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AS children return to the classroom this week, motorists are reminded that school zones are now back in place.
The Victorian school year resumes this week, with more than a million students expected to walk through school gates in 2025.
The return to the classroom serves as an important reminder for all road users, not just parents and carers, to be alert for children when driving and understand the road rules around school zones.
According to the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), around seven children aged 0-15 years die each year on Victorian roads.
RACV general manager mobility Julia Hunter encourages everyone to do their part to make school zones safe.
“School zones are crucial areas where road safety must always be top of mind,” he said.
“Children are at risk around roads because they are less visible, and have a reduced ability to judge time, speed and distance,” said Ms Hunter.
“RACV is encouraging parents and carers to plan ahead, and where possible, consider parking further away from the school, as congestion increases the likelihood of collisions.
“Consider walking or riding with your children to school while demonstrating safe behaviours. This includes using children’s crossings or zebra crossings, meeting children on the same side of the road, and being bicycle safe.
“Children aged 12 and under, as well as accompanying adults, are allowed to ride on the footpath in Victoria. All children and adults riding on the footpath must still wear a helmet.
“Parents may think that providing their child with an e-scooter may help with the school commute and congestion, however these are in fact illegal for children under 16 to use on our roads and footpaths.”
Some school speed zones are permanent and in effect 24/7, while other school speed zones are only operational during certain hours and days.
These time-based school speed zones are usually in effect between 8.00am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 4.00pm weekdays during Victorian school terms (excluding public holidays).
School speed zones are usually reduced to 40km per hour on roads where the regular speed limit is less than 80km per hour. Where the regular speed limit is 80km per hour or more, the school speed zone usually reduces the limit to 60km per hour.
Thursday’s Results:
Monday’s Results: NORTH-SOUTH
1 Tony Plevier - Owen Maslen
1 Players 72 & 73
3 Dennis Hilder - Kathy Hilder
1 Nick Houghton - Susan Dawson
2 Anne Serra - Kerri Worland
3 Netta Hill - Allen Shiels
Wednesday’s Results: NORTH-SOUTH
1 John Nicholson - Aileen Park
2 Tarsh Hogan - Jan Cooke
3 Owen Maslen – Player 68
1 Noel Howard - Kathleen French
2 Peter Cooper - John Van Baaren
3 Patsy Ryan - Dennis Hilder
1 Allen Shiels - Tim Clement
2 Players 68 & 69
3 Linda Picone - Paula Bailey
4 Joan Malikoff - Anne Serra
5 Paula Hillis - Hilary Hudson
Sunday’s Results:
1 Janet Attrill - Penny Thomas
2 Kathleen French - Tony Plevier
3 Kathy Hilder - Dennis Hilder
4 Dina Selman - Anne Smith
5 John Van Baaren - Peter Cooke
TIMBER supplies at the Warrnambool Men’s Shed were given a boost last week with the arrival of a substantial amount of Tasmanian Oak courtesy of Warrnambool City Council.
The Warrnambool Men’s Shed begun around 19 years ago on its current site but in recent times has undergone a huge renovation.
“From about 2022 we started work on building our new shed,” longtime member Phil Pettingill said.
“We have just over 100 members and many of us were involved with its build. We had some wonderful support from local businesses throughout the build and now we’re looking at extending even further in the near future.
“We were fortunate to receive a state government grant of $80,00 towards the new shed and members also worked hard to raise additional funds.”
The shed isn’t just a home for those wanting to “call in and work with timber” it’s also become somewhat of a sanctuary for those looking for a social outlet.
“We don’t mind if men just want to call in for a chat, sit and have a cuppa and a biscuit and watch what we’re doing,” Phil said.
“You don’t have to get on the tools to be welcome at the shed.”
The arrival of the equivalent of two light truck loads of timber, courtesy
of Warrnambool City Council, sent excitement through the shed late last week.
“This timber is very much appreciated and will be well utilised by our members on various projects,” Phil Pettingill said.
“It’s beautiful, rough sawn Tasmania Oak and it will come up beautifully once it goes through one of our machines – it will look brand new.
“The short pieces will be great for timber tops and the long lengths will be used to make picnic tables and a variety of other projects that our members are working on.
“We also make kits for the school holiday program at Flagstaff Hill.”
The timber was excess from the Val Bertrand Stadium renovations.
The stadium which pre-dates the Warrnambool Stadium complex on Caramut Road it has been incorporated into, is in the process of a flooring upgrade.
With the delivery of so many new floorboards and other construction items, they came with a lot of useful packaging timber which the men’s shed will also use in various projects.
While the old surface served the city well as a sports court or 35 years, the construction method used at the time meant that this material could not be salvaged.
The Val Bertrand Stadium flooring project is on-track to be completed by the end of February.
BOOKS of all sorts were almost “flying out” the door at last weekend’s giant book sale in Warrnambool.
The annual Rotary Club of Warrnambool secondhand book sale once again attracted a great deal of interest among book enthusiasts of all ages.
Having moved hundreds of books to a new location in Fairy Street for the event, Rotarians were thrilled with the number of people who attended last weekend’s sale.
“The crowd was absolutely phenomenal and we are thrilled with how well the sale went,” Warrnambool Rotarian and organiser of the book sale, Anne Adams said.
“We could not have asked for more; we sold plenty of books, we had lots of positive feedback and it was lovely to see so many return customers.
“We’re extremely grateful to Norm McCullagh for allowing us use of this beautiful building – which actually was once a book shop so that’s something special as well.”
The annual book sale has been a huge success over the past “four or five years” according to Ms Adams.
“It’s a great way for our club (Rotary) to raise some much needed funds which are then distributed to worthy projects.”
Funds raised at last weekend’s event will go towards a memorial tree in the Warrnambool Cemetery for babies lost prior to 20 weeks gestation.
“This project has been an ongoing one for us and we’re looking forward to it coming to fruition in the very near future.
“It (the memorial tree) will no doubt become a very special place for many in our community.”
The book sale was also well supported by the Warrnambool Library.
Choice of 5 different Parmas served with chips, salad, plus a beer, soft drink or glass of house wine. $25
300gram Porterhouse steak served with chips, salad and side of sauce of your choice, plus a beer, soft drink or glass of house wine. $27
Choice of 4 different Burgers served with chips, plus a beer, soft drink or glass of house wine. $22
BIRTHDAY celebrations were in full swing for members of the Ladies Probus Club of Norfolk Warrnambool last week.
Members met at City Memorial Bowls Club on Monday morning to celebrate the group’s 26th birthday.
A special cake was cut by four foundation members and enjoyed with morning tea.
The group currently has around 60 members who meet on the fourth Monday of each month at City Memorial. New members are most welcome.
BELOW: Ladies Probus Club of Norfolk Warrnambool committee members (from left) Phyllis Walsh, Joyce McPhail, Diane Sheedy, Leslie Whitfield, Jane
G’day, I’m Alex Dyson, your local independent candidate for south west Victoria Let’s get
I’m from Warrnambool so I’m passionate about getting our region’s fair share from Canberra. I’m a broadcaster, author and small business owner who cares deeply about south west Victoria.
If you vote independent at the next election we can have our first ever representative who was born here, tackle the rising cost of living, improve access to childcare and aged care, and FINALLY FIX OUR ROADS.
Scholarships are available to help get you started on your teaching journey.
THERE was plenty of horsepower in Koroit last weekend as trucks of all sizes rolled in to town.
The annual Koroit Truck Show once again attracted a high number of quality entrants – and a huge crowd eager to browse the displays and take a close look at some of the ‘big rigs’ of the district.
While the trucks, for many visitors, were the highlight of the event, other attractions which also proved popular included a wood chop competition, truckie sprint and tug-of-war events
The ‘Rig of the Show’ award was presented to Brad Walker for his Kentworth T659, with Whitehaul Transport (Kenworth T909) the runner-up.
Other award recipients on the day were as follows:
Best crane/tow truck – Modern Towing (Mac Superliner); runner-up Will McCosh (Mack T600).
Best fleet of three or more – Colin McDonald.
Best restored vintage – Trevor Davis (International AA); runner-up Colin McDonald (Atkinson).
Prime Working Mover 0-1 year old –Williams Transport (Kenworth T759); runner-up Keagan Johnson (Kenworth T909).
Prime Mover 5-10 years – Jackson Annett (Kenworth T909); runner-up Whitehaul
Transport (Kenworth T909).
Prime Mover 10-15 years – Cornwill transport (Kenworth 908); runner-up Cornwill Transport (Kenworth SAR)
Prime Mover 15-20 years – Luke Watts (Kenworth T904); runner-up Whitehaul Transport (Kenworth 100G).
Prime Mover over 20 years – Colin McDonald (Atkinson); runner-up Murray Langford (Diamond T950 RS).
Best Rigid – Brad Waler (Kenworth T659); runner-up Colin McDonald (Morris NVS).
Best Rigid Tipper – Brad Walker (Kenworth T659); runner-up Luke Atkinson (Kenworth T659).
Best Customised – Cornwill Transport (Kenworth SAR Legend); runner-up Trevor Davis (International AA).
Best European – Lane Transport (Volvo XXL); runner-up PTS (Leyland Buffalo).
Best Japanese – John Mahony (Hino SS 700); runner-up Dane Sziva (Fuso FV54).
Best American – Murray Langford (Diamond T 950 RS); runner-up Trevor Davic (International AA).
Best farm truck – Victor Osborn (Dodge AT4-114); runner-up Colin McDonald (Morris NVS).
Best local – Phil Blake.
Furthest travelled – Ben Pilgrim.
Best trade stand – All American Chrome.
Best presented driver – Kevin (Truck Factory).
Best car- Steve (XR Sedan).
To all those Unsinkable Guys out there –
You might think it’s safe to have a few drinks around water, skip the life jacket when you’re out on the boat or go for a swim without checking the conditions.
But statistics prove that 4 out of 5 drownings are men.
Just remember that no one’s unsinkable.
VISITORS to the Koroit Truck Show last weekend were treated to a display of more than just trucks and vehicles. The event also saw a wood chop competition included on the program with visitors young and old stopping to watch the action.
THE Koroit Township Renewal Project has taken a giant leap forward with last week’s announcement of a $2 million state government grant.
Member for Wannon Dan Tehan last Thursday announced the Commonwealth funding would see the project deliver a contemporary and vibrant new town centre.
“This outcome is the result of the hard work of Koroit community organisations and Moyne Shire Council who engaged stakeholders to prepare this project and ensure it aligns with the needs of the community,” Mr Tehan said.
“I look forward to working with council to ensure the Koroit Township Renewal Project is delivered on time and that the people of Koroit see the benefits of this much-needed community project.”
Mr Tehan added that many local councils and community organisations invested a lot of time and effort into preparing applications for funding to deliver upgrades to community facilities and infrastructure.
This included sporting grounds, halls and cultural facilities.
He believes the Koroit Township Renewal Project will deliver major improvements to the town centre.
This will include streetscape and amenity upgrade works on Commercial Road, along with road, car parking, footpath works and the installation of bus stops on High Street.
Works will also be carried out to improve the landscaping of garden beds and to install new trees in both locations.
According to Moyne Shire council, the federal government grant was part of its application to the Growing Regions Fund.
The $2 million grant will go towards completion of stage three of the Koroit Township Renewal project, which will be matched by $2 million from council.
Stage three of the project will see further streetscape and amenity upgrade works on Commercial Road on the southern side between Mickey Bourkes and the Koroit Theatre, and road, car parking, footpath works and bus stop installation on High Street from Commercial Road to the Botanic Gardens area.
Mayor Cr Karen Foster said after investing $2 million on completing stages one and two, this project had remained council’s number one capital works priority.
“Council recommitted in July 2024 to fund another $2 million towards stage three of the project, which strengthened our application to the Growing Regions fund,” Cr Foster said.
“These new works will further enhance the amenity, safety and useability of the central business and recreation areas for residents, businesses and visitors.
“We’re grateful to the federal government for this funding announcement, and to the people of Koroit for their patience.”
According to Cr Foster, council’s project management office will manage this next stage of the project, with works anticipated to commence in mid-2025.
PORT Fairy’s Fiddlers Green was awash with colour and excitement for last weekend’s Moyne Community Awards and citizenship ceremony.
Crowds flocked to Port Fairy on January 26 to watch the ceremony and welcome some of the shire’s newest Australian citizens.
Moyne Community Awards were also presented.
Picnic in the Paddock was named winner of the Community Event of the Year.
The award was accepted by committee member Rebecca Smits.
Young Citizen of the Year was won by Timothy Reesink (and accepted by his brother Daniel) while the Citizen of the Year award went to Margaret Whitehead OAM.
Belfast Port Fairy Lions Club (James O’Neill Award) recipient was the Port Fairy Public Cemetery Committee.
The Moyne Reflection and Healing Ceremony, held the day prior, was also well attended.
MOYNE Shire’s commitment to its older residents has been affirmed with the inking of the Age-Friendly Victoria Declaration.
At Tuesday’s council meeting, councillors endorsed signing the declaration which aims to foster health, participation, and security for older populations through prioritising actions to promote quality of life, such as improving accessibility, fostering social inclusion, and enabling older residents to “age in place”.
Mayor Cr Karen Foster said signing the declaration was the next step following council’s decision to continue providing community care services in 2024.
“We know we have an aging population in Moyne so this declaration is a sign that we are committed to making sure the services we offer are meeting the needs of all members of our communities,” she said.
“Through our decision to stay in Community Care we are ensuring our older residents can remain independent in their homes with the support of our dedicated care teams.
“Signing this declaration shows we are committed to taking actions to support and
encourage our older residents to be actively involved in the life of the community.”
Cr Foster said older residents were being engaged as part of development of the new Council Plan and Municipal Health and Wellbeing plan to make sure those key documents reflected the needs of the whole community.
“The 45-74 age group is the largest age demographic in the shire and there was a 44.9 per cent increase in the 70-74 age group between the 2016 and 2021 census and the median age across the shire is 45, which is well above the state and national average of 38,” she said.
“The statistics show our residents are getting older, so we need to make sure we are doing what we can to make sure our communities and council services are set up to keep our older residents connected and active.”
Cr Foster said through the signing of this declaration, development of the new Council Plan, Health and Wellbeing Plan and changes council is making to ensure ongoing sustainability of its Community Care team, council is focussed on supporting the whole community.
“From our oldest residents through to the youngest.”
POSSIBLY Warrnambool’s largest ever Citizenship Ceremony was held last Thursday night, with 49 people taking the pledge and officially becoming Australian citizens.
Originally from the Philippines, New Zealand, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Peru, Canada and Nepal, they were welcomed into the common bond of Citizenship by Mayor Ben Blain.
The evening also saw the 2025 Citizen of the Year Award recipients officially recognised.
Mike Toone won the Local Achiever Award, the Warrnambool Community Garden Open Day is the Community Event of the Year, Sharna Rogers is the Young Citizen of the Year and Nathan McKane is the Citizen of the Year.
Speaking at the ceremony, Mr McKane said that he was very honoured to receive the award.
“When you look around our community, even in this room there are people doing great stuff in our community, so to be singled out is quite an honour,” he said.
“A lot of this (pride) comes from knowing that it takes that one person to create some empowerment, to lead some peers and bring some peers along and create conversations around suicide prevention and mental health awareness.
“Companies like R U OK? put on a lot of campaigns and challenges that make it accessible to everyday citizens to jump onboard.
“I want this award to feel reflective of a whole lot of people, I may know them, I may not, but you can see by the expression in their eyes that this means something.
“I’m not immune to mental health issues. We all go through hard times in life.
“I bumped into someone last night at the supermarket and you know what, our lives are better when our mates are in it.”
Warrnambool mayor Cr Ben Blain congratulated the award winners and the new citizens.
“This is one of my favourite events of the year,” he said.
“Warrnambool is a pretty great place to live… and it’s our people who make our city the welcoming, supporting and fun place that it is.”
THE Warrnambool racecourse
became a haven for race enthusiasts of a different kind last weekend.
While normally home to horse racing events, last Saturday morning saw thousands of Sprintcar-mad supporters head to the track to get up close to some of their favourite race teams.
The ‘Classic Fan Appreciation Day’ once again drew thousands of visitors, eager to purchase merchandise, take a close look at some of the race cars and grab some cherished autographs from some of their Sprintcar idols.
Held on day two of the annual three-day Classic, the morning kick started what was a memorable night two of action back at Premier Speedway.
“Fan appreciation day is always a popular event and after we had such big crowds at the showgrounds last year, the decision was made to move it to the racecourse this year to accommodate even more visitors,” Premier Speedway general manager Michael Parry said.
“It’s always one of the highlights of the Classic for many people, especially some of the younger fans who get the chance to meet the drivers, look at the cars and get some autographs.
“It all adds to the atmosphere of the Classic.”
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Members of
The Freckled Duck
Allansford General Store
Panmure Hotel
Panmure General Store
Dalys Iga Koroit
Knl Newsagency And Lotto
Ag Warehouse Koroit
McDowalls Friendly Grocer
East Beach Fish ‘N Chips
Charlies On East
Information Centre Port Fairy
Seacombe House
Pelicans Port Fairy
Port Fairy Iga
The Mill Port Fairy
Port Fairy Sports And Toys
Newsxpress Port Fairy
Brookes Home Timber & Hardware
Cobb’s Bakery
Village Bakehouse At Port Fairy
Caledonian Inn - The Stump
The Vic Hotel
Wangoom Post Office
Flaxman Street Milk Bar
Fletcher Jones Market
Beyond Bank
Nextra Newsagency Warrnambool
Swintons Iga
Warrnambool Library
Brophy Family & Youth Service
Timor Street Authorised Newsagency
Timor Street Market
Middle Island Delights
Sammy The Seal Takeaway
Warrnambool Bowls Club
Information Tourist Centre
Beach Kiosk Takeaway
Warrnambool Rsl
Norfolk Lotto
Norfolk Butcher
Piccolo Coffee Roasters
Dennington Bakehouse
Walsh Road Take Away
BP Mathews Petroleum
Warrnambool Greyhound Racing Club
The Hospital Shop
Jude The Café
C L - Country Life
Monaghan’s Pharmacy
City Memorial Bowls
The Pig And Pie
Norfolk Butcher North Point
Tackside Fish And Chips / Café
Gateway Coles
Gateway Newsagency
Dr. Tully Espresso Bar
BP Warrnambool (Near Flying Horse)
by MLA’s
TOTAL YARDING: 17500 (+13200) Sheep yarding: NQ (-4300) Lamb yarding: 17500 (NQ)
Hamilton agents yarded 17500 lambs this week being 2400 less then the previous market.
Majority, 95% were recently shorn with the balance in the wool.
The quality of most of the offering was good and carried good trade weight and finish.
There was a tail of smaller drier lambs also on offer.
Few heavy lambs were available to a near capacity field of active buyers with one major restocker absent.
The market for the better finished lambs with weight and finish was firm to slightly softer by $5 to $8/head with the best competition on the well finished shorn lambs with the secondary types to feed on being fully firm.
The better lambs to the trade were making between 780 and 840c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs topped at $230/head.
The best of the shorn suckers also sold to $230 and the best of the hoggets made $155/head.
Feeder and store competition was strong and was evident of the lighter weights which realized between 750 and 820c/ kg cwt with competition from locals along with restockers from Ballarat, Yarrawonga and South Australia.
Light new season lambs 12 to 16kg sold from $109 to $124 with the trade weighs 18 to 22kg making $130 to $178/head.
Lambs 22 to 26kg sold from $164 to $205/head.
Market Reporter Chris Agnew.
P Bubb, c: I Wilson b: R Mottram ................................12
J Burnham, b: T Jayawardhane .................................54
J Louth, c: J Greer b:
R Rasanga, retired not out .........................................39
1st Innings
R Mottram, c:
(0WD 1NB 4LB 3B 0P) ........................................8
J Lehmann
HAWKESDALE 1st Innings
B Julius, c: H Schrama b: T Hay ...................................9
J Linke, c: B Kavenagh b: S Munro ...............................2
C O’Donnell, c: G Bourke b: T Hay ................................3
J Elliott, c: B Kavenagh b: G Bourke ...........................12
W Morrison, c&b: G Bourke..........................................8
H Gleeson, b: G Bourke ..........................................Duck
L Dwyer, c: B Kavenagh b: I Toombs ...........................14 L Glare, c: S Munro b: T Delaney.............................Duck
B Gordon, c: N Roberts b: I Toombs ..............................4
B Smith, b: I Toombs ....................................................8 D Altmann, not out.......................................................1
MERRIVALE 1st Innings
N Sinnott, c: C Mahncke b: D Goddard .......................14
J Logan, c: J Lehmann b: C Mahncke...........................9
R Wallace, c: J Lehmann b: O Ritchie ...........................2
L Pearson, c: L Schuuring b: C Herry ............................3
B Foster, c: D Goddard b: C Herry ...............................10
L Edwards, c: H Smith b: D Goddard ......................Duck
M Sandow, c: P Player b: M Slater..............................12
D Pearson, c: C Mahncke b: D Goddard ..................Duck
M Bunney, c: D Goddard b: M Slater...........................14
J Holley, c: O Ritchie b: M Slater.................................12
L Peters, not out...........................................................1
Extras (2WD 1NB 3LB 4B 0P) ......................................10
Total ......................................................................10/87
C Mahncke
M Slater
F Gleeson, c: H Giblin b: D Abbott .................................5
S Aberline, c: L Venn b: D Abbott ..................................2
J Carman, c: A Battistello b: D Abbott .........................14
A Poumako, lbw: M Wynd ..........................................25
M Smith, b: W Attrill ...................................................71
Z Smith, b: A Battistello ................................................7
N Keane, c: D Kenna b: H Giblin..................................18
P Ryan, c: D Conheady b: H Giblin ..............Golden Duck
D Boyd, c: D O’Connor b: H Giblin ...............................12
D Bryan, not out ...........................................................7
Z Kelly, not out .............................................................1
Extras (28WD 5NB 4LB 0B 0P) ....................................37 Total ......................................................................9/199
H Bensch ........................................Duck
M Fernando, c: H Bensch b: P Dilanka....................Duck
D Meade, lbw: P Dilanka ............................................60
P Mahony, lbw: P Dilanka...........................................77
R Shahzad, c: ? b: P Dilanka ........................................3
B Bant, lbw: P Dilanka ..................................................9
T Shahzad, c: A Williams b: P Dilanka.....................Duck
S Kumara, not out ......................................................29
B Boyd, not out ..........................................................11
Extras (4WD 7NB 9LB 1B 0P) ......................................21 Total ......................................................................9/242
PORT FAIRY Bowling O M R W Wd Nb
P Dilanka 17 3 28 6 0 3
H Bensch 20 5 52 1 0 3
V Huf
K Wilson
J Perera 15 2 56 0 0 0
A Dwyer 6 0 23 0 0 0
M Staude 4 0 14 0 1
NESTLES 1st Innings
M Murphy, c&b: D Hawkins ........................................12
W Hinkley, c: F Wilkinson b: J Stapleton .....................19
S Illeperuma, c: M Petherick b: J Stapleton................30
J Hetherington, b: M Jones .........................................6
G Williams, lbw: M Jones.............................................4
M Jackman, c: A Boyle b: J Stapleton ..........................3
M Harricks, not out ....................................................28
R Saker, c: ? b: J Stapleton ....................................Duck
T Powell, lbw: M Jones ................................................4
C Jellie, c: J Kenna b: M Petherick ...............................1
M Hannah, lbw: M Petherick ........................................2 Extras (0WD 0NB 1LB 5B 0P) ........................................6 Total ....................................................................10/115
I Toombs, not out .......................................................78
B Kavenagh, c: J Linke b: L Glare.................................9
H Schrama, b: L Glare ................................................50
T Hay, c: W Morrison b: L Glare .....................................5
G Bourke, not out.........................................................0 Extras (1WD 3NB 0LB 4B 0P) ........................................8
C O’Donnell
D Bourke, c: ? b: D Jayasinghe ..................................30
R Ault, b: N Frith.........................................................17
L Rea, lbw: N Frith ......................................................85
B Smith, b: B Karunarathne ..........................................1
T Sinnott, c: S Wallace b: D Jayasinghe........................2
S Griffin, c: J Punshon b: N Frith.................................31
J Mulheron, b: B Karunarathne ..................................14
M Mills, c: S Wallace b: W Colla ..................................61
J Parsons, run out: J Cashin ........................................2 D Bourke, not out.......................................................28 C James, not out........................................................12
H Giblin
L Venn, c: J Carman b: D Boyd .....................................6
D Kenna, c: F Gleeson b: A Poumako ............................3
M Heffernan, c: J Carman b: D Boyd ............................2
D Conheady, c: D Bryan b: D Boyd ...............................3
D Abbott, c: N Keane b: A Poumako..............................9
M Wynd, lbw: A Poumako.......................................Duck
H Giblin, c: S Aberline b: Z Kelly..................................19
W Attrill, c: N Keane b: J Carman ...............................11
A Battistello, c: N Keane b: Z Kelly ...............................3
T Conheady, b: J Carman ...........................Golden Duck
D O’Connor, not out......................................................0
Extras (11WD 1NB 2LB 0B 0P) ....................................14
Total ......................................................................10/70
D Boyd 5 0 27 3 4 1
A Poumako 5 1 15 3
J Carman
Z Kelly
KOROIT 1st Innings
S Townsend, c: B Conboy b: H Mckenzie ......................5
P Brady, b: B Conboy..................................................16
A Brady, lbw: B Conboy ................................................1
A Glossop, b: R McArdle.............................................24
N Billings, c: N Bramwell b: T Wells ..............................9
J Okeefe, b: R McArdle...........................................Duck
L Bell, c: L McCosh b: R McArdle ..................................7
L Sharman, c: H Mckenzie b: R McArdle.....................27
D Okeeffe, b: R McArdle .............................Golden Duck
W Dobson, b: C Woodbridge ...................................Duck
Fill-in, not out ..............................................................0
Extras (6WD 1NB 4LB 0B 0P) ......................................11 Total ....................................................................10/100
Kenna 1 1 0 0 0 0 MERRIVALE 1st Innings
F Wilkinson, lbw: J Hetherington................................15
T Opperman, c: M Murphy b: M Hannah .....................27 J Stapleton, c: G Williams b: R
SPRING CREEK Bowling O M R W Wd Nb C Woodbridge
T Quarrell, c: L Astbury b: W Doran.............................16
S Wythe, c: P Douglas b: T Smith................................14
P Kinnear, b: L Astbury .................................................5
L Cannon, b: T Hunter ............................................Duck
T McDonald-Harry, not out ........................................22
R Moody, lbw: J Buxton................................................8
(14WD 2NB 0LB 1B 0P) ....................................17
WANGOOM 1st Innings
S White, c: N Mullen b: D Buck ...................................10
PORT FAIRY 1st Innings
T Fraser, c: ? b: J Mahony-Gilchrist ............................27
S Ploenges, c: F Henry b: L Roberts .........................122
M West, c: F Henry b: M Brown ..................................33
J Coffey, c: J Mahony-Gilchrist b: M Brown ..................2
J Taylor, c: W Douglas b: J Pearson ..............................6
J Hill, c: B Bell b: J Mahony-Gilchrist ......................Duck
L Covey, c: L Roberts b: M Brown .................................4
M Buckis, not out ........................................................6
B Else, c: L Roberts b: M Brown..................Golden Duck
Fill-in, c: L Gilchrist b: J Mahony-Gilchrist ..............Duck
R Procter, b: M Brown ..................................................2
Extras (15WD 4NB 5LB 0B 0P) ....................................24
Total ....................................................................10/226
F Henry
J Pearson
J Mahony - Gilchrist
M Brown
B Pearson
N Burgess
L Roberts
N Bolden, c: L Ryan b: X Short....................................29
G Wright, b: S Short ...................................................85
S Podger, c: S Short b: A White ...................................16 N Russell, not out ......................................................26
K Eagleson, c: A White b: F Kongsai..............................2
M Wormald, b: S Short...........................................Duck
B Eagleson, b: X Short .................................................3
D Nash, not out ..........................................................10
Extras (6WD 1NB 5LB 4B 0P) ......................................16
Total ......................................................................6/187
S Short
S Bushell
L Ryan
1st Innings J Fogarty, c: C Goddard b: A Herry............................119 M Sell, c: Fill-in, b: C Goddard ...................................14
b: C Goddard .....................................................4
N Squires, c: J Harris b: J Wendt ................................30 C Noonan, b: J Wendt...................................................1 J Malone, not out .......................................................58
N Main, b: M Mirtschin .................................................2
S Dennis, c: J Ross b: H Noonan.................................42
I McCullough, lbw: Z Whitton .......................................9
S Grinter, not out........................................................13
M McCullough, b: H Noonan ........................................6
J Priebbenow, run out: Z Whitton ...........................Duck
M Holder, not out .........................................................6 Extras (16WD 3NB 2LB 4B 0P) ....................................25 Total ......................................................................7/113
M Mirtschin 8 1 20 1 0 1
Z Whitton 8 0 45 2 14 2
J Ross 7 1 24 1 1 0
E Rea 1 0 6 0 1 0
H Noonan 2.2 0 12 2 0 0
D Darmanin, c&b: W Heron ........................................21
T Barling, b: Z Reeves ................................................18
T Cram, b: E Heron .................................................Duck
A Nicolson, c: T Reeves b: J McLaren...........................6
O Miller, c: Z Reeves b: S Membrey ..............................1
T McKenna, c: C Wiffrie b: S Membrey ...................Duck
I Dawson, run out: L Kew
not out ............................................................63
(14WD 8NB 5LB 0B 0P) ....................................27
MORTLAKE 1st Innings
J Harris, c: N Squires b: Fill-in ......................................3
L Robertson, c: T Smith b: K Allen ................................1
E Bradbury, c: M Howley b: J Fogarty ...........................4
C Goddard, not out.......................................................7 A Herry, c: K Allen b: J Fogarty ...................................30 J Wendt, c&b: C Noonan ..............................................2
b: I Squires ......................................................18 K Reddy, c: I Squires b: K
F Kongsai
P Ryan, not out ..........................................................91
F Kongsai, c: B Kelp b: A Bolden.................................14
R Chislett, b: D Nash ....................................................4
S Short, b: D Nash......................................................18
M Darcy, c&b: D Nash ................................................11
L Ryan, c: S Podger b: D Nash ................................Duck
X Short, b: B Kelp .......................................................11
A White, c: N Russell b: M Wormald..............................3
F Monaghan, c: K Eagleson b: M Wormald .............Duck
F Morgan, run out: A Bolden, K Eagleson ................Duck
S Bushell, b: A Bolden ................................Golden Duck Extras (8WD 1NB 2LB 0B 0P) ......................................11
Total ....................................................................10/163
A Bolden
D Nash
A Hocking
A Carman, c&b: N Hoy ...............................................57
L Cugley, c: L Carter b: R Mackenzie ............................2
N Russell, c: R Mackenzie b: C O’Keefe ......................23
C Wright, c: L Carter b: K Hutchins .............................40
B Roberts, c: K Hutchins b: N Parsons ..........................1 R Roberts, not out......................................................61 P Colla, b: K Hutchins ...................................................4
O Ricketts, b: E Bligh .................................................10 E Place, not out ............................................................2 Extras (7WD 0NB 4LB 0B
NIRRANDA 1st Innings
L van der Mark, b: H Elliott ..........................................5
O Poumako, lbw: A Hunt ............................................18
N Reason, c: E Morrison b:
FORTY teams contested a Super Sunday three-person ambrose at the East Framlingham Golf Club last weekend.
First place with a score of 47.17 was James Kenna, Joe Kenna and Ryan Humphrey.
They were followed by Brett Willsher, Ben Nevill and Dale Harlock in second on 51.5.
Third place on 52.5 went to Henry Roberts, Ryley Huychens an Darcy Hutchens.
Nearest the pins: 1st Rodney Keane, 2nd Tony Kenna 3rd Hugh Kenna, 4th James Kenna, super pin Riley Kelly, 5th George Beasley, 6th James Kenna, 7th Dale Harlock, 8th (all had eagles) Nick Kenna, Sam Rix and Willis Johnston, 9th Andrew Moloney.
The longest drive went to George Beasley.
The ladies’ stroke monthly medal on January 28 attracted 27 players.
A grade was won by Barb Hill 87/23/64
from runner-up Julie Marney 85/20/65. B grade went to Lyn Cook 94/31/63 from Cheryl Carroll 97/29/68
C grade was won by Adrianna Quattrocchi 111/45/66 from Jan McCluskey 109/40/69.
Nearest the pins: A grade second shot 4th/13th Anne Grenfell; B grade third shot 9th/18th Sue Cassidy, C grade second shot 7th/16th Jan McCluskey; 3rd/12th Pauline Arstrong and super 8th Julie Mahney. The monthly medal winner was Lyn Cook.
TOP spot Dennington played bottom of the ladder position holders Warrnambool in the Warrnambool Moyne Premier division.
Dennington bowlers were running hot, bowling Warrnambool out for 10/94 runs in the first innings. The Dogs declared, 4/211 after 45 overs.
At the end of the first days play, Warrnambool are sitting at 8/142 in their second innings.
Allansford-Panmure are batting strong with 9/242, despite three players going out for a duck.
Nestles were bowled out 10/115 with Merrivale sitting on 6/57 at stumps. Russells Creek and West Warrnambool are playing their two day match this weekend.
Championship division stand out match sees Allansford-Panmur sitting at 9/290 at the end of the day’s play. Lachlan Rea knocking up a nice score of 85 runs. In division two Nestles captain Dean Finlayson led the way with a knock of 139 runs off 84 balls, hitting 15 fours and 6 sixes, winning convincingly with an innings of 7/340 against North Warrnambool.
In division three all games were closing contested,except Dennington verses Mortlake.
The Dogs scored 316 runs off 40 overs only losing five wickets. Jamie Fogarty with a top knock of 119 runs, hitting 15 fours and five sixes from 83 balls. The Dogs winning by 218 runs.
Divison four saw Warrnambool versus North warrnambool as the stand-out match, with Warrnambool winning by 100 runs. Warrnambool bowlers taking three ducks and one golden duck in a strong bowling attack.
Timboon 1 Maroon 80 (12) Port Fairy 1 Gold 40 (0):
Saunders, Finch, Rowe, Finch 29; Creek, Mallett, Arnold, Gibb 10; Newey, Duro, Neal, Mungean 24; Dempsey, Hamilton, Wilson, Roberts 19; Trigg, McIntosh, Dowdell, Baker 27; Jackson, Purcell, Cullinane, Carlin 11. City 1 Diamonds 69 (10) Lawn Tennis 1 Green 60 (2):
Sheehan, Cooknell, Carlin, Sheehan 25; Lackie, Alderman, Keane, Grenfell 13; Dosser, Symmons, Collie, Johnson 26; Lackie, Prout, Burgess, Prout 21; Cooknell, Hunt, Cooknell, Ritchie 18; Brown, Grundy, Sagnol, Brown 26.
Terang 1 Blue 47 (2) Warrnambool 1 Gold 87 (10):
Fowler, Pearson, Gherashe, Downie 7; Edwards, Pulling, Clegg, Cross 42; Kenna, Thompson, Ross, Reid 24; Sharp, Kelly, Bell, Dalton 15; Wynd, Malady, Wass, Templeton 16; Moloney, Guinan, McMahon, Hill 30. City 2 Sapphires 78 (10) Koroit 1 Saints 56 (2):
Emonson, Ritchie, Jones, Sheehan 14; Unger, Collins, Sullivan, Murnane 26; Drennan, Bibby, Bell, Wiggins 29; Becker, Duffield, Knowles, Daly 12; Pallister, McLean, Graham, O’Keeffe 35; Keane, Coates, Lenehan, Ellis 18.
Port Fairy 2 Green 47 (2) Warrnambool 2 Blue 64 (10): Harris, Phillips, Hedger, Jewell 14; Gill, Chapman, Standaar, Bayne 23; Watts, Smith, Jessen, Murray 14; Gill, Campbell, Hawker, Byron 23; Jackson, Hamilton, Saul, Munro 19; Rea, Anderson, Edwards, McCosh 18. City 3 Pearls 75 (12) Dennington 1 Jets 40 (0):
O’Brien, Sayer, Millard, Hasell 20; Giblin, Edwards, Ross, Scott 12; Brown, Haberfield, McCosh, Madden 30; Cutter-Rabl, Monigatti, O’Leary, Greene 12; Murrell, Ness, Meade, Chapman 25; Hovard, Conn, Conn, Rabl 16. Timboon 2 Gold 69 (12) City 5 Zircon 43 (0):
Murch, Mungean, Wines, Bedggood 25; Wright, McCosh, Pelgrim, Horne 18; Gillingham, Laing, Dwyer, Berry 21; Kelly, Hockley, Murnane, Wallace 14; Duro, McDowell, Trigg, Bowen 23; Johnson, Holland, Newton, Malcolm 11. Koroit 2 Saints 47 (2) City 4 Rubies 67 (10): Mc, Kenzie, Waterson, Mc, Allion, Mckew 26; Blake, Shiels, Taylor, Smail 22; Kelson, Lenehan, Bowron, Elliott 8; Madden, Small, Malcolm, Sedgley 24; Johnson, Becker, Shanahan, Elliott 13; Firth, Gleeson, Prewett, Treweek 21.
Terang 2 Red 39 (6) City 8 Jade 38 (2): Kenna, Kenna, Walters, Meade 22; Trompf, Duncan, Lane, Phillips 23; Knox, Tebble, Fidge, Whitehead 17; Owen, Cozens, Groves, Cuzens 15.
City 6 Opals 40 (6) Mort 1 Purple 28 (2): McCarthy, Hoy, Smith, Roberts 7; Smith, Richie, Kenna, Draffen 22; Kenna, Brinkman, Groves, Chatfield 33; Pasque, Inverarity, Macdonald, Robertson 6.
Timboon 3 Red 53 (8) Port Fairy 3 Red 34 (0):
Payne, Clover, Easterbrook, Neal 29; Murray, Arnold, Murray, Leddin 14; McKenzie, Lucas, Bedggood, McKenzie 24; Jasper, Blackmore, Jasper, Blackmore 20.
Lawn Tennis 2 Blue 36 (6) City 7 Emeralds 31 (2):
Fleming, Treweek, Taylor, Crispe 22; Madden, Love, Smith, Smith 11; Sagnol, Daley, Hoggan, McLeod 14; Bourke, Comollatti, Dowd, Husband 20.
Port Fairy 4 Blue 36 (2) Warrnambool 3 Green 45 (6): Spark, McLeod, Taylor, Kershaw 20; Curtin, Howlett, Kelly, Curtin 18; Bunge, Harris, Woodrup, Purcell 16; Dakin, Lenehan, Uebergang, Dakin 27.
City 9 Topaz 54 (8) Koroit 3 Saints 25 (0): Smith, Lane, Barker, Batten 23; Brady, Beard, Morgan, McInerney 14; Cuzens, Chapman, Harris, Williams 31; Moloney, Toleman, Lenehan, Sicely 11.
Timboon 4 Purple 38 (2) Terang 3 White 40 (6): Togni, Cashmore, Price, Cashmore 25; Forssman, Heffernan, Forssman, Kenna 15 O’Donnell, McKenzie, Page, Hunt 13; Cameron, Keane, Downie, Hilton 25.
Lawn Tennis 3 Gold 34 (0) City 10 Onyx 55 (8): Gleeson, Hoggan, Crispe, Pickett 16; Husband, Wiggins, Rayner, Smits 25; Ryan, Johnstone, Wood, Tory 18; Rutter, Dalton, Scott, Symons 30.
Port Fairy 1 Red 59 (8) Dennington 1 Jets 57 (4): Wilson, Roberts, Jackson, Cullinane 33; Ross, Greene, O’Leary, King 15; RossWatson, Dyson, Arnold, Riches 16; Giblin, Brooks, Barling, Barling 21; Creek, Miller, Gibb, Carlin 10; Creed, Scott, Rabl, Savage 21.
Terang 1 Blue 61 (10) City 1 Red 48 (2): Wynd, Staunton, Morrison, Rees 24; Dosser, O’Rourke, Carlin, Sheehan 16; Tebble, Whitehead, Delaney, Heffernan 23; Sheehan, Fleming, Johnson, Wells 12; Meade, Reid, Mills, Stonehouse 14
O’Keeffe, Hawkins, Solly, Wiffen 20. Koroit 1 Saints 81 (12) Dunkeld 1 Blue 37 (0): Keane, Thomas, Knowles, Clifford 26; Starkie, Riddle, Cook, Gordon 15; Jobling, Daly, Ellis, Boschen 25; McDonnell, Keilar, Raymond, Jackson 14; Sullivan, Quinlan, Murnane, Funcke 30; Cole, Scott, Hinchliffe, Clements 8.
City 2 Gold 57 (10) Mortlake 1 Blue 45 (2): Veljovic, Jones, Davey, Ritchie 22; Beardsley, Wood, Inverarity, Grant 12; Cooknell, Finnigan, Cooknell, Collie 18; Tanner, Dolling, McNicoll, Johnson 22; Hall, Garner, Sheehan, Wiggins 17; Pierce, Kubik, Summerhayes, Draffen 11. Portland Memorial 1 Makos 53 (2) Warrnambool 1 Gold 55 (10): Arthur, Grayson, Englezos, Cottier 11; McGillivray, Johnson, Cross, Cornick 19; Elford, Bramley, Angelino, Solly 23; McGillivray, Neal, Cross, Bowles 15; Overall, Beckman, Seekamp, Fleming 19; Edwards, Moloney, Dalton, O’Donnell 21. Warrnambool 2 Blue 70 (11) Timboon 1 Gold 43 (1): Blandthorn, Jansen van, Vuuren, Lilley, McCallum 30; Mungean, Duro, Finch, Gaut 6; Clegg, Sager, Mahney, McNaughton 19; Finch, Newey, Haugh, Mungean 19; Andrew, Cooper, Dalton, Klein 21; Trigg, McIntosh, Dowdell, Baker 18
City 5 Green 56 (10) City 4 Blue 54 (2): O’Brien, Bolden, Fuller, Griffin 16; Howarth, Thomson, Richardson, Bourke 27; Boonzaayer, Finnigan, McLean, Butters 20; Newton, Lloyd, Meade, Price 11; Pallister, Small, Hose, Craven 20; Horne, Maher, Treweek, Maddern 16.
Timboon 2 Maroon 44 (0) Warrnambool 3 Red 61 (12): McDowell, Twaddle, Saunders, Rowe 17; McMahon, White, Kelly, Hill 19; Murch, Mungean, Wines, Bedggood 10; Hatfield, Verdon, Rundle, Barclay 22; Gillingham, Trigg, Bowen, Berry 17; Dalton, Guinan, Pulling, Woolley 20.
Warrnambool 4 Green 55 (2) Koroit 2
Saints 58 (10): Baxter, Hill, Howard, Campbell 14; Funcke, Clissold, Duffield, Farley 25; Neal, McLaren, Hunting, Crowe 15; Unger, Cook, Battistello, O’Shannessy 21; Kelly, Carroll, Kelson, Vick 26; Butler, Coolahan, Collins, Keane 12. Mortlake 2 White 57 (12) Port Fairy 2 Blue 37 (0):
Richie, Cary, Springall, McKenzie 16; Spark, Smith, Lowe, Lenehan 15; Johnson, Robertson, Puzey, Delaney 19; Harris, Oswin, Hamilton, Jessen 15; Macdonald, Wood, Macdonald, Rasmussen 22; Phillips, Nolte, Jewell, Munro 7.
City 3 White 82 (12) Lawn Tennis 1 Red 41 (0): Hoy, Wescombe, Symmons, Davey 27; Lackie, Sagnol, Porter, McArthur 13; Drennan, Body, Wooles, Bell 24; Grundy, Prout, Grenfell, Prout 14; Emonson, Scott, Chiller, Hunt 31; Brown, Keane, Brown, Hose 14.
DIVISION 3: Timboon 3 Brown 45 (2) City 8 Maroon 62 (10): Newey, Mungean, Groves, Page 11; Gleeson, Smith, Burleigh, Smith 22; Plozza, Clover, Page, Clover 22; Abraham, Williams, Harris, Rouse 14; Payne, Laing, O’Donnell, Lucas 12; McLeod, Hockley, Arundell, Husband 26.
Lawn Tennis 2 Gold 59 (4) Warrnambool 5 White 68 (8): Pickett, Hirst, Taylor, Crispe 29; Jansen van, Vuuren, Cust, Greene, White 27; Hoggan, Daley, Sagnol, McLeod 13; Anderton, Brown, Bayne, Verdon 25; Inia, Burgess, Hirst, Hoggan 17; Williams, Johnson, Holder, Furnell 16.
City 7 Yellow 57 (8) Dennington 2 Jets 51 (4): Brown, Gleeson, Ritchie, Jelbart 22; Palmer, Edwards, Membrey, Hovard 11; Pelgrim, Ellery, Shiels, Taylor 21; Rayner, Gleeson, Frewin, Monigatti 24; McSwain, O’Sullivan, Phillips, Malcolm 14; Cutter-Rabl, Balmer, Butler, Honey 16.
Port Fairy 3 Gold 53 (2) Terang 2 Red 62 (10): Woodrup, Murray, Blackmore, Hedger 16; Heffernan, Malady, Kenna, Gherashe 24; Jenkins, Dalton, Leddin, Gleeson 16; Grayland, Arkinstall, Thompson, Uebergang 19; Smith, Creek, Saul, Kemp 21; Taylor, Forssman, Densley, Templeton 19. Koroit 3 Saints 64 (10) City 6 Brown 56 (2): Beard, Morgan, Becker, Elliott 16; Boyington, Prewett, McCosh, Chapman 27; Gass, Smith, Kelson, Elliott 23; Ness, Anstey, Smail, Burleigh 15; Jobling, Mc, Kenzie, McAllion, Coates 25; Sedgley, Roberts, Madden, Monro 14.
City 9 Orange 41 (7) City 10 Black 30 (1): Dalton, Kenna, Rayner, Chatfield 25; Kermond, Hetherington, Cathie, Trompf 14; Smith, Everall, McNulty, Smits 16; Firth, McCosh, Barker, Van, Baaren 16. BYE 0 (0) Koroit 4 Saints 0 (4) Mortlake 3 Gold 34 (6) Dunkeld 2 White 30 (2): Richie, Caudle, Kenna, Murray 21; Fraser, Pratt, Montgomery, Napier 15 O’Shannessy, Smith, Robertson, Heard 13; Donohue, Maslen, Parker, Wall 15. Port Fairy 4 Green 32 (1) Warrnambool 6 Orange 35 (7): Chapman, Bunge, Halliday, Blackmore 16; Bushell, Newton, Kelly, Howlett 19; Watts, Corke, Taylor, Kershaw 16; Anderson, Chapman, Fitzgibbon, Curtin 16. DIVISION 5: BYE 0 (0) City 11 Purple 0 (4) Lawn Tennis 3 Green 15 (8) Dennington 3 Jets -15 (0): Milgate, Treweek, Wood, Tory <TBC> <TBC> <TBC> Pickett, Hirst, Fish, Prout <TBC> <TBC> <TBC> Koroit 5 Saints 30 (0) Terang 3 White 43 (8): Bowron, McNicoll, Rudezky, Waterson 15; Hilton, Jervies, Pearson, Hilton 25; Gardiner, Gavin, Bowron, Shanahan 15; Stanley, Downie, Wynd, Wass 18. Warrnambool 7 Maroon 33 (0) Warrnambool 8 Yellow 47 (8): Watson, Johnson, Standaar, Uebergang 17; Curtin, McLaren, Dakin, Hawker 23; McKenzie, Wilson, Selman, McCosh 16; Reilly, Dalton, Bath, Dakin 24
Heytesbury Honeys 17 def Dennington Hot Shots 13
Heytesbury Honeys: B Mungean(s), L Mungean, C Mungean, P Baker; Dennington Hot Shots: A Armistead(s), S Pierce, M Heard, D Cheslett. Allansford Panthers 24 def Allansford Cougars 9
Allansford Panthers: J Ruddle(s), B Murphy, A MacCulloch, R Kermond; Allansford Cougars: I Swain(s), R McCrabb, J Shiels, J Marney.
Wannon Park Racers 11 lost to Allansford Cats 19
Wannon Park Racers: M Drennan(s), I Lake, L Fish, D McLeod; Allansford Cats: G Draffen(s), A Quick, R Mungean, Colin Ruddle
Wannon Park Dogs 14 lost to Dennington Hi-Fives 16
Wannon Park Dogs: K Keegan(s), R Hoy, D Chapman, A Yates; Dennington Hi-Fives: Les Lenehan(s), F Harney, H Harney, Y Lenehan.
Wannon Park Barkers 12 lost to Allansford Jaguars 19
Wannon Park Barkers: R Harris(s), J Meade, K Brauer, B Scott; Allansford Jaguars: I Grummett(s), I Heatly, T Lackie, Connie Ruddle. Grangeburn 27 def Dennington Dashers 16
Grangeburn: R Pech(s), J Pollock, C Dunn, N Ryan; Dennington Dashers: J Rasmussen(s), Ken Buck, S Hogan, J Farrer. Port Fairy Seagulls 9 lost to Heytesbury
Hyenas 26
Port Fairy Seagulls: G Phillips(s), M Mahony, C Wilson, D Phillips; Heytesbury Hyenas: N Mungean(s), P Wines, S Berry, J Roberts. Allansford Tigers 18 def Allansford Leopards 16
Allansford Tigers: B Draffen(s), Liz Lenehan, S Madden, D Mugavin; Allansford Leopards: D Byron(s), J Byron, B Byron, L McCosh.
Camperdown 13 lost to Koroit Hornets 15
Camperdown: L Pearson(s), K Wines, R Maslin, S Pearson; Koroit Hornets: T Johnstone(s), V O’Grady, M McInerney, B Gardiner.
Cooramook Sinners -10 lost to Cooramook Saints 10 (forfeit) Lawn Tennis 15 drew Dennington Devils
Lawn Tennis: S Fish(s), G Howlett, K Burgess, W Howlett; Dennington Devils: K Cameron(s), T Crow, C Childs, M Childs. Dennington Aces 17 lost to Wannon Park Pups 20
Dennington Aces: J Hovard(s), S Membery, G Cook, C Croft; Wannon Park Pups: G Horner(s), D Gleeson, B Justin, F Lenehan. Allansford Pumas 14 drew Koroit Jets 14 Allansford Pumas: C Matthews(s), G Cossens, K Cathie, B McCosh; Koroit Jets: G Madden(s), P Bowron, D Bowron, R Waterson.
Dennington Demons 18 def Wannon Park Hounds 17
Dennington Demons: N Blackmore(s), Kevin Buck, A Slattery, D Hadfield; Wannon Park Hounds: G Bates(s), M Bond, D Brooks, R Bond
SPRINTCAR superstar
James McFadden has won his third Grand Annual Sprintcar Classic.
In front of a full-house at Warrnambool’s Premier Speedway on Sunday night, McFadden dominated the race to take the chequered flag ahead of Corey Eliason with local Jamie Veal in third.
Rounding out the top 10 finishers were Queenslander Brock Hallett in fourth, followed by Jock Goodyer, Jordyn Charge, Garet Williamson, Cole Macedo, Matt Dumesny and Kerry Madsen.
The 52nd annual running of the Classic once again brought huge crowds to Premier Speedway over the three days and injected welcome dollars into the local economy.
While the action was hot on the track, off the track race enthusiasts of all ages were kept well entertained on all three nights, with children’s games and activities, and live music before engine starts.
McFadden and his team were also presented with the Ian Sheppard Memorial Award while Cole Macedo went home with the Hard Charger Award, Lachlan McHugh the Hard Luck Award and Garrett Williamson was the named the ‘Classic’ rookie..
6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
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7:00 Better Homes And Gardens Summer [s]
8:30 Movie: “Pretty Woman” (M l) (’90) Stars: Julia Roberts, Richard Gere
11:05Program To Be Advised
12:20Dr Harry’s Animal Encounters (PG) [s]
1:20 Travel Oz: Lord Howe Island & Perth (PG) [s]
2:00 Home Shopping
4:00 Million Dollar Minute [s] 5:00 NBC Today [s]
12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 Auction Squad 2:00 The Great Australian Doorstep (PG) 2:30 Sydney Weekender 3:00 DVine Living (PG) 3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Surf Patrol 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 The Yorkshire Vet
6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra (PG) [s] 11:30NINE News Morning [s]
12:00Married At First Sight (M l,s) [s]
1:30 Mr Mayor: Trampage (PG) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s]
4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]
5:30 WIN News [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 Taronga - Who’s Who In The Zoo: Little Penguin Rescue (PG) [s]
8:30 Movie: “The Intern” (PG) (’15) Stars: Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway, Rene Russo
11:00Movie: “Inside Man” (MA15+) (’06) Stars: Denzel Washington
1:20 Innovation Nation [s]
1:30 Home Shopping
4:00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo [s]
4:30 Home Shopping
5:30 The Garden Gurus [s]
12:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 Keeping Up Appearances (PG) 3:10 Antiques Roadshow 3:40 Movie: “Beautiful Stranger” (PG) (’54) Stars: Ginger Rogers 5:30 Our Yorkshire Farm (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Yes Minister (G) 8:30 Movie: “Gladiator” (M v) (’00)
8:00 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]
8:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 9:00 Lingo (PG) [s]
10:00Judge Judy (PG) [s] 10:30I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s]
12:00Farm To Fork [s]
12:30Family Feud (PG) [s] 1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s] 2:00 Wheel Of Fortune [s]
2:30 Lingo (PG) [s]
3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s]
4:00 Family Feud (PG) [s]
4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s]
6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
7:30 Movie: “Bumblebee” (M v) (’18) Stars: Hailee Steinfeld, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., John Cena
9:50 10’s Late News [s] 10:15The Project (PG) [s] 11:20The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s] 12:30Home Shopping
1:00 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 1:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 2:00 Becker (PG) 2:30 Frasier (PG) 3:30 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 4:00 Farm To Fork 4:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 5:00 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Ghosts (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 9:30 Frasier (PG)
5:00 Worldwatch 9:20 Confucius Was A Foodie (PG) 11:00The Story Of Tea (PG)
2:00 Such Was Life: GW Hall (PG) 2:10 Amazing Railway Adventures With Nick Knowles: Alaska (PG)
3:00 NITV News Nula
3:30 Plat Du Tour
3:35 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
4:05 In Search Of Sir Walter Scott (PG)
5:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG) 6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Movie: “Argo” (M l,v) (’12) Stars: Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston 9:55 Rock Legends: David Bowie (PG) 10:25SBS World News Late 10:55Bonn (M v) (In German) 11:50Kin (MA15+) 1:45 Home Is Where The Art Is (PG) 2:35 22 Kids And Counting (PG)
2:25 FanaticsThe Deep End: Cat People (M) 2:50 Blaktrax
1:00 Motorsport: Sunraysia Safari 2024 (PG) 2:00 Seven’s Motorsport Classic 3:00 STIHL Timbersports (PG) 3:30 Storage Wars (PG) 4:00 Cricket: The Women’s Ashes: Day 2: Australia v England *Live* 4:30 Tea Break 5:00 Cricket: The Women’s Ashes: Day 2: Australia v England *Live* 7:00 Dinner Break 1:00 Bewitched 1:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 2:00 The Golden Girls (PG) 2:30 The Nanny (PG) 3:30 Seinfeld (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 The Golden Girls (PG) 6:30 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Movie: “The Hobbit The Desolation Of Smaug” (PG) (’13) Stars: Peter Jackson 11:10 The O.C. (M l,s) 6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 8:30 Jake And The Fatman 9:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 11:30 JAG (PG) 1:30 Star Trek - Voyager (PG) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) 10:20 NCIS: New Orleans (M) 11:15 Bull (M) 4:15 Movie: “Flash Of Genius” (PG) (’08) Stars: Greg Kinnear (In English/ Spanish) 6:25 Movie: “Shaolin Soccer” (PG) (’01) Stars: Stephen Chow (In Cantonese/ Mandarin) 8:30 Movie: “Seven Swords” (MA15+) (’05) Stars: Leon Lai (In Mandarin/ Korean) 11:20 Movie: “A Guilty Conscience” (MA15+) (’23)
6:00 rage (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s]
9:00 rage (PG) [s]
10:30rage Guest Programmer (PG) [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
12:30Beyond Paradise (M) [s]
1:30 Optics (PG) [s]
2:00 Back Roads (PG) [s]
2:45 Croc Watch With Steve Backshall (PG) [s]
3:20 Australia Day *Replay* [s]
5:30 Eat The Invaders (PG) [s]
6:00 Dr Karl’s How Things Work [s]
6:30 Back Roads (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 Beyond Paradise (M) [s] – Panic spreads when an arsonist targets three businesses. Personal feeling clouds Humphrey’s judgement when he starts to believe Archie could be their culprit.
8:30 Vera: As The Crow Flies/ Vital Signs (M v) [s]
11:35rage Guest Programmer (MA15+) [s]
2:05 ER (PG)
2:50 Doctor
6:00 NBC Today [s]
7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s]
10:00The Morning Show - Weekend (PG) [s]
12:00Cycling: Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race: Elite Women’s Road Race *Live* From Adelaide [s]
2:00 Cricket: Pre-Game *Live* [s]
2:30 Cricket: The Women’s Ashes: Day
3: Australia v England *Live* From The MCG [s]
4:30 Cricket: Tea Break [s]
5:00 Seven News At 5 [s]
5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s]
7:30 Movie: “The Proposal” (PG) (’09) Stars: Sandra Bullock
9:50 Movie: “A Knight’s Tale” (M v) (’01) Stars: Heath Ledger, Rufus Sewell
12:35Dr Harry’s Animal Encounters (PG) [s]
6:00 Drive Safer (PG) [s]
6:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Today [s]
10:00Today Extra - Saturday [s]
12:00Destination WA (PG) [s]
12:30Attenborough’s Wonder Of Song (PG) [s]
1:30 Movie: “The Dust Factory” (PG) (’04) Stars: Hayden Panettiere
3:30 Taronga - Who’s Who In The Zoo: Little Penguin Rescue (PG) [s]
4:30 Explore TV [s]
5:00 NINE News: First At Five [s]
5:30 Country House Hunters Australia: Daylesford, VIC [s]
6:00 NINE News Saturday [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 Movie: “Elvis” (M l) (’22) Stars: Tom Hanks, Austin Butler
10:35Becoming Madonna (PG) [s]
12:25Australia’s Top Ten Of Everything: Songbirds (PG) [s]
1:20 Destination WA (PG) [s]
1:45 My Way [s]
8:00 I Fish [s]
8:30 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 9:00 My Market Kitchen [s] 9:30 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s] 10:00Silvia’s Italian Masterclass [s] 10:30I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s]
12:00Australia By Design: Innovations (PG) [s]
12:30Exploring Off The Grid [s] 1:30 The Yes Experiment [s] 2:00 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 Adventures [s]
3:00 What’s Up Down Under [s] 3:30 Farm To Fork [s] 4:00 My Market Kitchen [s] 4:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 5:00 10 News First [s]
6:30 The Dog House Australia (PG) [s] 8:30 The Dog House UK (PG) [s] 9:30 Ambulance Australia (PG) [s] 10:30Ambulance UK (PG) [s] 1:00 Home Shopping 5:00 Religious Programs [s]
5:00 Worldwatch 9:10 The World From Above
Your Garden (PG) 12:00Worldwatch 1:00 Surfing: Shaw And Partners Iron Series: Round 3 *Live* From North Burleigh 3:00 Worldwatch 3:55 Dance In Focus - Still Life 4:20 Best Australian Dance Short Films 2021 (PG) 5:25 999 - The Forgotten Girls Of The Holocaust 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Magical Train Journeys In Switzerland: From Lucerne Via Interlaken To Jungfraujoch (PG) (In English/ German) 8:30 Cotswolds And Beyond
Who (PG) 3:35 Speechless (PG) 4:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice 4:30 MythBusters (PG) 5:20 Love Your Garden 6:10 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 7:00 Spicks And Specks (PG) 7:30 QI (PG) 8:00 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (PG) 8:50 Live At The Malthouse (M)
ABC ENTERTAINS (23) 6:00 Home Shopping 8:30 Better Homes And Gardens Summer 10:00 Escape To The Country 12:00 Seven’s Horse Racing: Rosehill/ Caulfield/ Eagle Farm *Live* 5:30 Surf Patrol 6:00 Dog Patrol (PG) 6:30 Bondi Vet (PG) 7:30 The Yorkshire Vet (PG) 8:30 Escape To The Country 9:30 I Escaped To The Country
2:05 The Adventures Of Paddington 2:30 Love Monster 3:00 Play School 3:30 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes 4:35 Little J And Big Cuz 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:40 Play School Show Time 5:55 The Adventures Of Paddington 6:25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:30 Good Game Spawn Point
12:00 Rides Down Under (PG) 1:00 Motorsport: Bathurst 12hr: Qualification 1 & 2/ Supports/ Qualification 3/ Supports *Live* 4:30 Counting Cars (PG) 5:00 Cricket: The Women’s Ashes: Day 3: Australia v England *Live* 7:00 Dinner Break 7:30 Cricket: The Women’s Ashes: Day 3: Australia v England *Live*
11:40 Movie: “My Learned Friend” (G) (’43) Stars: Will Hay 1:10 Movie: “The Oracle” (G) (’53) Stars: Virginia McKenna 3:00 Movie: “I’ll Take Sweden” (G) (’65) Stars: Tuesday Weld 5:00 Movie: “Some Like It Hot” (PG) (’59) Stars: Marilyn Monroe 7:30 Movie: “The Man In The Iron Mask” (M v) (’98) Stars: Leonardo Di Caprio 6:00 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) 8:30 Wheel Of Fortune 10:00 Frasier (PG) 11:00 Farm To Fork 11:30 How We Roll (PG) 12:00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) 2:00 Ridiculousness (PG) 3:00 Friends (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 10:30 Frasier (PG) 11:30 Ridiculousness (PG)
1:30 Young Sheldon (PG) 2:30 Surfing Australia TV 3:00 Surf Boat Tsunami (PG) 4:00 Rugby Sevens Series Highlights Show 5:10 Movie: “The Flintstones” (G) (’94) Stars: John Goodman 7:00 Movie: “Trolls World Tour” (G) (’20) Stars: Anna Kendrick 8:45 Movie: “Zookeeper” (PG) (’11) Stars: Kevin James
10:00 I Fish 10:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 12:30 JAG (PG) 2:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 3:30 JAG (PG) 4:30 Football: Isuzu Ute A-League Men: Round 17: Sydney FC v Adelaide United *Live* 7:00 Football Tonight 7:25 Football: Isuzu Ute A-League Men: Round 17: Central Coast Mariners v Newcastle Jets *Live* 10:00 NCIS (M) 12:45 Bull (PG) 4:45 Movie: “An Ideal Husband” (M) (’99) Stars: Rupert Everett 6:35 Movie: “Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael” (PG) (’90) Stars: Winona Ryder 8:30 Movie: “The Royal Hotel” (MA15+) (’23) Stars: Julia Garner 10:10 Movie: “Lonesome” (M l,v) (’22) Stars: Josh Lavery 12:00 Movie: “The Villainess” (MA15+) (’17)
6:00 rage (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s] 9:00 Insiders [s] 10:00Offsiders [s] 10:30 The World This Week [s]
11:00Compass (PG) [s]
11:30Songs Of Praise [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
12:30Landline [s]
1:00 New Leash On Life: Bailey [s]
1:30 Gardening Australia [s]
2:30 Monty Don’s History Of The British Garden [s]
3:30 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]
4:15 Extraordinary Escapes: Prue Leith (PG) [s]
5:00 Maggie Beer’s Big Mission [s]
6:00 Antiques Roadshow [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 Muster Dogs: Collies And Kelpies (PG) [s]
8:30 The Newsreader: Night Of Nights (M l) [s]
9:25 Love Me (MA15+) [s]
10:10Movie: “Sirens” (MA15+) (’94)
6:00 NBC Today [s]
7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s] 10:00The Morning Show (PG) [s]
11:00Cycling: Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race: Elite Men’s Road Race *Live* From Adelaide [s]
2:00 Cricket: Pre-Game *Live* [s]
2:30 Cricket: The Women’s Ashes: Day 4: Australia v England *Live* From The MCG [s]
4:30 Cricket: Tea Break [s]
5:00 Seven News At 5 [s]
5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Australian Idol (PG) [s]
8:50 Billy Joel Live At Madison Square Garden (PG) [s]
10:50April Jones - The Interrogation Tapes (MA15+) [s]
12:20Friday Night Lights: Who’s Your Daddy? (M s,v) [s]
1:20 Travel Oz: Whitsunday Sailing (PG) [s]
6:00 Hello SA (PG) [s]
6:30 A Current Affair [s] 7:00 Weekend Today [s] 10:00 For The Love Of Pets (PG) [s] 11:00Maritime Masters - Expedition Antarctica: New Beginnings (PG) [s]
12:00Fishing Australia [s]
12:30The Pet Rescuers (PG) [s]
1:00 Swimming: Australian Open Water Championships Highlights [s]
1:30 Movie: “Much Ado About Nothing” (PG) (’93) Stars: Richard Briers, Kate Beckinsale
3:50 David Attenborough’s Green Planet: Desert Worlds [s]
5:00 NINE News: First At Five [s]
5:30 Postcards (PG) [s]
6:00 NINE News Sunday [s]
7:00 Married At First Sight (M l,s) [s]
8:40 60 Minutes [s]
9:40 NINE News Late [s]
10:10See No Evil: Nowhere Girl (M v) [s]
11:10The Brokenwood Mysteries (M v)
12:05 Movie: “Father’s Doing Fine” (G) (’52) Stars: Richard Attenborough 1:50 Movie: “The Constant Husband” (G) (’55) Stars: Rex Harrison 3:40 Movie: “The Honey Pot” (G) (’67) Stars: Rex Harrison 6:30 M*A*S*H (PG)
8:00 The Yes Experiment (PG) [s]
8:30 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s] 9:00 My Market Kitchen [s] 9:30 Loving Gluten Free [s] 10:00Pooches At Play (PG) [s]
10:30The Chef’s Garden [s] 11:00Luxury Escapes [s] 11:30Buy To Build [s] 12:00I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s]
1:30 Cook With Luke [s]
2:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]
2:30 NBL: Round 19: Sydney Kings v Perth Wildcats *Live* From Qudos Bank Arena [s]
4:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
6:00 The Sunday Project (PG) [s] 7:00 I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s]
8:30 Movie: “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit” (M l,v) (’14) Stars: Kenneth Branagh, Chris Pine
5:00 Worldwatch 9:00 Britain’s Great Outdoors (PG) 10:00Football: FIFA World Cup Classic Matches: Italy v Brazil (1994) 12:00Worldwatch 12:55Nippers (PG)
1:00 Surfing: Shaw And Partners Iron Series: Round 4 *Live* From North Burleigh
3:00 Motorsport: Best Of Dakar Rally Highlights
4:00 Trampolining (PG)
4:05 Beyond The Pitch (PG) 4:15 Inferno - Letters From Auschwitz (PG) (In English/ Greek/ Polish)
5:15 Saving The Children (In English/ French)
6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Mysteries Of Stonehenge: Secrets Of The Sun/ Secrets Of The Stones (M v) 9:20 Legends Of The Pharaohs: Birth Of The Tutankhamun Dynasty (M v) (In English/ French)
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00McCartney 3, 2, 1 (PG) [s]
10:30Vera (M v) [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 The Human Revolution (PG) [s]
2:00 Fake Or Fortune? [s]
3:00 Forever Summer With Nigella [s]
3:25 Grand Designs [s]
4:15 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]
5:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 [s]
8:00 Australian Story [s]
8:30 Four Corners [s]
9:20 Media Watch [s]
9:35 Mozart - Rise Of A Genius (M) [s]
10:35ABC Late News [s]
10:50The Business [s]
11:05Planet America (PG) [s]
11:40Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery: Maggie Beer (PG) [s]
12:10Grand Designs: Horsham [s]
1:40 ER (PG) 2:25 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (PG) 3:10 Doctor Who (PG) 4:00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:30 MythBusters (PG) 5:20 Love Your Garden (PG) 6:10 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 7:00 My Family (PG) 7:30 QI (PG) 8:00 Would I Lie To You? (PG)
2:05 The Adventures Of Paddington 2:30 Ginger And The Vegesaurs 3:00 Play School 3:30 Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 4:05 Tish Tash 4:25 Nella The Princess Knight 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Fireman Sam 6:05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes 6:25 Octonauts 7:00 The Deep 7:35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]
12:00Seven Noon News [s]
1:00 Program To Be Advised
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] –The Chase is a general knowledge race where players must ensure they stay one step ahead of the Chaser.
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 Australian Idol (PG) [s]
9:15 St. Denis Medical: Welcome To St. Denis/ A Very Robust Personal Life (PG) [s]
10:15First Dates UK: Craig & Becky (M l) [s] – Craig has been left ‘ghosted’ on dating apps and is hoping to find someone accepting of his modern family.
11:15Lopez Vs. Lopez (PG) [s]
12:15Friday Night Lights: Git’er Done/ El Accidente (M s,v) [s]
12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 DVine Living (PG) 1:30 The Great Australian Doorstep (PG) 2:00 Weekender 2:30 Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railways 3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Surf Patrol 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Doc Martin (PG) 8:30 Inspector Morse (M v)
12:30 Motor Mythbusters (PG) 1:30 Rides Down Under (PG) 2:30 Night Thunder 3:30 Counting Cars (PG) 4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:00 Outback Opal Hunters (PG) 8:00 Cricket: Australia Cricket Awards *Live* 9:30 Tougher In Alaska (PG)
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00Australian Story [s]
10:30Optics (PG) [s]
11:00Muster Dogs (PG) [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 Call The Midwife (M) [s]
2:00 Parliament Question Time [s]
3:00 Forever Summer With Nigella [s]
3:25 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
4:10 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]
5:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]
5:25 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 (PG) [s]
8:00 Dr Karl’s How Things Work: Lollies [s]
8:30 Eat The Invaders: Cat (PG) [s]
9:00 Hippo Watch With Steve Backshall (PG) [s]
9:50 Ningaloo Nyinggulu: Connections [s]
10:45ABC Late News [s]
11:00The Business [s]
ER (PG) 2:40 Absolutely Fabulous (PG) 3:10 Doctor Who (PG) 4:00
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]
12:00Seven Noon News [s] 1:00 Program To Be Advised 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 Australian Idol (PG) [s] 9:15 The Hunting Party: Richard Harris (M v) – When a massive explosion at a top-secret prison known as the Pit allows notorious serial killer Richard Harris to escape, disgraced FBI agent Bex Henderson is called back into action to hunt him down.
10:15The Irrational: Collateral Damage/ A Kick In The Teeth (M v)
12:15Friday Night Lights: Homecoming (M s,v) [s]
1:15 Travel Oz: Gondwana Rainforests (PG) [s] 2:00 Home Shopping
6:00 Today [s]
9:00 Today Extra (PG) [s]
11:30NINE News Morning [s]
12:00Married At First Sight (M l,s) [s]
1:40 My Way [s]
2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s]
4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]
5:30 WIN News [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 Married At First Sight (M l,s) [s] 9:00 Australian Crime Stories: Operation Moon (M l,v) [s]
10:00NINE News Late [s]
10:30Forensics - Murder Scene: Paywall (M) [s]
11:30First On Scene (M l) [s]
12:00Tipping Point (PG) [s]
12:50Hello SA (PG) [s]
1:20 Talking Honey (PG) [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs [s] 4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
12:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 World’s Greatest Myths And Mysteries (PG) 2:50 Antiques Roadshow 3:20 Movie: “State Secret” (G) (’50) Stars: Glynis Johns 5:30 Our Yorkshire Farm (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Death In Paradise (M v) 8:40 The Good Karma Hospital (M)
12:00 Hart Of Dixie (PG) 2:00 Bewitched 2:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 3:00 The Golden Girls (PG) 3:30 The Nanny (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 The Golden Girls (PG) 6:30 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Seinfeld (PG) 8:30 Movie: “I Am Legend” (M h,v) (’07) Stars: Will Smith 10:30 Seinfeld (PG)
8:00 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]
8:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s]
9:00 Lingo (PG) [s]
10:00Judge Judy (PG) [s] 10:30I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s]
12:00Farm To Fork [s] 12:30Family Feud (PG) [s] 1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s]
2:00 Wheel Of Fortune [s]
2:30 Lingo (PG) [s]
3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s]
4:00 Neighbours (PG) [s]
4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s]
9:00 NCIS: Sydney: Brothers In Arms (M) [s] 10:0048 Hours: Death By Eye Drops (M) [s] 11:0010’s Late News [s] 11:25The Project (PG) [s]
5:00 Worldwatch 9:25 Peer To Peer: Dr. Jim Yong Kim (PG) 9:55 Confucius Was A Foodie (PG) 10:45World’s Most Amazing Festivals: Midsummer Festival, Sweden (PG) 11:15Great Canal Journeys: Best Of UK - Scotland (PG) 12:10Worldwatch
2:00 Amazing Railway Adventures With Nick Knowles: Peru (PG) 2:55 Great British
SBS World News 7:35 Madrid With Michael Portillo: Madrid (PG) 8:25 Wilderness With Simon Reeve: Congo (PG)
12:00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) 1:00 Ghosts (PG) 1:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 2:00 Becker (PG) 2:30 Frasier (PG) 3:30 The Neighborhood (PG) 4:00 Farm To Fork 4:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 5:00 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 3:35
8:30 Reel Action (PG) 9:30 What’s Up Down Under 10:00 Exploring Off The Grid (PG) 11:00 Cook With Luke 11:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 12:30 JAG (PG) 1:30 Star TrekVoyager (PG) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M v) 10:20 NCIS: New Orleans (M) 11:15 Bull (MA15+)
5:20 Movie: “Goal! The Dream Begins” (PG) (’05) Stars: Kuno Becker (In English/ Spanish) 7:30 Movie: “One Night In Miami...” (M I) (’20) Stars: Kingsley BenAdir (In Arabic/ English) 9:35 Movie: “Saint Omer” (M I) (’22) Stars: Kayije Kagame (In Wolof/ French/ Italian) 11:50 Movie: “Under The Stars Of Paris” (M I)
2:05 The Adventures Of Paddington 2:30 Ginger And The Vegesaurs 3:00 Play School 3:30 Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 4:05
Tish Tash 4:25 Nella The Princess Knight
5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Fireman Sam 6:05
3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Surf Patrol 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Call The Midwife (PG) 8:45 Inspector George Gently (M)
6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra (PG) [s] 11:30NINE News Morning [s] 12:00Married At First Sight (M l,s) [s]
1:30 Explore TV [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s] 4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s] 5:30 WIN News [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 Married At First Sight (M l,s) [s] 9:00 Madam (MA15+) [s] 10:20NINE News Late [s]
10:50My Feet Are Killing Me: All 12 Toes (M) [s] 11:40The Equalizer: Separated (MA15+) [s] 12:30Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:30 Home Shopping
2:30 Our State On A Plate (PG) [s]
3:00 Home Shopping
4:00 Religious Programs [s]
4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
8:00 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 9:00 Lingo (PG) [s]
10:00Judge Judy (PG) [s]
10:30I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s]
12:00Farm To Fork [s] 12:30Family Feud (PG) [s]
1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s]
2:00 Wheel Of Fortune [s]
2:30 Lingo (PG) [s]
3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s]
4:00 Neighbours (PG) [s]
4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
7:30 I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s]
9:00 The Ex-Wife (M l,s,v) [s] 10:00FBI: Most Wanted: Footsteps (M v) [s] 11:0010’s Late News [s] 11:25The Project (PG) [s] 12:30The Late Show (PG) [s]
Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes 6:25 Octonauts 7:00 The Deep 7:35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures 12:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 World’s Greatest Transportation Marvels (PG) 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 Movie: “I Believe In You” (PG) (’52) Stars: Celia Johnson 5:30 Our Yorkshire Farm (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 New Tricks (PG) 1:00 The Neighborhood (PG) 1:30
5:00 Worldwatch 9:15 Confucius Was A Foodie (PG) 10:05Great Lighthouses Of Ireland: A Nation Surrounded (PG) 11:05Great Canal Journeys: Best Of UK - Scandinavia (PG)
2:00 Tony Robinson’s History Of Britain: Tudors (M) 2:55 Such Was Life: Tom Doyle: Publican, Mayor, Rioter (PG)
3:05 The Weekly Football Wrap
3:35 Plat Du Tour
3:40 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
4:10 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum: Kitty (PG)
5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)
5:30 Letters And Numbers
6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG)
6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Who Do You Think You Are?: Pat Rafter (PG)
8:35 Irresistible - Why We Can’t Stop Eating (PG)
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00Four Corners [s]
10:55Antiques Roadshow [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
12:30National Press Club Address [s]
1:35 Media Watch [s]
2:00 Parliament Question Time [s]
3:00 Forever Summer With Nigella [s]
3:25 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
4:15 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]
5:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 (PG) [s]
8:00 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
8:30 Optics (PG) [s]
9:00 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (PG) [s]
9:45 Planet America (PG) [s]
10:20Spicks And Specks (PG) [s]
10:50ABC Late News [s]
11:05The Business [s]
11:20 Aftertaste (M l,s) [s]
2:05 ER (PG) 2:50 Doctor Who (PG) 3:35 A Bite To Eat With Alice
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]
12:00Seven Noon News [s]
1:00 Program To Be Advised
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 The 1% Club UK (PG) [s]
8:30 Ludwig (M) [s] – On a mission to crack the code in his twin’s notebook, John returns to the police station.
11:00The Suspects - True Australian Thrillers (M l,v) [s] – Tonight, is a man driven to kill the woman he loves? And what once kept a man alive may now catch his killer.
12:00Black-ish: If A Black Man Cries In The Woods.../ Homegoing (MA15+) [s]
1:00 Travel Oz (PG) [s]
2:00 Home Shopping
4:00 NBC Today [s]
6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra (PG) [s]
11:30NINE News Morning [s]
12:00Married At First Sight (M l,s) [s] 1:30 My Way [s]
2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s]
4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]
5:30 WIN News [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 Married At First Sight (M l,s) [s] –Confessions Week continues and pushes some couples to the brink.
9:00 Big Miracles (M) [s]
10:00NINE News Late [s]
10:30Casualty 24/7 (PG) [s] 11:30The Equalizer: Bout That Life (MA15+) [s] 12:15Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:05 Cybershack (PG) [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs [s]
4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
8:00 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]
8:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 9:00 Lingo (PG) [s]
10:00Judge Judy (PG) [s]
10:30I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s]
12:00Farm To Fork [s] 12:30Family Feud (PG) [s] 1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s]
2:00 Wheel Of Fortune [s]
2:30 Lingo (PG) [s]
3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s]
4:00 Neighbours (PG) [s]
4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s]
9:00 Elsbeth: Reality Shock (M v) [s] 10:00NCIS: Hawaii: License To Thrill (M v) [s] 10:5510’s Late News [s] 11:20The Project (PG) [s] 12:25The Late Show (PG) [s]
5:00 Worldwatch 9:15 Confucius Was A Foodie (PG) 10:05Great Lighthouses Of Ireland: Feats Of Engineering (PG) 11:05Great Canal Journeys: Best Of UK - Wales And The West (PG) 12:00Worldwatch
2:05 Tony Robinson’s History Of Britain: Victorians (M)
2:55 Great British Railway Journeys (PG)
3:30 Plat Du Tour
3:40 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
4:10 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum: Husky (PG)
5:05 Jeopardy!
ABC ENTERTAINS (23) 9:00 Surf Patrol 9:30 NBC Today 12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 Escape To The Country 2:00 Sydney Weekender 2:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Surf Patrol 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Heartbeat (PG)
4:00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:30 MythBusters (PG) 5:20 Love Your Garden (PG) 6:10 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 7:00 My Family (PG) 7:30 QI (PG) 8:00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 This Is Going To Hurt (M l) 9:20 Aftertaste (M)
2:05 The Adventures Of Paddington 2:30 Ginger And The Vegesaurs 3:00 Play School 3:30 Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 4:05 Tish Tash 4:25 Nella The Princess Knight 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Fireman Sam 5:55 The Adventures Of Paddington 6:25 Octonauts 7:00 The Deep 7:35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00Eat The Invaders (PG) [s]
10:30Back Roads (PG) [s]
11:00Antiques Roadshow [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 The Newsreader (M l) [s]
2:00 Parliament Question Time [s]
12:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 Explore 1:55 New Tricks (PG) 3:05 Antiques Roadshow 3:35 Movie: “Sea Devils” (G) (’37) Stars: Yvonne De Carlo 5:30 Our Yorkshire Farm (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 To The Manor Born 8:40 Midsomer Murders (M s,v) 10:40 The Closer (M v) 1:00 The Neighborhood (PG) 1:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 2:00 Becker (PG) 2:30 Frasier (PG) 3:30 The Neighborhood (PG) 4:00 Farm To Fork 4:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 5:00 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 9:30 Frasier (PG)
12:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 1:00 Outback Truckers (PG) 3:00 Billy The Exterminator (PG) 3:30 Counting Cars (PG) 4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Highway Patrol (PG) 8:30 The ForceBehind The Line (PG) 9:30 World’s Wildest Police Videos (M v) 1:00 Bewitched 1:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 2:00 The Golden Girls (PG) 2:30 The Nanny (PG) 3:30 Seinfeld (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 The Golden Girls (PG) 6:30 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Seinfeld (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Hot Fuzz” (MA15+) (’07) Stars: Simon Pegg 11:00 Seinfeld (PG) 6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 NBL Slam 8:30 Jake And The Fatman 9:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 11:30 JAG (PG) 1:30 Star Trek - Voyager (PG) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 Elsbeth (M v) 8:30 NCIS (M v) 10:30 The Weekly Kick-Off (PG) 11:00 FBI (M v) 11:55 Bull (MA15+) 4:00 Movie: “Spitfire” (PG) (’18) Stars: John Ackroyd 5:50 Movie: “Skating To New York” (PG) (’13) Stars: Connor Jessup 7:35 Movie: “Rob The Mob” (PG) (’14) Stars: Michael Pitt 9:30 Movie: “The Sitting Duck” (M l,v) (’22) Stars: Isabelle Huppert (In Hungarian/ English/ French)
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]
12:00Seven Noon News [s]
1:00 Movie: “Farmer Seeking Love” (PG) (’22) Stars: Donna Benedicto, Jesse Hutch, Tanya Clarke
3:00 Forever Summer With Nigella [s]
3:25 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
4:15 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]
5:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 (PG) [s]
8:00 Back Roads: Outback Way, NT (Part 1) (PG) [s]
8:30 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]
9:20 Grand Designs: Derbyshire (PG) [s]
10:05Dr Karl’s How Things Work: Lollies [s]
10:35ABC Late News [s]
10:50The Business [s]
2:05 The Adventures Of Paddington 2:30 Ginger And The Vegesaurs 3:00 Play School 3:30 Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 4:05 Tish Tash 4:25 Nella The Princess Knight 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Fireman Sam 6:05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes 6:25 Octonauts 7:00 The Deep 7:35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
8:30 Movie: “Bridget Jones’s Diary” (M l,s,v) (’01) – A British woman is determined to improve herself while she looks for love in a year in which she keeps a personal diary. Stars: Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent, Sally Phillips
10:45St Denis Medical (PG) [s]
11:45The Hunting Party [s]
12:45Damnation: Sam Riley’s Body (MA15+) [s]
2:00 Home Shopping
4:00 NBC Today [s]
6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra (PG) [s] 11:30NINE News Morning [s]
12:00Married At First Sight (M l,s) [s] 1:30 A Long Drive For Drought (PG) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s]
4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]
5:30 WIN News [s] 6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 RBT: Back To Jail/ Taking It Easy (M l) [s]
8:30 Emergency (M l) [s] 9:30 A+E After Dark (M l) [s] 10:30NINE News Late [s] 11:00Resident Alien: Bye Bye Birdie (M l,v) [s] 11:50Tipping Point (PG) [s] 12:40Pointless (PG) [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs [s] 4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
12:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 To The Manor Born 3:10 Antiques Roadshow 3:40 Movie: “Eight O’Clock Walk” (PG) (’54) Stars: Richard Attenborough 5:30
Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Father Brown (M) 8:30 Murdoch Mysteries (M v)
8:00 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]
8:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 9:00 Lingo (PG) [s] 10:00Judge Judy (PG) [s] 10:30I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s]
12:00Farm To Fork [s]
12:30Family Feud (PG) [s]
1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s]
2:00 Wheel Of Fortune [s]
2:30 Lingo (PG) [s]
3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s] 4:00 Neighbours (PG) [s] 4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (PG) [s] 9:00 The Graham Norton Show (M) [s] 10:1010’s Late News [s] 10:35The Project (PG) [s] 11:35The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s] 12:30Home Shopping
5:00 Worldwatch 9:15 Confucius Was A Foodie (PG) 10:05Great Lighthouses Of Ireland: Witnesses To History (PG) 11:05Great Canal Journeys: Best Of UK - Northern England (PG)
2:05 Tony Robinson’s History Of Britain: Georgians (M)
2:55 Great British Railway Journeys (PG)
3:30 Plat Du Tour
3:40 The Cook Up (PG)
4:10 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum: Malerbi (PG)
5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)
5:30 Letters And Numbers
6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG)
6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Finding Your Roots: Forever Young
8:30 Scotland’s Poshest Train - Alan Cumming (PG)
9:30 The Darkness: All That Is Hidden (M)