 1, P. Pekin 1, L. Smith 1, J. Williamson 1. BEST, South Warrnambool: S. Thompson, J. Henderson, S. Beks, D. Nicholson, S. Kelly, C. Gallichan. Cobden: T. Auckland, Z. Green, H. Robertson, P. Pekin, L. Smith, J. Williamson. LADDER: South Warrnambool 56(pts), 163.24(%); North Warrnambool 48, 183.54; Warrnambool 40, 134.04; Terang Mortlake 40, 120.71; Koroit 32, 123.08; Cobden 32, 105.09; Port Fairy 20, 83.81; Camperdown 20, 82.37; Hamilton 12, 64.89; Portland 0, 39.78.
Portland 1.1 (7) lost to Warrnambool 15.19 (109); North Warrnambool 17.17 (119) def. Koroit 2.1 (13); Camperdown 16.10 (106) def. Port Fairy 4.7 (31); Terang Mortlake 4.6 (30) def. Hamilton 2.6 (18); South Warrnambool 7.1 (43) lost to Cobden 8.6 (54).
LADDER: Cobden 56(pts), 415.11(%); South Warrnambool 52, 337.93; North Warrnambool 48, 329.38; Warrnambool 40, 242.95; Terang Mortlake 40, 109.55; Camperdown 24, 66.96; Koroit 16, 50.73; Portland 8, 32.70; Port Fairy 8, 28.99; Hamilton 8, 27.34.
Portland 3.8 (26) lost to Warrnambool 12.8 (80); North Warrnambool 6.4 (40) lost to Koroit 5.13 (43); Camperdown 13.19 (97) def. Port Fairy 0.1 (1); Terang Mortlake 1.2 (8) lost to Hamilton 9.10 (64); South Warrnambool 10.10 (70) def. Cobden 3.6 (24).
LADDER Warrnambool 52(pts), 214.77(%); Hamilton 50, 300.90; South Warrnambool 50, 243.61; Portland 44, 128.41; Camperdown 32, 121.73; Koroit 20, 63.61; Cobden 20, 43.59; Terang Mortlake 16, 58.19; North Warrnambool 12, 62.24; Port Fairy 4, 41.50.
Portland (55) lost to Warrnambool (73); North Warrnambool (39) lost to Koroit (68); Camperdown (64) def. Port Fairy (43); Terang Mortlake (54) lost to Hamilton (56); South Warrnambool (54) def. Cobden (43).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 56(pts), 187.89(%); Cobden 44, 121.42; Koroit 44, 119.72; Warrnambool 40, 115.29; North Warrnambool 40, 114.94; Camperdown 28, 96.12; Terang Mortlake 24, 88.57; Portland 10, 75.89; Hamilton 8, 59.25; Port Fairy 6, 73.42.
Portland (48) def. Warrnambool (44); North Warrnambool (39) lost to Koroit (40); Camperdown (29) lost to Port Fairy (54); Terang Mortlake (34) lost to Hamilton (48); South Warrnambool (38) lost to Cobden (46).
LADDER: Hamilton 56(pts), 147.62(%); Port Fairy 52, 137.60; Koroit 46, 133.26; North Warrnambool 30, 107.43; Cobden 28, 103.19; Portland 24, 95.16; Warrnambool 24, 94.82; Terang Mortlake 22, 101.44; South Warrnambool 18, 84.89; Camperdown 0, 42.78.
Portland (33) lost to Warrnambool (41); North Warrnambool (34) def. Koroit (30); Camperdown (22) lost to Port Fairy (45); Terang Mortlake (41) lost to Hamilton (43); South Warrnambool (55) def. Cobden (34).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 56(pts), 149.88(%); Warrnambool 50, 129.95; North Warrnambool 42, 112.56; Koroit 36, 121.34; Hamilton 32, 93.75; Port Fairy 26, 102.69; Terang Mortlake 22, 92.80; Portland 16, 84.65; Cobden 16, 79.50; Camperdown 4, 60.66.
Portland (26) drew with Warrnambool (26); North Warrnambool (30) lost to Koroit (35); Camperdown (26) lost to Port Fairy (38); Terang Mortlake (25) lost to Hamilton (45); South Warrnambool (33) lost to Cobden (34).
LADDER: Hamilton 60(pts), 161.30(%); Koroit 48, 120.83; Port Fairy 42, 125.26; Warrnambool 40, 129.63; North Warrnambool 32, 106.16; Cobden 22, 95.11; South Warrnambool 22, 91.13; Camperdown 22, 85.39; Terang Mortlake 6, 77.35; Portland 6, 48.63.
Qualifying Final 1: Terang Mortlake 6.10 (46) lost to South Warrnambool 7.11 (53); Elimination Final: Warrnambool 11.12 (78) def. Hamilton 7.4 (46).
LADDER: Koroit 56(pts), 635.39(%); Terang Mortlake 48, 244.38; South Warrnambool 40, 185.74; Warrnambool 38, 248.61; Hamilton 26, 106.10; Portland 24, 73.31; Port Fairy 24, 71.63; North Warrnambool 12, 61.24; Camperdown 12, 30.99; Cobden 0, 11.02.
Elimination Final: Port Fairy 2.7 (19) lost to Koroit 6.5 (41); Qualifying Final 1: Warrnambool 4.2 (26) lost to North Warrnambool 5.6 (36).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 56(pts), 1300.96(%); Warrnambool 44, 214.68; North Warrnambool 44, 144.63; Port Fairy 36, 119.96; Koroit 32, 112.45; Hamilton 24, 90.16; Camperdown 24, 86.42; Terang Mortlake 12, 52.35; Portland 8, 25.53; Cobden 0, 17.23.
Portland (22) lost to Warrnambool (35); North Warrnambool (45) lost to Koroit (62); Camperdown (58) def. Port Fairy (28); Terang Mortlake (50) def. Hamilton (29); South Warrnambool (49) def. Cobden (28).
Football & Netball
LADDER: Koroit 56(pts), 167.70(%); Camperdown 52, 162.14; South Warrnambool 44, 130.93; Cobden 32, 105.00; Terang Mortlake 32, 101.82; Warrnambool 28, 91.85; Portland 24, 75.76; North Warrnambool 22, 84.42; Port Fairy 8, 72.29; Hamilton 2, 49.49.
North Warrnambool (13) lost to Koroit (40); Camperdown (27) def. Port Fairy (18); South Warrnambool (65) def. Cobden (11).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 62(pts), 299.60(%); Koroit 46, 179.22; Warrnambool 36, 113.53; Camperdown 32, 94.65; Cobden 18, 62.67; Port Fairy 10, 64.22; North Warrnambool 0, 25.32.
Portland (31) def. Warrnambool (24); North Warrnambool (28) lost to Koroit (29); Camperdown (32) lost to Port Fairy (33); Terang Mortlake (27) lost to Hamilton (31); South Warrnambool (32) def. Cobden (16).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 60(pts), 205.36(%); Hamilton 52, 165.53; North Warrnambool 40, 138.75; Terang Mortlake 36, 139.05; Koroit 36, 125.83; Portland 24, 85.27; Warrnambool 22, 90.91; Cobden 16, 60.60; Port Fairy 10, 43.65; Camperdown 4, 53.50.
Portland (12) lost to Warrnambool (29); North Warrnambool (15) lost to Koroit (33); Camperdown (20) lost to Port Fairy (27); Terang Mortlake (25) def. Hamilton (22); South Warrnambool (61) def. Cobden (12).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 56(pts), 193.61(%); Terang Mortlake 48, 176.50; Koroit 44, 164.84; Hamilton 44, 139.49; Warrnambool 40, 155.85; North Warrnambool 28, 104.32; Portland 16, 73.35; Camperdown 12, 52.40; Port Fairy 8, 31.18; Cobden 4, 49.50.
Portland (21) def. Warrnambool (15); North Warrnambool (8) lost to Koroit (45); Camperdown (38) def. Port Fairy (4); Terang Mortlake (8) lost to Hamilton (55); South Warrnambool (46) def. Cobden (14).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 58(pts), 326.20(%); Hamilton 52, 216.43; Koroit 50, 226.89; Camperdown 38, 149.82; Cobden 28, 91.84; North Warrnambool 26, 65.07; Portland 18, 80.34; Warrnambool 18, 61.18; Terang Mortlake 6, 24.73; Port Fairy 6, 21.36.
North Warrnambool (14) lost to Koroit (36); Camperdown (25) def. Port Fairy (10); Terang Mortlake (12) lost to Hamilton (33); South Warrnambool (20) def. Cobden (15).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 56(pts), 237.42(%); Hamilton 44, 163.10; Camperdown 42, 136.27; Koroit 42, 120.00; Warrnambool 40, 114.94; Cobden 24, 111.79; North Warrnambool 24, 56.55; Terang Mortlake 20, 51.25; Port Fairy 8, 19.06.
NIRRANDA ......................3.4
GOALS, Nirranda: B. Dobson 6, J. Couch 1, D. Craven 1, J. Paulin 1, H. Porter 1, J. Walsh 1, J. Willsher 1. Dennington: B. Thornton 2, T. Fitzgerald 1, J. Garner 1, T. Jnr Noonan 1. BEST, Nirranda: M. Lloyd, L. Weel, B. Harkness, B. Dobson, J. Paulin, D. Craven. Dennington: T. Fitzgerald, T. Noonan, B. Baker, M. Mavroudakis, J. Shircore, J. Turner. MERRIVALE ....................4.7 9.6 5.9 5.4 (164) KOLORA NOORAT............0.1 1.1 1.0 2.0 (26)
GOALS, Merrivale: N. Krepp 7, J. Wilson 4, F. Atchison 3, M. Sandow 2, O. Watson 2, M. Hausler 1, J. Henderson 1, R. McConnell 1, T. McLaughlin 1, J. Sauze 1. Kolora Noorat: E. Brooks 1, T. Podger 1, R. Scanlon 1, J. Vaughan 1. BEST, Merrivale: J. Porter, H. Owen, J. Sauze, N. Krepp, M. Sandow, T. McLaughlin. Kolora Noorat: C. Scanlon, S. Uwland, J. Aitken, H. Stuart, O. Curran, N. Castersen. RUSSELLS CREEK ...........7.8
(0) GOALS, Russells Creek: J. Chatfield 9, T. Smith 4, S. Brady 2, J. Chatfield 2, M. Rook 2, Z. Timms 2, P. Brady 1, T. Ryan 1, C. Templeton 1. BEST, Russells Creek: J. Chatfield, A. Mcmeel, M. Rook, S. Alberts, P. Brady, D. Burns. Timboon: A. Glennen, A. Hunt, D. Bridgewater, R. Moorhouse, L. Rosolin, L. Alsop.
4.1 4.2 (104) GOALS, South Rovers: J. Morton 2, J. Bell 1, K. Lenehan 1, B. White 1, S. Williams 1. Panmure: L. McLeod 7, J. Norton 2, M. Sinnott 2, C. Bant 1, H. Fleming 1, L. Gavin 1, D. Meade 1, T. Wright 1. BEST, South Rovers: D. Cox, M. Edwards, K. Lenehan, C. Mailes, B. White, A. Koutsoukis. Panmure: L. McLeod, T. Murnane, N. Keane, T. Gedye, P. Ryan, B. Smith.
(37) GOALS, Allansford: R. Hare 12, B. Williams 2, F. Gleeson 1, A. Gordon 1, B. Hunger 1, R. Swan 1. Old Collegians: G. Bond 2, J. Cleaver 1, I. Frusher 1, H. White 1.
BEST, Allansford: B. Edge, R. Hare, L. Read, A. Gordon, K. Gordon, Z. Mungean. Old Collegians: H. White, M. Petherick, C. Barby, J. Cust, J. Brooks, H. Hall.
Russells Creeks (24) lost to Timboon (37); Nirranda (4) lost to Dennington (26); South Rovers (23) def. Panmure (4); Merrivale (20) lost to Kolora Noorat (24); Allansford (30) def. Old Collegians (6).
Nirranda (15) lost to Dennington (36); Merrivale (17) lost to Kolora Noorat (33); South Rovers (20) lost to Panmure (22); Russells Creeks (21) lost to Timboon (30); Allansford (25) def. Old Collegians (23).
Kolora Noorat v Russells Creek
Field: Brad Clingin, Scott Barclay
Boundary: Harry Barclay, Levi Barker, Oscar Dart, Gilly Clingin
Driver: Brad Clingin
Timboon v South Rovers
Field: Scott Lowrey, Club Umpire
Boundary: Angus Down, Jackson Porter, Kurtis Blain, Hugo Beaton
Driver: Mark Robson to drive U18 umpires out and bring back U15 umpires
Old Collegians v Nirranda
Field: Michael Fish, Paul Frusher
Boundary: Will Stewart, Brooklyn Maddocks, Darcy Brebner, Kye Hooper
Dennington v Allansford
Field: Warren Durdin, Lachlan Speed
Boundary: Ted Ward, Will Graham, Pippa Ward, Dev. Steve Walker to Assist Devin his game
Kolora Noorat v Russells Creek
Field: Scott Barclay, Club Umpire
Boundary: Kai Barclay, Nash Barclay, Ollie Barclay, Laasaya Narra Driver parent? Laasaya’s parent to take her out and bring her back
Timboon v South Rovers
Field: Scott Lowrey, Club Umpire
Boundary: Nathan Cheep, Anthony Cheep, James Robson, Lexi Keane
WITH just three rounds of the Hampden League home and away season remaining, the top five spots remain tight.
Reigning premiers South Warrnambool have continued their form in 2024, sitting top of the leaderboard having lost just the one game for the season, while last year’s runners-up North Warrnambool remains second, two games clear of the Warrnambool Blues and seasonimprovers Terang Mortlake (equal on points but percentage apart).
The battle for fifth place and the opportunity to play finals remains tense, with Koroit currently holding the spot but equal on points with the sixth-placed Cobden Bombers.
Round 16 tomorrow (Saturday) will see the Roosters host Camperdown, Koroit host the Bloods while Portland will travel to Cobden.
Reid Oval will offer plenty of action, with the Blues taking on North Warrnambool, while Port Fairy and Hamilton will meet at Gardens Oval.
Last round battle for fifth
NIRRANDA looks set to finish the Warrnambool District League home and away season on top of the ladder.
The side, which will face the ninth-placed Old Collegians tomorrow (Saturday), have set the benchmark in season 2024 with just two losses for the year.
The final round of the home and away season will be a crucial one for three sides battling for fifth spot.
Dennington (fifth), Panmure (sixth) and Kolora Noorat (seventh) all sit equal on 24 points with just percentage separating the three.
The final round will see Dennington take on second-placed Merrivale, Panmure will host Allansford (fourth) while Kolora Noorat will take on Russells Creek (third).
The outcome of all three games will determine which of the three clubs earns a spot in the finals series, set to commence next week.
Finals venues are expected to be announced next week, pending the outcome of this weekend’s games.
Playing for HeartKids Rangers celebrate special milestones
LAST Sunday’s round 17 clash between Allansford and Old Collegians held special significance for both clubs.
The third annual ‘Hero for Heartkids Shield’ was hailed a huge success, raising much needed awareness and funds for a cause close to the hearts of both communities.
There was plenty of big hearts on show, both on and off the ground, with money raised through raffles and other donations.
HeartKids is a national organisation helping make the lives of people impacted by congenital heart disease, or heart conditions acquired during childhood, easier through vital programs and support.
RANGERS Soccer Club celebrated some special milestones recently, including Cameron Pyke’s 350th club game.
Unfortunately, Pyke’s day wasn’t topped off with a win – the senior men’s division one side went down 1-0 to the Corangamite Lions.
Scotts Creek Reserve also saw the defeat of the senior men reserves 3-2 and a 1-0 defeat for the senior women.
In the under 12 competition, Rangers blue defeated Port Fairy Plovers 5-2 at Southcombe Park while Rangers Teal returned from Portland after a 3-1 loss.
Rangers Blue under 14 played on Hamilton’s new pitch and easily defeated Hamilton Raiders 7-0 while Rangers Teal are now on top of the league ladder after a 2-0 win over the Warrnambool Wolves at Harris Street.
At Jones Oval on
Saturday morning there was a 25-year celebration of Miniroos and Mini Tillies as the Rangers recorded the signing of the 104th registered player for this season.
This is a huge achievement for coach John Berg and all his assistant junior coaches. The Rangers’ affiliation with Jones Oval is coming to an end, with the move to Brierly Recreation Reserve next season.
Tournament attracts big fi eld
THIRTY-two teams travelled to Warrnambool last weekend to enjoy the annual indoor bowls two-day tournament.
Visitors travelled from Mildura, Mt Gambier, Ballarat, Ballan, Bacchus Marsh, Hamilton, Colac, Geelong, Waaia and Melbourne to compete against Warrnambool and Heytesbury clubs.
Saturday saw 32 teams of four compete, with five teams winning all of their four games.
Shots up were used to separate the teams, with the Frankston team of Bob and Hermiese Constable and Christine Cook, along with Allansford’s Andrew Lackie, coming out on top with four wins and 57 shots up.
Second place went to locals George Draffen, Jacinta Marney, Sue Kerr and Debbie Keane with four wins and 44 shots up.
Sunday had 30 teams competing, with only two unbeaten teams.
Wannon Park’s Maureen Drennan, Ian Lake, Rex Harris and Karl Keegan won with four wins and 33 shots up.
The Dennington team of Les Lenehan, Frank Harney, Helen Harney and Yvonne Lenehan finished second with four wins and 17 shots up.
Monday was preliminary final night, with three teams earning the right to play off in their respective division’s grand finals.
In division one it was an all Allansford affair, with the Allansford Tigers team of James Ruddle (skip), Barb Draffen, Sue Kerr and Rita Mungean emerging
With players from both sides playing well, the difference on the night was the magnificent last bowl conversions by James.
Four shots on the last end by the Allansford Cats was only enough to reduce the margin to a one-shot victory to the Tigers.
The Port Fairy team of Gill Phillips (skip), Maurice Mahony, Colin Wilson and Des Phillips opened up a 10-shot lead after seven ends and was able to maintain a comfortable margin over the Allansford Cougars to book its spot in the division two grand final.
Division three was once again the close contest of the night.
The biggest margin at any stage for the entire 18 ends was a three shot lead either way, with Wannon Park Barkers out by three after seven ends, but Koroit Choppers up by three after 13 ends.
The Barkers, Dennis Brooks (s), Barney Fish, Brian Justin and Kim Brauer, were able to defend a two shot lead going in to the last end, with John Keane’s Choppers only able to get one on the last end.
Grand finals next week are: division one - Allansford Lions v Allansford Tigers; division two - Allansford Leopards v Port Fairy Seagulls and division three –Grangeburn v Wannon Park Barkers.
Games will start at 7.30pm next Monday, August 12 at the Warrnambool Stadium in Caramut Road.
Spectators are welcome, with no charge for entry.
Saturday winners. 2024D
Sunday winners. 2024D
Draft Combine call-up for O’Sullivan
KOROIT footballer Finn O’Sullivan has been invited to attend the 2024 AFL Draft Combine.
The AFL has selected 65 draft prospects from around the country to attend the three-day testing in Melbourne between Friday, October 4 and Sunday, October 6.
The selections were based on nominations from AFL recruiters, with each club putting forward its list of 50 prospects.
The testing will include vertical and running vertical jumps, a 20-metre sprint, agility test and a two kilometre time trial.
Nearly a third of those invited are from Vic Country, including O’Sullivan (who is also currently listed with the Oakleigh Charges) and Cobden’s Rhys Unwin (Greater Western Victoria Rebels).
The AFL draft combine, formerly known as the AFL Draft Camp, is a gathering of prospective talent, where selected potential draftees display their athletic ability and relevant footy skills.
The Combine showcases many of the country’s most talented draft-age footballers.
Both O’Sullivan and Unwin played in the Vic Country under 18 squad in the 2024 national championships.
SOUTH West Academy of Sport has launched its new APEX program, supporting aspiring and talented athletes across the region.
The officially launch, held last Sunday, celebrated the region’s next generation of talent who have entered the inaugural APEX program – designed to provide greater accountability and personalised service provision to state and national level athletes.
The launch coincided with Deakin University’s Open Day and included a special ‘question and answer’ session with special guests including dual Olympian Laetisha Scanlan (clay target shooting) dual Paralympian Andrew Harrison (wheelchair rugby) and aspiring winter Olympian Miriana Perkins (aerial skiing).
These roles models have each been at the stage that the academy’s current athletes are, and were able to provide valuable insights and learnings they have gained during their journeys.
The day also highlighted the elite athlete program that Deakin University offers to assist elite athletes who are studying at the campus.
With the APEX program, athletes are required to complete three milestones which provide the base knowledge that an elite or emerging athlete would be expected to know.
As each milestone is completed, the athlete may select a service that will assist in their advancement in their pathway.
This could include everything from sports psychology through to assisting with attendance at a national or international event.
Currently the program involves five athletes from Warrnambool (Chloe Mutton, Fionn Ginley, Freya
Miller, Jeff Collins and Alexis Pickford) and three from Corangamite Shire (Jarrod Ferguson, Eli Kerr and Stevie Godber).
There are also three athletes from Southern
Prelim finals produce close games
14-12 over Darren and David Cranwell.
Support for aspiring athletes Kenna wins at East Fram
BOTH preliminary finals of the Orford and District Table Tennis Association went down to the wire this week.
The last rubber decided the night, with the results resting on the shoulders of those players to carry their sides through to the grand final.
Both the A and B grade grand finals will be played at the Orford hall next Wednesday, August 14 from 7.30pm.
Preliminary final results: A grade Warrnambool Warriors defeated Attunga 6.25.430/5.18.377.
Darren Smith from Warriors and Attunga’s Ian Wortley were sent out by their sides to play the last rubber.
Darren won in a three-game rubber – quite the turn around from the opening rubber, going down to Kelly Wortley 11-5, 11-5, 9-11, 9-11 and 9-11.
This rubber set the tone for the night’s play; six extended rubbers and long games.
Warriors’ Peter Owen and Darren won the first doubles against Kelly and Val Wortley 10-12, 10-12, 11-7, 11-6 and 11-3.
Attunga’s Kelly and Ian Wortley won the second doubles 9-11, 11-7, 11-5, 9-11 and
The Warriors’ Peter Owen won his three rubbers while Kelly Wortley was Attunga’s best with two rubbers after surviving a scare against David Cranwell, winning 1012, 12-10, 9-11, 11-9 and 11-4.
Val and Ian Wortley won a rubber each while Darren won two.
B grade Glengleeson defeated Orford 6.20.334/ 5.18.310.
A solid performance from the Glengleeson players, Mark Murray and Gareth Spring, who combined well to win the first doubles in a close five game rubber 11-8, 11-9, 8-11, 4-11 and 14-12 against Russel Hussey and David Robwbottom.
This saw them advance to the grand final.
Gareth played Jaden Clapp, with the scores five-all (winning in three games).
Only three rubbers were extended for the night.
Orford’s Russell Hussey won his three rubbers and had a close encounter with the improving Mark Murray, winning 1-11, 11-9, 6-1, 11-8 and 11-5.
Both Mark and Gareth won two rubbers for Glengleeson while Lindsay Morton was their other rubber winner.
Grampians (Dominic Hoggard, Harry Brown and Tom Templeton) and five from Moyne (Zoe Addinsall, William Verhoef, Gabriel Lim, Eve Covey and Yolanda O’Sullivan).
Jaden Clapp also won a rubber.
The A grade grand final will be contested by Warrnambool Vikings and Warrnambool Warriors.
These two sides have fought a win each during the year, while the Vikings won the semi-final in convincing 6-3 style.
Dom, Rehan, Gillies and Tess are a strong combination who are aiming for back-toback grand final wins.
The Warriors’ Peter Owen, Darren Smith and David Cranwell will fight to the end but Vikings are tipped to come out on top.
The B grade grand final will see Myndarra take on Glengleeson.
These two teams are very close, with both having a win each during the pennant.
Glengleeson has had two improving players in Gareth Spring and Lindsay Morton and the inclusion of Mark Murray has strengthened the side from last season.
Myndarra relies heavily on Aaron Rowbottom to win his three rubbers while Ally and Jensen Rowbottom will need to add to the scoreline.
How the scoresheet is filled in will have a bearing on this 6-5 result.
The scales are slightly in Glengleeson’s favour with a more experienced team.
ANTHONY Kenna has continued his good form on the golf course, winning A grade at East Framlingham last weekend.
Kenna finished on 75-4-71 to take the win on Sunday from John Eccles in second 97-21-76 and Ben Nevill third on 90-14-76. Trevor Blackley 96-18-78 and Terry Coolahan 94-15-79 rounded out the top five.
B grade was won by Ben Dinwoodie 104-34-70 on countback from Jordan Cashin 97-27-70, Harry Trigg 94-22-72, Callum Henriksen 112-3676 and Hugh Kenna 105-29-76. Ben Dinwoodie also won the monthly medal while Ben Nevill was the social winner.
Nearest the pins: 3rd Terry Coolahan, 7th Gerard Eccles and 9th Tony Kenna.
The super pin will jackpot. Next Saturday will be stableford.
Some of the regions most talented athletes enjoyed a session last weekend with dual Olympian Laetisha Scanlan, dual Paralympian Andrew Harrison and aspiring winter Olympian Miriana Perkins. 2024D
Lake officiates 900th game
AS a member of the Warrnambool District Football Umpires Association, Jamie Lake last weekend officiated his 900th game.
Taking to Bushfield Recreation Reserve on Saturday afternoon to officiate the senior game between North Warrnambool and Koroit, Lake was joined for his milestone match by wife Nicole (a goal umpire of more than 20 years), stepson Campbell Pedler (on the boundary) and “good mates” and fellow field umpires, Casey O’Keefe and Corey Mahoney.
“To celebrate my 900th game with family and friends really made the day extra special,” Lake said.
“I’ve never actually played footy, I’ve always umpired – starting at the age of 14.
“I absolutely love it. Sure, we occasionally cop abit of flack from the other side of the fence but I still really enjoy my role in the game.
“Now, at the age of 52, my passion for umpiring is just as strong as it was when my journey started. If you didn’t love it you certainly wouldn’t keep going back week after week.”
Lake’s list of umpiring achievements is a long and impressive one.
Of those 900 games (725 of which have been senior games), 775 have been as field umpire, 124 on the boundary and one as goal umpire.
His Hampden League tally amounts to 378 games (including 314 in-field) while 331 have been as a Warrnambool District League senior official (299 as field umpire).
Over the past two decades, Lake has officiated at nine senior Hampden League grand finals and a further seven Warrnambool district grand fi
He has also umpired eight underage/reserve grand finals and 19 senior inter-league matches and more recently was a field umpire for the senior women’s grand final.
He was part of the Australian Country Football Championships in 2008 and also officiated in the AFL International Cup matches that same year.
Three years later he officiated in the VCFL Country v VAFA match and in 2012 was awarded the Sports Star Achievement Award for Football Umpiring.
“Umpiring has allowed me to remain involved in the game and I also enjoy being able to help mentor some of our up-and-coming youngsters,” Lake said.
“The likes of Lachlan Speed, he’s relatively new to field umpiring but he has loads of potential and it’s good to be able to help others on their journey.”
Jamie Lake celebrated a huge milestone last weekend – his 900th as an umpire.
YOUNG girls and women with a passion for football umpiring are encouraged to attend a special clinic in Warrnambool next week.
The Warrnambool ‘Experience Hub’ will be the final round of hub activities as part of the AFL program.
The AFL launched its 2024 Experience Hub program earlier this year, with workshops held at seven locations across the state.
The Warrnambool event, the last for the year, will be held at Reid Oval next Wednesday, August 14 to accommodate a growing interest in umpiring and to ease travel requirements on locals.
The hubs cover topics such as teamwork, communication and decision making and link to the league’s Women and Girls Action Plan which, at its core, aims to continually progress the game for women
and girls across all levels of football.
As part of that vision, it’s imperative the AFL creates inclusive pathways for women in umpiring as it strives to achieve its goal for women to make up at least 40 per cent of all accredited umpires by 2030.
AFL executive general manager of game development, Rob Auld, said the Experience Hubs were key to attracting more women and girls into umpiring.
“The Experience Hubs form an important initiative to help connect women and girls umpires within their region, allowing them to exchange stories, create friendships and provide the opportunity for them to hear and learn from top umpires in the state,” Auld said.
“Creating positive experiences and inclusive environments is vital to attracting more female umpires as well as retaining them in the system, so we need to ensure we’re doing everything we can as we strive
Umpiring hub for females
to achieve our vision in the Women and Girls Action Plan.”
Mr Auld said as part of the AFL’s commitment to grow the game, the AFL Commission made the decision in 2022 to enshrine 10 per cent of the game’s total assessable revenue back into game development.
This initiative is part of that investment.
“If you have an interest in umpiring or would like to know more, I’d encourage you to head along to your nearest Experience Hub; there’s many health, wellbeing and social benefits to umpiring too,” Mr Auld said.
Warrnambool’s Experience Hub will run from 6.15pm8pm next Wednesday.
Ali Miles will talk to the group about fuelling for performance while AFLW umpire Sam Ritchie will talk about ‘game day.’
The group will also learn some recovery techniques that help get through the final stretch of the season.
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00Planet America [s]
10:30That Pacific Sports Show [s] 11:00Antiques Roadshow [s] 12:00ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 Troppo (M l) [s]
1:55 QI (PG) [s]
2:25 Back Roads (PG) [s]
2:55 Restoration Australia [s]
3:50 Griff’s Canadian Adventure [s]
4:40 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 Vera: Salt & Vinegar (M) [s]
9:05 Troppo (M l) [s]
10:00QI: Tubular (PG) [s]
10:30ABC Late News [s]
10:45Love Your Garden: WiltshireRichard Warren [s]
11:35Grand Designs: West Sussex [s]
12:20We Hunt Together (MA15+) [s]
1:10 rage New Music (MA15+) [s] 5:00 rage (MA15+) [s]
7:20 AFL: Round 22: Sydney v Collingwood *Live* From The SCG [s] – The Swans face-off against the Magpies, live and free from the SCG.
10:30AFL: Post Game [s]
11:15Armchair Experts (M) [s]
12:00Criminal Confessions: Two Fires, One Victim (MA15+) [s]
1:00 Boy To Man: The Shark People (PG) [s]
4:00 Million Dollar Minute [s] 5:00 My Greek Odyssey (PG) [s]
6:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 13: Early Morning *Live* [s] – Nine’s Day 13 Olympic Games coverage continues and may include: Men’s Basketball Semi-Final, Athletics Finals - Women’s 400m Hurdles and Men’s 110m Hurdles.
7:00 Olympic Games Paris: Today In Paris [s] 11:00NINE News Morning [s]
12:00Olympic Games Paris: Paris Encore [s] 3:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 14: Afternoon *Live* [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 14: Night *Live* [s]
10:30Olympic Games Paris: Day 14: Late Night *Live* [s]
12:00Olympic Games Paris: Day 14: Post Midnight *Live* [s]
3:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 14: Over Night *Live* [s] 5:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 14: Early Morning *Live* [s]
9:00 Dr Phil (M) [s] 10:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 10:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 11:00 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s] 12:00 10 News First: Midday [s] 1:00 Good Chef Bad Chef (PG) [s] 1:30 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 2:00 Dr Phil (M) [s] 3:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s] 4:00 My Market Kitchen [s] 4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (PG) [s] 8:30 The Graham Norton Show (M) [s]
10:55Victorian House Of Arts And Crafts (PG) 12:00Worldwatch 2:00 Woven Threads - Stories From Within (PG) 2:10 The Toys That Built The World: Toy Car Wars (PG)
3:00 NITV News: Nula
ABC ENTERTAINS (22) 1:00 I Escaped To The Country 2:00 Discover (PG)
2:55 Doctor Who (PG) 3:40 Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 4:05 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:35 Mythbusters (PG) 5:25
George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 6:15
Car S.O.S (PG) 7:00 My Family (PG) 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Movie: “The Lost City Of Z” (PG) (’17) Stars: Charlie Hunnam 10:45 ER (PG)
4:00 Andy’s Safari Adventures 4:40 Peter Rabbit 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Fireman Sam 6:05 Little J And Big Cuz 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures 8:00 Hard Quiz Kids (PG) 8:35 Operation Ouch! 9:05 Officially Amazing (PG) 9:35 Dragon Ball Super
2:30 Sydney Weekender 3:00 The Great Australian Doorstep (PG) 3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Better Homes And Gardens 5:00 I Escaped To The Country 6:00 Bargain Hunt 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens 8:30 Escape To The Country 10:30 I Escaped To The Country
3:00 STIHL Timbersports (PG) 3:30 Truck Night In America (PG) 4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:00 AFL Friday Night Countdown 7:20 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:50 Motorbike Cops (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Fifty Shades Freed” (M) (’18) Stars: Dakota Johnson
6:00 Olympic Games *Live* 8:00 Olympic Games *Replay* 5:00 Olympic Games *Live* 6:00 Olympic Games *Live* 10:30 Olympic Games *Live* 12:00 Olympic Games: Women’s Golf Round 3/ Taekwondo/ Women’s Breaking/ Men’s Weightlifting/ Women’s Basketball Semi-Finals/ Men’s Football Medal Match *Live*
1:30 Becker (PG) 2:00 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 2:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 3:00 Frasier (PG) 4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 4:30 Friends (PG) 5:20 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 6:35 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 9:30 Two And A Half Men (PG) 11:00 Rules Of Engagement (PG)
2:00 Bewitched 2:30 The Nanny (PG) 3:30 Seinfeld (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 WIN News 6:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 14 *Live* 7:00 NRL: Eels v Panthers *Live* From CommBank Stadium 9:55 Movie: “Looper” (MA15+) (’12) Stars: Joseph Gordon-Levitt 12:20 Movie: “The Dustwalker” (MA15+) (’91) 6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 Escape Fishing With ET 8:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 10:30 JAG (PG) 12:30 Bull (M v) 1:30 NCIS (M) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 JAG (PG) 5:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M v) 9:25 FBI: Most Wanted (M s) 10:20 FBI: International (M) 11:15 Blue Bloods (M) 12:15 Home Shopping
4:00 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 4:25 PBS News Hour 5:25 The Curse Of Oak Island (PG) 6:15 Forged In Fire: The Firangi Sword (PG) 7:05 Jeopardy! 7:30 NITV News Update 7:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M l,s) 8:30 Glastonbury Festival 2024 10:40 Sex, Drugs And Bicycles (MA15+)
2:45 The Movie Show (PG) 3:20 Movie: “Summerland” (PG) (’20) Stars: Gemma Arterton 5:10 Movie: “A River Runs Through It” (M) (’92) Stars: Craig Sheffer 7:30 Movie: “Thirteen Days” (M l) (’00) Stars: Kevin Costner (In English/ Romanian/ Russian/ Spanish) 10:10 Movie: “Maixabel” (M I,v) (’21)
6:00 rage Charts (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s]
9:00 rage (PG) [s]
10:30rage Guest Programmer (PG) [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
12:30Unforgotten (MA15+) [s]
1:15 Vera: Salt & Vinegar (M) [s]
2:50 Sister Boniface Mysteries: The Book Of Shadows (PG) [s]
3:35 The Greek Islands With Julia Bradbury (PG) [s]
4:00 Rose Gold [s]
5:25 Landline [s]
5:55 Stuff The British Stole: Mystery Sphinx (PG) [s]
6:25 I Was Actually There: Woomera (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 Sister Boniface Mysteries: St George’s Defence (PG) [s]
8:20 Van Der Valk: Freedom In Amsterdam (M) [s]
9:50 Fifteen-Love (M l,s,v) [s]
10:35The Beast Must Die (M) [s]
11:20rage Guest Programmer (M) [s]
6:00 Better Homes And Gardens [s]
7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s]
10:00The Morning Show - Weekend (PG) [s]
12:00Horse Racing: Seven’s Horse Racing *Live* From The Valley/ Randwick/ Eagle Farm [s]
5:00 Seven News At 5 [s]
5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s] – Officers discover a man has a surprising concealment in his pants. And a rock band’s national tour may have to be cancelled when their lead singer has problems entering the country.
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 AFL: Round 22: Melbourne v Port Adelaide *Live* From The MCG [s]
10:30AFL: Post Game [s]
11:00Program To Be Advised
1:25 Harry’s Practice [s]
2:00 Home Shopping
4:00 Drop Dead Weird: Project Z/ Ted E. Bear [s]
6:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 14: Early Morning *Live* [s]
7:00 Olympic Games Paris: Today In Paris [s]
11:00NINE News Morning [s]
12:00 Olympic Games Paris: Paris Encore [s] 3:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 15: Afternoon *Live* [s] – Nine’s Day 15 Olympic Games coverage may include: Day 14 Recap: Athletics Men’s Marathon.
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 15: Night *Live* [s] – Nine’s Olympic Games day 15 coverage includes: Canoe Sprint Women’s K1 500m Final, Men’s Volleyball Gold Medal Match, Weightlifting.
10:30Olympic Games Paris: Day 15: Late Night *Live* [s]
12:00Olympic Games Paris: Day 15: Post Midnight *Live* [s]
3:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 15: Over Night *Live* [s]
8:00 I Fish [s] 8:30 Australia By Design: Architecture [s] 9:00 My Market Kitchen [s] 9:30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey [s] 10:00 Program To Be Advised 11:00 Healthy Homes [s] 11:30 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s] 1:00 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 1:30 Farm To Fork [s] 2:00 Pooches At Play [s] 2:30 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 3:00 My Market Kitchen [s] 3:30 The Big Bang Theory (PG) [s] 4:30 Deal Or No Deal
Club/ Empty Nest (PG)
ABC ENTERTAINS (22) 1:00 Harry’s Practice 1:30 Animal SOS Australia (PG)
3:00 Penn And Teller: Fool Us (PG) 3:40 Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 4:35 Mythbusters (PG) 5:25 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 6:15 Car S.O.S (PG)
7:00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:00 QI (PG) 8:30 The Stand Up Sketch Show (M) 9:20 Absolutely Fabulous (PG) 10:45 ER (PG) 12:15 rage (PG)
4:00 Grace’s Amazing Machines 4:35 Little J And Big Cuz 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Fireman Sam 6:05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes 6:25 Pfffirates 7:05 Andy And The Band 7:30 Hard Quiz Kids (PG) 7:55 The Crystal Maze (PG) 8:45 All-Round Champion (PG) 9:35 Movie: “The Secret Garden” (G) (’93) Stars: Kate Maberly
2:00 Escape To The Country 4:00 Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railways (PG) 5:00 Seven’s Horse Racing 5:30 Medical Emergency (PG) 6:00 Heathrow (PG) 6:30 The Highland Vet (PG) 7:30 The Yorkshire Vet (PG) 8:30 Escape To The Country 11:30 The Yorkshire Vet (PG)
2:00 Rides Down Under (PG) 3:00 National Drag Racing Competition 4:00 Barrett Jackson: Revved Up (PG) 5:00 Counting Cars (PG) 5:30 Storage Wars (PG) 6:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:00 Storage Wars (PG) 7:30 Movie: “The Sapphires” (PG) (’12) Stars: Jessica Mauboy 9:40 Movie: “About A Boy” (M l,s) (’02)
6:00 Olympic Games *Live* 8:00 Olympic Games *Replay* 5:00 Olympic Games: Women’s Golf Final Round *Live* 6:00 Olympic Games: Golf Women’s Final Round/ Sport Climbing Finals/ Men’s Volleyball Gold Medal Match/ Weightlifting *Live* 10:30 Olympic Games *Live* 12:00 Olympic Games *Live* 3:00 Olympic Games *Live*
10:30 NRLW News (PG) 11:00
NRL: Women’s Premiership: Roosters v Wests Tigers *Live* 12:30 NRL: Women’s Premiership: Raiders v Sharks *Live* 2:30 Rugby Union: Wallabies v Springboks *Live* 5:00 The Nanny (PG) 6:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 15 *Live* 7:00 NRL: Dragons v Bulldogs *Live*
12:00 The King Of Queens (PG) 12:30 Impractical Jokers (MA15+) 1:30 The Neighborhood (PG) 2:30 Becker (PG) 3:00 Frasier (PG)
2:30 South Park (M)
6:00 Home Shopping 9:00 Pooches At Play (PG) 9:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 11:30 Taste Of Australia: BBQ Special 12:00 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 1:00 JAG (PG) 3:00 Tough Tested 4:00 All 4 Adventures (PG) 5:00 Reel Action 5:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) 6:00 JAG (PG) 7:00 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 8:00 NCIS (PG) 9:55 Bull (M v)
(MA15+) 11:30 Hudson & Rex (M v) 2:00 The X-Files (M)
2:15 Movie: “All Roads Lead To Rome” (M l) (’15) (In
“Viajeros” (PG) (’22)
Fernanda Castill (In Spanish) 5:30
“The Bridge On The River Kwai” (PG) (’57) Stars: William Holden 8:30 Movie: “Windtalkers” (M v) (’02) Stars: Nicolas Cage (In English/ Japanese/ Navaho)
4:30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery: Casey Donovan (PG) [s]
5:00 Restoration Australia [s]
6:00 Antiques Roadshow [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 Vera: For The Grace Of God (M) [s]
9:05 Fifteen-Love (M l) [s]
9:50 Unforgotten (M l,s) [s]
10:40Fisk (PG) [s]
11:10Annika (M l,s,v) [s]
2:15 ER (PG) 3:30 Penn And Teller: Fool Us (PG) 4:05 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:35 Mythbusters (PG) 5:25 George Clarke’s
3:30 Play School 4:35 Little J And Big Cuz
6:00 Better Homes And Gardens [s]
7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s]
10:00The Morning Show - Weekend (PG) [s]
12:00VFL: Round 20: Frankston v Footscray *Live* From Kinetic Stadium [s]
2:40 AFL: Pre Game [s]
3:00 AFL: Round 22: Richmond v St Kilda *Live* From Marvel Stadium
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Dancing With The Stars (PG) [s] –It’s finals time for ‘Dancing With The Stars 2024’ and just eight celebrities and their professional partners remain to fight it out to secure one of the final five spots in the Grand Finale.
9:25 Malpractice (M l,v) [s]
10:30Born To Kill?: Monster Of The Miramichi/ Bill Suff (M v) [s]
12:30Lipstick Jungle: The Lyin’, The Bitch & The Wardrobe (M d,s) [s]
1:30 Harry’s Practice [s]
2:00 Home Shopping
Bondi Vet (PG) 5:00 Escape To The Country 6:00 Greatest Escapes To The Country 6:45 Escape To The Country 7:45 Mrs. Brown’s Boys (PG) 8:35 Endeavour (M) 10:35 Kath & Kim (PG)
6:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 15: Early Morning *Live* [s] – Nine’s Day 8 Olympic Games coverage continues and may include: Men’s Basketball Gold Medal Match, Athletics Finals - Men & Women’s 4 x 400m Relay.
7:00 Olympic Games Paris: Today In Paris [s] 11:00NINE News Morning Weekend
12:00Olympic Games Paris: Paris Encore [s] 3:30 Olympic Games Paris: Day 15: Afternoon *Live* [s]
6:00 NINE News Sunday [s]
7:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 15: Night *Live* [s]
10:30Olympic Games Paris: Day 15: Late Night *Live* [s]
12:00Olympic Games Paris: Day 15: Post Midnight *Live* [s]
3:00 Olympic Games Paris: Day 15: Over Night *Live* [s]
5:00 Olympic Games Paris: Closing Ceremony *Live* [s]
5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Fireman Sam 6:05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes 6:25 Pfffirates 7:05 Andy And The Band 7:30 Movie: “The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants” (PG) (’05) Stars: Alexis Bledel 9:25 Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 10:30 Doctor Who (PG) 11:10 Merlin (PG) 6:00 Olympic Games *Live* 8:00 Olympic Games *Replay* 5:00 Olympic Games *Live* 6:00 Olympic Games *Live* 10:30 Olympic Games *Live* 12:00 Movie: “The French Lieutenant’s Woman” (M s) (’81) Stars: Meryl Streep 2:30 Movie: “The Amazing
9:00 Taste Of Australia - BBQ Special (PG) [s] 9:30 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s] 11:00 Program To Be Advised 12:00 Planet Shapers [s] 12:30 Cook With Luke [s] 1:00 My Market Kitchen [s] 1:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s]
2:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 2:30 Farm To Fork [s] 3:00 Hungry [s] 3:30 The Big Bang Theory (PG) [s] 4:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Sunday Project (PG) [s]
7:30 Movie: “Top Gun: Maverick” (M l,v) (’22) Stars: Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Miles Teller
10:00 Movie: “Top Gun” (PG) (’86) Stars: Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer 12:05 The Sunday Project (PG) [s] 1:00 Home Shopping 4:30 CBS Mornings [s]
10:10The Bee Whisperer (PG) 11:05My Unique B&B 12:00Worldwatch 12:55Swan Football
1:00 Motorsport: Round 7 *Live* From MX Farm, Queensland 4:00 Such Was Life: Laurel Cooper 4:10 Ireland In Music 4:40 Britain’s Scenic Railways 5:35 Tony Robinson’s Forgotten War Stories: Bloodshed In Bosnia (PG)
6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Secret Lives Of The Roman Emperors With Mary Beard (PG) 8:40 Robin’s Wish (M) 10:10Merkel (PG) (In German/ English) 11:55Whitney Houston & Bobbi Kristina: Didn’t We Almost Have It All (M d,l,v) 1:25 24 Hours In Emergency: Turn Back The Clock (M) 2:20 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M I) 3:10 Hell On Earth - WWII: Infamy (M v)
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00Landline [s]
11:00Antiques Roadshow [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 I Was Actually There (M l) [s
1:30 Back Roads (PG) [s]
2:00 Parliament Question Time [s]
2:55 Restoration Australia (PG) [s]
3:55 Griff’s Canadian Adventure (PG) [s]
4:40 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 [s]
8:00 Australian Story [s]
8:30 Four Corners (PG) [s]
9:15 Media Watch (PG) [s]
9:35 Q+A [s]
10:35ABC Late News [s]
10:50The Business [s]
11:10Planet America [s]
11:40Vera: For The Grace Of God (M) [s]
2:55 Doctor Who (PG) 3:40
Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 4:05 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:35 Mythbusters (PG) 5:25
George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 6:15
Car S.O.S (PG) 7:00 My Family (PG) 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Penn And Teller: Fool Us (PG) 9:15 Mythbusters (PG) 10:05 ER (PG) 11:35 rage (PG)
Sam 6:05 Little J And Big Cuz 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:35 The Inbestigators 8:05 Fresh Off The Boat 8:25 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch 8:50 Style It Out 9:20 Further Back In Time For Dinner (PG)
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]
11:30 Seven Morning News [s]
12:00Dancing With The Stars (PG) [s]
2:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 Dancing With The Stars (PG) [s]
9:55 Alert - Missing Persons Unit: Max (M v) [s] – The mystery surrounding Keith’s disappearance starts to unravel as he tells Jason and Nikki more details about his time in captivity.
10:55The Latest - Seven News [s]
11:25Inside Belmarsh Prison (M v) [s]
12:30The Event: A Message Back (M v) [s]
1:30 Harry’s Practice [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 4:00 Million Dollar Minute [s]
10:30 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 This Rugged Coast 2:00 Weekender 2:30 My Greek Odyssey (PG) 3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Medical Emergency (PG) 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 I Escaped To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Doc Martin (PG) 8:30 Foyle’s War (M v) 10:30 Great Rail Restorations (PG)
1:00 Border SecurityAustralia’s Front Line (PG) 2:30 Rides Down Under (PG) 3:30 Truck Night In America (PG) 4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Outback Opal Hunters (PG) 8:30 Gem Hunters Down Under (PG) 9:30 Appalachian Outlaws (PG)
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00Foreign Correspondent [s]
10:30Kurt Fearnley’s One Plus One [s]
11:00Antiques Roadshow [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 The Newsreader (M l) [s]
2:00 Parliament Question Time [s] 2:55 Restoration Australia (PG) [s]
3:55 Griff’s Canadian Adventure (PG) [s]
4:40 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 (PG) [s]
8:00 I Was Actually There: Beaconsfield Mine Disaster (M) [s]
8:35 The Secret Lives Of Our Urban Birds: Perth [s]
9:25 The Art Of Hair [s]
9:55 Anh’s Brush With Fame: Michelle Payne (PG) [s]
10:20ABC Late News [s]
10:35The Business [s]
6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s] 11:30Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Dirty Little Deeds” (M v) (’21) Stars: Nayirah Teshali, Adam Hollick, Ashley Doris, Nicole Danielle Watts, Nerissa Tedesco
2:00 Motorbike Cops (PG) [s] 2:15 Catch Phrase (PG) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 The 1% Club (PG) [s]
8:30 Britain’s Got Talent: Grand Final (PG) [s]
11:15The Latest - Seven News [s] 11:45Extended Family: The Consequences Of Matchmaking/ The Consequences Of Status (PG) [s]
12:45Holey Moley Australia (PG) [s]
2:30 Home Shopping
4:00 NBC Today [s]
ENTERTAINS (22) 12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 I Escaped To The Country 2:00 Creek To Coast 2:30 Great Rail Restorations 3:30 Harry’s Practice (PG) 4:00 Medical Emergency (PG) 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 I Escaped To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Call The Midwife (PG) 8:45 A Touch Of Frost (M l,v)
4:00 Andy’s Safari Adventures 4:40 Peter Rabbit 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Fireman Sam 6:05 Little J And Big Cuz 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:35 The Inbestigators 8:05 Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 8:25 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch 8:50 Deadly Dinosaurs (PG)
6:00 Olympic Games Paris: Closing Ceremony *Live* From Stade de France [s]
7:15 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s]
11:30NINE News Morning [s]
12:00Olympic Games Paris: Today In Paris [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s] 4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s] 5:30 WIN News [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 The Block: Main Bathroom Week (PG) [s] 9:20 Olympic Games Paris: Closing Ceremony *Replay* [s] 12:15The First 48: Knock At The Door/ The Brave One (M) [s] 1:05 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 2:00 Hello SA [s] 2:30
12:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 Explore (PG) 2:05 Dales For Sale 3:05 Antiques Roadshow 3:35 Movie: “The Amorous Prawn” (G) (’62) Stars: Ian Carmichael 5:30 Yorkshire Auction House 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Death In Paradise (M) 8:40 Grantchester (M) 9:50 Coroner (MA15+)
12:00 Travel Guides NZ (PG) 1:00 Family Law (M) 3:00 Bewitched 3:30 The Nanny (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 The Nanny (PG) 7:00 Young Sheldon (PG) 7:30 Seinfeld (PG) 8:30 Movie: “17 Again” (PG) (’09) Stars: Zac Effron 10:30 Seinfeld (M) 11:30 Young Sheldon (PG)
Show (PG) [s] 10:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 10:30 Program To Be Advised 11:30 Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s] 12:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 12:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s] 2:00 Family Feud (PG) [s] 2:30 Lingo (PG) [s] 3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s] 4:00 Neighbours (PG) [s] 4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s]
6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 Hunted (PG) [s] 9:10 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M l,n,s) [s] 10:10 Ghosts: The Polterguest (PG) [s] 10:35 10’s Late News [s] 11:00 The Project (PG) [s]
1:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 2:00 Becker (PG) 2:30 Frasier (PG) 3:30 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 4:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 5:00 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 9:30 Two And A Half Men (PG)
6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 Escape Fishing With ET 8:30 Deal Or No Deal 9:30 Reel Action 10:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 11:30 JAG (PG) 12:30 Bull (M v) 1:30 NCIS (M) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 JAG (PG) 5:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) 9:25 FBI: Most Wanted (M v) 11:15 Blue Bloods (PG) 12:15 Home Shopping
10:10Great Canal Journeys: The Cambridgeshire Fens (PG) 11:05Victorian House Of Arts And Crafts 12:10Worldwatch
2:05 The Toys That Built The World: Board Game Empires (M) 2:55 Festivals: Festival Of Tihar (PG) (In English/ Nepali)
3:25 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
3:55 Who Do You Think You Are?: Liz Carr (PG) 5:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG) 6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Robson Green’s Weekend Escapes: Kenny Atkinson 8:05 Robson Green’s Weekend Escapes: Tanni Grey Thompson 8:40 Into The Gobi Desert With Nick Knowles (PG) 9:30 24 Hours In Emergency: A Shoulder To Lean On (M)
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s] 4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]
5:30 WIN News [s] 6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 The Block: Main Bathroom Week (PG) [s]
8:45 60 Minutes Presents: Our Heroes Of Paris
10:15NINE News Late [s]
10:45Chicago Med: Know When To Hold And When To Fold (M) [s] 11:35Transplant: Liberty (MA15+) [s] 12:30Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:30 Pointless (PG) [s] 2:30 It’s All Greek To Me: John Kapiris (PG) [s] 3:00 Home Shopping
12:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 Death In Paradise (M) 3:00 Explore 3:05 Antiques Roadshow 3:35 Movie: “Carry On Cruising” (G) (’62)
8:00 Neighbours (PG) [s]
8:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 9:00 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s] 10:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 10:30 Program To Be Advised 12:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]
12:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s] 2:00 Family Feud (PG) [s] 2:30 Lingo (PG) [s] 3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s] 4:00 Neighbours (PG) [s] 4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00
1:05 Movie: “The Bridge On The River Kwai” (PG) (’57) Stars: William Holden 4:05 Movie: “Charade” (M) (’63) Stars: Cary Grant 6:10 Movie: “Good Night, And Good Luck” (PG) (’05) Stars: David Strathairn 7:50 Movie: “The Innocence” (MA15+) (’19) Stars: Carmen Arrufat (In Catalan/ Spanish)
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00Four Corners (PG) [s]
10:45Q+A [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
12:30National Press Club Address [s]
1:35 Media Watch [s]
2:00 Parliament Question Time [s]
2:55 Restoration Australia (PG) [s]
3:55 Griff’s Canadian Adventure (PG) [s]
4:40 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Hard Quiz: Battle Of The Duds (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 [s]
8:00 Shaun Micallef’s Eve Of Destruction [s]
8:30 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee [s]
9:15 Planet America [s]
9:50 Would I Lie To You? [s]
10:20ABC Late News [s]
10:35The Business [s]
2:50 Doctor Who (PG) 3:40
Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 4:05 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:35 Mythbusters (PG) 5:25
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]
11:30Seven Morning News [s]
12:00Movie: “Curious Caterer: Dying For Chocolate” (PG) (’22) Stars: Nikki Deloach, Andrew W. Walker, Jaycie Dotin, Jason Schombing
2:00 Motorbike Cops (PG) [s]
2:15 Catch Phrase (PG) [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 The 1% Club UK (PG) [s]
8:30 The Front Bar (M) [s]
9:30 Talking Footy [s]
10:30The Latest - Seven News [s]
11:00Billy Connolly - It’s Been A Pleasure (MA15+) [s]
12:15Criminal Confessions: A Helpful Witness (M v) [s] 1:15 Travel Oz (PG) [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today [s]
6:00 Today [s] 6:30 Today Extra [s] 11:30NINE News Morning [s] 12:00The Block: Main Bathroom Week (PG) [s] 1:15 Mr Mayor: Titi B (PG) [s] 1:45 My Way [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
Tipping Point (PG) [s]
NINE News Afternoon [s]
Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]
WIN News [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 The Block: Main Bathroom Week (PG) [s] 8:35 Paramedics (M) [s] 9:35 Footy Classified (M v) [s] 10:35NINE News Late [s] 11:05Ski
8:00 Neighbours (PG) [s] 8:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 9:00 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s]
Judge Judy (PG) [s]
Program To Be Advised
Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s]
[s] 10:40 10’s Late News [s]
7:00 Cycling: Tour De France Femmes Daily Highlights 8:00 Worldwatch 11:00Cycling: Tour De France Femmes Daily Highlights 1:00 Worldwatch – PBS Newshour
Dateline: Venice’s
11:00Enemy Of The People: A Living Legend/ Barcelona (MA15+) (In Finnish)
ABC ENTERTAINS (22) 12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 I Escaped To The Country 2:00 Sydney Weekender 2:30 Slow Train Through Africa With Griff Rhys Jones (PG) 3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 The Real Seachange (PG) 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 I Escaped To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Heartbeat (PG)
George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 6:15 Car S.O.S (PG) 7:00 My Family (PG) 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Interview With The Vampire (MA15+) 9:25 Gold Diggers (M l,s) 9:50 ER (PG)
Sam 6:05 Little J And Big Cuz 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:35 The Inbestigators 8:05 Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 8:25 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch 8:50 Mythbusters (PG) 9:15 Robot Wars (PG)
3:00 Billy The Exterminator (PG) 3:30 Truck Night In America (PG) 4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Highway Patrol (PG) 8:00 The Force - Behind The Line (PG) 8:30 World’s Wildest Police Videos (PG) 10:30 Live PD: Police Patrol (M v)
12:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 Explore 2:00 Shakespeare & Hathaway (M d,v) 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 Movie: “Sands Of The Desert” (G) (’60) Stars: Charlie Drake 5:30 Yorkshire Auction House 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 As Time Goes By 8:40 Midsomer Murders (PG)
1:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 2:00 Becker (PG) 2:30 Frasier (PG) 3:30 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 4:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 5:00 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 9:30 Two And A Half Men (PG) 4:00
12:15 Movie: “Space Jam” (G) (’96) Stars: Bill Murray 2:00 Bewitched 2:30 The Nanny (PG) 3:30 Seinfeld (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 The Nanny (PG) 7:00 Young Sheldon (PG) 7:30 Seinfeld (PG) 8:30 Movie: “V For Vendetta” (MA15+) (’05) Stars: Hugo Weaving 11:10 Seinfeld (M) 6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 Escape Fishing With ET 8:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 10:30 JAG (PG) 12:30 Bull (M v) 1:30 NCIS (M) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 JAG (PG) 5:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M v) 9:25 FBI: Most Wanted (M) 11:15 Blue Bloods (M) 12:15 Home Shopping 2:15 Diagnosis Murder (PG)
1:40 Movie: “Good Night, And Good Luck” (PG) (’05) Stars: David Strathairn 3:25 Movie: “The Mole Agent” (PG) (’20) Stars: Sergio Chamy (In Spanish) 5:05 Movie: “The Age Of Innocence” (PG) (’93) Stars: Daniel Day-Lewis 7:35 Movie: “Sex, Lies And Videotape” (M l,s,v) (’89) Stars: James Spader
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00Australian Story [s]
10:30The Greek Islands With Julia Bradbury [s] 11:00Antiques Roadshow [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 Australia’s Wild Odyssey [s]
2:00 Parliament Question Time [s]
3:00 The Secret Lives Of Our Urban Birds [s]
3:55 Griff’s Canadian Adventure (PG) [s]
4:45 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 [s]
8:00 Foreign Correspondent [s]
8:30 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces [s]
9:20 Miriam Margolyes Almost Australian (M l) [s]
10:20ABC Late News [s]
10:35The Business [s]
2:55 Doctor Who (PG) 3:40 Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 4:05 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:35
(PG) 9:30 Gruen (PG) 10:10 ER (PG)
6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]
11:30Seven Morning News [s]
12:00Movie: “The Art Of Murder” (AKA ‘Paint By Murder’) (M v) (’18) Stars: Mercer Boffey
2:00 Motorbike Cops (PG) [s]
2:15 Catch Phrase (PG) [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
8:00 Border Patrol (PG) [s]
8:30 TikTok - Murder Gone Viral: The Mother And Daughter Killers (M) [s]
ABC ENTERTAINS (22) 12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 I Escaped To The Country 2:00 South Aussie With Cosi (PG) 2:30 The Hotel Inspector (PG) 3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Medical Emergency (PG) 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 I Escaped To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Father Brown (M) 8:30 McDonald And Dodds (M v) 4:00 Andy’s Safari Adventures 4:40 Peter Rabbit 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Fireman Sam 6:05 Little J And Big Cuz 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:35 The Inbestigators 8:05 Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 8:25 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch 8:50 Muster Dogs (PG) 9:45 Style It Out 10:15 Doctor Who (PG)
6:00 Today [s] 6:30 Today Extra [s] 11:30NINE News Morning [s] 12:00The Block: Main Bathroom Week (PG) [s] 1:00 Ski Rescue Down Under (M) [s]
2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s] 4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]
5:30 WIN News [s] 6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 NRL: Panthers v Storm *Live* From BlueBet Stadium [s]
9:45 NRL: Knock Off [s]
10:30NINE News Late [s]
11:00The Equalizer: Blind Justice (MA15+) [s]
11:50Resident Alien: Old Friends (M) [s]
12:40Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:35 Pointless (PG) [s]
2:30 Home Shopping
4:00 Religious Programs [s] 4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
12:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 As Time Goes
8:00 Neighbours (PG) [s]
8:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 9:00 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s]
10:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 10:30 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Australia (PG) [s] 11:30 Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s] 12:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 12:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s] 2:00 Family Feud (PG) [s] 2:30 Lingo (PG) [s] 3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s] 4:00 Neighbours (PG) [s] 4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Dog House Australia (PG) [s]