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TWO of Warrnambool’s most popular landmarks lit up the night sky in shades of purple on Wednesday night.
Both the Lighthouse Theatre and the Fletcher Jones Silver Ball lit up in purple to demonstrate the city’s commitment to supporting those impacted by family violence and focus on prevention.
Warrnambool’s sexual assault and family violence centre (SAFV), locally known as Emma House, is working in partnership with Safe Steps as part of Wednesday’s statewide Candlelight Vigil.
The Candlelight Vigil honours and remembers the women and children who were killed as a result of family violence.
Wednesday night also held space for people to grieve and ensure that we never forget their loved ones and individual people who are represented in the alarming statistics.
This week’s tribute also saw people share messages of hope and support; offering a sense of community for those living with the trauma of family violence.
Family violence is prevalent in the community, and increasing.
On average in Australia, a woman a week is killed at the hands of a current or former partner.
Figures show that in the City of Warrnambool there was a 12 per cent increase in the number of reported incidents in the last financial year.
During Wednesday’s Candlelight Vigil, many landmarks across Victoria lit up in purple to create community awareness.
Warrnambool SAFV chief executive officer Helen Bolton said the vigil was an opportunity for the local community to reflect and acknowledge those sadly killed through an act of family violence, while bringing light to the national crisis of family violence.
“The Candlelight Vigil allowed us to honour and remember the women and children who have been tragically killed as
a result of family violence,” Ms Bolton said.
“It was also a night to promote to people currently living with violence that they aren’t alone, services are available to assist and that as a community we won’t tolerate family violence.
“It’s important to shine a light on family violence through the vigil as the choice made by an individual to use violence is harmful, unacceptable and prevalent, however it is preventable.”
Ms Bolton said that as a community and as individuals we all need to work toward prevention by taking responsible action.
“We need to become informed of the causes of family violence and to shift our attitudes by working towards respectful relationships and gender equality to ultimately end violence against women and children,” she said.
Warrnambool mayor Cr Ben Blain said council was proud to use the Lighthouse Theatre, a landmark CBD building, and the Silver Ball to participate in the Safe Steps Vigil and highlight the vital work done by Emma House.
“Violence in any form, particularly within the family unit, is never OK. We have a responsibility as a community to create a safe future for all families,” Cr Blain said.
If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, support is available. Emma House can be contacted on 5561 1934 or Safe Steps on 1800 015 188.
RACE enthusiasts were treated to clear skies and sunshine for day three of the May Racing Carnival yesterday.
All roads led to the Warrnambool racetrack this week as thousands of people of all ages flocked to the track – some making their annual pilgrimage with friends and work colleagues, while for others it was their first time to the ‘Bool.
“What more could we ask for? The rain has stayed away, everyone is excited to be here and whether we win or lose with the bookies it all makes for a great day out,” Sharon (surname withheld on request) said.
“We’ve come up from Melbourne; there’s eight of us, we stay in town for the week and have a great time. Warrnambool always puts on a great show.”
Volunteers from Warrnambool’s Flagstaff Hill were among thousands at the
MOYNE Shire Council is seeking feedback from the community on a draft plan which outlines actions on how council can effectively engage and support local Indigenous communities.
Mayor Cr Ian Smith said the Aboriginal Engagement and Partnership plan had been developed in partnership with Corangamite Shire Council and key traditional owner groups.
“The plan is an important step as we as a council seek to build our understanding and recognition of Indigenous culture across the shire,” Cr Smith said.
“It’s predominantly an internal facing document and outlines actions our teams can take to increase recognition and
awareness and support of Indigenous culture in council’s everyday operations.”
Cr Smith said the actions were set out across short, medium and long term timeframes.
These include developing internal quick reference guides, cultural awareness training for staff and the development of tourism materials with an indigenous focus.
Also included is updating signage policies and guidelines to incorporate Aboriginal language and graphics where appropriate.
The draft plan can be viewed online at Engage Moyne or in person at the Mortlake and Port Fairy customer service centres.
Feedback can be provided online, via email or in person and will be accepted until 5pm on Monday, May 27.
The draft plan will then go before councillors for adoption at the June council meeting
MOYNE Shire Council this week officially endorsed its new 20242028 Disability Inclusion and Access Plan (DIAP).
The DIAP was developed with the community to meet the requirements of Disability Acts and lays out a four-year action plan.
Mayor Cr Ian Smith said the process to develop the DIAP included consultation with people who live with a disability, their families, carers, key stakeholders and council staff members.
“The DIAP will guide council so that our future infrastructure, programs, services and workplaces consider accessibility and inclusion at the forefront,” Cr Smith said.
“We are working to remove barriers to social and economic participation for people who live with disability.
“Council envisions a community that embraces inclusivity for everyone.
We value our community and its diversity, and recognise the enriching perspectives it brings to Moyne Shire.”
Full inclusion means every person has equal prospects to engage in community life and are appreciated for their contributions.
“This plan serves as a roadmap towards a fully inclusive community where everyone can benefit from the services and facilities provided by the council,” Cr Smith said.
Public feedback was sought, with two submissions received and addressed in the final document.
The DIAP will be assessed regularly, and achievements will be reported to the community through council’s annual report and the DIAP Action Plan which will be reviewed and updated every four years.
Progress will be measured against government, legislative, regulatory and compliance reporting requirements, and council will regularly engage with the community and staff to seek feedback and suggestions.
THE Framlingham Recreation Reserve and Port Fairy Cricket Club are two of the big winners in the latest round of Moyne Shire Council’s Community Assistance Fund.
Announced earlier this week, round two of the Community Assistance Fund will see more than $86,000 allocated to various projects throughout the municipality.
At last Tuesday’s council meeting, councillors approved $51,845 in matched funding to groups across the shire for projects over $3,000 including roofing, strategic planning, and court resurfacing.
Mayor Ian Smith said the fund supports community facilities, acquisition of equipment and assistance toward community programs and initiatives.
“It’s so important to support groups, clubs and organisations to make improvements on community facilities, assets and programs,” Cr Smith said.
“Combined with the first round of funding, over the year we have provided $226,500 to groups right across Moyne Shire for a wide range of projects and equipment.
“This funding encourages a self-help culture amongst groups and creates collaborative partnerships with council that help build stronger communities.”
Cr Smith said the council was looking forward to seeing these projects come to life and congratulated all the latest funding recipients.
Of the projects allocated more than $3,000, the Framlingham Recreation Reserve had been allocated $15,000
to replace the roof (and stop leaks) while the Port Fairy Cricket Club would receive $15,000 to replace its mower.
The Warrnambool Field and Game Inc. was allocated $4,345 for a grader blade for its tractor to maintain fire breaks and tracks.
Cr Smith said a further $34,315 had been awarded in the under $3,000 category, which were signed off by the acting chief executive officer.
He said these projects included a replacement shade sail for Mailors Flat Tennis Club and painting of the supper room at the Orford Hall.
The successful grant recipients included:
Nirranda Football Netball Club, $2,500 for strategic planning.
Mailors Flat Tennis Club, $1,882 to replace a shade sail.
Great South Coast Eventing Association, $2,499 for spiral ground pins for cross-country jumps.
Hopkins Falls Landcare Group, $1,010 to go towards working bee equipment including blower, wheelbarrow, mulch and a hand shovel.
Koroit and District Basketball Association, $2,939 for bench seating for players and ball racks.
Port Fairy Coastal Group, $1,632 to replace surveying equipment.
South West Sheepdog Club, $2,962 for a PA system.
Orford Recreational Reserve and Public Hall Reserve, $2,718 to paint the supper room.
Lake Cartcarrong Committee Inc., $2,539 for a health audit of flora and fauna refuge.
FIGURES released by Ambulance Victoria earlier this week showed response times for code one patients across Warrnambool City were among the best in the state.
According to Ambulance Victoria, in the Warrnambool LGA (local government area), paramedics attended 85 per cent of code one patients within 15 minutes. This not only meets the state-wide target, it was also the “best result in the state.”
Paramedics are this week urging all residents to access alternative care options and get their flu and COVID-19 vaccinations now before winter, as new data shows demand for emergency ambulances remains high.
Ambulance Victoria (AV) Barwon South West regional director Jessica McGowan said paramedics across Victoria were reaching the sickest patients on average 31 seconds faster than a year earlier, despite demand increasing 4.4 per cent.
“Our hardworking paramedics and first responders in the Barwon South West Region deliver world-class care every day in the face of ongoing high demand –and we can all do our part to help,” Ms McGowan said.
“In winter we see the spread of illness increase. Getting your flu shot and staying up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations will help you and the people around you stay well. Book in now with your pharmacist or doctor.
“Along with simple things like staying home if you’re unwell and washing and sanitising your hands often, these routine winter vaccinations can protect what’s most important to all of us – our health.
“And if we look after our health – it will also make a real difference to our busy paramedics who again face rising demand as we head into winter.”
January to March 2024 was the busiest Quarter 3 on record for emergency ambulances with 150,048 code one and two cases combined.
This includes 96,484 code one cases and 53,564 code two cases.
Paramedics across Victoria responded to 67.7 per cent of code one cases within the state-wide target of 15 minutes – up from 65.2 per cent a year ago.
Performance improved in 62 of Victoria’s 79 local government areas (LGAs) compared with a year ago.
In the Barwon South Region, the biggest improvements were in the Moyne, Surf Coast, Colac-Otway and Corangamite LGAs.
Port Fairy Heritage Boats Inc., $2,668 to upgrade apparel for crews.
Country Fire Authority District 5, $1,121 for tables and chairs for St Helens Fire Brigade.
Panmure Action Group, $3,000 to purchase a laptop and printer for its community newsletter and administration.
Cooramook Recreation Reserve, $700 for recognition signage at the Cooramook school site.
The Crystal Lee Foundation, $2,958 for weatherproof racks, vacuum and a garden shed.
JUST over 180 special guests kicked off race week in Warrnambool with a special fundraising luncheon for Myeloma Australia earlier this week.
Organised by members of the Rotary Club of Warrnambool Central, in conjunction with the Thoroughbred Club of Australia (Warrnambool Chapter), the annual event has become a popular one for locals and visitors to the city in the lead-up to the three-day carnival.
“When we first starting holding this luncheon about four years ago we had about 80 people here, this week we have 183 guests,” Rotarian John Hutson said.
“It’s a remarkable event and we’re very grateful that so many people continue to support it.
“With ticket sales and raffles throughout the afternoon, we raised several thousand dollars which will go towards Myeloma Australia and Rotary Club of Warrnambool Central for distribution to worthy projects.
“It’s a lovely way for us all to kick start May race week in Warrnambool.”
The function room at City Memorial Bowls Club was near capacity on Monday afternoon as attendees enjoyed lunch, raffles, lucky door prizes and talks by special guests including sporting personality Jason ‘Richo’ Richardson, Amy McDonald, Lindsey Smith, Henry Dwyer and Matthew Williams.
Myeloma ambassador Denis Napthine and chief executive officer of Myeloma Australia Mark Henderson also attended.
Speaking during the afternoon, Mr Henderson said he too was “thrilled” with the large crowd in attendance and the significance such an event placed on increasing awareness of the disease.
“Myeloma, or Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a type of blood cancer that develops from plasma cells in the bone marrow,” Mr Henderson said.
“Patients have a substantially reduced health-related quality of life at diagnosis due to disease related symptoms such as bone pain and fatigue.”
Myeloma Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that relies on community donations and support.
“We support, education, inform, empower and bring hope to people who are living with myeloma, and their loved ones,” Mr Henderson said.
“We also work to increase community awareness and understanding of myeloma as well as providing specialist myeloma nurses who offer free support to patients.”
According to Mr Henderson, Myeloma Australia currently has 23 specialist nurses across Australia who provide vital support and services to patients, including one in Warrnambool.
“Up until recently, when we received some funding from the South Australian Premier, we have never received government funding therefore we rely on events such as this luncheon to help us continue our research and support services.
“Like many cancers, myeloma doesn’t discriminate; it can affect anyone at any age. While there has been a 30 per cent increase in the number of patients nationwide over the last few years, around 90 per cent of those diagnosed had never heard of it before.
“We need to continue to educate, to inform and to research and that is why events such as this fundraising luncheon in Warrnambool are so important.”
PORT Fairy residents and visitors to the seaside town stood side by side to pay their respects during a special Anzac Day service last week. While some braved the cool conditions for the 6.30am dawn service, others gathered mid-morning to honour the fallen and show respect to those who continue to serve our nation.
Wreaths were laid following a march from Seacombe House. Along with Port Fairy, crowds also gathered for services in Warrnambool, Yambuk, Panmure, Koroit and Dennington.
Yambuk hosted a dawn service while in Panmure crowds gathered in the afternoon for a march followed by a service at the hall.
MEMBER for South West Coast Roma Britnell has called on the Victorian Government to “not forget” the south west coast when handing down next week’s State Budget.
In her recent address to Parliament, Ms Britnell said “our region needs a budget that goes back to grass roots – we need access to good healthcare services, a solid investment in roads and a roof over our heads.”
During her address, Ms Britnell highlighted the need for health services at Portland District Health to remain operational, the need to reopen the helipad, and to give the South West Healthcare redevelopment the funding it needs to provide the scope of redevelopment promised.
“Here in the South West Coast we also need more social and affordable housing in our region because more people are finding themselves homeless or choosing between eating or keeping the heating on, just so they can barely afford their rent,” Ms Britnell said.
She also called on the government to build the muchneeded Lookout project (drug and alcohol rehabilitation service), adding that this was something her Coalition team had been committed to funding since before the last election.
Warrnambool’s surf lifesaving club, the Warrnambool College multipurpose gymnasium and hall, and the efforts of Western District Foodshare, who do vital work tackling food insecurity to the region, were also highlighted in Ms Britnell’s speech to Parliament.
So too were the numerous sporting clubs that help connect our community.
“Many of our sporting clubs have facilities that are in desperate need of an upgrade; some are extremely tired and are no longer fit for purpose, while other clubs lack basic amenities such as all abilities facilities or changerooms for the increasing number of females participating in all sports.”
Ms Britnell told the Parliament “the sad thing is that a week’s equivalent of the money your government is paying to service this state’s astronomical debt could get many of these projects completed.”
“As a region we contribute so much to the Victorian economy and I call on the treasurer to ensure this region has what it needs to look after its people.”
KOROIT has backed up its proclamation as Australia’s Most Irish Town with its biggest festival to date.
With perfect weather conditions last Friday through to Sunday, more than 5,000 people attended the Koroit Irish Festival - up more than 1,000 on last year’s figures.
Last Friday saw a big crowd enjoy the opening night concert in the Koroit Theatre.
On Saturday Koroit’s main street came alive with colour and music as festival goers enjoyed a large range of entertainment for all ages.
The Gaelic Games on Sunday once again attracted many to Victoria Park where they were treated to a quality display of skills and team-work.
Irish ambassador to Australia Tim Mawe was a special guest of the festival committee, as was festival ambassador, Koroit’s very own Maureen Keane.
Koroit Irish Festival president Adele MacDonald said she was overwhelmed by the success of the event.
“It was just amazing; the perfect weekend,” Ms MacDonald said.
“To have such a focus on Koroit was brilliant, not just for the festival but also the town.
“The weeks leading up to the event, everyone was talking about Koroit and it lived up to its hype with a beautiful festival.”
Ms MacDonald said she was justifiably proud of the festival committee and all other volunteers who pitched in across the weekend.
“The whole festival is such a great example of what a community can achieve when it pulls together,” she said.
While the Koroit and greater south-west community supported the festival, the event also turned out to be a lightning rod for tourism to the town.
Ticket sales indicated 70 percent of the audience
came from outside the region, with a large number of the Irish community in Melbourne, Geelong and Ballarat making the journey to Koroit.
“To have so many people coming to Koroit from all over really helps to put Koroit on the map,” Ms MacDonald said.
“Koroit is now very well known in Irish circles across the state and beyond, we are so proud to be a part of that.”
A highlight of the festival was the addition of a ‘Rock
The Boat’ event on the Sunday.
Made famous in the hit TV show Derry Girls, the song has a dance which over 200 people got on the oval at Victoria Park and danced together to.
Koroit has now claimed the title as Australia’s ‘Rock
The Boat’ capital and is looking to grow the number of dancers taking part in 2025.
“It was so much fun and another unique thing we now have for our festival,” Ms MacDonald said.
A TERANG veteran’s sacrifice paid during the Korean War was immortalised in Panmure as part of last week’s Anzac Day services.
A plaque was unveiled at the Panmure War Memorial during last Thursday’s ANZAC Day service, commemorating the life of Private Geoffrey McCunnie of the 3rd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (3RAR) who was killed in the Korean War on October 8, 1951, aged 22.
The plaque was unveiled by 97-year-old Terang resident Pat Glennen, the sister of Pte. McCunnie.
She said she was proud to be involved in the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the sacrifice of soldiers during an oftenoverlooked war which claimed the lives of 340 Australians.
“I felt very moved because I always felt nobody ever thought of the Korean War much,” Ms Glennen said.
“Its good people have remembered it.
“It makes people appreciate more what some of the younger ones did.
“It was hard for them to go and hard for their families to see them go.”
Ms Glennen remembered her brother as a good-hearted young man with a wonderful sense of humour.
“He was a bit of a larrikin who always seemed to be in a bit of trouble, but he was really good hearted,” she said.
The history of the Korean War was compiled by Warrnambool’s Shane O’Keeffe as guest speaker, himself a national serviceman
who served in Vietnam from 1969-1971 and is now a Victorian RSL compensation advocate.
He recounted the history of “the forgotten war,” a three-year period in which Australia offered its support to South Korea following an invasion by North Korean forces.
“Only five years after World War Two, Australia became involved in a war on the Korean peninsula,” Mr O’Keeffe said.
“Australia was the second of 21 nations to commit to the UN Forces in that war.”
Mr O’Keeffe spoke of the history of 3RAR throughout the war, including the battalion’s first battle of the war in Yongju, and subsequent notable battles in Pakchon, Kapyong and Maryang San.
It was during the later battle in which 3RAR Pte. Geoffrey McCunnie would be killed in action alongside 19 other Australian soldiers plus a further 89 wounded.
“The Korean War was overshadowed by the two conflicts which sit either side of it,” Mr O’Keeffe said.
“World War Two, and the Vietnam War with all its controversies.
“It was for this reason it received the moniker, The Forgotten War, but no war should be forgotten.
“Not least one of this significance, on such a day as this.”
Panmure Action Group chairman Ian Wallace, himself a veteran, said it was “extremely important” to be able to honour those from the south west who had served. He said it was an honour to be able to do so with Ms Glennen as a special guest to unveil
Panmure Action Group chair Ian Wallace, Terang’s Pat Glennen and Warrnambool’s Shane O’Keeffe were thrilled to unveil a plaque in memory of Ms Glennen’s brother, private Geoffrey McCunnie, who was killed in action during the Korean War. 2024D
the plaque in memory of her brother, and those who served along side him.
“There’s not many people left from the Korean War, let alone World War Two, so to have (Pat) here to unveil her brother’s plaque is something we think is pretty special,” Mr Wallace said.
He said he was pleased to see so many members of the community in attendance to pay their respects, and thanked all the volunteers for their dedication behind the scenes.
“There’s a lot of work, but it’s not all done by one person – there are a lot of people who
make this happen,” Mr Wallace said.
Panmure has made it something of a tradition to unveil a plaque in honour of locals who served their country on Anzac Day.
As Western District Newspapers reported last year, a plaque was unveiled to pay tribute to the locals who served during the Vietnam war.
“We enjoy what we’re doing, we think we’re on to a pretty good theme here and we’ll work for something next year too,” Mr Wallace said.
“I don’t know what we’ll do next year, but we’ll certainly do something.”
THE Twin Rivers Probus Club celebrated May Race Week with brunch at Lake Pertobe last Monday.
The annual event once again proved a popular one on the club’s social calendar, with members eager to enjoy an egg and bacon feast – along with a hot cuppa and lots of laughter.
The Twin Rivers Probus Club currently meets on the third Wednesday of each month at the Warrnambool Football Club and welcomes new members.
The club hosts a variety of activities, including a walking group each Wednesday from 10am at Lake Pertobe (near kiosk) and book groups, craft, ‘coffee and chat’ and a bowling group.
Some of the upcoming events planned include a luncheon at Cheeseworld on Wednesday, June 12 and morning coffees at the golf club (May 9) and the Provincial Café (June 6).
Cards can also be enjoyed on Thursday, May 9 and May 23 from 1.30pm at the Anchor Point clubrooms.
MOYNE Shire Council will hold a special meeting next Tuesday, May 7, to discuss the draft budget.
Moyne mayor Cr Ian Smith said the meeting had been called for councillors to consider the draft budget and put it on public exhibition for community feedback.
He said a separate confidential item would provide the opportunity for councillors to resolve the appointment of a new chief executive officer.
“The budget has been prepared over the past few months, taking in feedback from the community,” Cr Smith said.
“There’s no denying that the financial situation is tough, but we are in a good position and have put together a responsible and manageable budget that continues to deliver on services the community expects.”
Cr Smith said they were also very excited to finalise the appointment of a chief executive officer.
“We have found an excellent candidate to fill the role and lead the organisation, and we look forward to being able to announce who the successful person is publicly in the days following the meeting.”
The special meeting will be held at 9.30am next Tuesday, May 7 at Port Fairy.
The open section of the meeting will be broadcast live via council’s facebook page.
THE weather may be getting cooler, but we can still enjoy occasional bouts of sunshine and clear skies – and the chance to get out and about with family and friends.
With the action and excitement of the annual May Race Carnival now over, thoughts turn to other events and activities across the district in the search for entertainment.
The City of Warrnambool offers so much to see and do, for locals and visitors of all ages, so why not rug up and head outdoors for an adventure?
To kick start your weekend tomorrow (Saturday) head to Lake Pertobe at 8am for Warrnambool Parkrun.
This free, fun and friendly weekly fivekilometre community event allows entrants to walk, jog, run, volunteer or even spectate. Enjoy the fresh air and exercise with family and friends before heading to one of many local cafes to enjoy a cuppa or breakfast.
And for those looking for a spectacular night of magic and grand illusion, head to the Lighthouse Theatre on Saturday night for an evening with one of Australia’s leading illusionists, Anthony Street.
The star and producer of the stage phenomenon, Celtic Illusion will be touring his Grand Illusion show this year.
Witness levitations, impossible vanishes, mentalism and a death-defying escape as Anthony pushes the boundaries of reality
and distorts your senses.
With his unique and edgy style, performing one of the oldest of art forms, Anthony will enthral and astonish you - and keep you on the edge of your seat.
With Mother’s Day just around the corner, why not head to The Fresh Market Warrnambool on Sunday for all your fresh produce needs?
This market runs on the first Sunday of the month at Lake Pertobe.
From 8.30am-1pm market goers have the chance to browse the many stalls, offering fresh produce that showcases the region’s finest producers, creators and designers.
Described as “not just a market, it’s an experience” make sure you take the time to pay a visit.
‘Cars and Coffee Warrnambool’ will again be set up in the car park at the Flying Horse on the Princes Hwy.
This monthly gathering gives car enthusiasts the chance to show off their pride and joy, talk about their experiences and learn from others.
Next Tuesday, May 7, head to Mercy Place on Hopetoun Road to enjoy the Hey Dee Ho intergenerational musical session.
To be held from 11am-11.45am, these musical sessions bring children and the elderly together to share the joy of music. Sessions are designed to bridge the age gap.
Later that day, a ‘Live Up’ website information session will be held at Warrnambool’s Archie Graham Centre. This session will give participants a guided tour of the Australian government’s Healthy Ageing website to find personalised resources to enable you to live well and maintain independence.
WARRNAMBOOL West Primary School may very well be home to some future designers.
Students from Foundation through to year six spent time in the classroom designing and constructing their own model houses.
Problem solving, engineering and mathematics were used to strategically plan and build the houses to scale.
Students in years three to six also included floor plans, furniture and were required to include moving parts in their designs.
FLAGSTAFF Hill and the Warrnambool and District Artists Society have teamed up to present a new exhibition in the recently renovated Alexander Farncombe Gallery: Sea, Sand and Shipwrecks.
The exhibition will feature 80 artworks created especially for this event, including two by Flagstaff Hill volunteer and Warrnambool and District Artists Society member Janet Steed.
The long-time Warrnambool landscape painter has been volunteering at Flagstaff Hill for about a year, and she was excited to see Flagstaff Hill and the society come together for this exhibition.
“I wasn’t expecting the two loves to overlap, so this is really nice,” Ms Steed said.
“It’s a great theme to start with, because everyone at the Merri View Gallery (home of the society) loves painting the seascapes and the cliffs and the rocks, so I knew we’d get lots of lovely choices.”
Her paintings are of Thunder Point and Moyjil.
“They’re just beautiful. All along the coast is lovely. You don’t have to go far to find somewhere beautiful in
Warrnambool,” Ms Steed said.
Flagstaff Hill Collections Curator Justin Croft said he was very happy with the response from the artists after beginning discussions about the exhibition last year.
“The theme of sand, sea and shipwrecks is to capture the ever-changing beauty of western Victoria’s coastal landscape and the essence of coastal living, mysteries of the deep blue sea and enduring tales of seafaring adventures and maritime history and I think the artist have well and truly taken that theme on,” he said.
“As a museum, our role is as keepers of community history, values and innovation, and to become important partners with community organisations to develop relationships to achieve mutually beneficial goals which help form better communities.
“We’ve had over 80 artworks submitted which I’ve been told is a record for the society. We only managed to get 70 up across the three rooms so in three months I’ll do a rotation.”
The artworks will be available for purchase from the end of this month.
Warrnambool and District Artists Society President Margaret Brodie said she was pleased to see the works on
display in the new space at Flagstaff Hill.
“It is a great honour to be the first artists group to exhibit,” she said.
“The members’ work offers a range of styles and abilities and I hope you enjoy the display.
“Thank you to Justin for having the vision and the drive to make this exhibition a reality and for inviting our group to exhibit in your gallery.”
The exhibition is now open and will be on display for six months.
As well as hosting the Sea, Sand and Shipwrecks exhibition, Flagstaff Hill is home to Australia’s richest collection of shipwreck artefacts housed within a 19th century replica village with sweeping views of Lady Bay.
Flagstaff Hill averaged 4.5 out of five stars based on more than 1400 Google Reviews, and is open daily.
The Warrnambool and District Artists Society hosts regular classes in a variety of mediums, with new members always welcome.
The Merri View Gallery is open on weekends from 12pm until 4pm with free entry.
~ Photos courtesy Warrnambool City Council.
EVERY Mother’s Day for more than 20 years, a growing number of Australians have walked or ran to honour those touched by breast cancer and raise money for research – and this year will be no exception.
Australia’s biggest breast cancer research fundraiser, the Mother’s Day Classic will once again be held at various locations across the country to support the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
The Warrnambool event involves a three kilometre walk and a seven kilometre run.
The course takes participants along Pertobe Road to the breakwater, then back along the promenade, past the surf club before turning around to return to the start/finish line (three kilometres).
What started in 1998 as a way to honour those affected by breast cancer and to support research into the disease has grown into Australia’s largest breast cancer fundraiser – involving more than 130,000 participants around the nation and raising vital research funds.
Increasingly, the colourful event has become a way for groups or families and friends to participate in a healthy, fun activity to kick off their Mother’s Day.
According to many former participants, the event is no average fun run.
It is a powerful day for families and friends to support breast cancer survivors and those who have lost loved ones to the disease.
The Mother’s Day Classic is not about
breaking speed records.
The focus is on participation, whether you walk, run or volunteer.
Many people have fun dressing up; you’ll see everything from pink pirates to teams in tutus.
“My daughter and I have been entering the Mother’s Day Classic for the past four or five years and it truly is a wonderful event,”
Mandy said.
“As a nurse, a mother and a daughter I have seen many people go through cancer treatment and in particular for breast cancer so this is a cause very dear to my heart.
“If we can do even just a little thing to raise awareness and a few dollars in the process then that’s terrific.
“And I also get to kick start my Mother’s Day morning with my daughter out in the fresh air – and we always enjoy a cuppa and a bite to eat afterwards so what isn’t there to like about that? It’s a win-win all round.”
The Warrnambool event will be held on Sunday May 12.
Participants can pre-register online or on the day from 8am.
The seven kilometre run and three kilometre walk will start at 9am.
Sunday, May 12
Treat Mum this Mother’s Day and book her in for a delicious lunch or dinner at the Warrnambool Bowls Club.
All mums that book in for lunch or dinner will go into the draw to win a Mother’s Day Pamper Hamper valued at over $400.
Plus a complimentary glass of bubbles for Mum on arrival!
or book online on our website.
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16. What can be seen right now (4)
17. Slithering reptile (5)
19. Abundance (6)
21. Cried (4)
22. Adapted to a particular purpose (8)
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3. Come to understand (7)
5. Make a humiliating apology (3,6,3)
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18. Sacrificial block (5)
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South West Healthcare are seeking community members interested in the opportunity to volunteer and support patients in the local area with a life limiting illness or disease.
No experience necessary as training will be provided. All ages welcome.
Palliative Care Training
Every Wednesday for 5 weeks commencing 15 May.
Interested applicants please contact: Julie Evans, Coordinator of Volunteers SWH Ph: 5563 1459 Email: jmevans@swh.net.au
Port Fairy & Koroit
We are seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic Community Market Assistant to join our team.
The successful candidate will play a key role in ensuring the smooth operation of our market, assisting the Market Coordinator and engaging with stallholders. Approx 6 hours per fortnight.
Request a Position Description: email market@portfairycommunityhouse.com. au.
Please send your resume and a cover letter outlining your suitability for the role to House Coordinator: manager@ portfairycommunityhouse.com.au.
Applications close: Friday, May 10, 2024
The grown cattle and bullocks carried good weight whilst the manufacturing steers lacked finish and weight. The cow offering was mostly of better quality with a good mixture of beef and dairy types and included more lighter weight cows. The market comprised of 303 grown cattle, 272 trade types, 605 cows and 18 grown bulls with most processors present and operating along with good restocker interest in a market that was stronger over most categories driven by quality and gaining 20 to 30c/kg and more in places. Cows gained 20 to 40c/kg, more so for beef breeds and bulls gained 40 to 50c/kg in places.
Trade steers and heifers sold from 290c to 360c/kg. Grown cattle topped at 332c/kg with manufacturing steers to 255c/kg. Heavy beef cows were selling from 220c to 272c/kg with the medium weights between 175c and 210c/kg. The better covered dairy cows were selling generally between 275c and 220 c/kg with grown beef bulls to 250c/kg.
Market Reporter Chris Agnew.
STEERS: Smith Partnershipm ang, 557kg at 324¢, $1806.00; Smith Partnership, ang, 537kg at 324¢, $1741.00; D & L Parker, spec prk, 488kg at 230¢, $1122.00.
HEIFERS: D & L Parker, ang x, 486kg at 245¢, $1190.00.
COWS: Cochran Ag, ang, 657kg at 262¢, $1722.00; Terang South West, ang, 571kg at 254¢, $1480.00.
MONDAY, APRIL 29, 2024 J
BULLOCKS: R Horstead, hrfd x, 712kg at 295¢, $2100.40.
STEERS: R Greenway, char x, 582kg at 332¢, $1933.00; J Waterson, ang x, 585kg at 275¢, $1608.75; M Lenehan, ang x, 436kg at 275¢, $1199.00; J Waterson, frsn x, 548kg at 255¢, $1397.40.
VEALERS: Grassmere Flats, rom’gola x, 455kg at 360¢, $1638.00.
HEIFERS: Grassmere Flats, rom’gola x, 500kg at 340¢, $1700.00; RF Crothers, m/grey, 474kg at 310¢, $1469.40; JG & CM Crothers, m/grey, 448kg at 290¢, $1299.00; R Sinnott, hrfd, 371kg at 288¢, $1068.48; R Sinnott, ang x, 384kg at 285¢, $1094.40.
COWS: St Elmos Farms, ang, 651kg at 268¢, $1744.68; RF Crothers, ang, 678kg at 268¢, $1817.04; Glen Kerry, ang, 554kg at 268¢, $1484.72; Waynmar Hold, hrfd x, 677kg at 260¢, $1760.20; SWD, frsn, 573kg at 190¢, $1088.70.
BULLS: Glen Kerry, char, 846kg at 248¢, $2098.08.
BULLOCKS: Glenwood Pastoral, ang, 676kg at 328¢, $2219.96; Glenwood Pastoral, ang, 728.8kg at 325¢, $2368.44; Rockhills, ang, 695kg at 304¢, $2112.80; M Greene, ang, 602.5kg at 304¢, $1831.60; Glenwood Pastoral, spec prk, 662.5kg at 285¢, $1888.13.
STEERS: Glenwood Pastoral, spec prk, 561.76kg at 291¢, $1634.45; DA Johnstone, ang x, 485kg at 285¢, $1382.25; JL & MP Page, ang, 532.5kg ar 275¢, $1464.38; DA Johnstone, ang x, 465kg at 256¢, $1190.40; DA Johnstone, ang x, 448.8kg at 256¢, $1149.05.
VEALERS: M Greene, ang x, 444.4kg at 308¢, $1368.68; Kilmorey South, ang x hrfd, 410kg at 302¢, $1238.20; Excel Farms, ang, 413.80; DA Johnstone, ang x, 447.7kg at 285¢, $1275.92.
HEFIERS: S Martin, ang, 588kg at 300¢, $1764.00; Kilmorey South, ang, 606kg at 280¢, $1696.80; Kilmorey South, ang, 521.7kg at 280¢, $1460.67.
COWS: KD Keane, ang, 617.5kg at 266¢, $1642.55; JI & MP Page, ang, 603.8kg at 265¢, $1599.94; Triple R Vic Pty Ltd, ang, 555kg at 244¢, $1354.20; KD Keane, ang, 571.7kg at 240¢, $1372.00; Triple R Vic Pty Ltd, ang, 483.3kg at 230¢, $1111.67.
BULLS: Excel Farms, ang, 540kg at 192¢, $1036.80; Excel Farms, ang, 516kg at 192¢, $990.72.
The sale comprised 234 cows, 23 mixed type and 18 bulls where not all buyers were in attendance or fully active. The offering included a few lead pens of well covered cows where the market remained firm to slightly dearer with an increase in numbers for medium weights and lightweight cows being dearer by 20c to 25c/kg.
Good Beef cows topped at 255c/kg and the better covered dairy cows making from 180c to 216c with the medium weights to the trade selling between 160c and 190c/kg and the lightweights from 90c to 110c/kg. Manufacturing cattle made to 180c/kg to remained firm. Beef bulls sold to 230c/kg.
Market Reporter Chris Agnew.
HEFIERS: A McKenzie, frsn, 418kg at 160¢, $737.00; Mcaburn, frsn x, 418kg at 160¢, $737.00.
COWS: Schultz Bio Farm, frsn, 670kg at 218¢, $1606.66; A McKenzie, frsn, 665kg at 218¢, $1594.67; Macburn, frsn, 685kg at 205¢, $1544.67; Est I.S. Black, frsn, 581kg at 205¢, $1310.40; Mountside P/L, frsn, 581kg at 205¢, $1310.40; Schultz Bio Farm, jrsy x, 572kg at 190¢, $1196.52; Cobrico Trading, frsn x, 568kg at 190¢, $1187.81; B V Kelly, jrsy, 510kg at 190¢, $1065.90; P & L Thornton, frsn, 545kg at 186¢, $1115.07.
HEIFERS: A & N Powling, frsn, 470kg at 170¢, $799.00.
BULLS: Shoreview, spec prk, 730kg at 230¢, $1679.00; D Kent, spec prk, 845kg at 226¢, $1909.70; Wyss Trading Trust, red poll, 870kg at 225¢, $1957.50.
TRADE COWS: Harvan Holdings P/L, ang, 630kg at 255¢, $1606.50; Dalhurst Park, ang, 552kg at 240¢, $1324.80; D A Poustie, lowline, 495kg at 170¢, $841.50.
FRIESIAN COWS: SJ & AE Watson, frsn, 721kg at 190¢, $1369.90; Jansen & Finch, frsn, 635kg at 190¢, $1206.50; Centreview, frsn, 627kg at 190¢, $1191.30; A & L Whiting, frsn, 518.33kg at 170¢, $881.17; KR & AL Wright, 560kg at 160¢, $896.00.
X BRED COWS: A & N Powling, aus red, 727.5kg at 210¢, $1527.75; SJ & AE Watson, frsn x, 717.5kg at 210¢, $1506.75; KR & AL Wright, Ill’wrra, 580kg at 170¢, $986.00; Jensen & Finch, frsn x, 560kg at 170¢, $952.00; SL & JA Huth, frsn x, 535kg at 170¢, $909.50.
JERSEY COWS: A & N Powling, jrsy, 530kg at 195¢, $1033.50; Wyss Trading Trust, jrsy x, 480kg at 195¢, $936.00; Jansen & Finch, jrsy, 440kg at 110¢, $484.00; D A Poustie, jrsy, 345kg at 110¢, $379.50.
VEALERS: AN Buckley, frsn, 490kg at 180¢, $970.00; Springdam, frsn, 470kg at 180¢, $931.00; S & J McLaren, frsn x, 315kg at 160¢, $554.00.
COWS: Springdam, frsn x, 615kg at 216¢, $1461.00; MA & RE Gale, frsn x, 625kg at 216¢, $1485.00; S & J McLaren, aus red, 630kg at 216¢, $1497.00; GN & SA Ferrari, frsn, 615kg at 216¢, $1461.00; Meadridge Farms, frsn, 675kg at 216¢, $1604.00; L O Hallyburton, ang, 470kg at 202¢, $1044.00; DM & CM Byron, hrfd x, 518kg at 202¢, $1151.00; DM & CM Byron, ang x, 555kg at 202¢, $1233.00; G Stansfield, frsn, 730kg at 182¢, $1461.00; J & K Baker, frsn, 608kg at 182¢, $1217.00; K Baker, frsn, 615kg at 175¢, $1184.00; Fosag Pty Ltd, frsn, 610kg at 170¢, $1141.00; Worboys Farming Group, frsn x, 575kg at 168¢, $1063.00; D & T Gaut, frsn x, 570kg at 168¢, $1053.00; L & M Cavarsan, frsn, 610kg at 165¢, $1107.00; Lightwood Produce, frsn, 480kg at 160¢, $845.00; Campbells Kingdon Pty, frsn, 478kg at 160¢, $841.00.
BULLS: JB & PR Liston, brit white, 665kg at 216¢, $1580.00; JB & PR Liston, brit white, 670kg at 216JB & PR Liston, brit white, 665kg at 216¢, $1580.00; 1592.00.
Hamilton market today lamb and sheep numbers increased to 16,500 lambs along with 8,500 sheep that represents an increase of 8,000 lambs and 4,850 sheep on the previous weeks market.
The overall quality was very good with a top selection of heavy trade weight lambs in the lead runs and again there was a larger tail of smaller and plainer conditioned lamb evident with the increased numbers.
The sheep offering consisted mainly of medium to heavy trade weight Merino and crossbred ewes with the later providing some lead heavy weight pens.
Most of the processors were present and fully active along with restocker and feed lotting interest which has remained strong securing lambs for the Riverina, South Eastern SA and local areas. Feedlotters paid up to $146/head to secure lambs.
The market was resilient to be firm over most categories the exception being lambs 25kg and heavier improving by $10 to $15/head. Majority of lamb to the trade made from 650c to 730c/kg cwt with the best heavy weights making $239/head.
Light 12 to 16kg lamb sold from $46 to $137/head with trade weights 18 to 22kg selling from $138 to
$180/head with the 22 to 26kg lambs from $180 to $211/head. Hoggets topped at $110.
In a very erratic mutton market heavy sheep gained $5/head where medium weights were softer by $5 to $8 with very light sheep losing $10 to $15/head and in some cases difficult to clear.
The general run of mutton realized from 230c to 300c/ kg cwt with heavy crossbred ewes selling to $111/ head and Merino ewes to $90 with Merino wethers also selling to $90/head with rams topping at $72 / head.
Market Reporter Chris Agnew.
MERRIVALE ....................2.1
GOALS, Allansford: R. Hare 5, K. Gordon 2, B. Coutts 1, Z. Jamieson 1. Merrivale: J. MahonyGilchrist 2, J. Neave 2, R. Barling 1, C. Graham 1, H. Gurry 1, N. Krepp 1. BEST, Allansford: J. Fedley, A. Gordon, P. Drake, J. Kirkwood, Z. Jamieson, K. Gordon. Merrivale: F. Atchison, J. Gleeson, B. Bell, C. Graham, T. McLaughlin, M. Sandow.
COLLEGIANS ...........4.1
LADDER: Russells Creek 16(pts), 429.87(%); Allansford 16, 335.16; Old Collegians 16, 186.73; South Rovers 8, 141.53; Kolora Noorat 4, 113.22; Timboon 4, 97.83; Nirranda 4, 80.31; Dennington 0, 28.22; Merrivale 0 15.
Old Collegians 4.5 (29) lost to Dennington 5.5 (35); South Rovers 1.4 (10) lost to Russells Creek 6.7 (43); Nirranda 0.0 (0) lost to Timboon 6.12 (48).
LADDER: Russells Creek 16(pts), 536.84(%); Dennington 12, 297.30; Allansford 12, 101.65; Timboon 8, 129.31; Old Collegians 8, 93.53; Nirranda 8, 31.12; South Rovers 8, 25.64; Kolora Noorat 4, 88.08; Panmure 0, 43.01.
LADDER: Old Collegians 20(pts), 204.84(%); Timboon 12, 129.58; Dennington 12, 129.11; Russells Creeks 12, 103.75; South Rovers 8, 145.28; Allansford 8, 117.57; Panmure 8, 91.01; Nirranda 4, 87.50; Kolora Noorat 0, 52.34; Merrivale 0, 37.21.
Old Collegians (1) lost to Dennington (21); Panmure (15) lost to Kolora Noorat (25); South Rovers (26) lost to Russells Creeks (27); Nirranda (13) lost to Timboon (27); Allansford (24) def. Merrivale (17).
LADDER: Cobden 16(pts), 712.70(%); South Warrnambool 16, 361.82; North Warrnambool 12, 525.58; Warrnambool 12, 299.07; Portland 8, 57.04; Terang Mortlake 8, 54.24; Camperdown 4, 72.86; Hamilton 4, 35.09; Koroit 0, 25.05; Port Fairy 0, 16.79.
South Warrnambool 11.8 (74) def. Koroit 2.7 (19); Portland 3.5 (23) lost to Hamilton 10.9 (69); Warrnambool 9.12 (66) def. Camperdown 2.1 (13); Port Fairy 6.5 (41) lost to Cobden 8.4 (52); North Warrnambool 13.16 (94) def. Terang Mortlake 5.5 (35).
Allansford 12.12 (84) def. Merrivale 0.1 (1); Old Collegians 3.4 (22) lost to Dennington 9.6 (60); South Rovers 1.6 (12) lost to Russells Creek 6.5 (41); Nirranda 0.0 (0) lost to Timboon 6.8 (44).
LADDER: Timboon 16(pts), 294.74(%); Merrivale 12, 157.35; Allansford 12, 149.18; Russells Creeks 12, 147.69; Dennington 8, 127.12; South Rovers 8, 104.82; Kolora Noorat 8, 80.00; Panmure 6, 69.44; Nirranda 2, 32.00; Old Collegians 0, 18.35.
GOALS, Old Collegians: J. Mckinnon 3, C. Barby 2, G. Bond 1, C. Boyle 1, M. Couch 1, H. White 1, J. Zippel 1. Dennington: T. Jnr Noonan 4, L. Campbell-Gavin 2, N. Alexandrou 1, J. Garner 1, D. Hoye 1, A. Keen 1, F. Onthaisongs 1, F. Rowe 1. BEST, Old Collegians: G. Bond, H. Hall, J. Wallace, M. Couch, C. Boyle, C. Barby. Dennington: T. Noonan, J. Garner, F. Rowe, J. Blackney-noter, D. Hoye, M. Mavroudakis. PANMURE .......................4.1
KOLORA NOORAT............2.5
6.3 (109)
GOALS, Panmure: C. Bant 4, A. Courtney 3, J. Coyle 2, L. McLeod 2, D. Bourke 1, L. Gavin 1, J. Lewis 1, S. Melican 1. Kolora Noorat: J. Vaughan 5, J. Wallace 4, L. Cahill 3, G. Beasley 2, C. Kavanagh 2.
BEST, Panmure: T. Murnane, S. Melican, N. Keane, L. Gavin, C. Bant, S. Mahony. Kolora Noorat: E. Wyss, . vaughan, N. Marshall, G. Beasley, A. Robertson, M. Wyss. SOUTH ROVERS ..............2.1 2.0 1.4 1.1 (42) RUSSELLS CREEK ...........7.5 7.5 7.3 12.8 (219)
GOALS, South Rovers: R. Mentha 2, S. Williams 2, B. Bushell 1, M. Edwards 1. Russells Creek: T. Smith 8, T. Ryan 4, L. McLeod 3, J. Askew 2, J. Chatfield 2, A. Mcmeel 2, K. Smith 2, C. Templeton 2, S. Brady 1, D. Burns 1, J. Chatfield 1, O. Everall 1, M. Rook 1, B. Rudland-Castles 1, Z. Timms 1, Z. Welsford 1. BEST, South Rovers: F. McCoy, B. Bushell, B. Oates, C. Mailes, B. Goodall, T. Bishop. Russells Creek: T. Smith, L. McLeod, D. Burns, A. Mcmeel, K. Smith, G. McLeod. NIRRANDA ......................6.4 4.4 9.5 11.3 (196) TIMBOON ........................0.2 2.0 2.0 0.0 (26) GOALS, Nirranda: J. Stacey 6, J. Willsher 6, J. Primmer 4, L. Irving 3, D. Philp 3, J. Lenehan 2, T. Royal 2, D. Craven 1, H. Giblin 1, B. Kew 1, F. Torney 1. Timboon: T. Hunt 2, M. Gristede 1, M. Wallace 1. BEST, Nirranda: J. Willsher, L. Kew, B. Harkness, L. Irving, J. Stacey, J. Primmer. Timboon: A. Hunt, L. Smith, K. Gristede, M. Gristede, H. Stansfield, K. Delaney.
LADDER: Allansford 16(pts), 166.18(%); Nirranda 12, 231.12; Russells Creek 12, 189.03; Merrivale 12, 177.37; Kolora Noorat 12, 109.24; Dennington 8, 110.00; Panmure 8, 86.56; Old Collegians 4, 67.15; Timboon 0, 37.83; South Rovers 0, 28.81.
Allansford 6.8 (44) lost to Merrivale 8.6 (54); Old Collegians 7.4 (46) lost to Dennington 7.6 (48); Panmure 7.12 (54) def. Kolora Noorat 8.2 (50); South Rovers 2.6 (18) lost to Russells Creek 21.19 (145); Nirranda 6.16 (52) def. Timboon 1.3 (9).
LADDER: Merrivale 20(pts), 270.77(%); Allansford 12, 253.85; Nirranda 12, 174.77; Russells Creek 8, 223.97; Dennington 8, 92.96; Panmure 8, 84.54; Kolora Noorat 8, 77.60; Old Collegians 8, 54.93; Timboon 0, 37.44; South Rovers 0, 27.61.
Allansford 18.11 (119) def. Merrivale 0.1 (1); Old Collegians 10.9 (69) def. Dennington 4.6 (30); South Rovers 6.8 (44) lost to Russells Creek 9.6 (60); Nirranda 3.1 (19) def. Timboon 7.7 (49).
LADDER: Dennington 16(pts), 248.15(%); Russells Creek 12, 513.51; Allansford 12, 400.00; Timboon 12, 291.11; Old Collegians 12, 140.85; South Rovers 8, 204.55; Nirranda 4, 35.58; Merrivale 4, 24.68; Panmure 0, 16.35; Kolora Noorat 0, 13.49.
Nirranda (77) def. Timboon (27); Panmure (39) lost to Kolora Noorat (57); Old Collegians (29) lost to Dennington (42); South Rovers (44) lost to Russells Creeks (59); Allansford (38) def. Merrivale 40.
LADDER: Nirranda 16(pts), 213.77(%); Merrivale 16, 155.29; Dennington 12, 125.00; Allansford 12, 123.31; Kolora Noorat 12, 122.30; Timboon 8, 96.08; Old Collegians 4, 76.17; Russells Creeks 4, 72.51; South Rovers 0, 57.14; Panmure 0, 55.59.
Nirranda (52) def. Timboon (23); Old Collegians (52) def. Dennington (23); Panmure (25) lost to Kolora Noorat (31); South Rovers (25) lost to Russells Creeks (38); Allansford (28) lost to Merrivale 36.
LADDER: Nirranda 16(pts), 198.78(%); Old Collegians 16, 138.51; Merrivale 16, 132.09; Allansford 12, 123.64; Dennington 8, 77.86; Kolora Noorat 8, 71.01; Russells Creeks 4, 89.39; Timboon 4, 78.06; South Rovers 0, 70.54; Panmure 0, 66.44.
Nirranda (63) def. Timboon (22); South Rovers (18) lost to Russells Creeks (46); Panmure (17) lost to Kolora Noorat (47); Old Collegians (21) lost to Dennington (32); Allansford (29) drew with Merrivale (29).
LADDER: Nirranda 16(pts), 269.77(%); Allansford 14, 168.97; Russells Creeks 12, 134.17; Kolora Noorat 12, 105.83; Old Collegians 8, 111.43; Timboon 8, 104.00; Dennington 8, 76.69; Merrivale 6, 89.94; South Rovers 0, 59.06; Panmure 0, 27.19.
LADDER: Merrivale 20(pts), 177.57(%); Kolora Noorat 12, 160.24; South Rovers 12, 100.81; Old Collegians 12, 97.56; Allansford 8, 126.17; Timboon 8, 100.83; Russells Creeks 8, 85.19; Panmure 4, 75.20; Nirranda 0, 62.12; Dennington 0, 59.59.
Nirranda (14) lost to Timboon (22); Allansford (36) def. Merrivale (13); South Rovers (11) lost to Russells Creeks (18); Old Collegians (30) def. Dennington (18); Panmure (32) def. Kolora Noorat 22.
STH WARRNAMBOOL .....4.1 7.4 8.5 11.9 (75) KOROIT ...........................4.1 5.3 9.7 9.8 (62)
GOALS, South Warrnambool: S. Kelly 5, S. Beks 4, J. Dye 2. Koroit: C. Byrne 3, W. Couch 2, M. Bradley 1, J. Grayland 1, L. Hoy 1, P. O’Sullivan 1. BEST, South Warrnambool: J. Henderson, S. Kelly, J. Dye, S. Thompson, H. Lee, M. McCluggage Koroit: C. Byrne, T. Baulch, P. O’Sullivan, J. Grayland, T. Waterson, L. Hoy. PORTLAND ......................0.1 1.2 2.4 6.5 (41)
HAMILTON ......................7.5 12.9 15.11 15.12 (102)
GOALS, Portland:T. Sharp 4, W. Hunter 2. Hamilton: D. Russell 7, T. Morris 2, L. Urquhart 2, L. Barnes 1, C. Field 1, B. Hicks 1, V. Huf 1. BEST, Portland: T. Sharp, B. Malcolm, M. Curtis, M. England, L. Huppatz, J. Wilson. Hamilton: H. McGinley, D. Russell, E. Knight, V. Huf, T. Morris, W. Povey.
WARRNAMBOOL .............5.4 9.7 12.9 18.9 (117)
CAMPERDOWN ...............4.2 4.4 6.6 8.10 (58)
GOALS, Warrnambool: L. Cody 5, B. Cunnington 5, J. Turland 4, J. Bell 1, L. Bidmade 1, R. Jansen van beek 1, H. Ryan 1. Camperdown: T. Baker 1, J. Dundon 1, A. Gordon 1, S. Gordon 1, C. Lucas 1, I. McVilly 1, M. Sinnott 1, C. Spence 1. BEST, Warrnambool: J. Walters, B. Cunnington, J. Turland, L. Cody, J. Turland, T. Wason. Camperdown: M. Field, B. Draffin, J. Place, R. Arnold, H. Sumner, W. Rowbottom. PORT FAIRY ....................2.3 2.7 4.10 7.12 (54)
COBDEN .........................0.1 0.6 4.7 4.8 (32)
GOALS, Port Fairy: K. Mercovich 3, J. Rowan 2, L. Gunning 1, R. Hall 1. Cobden: M. Koroneos 2, J. Hutt 1, S. Lucas 1. BEST, Port Fairy: K. Mercovich, O. Myers, O. Pollock, M. Sully, J. Bartlett, Z. McKenna. Cobden: S. Thow, P. Smith, T. Auckland, S. Lucas, B. McGlade, L. Smith. NTH WARRNAMBOOL .....5.2 9.4 13.8 16.11 (107)
TERANG MORTLAKE .......0.1 2.4 5.5 7.8 (50) GOALS, North Warrnambool: N. Vardy 4, F. Jones 3, A. Wines 3, L. Anders 1, T. Batten 1, D. Bermingham 1, B. Gedye 1, A. Jennings 1, T. Keast 1. Terang Mortlake: M. Arundell 1, T. Arundell 1, R. Buck 1, R. Hutchins 1, S. Mclean 1, X. Moloney 1, B. Reid 1. BEST, North Warrnambool: J. Bermingham, L. Wines, A. Wines, J. Lewis, D. Bermingham, F. Jones. Terang Mortlake: S. Mclean, D. Jones, D. Hutchins, X. Moloney, X. Vickers, R. Hutchins. LADDER: South Warrnambool 16(pts), 148.31(%); North Warrnambool 12, 188.67; Cobden 12, 136.84; Warrnambool 8, 131.64; Terang Mortlake 8, 120.60; Koroit 8, 103.05; Port Fairy 8, 99.35; Hamilton 8, 97.56; Camperdown 0, 52.28; Portland 0, 32.91.
South Warrnambool 18.8 (116) def. Koroit 2.2 (14); Portland 8.8 (56) def. Hamilton 4.4 (28); Warrnambool 10.16 (76) def. Camperdown 1.3 (9); Port Fairy 1.4 (10) lost to Cobden 17.14 (116); North Warrnambool 13.10 (88) def. Terang Mortlake 1.4 (10).
LADDER: Warrnambool 16(pts), 466.67(%); Hamilton 16, 294.12; South Warrnambool 12, 178.47; Portland 12, 133.78; North Warrnambool 8, 101.41; Camperdown 8, 81.46; Cobden 4, 50.00; Koroit 4, 48.96; Port Fairy 0, 51.94; Terang Mortlake 0, 44.11.
South Warrnambool (45) def. Koroit (24); Portland (39) def. Hamilton (32); Warrnambool (67) def. Camperdown (56); Port Fairy (40) lost to Cobden (67); North Warrnambool (70) def. Terang Mortlake (52).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 16(pts), 210.83(%); Cobden 12, 132.14; North Warrnambool 12, 122.50; Koroit 12, 109.55; Warrnambool 8, 108.08; Terang Mortlake 8, 80.75; Portland 6, 88.12; Camperdown 4, 94.88; Port Fairy 2, 71.81; Hamilton 0, 53.62.
South Warrnambool (24) def. Koroit (23); Portland (43) lost to Hamilton (44); Warrnambool (58) def. Camperdown (32); Port Fairy (45) def. Cobden (33); North Warrnambool (32) lost to Terang Mortlake (49).
LADDER: Port Fairy 16(pts), 136.24(%); Koroit 12, 162.75; Hamilton 12, 159.50; Terang Mortlake 8, 116.67; Cobden 8, 96.71; North Warrnambool 8, 94.58; South Warrnambool 8, 82.39; Portland 4, 89.07; Warrnambool 4, 82.68; Camperdown 0, 45.85.
South Warrnambool (29) def. Koroit (23); Portland (25) lost to Hamilton (31); Warrnambool (49) def. Camperdown (25); Port Fairy (42) def. Cobden (30); North Warrnambool (36) def. Terang Mortlake (28).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 16(pts), 139.45(%); Warrnambool 14, 136.45; Hamilton 12, 108.66; North Warrnambool 12, 105.69; Koroit 10, 136.27; Port Fairy 8, 104.62; Portland 4, 81.82; Camperdown 4, 69.93; Terang Mortlake 0, 75.19; Cobden 0, 73.25.
South Warrnambool (15) lost to Koroit (35); Portland (6) lost to Hamilton (42); Warrnambool (46) def. Camperdown (23); Port Fairy (27) def. Cobden (21); North Warrnambool (35) def. Terang Mortlake (29).
LADDER: Hamilton 16(pts), 190.00(%); Koroit 16, 137.89; Warrnambool 12, 148.98; Port Fairy 12, 128.28; North Warrnambool 12, 119.39; Terang Mortlake 4, 93.18; South Warrnambool 4, 78.63; Camperdown 4, 72.05; Cobden 0, 74.42; Portland 0, 43.23.
South Warrnambool (20) lost to Koroit (37); Portland (37) def. Hamilton (28); Warrnambool (42) lost to Camperdown (46); Port Fairy (20) lost to Cobden (35); North Warrnambool (40) def. Terang Mortlake (37).
LADDER: Koroit 16(pts), 152.78(%); Camperdown 12, 139.44; Cobden 12, 123.58; South Warrnambool 12, 121.74; North Warrnambool 12, 110.74; Portland 8, 93.87; Terang Mortlake 4, 88.14; Warrnambool 4, 77.78; Port Fairy 0, 79.39; Hamilton 0, 47.22.
South Warrnambool (38) def. Koroit (14); Portland (25) lost to Hamilton (29); Warrnambool (26) drew with Camperdown (26); Port Fairy (21) lost to Cobden (33); North Warrnambool (32) def. Terang Mortlake (30).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 16(pts), 150.00(%); Hamilton 12, 191.03; North Warrnambool 12, 145.74; Koroit 12, 144.87; Warrnambool 10, 102.41; Terang Mortlake 8, 120.22; Portland 4, 99.07; Cobden 4, 59.52; Camperdown 2, 44.29; Port Fairy 0, 40.88.
South Warrnambool (36) lost to Koroit (18); Portland (12) lost to Hamilton (32); Warrnambool (9) lost to Camperdown (23); Port Fairy (7) lost to Cobden (38); North Warrnambool (34) def. Terang Mortlake (11).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 16(pts), 344.68(%); Hamilton 12, 177.59; Koroit 12, 127.27; North Warrnambool 12, 117.65; Camperdown 8, 144.78; Cobden 8, 96.84; Portland 4, 93.62; Warrnambool 4, 91.67; Port Fairy 4, 33.33; Terang Mortlake 0, 15.24.
Terang Mortlake 11.12 (78) def. North Warrnambool 7.5 (47); Camperdown 1.1 (7) lost to Warrnambool 20.16 (136); Koroit 8.7 (55) def. South Warrnambool 2.11 (23); Cobden 0.3 (3) lost to Port Fairy 11.20 (86); Hamilton 5.7 (37)
lost to Portland 10.10 (70).
LADDER: Koroit 16(pts), 725.00(%); Warrnambool 12, 448.86; South Warrnambool 12, 225.90; Terang Mortlake 12, 179.55; Portland 12, 137.93; Hamilton 8, 108.00; Port Fairy 8, 78.08; North Warrnambool 0, 51.32; Cobden 0, 11.42; Camperdown 0, 6.55.
Terang Mortlake 1.0 (6) lost to North Warrnambool 5.7 (37); Camperdown 1.5 (11) lost to Warrnambool 13.8 (86); Koroit 1.1 (7) lost to South Warrnambool 9.14 (68); Cobden 2.1 (13) lost to Port Fairy 15.13 (103).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 16(pts), 1236.11(%); Warrnambool 16, 500.00; North Warrnambool 12, 155.88; Port Fairy 8, 144.51; Hamilton 8, 117.37; Koroit 8, 69.66; Terang Mortlake 8, 49.37; Camperdown 4, 59.80; Portland 0, 14.46; Cobden 0, 11.64.
South Warrnambool (34) lost to Koroit 19Warrnambool (38); North Warrnambool (7) lost to Warrnambool (26) def. Camperdown (20); Port Fairy (17) lost to Cobden (27).
LADDER: Warrnambool 16(pts), 155.70(%); South Warrnambool 12, 385.71; Koroit 12, 150.62; Port Fairy 4, 97.92; Cobden 4, 66.67; Camperdown 4, 58.97; North Warrnambool 0, 15.13.
South Warrnambool (37) def. Koroit (26); Portland (14) lost to Hamilton (32); Warrnambool (45) def. Camperdown (10); Port Fairy (10) lost to Cobden (37); North Warrnambool (17) lost to Terang Mortlake (18).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 16(pts), 170.89(%); Warrnambool 12, 200.00; Koroit 12, 168.49; Terang Mortlake 12, 153.97; Hamilton 12, 145.88; North Warrnambool 8, 129.17; Cobden 4, 84.11; Portland 4, 64.00; Port Fairy 0, 23.85; Camperdown 0, 23.60.
South Warrnambool (28) def. Koroit (21); Warrnambool (17) lost to Camperdown (22); Port Fairy (4) lost to Cobden (24); North Warrnambool (18) def. Terang Mortlake (10).
LADDER: South Warrnambool 16(pts), 248.08(%); Camperdown 12, 118.06; North Warrnambool 12, 88.24; Cobden 10, 124.14; Warrnambool 8, 128.57; Hamilton 8, 93.10; Koroit 6, 89.53; Terang Mortlake 4, 42.25; Port Fairy 4, 11.11.
(29) ......................HORSHAM
GOALS, South Warrnambool: S. Kearney-Knox 2, J. Davidson 1, M. Ryan 1. Horsham: T. Nelson 1. BEST, South Warrnambool: J. Mcmeel, A. Johnstone, L. Wilson, M. Waayers, S. KearneyKnox, K. Dean. Horsham: V. Ika, H. Nuske, D. Brown, H. Smith, M. Huggins, T. Barnett. HAMILTON .....................7.4 13.8 21.16 31.20 (206) CAVENDISH ....................0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (0) GOALS, Hamilton: M. Chun 6, P. Kissel 4, H.
Biddle-Maitland 3, B. Gabb 3, L. Mirtschin 2, S. Rentsch 2, M. Smith 2, E. Thurman 2, G. Walter 2, R. Balshaw 1, R. Cleaver 1, Z. Crawford 1, C. Smith 1, C. Smith 1.
BEST, Hamilton: M. Chun, R. Cleaver, E. Thurman, Z. Crawford, M. Smith, C. Smith. Cavendish: K. Schultz, S. Stewart, N. Adamson, L. Downes, S. Granziera, N. Kalms.
TYRENDARRA ................0.1 4.5 5.7 9.10 (64)
WARRNAMBOOL ...........0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 (2)
GOALS, Tyrendarra: L. Blurton 2, B. Rose-Maher 2, K. Whitfield 2, J. Bristow 1, L. Millard 1, E. Stiles 1.
BEST, Tyrendarra: S. Pedrazzi, E. Stiles, C. McKenna, K. Whitfield, B. P. Rose-Maher, J. Cameron. Warrnambool: A. Ralston, G. Mccullagh, H. Utri, J. Welsh.
LADDER: South Warrnambool 12(pts), 3000.00(%); Hamilton 12, 1504.17; Tyrendarra 8, 142.42; Horsham 4, 159.02; Warrnambool 0, 4.74; Cavendish 0, 0.
South Warrnambool 12.25 (97) def. Horsham 1.1 (7); Portland 4.1 (25) lost to Terang Mortlake 4.5 (29).
LADDER: Terang Mortlake 12(pts), 141.89(%); South Warrnambool 8, 298.53; Cavendish 8, 87.91; Portland 4, 43.82; Horsham 4, 20.45.
North Warrnambool 10.9 (69) def. South Warrnambool 1.0 (6); Hamilton 2.4 (16) lost to Koroit 3.3 (21).
LADDER: North Warrnambool 12(pts), 1527.78(%); Portland 8, 590.91; Koroit 8, 153.66; South Warrnambool 4, 33.61; Hamilton 0, 17.14; Port Fairy 0, 15.75.
Dennington v Panmure
Field: Nathan Hoy, Matt Gome
Boundary: Callum Wade, Charlie Miller, Ollie Miller
Goal: Wayne Bellman, Malcolm Clapp
Kolora Noorat v Timboon
Field: Dan Missen, Craig McGlifford, Simon Dart
Boundary: Flynn Elhage, Luke Robson, Blake Ward
Goal: Nicole Lake, Anthony
South Rovers v Nirranda
Field: Ash Jennings, Leigh McNaughton
Boundary: Louis Beaton, Josh Bishop, Jackson McNaughton
Goal: Pat Nolan, Anna Wilkinson
Russells Creek v Allansford
Field: Craig Fleming, Steve Walker
Boundary: Campbell Pedler, Lucy Howland, Lachlan Gome
Goal: Greg Lemmons, Daryl Pedler
Dennington v Panmure
Field: Tom O’Neil, Andrew Lougheed
Kolora Noorat v Timboon
Field: Paul Schurring, Andrew Berry
South Rovers v Nirranda
Field: Jamie Keane, Hugh Worrell
Russells Creek v Allansford
Field: Jamie Lake, Dylan Denaro UNDER 18
Kolora Noorat v Timboon
Field: Simon Dart, Scott Lowery
Boundary: Maya Furphy, Lilla Adamson, Sophie Brown
South Rovers V Nirranda
Field: Brad Clingin, Gavin Sell
Boundary: Hugo Beaton, Lasaya Narra, Gilbert Clingin, Stella Lawlor
Russells Creek v Allansford
Field: Scott Barclay, Lachlan
Boundary: Sienna Byron, Lottie
Ward, Oscar Dart, Henry Dart
Kolora Noorat v Timboon
Field: Bob McLaren, Dan Missen
Boundary: Nathan Cheep, Anthony Cheep, Jackson Porter
AFTER four rounds, Russells Creek now sits fourth on the Warrnambool District ladder thanks, in part, to a huge win over South Rovers last week.
Spectators at Walter Oval were treated to a goal kicking spree on Saturday, with Russells Creek kicking 33.21.219 to celebrate a 177-point win over South Rovers, 6.6.42.
Thomas Smith had a great day out, booting eight goals for his side, while team-mate Tim Ryan contributed four and Logan McDonald three.
Jayden Askew, Jyah Chatfield, Andrew McMeel, Kurt Smith and Caleb Templeton all played their parts, adding two goals each.
In what was a great team effort, Seamus Brady, Dylan Burns, Jandamara Chatfield, Oliver Everall, Matthew Rook, Zac Timms and Zak Welsford
kicked a goal apiece.
Best for the victors were Thomas Smith, Logan McLeod, Dylan Burns, Andrew McMeel, Kurt Smith and Griffen McLeod.
South Rovers were well served by Fergus McCoy, Brad Bushell, Ben Oates, Cody Mailes, Byron Goodall and Toby Bishop.
Riley Mentha (2), Sandon Williams (2), Brad Bushell and Matt Edwards were the side’s goal kickers.
In other round four district league results, Allansford were five-point winners over Merrivale, Dennington defeated Old Collegians, Panmure went down to Kolora Noorat and Nirranda were 170-point winners over the Demons.
Round five tomorrow will see Dennington host Panmure, Kolora Noorat at home to Timboon, South Rovers will host Nirranda and Allansford will travel to Russells Creek.
THIS weekend will see the first of three bye rounds for the Hampden League in season 2024.
With four rounds already done and dusted, reigning premiers South Warrnambool have continued their good form from last season and currently sit undefeated on top of the ladder.
The Roosters are just a game clear of North Warrnambool, with the Cobden Bombers in third. Warrnambool and Terang Mortlake round up the top five to date.
Hot on the heels from their 79-point win over the Seagulls the previous week, North Warrnambool
went into last weekend’s match against the Bloods full of self-belief.
And it showed on the scoreboard, with the Eagles thrilling their home crowd with a solid 57-point victory.
The opening term at Bushfield saw the home side open its account with five goals while containing the visitors to one point.
Their lead was extended to 42 points by the main break and 51 points by three-quarter time.
Final scores were North Warrnambool 16.11.107 to Terang Mortlake 7.8.50.
Best for the Eagles were Jett Bermingham, Luke Wines, Adam Wines, Jarryd Lewis, Duke
Bermingham and Felix Jones.
Nathan Vardy had a solid day out in front of goals, kicking four, while Felix Jones and Adam Wines added three each and Liam Anders, Thomas Batten, Duke Bermingham, Bradley Gedye, Alexander Jennings and Tom Keast each added one.
Other round four winners last weekend were Warrnambool and Port Fairy.
When Hampden League resumes next week, May 11, South Warrnambool will take on Warrnambool, Port Fairy travel to Mortlake to take on the Bloods, Camperdown will host Cobden, Koroit play at home against Portland while Hamilton and the Eagles will meet at Hawkesdale.
THE Warrnambool Athletics Club held races over three distances at Lake Pertobe last Sunday.
In the two-kilometre races, results were as follows:
Juniors (overall) - 1st Milli Hughson, 2nd Neave Goodfield, 3rd Maggie Shiells.
In the four-kilometre races, results were as follows:
Male (junior member) – 1st Caleb Barker, 2nd Harrison Chiller.
Male (overall) – 1st Caleb Barker, 2nd Mark Gavin, 3rd Josh McMahon.
Male (non-member) – 1st Josh McMahon, 2nd Christopher Jefferies.
Male (running member) – 1st Mark Gavin, 2nd Kevin Lyons.
Female (overall) - 1st Monique Jeffries, 2nd Sam Barker-Beane, 3rd Amanda Power.
The eight-kilometre events were also well contested, with results as follows:
Overall – 1st Kellie Mentha, 2nd Theo McDonald-Harry, 3rd Greg Kew.
Female (overall) – 1st Kellie Mentha, 2nd Sara Shiells, 3rd Hayley Britnell.
Female (non-member) – 1st Raya Gillie, 2nd Nicole Venton, 3rd Addison Venton.
Male (overall) – 1st Theo McDonaldHarry, 2nd Greg Kew, 3rd Colin Williams.
Male (junior) – 1st Theo McDonaldHarry.
THE Terang squash courts were a hive of activity last Sunday for the bi-annual competition between Terang/Cobden and Warrnambool.
A large crowd of spectators witnessed high class action throughout the afternoon.
After an evenly-matched session, Terang/Cobden edged out Warrnambool seven rubbers to five.
Terang/Cobden opted for the traditional “hand in-hand out” scoring system - only when serving do you gain a point and the game is played first to nine points.
Results were as follows: Brett Roberts def Ryan Dawson 3-2, Ian Davis def Bevan Sextus 3-0, James Murphy lost to Peter Molan 1-3.
to Pat Kelson 2-3, Scott Narik def Peter Flett 3-1, John Fallon def Danile McPherson 3-0.
Jared Lenehan lost to Trev Lenehan 0-3, Jason Taylor def Seth Wallace 3-1, Jared Lenehan def Bev Holcombe 3-0, Copper Dunn def Eddie Wallace 3-2 and Brad Holmes lost to Monique Jeffries 1-3.
Terang Squash Club and Cobden Squash Club are calling for new players for the next competition on a Tuesday or Wednesday nights (see their social pages for details or call into the clubrooms).
Squash is an affordable weekly game, played two hours one night per week. Squash is for all abilities and the clubs welcome new players with coaching, training and racquets
SOUTH Warrnambool’s
All Abilities football side has again showed its skill and diversity on the footy ground.
Last Sunday saw the Roosters take to Friendlies Society Park for round one of the 2024 western conference of FIDA (Football Integration Development Association).
The day involved matches between South Warrnambool, Grampians
Giants and the Wimmera Whippets.
While scores weren’t available for their match against the Grampians Giants, the Roosters did celebrate a 34-point victory over the Wimmera Whippets.
Final scores were South Warrnambool 4.10.34 to Wimmera 0.0.0. Round two of the competition will take place on Sunday, May 19 (venue to be confirmed).
THE Warrnambool City Stingers All Abilities netballers are once again shining bright on the court.
The Stingers took to the courts at the Warrnambool stadium last weekend to enjoy round one of the 2024 Regional All Abilities Netball League season.
Playing against visiting teams from Ballarat and Horsham, Warrnambool’s two sides enjoyed a competitive day, with Stingers (1) winning one game and Stingers (2) taking home two wins.
“It was a great day and another wonderful start to the tournament season for our sides,” organiser Marg Morgan from the Warrnambool City Netball Association said.
“The teams play for points and at the end of the day on Sunday, the Horsham Whippets won the day.
“The season runs through until about October, with a tournament played once a month at various locations. At the end of the season the side with the most points wins the shield.”
According to Marg, one of the highlights for many players (and supporters) is the annual ‘mix up’ day on the final round.
While the first half of the day involves teams competing against each other in the usual format, the second half sees players ‘graded’ according to ability and then ‘mixed up’ to compete against each other.
“The mix up games were introduced about two years ago and everyone really loves them,” she said.
“It’s truly amazing to see these players grow and develop as the season goes on; it’s quite inspirational.”
Warrnambool City Netball’s All Abilities program has been running for nearly 40 years and welcomes netballers of all abilities.
WARRNAMBOOL’S May Racing Carnival has lived up to its hype, with thousands of racegoers enjoying three days of action, both on and off the track.
Despite cool winds and low temperatures, racegoers were keen to make their way through the gates for day one on Tuesday.
As champagne flowed and punters set themselves up for a day of action, Pakenham-based trainer Gemma Rielly was no doubt relieved to arrive.
Her carnival had gotten off to a bumpy start, with a truck transporting her horses involved in a crash with a car shortly after leaving the Pakenham training centre.
Thankfully both drivers, along with the passengers in the car, were not injured and the two horses were unharmed. They were safely transferred onto a replacement truck to continue the journey to Warrnambool.
Her horses, Claidheamh Mor (who was favourite in race eight) finished eighth and Platinum Reggae also finished eighth (in race four).
Day one also saw rising jumps star Campell Rawiller back in the saddle. However, his return to racing didn’t go to plan; taken to hospital following a fall from Sir Peter in the first race. While Sir Peter ran on and was okay, scans confirmed 22 year-old Rawiller had suffered a fractured wrist and injured knee, ending his carnival campaign.
This was Rawiller’s first jumps race since breaking his collarbone in March and while he was reportedly “okay but pretty disappointed” he was also glad the horse was “all right” too.
Local stable, Dabernig Racing, was a crowd favourite and featured prominently across the first two days.
For trainer Tom Dabernig, the opening day was a busy one, highlighted by a win in race 10 with ‘Romantic Choice,’ ridden by Jordyn Weatherley.
With the stable entering more than half a dozen horses on day two, Wednesday
proved a fruitful one for Dabernig, saluting in race seven with ‘Whistlefield’ (ridden by Linda Meech).
And on the final day of the carnival (yesterday), Dabernig celebrated victory with ‘Dubai Dancer’ in race two (ridden by Harry Grace).
For many punters both on and off the track, the feature of the final day of the carnival was race nine, the running of the Sungold Milk Warrnambool Cup over 2350m.
Jockey Harry Coffey brought the crowd to its feet as he led ‘Mystery
place went to Stephen.Millertrained ‘No Apology’
while ‘Little
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8:30 Neighbours (PG) [s]
9:00 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 9:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 10:00Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 10:30Judge Judy (PG) [s] 11:00Dr Phil (M) [s]
12:0010 News First: Midday [s]
1:00 Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s]
1:30 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
2:00 Ready Steady Cook (PG) [s]
3:00 Good Chef Bad Chef [s]
3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s] 4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]
4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
7:30 Ready Steady Cook (PG) [s] 8:30 The Graham Norton Show (M) [s] 10:4010’s Late News [s] 11:05The Project (PG) [s] 12:00The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s]
11:00 Becker (PG) 12:00 Frasier (PG) 1:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 2:00 Impractical Jokers (MA15+) 2:30 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 3:00 The King Of Queens (PG) 4:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4:30 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 8:30 Two And A Half Men (PG)
5:00 Worldwatch 9:00 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG) 10:00Outta Town Adventures: Undiscovered Uzbekistan/ Sun Valley And Big Bear (PG) 11:00Secret Cities: Lisbon (PG) 12:00Worldwatch 2:00 Mastermind Australia (PG) 3:00 NITV News: Nula 3:40 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:10 The Great Fire Of London: A City Rebuilt (PG) 5:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:35 Paul O’Grady’s Great Elephant Adventure (PG) 9:25 Secrets Of The Lost Liners: Rex (PG) 10:15SBS World News Late 10:50A
3:50 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 4:20 PBS Newshour 5:20 Shortland Street (PG) 5:50 The Curse Of Oak Island (PG) 6:40 Jeopardy! 7:30 NITV News Update 7:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M l,s) 8:30 Hoarders (M) 9:20 Great Erection Deception: Stiff Nights (M s)
Loves Raymond (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 Movie: “The Lego Batman Movie” (PG) (’17) Stars: Will Arnet 7:30 Movie: “Toy Story” (G) (’95) Stars: Tom Hanks 9:10 Movie: “The War With Grandpa” (PG) (’20) Stars: Robert De Niro 11:05 Dating No Filter (M) 6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 Football: Mini Match: Round 26: Sydney FC v Perth Glory 8:30 Ready Steady Cook (PG) 9:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 11:30 JAG (PG) 12:30 FBI (M v) 1:30 NCIS (PG) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 Bull (PG) 8:30 NCIS (M) 9:25 NCIS: Hawaii (PG) 1:20 Movie: “A Month Of Sundays” (PG) (’19) Stars: Anthony LaPaglia 3:20 Movie: “A Hard Day’s Night” (PG) (’64) Stars: John Lennon (In German/ English/ French) 4:55 Movie: “Vanity Fair” (PG) (’04) Stars: Reese Witherspoon 7:30 Movie: “Les Misérables” (M l,n,s) (’98) Stars: Liam Neeson
6:00 rage (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s]
9:00 rage (PG) [s]
10:30rage Guest Programmer (PG) [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
12:30Call The Midwife (PG) [s]
1:30 Father Brown: The Winds Of Change/ The Company Of Men (PG) [s]
3:00 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces [s]
4:00 This Is Going To Be Big (PG)
4:55 Creative Types With Virginia Trioli [s]
5:25 Landline
5:55 Australian Story (PG)
6:30 Back Roads (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 Father Brown: The Gardeners Of Eden (M v) [s]
8:20 Midsomer Murders: The Ghost Of Causton Abbey (M v) [s]
9:50 After The Party (M l,n,s) [s]
10:35Shetland (M l) [s]
11:35rage Guest Programmer (M) [s]
4:00 Grace’s Amazing Machines
4:35 Little J And Big Cuz 5:00 Peppa Pig
5:35 Pop Paper City 5:55 Fireman Sam 6:30 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:00 QI (PG) 8:30 Live At The Apollo (M l,s) 9:20 Whose Line Is It Anyway? (M l) 10:05 Mythbusters (M)
5:00 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir (PG) 5:20 Total Drama Island (PG) 5:45 Popularity Papers 6:05 The Next Step 6:30 Operation Ouch! (PG) 7:00 Mythbusters (PG) 7:30 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures 8:10 Hotel Transylvania: The Series 8:35 Almost Naked Animals 9:00 Amelia Parker 9:20 Find Me In Paris
6:00 NBC Today [s]
7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s]
10:00The Morning Show - Weekend (PG) [s]
12:00Seven’s Horse Racing: Hawkesbury/ Caulfield/ Eagle Farm/ Morphettville *Live* [s]
5:00 Seven News At 5 [s]
5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 AFL: Round 8: Melbourne v Geelong *Live* From The MCG [s]
10:30AFL: Post Game [s]
11:00Program To Be Advised
12:30Celebrity Obsessed: Madonna (MA15+) [s] – Examining the disturbing phenomenon of obsessive stalking of celebrities, this fast-moving, vivid and absorbing series tells the shocking stories of the overly zealous predators.
1:30 Harry’s Practice [s] 2:00 Home Shopping
1:30 Better Homes And Gardens 2:30 Escape To The Country 4:30 Medical Emergency (PG) 5:00 Seven’s Horse Racing *Live* From Hawkesbury/ Caulfield/ Eagle Farm/ Morphettville 5:30 Medical Emergency (PG) 6:00 Heathrow (PG) 6:30 Bondi Vet (PG) 7:30 The Yorkshire Vet (PG) 8:30 Escape To The Country
9:00 A Football Life (PG) 10:00 The 4WD Adventure Show (PG) 10:30 Golf: LIV Golf League: Singapore: Day 2 *Live* From Sentosa Golf Club 5:00 Counting Cars (M) 5:30 Storage Wars (M) 6:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:00 Storage Wars (PG) 7:30 Movie: “2012” (PG) (’09) Stars: Amanda Peet 10:40 Movie: “Dante’s Peak” (M v) (’96)
6:00 Getaway (PG) [s]
6:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Today [s]
10:00Today Extra Saturday [s] 12:00Cybershack (PG) [s]
12:30Explore [s]
1:00 Ageless: Forever Blooming [s]
1:30 The Pet Rescuers (PG) [s]
2:00 After Impact (PG) [s]
3:15 Lego Masters Australia Vs The Rest Of The World (PG) [s]
4:30 The Garden Gurus [s]
5:00 NINE News First At 5 [s]
5:30 Getaway (PG) [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 Jeopardy! Australia [s]
8:30 Movie: “The Equalizer” (MA15+) (’14) Stars: Denzel Washington
11:10Movie: “City Of Lies” (MA15+) (’18) Stars: Johnny Depp
1:05 Cybershack (PG) [s] 1:35 The Garden Gurus [s] 2:00 Religious Programs [s] 2:30 Getaway (PG) [s]
12:10 Movie: “The Sleeping Tiger” (PG) (’54) Stars: Dirk Bogarde 2:00 Movie: “I Live In Grosvenor Square” (G) (’45) Stars: Anna Neagle 4:20 Movie: “Battle Of Midway” (AKA ‘Midway’) (PG) (’76) Stars: Charlton Heston 7:00 Rugby Union: Rugby Pacific: Brumbies v Fijian Drua *Live* From GIO Stadium
2:00 Formula E 2024 Highlights
3:05 Indycar Series Highlights 4:15 The Bradshaw Bunch (PG) 5:15 Kenan (PG) 5:45 Movie: “Mr. Peabody & Sherman” (PG) (’14) Stars: Ty Burrell 7:30 Movie: “Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2” (M v) (’15) Stars: Jennifer Lawrence 10:10 Movie: “Power Rangers” (M v) (’17) Stars: Dacre Montgomery
6:00 What’s Up Down Under [s]
6:30 Religious Programs [s] 7:00 Camper Deals [s]
7:30 Escape Fishing With ET [s]
8:00 Charming China [s]
8:30 Farm To Fork [s]
9:00 Exploring Off The Grid [s] 9:30 Food Trail - South Africa [s]
10:00Ready Steady Cook (PG) [s]
11:00MasterChef Australia (PG) [s]
1:00 All 4 Adventure [s] 2:00 Buy To Build [s]
2:30 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]
3:00 What’s Up Down Under [s] 3:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 4:00 Ready Steady Cook (PG) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 The Dog House UK (PG) [s] 8:00 Ambulance UK (M l) [s] 10:30Program To Be Advised 11:30Fire Country: A Cry For Help (M v) [s] 12:30So Help Me Todd: The First Date Is The Deepest (PG) [s]
7:00 The King Of Queens (PG) 8:00 Becker (PG) 9:00 Neighbours (PG) 11:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 11:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 12:30 Frasier (PG) 1:30 Becker (PG) 2:20 2:20 MasterChef Australia (PG) 5:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) 6:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 10:30 Two And A Half Men (PG) 12:00 Home Shopping
9:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 11:30 Luxury Escapes 12:00 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 1:00 JAG (PG) 3:00 Escape Fishing With ET 3:30 Football: Liberty A-League Women’s Grand Final: Melbourne City v Sydney FC *Live* 7:00 Football: Isuzu Ute A-League: Elimination Final: Sydney FC v Macarthur FC *Live*
5:00 Worldwatch 9:10 Ageless Gardens: Emotional Gardens/ Gardening A Better World (PG)
10:05Vintage Voltage: Gordon Keeble 11:00Outside - Beyond The Lens: Australia/ Mt. Lassen National Park
2:00 Gymnastics: Rhythmic World Cup Highlights
4:00 Wonders Of Scotland: Kilmartin 4:30 Roman Megastructures: Paris (PG) (In English/ French) 5:30 Untold Arctic Wars: Cold Front Breaks (PG) (In English/ Finnish/ Norwegian/ German/ Russian) 6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Charles III - The Coronation Year (PG) 9:15 The Boleyns - A Scandalous Family (M s)
10:25Secrets Of The Royal Palaces: Doctors (PG)
11:15Everything You Love (M l,s)
Impossible Engineering: Hudson Yards (PG) 8:35 The Matrix Generation (M v)
3:00 Movie: “Hacker” (PG) (’19)
Stars: Rumle Kærså (In Danish) 4:45 Movie: “Hearts Beat Loud” (PG) (’18) Stars: Nick Offerman 6:35 Movie: “The Big Steal” (PG) (’90) Stars: Ben Mendelsohn 8:30 Movie: “Kill Bill: Volume 2” (MA15+) (’04) Stars: Uma Thurman
6:00 rage (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s]
9:00 Insiders [s]
10:00Offsiders [s]
10:30 The World This Week [s]
11:00Compass (PG) [s]
11:30Songs Of Praise [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
12:30Landline [s]
1:30 Gardening Australia [s]
2:30 Monty Don’s French Gardens [s]
3:30 Forever Summer With Nigella [s]
3:55 Martin Clunes: Islands Of Australia [s]
4:40 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Compass (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 Call The Midwife (PG) [s]
8:30 After The Party (M l,n,s) [s]
9:20 The Luminaries (M d,v) [s]
10:10Shetland (M l,v)
11:10Savage River (M l,s,v)
12:05The Messenger (M l)
6:00 NBC Today [s]
7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s] 10:00The Morning Show - Weekend (PG) [s]
12:00House Of Wellness (PG) [s]
1:00 The Salvation Army - Red Shield Appeal [s]
1:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s]
2:00 VFL: Round 6: Sandringham v North Melbourne *Live* From Wilson Storage Trevor Barker Beach Oval [s]
5:00 Seven News At 5 [s]
5:30 Melbourne Weekender [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Farmer Wants A Wife (PG) [s]
8:45 Program To Be Advised
10:00The Latest Seven News [s]
10:30Code 1: Minute By Minute: The Essendon Plane Crash (M) [s]
11:30Quantum Leap: Nomads (PG) [s] 12:30Emerald City: Lions In Winter (MA15+) [s]
1:30 Travel Oz (PG) [s]
6:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Today [s] 10:00Sunday Footy Show (PG) [s] 12:00Wide World Of Sports (PG) [s]
1:00 Fish Forever [s]
1:30 Drive TV [s]
2:00 Customs (PG) [s]
2:30 Lego Masters Australia Vs The Rest Of The World (PG) [s] 3:50 David Attenborough’s Green Planet: Desert Worlds (PG) [s]
5:00 NINE News First At 5 [s]
5:30 Postcards (PG) [s]
6:00 NINE News Sunday [s]
7:00 Lego Masters Australia Vs The Rest Of The World (PG) [s]
8:40 60 Minutes (PG) [s]
9:40 NINE News Late [s] 10:10Footy Furnace (M l,v) [s] 11:10Transplant: Birth And Rebirth (M) [s] 12:00David Attenborough’s Green Planet: Desert Worlds (PG) [s] 1:00 World’s Greatest Engineering Icons: Water (PG) [s]
8:00 Everyday Gourmet [s]
8:30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey [s]
9:00 Pooches At Play [s]
9:30 Buy To Build [s]
10:00Healthy Homes [s] 10:30Farm To Fork [s] 11:00Pat Callinan’s 4X4 Adventures [s]
12:00MasterChef Australia (PG) [s]
Cycling: Giro D’italia Highlights 8:00 Worldwatch 10:05Vintage Voltage: Porsche 944 11:00Outside - Beyond The Lens: East Side Colours/ New Zealand (PG)
12:55Ballroom Fit
1:00 My Market Kitchen [s] 1:30 Cook With Luke [s] 2:00 Destination Dessert [s] 2:30 Hungry [s] 3:00 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn [s] 3:30 Farm To Fork [s] 4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 4:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Sunday Project (PG) [s] 7:30 MasterChef Australia (PG) [s] 9:00 FBI: Sacrifice/ Grief/ Under Pressure (MA15+) [s] 12:00The Sunday Project (PG) [s] 5:00 Worldwatch
1:00 Motorsport: ProMX: Round 3 *Live* From Gillman, South Australia
4:00 Cycling: NRS Grafton To Inverell Highlights
4:30 Cycling: Giro D’italia Highlights
5:30 Untold Arctic Wars (PG) (In English/ Finnish/ Norwegian/ German/ Russian)
6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Invasion: The Normans (M v)
9:30 King Tut - Allies And Enemies (PG)
10:30Yorkshire Ripper - The Secret Murders (PG)
11:25Citizen Jane Fonda (MA15+) (In English/ French)
4:00 Grace’s Amazing Machines 4:35 Little J And Big Cuz 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Pop Paper City 6:05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes 6:30 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:00 QI (PG) 8:30 Louis Theroux Interviews Rita Ora (M l) 9:20 You Can’t Ask That (M l)
ABC COMEDY (22) 11:00 Escape To The Country 1:00 The Surgery Ship (PG) 2:00 South Aussie With Cosi (PG) 2:30 Medical Emergency (PG) 3:00 The Yorkshire Vet (PG) 5:00 Escape To The Country 6:00 Imagine Holidays Iconic Rail Journeys (PG) 6:30 Kath & Kim (PG) 7:05 The Vicar Of Dibley (PG) 8:45 Endeavour (PG)
5:00 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir
5:20 Total Drama Island 5:45 Popularity Papers 6:05 The Next Step 6:30 Operation Ouch! (PG) 7:00 Mythbusters (PG) 7:30 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures 8:10 Hotel Transylvania: The Series 8:35 Almost Naked Animals 9:00 Amelia Parker 9:20 Find Me In Paris 1:00 Movie: “The Captain’s Paradise” (G) (’53) Stars: Alec Guinness 3:00 NRL: Sharks v Dragons *Live* From PointsBet Stadium 6:00 Customs (PG) 6:30 M*A*S*H (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Dunkirk” (PG) (’17) Stars: Fionn Whitehead 10:30 Chicago Med (MA15+) 11:30 Ordinary Joe (M v) 12:30 My Favourite Martian 6:00 Charmed (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 MasterChef Australia (PG) 10:25 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 11:40 The Neighborhood (PG) 12:30 Ready Steady Cook (PG) 1:30 The Middle
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00Landline [s] 11:00Antiques Roadshow [s] 12:00ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 Midsomer Murders (PG) [s] 2:30 Back Roads [s]
3:00 Muster Dogs (PG) [s]
3:55 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]
4:40 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 [s]
8:00 Australian Story (PG) [s]
8:30 Four Corners (PG) [s]
9:15 Media Watch (PG) [s]
9:35 Q+A (M) [s]
10:35ABC Late News [s]
10:50The Business [s]
11:10The Weekly With Charlie Pickering (PG) [s]
11:40Planet America (M) [s]
12:15Grand Designs [s]
1:00 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]
4:00 Andy’s Global Adventures 4:35
Beep And Mort 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35
Bea’s Block 6:05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Andy And The Band 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Mythbusters (PG) 9:20 Penn And Teller: Fool Us (PG)
5:00 Mystery Lane 5:25 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir (PG) 6:00 Lagging (PG) 6:30 Operation Ouch! (PG) 7:00 Horrible Histories (PG) 7:35 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness (PG) 8:00 Hotel Transylvania: The Series 8:25 Almost Naked Animals 8:50 Holly Hobbie 9:10 Find Me In Paris
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]
11:30Seven Morning News [s]
12:00Program To Be Advised
1:45 Farmer Wants A Wife (PG)
2:00 Beat The Chasers UK (PG) [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 Farmer Wants A Wife (PG) [s]
9:10 9-1-1: Buck, Bothered And Bewildered (M) [s]
10:10S.W.A.T.: The Fugitive (M v) [s] –When bodycam footage left at a local news station seems to show Hondo shooting two police officers, he is forced to go on the run.
11:10The Latest Seven News [s]
11:40Police Custody USA: A Murder In The Family (M l,v) [s] 12:40Emerald City: The Villain That’s Become (MA15+) [s]
1:00 Hornby: A Model Empire (PG) 2:00 Weekender
2:30 My Greek Odyssey (PG) 3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Medical Emergency (PG) 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Doc Martin (PG) 8:30 Foyle’s War (M v) 10:40 Railroad Australia (PG) 11:40 Doc Martin (PG)
12:30 Rides Down Under (PG) 1:30 Night Thunder
2:30 Circuit Boats Drivers Championship
3:30 Cities Of The Underworld (PG) 4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Outback Opal Hunters (PG) 8:30 Adventure Gold Diggers (PG) 9:30 Aussie Salvage Squad
6:00 Today [s] 6:30 Today Extra [s] 11:30NINE News Morning [s]
12:00Lego Masters Australia Vs The Rest Of The World (PG) [s]
1:45 Explore [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s] 4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s] 5:30 WIN News [s] 6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 Lego Masters Australia Vs The Rest Of The World (PG) [s]
8:45 Paramedics (M) [s] 9:45 Footy Classified (M) [s] 10:45NINE News Late [s] 11:15La Brea: The Fog (PG) [s] 12:05Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 2:00 Hello SA [s] 2:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs [s] 4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 Dr Quinn Medicine Woman (PG) 2:50 Antiques Roadshow 3:20 Movie: “The Small Back Room” (PG) (’49) Stars: David Farrar 5:30 Escape To The Farm With Kate Humble (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Death In Paradise (M) 8:40 Harry Wild (M v)
First: Midday [s]
Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s]
MasterChef Australia (PG) [s]
Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s] 4:00 Neighbours (PG)
9:30 Ready Steady Cook (PG) 10:30 The Middle (PG)
12:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 1:00 Taskmaster Australia (PG) 3:00 The King Of Queens (PG) 4:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4:30 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 8:30 Two And A Half Men (PG) 10:00 South Park (M)
1:45 Movie: “An American Pickle” (PG) (’20) Stars: Seth Rogen 3:30 Bewitched 4:00 Full House (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 7:00 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Seinfeld (PG) 8:30 Movie: “V For Vendetta” (MA15+) (’11) Stars: Hugo Weaving 11:10 Seinfeld (M) 6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 Pooches At Play 8:30 Deal Or No Deal 9:30 I Fish 10:30 JAG (PG) 12:30 FBI (M v) 1:30 NCIS (M v) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 Bull (PG) 8:30 NCIS (M) 10:20 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 11:15 Evil (M v) 12:15 Home Shopping
2:00 Movie: “Satellite Boy” (PG) (’12)
David Gulpilil 3:40
“The Big Steal” (PG) (’90) Stars: Ben Mendelsohn 5:35 Movie: “When Mum Is Away... With The Family” (PG) (’20) Stars: Fabio De Luigi (In Italian) 7:30 Movie: “Tralala” (M l,s) (’21) Stars: Mathieu Amalric (In French)
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00Foreign Correspondent [s]
10:30The Pacific [s]
11:00Antiques Roadshow [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 After The Party (M l,n,s) [s]
2:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame [s]
2:30 Back Roads [s]
2:55 Muster Dogs (PG) [s]
3:55 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]
4:40 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 [s]
8:00 This Is Going To Be Big (PG) [s]
9:00 Creative Types With Virginia Trioli: Tom Gleeson (PG) [s]
9:30 The Whiteley Art Scandal (PG)
10:30ABC Late News [s]
10:45The Business [s]
11:00Four Corners (PG) [s]
11:50Q+A (M) [s]
12:50Media Watch
6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]
11:30Seven Morning News [s]
12:00Program To Be Advised
1:45 Surveillance Oz (PG) [s]
2:00 Beat The Chasers UK (PG) [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 Farmer Wants A Wife (PG) [s] 9:00 The Marlow Murder Club (M v) [s] – After recruiting vicar’s wife Becks and local dog-walker Suzie to the investigation, the trio uncover key evidence that leads to a shocking revelation.
10:00Code Blue: The Killing Of June Fox-Roberts (M) [s]
11:00The Latest Seven News [s]
11:30The Real Manhunter (MA15+) [s]
12:30Gold Digger (M l,n,s) [s]
2:00 Home Shopping
4:00 NBC Today [s]
3:30 Harry’s Practice (PG) 4:00 Medical Emergency (PG) 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Call The Midwife (PG) 8:30 A Touch Of Frost (M l,v)
5:00 Mystery Lane 5:25 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir (PG) 6:00 Lagging (PG) 6:30 Operation Ouch! (PG) 7:00 Horrible Histories (PG) 7:35 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness (PG)
8:00 Hotel Transylvania: The Series 8:25 Almost Naked Animals 8:50 Holly Hobbie
9:10 Find Me In Paris
6:00 Today [s] 6:30 Today Extra [s] 11:30NINE News Morning [s]
12:00Lego Masters Australia Vs The Rest Of The World (PG) [s]
1:15 Getaway (PG) [s]
1:45 Talking Honey (PG) [s]
2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s]
4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]
5:30 WIN News [s] 6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 Lego Masters Australia Vs The Rest Of The World (PG) [s]
9:00 Clarkson’s Farm: Badgering (PG) [s]
10:00Opal Hunters - Red Dirt Roadtrip (PG) [s] 11:00NINE News Late [s] 11:30Chicago Med: The Clothes Make The Man... Or Do They? (M) [s]
12:15Tipping Point (PG) [s]
1:10 Pointless (PG) [s]
12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 Garden Gurus Moments 2:00 Dr Quinn Medicine Woman (PG) 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 Movie: “Alive And Kicking” (G) (’58) Stars: Richard Harris 5:30 Escape To The Farm With Kate Humble (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 New Tricks (M) 8:40 Agatha Christie’s Marple (M l,v)
8:00 Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s]
8:30 Neighbours (PG) [s] 9:00 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 9:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 10:00Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 10:30Judge Judy (PG) [s] 11:00Dr Phil (M) [s] 12:00 10 News First: Midday [s] 1:00 Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s] 1:20 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 1:50 MasterChef Australia (PG) [s] 3:00 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s] 4:00 Neighbours (PG) [s] 4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
MasterChef Australia (PG) [s]
The Cheap Seats (M l) [s] 9:40 NCIS: Strange Invaders (M v) [s] 10:3010’s Late News [s] 10:55The Project
Becker (PG) 12:00 Frasier (PG) 1:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 2:00 The King Of Queens (PG) 3:00 So Help Me Todd
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00Four Corners (PG) [s]
10:45Q+A (M) [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
12:30National Press Club Address [s]
1:35 Media Watch [s]
2:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s]
2:25 Back Roads [s]
2:55 Ningaloo Nyinggulu [s]
3:55 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]
4:40 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 [s]
8:00 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
8:30 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering (PG) [s]
9:00 White Fever: Yu Chang, I’m Gonna Do (MA15+) [s]
9:30 QI: Ultras (PG) [s]
10:00Planet America (PG) [s]
10:35ABC Late News [s]
10:50The Business [s]
4:00 Andy’s Global Adventures 4:35
Beep And Mort 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35
Bea’s Block 6:05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Andy And The Band 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 TBA 10:15 Movie: “Anthony” (M v) (’20) Stars: Toheeb Jimoh
5:00 Mystery Lane 5:25
Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir (PG) 6:00 Lagging (PG) 6:30 Operation Ouch! (PG) 7:00 Horrible Histories (PG) 7:35 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness (PG) 8:00 Hotel Transylvania: The Series 8:25
Almost Naked Animals 8:50 Holly Hobbie 9:10 Find Me In Paris
6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]
11:30Seven Morning News [s]
12:00Program To Be Advised 1:45 Surveillance Oz (PG) [s]
2:00 Beat The Chasers UK (PG) [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 The 1% Club UK (PG) [s]
8:30 The Front Bar (M) [s] – Join Sam Pang, Mick Molloy and Andy Maher as they share a laugh about the world of AFL and catch up with stars of yesteryear and today.
9:30 Talking Footy (M) [s]
10:30The Latest Seven News [s]
11:00Unbelievable Moments Caught On Camera (PG) [s]
12:00Parenthood: Qualities And Difficulties (M) [s]
1:00 Travel Oz (PG) [s]
2:00 Home Shopping
12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 Escape To The Country 2:00 Sydney Weekender 2:30 The Yorkshire Steam Railway (PG) 3:30
Harry’s Practice 4:00 Medical Emergency (PG) 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Heartbeat (PG) 8:45 Judge John Deed (M v)
1:00 Aussie Truck Rehab (PG) 2:00 Mega Mechanics (PG) 3:00 Billy The Exterminator (PG) 3:30 Cities Of The Underworld (PG) 4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Highway Patrol (PG) 8:00 The Force - Behind The Line (PG)
6:00 Today [s] 6:30 Today Extra [s]
11:30NINE News Morning [s]
12:00Lego Masters Australia Vs The Rest Of The World (PG) [s]
1:30 Ageless: Forever Blooming (PG) [s]
2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s]
4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]
5:30 WIN News [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 RBT: Alcohol Of Course/ Left High And Dry (PG) [s]
8:30 Spacey Unmasked (M) [s]
10:30Footy Classified (M v) [s] 11:30NINE News Late [s]
12:00The Equalizer: Chinatown (M) [s] 12:50Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:40 Pointless (PG) [s] 2:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs [s]
4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 Dr Quinn Medicine Woman (PG) 2:50 Explore 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 Movie: “The Night My Number Came Up” (PG) (’55) Stars: Michael Redgrave 5:30 Escape To The Farm With Kate Humble (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 As Time Goes By (M) 8:40 Midsomer Murders (M l,v)
2:00 Bewitched 2:30 Full House (PG) 3:00 The Nanny (PG) 3:30 Seinfeld (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 7:00 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Seinfeld (PG) 8:30 Movie: “The Terminator” (M l,v) (’84) Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger 10:40 Seinfeld (M) 11:40 The Nanny (M)
8:00 Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s]
8:30 Neighbours (PG) [s]
9:00 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]
9:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s]
10:00Good Chef Bad Chef [s]
10:30Judge Judy (PG) [s] 11:00 Dr Phil (M) [s]
12:0010 News First: Midday [s] 1:00 Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s]
1:20 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 1:50 MasterChef Australia (PG) [s] 3:00 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s] 4:00 Neighbours (PG) [s] 4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
7:30 MasterChef Australia (PG) [s]
8:40 FBI: International: Blood Feud/ Crestfallen (M v) [s] 10:3010’s Late News [s] 10:55The Project (PG) [s] 12:00The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s]
5:00 Eurovision Song Contest: Semi Final 1 *Live* From Malmö 7:10 Cycling: Giro D’italia Highlights 8:10 Worldwatch 10:00Outta Town Adventures: Arizona/ Netherlands (PG) 10:50Lost World Of Joseph Banks: A Great Endeavour/ First Contact (PG) 12:00Worldwatch
2:00 Dateline: China Secrets And Power (M)
2:30 Insight: Weddings (M)
3:35 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
4:05 Jeopardy! (PG)
4:30 Letters And Numbers
5:00 Cycling: Giro D’italia Highlights 6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Alone Australia (M l) 8:30 Swift Street: Dead Stock/ Falcon (M l,v) 9:30 Concorde - The Race For Supersonic (PG)
11:00 Becker (PG) 12:00 Frasier (PG) 1:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 2:00 Impractical Jokers (MA15+) 2:30 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 3:00 Dr Phil (PG) 4:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4:30 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 8:30 Two And A Half Men (PG) 4:20 PBS News Hour 5:20 Shortland Street (PG)
6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 Pooches At Play 8:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 10:30 JAG (PG) 12:30 FBI (M v) 1:30 NCIS (M) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 Bull (PG) 8:30 NCIS (M) 9:25 Hawaii Five-O (PG) 10:20 NCIS: Hawaii (M) 12:15 Home Shopping 2:15 Diagnosis Murder (PG)
1:55 Movie: “When Mum Is Away... With The Family” (PG) (’20) Stars: Fabio De Luigi (In Italian) 3:50 Movie: “Emu Runner” (M) (’18) Stars: Rhae-Kye Waites 5:35 Movie: “Princess Caraboo” (PG) (’94) Stars: Phoebe Cates 7:30 Movie: “Man Of The Year” (M l) (’06) Stars: Robin Williams
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00Australian Story (PG) [s] 10:30Compass [s]
11:00Antiques Roadshow [s]
12:00ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 This Is Going To Be Big (PG) [s]
2:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 2:25 QI (PG) [s]
3:00 Ningaloo Nyinggulu [s]
3:55 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]
4:40 Grand Designs (PG) [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 [s]
8:00 Foreign Correspondent [s]
8:30 Martin Clunes - Islands Of Australia (PG) [s]
9:20 Antiques Roadshow: Aston Hall 2 [s]
10:20Dream Gardens: Strath Creek, VIC [s]
10:50ABC Late News [s]
11:05The Business [s]
4:00 Andy’s Global Adventures 4:35 Beep And Mort 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Bea’s Block 6:05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Andy And The Band
6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s] 11:30Seven Morning News [s] 12:00Movie: “A Jealous Friendship” (M) (’21) – A news anchor must determine whether the subject of her latest story is coercing women into harmful situations for his benefit. Stars: Tahnee Harrison, Brittany Goodwin, Hunter Phoenix
2:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
6:00 Today [s] 6:30 Today Extra [s]
11:30NINE News Morning [s]
12:00Movie: “Love Stories In Sunflower Valley” (PG) (’21) Stars: Erin Cahill
2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s]
4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]
5:30 WIN News [s] 6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 Mega Zoo (PG) [s]
8:00 Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s] 8:30 Neighbours (PG) [s] 9:00 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 9:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 10:00Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 10:30Judge Judy (PG) [s] 11:00Dr Phil (M) [s] 12:0010 News First: Midday [s] 1:00 Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s] 1:20 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
5:00 Worldwatch 7:00 Cycling:
10:30AFL: Post Game [s]
11:00The Latest Seven News [s]
11:30The Amazing Race (PG) [s]
1:00 Fortitude (MA15+) [s]
2:00 Home Shopping
4:00 NBC Today [s]
9 ABC COMEDY (22) 12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 Escape To The Country 2:00 South Aussie With Cosi (PG) 2:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 3:30 Harry’s Practice 4:00 Better Homes And Gardens 5:00 Escape To The Country 6:00 Bargain Hunt 7:00 Home And Away (PG) 7:30 Father Brown (M) 8:30 Shetland (M v)
7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Hard Quiz (PG) 9:00 Gruen (MA15+) 9:35 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering (PG)
5:00 Mystery Lane 5:25 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir (PG) 6:00 Lagging (PG) 6:30 Operation Ouch! (PG) 7:00 Horrible Histories (PG) 7:35 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness (PG) 8:00 Hotel Transylvania: The Series 8:25 Almost Naked Animals 8:50 Holly Hobbie 9:10 The Next Step 9:35 Ace My Space
7:00 AFL: Round 9: Carlton v Melbourne *Live* From The MCG [s] – The Navy Blues clash with the Demons, live and free from the MCG.
8:30 Program To Be Advised 9:30 World’s Most Dangerous Prisoners: Geas (M v) [s] 10:30Law & Order: Organized Crime: Blood Ties (M v) [s]
11:20NINE News Late [s]
11:50The First 48: The Other Wife (M l,v) [s] 12:40Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:35 Pointless (PG) [s] 2:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs [s]
Embargo (M v) [s] 9:30 Program To Be Advised 10:3010’s Late News [s] 10:55The Project (PG) [s] 12:00The Late Show (PG) [s]
12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 Explore 2:00 Dr Quinn Medicine Woman (PG) 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 Movie: “The Queen Of Spades” (PG) (’49) Stars: Anton Walbrook 5:30 The Travelling Auctioneers 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 NRL: Dolphins v Sea Eagles *Live* From Suncorp Stadium 11:00 Becker (PG) 12:00 Frasier (PG) 1:00 Big Bang Theory (PG) 2:00 Impractical Jokers (MA15+)