
A BIG thank-you goes out to all the fantastic people who have come together to help us put on The Xibition!
Mike McEntire - California
Christian RammerstorferCalifornia
Travis Smith - Nova Scotia
Don Burkinshaw - Alberta, Schooling Judge
Nancy Thiessen
Lisa Pawlick
Sandy McCook
David Benard
Shawna Husted
Julie Koppes
Marilyn Smith
Ron Anderson
Karen Peters
Laine Benard
Mark Loewen
Janet Stephen
Sue Strelioff
Vic Benard
Steph Benard
Sharon McNaughton
Mike Koppes
Taco Hansma
Tracy Benard
Denae Benard
Eric Smith
Pearl Aebly
David Thomas
Dani Waite
KL Photography
David Hansma
Nadine Jensen
Stay tuned to: www.xibition.net
Here you will find our live tracker that keeps you up-to-date in real time on draws, scores, results etc.!
I’d like to welcome you all to our third annual edition of The Xibition, held in Claresholm, AB, at the Claresholm Agriplex!
We’ve got a lot of new things going on this year, and a lot of the things that are the same from our past few years. One of the most exciting things we offer, of course, is our Jack Carter $10,000 Open National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) class. It is the most exciting reining that you will see in Western Canada! AND we’ve been told that it compares to – and is on the same level – as the big NRHA shows in Oklahoma. As such, we are so excited to see this year’s crop of incredible horses.
We see a lot of our stallions show in this class, which gives me an opportunity to tell you about our new Stallion & Stakes program that we kicked off in December of 2023. This program was put together very quickly and with the support of 25+ stallions mostly here from Western Canada, we raised over $25,000 to kickstart our TXRS Stallion & Stakes program. As of the time of this writing, there are over 200 nominated prospects.
It is our hope that for prospects of nominated stallions (and for future stallions,) that come into our program, we can offer incredible purses such
as a $100,000 Futurity here in Western Canada for 2028! Your support – the stallion owners’ support, the prospect owners’ support, and everyone else who bolsters The Xibition – is what will make this possible.
And that makes us so happy!
We’ve been so blessed by all the support that we’ve been given at The Xibition so far. And we like to give back!! Part of that “giving back” means focusing on entry-level riders, rookie riders and non-pro riders. We’re doing our best to support these competitors by offering saddle shootouts. Which leads me to another, of the most exciting concepts of The Xibition…
With an incredible partner in Jessica Turner of Rose Fire Saddles, we’ve been able to award three incredible, beautiful, Bob’s Custom Saddles to those different divisions stated above. And of course… we’re doing that again in 2024!
We also must thank our generous saddle sponsors in Spooks Big Bang (Brian and Giselle Aebly) and Western Horse Review (the Webster family).
Beyond that, we have a fourth saddle that we’re giving away this year! It’s a youth saddle sponsored by Natalie Weichel and Blair Gutzke, from Whispering Sands Training Centre. This couple has stepped up and sponsored a saddle specifically, for our youth riders. We’re calling it “Super Sunday Youth” because it’s happening on Sunday and it’s going to be available to any youth – on any horse.
It’s going to be exhilarating! We can’t wait for it to happen!
Natalie’s vision for this incentive and class was that she wanted to see our youth have an opportunity to show in aged classes. So we’re doing it!! We have a 4-Year-Old Youth Derby that’s going to run concurrently with the saddle shootout. We’ve also have a 5-7 Year-Old Youth Derby that’s going to run concurrently. We know that youth are the foundation of reining here in Western Canada and we couldn’t be more happy to offer this great experience for them.
Something that’s so special about The Xibition is that it is a chance to enjoy our time together as a community, outside of the reining pen. Therefore, on Thursday night we’re going to be offering our free Pizza and Karaoke for all competitors. This is a TON of fun! This year’s theme will be “Mardi Gras,” so get out your beads and get ready to enjoy a great time on Thursday evening!
On Friday, we have our Sponsors Dinner – and this time, we’re bringing in “Cheesus Murphy” to serve up an incredible barbecue dinner! Again, this is another initiative supported by Natalie Weichel and Blair Gutzke, from Whispering Sands Training Centre. A power-duo, who are very kind supporters of everything that we do. We so are grateful to have them.
On the note of the Sponsors Dinner, we promise to serve our guests some delicious eats. Tickets will be made available for anyone who would like to join the celebration! We are going to serve over 250 plates of dinner and following dinner we will host our draw party for the Jack Carter $10,000 Open and the finalists of the three saddle shootouts. At the conclusion of the Draw Party & Friends
music. It will be their third year performing at The Xibition so get out your boots, get ready to two-step and line dance because it’s going to be a blast!
The Xibition Fund Freestyle is a new celebration of reining coming to our event this year. We may not achieve our full vision for this experience, but we’re going to get started and see what the imagination of our riders and their talented horses may bring in 2024. I hope you will join us to take it all in on Saturday night!
I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has come to The Xibition in the past. This event continues to grow because of the amazing participants, partners, sponsors and the supporters who have continued to show us that they appreciate what we do. As you look through this program we hope you enjoy everything you see here and perhaps you may even find a product or service that may be beneficial to you as well.
The Xibition is changing the game and the face of the Canadian reining industry. However, you don’t have to take our word for it – the numbers speak for themselves.
265 horses on the grounds in 2023. (That’s 1,060 Hooves!)
Anticipation of 300+ horses in 2024. plates served at the 2023 Sponsor Dinner.
160 Portable Stalls brought in from Chinook Stalls OVER 100 People Camping Onsite.
Livestream Channels live for 20 Hours a day x 4 Days. Over 80 Hours of livestream content!
SPOOKS BIG BANG Bucket Straps given out for high-scoring set winners.
Pizzas ordered from Casa Roma restaurant in Claresholm, AB, for the Pizza and Karaoke Mardi Gras theme night.
Riders attended last year’s Xibition from 4 Provinces + 1 American State.
(In 2024, riders will be coming from 5 provincesAlberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario! – Plus, our Montana friends again)
designed by Troy Fischer Silverworks with the 2022 year’s champion (SPECIAL MADE WHISKEY), as the design outline.
Mark Parsons brought A 7-PIECE Band and some award-winning Canadian musicians with him to play last year.
Western music has kind of forgotten about the true “cowboy.” Mark Parsons & Friends are here to remind everyone.
For most people, getting onstage for the first time at age 50 to sing to an audience is the stuff nightmares are made of. For Mark Parsons, the idea was a thrilling challenge, motivated by the fading, precious commodity of time.
“I wasn’t getting any younger,” he laughed. “So it was time to do it, or not. And if I didn’t just get out there and start singing in front of an audience, I was never going to do it.”
After meeting 26-time Canadian Country Music Association (CCMA) award winning artist, Gord Bamford at the age of 49, Parsons became inspired to put his musical abilities to the test. He had long been playing guitar (since the age of 13) and had always sang aloud
with the radio, but never to the point of being in front of actual people.
“I was terrified,” he laughed. “I remember the first real show I played was at the Twin Cities Hotel in Longview, AB. At 50-years-old, I was getting on the stage with extremely talented players – it was absolutely terrifying.”
That was a few years ago. Joining Parsons onstage back then were several other local musicians.
“That gig sold out and was very well received!” Parsons recalled. “It was extremely well supported by friends and fans and the local community. I remember Justin Ament was standing in the crowd that night and Greg Carol hollered at him and said, ‘Get Up here and play drums!’ And Justin did. He
jumped right up and started playing because we didn’t have a drummer. At the time, we weren’t planning on playing any kind of a show… we were just there to help me gain some kind of experience.”
Since then, Parsons has evolved in his musical journey. He has honed his passion for song-writing and gleaned insight from his mentors, who include Bamford and the other artists who have shared the stage with him in the last while. Parsons’ musical performances stand out – and they should, because Parsons is a legit cowboy. With a bonafide cattle herd in his backyard in the Porcupine Hills, Parsons and his wife Donna, run a fourth-generation ranch in southern Alberta. Parsons also
operates a large outfitting business and is very active on the cow horse circuit, competing in the non-pro division on a national and international level.
To say Parsons does real cowboy stuff, is an understatement. And in a day and age when country music artists aren’t always “country,” Parsons is a breath of fresh air. With several live performances and hundreds of prac-tices now under his belt, the southern Alberta cowboy’s musical career is hitting a harmonious note. Prime country covers of the ‘80s and ‘90s, featuring the sounds of George Strait, Alan Jackson, Garth Brooks, etc., would be the best way to describe what Parsons and his bandmates play. Although, Johnny Cash tunes are always a hit with the audience and he does
perform several original tunes as well.
Parsons remembers the first time he put his own music to words. His father had come to him with a poem he had written, and asked his son to coordinate music.
“I turned it into a country music song and gave it to him for Christmas in 2005,” said Parsons. “That was the first time I really tried to do more than just nothing. The song was Called Shadow of the Cross and it was a Christian, western song. It was about how Jesus watches over you – living your life in the shadow of the cross,” he tells.
Family has been the musician’s biggest support system and Parsons is quick to credit his wife, Donna for shar-ing in their artistic lifestyle. With a studio
behind their log cabin house, Donna focuses on her artwork as an ac-claimed bronze sculptor.
“She supports me with every move I make and vice versa. Donna supports me in my art – her being an accom-plished artist, she totally gets it.She’s awesome. She’s a capable soul and my #1 cowboy! She knows how to move a big herd of cattle better than anyone I know!” he praised.
Parsons is also very grateful of the bandmates who share the stage with him and he refers to them affectionately more as “friends” than anything else. Due to the way many bands play today, Parsons has multiple play-ers in his group. Mark Parsons & Friends is not specialized to a particular five, because fantastic players are in extremely high demand, which makes scheduling difficult at times.
“I was looking for some songs to record and Gord Bamford inspired to go farther with my music career and in-troduced me to some great players,” Parsons explained. “It’s become a band and we play for cabarets and fund raisers. It’s been fun.
“Gord has been the guy who took an interest in an up-and-coming country artist and I’m honoured to call him my friend. He’s found songs for me. He’s helped me as a new country artist.”
Mark Parsons & Friends have played numerous concerts and stages and they are excited to turn their attention to playing at The Xibition again, during the Friday Night Sponsor Dinner and Draw Party.
It’s sure to be a great time!
“We’ve used HD2 for all our videography needs at our shows in British Columbia. But we were very pleasantly surprised to have such a big donation to our show.
“It’s really cool that one show [The Xibition] has made has made such a big difference in helping smaller shows. The Spintastic isn’t as big an event, but we bring a very different offering to the reining industry. We give that down-home feel to our participants and it’s very hot, and we have a big banquet and BBQ in afternoon.”
Additionally, Self says there are discussions about another potential British Columbia show in the works. Although nothing is yet confirmed, it is very beneficial for BC residents to have their own events throughout the year, which doesn’t require them to travel eight hours or more from home every time.
“It takes a core group of people to put these events on and it takes a significant amount of money from sponsors. HD2 and The Xibition have been instrumental in keeping our reining association going on in this province and their support has been incredible.”
In Saskatchewan, President of the Saskatchewan Reining Horse Association (SRHA) echoes Self’s thoughts.
“The SRHA received $1,000 from the X-Fund which makes The Xibition Inc. a Gold sponsor of the Saskatchewan Reining Horse Association. Sponsorships, like the one received from the X-Fund, greatly help to allow the SRHA to host exciting events such as the Rein & Shine Derby,” he tells.
Many smaller NRHA shows depend on receiving entries from other provinces as well as sponsorship from the greater equine community to make them a success. This donation from the X-fund is a great way to grow the industry and maintain reining as a dynamic equine sport in Saskatchewan.
“Many Saskatchewan Reiners have travelled to show at Xibition events and have always had a great experience. I believe that helping other reining associations can be mutually beneficial and we are thrilled to receive strong support from our neighbouring Reining promoters.”
— In this popular class, NRHA riders perform a reining pattern to music of their choice. Many riders choose to dress themselves and their horses in costumes for added effect. It provides an opportunity to use the hallmark reining maneuvers creatively, but also to expand them to music by means of choreography.
We are delighted to share that in its inaugural year, the Xibition Reining Stakes Program has seen an exceptional response, with over 200 prospects nominated (with more coming in everyday!). This significant level of engagement underscores the industry's confidence in our program's objectives and the value it offers to stallion owners and participants alike. We're thrilled by this support and are determined to keep building on it, making sure our program continues to make a real difference and encourage the Canadian Reining industry to grow.
We are grateful to once again welcome back Jack Carter as our title sponsor of Xibition’s $10,000 NRHA Open! The Jack Carter Auto Group is currently comprised of five reputable and distinguished automotive dealerships and two power sports dealerships across Canada. Pro-Am Motorsports and Rocky Mountain Powerhouse have been part of the Jack Carter Auto Group for years providing the latest in motorsports products at the best prices, along with unparalleled service.
We, at The Xibition, are filled with gratitude for the support of the Jack Carter Auto Group of Western Canada’s most exciting Open Reining. For the last three years, they have provided the reining industry with something really exciting to reach for –in their own backyard.
Jack Carter $10,000 NRHA OPEN CHAMPIONS North Sail Solitaire & Austin Seelhof, Owned by Marie Whitmarsh. PHOTO: KL Photography
Jack Carter $10,000 NRHA OPEN RESERVE CHAMPIONS - DC The Master Spark & Hubert Heule, Owned by BAR K2 Ranch. PHOTO: KL Photography
Jack Carter $10,000 NRHA OPEN CHAMPIONS
- Special Made Whiskey & Shayla Malmberg, Owned by Gord Robinson. PHOTO: KL Photography
Jack Carter $10,000 NRHA OPEN RESERVE CHAMPIONS - Legitness & Shawna Sapergia, Owned by Ronda Nielsen PHOTO: KL Photography
The Xibition would like to extend an enormous THANK-YOU to all of the partners who make this show possible!
Greyhorse Bodywork / Janet
Stephen, MMCP
Boon-Tek Industries Ltd.
Trouw Nutrition Canada Inc.
Westland Machine Ltd
Heule Reining Horses
Big Rock Arena / Special Made
Soak Equine
Rocky Ridge Ranch
Smiths Training Stables
Sunnyside Stables / Legitness
Hickman Saddlery
Rafter Double S Ranch
70+ Performance Horses
Amanda Antifaev and Tyrell Smith
Broken Arrow Bookkeeping Services
Haddad Financial Services
Meridian Surveys Ltd.
Mountain Athletic Therapy
Reich Ranch
Southline Quarter Horses
Spur West Event Centre VS Performance Horses / Val Siegel
Wendy Nelson Reining and Performance Horses
JP Forget
Llana Malmberg Book Keeping
Krystina Lynn Photography
AJ Equine
Cattlemens Corner
Etch-It Promotional
First Class Design
Rose Fire Saddles & Tack
Soak Equine
Troy Fischer Silverworks
Western Horse Review
Western Specialties Proshop
Willow Creek Ag Society
The Mill Store
Greyhorse Bodywork / Janet
Stephen, MMCP
JP Forget
Llana Malmberg Book Keeping
Welcome to Claresholm, AB!
Claresholm has produced more than a century of world-class people and experiences. This rich heritage stems from agricultural roots that continue to shape the Town today. The town (incorporated in 1903,) has played a role in supporting the war effort of both World Wars and other conflicts, championing human rights, and much more.
Claresholm has a rich agricultural heritage and grain elevators were once a common sight here; in fact, Claresholm had nine elevators at one time that sat alongside the railway line. The first elevator in Claresholm was built in 1907. Sadly by the year 2000, they were all gone.
There are many historic murals adorning the walls of buildings in Claresholm – take a walk around and see if you can find them all!
A water tower supplied the needs of Claresholm in the early days. Built in 1909 and completed in 1910, it used water pumped from Willow Creek to supply the requirements of the growing Town. The tower was originally black but repainted silver in the 1950s. A new
water system made the tower obsolete in the 1980s, yet it still stands tall and proud as a beacon for those approaching the community. Historical reverence for the water tower played a large part in its inclusion in the Claresholm Municipal Logo.
The Willow Creek Ag Society (home to all three signature “X” events) has been “promoting and encouraging improvement in the equine and beef industry since 1953.”
Starting in its original location in the Town of Claresholm, it has been a sport equine facility right from the beginning, with grandstands, bucking chutes and a race track. In the early 1970s the town was growing rapidly and the Town of Claresholm required the land that the equine facility occupied in order to build more residences. The facility was relocated where it presently sits at SW 35 12 27 W4, next to Highway # 2.
Fondly known as the “Agriplex,” this facility is backed by an active organization which hosts events year round. It includes the original, east heated indoor riding arena and a second, more modern arena to the west. There are also two outdoor
arenas, a round pen and a variety of stalls and outdoor pens. Year-round horse boarding is available along with riding memberships.
If you’re looking to explore the sights and delights of the town, look no further than their roster of excellent restaurants. First up and located only three minutes from the Agriplex is Casa Roma. For over 35 years, this family-owned business has been serving up their signature Mediterranean dishes to the community! The Douros Family hand-makes their pizza crusts to deliver a unique flavour and with over 20 different variations (also available in gluten free) there’s a pizza for everyone.
If you’re looking for accommodations, the Best Seven Inn is a little gem in the foothills that feels like a home away from home. With many wonderful rooms to choose from at a great value (including a luxury jacuzzi suite for those romantic getaways,) their guests have rated Best Seven Inn #1. Promising family-friendly accommodations that include luxury bedding, private wifi and excellent customer service they also guarantee the best sunsets in town!
Roy’s Place is an award-winning eatery that has been featured on such television shows as Chopped Canada and You Gotta Eat Here! Their cinnamon buns are enough to feed a family of four and their dill pickle soup is the ultimate comfort food. Roy’s Place has been a stop for hungry travellers on the #2 highway for over 30 years. Located in the center of Claresholm, they are not hard to find. Purchased by Brandi & Kieth Carlson in 2008, the couple gave
your head!
the establishment a new look and a fresh menu. Focusing on freshness, Kieth (a Red Seal Chef,) takes pride in making sure that pride is put into everything that is put on a guest’s plate. Additionally, the staff at Roy’s Place works hard to deliver the “you just can’t get this at a chain restaurant” feel for guests.
Canadian Pizza Unlimited in Claresholm is now open 11 am until 10 pm every day! Get your freedom of choice with their promise of unlimited toppings! Also offering outdoor seating, Claresholm’s Canadian Pizza Unlimited’s menu also features chicken wings, donairs, samosa and cheesy bread. Order online today!
The Xibition is grateful to be hosted by the Town of Claresholm and we hope you all find something to delight in here too, as we nestle next to the Foothills July 31 to August 4, 2024.