Friday, November 1, 2024

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With everything from rides and market stalls to food vans and live music, last weekend’s Picnic in the Paddock drew large crowds to Koroit, including (from left) friends Eilish Auld, Ellie Gambrell, Hazel Potts and Chelsea Finneran who were keen to put their skills to the test on the giant chess board. For the full story and more photos turn to pages 12-13. 2024D

WarrnamboolWeekly l

126 Manifold St, Camperdown. 3260

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New trains, less seats

MEMBER for Polwarth Richard Riordan has expressed his concerns over the reduction in available seats for passengers on the new V/Locity trains.

Mr Riordan has this week called on the state government to address how it “plans to properly service public transport users” when the new trains start on the Warrnambool line.

“What is the government going to do to manage the massive cuts to seats and foods services on the Warrnambool line once these V/Locity trains start rolling out?” he asked the Minister for Public Transport.

According to Mr Riordan, the new trains (set to replace the old diesel loco trains) will have 875 fewer seats per day, or a massive 6125 fewer seats over the week, and will offer no food or beverages for those on one of the state’s longest train journeys.

The Warrnambool train service is well utilised by western Victorians and halving the number of available seats will leave patrons inconvenienced.

“Many elderly, young and

disadvantaged travellers will be forced to stand for hours on the journey to and from Melbourne and Warrnambool,” Mr Riordan said.

“After more than 100 years of this train service, to halve the seating capacity and to operate without the provision of food or drink makes no sense; this is poor transport planning.

“In this day and age of working from home and telecommuting, not being


Monday’s Results: NORTH-SOUTH

1 61.31% L. Newton-Tabrett - P. Bailey

2 58.33% Janet Attrill - Penny Thomas

3 53.57% Linda Picone - John Sarena EAST-WEST

1 57.74% Netta Hill - Allen Shiels

2 56.25% Lex Mcdowell - Hilary Hudson

3 55.06% H. Scarborough - D. Fitzpatrick

Wednesday’s Results:

1 58.33% Janet Attrill - Peter Cooke

2 57.29% Marilyn Cassidy - R. Southey

3 55.56% Eileen Kennedy - Noel Howard

4 55.21% Tony Plevier – Player 68

5 52.60% John Nicholson - Aileen Park

Thursday’s Results:

1 63.54% Linda Picone - Paula Bailey

2 61.98% Players 68 And 69

3 54.63% G. Mcdonald - Beryl Duncan

4 53.26% J. Nicholson - M. Nicholson

5 50.00% Peter Cooke - Hilary Hudson

able to guarantee a seat and allow people to work on the train is a giant backward step.”

Mr Riordan also believes that not being able to access food and drink may put people’s health at risk.

“The Warrnambool train is susceptible to long delays, and patrons with health complications or who have a need for regular medication may find themselves for long periods of time without respite.”

Letter to the Editor

Open Day success

Dear Editor

On behalf of Leadership Great South Coast, we would like to thank the Warrnambool Weekly for the support in promoting our Open Day held on Saturday, October 5 at the Warrnambool Men’s Shed, both via the online and printed copy of your free newspaper in early October 2024.

The project team learned new skills in developing the media release.

It was fantastic to see your photographer in attendance for the Open Day, capturing a number of moments from the successful day.

The Open Day was a great success with approximately 100 people attending.

The Men’s Shed was pleased with the Strategic Plan for the next five years, which will see opportunity for the establishment of a Women’s Shed program, expansion plans and the potential for Warrnambool to be the centre of a regional Men’s Shed hub.

The continued support of community events by The Warrnambool Weekly is very important for south west Victoria, and you and the team are commended for this commitment.

Again, thank you for your generous contributions.

Kate Roache - Executive Officer

Rhianna Burns – Project Lead (Warrnambool Men’s Shed Strategic Plan)

World first in Warrnambool

A WORLD first engineered wood product made exclusively from locally grown bluegum (Eucalyptus Globulus) timber has been manufactured in Warrnambool.

This new product provides a pathway to address Australia’s growing structural timber market demand.

The Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub and Forest and Wood Products Australia, working in partnership with WTIBeam (formerly known as Warrnambool Timber Industries), have unveiled the first of its kind GL18 timber product.

This product can be utilised in everything from flooring to roof framing in both residential and commercial construction.

It is envisaged that the laminated glulam product, produced from glued and finger jointed laminates, will help fill the void from the state’s cessation of native forest harvesting while reducing the state’s reliance on imports from volatile offshore markets.

Victoria is Australia’s biggest importer of structural timber, sourcing more than 40 per cent of its market base, with demand anticipated to quadruple by 2050 due to population growth and urbanisation.

The Splinters to Structures project, funded by the federal government, focused on creating new domestic value from the

plantation hardwood trees that are traditionally exported to Asian markets including China and Japan.

Victorian Minister for Jobs and Industry Natalie Hutchins and Member for Western Victoria Jacinta Ermacora met with the research group earlier this week.

Discussions centred around how the product could fit into conventional and modular constructions to fill the state’s housing market demand.

Minister Hutchins said this was an exciting product with wide potential.

“This new, world-first wood product has the potential to address timber demand and help our booming construction industry who are working around the clock to build more homes across Victoria,” Minister Hutchins said.

Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub chief executive Tony Wright said the research group planned to use the findings to undertake commercial trials, building a pathway to commercialisation.

“These commercial trials will help us understand how we best replace native hardwood with plantation hardwoods with a product that already has a broad domestic base,” Mr Wright said.

“Ultimately, its envisaged that this bluegum GL18 product could be utilised in both domestic and commercial builds and is perfect for use in a prefabricated building, acting as a replacement for concrete or steel.

“The outcome for the sector is reduced reliance on exports, the

creation of new local jobs and a cost-effective building material with a positive carbon outcome that can fix a shortfall in the domestic market.”

WTIBeam owner Edwina Vulcz, whose father Tim Goodall is a key figure in glulam product development and founder of the business, said their team had been “pleasantly surprised” by the trial outcome.

“Historically trials had only looked at structural framing, which failed in a commercial setting because of challenges in sawing,” Ms Vulcz said.

“This is a completely different scenario. Bluegum (Eucalyptus Globulus) lends itself to glue laminated timber production because of its suitability in a more hands on manufacturing application.

“This product has the potential to save thousands of dollars in the construction of a home because you have a smaller beam that can be utilised further because of its strength, reducing the need for other materials.”

GTFIH deputy chair and board director of Australian Bluegum Plantations (ABP) Laurie Hein said the low carbon product was paving the way for a more diversified regional market base.

This, he believed, would address the imbalance between supply and demand.

“The Hub has always been focused on optimising the use of every piece of fibre grown in our region and we see this latest development as an important

Member for Western Victoria Jacinta Ermacora (left) with Minister for Jobs and Industry Natalie Hutchins, WTIBeam owners Jason and Edwina Vulcz and Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub chief executive Tony Wright with the new GL18 product. 2024E

milestone,” Mr Hein said.

“While we work towards strengthening the intelligence from our existing trials, the next major step is to undertake a feasibility study.

“This will allow us to understand how to take this product to scale through the construction of a manufacturing hub, developing

multi-generational jobs and capturing as much economic value in the supply chain as possible.”

The Splinters to Structures project is supported by Green Triangle-based hardwood plantation companies including Australian Bluegum Plantations, Midway Limited, New Forests (SFM Management and PF Olsen).

Fatality at Caramut

A 20 YEAR-old Warrnambool man died following a fatal crash in Caramut last Sunday afternoon.

Emergency services were called to reports of a car rollover on Purdeet Road at about 4.45pm.

The driver and only occupant of the vehicle, a Warrnambool man, died at the scene.

The investigation remains ongoing.

Anyone who witnessed the incident, has CCTV, dashcam footage or any other information that could assist police is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

A confidential report can also be submitted online at www.

This recent incident brings to 229 the number of lives lost on roads this year, seven less than for the same period last year.

State award for Virginia

WARRNAMBOOL’S Virginia Mack has been recognised as one of Victoria’s top seniors.

Ms Mack was last week presented with the ‘Ageing Well Award’ as part of the Victorian Senior of the Year Awards.

The presentation ceremony was held at Government House last Thursday, October 24 and was led by Premier Jacinta Allan.

She was joined by Minister for Ageing Ingrid Stitt MP and LieutenantGovernor of Victoria Professor James Angus AO to present the awards.

A dedicated volunteer across several organisations and groups, the award recognised Ms Mack’s role with Anglicare in supporting people to transition from prison to the community, helping to break the cycle of reoffending.

After a career as a social worker, Ms Mack has used her skills to continue to help people in a voluntary capacity.

“When I work with someone I always think that could be someone I know or that could be my friend who’s fallen in a hole,” she said.

“This person needs some help, some sort of anchor so that they can get their life back on track,” Ms Mack said.

“That’s how I approach the work that I do. I enjoy the successes and I think the best thing about working with people is when they say we don’t need you anymore; that’s the reward.”

Reflecting on her work with Anglicare, Ms Mack finds great satisfaction in helping others to succeed and follow their goals.

“Warrnambool isn’t that big I found out, and I frequently bump into people that I’ve worked with and it’s great to see them kicking off in the community.”

Moving to Warrnambool from Melbourne about eight years ago, volunteering was a great way for Ms Mack to get to know her new city.

“But even if you’ve lived here your whole life, there’s so much to be gained by giving just a little bit of your time,” she said.

“When I moved from Melbourne I didn’t know very many people, but I wanted to use the skills I had to contribute to the community and to get to know the

dynamics of this community and meet new people.”

Ms Mack believes there are many opportunities for volunteering in Warrnambool.

“I have done a lot of roles and still do. For anyone who is interested in art there are positions at the Art Gallery for volunteers, or the historical society is always searching for people,” she said.

“My message would be to get active in your community and get to know what your community is about because there’s always something to do.

“And you meet wonderful people along the way; I have for certain.”

The Ageing Well Award is presented annually to an individual who has worked to combat ageism, promote social justice and engaged with their community to support ageing well initiatives.

Warrnambool’s Virginia Mack has received an Ageing Well Award. Photo courtesy Warrnambool City Council. 2024E

Warrnambool Show 2024

Sunshine and fun greets showgoers

SUNNY skies, warm weather and the excitement of a fun day out lured thousands of visitors to the Warrnambool showgrounds last Saturday.

The 169th annual Warrnambool Show once again proved a hit among young and old, with everything from poultry, sheep and cattle exhibits through to rides, showbags and sideshows.

An estimated 7,000 visitors enjoyed the day’s attractions, with many young families from across the district and beyond attending. For the first time on the show program, some of the youngest visitors enjoyed an ‘enchanted experience’ in the former horticultural building and, due to its overwhelming success, it is hoped this will return again next year.

Carnival rides and showbags were well patronised, with some of the new big rides –including The Starship – proving popular.

The animal nursery, Dinkum Dinosaurs, Hoop Sparx and live entertainment were well appreciated by showgoers, while a surprise visit from local newlyweds (for a photoshoot at the show) brought smiles to the faces of many.

The main arena attracted some of the district’s top riders in a variety of classes while the pavilions were jam-packed with handicrafts, cookery and flower entries.

Eight breeds of sheep were represented on show day, with the competition highly contested.

Judges Simon Thomas (Cavendish) and Leslie Brewer (Strathalbyn, South Australia) awarded the following:

Aussie White champion ram, ewe and group – Deb Morrison ‘Banksia’ Inverleigh.

Cheviot champion ram and ewe – Roger Wilkinson ‘Spion Kop’ Wangoom.

Corriedale champion ram, ewe and group –Hildred and Leahy ‘Boonong Park’ Mortlake.

English Leicester champion ram, ewe and group – Barry Shalders ‘Willow Drive’ Grassmere.

Hampshire Down champion ram, ewe and group – Hildred and Leahy ‘Boonong Park’ Mortlake; group – Hawke ‘South Port’ Devon Meadows.

Romney champion ram, ewe, group and Brewer Memorial – Jim Bligh ‘Killmery’ Grassmere.

Southdown champion ram and ewe – McDonald and Brooks ‘Grassbank’ Grassmere.

South Suffolk champion ram, ewe and group – Barry Shalders ‘Willow Drive’ Grassmere.

The shearing pavilion also proved a popular attraction, with many showgoers stopping to watch the competition throughout the day.

Results from what proved to be a highly competitive competition (attracting more than 95 entries) were as follows:

Open Shear – 1st Ben Maguire, 2nd Glen Stephens, 3rd Phil Edwards, 4th Daniel Biggs, 5th Rick Chilcott, 6th Roger Mifsud.

Open wool – Fi Patison, Carol Hohepa, Jo Maki and Mark Purcell.

Senior shear – Raysene Meihana, James Napier, Leroy Pitt, Marnie Hauraki, Daniel Michelmore and Joseph Knoll.

Senior wool – Miria Hohepa, Kora Joeseph, Holly Byrne and Aleisha Rintoule.

Intermediate shear – Raysene Meihana, Tumeeke Wilson, Adam Lehman, Luke Magee, Marnie Hauraki and Lydia Thomson.

Novice shear – Layla Maguire, Luke Robertson, Tia Hauraki and Will Neave.

A spectacular pyrotechnic

Eight year-old Spencer Doolan of Ecklin South enjoyed the

show lit up the night sky after dark, marking the end of a funfilled day out for many.
dinosaur exhibit. 2024D
Two year-old Elsie Ball from Portland was excited to have this ride all to herself on Saturday afternoon. 2024D
The horse events on the main arena once again attracted some of the best riders from across the district. 2024D
The spinning cups was loads of fun for two yearold Cobie Kenny of Mortlake (with mum Danielle). 2024D
Nine year-old Paddy Gordon from Portland was excited to meet defence force personnel Charlie, Kym and Zac at the show and try on some camouflage gear. 2024D
Six year-old Millie Townsend (with mum Kirsten) had her arms full with showbags and toys. 2024D
Four year-old twins Archer and Willow Clarke, of Koroit, were excited with their painted faces. 2024D
Four year-old Archer Clarke sits patiently while his face is painted. 2024D

Warrnambool Show 2024

The Warrnambool Fire Brigade exhibit proved popular with kids who were keen to test out the fire hoses. 2024D
Warrnambool’s Luca Black was full of concentration as she tried her skills spinning a plate on a stick. 2024D
Two and half-year old Camila Ponting of Warrnambool had a great time in the giant sandpit. 2024D
All Breeds Sheep of the Show ‘Kevin Ludeman Memorial’ winner Jim Blight (Killmery Romney Stud) with Federal Member for Wannon Dan Tehan. 2024E
Trying to hit a target with water from the fire hose was loads of fun for youngsters. 2024D
Brothers Alfie and George Van Engelen were keen to tuck in to these potato sticks at the show. 2024D
Ruby Lilley spent show day with ‘Wombat’ the donkey. 2024D
Tylan Benson from Melbourne was thrilled to spend his eighth birthday at the Warrnambool Show, alongside sister Ivy (4). 2024D
Sideshow alley was a big hit among showgoers, with many lining up to enjoy the rides. 2024D
Those without a fear of heights were keen to get a ‘birds eye view’ of the showgrounds. 2024D
Libby and the team from St John Ambulance were on hand at the main arena. 2024D

Warrnambool Show 2024

Allansford siblings Jayda, Jovi and Blayk Scouller were happy to look through the range of showbags on offer. 2024D
Isaac Fowler from TTMI (right) was happy to sit and chat ‘all things tractors’ with Michael Rhode and 11 year-old Koa Fary of Warrnambool. 2024D
Three year-old Frankie Katrianto (right) was happy to check out the SES play equipment while siblings Jude and Evie Smith of Cobden sat in the miniature rescue vehicle. 2024D
The Warrnambool Ukulele Group entertained in the afternoon. 2024D
As in previous years, the cattle section again attracted quality entries. 2024D
The poultry pavilion proved popular with exhibitors and visitors. 2024D
Five year-old Lilly Doherty from Cobden enjoyed the mini ferris wheel. 2024D
The shearing competition ran throughout the day, attracting a quality field. 2024D
All Breeds Group of the Show ‘Georgie Crowe Memorial’ winners (from left) Damon Shalders (Willow Drive English Leicester Stud) and family members Isaac Shalders, Davey Shalders and Jack Holmes. 2024D

Concerns for future of maternity services

CONCERNS for the future of maternity services across the district were brought to the forefront at South West Healthcare’s Warrnambool campus last week.

Camperdown local and former maternity nurse Cristina Miskin met with Roma Britnell in Warrnambool on Friday to highlight her concerns.

“After a recent short recess of maternity services at the Camperdown Hospital these were returned, however, it was only a matter of weeks before Camperdown was put on bypass and maternity patients were redirected to Warrnambool,” Ms Miskin said.

“Women, particularly those in labour, can’t afford to travel an hour or more to access these services. They need to be supported in Camperdown.

“We have wonderful midwives and hospital staff at Camperdown who are feeling the strain and they need and deserve to be supported.

“Over the past 15 years or so Camperdown has been extremely stable in terms of theatre staff and recently, I believe, two new midwives were employed.”

Ms Miskin also recently heard of an instance where one expectant mother was now considering a home birth because of the “unstable” situation at Camperdown.

“It is simply unsafe for these women to be forced to travel to Warrnambool to access maternity services; they need security and peace of mind that the maternity services at Camperdown will continue as they have in the past.”

Member for South West Coast Roma Britnell threw her support behind retaining the service at Camperdown, saying South West Healthcare should consider this as a priority.

“There appears to be a very real fear in the community that if staff walk away the maternity service will cease at Camperdown and that’s just not good enough,” Ms Britnell said.

“These staff are under immense pressure and need assurance that the future of the service is secure and that their positions at the Camperdown hospital are secure.”

In a statement issued last Friday morning, South West Healthcare said that while they had not received any formal request to meet with the Camperdown

community group that initiated last Friday’s gathering, they would have welcomed the chance to discuss any concerns they may have had prior to Friday.

“We are always happy to meet with people or groups that might have concerns, and we do so regularly,” the statement read.

“These groups usually make contact and request to meet with us through the appropriate channels and we encourage those wishing to do so, follow those processes.”

The statement continued:

South West Healthcare remains committed to providing birthing services at Camperdown, with this

service still in operation, having birthed four babies in September and (as at last Friday) two babies so far in October.

At no stage have we considered closing the Camperdown Hospital birthing service.

Due to factors such as staff availability, the service will from time to time need to go on diversion, with all affected women informed and alternative arrangements put in place.

This process is not unusual for rural hospitals.

South West Healthcare will continue to work closely with our midwives, doctors and staff at Camperdown to ensure the availability of this service.

Fifteen minutes of Fame tonight

ALL roads lead to the St Brigids Hall at Crossley tonight (Friday) for the next ‘Fifteen minutes of Fame’ concert.

This fundraising family concert will again showcase seven great acts from across the district.

Hats on Duo will play country blues ballads, featuring vocal harmonies, guitar and a banjo.

Dr Nic Thies performs a variety of magic and reflects on the tricks of magicians from the past.

On the eve of International Uilleann Pipe Day, Merran and Pete Moir will share some tunes and chats with the pipes and Bodhran.

In Full Swing, a popular swing jazz band, features Jo Lillee’s vocals along with keyboard, string bass, saxophone and drums.

After a short interval, Trio Incognito (A Capella group) will perform songs ranging from Georgian chats to modern classics.

The Erne Miles and Elenna Duo will perform a range of original and cover songs.

The evening will conclude with a performance by Shepparton’s Owen Holleran who will entertain audiences with his easy-listening music.

Meals will be available from 6.30pm with the concert due to start at 7.30pm. All welcome.

St Brigids Hall can be found at 212 Koroit-Port Fairy Road, Crossley.

Member for South West Coast Roma Britnell and Camperdown’s Cristina Miskin are concerned about the future of maternity services in the district. 2024D

Garden Expo this weekend

GARDEN enthusiasts will delight in the range of open gardens to be explored at this Sunday’s Rotary Club of Warrnambool Garden Expo.

Beginning at the home of Greg and Gail Lemmens in Mount Ash Drive, participants will be able to spend time exploring four local gardens.

Each ticket holder will enjoy access to four gardens, along with afternoon tea and the opportunity to enter a raffle for some terrific prizes.

A classic car display is also on the agenda, along with face painting and a variety of trade, plant and craft stalls.

Rotary Club of Warrnambool president Kelly Curran said organisers were hoping to see large crowds at each of the gardens to admire the work of property owners and support the club in its community endeavours.

“We’re very grateful for those property owners for opening their gardens to the community as part of this fundraising event,” Ms Curran said.

“Hopefully the weather will be kind so garden lovers of all ages can enjoy the day.

“All profits raised on the day will go back into our community projects.”

These projects include providing funding to train volunteers for Hospice in the Home, building an Early Loss memorial tree at Tooram Memorial Park and helping to fund programs to stop family and domestic violence.

The club is also working to provide funds for youth programs such as

A reminder that no toilet facilities will be available at each of

the Great South Coast’s Science and Engineering Challenge.
the locations.
The event will run from 11am until 3pm and will include gardens in Bailey Crescent, Block Street and Harris Street.
Enjoying the gardens of Gail and Greg Lemmens (right) are Rotary Club of Warrnambool members Anne Adams, Judy Ross and club president Kelly Curran (centre). 2024D

Loads to see at expo

IF you own a caravan or camper, or are perhaps looking to purchase, make sure you don’t miss Warrnambool’s Caravan, Camping and Leisure Roadshow.

The roadshow, to be held next weekend (Friday, November 8 to Sunday, November 10), is an ideal opportunity to take a look inside a range of caravans and browse the many displays and stalls at the Warrnambool racecourse.

For everything you need to know about caravan weights make sure you take the time to speak with Chas Cleland from ‘Weigh-In Services.’

“It’s difficult to find a caravan owner today who hasn’t heard discussions about caravan weights,” Chas said.

“This topic has gained significant attention for several reasons, including legal compliance, voided insurance, accident risks and increased instances of people weighing vans and issuing fines.”

During the Warrnambool Caravan, Camping and Leisure Roadshow, WeighIn will host 15-minute information sessions that will cover all these topics, along with some “lesser-known facts that many people may be unaware of or prefer to ignore.”

Another highlight of this year’s roadshow will be Randy’s Junk Yard Action show, which will provide plenty of thrills throughout the afternoon.

Crowds will be entertained by an exciting display of motorcycle and bicycle stunts by dynamic duo Randy and Reggie Ryder.

The pair will unleash a jaw-dropping arrange of bike manoeuvres guaranteed to leave you gasping in awe.

These daredevil brothers will inject their performance with a healthy dose of comedic chaos suitable for all ages.

Visitors to the roadshow will also be treated to a performance by the Australian Travelling Fishing Show.

This super tank, measuring 15 metres long and three metres high, gives spectators a fish’s eye view.

With one side made from perspex, audiences can see a range of fish in their natural habitat – you’ll see what the fish see without getting wet!

Seasoned angler Michael Cooke will demonstrate the many different types of fishing lures on today’s market and will show how the fish react to them – as well as the different techniques used by many of today’s top anglers.

Safety eye wear and footwear, knife sharpening and electronics, and holiday spots, will be among the many topics to be discussed.

The Warrnambool Caravan, Camping and Leisure Roadshow will run from 9am until 4pm each day.

The racecourse can be found in Grafton Road, Warrnambool.

Family fun draws crowds

AMID bright sunshine and clear skies, large crowds flocked to St Patrick’s Koroit last weekend for the annual Picnic in the Paddock.

In perfect weather conditions, visitors were able to enjoy a range of rides, food vans, displays and market stalls, along with live music throughout the day.

According to event chairperson Amy Atwell, an estimated 2000 people enjoyed the day, much to the delight of organisers.

“We don’t have an exact number in terms of how many people attended, but there has been talk the crowd exceeded 2000 which was just amazing,” Amy said.

“We were all absolutely thrilled. The weather was perfect and judging by the smiles on so many faces, young and young at heart, a great day was had by all.”

The first time inclusion of a ‘little makers market’ proved a big success, with students from St Patrick’s showcasing their wares.

“The students spent a lot of time making their items, setting up their stalls and then selling their wares on the day,” Amy said.

“They really enjoyed the experience and already they’re all talking about what they plan to do for next year which is exciting.”

Children of all ages enjoyed a range of rides and activities including mini golf, miniature fire truck rides, an inflatable giant climbing wall, bumper balls and a petting zoo.

“There was so much to see and do, and we also had a great selection of food vans,” Amy said.

“The live entertainment was also amazing, we even had people travel from Melbourne to perform and we’re very grateful to them.

“Overall it was a wonderful day for the whole community; we couldn’t have wished for better.” 2 3 4 5 7 6


1. Live entertainment was appreciated by audiences throughout the day. 2. The Port Fairy SES stand was also popular, with David McIntosh and Ray Young on hand to answer any questions. 3. Five year-old Koda Smith from Warrnambool was excited to take a ride on the miniature fire truck. 4. Five year-old Paddy Rounds of Warrnambool had his face painted at the picnic. 5. Koroit Fire Brigade members, Captain Steve Giblin (left) and Kelvin White at their display. 6. Hungry visitors were well fed at the Koroit Lions Club barbecue. 7. One year-old Billy Befrie and
Zac, of Koroit, were happy to spend some time in the animal nursery. 2024D.

to Picnic in the Paddock

1. Truck-loving two year old, Ollie, was happy to sit on the Koroit Fire Brigade tanker. 2. Warrnambool’s Freddie Jess works hard on the inflatable climbing wall. 3. Two year-old Mae Woolley of Koroit was happy to try out her skills on the mini-golf course. 4. Winslow’s Phoebe O’Keefe offered a selection of her hand-made goods. 5. Two year-old Jiea Obogon concentrates on placing a disk in the ‘connect 4’ board. 6. Arktavia Borden (7) was excited to be able to pet some lambs last weekend. 7. Koroit brothers Edward and Harvey Porter had plenty of energy to run around inside the giant balls. 8. The carousel chair ride was lots of fun. 2024D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Don’t miss Wreckfest this Sunday

WARRNAMBOOL’S Flagstaff Hill will come alive with all the colour, excitement, fun and activities of the early 1800s during this weekend’s second annual ‘Wreckfest’ celebration.

To be held this Sunday, this unique festival will take visitors back 150 years for an emersion into the lives of our forefathers – and offer a glimpse of the way they lived.

There will be working displays, old trades, cane fishing rod demonstrations and high tea in the lovely tea rooms of Flagstaff Hill.

This year’s festival will also see an array of skilled artisans including knife makers, wool spinners, hand shearing, laser-cut fire pits, screen printing and glass art.

Visitors will be able to enjoy calligraphy lessons and tarot reading sessions while live music, family entertainment and face painting will highlight the

fun, family-friendly atmosphere.

And for those who can’t make it to Flagstaff Hill on the Sunday, there’s plenty of activities also planned for the day prior – Saturday, November 2.

A silk scarf art workshop will run from 10am, a cider crafting workshop with Mike Juleff will also start at 10am and at 11am and 3.30pm Donna the Tarot Witch Lady will host palm readings.

Wreckfest will run from 10am until 4pm on Sunday.

Visitors to Flagstaff Hill this weekend will be able to enjoy some special activities as part of Wreckfest 2024D

Artists in the racing spirit

MEMBERS of the Warrnambool Floral Art group were in the racing spirit last week. The ladies got into the spirit of the local racing calendar, with creations and ideas surrounding this month’s Jerrico Cup.

LUNCH SPECIAL 11.00am - 3.00pm DINNER 5.00pm - 10.00pm

Choice of 5 different Parmas served with chips, salad, plus a beer, soft drink or glass of house wine. $25




300gram Porterhouse steak served with chips, salad and side of sauce of your choice, plus a beer, soft drink or glass of house wine. $27


Choice of 4 different Burgers served with chips, plus a beer, soft drink or glass of house wine. $22

brai n teaser



1. Phrasing (7)

5. Plant fungal disease (4)

10. Royal-family name (7)

11. Metal spikes (5)

12. Common European viper (5)

13. Free from an obligation (6)

15. Apart from (6)

17. Type of apartment (6)

19. Alleges (6)

20. Trouble persistently (5)

23. Transported through the air (5)

24. Romance language (7)

25. Granite paving stone (4)

26. Contaminates (7) DOWN 2. Had title to (5) 3. Accounts (12) 4. Hospital carers (6)

6. Cut out (7)

7. Working (4)

8. Perspired (7)

9. Animal without a backbone (12)

14. Completing the ‘i’s? (7)

16. Exclaim (4,3)

18. Allot (6)

21. Canonized person (5)

22. Opposite of ons? (4)



Former students return to the classroom

FORMER students of Warrnambool’s Christian Brother’s College (CBC) returned to the classroom recently.

The group returned to Warrnambool over the weekend of October 18 and 19 to celebrate a 50 (plus) year reunion.

More than 80 boys began their secondary education at CBC in Warrnambool in 1969.

They continued all or part way through to form six in 1974, with more than 30 others joining this group in intervening years.

About 35 people attended all or some of the reunion events, representing over half of those who were able to be contacted.

While many former students who attended still live in the Warrnambool region, others travelled from other parts of Victoria or interstate, including Perth.

Informal drinks were held at the Warrnambool RSL on Friday night where a display of photos and a ‘homework’ activity helped jog people’s memories of the past.

Before the reunion ‘students’ were invited to submit a short description of their memories and experiences of their school years, along with a current photo.

The stories made for great reading and along with photos from the weekend, will be compiled into a souvenir booklet to be distributed at a later date.

Name tags came in handy during the evening as ‘Father Time’ meant no one quite looked like they did 50 plus years ago.

Despite many attendees not having seen or heard of one another for 50 years there was no shortage of good conversations.

A tour of the (former) CBC Campus in Canterbury Road and Emmanuel College was provided by Candice Hampstead (alumni coordinator at Emmanuel College) on Saturday morning.

Despite buildings and class rooms having undergone transformations over the decades, this walk down memory lane elicited vivid memories and animated conversations about all sorts of things great and small.

“One of the ‘boys’ was able to recall which seat each of the 20-odd students sat in for form six Science, despite the lab room being revamped significantly since then,” organiser David Earls said.

“Other memories included an exhibition in the schoolyard by the World Yo-Yo Champion from Mexico, epic games on the handball courts, tree planting at Tower Hill, playing ‘splits’ with pocket knives and marble runs in wooden desks.

“We also chatted about pea shooting with biro tubes, everyone playing the recorder really badly, quick dashes through the Botanic Gardens for a lunchtime pool swim on a hot day and mixing with the girls from St. Ann’s for classes in form five and six.”

According to Mr Earls, stories and recollections went on late into the night.

“Interesting things, as well as the necessary mundane stuff, happened in the days of our old school yard,” he said.

A Saturday evening dinner was held at the RSL and concluded the reunion celebrations.

“Many thanks to former student Brian Gleeson and his staff for exceptional service on both nights,” Mr Earls said.

“Conversations again were wide ranging and included lives and careers since leaving school, and remembering those former mates who had passed away.

“There was much talk about the various methods and unfairness of corporal punishment used by the teachers, but also the clever ways students were able to disrupt this. Despite these experiences it

turned out quite a few boys had become teachers themselves.”

Another reunion is planned for two years’ time “when many of the old boys will turn 70.”

A special thanks to Candice Hampstead and her assistants from Emmanuel College who did much of the ‘heavy lifting’ to ensure the event was a success.

Port Fairy Show this weekend

FOR a fun, family day out this weekend make sure you head to the Port Fairy Show.

All the colour, excitement, entertainment and animals of a traditional country show will be found at the showgrounds tomorrow (Saturday).

The event’s small but dedicated committee has been working hard over recent months to ensure this year’s event offers something for everyone.

Once again there’ll be a great display of cooking, needlecraft, art, photography, horticulture and produce honey to browse.

This year will also see a sheep shearing display, vintage engines, yard dog demonstrations and an interactive science experience ‘Fizzics Education’ which will offer workshops throughout the day.

An interactive Planks activity will give children the opportunity to use

their imaginations and skills, and they can also test their circus skills while learning some popular tricks.

A petting zoo will no doubt prove a big winner among some of the littlest showgoers, while mini-golf, blacksmith demonstrations, a wicked wildlife display and afternoon carriage rides will ensure crowds are well entertained.

And you certainly won’t leave hungry, with ample food stalls serving up some delicious treats – and Devonshire teas available in the dining room thanks to members of the Show Society.

Gates will open at 9am, with the show scheduled to close around 4pm.

Entry is just $10 for adults, children (5-15 years) $5 or $25 for a family (two adults and three children).

Children under the age of five will be admitted free.

The Port Fairy Showgrounds can be found on Hamilton-Port Fairy Road.

Former students of the Christian Brother’s College return to the classroom.

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Members of


Cnr. Koroit and Henna streets Sunday, November 3 10.30am - 2.00pm

Barbecue, baked spuds, Devonshire tea, plants, books, trash and treasure, crafts, cakes, biscuits, slices and more...


We are seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic Learning Support Officer to join our dynamic team for the 2025 school year.

The position involves working with an individual student who has very specific learning, medical and hygiene needs. Hours are 8.20am to 3.20pm - 3 days per week during school terms (Wednesday to Friday)

Alignment with our school values of Welcome, Learn, Faith and Care will hold you in good stead to join our dynamic team. This school community promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.

The successful applicants will need to undergo a current Working With Children Check and National Police Check.

For further information regarding this position please see the employment tab on our school’s website or contact the principal; Janet Cain 5599 2285




YARDING 1530 CHANGE 130 more

The quality was better in places. Bullocks displayed more weight with a better lineup of trade weight cattle with some being grain assisted.

There was an increase in manufacturing types on offer. Again a good mix of beef and dairy bred cows were available.

Despite the increase in quality the market was softer by 15 to 20c/kg over most categories with dairy cows the least effected. Bulls lost 30c/kg.

Not all processors were present or operating with feeder and restock interest competitive on suitable lines.

The offering consisted of 341 bullocks along with 470 trade weights 650 cows and 89 grown bulls.

A number of vealers made to 370c with trade weight steers and heifers making between 290 and 365c/kg.

Grown cattle topped at 350c with manufacturing steers to 305c and crossbred steers selling to 292c/kg.

Heavy beef cows sold from 250c to 295c/kg with the better covered dairy cows generally between 190c and 288c/kg.

Grown beef bulls topped at 320c/kg. Market Reporter Chris Agnew.



The quality of the lead lambs was very good and did include a tail and the sheep offering was also very good with a mixture of Merino and crossbreds ewes covering all weights and grades. Most mutton processors were operating but it was not a full operating panel of buyers.

The market showed continued strength across the market with score 3 lambs firm to slightly dearer by $5 to $10/head. Shorn lambs to the trade were realizing between 750c and 840c/kg cwt with lambs selling to a top of $284/head and hoggets to $160/head.

The first substantial lineup of new season lamb on offer were of good quality achieved the top of $284/head realizing from 750c to 900c/kg cwt dependent on weight with the biggest gain on the 20 to 23kg lambs improving $10 to $15/head.

Light lambs 12 to 16kg sold from $46 to $115/head with the trade lambs 18 to 22kg from $115 to $174 and the 22 to 26kg lamb from $155 to $220/head.

There was keen interest again with the sheep resulting in the market being slightly dearer by $5 to $8/head over most grades particularly for Merino mutton which touched 430c/kg in places to be generally between 300c and 400c/kg cwt.

Crossbred ewes sold to $136/head with Merino ewes to $112 with shorn Merino wethers to $126/head and crossbred wethers to $134/head. Rams made $10/head. Market Reporter Chris Agnew.

Warrnambool Moyne & District Cricket SCOREBOARD season 2024/25 /25



PORT FAIRY 1st Innings

K Wilson, c: P Senevirathne b: C Britten .....................35

A Templeton, c: R Weerasinghe b: B Evans.................18

D Brown, c: P Senevirathne b: N Best.........................21

J Perera, c: P Senevirathne b: A Doak.........................19

A Williams, lbw: P Senevirathne.................................50

M Green, c: C Williams b: J Kiensrod ......................Duck

P Dilanka, b: B Evans .................................................17

V Huf, c: N Best b: B Evans ...........................................6 Henry Bensch, c: C Williams b: P Senevirathne ............2

S Allen, not out ............................................................0

B Dwyer,


P Player, c: A Templeton b: V Huf ..................................6

J Kiensrod, b: P Dilanka .........................................Duck

B Evans, c: J Perera b: P Dilanka ..................................5

C Williams, not out ......................................................0

H Barnes, not out .........................................................2

W Colla


MERRIVALE 1st Innings W Pomorin, c: ? b: B Bant ......................................Duck

D Pearson, lbw: C James .......................................Duck

E Gegg, c: D Meade b: B Bant .....................................10

T Opperman, lbw: B Bant .............................................4

J Stapleton, c: C Bant b: C James ..............................21

F Wilkinson, c: D Meade b: S Kumara ........................25 J Kenna, c&b: C James ..............................................13 M Sinnott, lbw: S Richardson .....................................14 D Hawkins, c: D Meade b: R Shahzad ..........................5 J Petherick, not


O Clark, c: L Kenna b: H Giblin....................................25

J Campbell, c: C Scanlon b: H Giblin ..........................31

L Rooke, b: C Scanlon ................................................32

L Sharman, c: B Kavenagh b: I Toombs ........................1

P Brady, c: I Toombs b: C Scanlon ..............................23

B McDonald, c: L Kenna b: T Hay .................................8

K Howard, c: D Moloney b: T Keane............................17

L Bell, b: T Hay .............................................................2

B Gardiner, c: H Giblin b: T Hay.....................................3

G Moore, not out ..........................................................4

K Ellison, not out..........................................................5

Extras (4WD 0NB 2LB 0B 0P) ........................................6

Total ......................................................................9/157





L Geary

C Scanlon


I Toombs, c: G Moore b: B McDonald..........................56

B Kavenagh, c: B Gardiner b: P Brady ........................37

L Geary, c: O Clark b: L Rooke ....................................29

T Hay, c: L Rooke b: P Brady .........................................6

S O’Connor, c: B Gardiner b: P Brady ............................1

T Keane, not out...........................................................9

M Heffernan, b: K Howard............................................2

L Kenna, not out.........................................................15

Extras (4WD 0NB 0LB 0B 0P) ........................................4

Total ......................................................................6/159

KOROIT Bowling O M

G Moore

A Lean, c: ? b: C Sharma ..............................................2

J Harry, c: R Rasanga b: J Elford ..................................1

N Robertson, c: R Rasanga b: J Elford ..........................5

L Burgess, b: J Elford...................................................8

K Howlett, lbw: J Elford..............................................30

T McDonald-Harry, c: R Rasanga b: B Brooks ..............7

H Schlaghecke, c: J Lenehan b: B Brooks ..................34

O King, c: S Robinson b: J Louth...................................1

L Templeton, c: R Rasanga b: B Brooks ......................35

N Johnson, not out ......................................................6

S Shiells, st: R Rasanga b: S Singh...............................6 Extras (2WD 1NB 3LB 2B 0P) ........................................8


J Elford 22 8 29 4 0 1

C Sharma 15 6 35 1 0

P Bubb

B Brooks

J Louth

S Singh



J Lenehan 3 1 3


MORTLAKE 1st Innings

C Rounds, b: X Beks.....................................................2

C Feranando, c: S Brown b: B Rantall.........................14

C Baker, lbw: F Qureshi ..............................................58

S Gonawala, c: S Brown b: X Beks ...............................1

K Sineth, lbw: P Hewage ..............................................9

T Lamont, lbw: F Qureshi .......................................Duck

J Lehmann, b: F Qureshi ........................................Duck

T Podger, c: S Brown b: S Fernando..............................9

L Higginson, c: S Beks b: S Fernando.........................31

S Blacker, c: ? b: X Beks ..............................................5 T Robertson, not out ..................................................20 Extras (2WD 6NB 3LB 0B 5P) ......................................16





A Poumako, b: L Glare .................................................6

L Rea, b: B Smith .......................................................29 T Sinnott, lbw: H Elliott...............................................10 R Ault, b: W Morrison .................................................53 M Sajan Fernando, c: L Dwyer b: W Morrison ............34

B Boyd, b: W Morrison ............................................Duck

B Smith, not out .........................................................34

L Ryan, b: W Morrison ............................................Duck M Mills, not out ..........................................................22 Extras (9WD 6NB 1LB 0B 0P) ......................................16 Total ......................................................................7/204



HAWKESDALE 1st Innings

J Elliott, c: L Ryan b: D Bourke ...................................14




MORTLAKE 1st Innings

N Kelly, c: H Stansfield b: J Walsh...............................19

W Berryman, not out ...................................................0

B Gherashe, not out ...................................................11

C Herry, c: J Walsh b: B Alexander ..............................34

P player b: J Walsh .....................................................10

M Hughes, c: J Rundle b: B McMahon ..........................1

R Kelly, c: J Walsh b: H Stansfield...............................37

J Lehmann, run out: H Stansfield, G Stansfield .............1

S Wareham, c: G Stansfield b: H Stansfield ................59

L Schuuring, b: H Stansfield...................................Duck

M Slater, lbw: J Walsh ..................................................1

Extras (15WD 3NB 0LB 1B 0P) ....................................19

Total ......................................................................9/192

NIRRANDA Bowling O M R W Wd Nb

J Walsh

B Alexander

C Arthur

C Haberfield

S Haberfield

J Hutchins

J Rundle

B McMahon

H Stansfield

N Reason

NIRRANDA 1st Innings

B Alexander, c: J Lehmann b: C Herry ........................29

C Arthur, b: B Gherashe................................................4

N Reason, b: C Herry..............................................Duck

C Haberfield, b: N Kelly ................................................6

S Haberfield, b: C Herry ...............................................1

J Hutchins, not out ....................................................11

J Rundle, c: J Lehmann b: S Wareham ...................Duck

G Stansfield, c: R Kelly b: N Kelly .................................6

J Walsh, b: C Herry ....................................................28

B McMahon, c: R Kelly b: B Gherashe ..........................1

H Stansfield, c: R Kelly b: L Schuuring .........................5

Extras (0WD 15NB 2LB 0B 0P) ....................................17

Total ....................................................................10/108


S Wareham

B Gherashe

C Herry


L Schuuring

M Slater



J Greer, c: M Jones b: A Lenehan ...............................69

J Cashin, c: A Boyle b: M Bunney ...............................11

P Senevirathna, lbw: M Bunney ...................................2

A Love, c: A Boyle b: L Edwards....................................6

B Kelp, b: L Edwards ....................................................4

S Wallace, c: ? b: J Holley ............................................7

Warrnambool Moyne & District Cricket SCOREBOARD season 2024/25 /25


L Venn, c: W Owen b: J Parker......................................8

D Conheady, c: T Beks b: J Parker................................1

H Schrama, b: S Breddels ..........................................14

M Wynd, c: W Owen b: B Rouse..................................36

T Roberts, run out: J Barr, W Owen...............................1

S Munro, b: B Rouse ....................................................2

S Densley, run out: W Owen .........................................1

C Bradshaw, b: S Breddels ....................................Duck

A Battistello, not out....................................................5

I Byron, lbw: A Sell .................................................Duck

H Roberts, c: T Beks b: B Rouse ...................................3 Extras (6WD 1NB 2LB 2B 0P) ......................................11 Total ......................................................................10/82


T Beks 9 1 17 0



S Breddels

B Rouse 8.4 3 14 3 2



S Dart, c&b: C Brown .................................................14

E Porter, b: W Doran .....................................................2

T Bryce, c: P Douglas b: L Astbury ..............................10

C Couch, b: M Harricks...............................................27

B Castles,


b: A Ferres .........................................Duck

L Cannon, b: A Ferres ...................................................4

T McDonald-Harry, c: N Sheehan b: A Dwyer ...............4

R Moody, lbw: A Dwyer ................................................4 Extras (11WD 2NB 4LB 3B 0P) ....................................20


FAIRY Bowling


A Dwyer




K Moore, b: T Kelly .................................................Duck

Z Whitton, c: A Hocking b: B Karunarathne ...................2

Fill-in, lbw: K Hocking ................................................68

H Noonan, b: J Telford ..................................................3

Fill-in, c: J Telford b: A Hocking ..................................28

E Rea, lbw: K Hocking ..................................................1

M Gleeson, st: K Eagleson b: A Hocking........................2

F Rueangnim, c: N Bolden b: N Russell ..................Duck

J Ross, not out .............................................................0

Extras (7WD 0NB 0LB 0B 0P) ........................................7 Total ......................................................................8/111 WARRNAMBOOL Bowling

B Karunarathne





WARRNAMBOOL 1st Innings N Bolden, lbw: Fill-in ..................................................36



L Kermond, c: Fill-in, b: T Hunter ...............................19

L Kew, b: H Mckane ...................................................11

R Mahmood, c: ? b: T Hunter......................................75

T Reeves, c&b: H Mckane ............................................1

S Ahmad, c: Fill-in, b: G Lenehan...............................12

W Heron, c: Fill-in, b: M Morrison ..............................24

C Wiffrie, c&b: H Mckane .............................................4

E Heron, lbw: H Mckane .........................................Duck

L Primmer, not out .......................................................4

S Petschel, not out.......................................................5

Extras (2WD 2NB 2LB 5B 0P) ......................................11

Total ......................................................................8/166


H Mckane

M Morrison

T Hunter


J Brown

G Lenehan

H Hunter


WANGOOM 1st Innings

A Rook, c: P Ryan b: L Ryan .......................................17

D Rook, c: P Ryan b: J Forth Bligh ..............................27

M White, c: J Forth Bligh b: E Johannesen ..................43

A Perera, c: A Henderson b: H Kilpatrick .....................44

J Gruar, run out ............................................................6

B Mahony, c: J Forth Bligh b: L Ryan ..........................12

M Malady, b: E Johannesen .......................................28

M Rook, b: L Ryan........................................................4

T Melican, c: P Ryan b: H Kilpatrick ............................10

J Melican, not out ........................................................1

S White, not out ...........................................................6

Extras (7WD 12NB 0LB 4B 0P) ....................................23

Total ......................................................................9/221


M Hogan

J Forth Bligh

L Ryan

A White

F Morgan

M Darcy

F Monaghan

S Bushell

E Johannesen

A Henderson

H Kilpatrick


M R W Wd Nb

P Ryan, c: D Rook b: T Melican ...................................59

M Darcy, c: M Rook b: J Melican ............................Duck

H Kilpatrick, lbw: M Rook ............................................1

M Hogan, c: T Melican b: M Malady..............................6

L Ryan, not out...........................................................18

A Henderson, c&b: B Mahony ......................................1

E Johannesen, b: A Rook .............................................7

F Monaghan, b: A Rook ..........................................Duck

S Bushell, b: A Rook...................................Golden Duck

J Forth Bligh, c: S White b: A Rook .........................Duck

F Morgan, run out: B Mahony .................................Duck

Extras (4WD 2NB 0LB 3B 0P) ........................................9

Total ......................................................................10/10

WANGOOM Bowling O M R W Wd Nb M Rook

J Melican

M Malady







M Bellman, c: Fill-in, b: M Davis ..............................113

c&b: M Holcombe ..............................................2 C Noonan, not out ....................................................122

Squires, not out ......................................................39


J Kenna b: L

Baulch, b: D Abbott .................................................16

B Cozens, c: D Abbott b: L


c: S Lillico b: D Abbott........................................1 S Harris, b: J Kenna .....................................................5

B Towers, b: J Kenna .............................................Duck E Northeast, b: J Kenna .............................................14

B Toogood, not out.....................................................11

L Hirst, b: J Kenna..................................................Duck Fill-in, b: J Kenna ...................................................Duck

ALLANSFORD-PANMURE 1st Innings G Rea, lbw: P O’Connor ..............................................29

G-L Trudgen, b: P O’Connor .........................................2

S Johnson, run out: H Rooke, H Neal ..........Golden Duck

L Murray, c: H Rooke b: L Mccabe ................................1

K Willsher, c: H Rooke b: C Mackenzie .......................32

I Kelly, run out: H Rooke .............................................36

C Smith, not out ...........................................................1

Extras (5WD 5NB 2LB 5B 0P) ......................................17








D Abbott, c: Fill-in, b: S Harris ....................................23

L Taylor, not out .........................................................36 P van Heerden, b: B Cozens ...................................Duck

L Clarke, b: T Baulch ..............................................Duck S Lillico, not out ...........................................................4

(8WD 0NB 1LB 8B

D Mc Innes ...........................4

J West, c: D Mc Innes b: Fill-in ...................................18

P Mills, c: H Anderson b: T Symons ..............................4

M Robertson, b: T Delaney.........................................10

B Robertson, c: A Campbell b: C McKane ...............Duck

A Prosser, b: phoebe stuart ..........................................5

A Prosser, b: phoebe stuart ........................Golden Duck

F Blom, b: phoebe stuart ........................................Duck

S Blom, c: C McKane b: phoebe stuart....................Duck

J Wagg, not out............................................................5 Extras (7WD 2NB 1LB 0B 0P) ......................................10

......................................................................10/57 SPRING CREEK Bowling O M R W Wd Nb



HAWKESDALE 1st Innings S O’Donnell, c: C Geyer b: T Ramsey-Grady................19

H Wallace, b: Z Timpson.............................................41

J Bowater, c: M Beks b: Z Timpson ............................44 M Sharrock, not out.....................................................2

L Sharrock, not out ......................................................6 Extras (10WD 9NB 0LB 6B 0P) ....................................25


T Ramsey-Grady

S Noske-Poulton

C Sully



T McLeod, c&b: L Dickson......................................Duck

T Robertson-Wilson, lbw: A Hanks ..............................1

B Herbertson, c: A Hanks b: L Dickson .........................6

A Macdonald, b: A Hanks.......................................Duck

A Rahui, c:

B Lawlor, not out..........................................................5

H Stokie, c: P player b: I Bellman............................Duck Fill-in, not out ............................................................12

Extras (16WD 15NB 1LB 1B 0P) ..................................33

Total ........................................................................7/63

COBDEN Bowling O M R W Wd Nb

L Dickson






COBDEN 1st Innings

L Dickson, b: T McLeod................................................5

A Dickson, c: T Robertson-Wilson b: A Macdonald........6

P Player, run out: A Rahui, T Robertson-Wilson ...........13

C Meade, retired not out.............................................16

G Bellman, run out: B Herbertson, A Macdonald ...........9

P Harris, not out...........................................................6

O Ireland, c: B Herbertson b: A Macdonald .............Duck Fill-in, c: A Macdonald b: T Robertson-Wilson ...............2

A Hanks, not out ........................................................12

Extras (12WD 14NB 1LB 2B 0P) ..................................29

........................................................................6/98 RUSSELLS CREEK Bowling

Warrnambool Moyne & District Cricket


Warrnambool Moyne & District Cricket


More than 200 athletes at new track

WEEK two of Warrnambool Little Athletics saw more than 200 athletes take to the track.

This included over 80 trialling athletes who were also keen to get out and compete in a range of jumps, throws, sprints and distance events.

This is the largest number of athletes that the track (or committee) has seen in many years.

The club extends its appreciation for the incredible patience shown by both the athletes and parents to the new committee while members learn to navigate new programs and new learnings.

The large group of centre athletes made the track a sea of happy faces, with new uniforms looking fantastic (for those who missed out, a new order will be in soon)

In coming weeks the club is looking forward to the Western Country Region Relays.

This year the event will be held in Ballarat on November 17.

Teams will be announced in the coming week, with training to begin in earnest.

The new track is looking amazing, and members were blessed with brilliant sunshine and a warm night for last week’s session where athletes learnt some new techniques, made new friends and also caught up with some old friends as well.

Next week will see the start of the normal program and, as such, the centre is looking for help from any parents/ carers.

Those who are able to help out are asked to contact the centre via its facebook page – where you can learn more about how you can assist.

A reminder that the Coles Community Round will be held in two weeks.

This is a great night and the centre is hoping to see the track covered in red on the night.

As always, events will begin at 5pm Friday at the Brauerander Park track.

Barr sets the tone

AN unbeaten knock of 89 from opener Josh Barr set Dennington’s division two side up for a defendable 231 against the Lions last weekend.

Having lost the toss and being sent in to bat by Noorat Terang on Saturday, Dennington got off to a strong start. Barr, whose 89 runs came from 131 deliveries and included six boundaries, was well supported by team-mate Walker Owen who contributed 49 before being caught out.

Team captain and middle order batsman Jackson Parker made a healthy 44 from 51 balls in an innings that included three boundaries.

After 45 overs the team finished on


In reply, the Lions were restricted to 10/82 in the 35th over thanks to the accuracy of Blake Rouse who finished with figures of 3/14.

Also effective at the wickets was Jackson Parker 2/7 off five, Scott Breddels 2/20 off seven and Adam Sell 1/5 off two.

The round one win will give Dennington confidence heading into this Saturday’s clash against Koroit at Victoria Park.

In other season opening division two games last weekend, Spring Creek took the win over West Warrnambool, Allansford-Panmure defeated Nirranda Titans, Russells Creek defeated Koroit, Nestles took the win over Northern Raiders and Park Fairy were big winners over North Warrnambool.

Two-person ambrose

LOCAL golfers enjoyed a twoperson ambrose event at the East Framlingham course last weekend.

Saturday’s competition was won by Brett Hunger and Mark Clissold with a net score of 65.25.

Second place went to Murray Drake and Ben Dinwoodle on net 66.

They were followed by Anthony Kenna and Gerard Kenna 66.75, Tom McSween and Tony Kenna 66.75 and Bradley White and Matt Smith 67.25.

Nearest the pins: 3rd and 6th Tim Walker, 9th Ben Nevill, super pin Ben Nevill.

Next week will be stroke/monthly medal.

The twilight series continues to attract some good scores, with James McLeod (36) winning the men’s scratch event on

Wednesday, October 23. The day attracted a field of 71 players. Other results from that day included: Men’s handicap Ray Eccles 44-11.532.5, men’s non-handicap scratch Brady Vickers 43, men’s non-handicap Darren Hansford 51-16-35.

Ladies’ scratch was won by Arianna Quattrocchi 69 and the ladies’ handicap winner was Nola Knights 69-15-54. Ross McLeod had the longest drive for the men.

The junior under 16s scratch was won by Max Kavanagh on 48 while Paddy Scanlon took out the under 16s handicap on 49-12-37.

Nearest the pins: 1st Adam McLeod, 2nd Ross McLeod, 3rd Riley Scanlon, 4th Henry Roberts, 5th Blake Heffernan, 6th Harvey Roberts, 8th Greg Billington, 9th Matt Jewell.

Eddie Kenna was the raffle winner.

Busy weekend for Dragons

MEMBERS of the Warrnambool Dragonboat Club, South C Dragons, had a busy time on the water last weekend.

Members attended two separate regattas over the weekend.

Those who competed at Ballarat fully appreciated the camaraderie, fun, friendship and competition of the regatta.

The crew participated in four 200m events followed by two, one kilometer endurance races.

Three new members thoroughly enjoyed the experience of their first regatta and their enthusiasm was infectious.

In Hobart, six South C Dragons paddlers attended a Pink Paddle Power regatta.

They formed part of the 22-strong composite team that included dragon

boaters from Ballarat and Townsville.

The team paddled in four 200m events, placing second in one and third in the remaining events.

Dinner at a Hobart waterfront location on Saturday night was enjoyed by all.

On Sunday, six dragon boats took part in a social paddle on the Derwent River.

The conditions were challenging, especially the return trip, but all six boats returned safely.

The next Pink Paddle Power is being planned for the Gold Coast.


Lotte Forestling, Gilbert Hespe, Audrey Bright and Reuben Knell were happy to be competing at the Warrnambool track. 2024E
South C Dragons members (back row from left) Pam, Sally, Bev, Phyllis, Kelvin and Sandy and, front, Jane, Rita, Victoria and Deb.

WDPA Western District Bowls pennant results



City 1 Diamonds 101 (12) defeated Timboon 1 Maroon 34 (0) Sheehan, Cooknell, Carlin, Sheehan 40 defeated Trigg, McIntosh, Bedggood, Dowdell 12; Dosser, Smart, Collie, Johnson 32 defeated Saunders, Finch, Duro, Finch 9; Cooknell, Hunt, Cooknell, Ritchie 29 defeated Newey, Dwyer, Neal, Mungean 13. Wbool 1 Gold 67 (10) defeated City 2 Sapphires 44 (2) Edwards, Pulling, Bell, Cross 36 defeated Emonson, Ritchie, Symmons, Sheehan 6; Blandthorn, Hunting, Kelly, Campbell 12 lost to Moloney, Graham, Bibby, Burleigh 22; Gill, Sharp, McMahon, Hill 19 defeated McLean, Drennan, Maher, Wiggins 16. Terang 1 Blue 44 (2) lost to Koroit 1 Saints 66 (10) Kenna, Henriksen, Ross, Reid 7 lost to Keane, Thomas, Cook, Ellis 30; Malady, Fowler, O’Connor, Gherashe 22 defeated Coffey, McKenzie, Knowles, Daly 12; Taylor, Wynd, Moulden, Templeton 15 lost to Unger, Coates, Sullivan, Murnane 24. Lawn 1 Green 50 (0) lost to Port Fairy 1 Gold 69 (12) Lackie, Prout, Burgess, Prout 14 lost to Phillips, Dempsey, Mallett, Gibb 20; Lackie, Alderman, Sagnol, Grenfell 23 lost to Smith, Hamilton, Arnold, Carlin 26; Brown, Grundy, Daley, Brown 13 lost to Oswin, Purcell, Jessen, Cullinane 23.


Port Fairy 2 Green 65 (12) defeated City 3 Pearls 53 (0) Murray, Blackmore, Hedger, Jewell 24 defeated Brown, Haberfield, Hasell, Taylor 22; Watts, Murray, Saul, Murray 23 defeated Murrell, Ness, Meade, Jones 17; Jackson, Harris, Hamilton, Munro 18 defeated Sayer, O’Brien, Millard, McCosh 14.

City 4 Rubies 44 (1) lost to Timboon 2 Gold 52 (11) Blake, Jelbart, Shiels, Smail 16 lost to Gillingham, Neal, Payne, Berry 17; Madden, Small, Sedgley, Burleigh 14 drew with Murch, Mungean, Wines, Page 14; Firth, Gleeson, Prewett, Treweek 14 lost to Payne, Duro, McDowell, Trigg 21.

Wbool 2 Blue 83 (12) defeated Dennington 1 Jets 43 (0) Gill, Edwards, Kelly, McCosh 25 defeated Giblin, Conn, Douglas, Rabl 14; Anderson, Hawker, Hawker, Furnell 20 defeated Hogan, Gerke, Monigatti, O’Leary 19; Rea, Selman, Byron, Bayne 38 defeated Cutter-Rabl, Scott, Savage, Shaw 10. Koroit 2 Saints 74 (12) defeated City 5 Zircon 48 (0) Bowron, Becker, Collins, Becker 21 defeated Wright, Pelgrim, Malcolm, Rogers 17; Waterson, Toleman, Elliott, Keane 26 defeated Ellery, Holland, Roberts, Malcolm 18; Beard, Kelson, Elliott, Murray 27 defeated Kelly, Cumming, Hockley, Murnane 13.


Terang 2 Red 34 (2) lost to City 7 Emeralds 42 (6) Knox, Whitehead, Fraser, Whitehead 23 defeated Bourke, Gavin, Dowd, Husband 18; Kenna, Walters, Kenna, Meade 11 lost to Madden, Smith, Love, Smith 24.

City 6 Opals 48 (8) defeated Timboon 3 Red 32 (0) Kenna, Brinkman, Groves, Chatfield 24 defeated Blair, Laing, Clover, Lucas 17; Dalton, Hoy, Smith, Phillips 24 defeated O’Donnell, Lindguist, Easterbrook, Bedggood 15.

City 8 Jade 29 (0) lost to Lawn 2 Blue 50 (8) Owen, Cozens, Groves, Kenna 10 lost to Fleming, Crispe, Taylor, Treweek 26; Trompf, Cuzens, Lane, Fox 19 lost to Inia, Sagnol, Hoggan, McLeod 24.

Mort 1 Purple 30 (2) lost to Port Fairy 3 Red 41 (6) Richie, Hadfield, Kenna, O’Shannessy 12 lost to Hutchinson, Woodrup, Jasper, Blackmore 24; McDonald, Pasque, Macdonald, Robertson 18 defeated Jukes, Arnold, Jasper, Leddin 17. DIVISION 4:

Wbool 3 Green 44 (6) defeated Lawn 3 Gold 35 (2) Maloney, Wilson, Dakin, Howlett 21 lost to Hirst, Ryan, Tory, Pickett 25; Bartlett, Lenehan, Uebergang, Dakin 23 defeated Wood, Pickett, Wood, Finn 10. Port Fairy 4 Blue 47 (6) defeated City 10 Onyx 32 (2) Harris, Knudsen, Dalton, Taylor 21 lost to Batten, Rutter, Scott, Symons 22; Cumming, McCosh, McCosh, Purcell 26 defeated Husband, Wiggins, Rayner, Farley 10.

Koroit 3 Saints 55 (8) defeated Terang 3 White 27 (0) Lenehan, Ellis, Lenehan, Sicely 37 defeated Heffernan, Keane, Forssman, Hilton 11; Bowron, Moloney, Gavin, McInerney 18 defeated Downie, Jervies, Fidge, Forssman 16. City 9 Topaz 61 (8) defeated Timboon 4 Purple 29 (0) McCosh, King, Harris, Williams 34 defeated (Names not provided) 13; Smith, Lane, Barker, Batten 27 defeated (Names not provided) 16.


DIVISION 1: Portland Memorial 1 Makos 70 (12) defeated City 1 Red 39 (0) Overall, Grayson, Fleming, Holcombe 19 defeated Dosser, O’Rourke, Carlin, Sheehan 16; Elford, Angelino, Cottier, Solly 22 defeated O’Keeffe, Hawkins, Solly, Moloney 12; Wallis, Arthur, Englezos, Wiffen 29 defeated Sheehan, Sheehan, Fleming, Johnson 11.

Koroit 1 Saints 54 (2) lost to Mortlake 1 Blue 59 (10) Funcke, Jobling, Daly, Clifford 17 lost to Tanner, Dolling, McNicoll, Johnson 25; Quinlan, Thomas, Sullivan, Ellis 16 lost to Beardsley, Baxter, Goldsworthy, Grant 17; Keane, Knowles, Murnane, Funcke 21 defeated Pierce, Kubik, Summerhayes, Draffen 17. Port Fairy 1 Red 61 (8) defeated Wbool 1 Gold 57 (4) Lowe, Ross-Watson, Gibb, Lowe 23 lost to Moloney, Johnson, Cross, Cornick 28; Roberts, Miller, Cullinane, Carlin 22 defeated McGillivray, Cooper, Mitchell, Bowles 10; Farley, Mallett, Arnold, Riches 16 lost to Edwards, Kelly, Dalton, O’Donnell 19.

Wbool 2 Blue 59 (10) defeated Dennington 1 Jets 50 (2) Clegg, Mahney, McCallum, Cross 18 lost to Brooks, McConnell, Barling, Barling 20; McGillivray, Jansen van, Vuuren, Lilley, McNaughton 24 defeated Creed, Scott, Rabl, Savage 14; Andrew, Sager, Dalton, Klein 17 defeated Ross, O’Leary, Swanson, King 16.

Terang 1 Blue 74 (12) defeated Dunkeld 1 Blue 46 (0) Taylor, Fowler, Rees, Morrison 24 defeated Fitzpatrick, Robinson, Cook, Gordon 14; O’Connor, Mills, Reid, Stonehouse 27 defeated McDonnell, Keilar, Raymond, Jackson 10; Heffernan, Whitehead, Staunton, Delaney 23 defeated Cole, Starkie, Hinchliffe, Clements 22.

City 2 Gold 63 (8) defeated Timboon 1 Gold 62 (4) Hall, Garner, Butters, Wiggins 23 lost to Trigg, McIntosh, Gaut, Baker 29; Veljovic, Davey, Jones, Ritchie 21 defeated Finch, Newey, Haugh, Mungean 12; Cooknell, Cooknell, Collie, Cook 19 lost to Saunders, Duro, Dowdell, Finch 21.


Wbool 4 Green 68 (10) defeated Lawn 1 Red 56 (2) Neal, Bayne, Fitzgibbon, Vick 22 defeated Brown, Grenfell, Prout, McArthur 18; Dalton, McLaren, Barclay, Verdon 19 lost to Lackie, Porter, Taylor, Sagnol 25; Baxter, Brown, Hunting, Campbell 27 defeated Prout, Kawade, Brown, Hose 13. Timboon 2 Maroon 83 (12) defeated Port Fairy 2 Blue 33 (0) Murch, Trigg, Rowe, Bowen 44 defeated Phillips, Jessen, Saul, Pink 6; Gillingham, Berry, Wines, Bedggood 16 defeated Kemp, Harris, Dempsey, Lenehan 13; Mungean, McDowell, Twaddle, Neal 23 defeated Smith, Smith, Dyson, Hamilton 14. City 4 Blue 84 (12) defeated Wbool 3 Red 45 (0) Horne, Cooke, Maddern, Treweek 30 defeated McMahon, Carroll, Guinan, Rundle 17; Howarth, Thomson, Richardson, Bourke 32 defeated Blandthorn, Dalton, Pulling, Howard 13; Newton, Lloyd, Meade, Price 22 defeated Gleeson, White, Woolley, Hill 15. Mortlake 2 White 63 (11) defeated Koroit 2 Saints 49 (1) Wood, Johnson, Boyden, Inverarity 17 defeated Unger, McAllion, Battistello, Keane 16; Macdonald, Heard, Puzey, Delaney 29 defeated Butler, Mc, Kenzie, Duffield, O’Shannessy 16; Wentworth, Wood, McKenzie, Draffen 17 drew with Arnold, Cook, Collins, Keane 17.

City 5 Green 46 (2) lost to City 3 White 71 (10) Sedgley, Fuller, O’Brien, Taylor 11 lost to Finnigan, Wescombe, Symmons, Davey 38; Boonzaayer, Hose, Rogers, Griffin 19 defeated Emonson, Hunt, Scott, McMahon 13; Kampman, McCosh, McGennan, McLean 16 lost to Drennan, Body, Wooles, Bell 20.


Lawn 2 Gold 63 (10) defeated Terang 2 Red 57 (2) Finn, Inia, Burgess, Hoggan 27 defeated Grayland, Densley, Moulden, Templeton 13; Hoggan, Sagnol, Pickett, Daley 14 lost to Tebble, Henriksen, Kenna, Gherashe 28; Treweek, Hirst, McLeod, Crispe 22 defeated Meade, Thompson, Ross, Uebergang 16. Koroit 3 Saints 65 (10) defeated City 7 Yellow 51 (2) Bowron, Porter, Coffey, Farley 15 lost to Brown, Gleeson, Ritchie, Jelbart 20; Kelson, Coolahan, Elliott, Elliott 25 defeated Madden, Ellery, Shiels, Harris 20; Jobling, Clissold, Holscher, Coates 25 defeated McPherson, O’Sullivan, Phillips, Malcolm 11. Timboon 3 Brown 34 (0) lost to Dennington 2 Jets 64 (12) O’Donnell, Keane, Clover, Page 13 lost to Butler, Arnold, Giblin, Shaw 18; Neal, Mungean, Bedggood, Lucas 12 lost to Rayner, Gerke, Hovard, Douglas 19; Mungean, Mungean, Brown, Page 9 lost to Giblin, Conn, Monigatti, Greene 27.

City 6 Brown 59 (10) defeated Wbool 5 White 44 (2) Finnigan, Pelgrim, Roberts, Monro 18 defeated Jansen van, Vuuren, Hill, Kelson, White 15; Boyington, Prewett, Burleigh, Chapman 15 lost to Hatfield, Johnson, Holder, Furnell 16; Ness, Anstey, Smail, Burleigh 26 defeated Anderton, Cust, Hill, Verdon 13.

Port Fairy 3 Gold 74 (10) defeated City 8 Maroon 39 (2) Dalton, Blackmore, Leddin, Hedger 30 defeated McLeod, Hockley, Arundell, Husband 8; Jenkins, Murray, Jasper, Munro 14 lost to Abraham, Rouse, O’Brien, Craven 18; Woodrup, Gleeson, Nolte, Jewell 30 defeated Gleeson, O’Meara, Smith, Smith 13.


Dunkeld 2 White 45 (8) defeated City 9 Orange 24 (0) Donohue, Riddle, Mathews, Wall 18 defeated Firth, Wooles, Kenna, Rayner 15; Scott, Maclean, Montgomery, Napier 27 defeated Lane, Nisbet, McNulty, Fox 9. Mortlake 3 Gold 52 (8) defeated Port Fairy 4 Green 29 (0) Smith, Caudle, Wallace, Murray 22 defeated Corke, Halliday, Harris, Taylor 20; O’Shannessy, Richie, Robertson, Robertson 30 defeated Spark, Smith, Kershaw, Blackmore 9 BYE 0 (0) Wbool 6 Orange 0 (4).

City 10 Black 55 (8) defeated Koroit 4 Saints 34 (0) Malikoff, Smith, Barker, Van, Baaren 21 defeated Waterson, Gavin, Beard, Murray 18; Dalton, McCosh, Cathie, Trompf 34 defeated Hamilton, Bowron, Shanahan, Keane 16.


Koroit 5 Saints 36 (2) lost to City 11 Purple 46 (6) Coffey, McNicoll, McInerney, Rudezky 23 defeated Horne, Arundell, Howarth, Williams 22; Gardiner, Moloney, Ellis, Sicely 13 lost to Brauer, Wiggins, Everall, Malcolm 24. Wbool 8 Yellow 26 (0) lost to Terang 3 White 48 (8) Howlett, McLaren, Hayes, Dakin 10 lost to Hilton, Stanley, Hilton, Arkinstall 25; Dalton, Williams, Bushell, Dakin 16 lost to Bell, Wynd, Forssman, Wynd 23. Lawn 3 Green 0 (4) BYE 0 (0).

Dennington 3 Jets 26 (0) lost to Wbool 7 Maroon 52 (8) Balmer, Gleeson, Frewin, Membrey 19 lost to McKenzie, Chapman, Wilson, McCosh 25; Cutter-Rabl, Palmer, Edwards, Thomas 7 lost to Watson, Newton, Standaar, Uebergang 27.

Indoor Bowls Warrnambool pennant results

Results after round 2: CITY BOWLS DIVISION 1

Wannon Park Dogs 9 lost to Dennington Hot Shots 22

Wannon Park Dogs: M. Drennan(s), S. Hunt, J. Meade, A. Yates; Dennington Hot Shots: A. Armistead(s), B. Heard, M. Heard, S. Pierce.

Allansford Cats 11 lost to Heytesbury Honeys 15 Allansford Cats: G. Draffen(s), A. Quick, R. Mungean, Colin Ruddle; Heytesbury Honeys: P. Baker(s), L. Mungean, C. Mungean, B. Mungean.

Wannon Park Racers 20 defeated Allansford Cougars 14 Wannon Park Racers: P. Neal(s), I. Lake, L. Fish, D. McLeod; Allansford Cougars: J. Marney(s), I. Swain, J. Shiels, R. McCrabb

Dennington Hi-Fives 22 defeated Allansford Panthers 19 Dennington Hi-Fives: Les Lenehan(s), F. Harney, H. Harney, Y. Lenehan; Allansford Panthers: B. Draffen(s), B. Murphy, Connie Ruddle, V. Lenehan.

LADDER: Heytesbury Honeys 34(SD), 8(PTS); Allansford Cats, 30, 4; Allansford Cougars, 13, 4; Allansford Panthers, 3, 4; Dennington Hi-Fives, -16, 4; Dennington Hot Shots, -21, 4; Wannon Park Racers, -24, 4; Wannon Park Dogs, -19, 0. MACEYS BISTRO DIVISION 2

Grangeburn 23 defeated Allansford Jaguars 12

Grangeburn: R. Pech(s), J. Pollock, C. Dunn, N. Ryan; Allansford Jaguars: I. Heatly(s), C. Matthews, T. Lackie, D. Hadfield.

Allansford Tigers 26 defeated Camperdown 16

Allansford Tigers: L. Lenehan(s), S. Madden, D. Mugavin, B. McCosh; Camperdown: L. Pearson(s), G. Weller, R. Maslin, S. Pearson.

Wannon Park Barkers 23 defeated Heytesbury Hyenas 8 Wannon Park Barkers: R. Harris(s), B. Fish, K. Brauer, B. Scott; Heytesbury Hyenas: J. Roberts(s),D. Childs, S. Berry, J. Mungean.

Port Fairy Seagulls 19 defeated Allansford Leopards 12

Port Fairy Seagulls: G. Phillips(s), C. Wilson, D. Phillips, B. Arnold; Allansford Leopards: D. Byron(s), L. McCosh, B. Byron, R. Kermond

Dennington Dashers 18 defeated Koroit Hornets 17

Dennington Dashers: J. Rasmussen(s), K. Buck, J. Farrer, S. Hogan: Koroit Hornets: D. Keane(s), T. Johnstone, V. O’Grady, B. Gardiner0

LADDER: Grangeburn 16 (SD), 8 (PTS); Port Fairy Seagulls 16, 8; Dennington Dashers 4, 8; Wannon Park Barkers 10, 4; Allansford Tigers 5, 4; Koroit Hornets 4, 4; Allansford Leopards 2, 4; Allansford Jaguars -14, 0; Camperdown -19, 0; Heytesbury Hyenas -37, 0.


Wannon Park Pups 18 lost to Cooramook Saints 22 Wannon Park Pups: G. Horner(s), P. Street, D. Brooks, F. Lenehan; Cooramook Saints: L. O’Keefe(s), G. Quinn, G. Cook, D. Gilchrist.

Cooramook Sinners 13 lost to Allansford Pumas 19 Cooramook Sinners: W. Cook(s), N. Jenkins, J. Walthers, J. Miles; Allansford Pumas: I. Grummett(s), G. Cossens, G. Harris, K. Cathie.

Dennington Aces 20 defeated Koroit Jets 12

Dennington Aces: J. Hovard(s), T. Simpson, S. Membery; Koroit Jets: B. Murray(s), P. Bowron, C. O’Sullivan, R. Waterson.

Lawn Tennis 16 lost to Dennington Demons 26

Lawn Tennis: G. Howlett(s), S. Fish, K. Burgess, W. Howlett; Dennington Demons: N. Blackmore(s), K. Buck, A. Slattery, D. McDowell.

Dennington Devils 16 lost to Wannon Park Hounds 21

Dennington Devils: K. Cameron(s), T. Crow, P. Ross, M. Childs; Wannon Park Hounds: G. Bates(s), M. Bond, D. Gleeson, B. Justin.

LADDER: Wannon Park Hounds 20(SD), 8(PTS); Dennington Demons 15, 8; Wannon Park Pups 22, 4; Dennington Devils 11, 4; Dennington Aces 3, 4; Allansford Pumas 2, 4; Lawn Tennis -6, 4; Cooramook Saints -12, 4; Cooramook Sinners -21, 0; Koroit Jets -34, 0.

South West shines in Shepparton

PLAYERS from the South West Victorian Football Association headed to Shepparton last weekend for Australia’s largest junior football tournament.

The Shepparton Cup attracted more than 350 teams to the town, with south west competing in the under 11, under 12 and under 15 boys’ divisions.

The sides competed against NPL, metro and state league teams, along with representatives from Tasmanian and Melbourne academies, and visiting teams from New Zealand.

South West performed competitively across the weekend, with all three teams improving as the tournament progressed.

The under 12s, newly coached by Janis Vingrys and Ross Levett, achieved two draws against NPL (Goulburn Valley Suns) and metro (Fawkner) and two losses in a tough group which included overall Cup winner, 12th Player Academy, and a side from Tasmania.

The under 15s, coached by Rodney Perry, played in a group that included both state and academy teams.

While they accrued three initial losses, they persevered in spite of an injury-riddled bench to achieve one draw (2-2) for the tournament against SAS Futbol on the Sunday.

South West’s newest under 11 representative team, coached by Benjy Hawkins and Aaron Francis, progressed through to the Liga Plate grand final.

They previously finished third in their group before going on to win both their quarter and semi finals.

The under 11s, who had played just one match together prior to the tournament, enjoyed their first 3-2 victory in Friday night’s opening match against NPL side, Goulburn Valley Suns.

They then faced two tough metro opponents, losing 0-2 to Fawkner and 1-3 to Newport on Saturday.

They finished third in their group of four.

On Sunday they won their elimination quarter-final 1-0 against metro team, Caroline Springs George Cross, and then progressed to the semi-final where they defeated home side Shepparton 1-0.

“As a newly formed squad, this under 11 team is incredible,” SWVFA secretary and representative football player coordinator Melissa Condo said.

“They left absolutely everything out on the pitch in the grand final against Dandenong City.

“To go from literally playing their first match together as a

The under 11s finished runners-up in the Liga Plate competition.

Benjy Hawkins (coach), Logan Membery, Finn Dwyer and Sam

Francis, Harry Sabo, Braxton Young, Archie Coxon and Lachlan

team the previous weekend to putting together a tournament campaign and finishing in a grand final is beyond inspiring.”

Ms Condo described the team’s grand final performance as a rollercoaster.

“With less than two minutes to go, Declan Membery delivered an impeccable corner kick into the box,” she said.

“Steff Van Den Heuvel deflected the ball back out to a waiting Finn Dwyer, who fired a rocket at the goals and found the back of the net.”

This sent the team to its first ever penalty shootout.

“South West goalkeeper Dexter Coburn’s composure under pressure was surpassed only by the Dandenong City goalkeeper who saved two attempts to south west’s single.”

The final score saw Dandenong City take the win, 4-3.

“We look forward to a full tournament calendar next year for our rep squads, as well as some gala days against South Australia, Melbourne and other regional sides,” Ms Condo said.

“It’s so encouraging to see the caliber of our young players and to be able to offer them the chance to compete and keep playing football even once the standard season is over.”

Back row, from left: Oliver Harris, Steff Van Den Heuvel,
Turner; centre, from left, Dexter Coburn, Ray Oakley, Zach
Sweeney. Front: Declan Membery and James Nankivell. 2024E
South West’s under 12s. Back row, from left: Janis Vingrys (coach), Kaden Thomas, Aiden Guerrero, Ethan Lawrence, Austin Francis, Darcy McCarthy, Rhys Levett and assistant coach Ross Levett. Front: Jonah Sabo, Zavier Vingrys, Sineth Hamsa, Jasper Atodiresei, Louie Welsh and Charlie Dainty. 2024E


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4:00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo [s] 4:30 Home Shopping

12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 Keeping Up Appearances (PG) 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 Movie: “Elizabeth Of Ladymead” (G) (’48) Stars: Nicholas Phipps 5:30 Yorkshire Auction House 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Antiques Downunder 8:30 Movie: “Sleeping With The Enemy” (M l,s,v) (’91)

1:00 Disasters At Sea (PG) 3:00 STIHL Timbersports (PG) 3:30 Cricket: WBBL: Adelaide v Sydney Thunder *Live* 7:00 Cricket: WBBL: Sydney Sixers v Melbourne Stars *Live* 10:30 Movie: “Skyscraper” (M l,v) (’18) Stars: Dwayne Johnson 12:35 Movie: “Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans” (MA15+) (’09) Stars: Kate Beckinsale 12:00 Gossip Girl (M) 2:00 La Brea (M) 3:00 The Golden Girls (PG) 3:30 The Nanny (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 The Golden Girls (PG) 6:30 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Movie: “Bruce Almighty” (M l,s) (’03) Stars: Jim Carrey 9:30 Movie: “Dumb And Dumber” (PG) (’94) Stars: Jim Carrey

8:00 Cook With Luke [s]

8:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]

9:00 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s]

10:00Judge Judy (PG) [s]

10:30Sort Your Life Out (PG) [s]

11:45Entertainment Tonight (PG) [s]

12:00Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]

12:30Family Feud (PG) [s]

1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s]

2:00 Wheel Of Fortune [s]

2:30 Lingo (PG) [s]

3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s] 4:00 Family Feud (PG) [s]

4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s]

6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s]

6:30 The Project (PG) [s]

7:30 Football: Ronaldinho XI v Cahill XI *Live* From CommBank Stadium 10:0010’s Late News 10:25The Project (PG) 11:25The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s]


5:00 Worldwatch

9:00 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG)

10:00 Home Is Where The Art Is (PG) 10:50 Vienna - Empire, Dynasty And Dream (PG)

12:00 Worldwatch

2:00 Secrets Of The Royal Palaces (PG)

2:50 Such Was Life: Starring Water 3:00 NITV News: Nula

3:30 Plat Du Tour: Veal Blanquette/ Pot Au Feu (PG)

3:40 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)

4:10 Luke Nguyen’s India: Pondicherry, Chennai & Diwali (PG) 5:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG) 6:30 SBS World News

7:35 Lost Treasures Of Ancient Rome: Lost Ships Of Rome (PG) 8:30 Castle Secrets (M)

12:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 1:00 Two And A Half Men (PG) 1:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 2:00 Becker (PG) 2:30 Frasier (PG) 3:30 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 4:00 Friends (PG) 4:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 5:00 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 9:30 Two And A Half Men (PG) 2:50 Planet A (PG) 3:30 BBC News At Ten 4:00 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 4:30 PBS News Hour 5:30 Gone Fishing With Mortimer & Whitehouse (PG) 6:05 A The Matchmakers (PG) 7:05 Jeopardy! 7:30 NITV News Update 7:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M l,s)

6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 Healthy Homes 8:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 10:30 JAG (PG) 12:30 Dr Phil (M) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) 10:20 FBI (M) 11:15 48 Hours (M) 12:15 Home Shopping 2:15 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 4:05 JAG (PG) 3:45 Movie: “Ruth & Alex” (AKA ‘5 Flights Up’) (PG) (’14) Stars: Diane Keaton 5:25 Movie: “Bride & Prejudice” (PG) (’04) Stars: Martin Henderson (In English/ Hindi/ Punjabi/ Spanish) 7:30 Movie: “Last Film Show” (M I) (’21) Stars: Bhavin Rabari (In Gujarati) 9:35 Movie: “Maja

6:00 rage (PG) [s]

7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s]

9:00 rage (PG) [s]

10:30rage Guest Programmer (PG) [s] 12:00ABC News At Noon [s]

12:30The War Of The Worlds (M v) [s]

1:25 Grantchester (PG) [s]

2:15 Question Everything [s]

2:45 Spicks And Specks (PG) [s]

3:20 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery (PG) [s]

4:00 Dr Charles Perkins Oration 2024 (PG) [s]

4:30 Boyer Lecture 2024 [s]

5:00 Take 5 With Zan Rowe (PG) [s]

5:30 Landline [s]

6:00 Australian Story [s]

6:30 Back Roads (PG) [s]

7:00 ABC News [s]

7:30 Grantchester (PG) [s]

8:20 Vera: Poster Child (M v) [s]

9:50 Plum: King Of Cronulla (M) [s]

10:45Countdown To War [s]

11:30rage Guest Programmer (M) [s]

5:00 rage (MA15+) [s]


12:15 Movie: “Pride” (M l,n,s)

(’14) Stars: Ben Schnetzer 2:15 ER (PG)

3:00 Penn And Teller: Fool Us (PG) 3:40

Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 4:05 Would I Lie

To You? (PG) 4:35 MythBusters (PG) 5:25 Merlin (PG) 6:10 Car S.O.S (PG) 7:00

Spicks And Specks (PG) 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:00 QI (PG)

2:30 Milo 3:00 Fireman Sam 3:30 Play School 4:00 Grace’s Amazing Machines 4:35 Little J And Big Cuz 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Fireman Sam 6:05 Interstellar Ella 6:40 Pfffirates 7:05 Andy And The Band 7:30 Teenage Boss Next Level 8:00 The Crystal Maze (PG) 8:45 Fresh Off The Boat (PG)

6:00 NBC Today [s]

7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s]

10:00The Morning Show - Weekend (PG) [s]

12:00Seven’s Horse Racing: Rosehill/ Eagle Farm *Live* [s]

5:00 Seven News At Five [s]

5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s]

6:00 Seven News [s]

7:00 The Great Outdoors [s]

7:30 Movie: “Independence Day” (PG) (’96) – An alien race destroys major cities of the world with their advanced weaponry. However, a geek, a pilot, the US President and a group of ragtag survivors unite to save mankind from annihilation.

Stars: Will Smith, Bill Pullman

10:25Movie: “The 6th Day” (M l,v) (’00)

Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger

12:55Taken: S.E.R.E. (M) [s]

2:00 Home Shopping

4:00 Larry The Wonderpup [s]

5:00 My Greek Odyssey (PG) [s]

12:00 Escape To The Country 1:00 Martin Clunes: Islands Of The Pacific (PG) 2:00 Escape To The Country 3:00 I Escaped To The Country 4:00 Escape To The Country 5:00 Seven’s Horse Racing *Live* 6:00 Dog Patrol 6:30 The Highland Vet (PG) 7:30 The Yorkshire Vet (PG) 8:30 Escape To The Country 11:30 The Yorkshire Vet

12:00 The 4WD Adventure Show (PG) 12:30 STIHL

Timbersports (PG) 1:00 Blokesworld (PG)

1:30 On Tour With Allan Border (PG) 2:00

Rides Down Under 3:00 Circuit Boats

Drivers Championship 4:00 Desert Collectors (PG) 5:00 Counting Cars (PG) 6:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:00 AFL Women’s: Week 10: Carlton v Essendon *Live*

SUNDAY, NOV. 3, 2024

6:00 Getaway (PG) [s]

6:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]

7:00 Weekend Today [s]

10:00Today Extra Saturday [s]

11:30 Horse Racing: Derby Day *Live* From Flemington Racecourse [s] –Wide World of Sports presents the 2024 Penfolds Victoria Derby Day live from Flemington Racecourse. Join hosts Eddie McGuire, James Bracey and Francesca Cumani for all the action and expert analysis.

6:00 NINE News Saturday [s]

7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]

7:30 Movie: “No Time To Die” (M) (’21)

Stars: Daniel Craig, Léa Seydoux

9:30 Movie: “Sully: Miracle On The Hudson” (M l) (’16) Stars: Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart

11:30Movie: “No Escape” (MA15+) (’15)

Stars: Owen Wilson, Lake Bell

1:20 The Garden Gurus [s]

1:50 Talking Honey (PG) [s]

2:00 Religious Programs [s]

2:30 Home Shopping

1:00 Movie: “Beach Party” (PG) (’63) Stars: Robert Cummings 3:00 Rugby League: Teams TBA *Live* 5:30 Rugby League: Kiwis v Tonga *Live* 8:00 Movie: “A Fistful Of Dynamite” (AKA ‘Duck You Sucker’) (PG) (’71) Stars: Rod Steiger 11:10 Movie: “Barquero” (PG) (’70) Stars: Marie Gomez

1:00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 2:00 Movie: “Pokémon: Arceus And The Jewel Of Life” (G) (’09) Stars: Sarah Natochenny 4:00 Movie: “Fletch Lives” (PG) (’89) Stars: Chevy Chase 6:00 My Way 6:15 Horse Racing: Melbourne Cup Barrier Draw *Live* 6:30 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Movie: “Shazam!” (M v) (’19) Stars: Zachary Levi

8:00 I Fish [s]

8:30 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]

9:00 My Market Kitchen [s]

9:30 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s]

10:00The Weekly Kick Off [s] 10:30Shark Tank (PG) [s] 11:30Dessert Masters (PG) [s]

12:3010 Minute Kitchen [s]

1:00 Silvia’s Italian Masterclass [s]

1:30 The Dog Down Under [s]

2:00 Australia By Design: Innovations [s]

2:30 Buy To Build [s]

3:00 What’s Up Down Under [s]

4:00 My Market Kitchen [s] 4:30 Cook With Luke [s]

5:00 10 News First [s]

6:30 The Dog House (PG) [s]

7:30 The Dog House Australia (PG) [s]

8:30 Shark Tank (PG) [s]

9:30 The Cheap Seats (PG) [s] 10:30Ambulance Australia (PG) [s] 11:45Ambulance UK (PG) [s]

11:30 Friends (PG) 1:00 Impractical Jokers (MA15+)

2:00 Frasier (PG) 3:00 The King Of Queens (PG) 3:30 Becker (PG) 4:00 Frasier (PG) 5:00 Shark Tank (PG) 6:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 10:30 South Park (M) 12:30 Home Shopping 2:00 Just For Laughs Montreal (MA15+) 5:00 Home Shopping

1:30 Reel Action 2:00

Football: Ninja A-League

Womens: Round 1: Central Coast Mariners v Sydney FC *Live* 4:30 Football: Isuzu Ute A-League: Round 3: Central Coast Mariners v Perth Glory *Live* 7:35 Football: Isuzu Ute A-League: Round 3: Western Sydney Wanderers v Adelaide United *Live* 10:00 NCIS (PG)

5:00 Worldwatch 9:05 Growing A Greener World 10:05 Love Your Garden

11:00 Ageless Gardens: Learning In The Garden/ Sacred Spaces (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch

2:00 ISU Figure Skating Highlights 4:30 Plat Du Tour: Roast Milk-Fed Lamb With Beans, Tomato, Olive And Anchovies (PG)

4:35 Ancient Egypt By Train: Alexandria

5:30 Clash Of Titans (In English/ French)

6:30 SBS World News

7:30 Inside Windsor Castle (PG)

8:25 The Cotswolds With Pam Ayres: Bradford-On-Avon 9:15 The World’s Most Beautiful Landscapes: The Amazon (PG) 10:10 So Long Marianne: First Kiss (M I) (In English/ Norwegian) 11:05 Paris Paris: The Moods Of Marianne/ Berenice (PG) (In French)

3:00 Movie: “Dancing Ninja” (PG) (’10) Stars: Lucas Grabeel 4:50 Movie: “Dancing At Lughnasa” (PG) (’98) Stars: Meryl Streep 6:35 Movie: “Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down The White House” (M) (’17) Stars: Liam Neeson 8:30 Movie: “End Of Watch” (MA15+) (’12) Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal

For more information or bookings for the workshops please scan

6:00 rage (PG) [s]

7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s] 9:00 Insiders [s] 10:00Offsiders [s]

10:30The World This Week [s] 11:00Compass (PG) [s]

11:30Songs Of Praise [s]

12:00ABC News At Noon [s]

12:30Landline [s]

1:30 Gardening Australia [s]

2:40 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat [s]

3:15 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]

4:00 Restoration Australia [s]

5:00 Antiques Roadshow [s]

6:00 Grand Designs Australia [s]

7:00 ABC News [s]

7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) [s]

8:00 Fisk: I’m The Fisk (PG) [s]

8:30 Plum: Storm (M) [s]

9:25 I Was Actually There: Nicky Winmar’s Stand Against Racism (M l) [s]

9:55 You Can’t Ask That: Killed Someone/ Autism Spectrum (M) [s]

6:00 NBC Today [s]

7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s] 10:00The Morning Show - Weekend (PG) [s]

12:00Better Homes And Gardens [s] 1:00 AFL Women’s: Week 10: St Kilda v Brisbane *Live* From RSEA Park

3:00 AFL Women’s: Week 10: Richmond v Hawthorn *Live* From Swinburne Centre [s]

5:00 Seven News At Five [s]

5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s]

6:00 Seven News [s]

7:00 7News Spotlight: US Election Special [s]

8:00 Ego - The Michael Gudinski Story (M) [s]

10:25 Crime Investigation AustraliaMost Infamous: Night Of TerrorThe Bega School Girls (M v) [s]

11:50Autopsy USA: Dennis Hopper (M) [s]

12:50The Starter Wife (M) [s] 2:00 Home Shopping

6:00 Hello SA (PG) [s]

6:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]

7:00 Weekend Today [s]

10:00Wide World Of Sports (PG) [s] 11:00Cross Court [s]

11:30Fishing Australia [s]

12:00Drive TV [s]

12:30The Pet Rescuers (PG) [s]

1:00 The Block: Front Yard Week (PG) [s]

4:30 Helloworld [s]

5:00 NINE News: First At Five [s]

5:30 Postcards (PG) [s]

6:00 NINE News Sunday [s]

7:00 The Block: Front Yard Reveal (PG) [s]

8:45 60 Minutes (PG) [s]

9:45 NINE News Late [s]

10:15Trump - A Second Chance? (PG) [s]

11:45The First 48: Brothers Down (MA15+) [s]

12:35SA Variety Bash 2024 (PG) [s]

1:30 Home Shopping

4:00 Religious Programs [s]

8:30 Roads Less Travelled [s] 9:00 Loving Gluten Free [s] 9:30 Luca’s Key Ingredient [s]

10:00The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s]

11:00Taskmaster Australia (PG) [s]

12:00Pooches At Play (PG) [s]

12:30The Yes Experiment (PG) [s]

1:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]

1:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s]

2:00 Farm To Fork [s]

2:30 Basketball: National Basketball League: Round 7: S.E Melbourne Phoenix v Perth Wildcats *Live* From John Cain Arena [s]

4:30 Luxury Escapes [s]

5:00 10 News First [s]

6:00 The Sunday Project (PG) [s]

7:00 The Dog House Australia: All Shapes & Sizes (PG) [s]

8:00 The Graham Norton Show (M) [s]

9:10 FBI: Trusted (M v) [s]

10:10FBI: International: The Other Hard Part (M v) [s]

5:00 Worldwatch 9:00 Growing A Greener World 10:00 Football: FIFA World Cup Classic Matches: Denmark v Australia (2022)

11:30 Ageless Gardens: Emotional Gardens

12:00 Worldwatch

12:55 Plat Du Tour: Oeufs En Meurette (PG)

1:00 Motorsport: Speedweek

3:00 Figure Skating: ISU Grand Prix Highlights

5:30 Clash Of Titans: Mers-El-Kebir (In English/ French)

6:30 SBS World News

7:30 The Gunpowder Plot: Countdown To Treason (Part 1 And 2)

9:20 Caral - Sacred City In The Andes (In English/ Spanish)

10:20 Wuthering Harlots: Pride And Prostitution (MA15+) 11:15 American Presidency With Bill Clinton (MA15+)

4:15 Peer To Peer: Nancy Pelosi (PG)

2:15 ER (PG) 3:00 Penn And Teller: Fool Us (PG) 3:40 Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 4:05 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:35 MythBusters (PG) 5:25 Merlin (PG) 6:15 Car S.O.S (PG) 7:00 Spicks And Specks (PG) 7:30 Would I Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:00 QI (PG) 8:30 The Assembly (PG)

ABC ENTERTAINS (22) 12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 The Surgery Ship (PG) 2:00 South Aussie With Cosi (PG) 2:30 The Great Australian Doorstep (PG) 3:00 Escape To The Country 4:00 The Highland Vet (PG) 5:00 Escape To The Country 6:00 Greatest Escapes To The Country 6:45 Escape To The Country 7:45 Mrs. Brown’s Boys (PG)

2:30 Milo 3:10 Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 3:30 Play School 4:00 Grace’s Amazing Machines 4:20 Odd Squad 4:35 Little J And Big Cuz 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:10 TBA 6:05 Interstellar Ella 6:40 Pfffirates 7:05 Andy And The Band 7:30 Movie: “Cinderella” (PG) (’21) Stars: Camila Cabello 9:20 Fresh Off The Boat (PG)

10:00 Cricket: WBBL: Melbourne Stars v Hobart

1:30 Rugby League: Pacific Championships: PNG Orchids v Kiwi Ferns *Live* 3:45 Rugby League: Pacific Championships: PNG Kumuls v Cook Islands *Live* 6:00 Getaway (PG) 6:30 M*A*S*H (PG) 8:30 Movie: “The Fugitive” (PG) (’93) Stars: Harrison Ford 11:10 Chicago Med (M) 12:05 Movie: “The Horror Of Frankenstein” (M v) (’70) 6:00 Becker (PG) 6:30 Frasier (PG) 7:30 Neighbours (PG) 9:30 Becker (PG) 10:00 Frasier (PG) 11:00 Family Feud (PG) 1:00 The Middle (PG) 3:30 Becker (PG) 4:00 Frasier (PG) 4:50 Dessert Masters (PG) 6:00 Friends (PG) 7:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 9:30 Two And A Half

9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]


Roadshow [s] 12:00ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 Australia Remastered [s]

2:00 Parliament Question Time [s]

3:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]

3:30 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]

4:15 Grand Designs Revisited (PG) [s]

5:00 Antiques Roadshow [s]

6:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]

6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]

7:00 ABC News [s]

7:30 7.30 [s]

8:00 Australian Story [s]

8:30 Four Corners (PG) [s]

9:20 Media Watch (PG) [s]

9:35 Q+A [s]

10:35Boyer Lecture 2024 [s]

11:05ABC Late News [s]

11:20The Business [s]

11:40America, Are You Ok? [s]

12:05Planet America (PG) [s]

12:40Louis Theroux Interviews Chelsea Manning (M l,v) [s]

6:00 Sunrise [s]

9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]

11:30Seven Morning News [s]

12:00Movie: “Malicious Motives” (PG) (’21) Stars: Juliana Destefano, Carrie Schroeder, Conner Floyd, LaRonn Marzett, Revell Carpenter, Brandon Pitts, Briana Femia

2:00 Motorbike Cops (PG) [s]

2:15 Catch Phrase (PG) [s]

3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]

4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]

5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]

6:00 Seven News [s]

7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]

7:30 My Kitchen Rules (PG) [s]

9:10 Twisted Twins? (M) [s]

10:10S.W.A.T.: Genesis (M) [s]

11:10The Latest Seven News [s]

11:40Lopez Vs. Lopez: Lopez Vs The Godfather/ Lopez Vs Corte Caliente (M) [s]

12:40Deadline Gallipoli (M) [s]

2:00 Home Shopping

4:00 NBC Today [s]

6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s]

11:30NINE News Morning [s]

12:00The Block: Front Yard Reveal (PG) [s]

1:30 Getaway (PG) [s]

2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]

3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE News Afternoon [s]

4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]

5:30 WIN News [s]

6:00 NINE News [s]

7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]

7:30 The Block: Clubhouse Week (PG) [s]

9:00 Power To The People - America Votes [s]

10:00Race To The Melbourne Cup Carnival [s]

11:00NINE News Late [s]

11:30Chicago Med: What Happens In The Dark Always Comes To Light (MA15+) [s]

12:15Tipping Point (PG) [s]

1:05 Our State On A Plate (PG) [s]

8:00 Neighbours (PG) [s]

8:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]

9:00 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s]

10:00Judge Judy (PG) [s]

10:30Dessert Masters (PG) [s]

11:40Entertainment Tonight [s] 12:00 Farm To Fork [s]

12:30Family Feud (PG) [s]

1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s]

2:00 Wheel Of Fortune [s]

2:30 Lingo (PG) [s]

3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s]

4:00 Neighbours (PG) [s]

4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]

5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s]

6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 Dessert Masters (PG) [s]

8:40 Matlock: Pilot (M s) [s] 9:40 Five Bedrooms: Two Bluffs (M) [s] 10:4010’s Late News [s] 11:05The Project (PG) [s] 12:05The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s]

5:00 Worldwatch 9:10 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG)

10:10 Home Is Where The Art Is (PG) 11:05 Vienna - Empire, Dynasty And Dream (PG)

12:10 Worldwatch 2:00 Walkatjurra - Our Actions Will Never Stop (M)

3:20 Primitive Medium

3:30 Plat Du Tour: Creme Caramel/ Stegt Flaesk (PG)

3:40 The Cook Up (PG) 4:10 Walking Wartime England (PG) 5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)

5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG) 6:30 SBS World News

7:35 Into South America With Nick Knowles (PG) 8:30 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M l,s) 9:25 Never Mind The Buzzcocks: Nile Rogers, Russell Howard & Mae Muller (M l,n,s)

1:30 Live At The Apollo (M) 2:15 ER (PG) 3:00 Doctor Who (PG) 3:45 Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 4:05 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:35 MythBusters (PG) 5:30 Merlin (PG) 6:15 Car S.O.S (PG) 7:00 My Family (PG) 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Penn And Teller: Fool Us (PG) 9:15 MythBusters (PG) 10:05 ER (PG)

ABC ENTERTAINS (22) 1:00 Your Money & Your Life (PG) 1:30 The Great Australian Doorstep (PG) 2:00 Weekender 2:30 Great Scenic Railway Journeys 3:30 Left Off The Map (PG) 4:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Doc Martin (PG) 8:30 Inspector Morse (M v)

2:30 Milo 3:15 Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 3:30 Play School 4:00 Andy’s Wild Adventures 4:40 Builder Brothers Dream Factory 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Peter Rabbit 6:05 Kangaroo Beach 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:35 Little Lunch 7:50 Operation Ouch! (PG) 8:25 Matilda And The Ramsay Bunch

12:30 Border SecurityAustralia’s Front Line (PG) 1:30 Circuit Boats Drivers Championship 2:30 Repco Supercars Support Highlights 3:30 Cities Of The Underworld (PG) 4:30 Talking W 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Aussie Gold Hunters (PG)

SUNDAY, NOV. 3, 2024

12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 World’s Greatest Natural Icons 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 Movie: “Brighton Rock” (PG) (’48) Stars: Richard Attenborough 5:30 Yorkshire Auction House 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Race To The Melbourne Cup Carnival 8:30 The Good Karma Hospital (M)

12:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 1:00 Taskmaster Australia (PG) 2:00 Becker (PG) 2:30 Frasier (PG) 3:30 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 4:00 Friends (PG) 4:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 5:00 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG)

12:00 Gossip Girl (M) 2:00 La Brea (M) 3:00 The Golden Girls (PG) 3:30 The Nanny (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 The Golden Girls (PG) 6:30 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Seinfeld (M) 8:30 Love Island Australia (M) 9:40 Movie: “The Wedding Singer” (M l,s) (’98) Stars: Adam Sandler 11:40 Seinfeld (M) 6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 What’s Up Down Under 8:30 Escape Fishing With ET 9:30 Tough Tested 10:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 11:30 JAG (PG) 12:30 A Million Little Things (PG) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:35 NCIS (M) 8:40 Matlock (M) 9:40 NCIS (M) 10:35 FBI (M)



2:40 Munchies Guide To

1:55 Movie: “Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down The White House” (M) (’17) Stars: Liam Neeson 3:50 Movie: “Finding Graceland” (PG) (’98) Stars: Harvey Keitel 5:40 Movie: “All Quiet On The Western Front” (PG) (’79) Stars: Richard Thomas 8:30 Movie: “The

For more information or bookings for the workshops please scan

9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]

10:00Teenage Boss Next Level (PG) [s]

10:30The Pacific [s]

11:00Antiques Roadshow [s]

12:00ABC News At Noon [s]

1:00 Miriam Margolyes Impossibly Australian (M l) [s]

2:00 Parliament Question Time [s]

3:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]

3:30 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]

4:15 Grand Designs New Zealand (PG) [s]

5:00 Antiques Roadshow [s]

6:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]

6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]

7:00 ABC News [s]

7:30 7.30 (PG) [s]

8:00 Back Roads: Port MacDonnell, SA (PG) [s]

8:30 Take 5 With Zan Rowe: Casey Donovan (PG) [s]

9:00 Louis Theroux Interviews Ashley Walters (M l) [s]

9:45 Anh’s Brush With Fame: Marcia Hines (PG) [s]

1:10 Louis Theroux - Miami Mega Jail (M l,s) 2:10 ER (PG) 2:55 Doctor Who (PG) 3:45 Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 4:05 Would I Lie To You? (PG)

6:00 Sunrise [s]

9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s]

11:30Seven Morning News [s]

12:00Seven’s Horse Racing: Randwick - Big Dance Day/ Eagle Farm *Live* [s]

5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]

6:00 Seven News [s]

7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]

7:30 My Kitchen Rules (PG) [s]

9:10 Alert - Missing Persons Unit: Jedidiah & Lucy/ @kyra (M v) [s]

11:10The Latest Seven News [s]

11:40Air Crash Investigations: Icy Descent (PG) [s] – Investigators are stumped when a turboprop slams into an Argentine desert, and it’s a microscopic filament that provides the first tangible clue.

12:40Your Money & Your Life (PG) [s] –Join David Koch as he gives insight into how to make the most out of your money.

1:10 Travel Oz (PG) [s]

6:00 Today [s]

10:00Horse Racing: Melbourne Cup Carnival *Live* From Flemington Racecourse [s]

5:30 WIN News [s]

6:00 NINE News [s]

7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]

7:30 The Block: Clubhouse Week (PG) [s]

8:40 Trump On Trial - Prosecuting A President (M) [s] – The State of Georgia vs. Donald J. Trump is the biggest criminal case against the former President, accusing him of spearheading a wide-ranging conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election result. If he’s convicted, Trump could face up to twenty years in prison. Will Trump be heading to jail or The White House?

10:40NINE News Late [s]

11:10Transplant: Home (MA15+) [s]

12:00Tipping Point (PG) [s]

1:00 Cross Court [s]

8:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 9:00 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s] 10:00Judge Judy (PG) [s] 10:30Dessert Masters (PG) [s] 11:40Entertainment Tonight [s]

12:00Farm To Fork [s]

12:30Family Feud (PG) [s]

1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s]

2:00 Wheel Of Fortune [s]

2:30 Lingo (PG) [s]

3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s] 4:00 Neighbours (PG) [s] 4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 Taskmaster Australia (PG) [s] 8:40 The Cheap Seats (M l) [s] 9:40 Law & Order: SVU: Constricted (M) [s] 10:4010’s Late News [s] 11:05The Project (PG) [s] 12:05The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s]

5:00 Worldwatch 9:20 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs 10:10 Home Is Where The Art Is (PG) 11:00 Her Majesty’s Cavalry (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch 2:00 Have I Got News For You US (M) 2:50 Such Was Life: Water 3:00 The Weekly Football Wrap 3:30 Plat Du Tour: Smorrebrod/ Escargots A La Cannelle (Danish Cinnamon Snails) (PG) 3:40 The Cook Up (PG) 4:10 Walking Wartime England (PG) 5:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers

6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG)

6:30 SBS World News

7:30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys: The Isle Of Anglesey/ Conwy To Colwyn Bay 8:30 The Zelensky Story (PG) (In English/ Ukrainian) 9:30 Greatest Train Journeys From Above

ABC ENTERTAINS (22) 12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 Escape To The Country 2:00 Creek To Coast 2:30 My Greek Odyssey (PG) 3:30 Left Off The Map (PG) 4:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Call The Midwife (PG) 8:45 Inspector George Gently (M)

4:35 MythBusters (PG) 5:30 Merlin (PG) 6:15 Car S.O.S (PG) 7:00 My Family (PG) 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 TBA 9:15 Fisk (M l)

2:30 Milo 3:15 Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 3:30 Play School 4:00 Andy’s Wild Adventures

4:40 Builder Brothers Dream Factory

5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Peter Rabbit 6:05 Kangaroo Beach 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:35 Little Lunch 7:50 Operation Ouch! (PG) 8:25 Deadly 60

12:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 Death In Paradise (PG) 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 Movie: “Happy Go Lovely” (G) (’51) Stars: David Niven 5:30 Yorkshire Auction House 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 New Tricks (PG) 8:40 Shakespeare & Hathaway (M) 9:40 Whitstable Pearl (M) 1:00 Two And A Half Men (PG) 1:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 2:00 Becker (PG) 2:30 Frasier (PG) 3:30 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 4:00 Farm To Fork 4:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 5:00 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 9:30 Two And A Half Men (PG)

5:00 News Breakfast: USA Votes *Live* [s]

10:00USA Votes: Election Day *Live* [s]

12:00USA Votes: Election Results *Live* [s]

2:00 Parliament Question Time [s]

3:00 USA Votes: America’s Decision [s]

5:00 Antiques Roadshow [s]

6:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]

6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]

7:00 ABC News: USA Votes - One Hour Special [s]

8:00 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]

8:30 Question Everything [s]

9:05 Fisk: I’m The Fisk (PG) [s]

9:35 Planet America: Election Night Special [s]

10:35Spicks And Specks (PG) [s]

11:05ABC Late News [s]

11:35Adam Hill: The Last Leg (M) [s]

12:15A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]

12:45In Limbo (M s) [s]

1:40 Killing Eve: Are You From Pinner? (MA15+) [s]

2:25 rage (MA15+) [s]


1:05 Whose Line Is It

Anyway? (M l,s) 1:25 Big Boys (M d,l,s)

2:15 ER (PG) 3:00 Doctor Who (PG) 3:45

Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 4:05 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:35 MythBusters (PG) 5:30 Merlin (PG) 6:15 Car S.O.S (PG) 7:00 My Family (PG) 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Big Boys (M)

2:30 Milo 3:15 Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 3:30 Play School 4:00 Andy’s Global Adventures 4:40 Builder Brothers Dream Factory 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Peter Rabbit 6:05 Kangaroo Beach 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:35 Little Lunch 7:50 Operation Ouch! (PG) 8:25 Doctor Who (PG)

6:00 Sunrise [s]

9:00 The Morning Show [s]

11:30US Presidential Election 2024 *Live* [s] – 7News will deliver Australia’s most in-depth coverage of the US Presidential Election –which is shaping up as one of the closest and most divisive polls in American history.

4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]

5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]

6:00 Seven News [s]

7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]

7:30 The 1% Club UK (PG) [s]

8:30 Movie: “Ambulance” (PG) (’22) Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Eiza González, Garret Dillahunt, Keir O’Donnell

11:30Chicago Fire: Never Say Goodbye (MA15+) [s]

12:30Stan Lee’s Lucky Man: The House Always Wins (MA15+) [s]

1:30 Travel Oz (PG) [s]

2:00 Home Shopping

4:00 NBC Today [s]

12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 Escape To The Country 2:00 Sydney Weekender 2:30 Hornby: A Model Empire (PG) 3:30 Left Off The Map (PG) 4:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Heartbeat (PG) 8:45 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries (M)

12:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 1:00 Outback Truckers (PG) 3:00

Billy The Exterminator (PG) 3:30 Cities Of The Underworld (PG) 4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Highway Patrol (PG) 8:30 The Force - Behind The Line (PG) 9:30 World’s Wildest Police Videos (PG)

SUNDAY, NOV. 3, 2024

6:00 Today [s]

10:00US Presidential ElectionAmerica Decides *Live* [s]

5:00 Tipping Point Australia (PG) [s]

5:30 WIN News [s]

6:00 NINE News [s]

7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]

7:30 The Block: Clubhouse Reveal (PG) [s] – Find out which team gets $50,000 off their reserve price for creating the most amazing clubhouse space.

9:10 Listing Melbourne: Reputations At Risk (M l) [s]

10:20NINE News: US Election Edition (PG) [s]

11:20Law & Order: Organized Crime: Sins Of Our Fathers (M v) [s] –Elliot Stabler returns to the NYPD to battle organised crime after a devastating personal loss.

12:10Tipping Point (PG) [s]

1:00 Hello SA (PG) [s]

1:30 Home Shopping

4:00 Religious Programs [s]

8:00 Neighbours (PG) [s]

8:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]

9:00 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s]

10:00Judge Judy (PG) [s]

10:30America Decides - Election

Coverage *Live* [s]

12:00America Decides - 10 News First *Live* [s]

2:00 America Decides - Election Coverage *Live* [s]


America Decides - 10 News First *Live* [s]

5:00 America Decides - Election

Coverage *Live* [s]

6:00 The Project (PG) [s]

7:30 Shark Tank (PG) [s]

8:40 NCIS: Foreign Bodies (M) [s]

9:40 NCIS: Origins: All’s Not Lost (M) [s] 10:4010’s Late News [s] 11:05The Project (PG) [s] 12:05The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s] 1:00 Home Shopping

12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 New Tricks (M) 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 Movie: “The Great St Trinians Train Robbery” (G) (’66) Stars: Frankie Howerd 5:30 Yorkshire Auction House 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 As Time Goes By (PG) 8:40 Midsomer Murders (PG) 10:40 Harry Wild (M) 1:00 Two And A Half Men (PG) 1:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 2:00 Becker (PG) 2:30 Frasier (PG) 3:30 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 4:00 Farm To Fork 4:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 5:00 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 9:30 Two And A Half Men (PG)

5:00 Worldwatch 9:05 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG)

10:00 Her Majesty’s Cavalry (PG) 10:30 US Election *Live*

4:15 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites

4:20 Such Was Life 4:30 Where Are You Really From? (PG)

5:00 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites

5:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG)

6:30 SBS World News

7:35 Portillo’s Andalucia: Sevilla And Carmona (PG) 8:30 The Jury - Death On The Staircase: The Death (M v) 9:35 The Old Man (MA15+)

10:45 SBS World News Late 11:15 Desperate Measures (M l,v) 12:55 Holding (MA15+) 2:40 Paddington Station 24/7 (PG)


12:00 Gossip Girl (M) 1:50 The Golden Girls (PG) 2:20 The Nanny (PG) 3:20 Seinfeld (PG) 4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 The Golden Girls (PG) 6:30 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Seinfeld (PG) 8:30 Love Island Australia (M) 9:50 Movie: “American Reunion” (MA15+) (’12) Stars: Alyson Hannigan 6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 NBL Slam 8:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 10:30 JAG (PG) 12:30 A Million Little Things (PG) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M v) 8:30 FBI (M) 10:30 The Weekly Kickoff 11:00 NCIS (M) 11:55 48 Hours (M) 12:50 Home Shopping 4:10 Movie: “A Handful Of Dust” (PG) (’88) Stars: James Wilby 6:20 Movie: “From Here To Eternity” (PG) (’53) Stars: Burt Lancaster 8:30 Movie: “Sniper: The White Raven” (M) (’22) Stars: Pavlo Aldoshyn (In Russian/ Ukrainian) 10:35 Movie: “The Spy” (M l) (’19) Stars: Ingrid Bolsø Berdal


For more information or bookings for the workshops please scan

6:00 News Breakfast [s]

9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]

10:00Australian Story [s]

10:30Back Roads (PG) [s]

11:00Antiques Roadshow [s]

12:00ABC News At Noon [s]

1:00 Grand Designs Australia (PG) [s]

2:00 Parliament Question Time [s]

3:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]

3:30 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]

4:15 Grand Designs New Zealand (PG) [s]

5:00 Antiques Roadshow [s]

6:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice [s]

6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]

7:00 ABC News [s]

7:30 7.30 (PG) [s]

8:00 Grand Designs Australia: Benowa [s]

9:00 Long Lost Family (PG) [s]

9:45 Fake Or Fortune?: Giacometti [s]

10:45ABC Late News [s]

11:00The Business [s]

11:20Take 5 With Zan Rowe: Casey Donovan (PG) [s]

1:25 MythBusters (PG) 2:15 ER (PG) 3:00 Doctor Who (PG) 3:45 Fresh Off The Boat (PG) 4:05 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:35 MythBusters (PG) 5:30 Merlin (PG) 6:15 Car S.O.S (PG) 7:00 My Family (PG) 7:30 Would I

2:30 Milo 3:15 Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 3:30 Play School 4:00 Andy’s Global Adventures 4:40 Builder Brothers Dream Factory 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:35 Peter Rabbit 6:05 Kangaroo Beach 6:25 The Adventures Of Paddington 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:35 Little Lunch 7:50 Operation Ouch! (PG)

6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s] 11:30Seven Morning News [s]

12:00Movie: “Killer Stepmom” (AKA ‘A Stepmother’s Secret’) (M v) (’19) Stars: Julia Terranova

2:00 Your Money & Your Life (PG) [s]

2:30 Border Security - International (PG) [s]

3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]

4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]

5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]

6:00 Seven News [s]

7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]

7:30 Highway Patrol: No Time For Roundabouts/ Freeway Whoopsie (PG) [s]

8:30 Cricket: Women’s Big Bash League: Perth v Melbourne Renegades *Live* From The WACA [s]

11:45Australia’s Most Dangerous Prisoners (M) [s]

12:45Magnum P.I.: Black Is The Widow (M v) [s]

And Gardens 1:00 Escape To The Country 2:00 South Aussie With Cosi (PG) 2:30 Impossible Builds (PG) 3:30 Left Off The Map (PG) 4:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Father Brown (M) 8:30 Miss Scarlet And The Duke (M)

6:00 Today [s]

9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30NINE News Morning [s]

12:00Horse Racing: Oaks Day *Live* From Flemington Racecourse [s] –Wide World of Sports presents the 2024 Crown Oaks Day live from Flemington Racecourse. Join hosts Eddie McGuire, James Bracey and Francesca Cumani for all the action and expert analysis.

6:00 NINE News [s]

7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]

7:30 RPA: Bollywood Jagruti (PG) [s]

8:30 Emergency (M l,mp) [s

9:30 A+E After Dark (M) [s]

10:30NINE News Late [s]

11:00Casualty 24/7 (M) [s]

11:50Resident Alien: The Weight (M v) [s]

12:40Tipping Point (PG) [s]

1:30 Home Shopping

4:00 Religious Programs [s]

4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]

8:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield (PG) [s]

8:30 Family Feud (PG) [s]

9:00 The Drew Barrymore Show (PG) [s]

10:00Judge Judy (PG) [s]

10:30Shark Tank (PG) [s]

11:40 Entertainment Tonight [s]

12:00Farm To Fork [s]

12:30Family Feud (PG) [s] 1:00 10 News First: Lunchtime [s]

2:00 Wheel Of Fortune [s]

2:30 Lingo (PG) [s]

3:30 10 News First: Afternoon [s]

4:00 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) [s]

5:00 10 News First [s]

6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) [s]

6:30 The Project (PG) [s]

7:30 Top Gear Australia: Texas (PG) [s]

8:50 Movie: “Mission Impossible III” (M v) (’06) Stars: Tom Cruise

11:2010’s Late News [s]

11:45The Project (PG) [s]

12:50The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s]

12:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 1:50 As Time Goes By 3:10 Antiques Roadshow 3:40 Movie: “The Captain’s Paradise” (G) (’53) Stars: Alec Guinness 5:30 Yorkshire Auction House 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Keeping Up Appearances (PG) 8:40 Poirot (PG) 10:55 See No Evil (M) 11:55 Murdered By Morning (M) 12:55 Explore 12:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 1:00 Two And A Half Men (PG) 1:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 2:00 Becker (PG) 2:30 Frasier (PG) 3:30 Rules Of Engagement (PG) 4:00 Friends (PG) 4:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 5:00 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG)

5:00 Worldwatch

9:10 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG) 10:05 Home Is Where The Art Is (PG) 11:00 Her Majesty’s Cavalry (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch

2:00 Such Was Life: The Yanks Are Coming

2:05 Secrets Of The Royal Palaces (PG)

3:00 Plat Du Tour: Le Welsh/ Tarte Au Maroilles (PG)

3:10 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)

4:10 Walking Wartime England (PG)

5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)

5:30 Letters And Numbers

6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG)

6:30 SBS World News

7:30 Going Places With Ernie Dingo: Standley Chasm, Byron Bay, Mt Isa (PG)

8:30 Japan - World’s Most Punctual Train: From Tokyo To The Sea Of Japan (PG) (In English/ Japanese)

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