T H E M AG A Z I N E F O R A L U M N I & F R I E N D S O F W E S T F I E L D S TAT E s p r i n g 2 0 1 2
• Faculty Member Climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro • Westfield State Musicians Rise to Top • Video Game Fame
F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
EDITOR Janice Beetle Godleski ’85 Beetle Press DESIGN EDITOR Janet Garcia ’83 M. Ed ’04 Director of Marketing ART DIRECTOR Todd M. LeMieux ’89 PHOTOGRAPHER David Harris-Fried Enrollment Management EDITORIAL BOARD Glen Brewster, Professor English Department Mickey Curtis Athletics Michael Filas, Professor English Department Janet Garcia ’83 M. Ed ’04 Enrollment Management George Layng, Professor English Department Marsha Marotta Dean of Undergraduate Studies Kathi Bradford, Director Advancement and University Relations CLASS NOTES Kelly A. Galanis Advancement and University Relations CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Kathi Bradford David Caspole ’94 Dan Connors ’12 Mickey Curtis Vanessa Dion ’11 Dr. Evan S. Dobelle Kelly A. Galanis Janice Beetle Godleski ’85 Austin Hall ’12 Elizabeth R. LaFond ’03, ’07 Peter Miller ’84 Claudia Moore-O’Brien M.Ed ’00 Meghan (Canning) Musante ’02 Laura Phelon ’11 ISSN 1520-7641
Westfield State a Reconnection Zone By Janice Beetle Godleski ’85
here are reunions of all sorts at Westfield State University. Some are planned and elaborate. Others just happen, and they’re great, too. Like the reunion I had with Kathy Moore ’80. It happened just after the last issue of Focus magazine was mailed last fall. Kathy emailed me, telling me how much she loved the issue and also asking why we had not used a photo of Tom Convery ’78 with the story that ran about him. (Because we were not able to obtain one that was a high enough resolution for print; our apologies to Tom and his fans.) Kathy and I started a dialogue that began with me asking her if she was the Kathy Moore I knew from Walpole, where I grew up. She was not. But she was that same Kathy’s sister-in-law. Weird. Our emails continued, and after less than a half dozen exchanges, we realized that we had been on the same Moore-family trip to Nova Scotia, Canada, in an RV back in 1980 or ’81. Even weirder! We couldn’t believe it! Kathy earned her bachelor’s degree at Westfield State in physical education and minored in health. Even though she lived on campus for three of the years I was a student, in the apartments as a senior, I didn’t meet her and didn’t know that someone I’d vacationed with in high school was in my midst on campus. It took Westfield State and Focus magazine to connect us – or reconnect us. Kathy is an avid reader of the magazine and has been for over 10 years, since her fundraising efforts for a nonprofit organization were highlighted in Class Notes. She’s a big believer in reconnections and so, stays in touch with Westfield State. After Kathy and I chatted via email, she also reconnected me to my friend, her sister-in-law, the other Kathy Moore, and we have all chatted via email and, now, on Facebook as well. I see this as a great example of the Westfield State family bringing people together. If it were not for our University tie, we would not have gotten back in touch. Westfield State is all about making connec-
tions, both on campus and off. And it’s also about reconnections. Rosemary Dowling Sevigny ’07 had what she called an amazingly cultural and elegant reconnection experience through the University’s new alumni travel program. She traveled to Ireland in October 2011 with her wife and met alumni she had never known and reconnected with former classmates. The couple thought of it as a delayed honeymoon. Kelli Nielsen ’04 traveled to Italy through the same program in March 2011. She had the pleasure of some alumni company but also met a group of folks who ranged in age from 20-something to 70-something; together, they explored Italy and learned how mozzarella cheese is made. Serving on the Alumni Association Executive Council is the way Eileen Swan Rockwal ’91 reconnects. Through the association and council work, Eileen has connected with young Westfield State scholars and had the pleasure of awarding them scholarships. She helped choose the 2011 Distinguished Alumnus, Raymond Chelte ’67, and she has met many others from different class years. And you could say Eileen reconnects daily with Westfield State since she met her husband, Mike Rockwal ’90, on campus. Have you discovered your way to stay connected, and to reconnect with Westfield State? Is it on Facebook? Through email? Through travel with other alumni or through service on the Alumni Association or on campus? Westfield State’s reunions, organized by those in Advancement and University Relations are geared to helping alumni reconnect on all levels. If you have not been back to the University to visit, consider coming back this fall on Oct. 20 to catch up with old friends. There are also reunions June 23-24 for the Musical Theatre Guild – two years in a row – and the track and cross-country teams. There’s no telling where a reconnection could lead – to a rekindled, warm friendship, perhaps, or to a feeling of gratitude. n
spring 2012
Table of Contents
ON CAMPUS 3–5 ALUMNI on the GO 6 – 14 FACULTY / STAFF 15 – 23
ON OUR COVER Professor Carsten Braun climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in the fall and taught his students from the peak. See article on page 20.
We’d love to hear from you! Want to get involved? Join our Alumni Fan page or group on Facebook and LinkedIn; follow us on Twitter @WestfieldState and @WestfieldAlumni; call (413) 572-5404, (413) 572-5228; or email kbradford@ westfield.ma.edu or kgalanis@westfield.ma.edu
Our URL has changed to westfield.ma.edu, and with it, all email addresses have changed to firstinitiallastname@westfield.ma.edu. For instance, the email address for John Doe would be jdoe@westfield.ma.edu.
© Cover photograph by Douglas Hardy, UMASS Geosciences
Focus magazine is published for Westfield State University two times a year. The mission of the magazine is to highlight the work of the administration, faculty, staff, students and alumni at the University and to share with the wider community the stories of excellence on campus. Focus magazine welcomes story ideas and story submissions. Ideas and stories can be offered to Editor Janice Beetle Godleski ’85 at (413) 374-6239 or via email at beetlepress@charter.net. Stories must be of interest to the general readership and should be no longer than 600 words. Class Notes, highlighting alums’ personal or vocational views, are also welcome and can be sent to kgalanis@westfield.ma.edu. Deadline for the Fall 2012 issue 1,AG F OisCJune U S FM O C2012. UAZ S M I NAG E • AZFAL I N EL •2 01 SPRIN 1 G 2012
Fostering a ‘Sense of Place’
or many of us , a good book
often provides a sentence that is so wellcrafted and so meaningful that you write it down, memorize it and quote it often. Mark Gold in “City on the Edge,” about Buffalo, N.Y., wrote, “Community exists in the space where history and hope meet, where an awareness of the past and a belief in the future inspire people to identify with a place and to dedicate themselves to its improvement.” As I sit in the newly-expanded Dining Commons and look out, I cannot help but remember those words as I recognize the sense of place that Westfield State is fostering, as we reimagine the campus green as the courtyard of our community. As the most residential of the Commonwealth’s state colleges and universities, Westfield State has a campus that reflects our past and looks to our future. Preserving and creating a sense of place is important to us. Our students, faculty and staff deserve the best environment that we can offer – a living and learning environment, in which they can do their academic best. One’s surroundings often validate one’s experience, reflect the importance of a
place and act as a setting for situations and events that may never be forgotten. It is not surprising that alumni often reminisce about the stacks of Ely Library, the musty smell of Parenzo Hall, noisy radiators in Scanlon and that forest path to Davis Hall. In the very act of planning, designing buildings and landscaping, Westfield State administrators and contractors are working to create memories for students who will live in our residences, learn in our classrooms, gather in our lounges and walk the corridors of our buildings. The $130 million Westfield State Master Plan is impressive with improvements and new construction. With our globe at the center of the green symbolizing our University’s international perspective, the campus is being shaped by iconic buildings. Ely Hall continues to change and grow with the times. Work continues on our library, which will offer more state-of-the art opportunities for research and study than ever before. Meeting the needs of a health-conscious world, a new 14,000-square-foot Wellness Center is currently taking shape next to the Campus Center on Ely’s first floor. Ely’s basement is also being re-imagined as an attractive gathering place with a patio, where
we can all gather to enjoy the outdoors. I can hardly wait for its completion at the end of spring next year. Next to Ely Hall, construction continues on a beautiful new 413-bed residence hall, slated to open in 2013. Its unique design and magnificent views of the Tekoa Mountains are sure to be the envy across the state. Also, on the docket for 2014 and 2015 are a new classroom, faculty office building and the conversion of Juniper Park Elementary School into what might become a performing arts center for the music and theatre departments. The academic columns at our entrances denote the boundaries of our campus. They signify the pride we have in our history and mark a place where knowledge, study, scholarship and friendship reign. They denote a place of higher learning, at which students, faculty, alumni, parents, visitors and our community can discover themselves as they plan futures filled with service and hope. I enthusiastically invite you to journey up Western Avenue to appreciate the wonderful sense of place and optimism that is the new Westfield State University. n
HOOT Day Not Just a Hoot for Greater Community Westfield State University’s second annual Helping Out Our Town “HOOT” Day was 250 students strong last September. As part of the day, hundreds of firstyear students worked throughout the city of Westfield, volunteering their time to complete community improvement projects at sites such as the Westfield Athenaeum, Grandmother’s Garden, Flowers by Webster and the Westfield Boys and Girls Club. HOOT Day is a project of Westfield
State’s Circle K club, a chapter of Kiwanis. This year, the project was coordinated by Circle K co-presidents Sarah Fregeau ’13 and Karen Renda ’13 and residential life staff Jessica Hufnagle and Matt Dellea. Renda says HOOT Day is a great way for students to connect to each other and to introduce them to the mission and values of Circle K. “HOOT Day is important to Circle K because our ultimate goal is to do as much community service as we can,” Renda says. “It also serves to introduce
the organization to incoming students in hopes that they might decide to join later, and it connects them with other students who share a similar passion for giving back.” HOOT Day began in fall 2010 as a Circle K community service program. The program was designed to bring together Westfield State students and the city of Westfield, as well as provide students with a way to learn about their new home for the next four years. n F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
Keeping Cool After Nor’easter Westfield State offered the community a safe haven By Laura Phelon ’11
t ’ s e a sy to pa n i c in a crisis, but Westfield State
University stayed cool during the citywide power outage after a freak October 2011 snowstorm slammed the region and caused a wide-spread blackout. Classes were cancelled for a full week following the storm, but the campus was very much alive, providing food, warmth and peace of mind to the community as a whole.
Westfield State provided city- and regionwide support. Two shelters were opened on campus – one at Juniper Park Elementary School and one at Scanlon Hall – and both were available for a full week, from Oct. 30 to Nov. 5. The shelters offered a safe haven with medical services, meals, hot water and power for charging cell phones and other electronics. Juniper Park housed an average of 75 people per night, including community residents and utility workers who travelled from North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania and Canada to assist Westfield Gas and Electric. University President Evan Dobelle did not hesitate when it came time to form a response to the crisis. “This is a time of need. We are here, and this is something we must do,” said Dobelle. Westfield Mayor Daniel M. Knapik credits the success of the University’s effort to President Dobelle’s previous experience as former mayor of Pittsfield. In an interview with the Springfield Republican, Knapik said, “Westfield State University is a wonderful asset for the city. There are other communities with col-
leges and universities, but the difference in Westfield [State] is that Evan Dobelle was a mayor, and he knows the problems communities face in emergency situations. Evan is one of us.” Tim and Jeanne’s Dining Commons was open from 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily to provide hot meals. And nearly 40 of the University’s 65 resident assistants worked around the clock to ensure safety for the 200 students who remained on campus in the dorms and whose electronic room keys were not working due to the power outage. Members of Westfield State’s EMT and Public Safety clubs volunteered in 18-hour shifts to offer additional assistance. Several students who remained on campus, along with Westfield State faculty and staff, volunteered in the shelters managed by Ernie Iannaccone, technical director of the Dever Stage. “The need was there, and everyone did what had to be done,” said Meaghan MacDonald, a resident assistant and class of 2012 president. “It also brought the resident assistants closer together, and we all made new friends.” n
What people said about Westfield State’s storm response: “Kudos to the young volunteers who attend Westfield State University for stepping up to the plate, and kudos to Public Safety Director Michael Nockunas and his department and the dining room commons staff. Believe me when I say I have received a lot of positive feedback from Westfield residents.” — State Sen. Michael Knapik “The people working there just couldn’t do enough for us. The security, police and everyone welcomed us with open arms. It was great. Thank you once again. We were told that we were welcome back any time for a good lunch or brunch for a small fee. We will do that.” — Aurius and Bertha Mahue, Westfield residents “I would like to give a heartfelt thanks to President Evan Dobelle, Westfield State University and Sodexo Food Service Group for their aid and comfort during the recent storm that crippled Westfield. Opening Juniper Park School as a shelter for mostly elderly with no power was a gesture that will never be forgotten. The Sodexo people were gracious and accommodating to all of us neighbors who dined at the Westfield State University on several occasions. The food was downright delicious and plentiful and the Sodexo employees and Westfield State University students were pleasant and helpful.” — David R. Lee, community resident
From the Ground Up University involved in major rebuild of neighboring Springfield By Claudia Moore-O’Brien M.Ed ‘00
n t h e f i r st day i n J u n e 2 0 1 1 , a tornado touched
down in Springfield – the third largest city in the state, roughly 20 miles from campus – with a barrage of thunderstorms, hail and high winds. Heavy winds could be seen churning the Connecticut River as sheets of rain and clapping thunder hammered the area. The devastation was massive, with much of the damage in Springfield’s south end, near Interstate 91 and the Connecticut River. Public and private organizations and homeowners took heavy hits, unprecedented and unfathomable in this area. Clean-up is estimated to cost millions – and take years. Two men with close ties to Westfield State University – one an alumnus, the other an administrator – are deeply involved with rebuilding the city following this natural disaster. Mayor Dominic J. Sarno ’93 initiated a private/public partnership with two redevelopment agencies, DevelopSpringfield Inc. and the Springfield Redevelopment Authority, and this effort will be led by two Springfield leaders. One of the two appointed to coordinate Rebuild Springfield is Gerald W. Hayes, Westfield State University vice president of finance and administration. The other half of the team is Nicholas A. Fyntrilakis, assistant vice president of community responsibility at MassMutual Financial Group. The private-public partnership plan to rebuild Springfield will require special expertise because eight unique neighborhoods, crossing several social and economic strata, were impacted by the tornado. As Sarno says, “They have been charged to not only
Gerald W. Hayes, Westfield State University vice president of finance and administration rebuild a city but rebuild a community as well. “My top priority has always been the safety of the citizens of Springfield, and I am extremely proud of the way our community has come together to respond to this disaster,” Sarno adds. “Now, we must turn our focus toward rebuilding our city in a way that reflects the vision of our citizens, businesses and the community at large.”
Sarno studied political science at American International College and later graduated from Westfield State in 1993 with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. His academic success included his induction into the National Honor Society while a student at Westfield State. After college, Sarno worked as a mayoral aide under Mayor Mary Hurley and developed an extensive knowledge of Springfield’s executive office. He then worked alongside District Attorney William Bennett for six years in the Hampden County District Attorney’s Office. Later, Sarno was elected to the Springfield City Council, on which he served four terms. In November 2007, Sarno was elected Mayor of Springfield. He has been an optimistic mayor with confidence in the city’s people and their future. Hayes, the Westfield State University administrator, has more than 30 years experience in leading urban redevelopment efforts in cities in Massachusetts and Connecticut, including extensive work in the city of Springfield. With the city facing a tremendous recovery, former Springfield Mayor and current U.S. Congressman Richard E. Neal says, “I have known Jerry Hayes personally and professionally for more than 25 years. In my opinion, there is no one more qualified to help lead Springfield’s rebuilding efforts. During my years as mayor, he was an important member of the city’s economic development team.” When Hayes was recruited by Sarno to volunteer for Rebuild Springfield, he spoke with Westfield State University President Evan S. Dobelle. “President Dobelle was very supportive of the project and suggested CONTINUED ON PAGE 17 F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
It’s the Barefoot Truth These alumni top the charts By Claudia Moore-O’Brien M.Ed ‘00
h e s e g u ys h av e co m e f u l l c i r c l e in more ways
than one. What they started at Westfield State University led to the Iron Horse Music Hall in Northampton, where they took to the stage for the first of four performances on a cool afternoon last autumn. And what they started at Westfield State has led far beyond the region. Despite little mainstream media exposure, the band has reached No.10 on the iTunes rock chart with its new album “Carry Us On.” They are the five musicians who are Barefoot Truth, and two members of the band, John Waynelovich ’09 and Andy Wrba ’11, are graduates of Westfield State University’s music program. Both say they were encouraged by the confidence they felt the faculty had in them. Both say that support has served them well. Barefoot Truth features Will Evans (guitar, drums, vocals), Waynelovich, (piano), Jay Driscoll (acoustic, electric, Weissenborn guitars), Wrba (upright and electric bass) and Garrett Duffy (harmonica). Their story began when Will Evans and Jay Driscoll met in Mystic, Conn., shortly after graduating high school. They spent that summer playing music together. Then, come fall, Evans went off to college in Burlington, Vt., and Driscoll headed to the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. They kept in touch over the school year and got together to jam when they could. During the summer of 2004, Evans and Driscoll put together a set of covers and original songs and began performing live as Barefoot Truth for the first time. After three years as an acoustic duo, Evans and Driscoll had recorded two albums and earned college degrees. Meanwhile, Wrba was a music student at Westfield State University, working toward a degree in jazz studies. In 2006, Wrba caught a Barefoot Truth show at the Iron Horse and introduced himself after the set. The next day, after sitting in with Barefoot Truth, Wrba was invited to join the band, and the duo became a trio.
winning documentary “Nature Propelled.” The single, “Threads,” also found its way into the MTV music empire, ultimately ending up in the MTV video game “Rock Band.” It was during that time that the members began work on their most accomplished recording yet, “Carry Us On.” This new release finds Barefoot Truth confidently hitting its stride and at its full power as a band. The two Westfield State alums agree that their music education was key to their success. “The music department at Westfield
A quick study, Wrba enhanced the band’s sound with “his versatility and deep musical knowledge,” says Evans. Garrett Duffy, a college friend of Evans’, rounded out the sound with his signature harmonica bends, and then, the John “Wayno”Waynelovich ’09 (left) last to join was and Andy Wrba ’11 keyboard player John “Wayno” Waynelovich. Before graduation, Wrba and the rest of the band attended Waynelovich’s senior recital and were blown away. The band invited him to play on its third release, “Walk Softly.” The band has crafted a style that mixes the sounds of folk, rock, jazz and reggae, with lyrics full of unbridled optimism. State was like a school within a school. We “We call it ‘roots rock,’” says Wrba. had small classes with devoted faculty,” says Work on its fourth full-length CD, Wrba. “Threads,” the first as a quintet, began in He and Waynelovich had many of the the summer of 2008. Due to a busy touring same faculty and agree they felt supported schedule that included colleges, clubs and in their musical quests. “Andy (Professor festivals, “Threads” release was delayed until Andrew Bonacci) was the greatest. He was February 2010 and received much critical totally devoted to helping us reach our acclaim. highest goals. He supports music, all music,” The band truly broke through during says Waynelovich. 2010 with persistent touring in support of Though about to hit the big-time, the “Threads,” and its high-energy live act was band’s priority is clear: Friendship. earning Barefoot Truth a loyal fan base that “My favorite part about Barefoot Truth is sold out shows. Meanwhile, online radio the family quality that we all share with each service Pandora was spreading the music to other, our friends, families and fans … like worldwide audiences. The band also probrothers,” says Wrba. n vided songs and the film score for the awardF O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
VOTE TODAY for the Westfield State Alumni Trustee The Alumni Trustee on the Westfield State Board of Trustees represents 37,000 alumni worldwide. Names of the top two candidates will be forwarded to the governor, who will select one Trustee for a five-year term on the Board. Those who sit on the Board of Trustees hold the highest-level volunteer position on our campus and are responsible for campus oversight.
T r ac ey I n n e l l a P i n to, ’ 8 5 , Co m m u n i c at i o n I believe Westfield State University’s commitment to excellence, core values and strong sense of community helped shape the person that I am today, and I am committed to giving back to Westfield. We have much to be proud of concerning advances made by Westfield State University. However, I believe Westfield State’s best years are still ahead. I look forward to using my knowledge and experience to bring positive and worthwhile ideas to the Board of Trustees and to help provide strong leadership to move Westfield State University forward with even greater prestige and glory. I ask for your support and pledge my full energies on your behalf. M a ry A n n S au n d e r s M a r i n ’ 7 7, P syc h o lo gy “Welcome to Westfield.” I remember being told exactly that when I arrived at orientation in 1973. The Class of 1977 was invited to participate in all the College had to offer….. And so I did. The ’70s at Westfield State taught me about social change, national student unrest, questioning the status quo, women’s rights and our responsibility to make the world a better place. As an alumna, I have followed that path. Those years at Westfield State allowed me to become a successful advocate, an individual committed to public service and someone ready, willing and able to represent my fellow alumni well. J os e D e lga d o, ’ 0 8 , Co m m u n i c at i o n It is with great pleasure that I have enthusiastically decided to run for Westfield State University Alumni Trustee. As an Alumni Trustee, I would be sensitive to the needs of this educational institution and especially, its students and alumni. As a recent graduate, I know the challenges facing our students and alums; many are struggling to get employment in a challenging and competitive job market. As trustees, it is important that we ensure our students are well-rounded and prepared to meet personal and professional challenges to help them succeed. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support. T e r r e l l M . H i l l , ’ 9 2 , E d u c at i o n “Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.” — Shirley Chisholm I believe leaders are fortunate to be in positions that allow them to serve so many. As a principal, I serve students, staff and the community daily. My life has been blessed by so many at Westfield State. Since graduation in 1992, I have looked for opportunities to give back to my “Westfield family.” This was done through teaching for urban education, and serving on the Foundation. Serving as the Alumni Trustee would enable me to serve Westfield State University on a greater level.
The deadline to vote is May 18, 2012. There are three easy ways to cast your vote: Online: www.surveymonkey.com/s/Alumnitrustee2012 Mail: Tear out this page, place a check in the box next to the candidate of your choice and mail to: Kathi Bradford, Director of Alumni Relations, Westfield State University, Westfield MA. Call: (413) 572-8356, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Hard Work, Well-Earned Success By Claudia Moore-O’Brien M.Ed ‘00
h e n J os h ua A . Ga r c i a ’ 0 9 a n n o u n c e d he was
running for Holyoke’s Ward 1 School Committee seat, the Westfield State University alumnus and Holyoke native explained his goal this way: “Overall, improving teacher and student achievement will be my priority as it will contribute to the success of our efforts to transform the Holyoke public schools to be the best in the district.” Garcia is determined he can improve his hometown. He didn’t always believe he was capable of such things. Garcia was a kid who thought his future was limited. So, he set limited goals: get through high school and enlist. His mother believed he was capable of more and thought he should expand his horizons. With her encouragement, Garcia participated in an Upward Bound academic program that changed everything. “I found out it was possible for me to succeed,” says Garcia. The experience inspired him to consider college rather than immediate military service. The Urban Education Program provided Garcia with a bridge to Westfield State University. A residential student during his first year, Garcia carried a full course schedule and also worked 40 hours a week. “I would literally be running from class to the parking lot to avoid being late for work,” he says. He remembers passing students playing soccer as he ran to his car and wishing he was one of them. It was then, says Garcia, that he promised himself that his future children would not have to hold down a full-time job while in college. Garcia would return to Davis Hall after 11 p.m. each
Joshua A. Garcia ’09 night to begin his homework for the following day. From his second year on, Garcia commuted to school, and that made the work/school schedule slightly more manageable. Garcia says, “Having the experience of being both a resident and commuter at Westfield State, I can say that I was supported by the faculty equally.” He says commuting students usually have additional responsibilities, like jobs or children, and the faculty accommodates their situations. While at Westfield State, Garcia worked at the Holyoke Boys and Girls Club, and
was active in promoting a “can do” attitude amongst the children. He worked his way up the ladder at the Boys and Girls Club. He also became more active in the Holyoke community and founded the “First Light for a Brighter Holyoke” group that lights up the canal walk for the holidays. Garcia says he created the event “with the goal of building community pride and increasing business growth in the arts and canal district.” The summer after Garcia graduated with a degree in child psychology and a minor in regional planning, job opportunities were scarce because of the country’s recession. But Garcia was offered a full-time job at the Boys and Girls Club. During that first summer, his colleagues recommended him for a position with the Holyoke Housing Authority. “I was offered the position of life skills coordinator – but I was just 21 years old,” he says. Because he knew it would help him make a positive impact, Garcia accepted the position. “I was being entrusted with mentoring people to develop skills for successful lifestyles,” he said. “I was, at first, kind of intimidated, but then remembered my past challenges. I told myself, ‘I can do this.’” And he did. Today, Garcia is a graduate student at Westfield State University. He expects to earn a master’s degree in public administration this May. And a couple of footnotes: He won the School Committee election. And he and his wife are expecting twins in May. “My life is a story of believing in yourself and working hard for what you believe in. I can’t believe how full my life is and am very grateful for the support of the Westfield State University community.” n F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
Alum Chosen to Create Mural at the Westfield Athenaeum By Elizabeth R. LaFond ’03, M ’07
o h n S m i t h ’ 9 0 , ’ 9 5 h a d a p ot t e ry professor at
Westfield State who taught him a valuable lesson he applies to every art project. “I was working on the pottery wheel, and I got a piece of clay as high as I could,” Smith recalls. “My professor said, ‘Are you happy with it? Good. Now take it off the wheel and throw it in the bin. You’ve done it. You know you can do it again. Never fall in love with your work. Squish it, and start over.’” Moved by this piece of advice, Smith hesitantly squished his perfect piece of pottery and recreated it, over and over again, learning how important it is to take risks. “That’s one of the biggest lessons I took out of Westfield State,” says Smith, now a landscape artist who was recently handselected to create a mural at the Westfield Athenaeum as part of a grant to further connect the University with the city. Smith claims he “took the long way around the barn” to get where he is today, but his story of commitment and dedication is inspiring. Growing up in Holyoke, Smith selected Westfield State University as his top choice to study business. Upon graduation in 1990, he enrolled at Western New England College (WNEC) to join the master of business program. Then, a relative noticed his sketches during a Thanksgiving holiday and said, “What are you doing? You should be an artist. Most people who try can’t do what you’re doing for fun.” Smith’s epiphany gave him the courage to immediately withdraw from his classes at WNEC, and he marched into a U.S. Army
Gallery and the Westfield State University Downtown Art Gallery, and a professor in the art department. “The grant was put forward to me and our chair professor, Jamie Wainright, through the Westfield State grants department,” Lund says. “The grant proposal was titled ‘Art and Community.’ The mission is to link the community and the University through exhibitions at the Westfield State
recruiting office. “I joined the Army and spent eight years in the Army Reserve and National Guard to help pay for art school.” Smith’s first choice for art school was Westfield State. Back on campus for a second bachelor’s degree, Smith retired statistics for pottery and business plans for CONTINUED ON PAGE 36 color theory. Today, Smith is a masJohn Smith ’90, ’95 ter of landscape painting. He exclusively uses water-based oil paint on panels made of plywood. And when Smith’s shapes and shadows form exquisite mountain slopes or abandoned country roads, he finds himself in a state of extreme dislike for his work. “More than half way through each painting, I get to a point where I think it’s horrible,” Smith admits. “But I remember my professor and tell myself to keep working, layer by layer – you know what you need to do.” The mural project at the Westfield Athenaeum originated from Faith Lund, director of the Arno Maris Campus
Rock, Talk, Rap and Twisted WSKB’s popularity, reach soars By Vanessa Dion ’11
S K B , t h e st u d e n t- r u n ca m p u s r a d i o
station for Westfield State University, first hit the sound waves many decades ago, and the current general manager, senior Brendan Mehu, says it’s been a great training ground for students who go on to work in the communications field. All shows on WSKB are hosted by current students, and members of the executive board, also made up of students, are in charge of design, scheduling, promotions, broadcasting and handbook design. WSKB offers a variety of different kinds of music, but its mission is to focus mainly on talented, yet virtually unknown, artists. Erica Keaney ’98, known professionally as “Erica Kay” on the radio post-graduation, was a voice on WSKB for four years, starting in 1994 with a top-40 music show. It was Kay’s childhood dream to work on the radio, and she considers her experience with WSKB to have been a “great segue into an internship in radio.” Kay also learned how to creatively advertise and promote her show as a way of gaining listeners and keeping them interested. Kay followed her passion for radio when she graduated, first co-hosting a morning show at a top-40 station in Florida and later working part time on the air at WQGN/ Q105 in New London, Conn. In September 2011, Kay finished a year of working an afternoon show at WFHN/Fun 107 in New Bedford and is now at home with her 2-yearold son but looking for a full-time position in radio. She describes her time with WSKB as “the initial brainstorm session on how I wanted to portray myself on the air.” Cassie Gendron ’05 joined the WSKB
team the second semester of her freshman year at Westfield State in 2002 and hosted mostly heavy metal shows, one of which was called “Twisted Sisters.” This show opened every week with a song by the band Twisted Sister. In her junior year, Gendron was music director, and she held the title of general manager (GM) of the station during her senior year. After she graduated in 2005, she continued on WSKB, hosting a show with another former GM, Skot Pierce, called “Und Keine Eier,” which also focused on Metal music. In addition to gaining experience with the different kinds of equipment in the studio, Gendron learned a lot about time management and working with people, and she gained important interviewing skills. Gendron, an adjunct professor teaching mathematics at Westfield State, would like to develop a faculty show for WSKB. Stephen MacDonald ’07 was a part of the WSKB team for three years. Because music was a strong interest of MacDonald’s, he decided to join the station and found himself immersed in a kind of “family that’s working towards a common goal.” During his three years, he went from DJ to music director to GM. In these various positions, he gained experience reviewing records, handling
administrative duties and booking on-campus shows. His time there also opened doors to internships. The station also helped MacDonald develop as an individual. Starting off as a shy kid, WSKB helped open him up to be more outgoing. Today, he is in a band called “The Okay Win” with another former WSKB music director, Ryan Ward. MacDonald kept his songwriting under wraps while in college, but he says WSKB played an essential part in boosting his confidence. “It’s been essential in my own music,” adds MacDonald, who shows his pride for the station by continuing to wear his WSKB sweatshirt. WSKB has been a teaching tool for students. Every once in a while, the station likes to have an intern from Westfield High School come on board to have his or her own show and learn about radio broadcasting. The station was a great influence to one recent intern, who is now in college, pursuing communications as a major. Also, last March, a Cub Scout troop visited WSKB to learn about radio broadcasting as a way to receive their communications badges. Two years ago, the stationwas given a makeover, updating the facilities itself as well as the technology, improving the sound quality and output. Now, its executive board is trying to bring the programming to a wider, community audience. Mehu, the current GM, says that “WSKB gives students the opportunity to be more responsible and to take part in a wide-reaching public service.” WSKB streams live at 89.5 FM and more information can be found at http://www. westfield.ma.edu/wskb/index.html. n F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
Mastering the Education Realm By Claudia Moore-O’Brien M.Ed ‘00
i t h a h i s to ry a s a teachers college, it’s no wonder
that Westfield State University has so many graduates working in education around the country. This piece looks at three alumnae in leadership positions in schools in this region.
JAMES LAVERTY ’74 Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study ’02. Principal, Westfield Vocational Technical High School. James Laverty ’74 was not unlike many first-year students at Westfield State in his era. The time was the late 1960s, and the times, they were a-changin’. A 1967 high school graduate, Laverty headed straight to college, as did many of his friends. He arrived at Westfield State in the fall of 1967 full of enthusiasm but unsure of his direction. “After that first semester, I was not sure what I wanted to do with my life. I talked to a dean who encouraged me to take some time and think about what I wanted to study,” recalls Laverty. It was good advice, he thinks, because “I had some maturing to do.” That was December 1967. Laverty did what a lot of young men were doing at the time: he joined the U.S. Marines and spent his last year of service in Vietnam. The experience of being a soldier in Vietnam impacted Laverty in many ways; in part, it
reinvigorated his desire to return to Westfield State and study education. In August 1969, he completed his service as a Marine rifleman. In September 1969, he was back on campus, ready to begin – again. “That experience, being 20 years old and going from the uncertainty of the jungle, to the relative calm of a college campus was a real adjustment for me. It was a cultural shock,” says Laverty. While some students were protesting the war in Vietnam, Laverty says, “I was pretty quiet. I knew what I wanted: to study.” Laverty says he took advantage of everything Westfield State had to offer him. On the social side, he liked playing intramurals. On the academic side, he felt he had mature relationships with the professors. “They had solid connections in the education community from which I secured excellent practicums,” says Laverty. “I was in Northampton for my special education practicuum, and in Chicopee for the elementary portion.” His professional life started in 1974 when Laverty graduated from Westfield State with a bachelor’s in elementary and special education. Laverty’s first teaching position was in the West Springfield public school system, where he was a special education teacher at the junior high school. He has been an educator ever since. In the lead as schools addressed the occupational and physical therapy needs of students with special needs, Laverty helped develop the therapeutic model presently used in Massachusetts. In 2002, Laverty earned a Certificate
of Advanced Graduate Study degree from Westfield State. He has spent his professional life as an educator and lived in Westfield for 32 years. “I have deep ties to this community, including life-long friendships that I formed as an undergraduate at Westfield State.” His story began at Westfield State, where he learned that a true commitment to education can last a lifetime. Today, 37 years after graduating from Westfield State, Laverty continues to contribute to the education of young people – just ask the students at the Westfield Vocational Technical High School, where Laverty is principal. THOMAS BOUSQUET ’03 Dean of students, Pawcatuck and Mystic, Conn., middle schools. Thomas Bousquet ’03 spent plenty of time hanging around the principal’s office when he was in middle school. It wasn’t because he was in trouble – instead, he was just saying “Hi” to assistant principal Steven Bousquet his father. Bousquet is Stonington, Conn.’s, newly appointed dean of students for Pawcatuck and Mystic middle schools and has been around schools from the day he was born. “I remember going to visit his classes at a young age,” Bousquet recalls. “Just visiting him at school fascinated me.” The younger Bousquet’s interest in teaching grew as he moved through high school. During his senior year, Bousquet became involved in the peer education program, and he developed a passion for helping kids to succeed. Bousquet earned his bachelor’s degree in special education and psychology, a double major, at Westfield State University in 2003. His master’s degree in school counseling came from Cambridge College. He also became certified in education at
Elms College in Chicopee and received his administration certificate from Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn. “The field is constantly changing,” Bousquet says. “You have to refresh, or you get outdated quickly.” He spent the first three years of his career in the Chicopee schools in eighth-grade special education and inclusion and the last one as a seventh-grade guidance counselor. In 2007, he moved to the Stonington, Conn., area and spent two years at Mystic Middle School before becoming a guidance counselor and, eventually, director of guidance at Stonington High School. Bousquet loves the guidance aspect of education. “It’s all about helping students make decisions that will affect their adult lives,” he says. “I always thought, in the back of my mind, that I would like to get into administration someday,” he says. “Administration is about creating a school where everyone is comfortable, the expectations are clear and the staff and students are supported.” Bousquet has two goals: The first is building positive behavioral support, which boils down to character education. The second is offering a response to intervention that calls for supporting struggling learners. “It is to identify the problem and put a plan in place,” Bousquet says. “This is an option for students prior to the special education process. It gives them tools and techniques.” Bousquet wants to continue to develop a relationship between the two middle schools. Bousquet’s father, now retired, still influences his son. “From day one, he supported me,” Bousquet says. “He exposed me to situations that I might face and gave me a unique perspective, not as an outsider, but as someone who has gone through the same experiences. I still bounce ideas off of him. Most importantly, he taught me to treat everyone as you want to be treated.” JESS GIANNINI ’00 Assistant principal, Pine Grove Elementary School, Avon, Conn. Last fall in Avon, Conn., Pine Grove Elementary School’s new assistant principal greeted parents who were taking their children to school for the first time. A new
Jess Giannini ‘00
father to his daughter Ellie, Jess Giannini ’00 was sensitive to their anxiety of being separated from their children. “I understand a parent’s expectations and want to establish a trusting positive experience for parents, as well as students,” says Giannini. With him at the helm of the school, parents can depend on his empathy, as well as his expertise and devotion to education. Giannini has been working with children since he was a camp counselor at age 14. “I knew then that I wanted to teach kids.” He graduated from Westfield State University with degrees in elementary education and liberal studies. “My professors had tremendous connections with surrounding schools, and I benefitted with outstanding student teaching placements,” he says. “Furthermore, thanks to the career counseling at Westfield State, my first post-graduation job was as a teacher.” Giannini continued his education by earning his master’s degree in reading at Central Connecticut State University, where he also earned a six-year education leadership degree. Keeping pace with an ever-changing world, Giannini recognizes that technology has become a larger part in children’s upbringing. For instance, Giannini says one parent at the school with a child who is starting kindergarten said his daughter practices reading and learning her letters on the family’s iPad. Teachers are using technology in learning and try to find a way “to continue the techsavvy ability kids have and to make sure
they are using it safely and appropriately.” Giannini proudly adds, “Smart board projectors are now in every Pine Grove classroom for the first time.” Giannini believes parents can stay involved in their children’s school experience by encouraging them to share their day-today activities. He advises parents that asking more specific questions about a child’s day will not only inspire a child to tell them more, but it will also “promote dinner time conversation.” Giannini says inquiring about your child’s schedule, a project from the day or what they had to eat for lunch makes it harder for children to “just give you simple answers. If you want kids to tell you about their school day, you have to ask specific questions,” Giannini says. This is Giannini’s first year as an administrator at Pine Grove, which gives him the opportunity to develop strong leadership skills. He is excited by the challenge and motivated by his commitment to teaching. “There’s something great about showing somebody something for the first time and making a difference in the lives of young people,” Giannini says. With a young daughter and a wife who also teaches at Pine Grove, Giannini says he is surrounded with inspiration. “I watch my daughter’s growing curiosity, and she enhances my desire to be the best educator.” As Giannini’s daughter takes baby steps, he is ready to sprint into action, with bursting enthusiasm and unabashed commitment as the new assistant principal. n
F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
From Passion to Fame Pair of alums created a niche for themselves in video football By Peter Miller ’84
t e p h e n G i b b o n s ’ 0 8 a n d Z ac h Fa r l e y ’ 0 8 m e t
during a poker tournament at Westfield State and lived next to each other sophomore year in Courtney Hall. What really sealed their friendship, though, was a mutual passion for the MADDEN NFL video football game. In the years since graduation, the two have worked together to develop this passion, creating websites and videos around it, and, most recently, writing a guide book on how to best play the hot-selling video game, MADDEN NFL 12. By their senior year – 2007-08 – the two had a system that allowed them to cram their studies in between MADDEN NFL
Stephen Gibbons ’08
tournaments they played in up and down the East Coast; Gibbons studied Criminal Justice and Farley Communication. Even though neither played football growing up, they both were honor-roll students of the game, spending hours studying the different offensive and defensive formations, learning to see the game as Bill Belichick or Tom Brady of the New England Patriots would. In the fall of 2007, still on campus, Gibbons and Farley posted a video called “Art of the Run N Gun” on YouTube. Overnight it had a couple thousand views, and that›s what stemmed the idea to start a site, says Gibbons, noting that www. maddenbible.com was then created. Requests for more videos and helpful hints kept coming in. Gibbons and Farley accommodated their fans with videos of how to move players, the different offensive and defensive formations and when to use and not use them. These videos were originally shot in Farley’s basement. The quality was crude, raw, but never lacking in passion or energy. After graduating in 2008, Farley
went to work in marketing for an engineering firm and Gibbons in customer service for a payroll company; they continued to bring the world of MADDEN NFL alive for fans worldwide. They started calling their following “MB Nation” (Maddenbible Nation, like Red Sox Nation). Farley’s communication degree led him to a job at a small television studio, Young Broadcasters of America in Natick, but Farley offered to work for free in exchange for use of the studio to shoot videos for Maddenbible. With the use of the professional studio, the quality of the videos soared. Meanwhile, Gibbons was following a daily webcast about wine and was learning from the show’s co-founder, Gary Vaynerchuck, about the importance of keeping in touch with everyone who reaches out. Farley and Gibbons were then able to combine their passion and excitement with the professional technology and courteous approach to ongoing networking with fans. “I knew it was going to be awesome!” says Farley. “The credibility that we brought to what we were doing was first-rate.” Gibbons and Farley were still at it in the fall of 2009, when their occasional videos became a weekly webcast known as “This Week In Madden” (or TWIM). “Our goal was to change the Madden community, and we did that by producing content that no one had ever seen before,” says Gibbons. “We host a live web show each week where we take callers, answer questions and play a member of the crowd live on the Internet. Recently, we have been fortunate enough to have around 15,000 views in the span of two hours.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 36
Honored to Work with Honors Students
Samantha Hague (left), and Dr. Janet Gebelt
By Meghan (Canning) Musante ’02
M i n n e s ota n at i v e , D r . Ja n e t G e b e lt is
usually dressed in colorful outfits with the jewelry to match. If it’s raining, she’ll have her pink umbrella in tow. And she’s always wearing a smile, especially while working, says student Samantha Hague. A senior at Westfield State University, Hague has worked with Dr. Gebelt for the last four years. The two formed a close relationship over the countless hours they discussed Hague’s Senior Honors Project, a thesis involving a short-term longitudinal study of freshmen at Westfield State, changes in their relationships and how these changes influenced their identity development. Hague also measured how stress, while transitioning into college, affected identity development. She first surveyed the students as high school seniors at orientation and then again six weeks after college began. Other projects in the psychology discipline have focused on self-esteem and its link to risky behaviors, and AfricanAmerican racial identity and how it affects dating preferences. To develop these senior theses, Dr. Gebelt meets with students for a minimum of one hour each week. In the early days of a project, they focus on one project that can be completed in a year. Students spend the first semester reading literature and developing their hypothesis and research methodology. The second semester is dedicated to collecting data, working together to analyze that data and writing the thesis. The majority of Dr. Gebelt’s students present at local conferences, and many submit their results for national and interna-
tional conferences as well. Hague is no exception. Dr. Gebelt found funding for her to attend the internationallyknown Society for Research on Identity Foundation (SRIF) conference in Vancouver last March. It was there that Hague realized the significance of Dr. Gebelt’s coaching and mentoring. Of course the two were used to discussing identity topics together, but when they arrived at SRIF, Hague found herself talking with older professionals. Thanks to Dr. Gebelt’s guidance, Hague did so comfortably and professionally. She felt polished and prepared. “I am so grateful toward Dr. Gebelt and how she has helped me grow into the person I am today,” says Hague. Hague not only attended a conference in 2012, but she will also present her senior thesis. She and Dr. Gebelt attended the Society of Research on Adolescence in Vancouver in March in addition to the SRIF meeting. Hague says Dr. Gebelt is confident and intelligent. “I know that no matter what age I am, I could call Dr. Gebelt at any time and discuss anything with her, just like we did throughout college,” Hague says. “Dr. Gebelt is truly at the top of my list of reasons why I absolutely have loved my experience at Westfield State.” Now in her eighth year at Westfield State, Dr. Gebelt has undoubtedly touched the
lives of many students like Hague. She has sponsored eight student presentations at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Undergraduate Research Conference, one publication with a Westfield State student co-author and five conference presentations with student co-authors. A development psychologist by trade, Dr. Gebelt teaches about child and adolescent psychology, emotion and personality. She specializes in social and emotional development. She’s also been heavily involved on campus with the Honors Advisory Committee, Academic Policies Committee and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. Dr. Gebelt’s commitment to service expands beyond academics. She also served as advisor to the Class of 2008 Class Council, through which role she attended meetings, chaperoned trips and helped organize fundraisers like the popular date auction, which helped the class grant two – nearly three – wishes for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Dr. Gebelt has lived with her partner, Don Martin, in Westfield for the last four years. In her spare time, she enjoys camping, hiking and reading. And don’t call too early: She’s not a morning person! n F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
Invigorated Honors Program Grows Future Leaders By Claudia Moore-O’Brien M.Ed ‘00
i t h t h e s u p p o r t o f President Evan S. Dobelle,
the Honors Program at Westfield State University is stretching to make its academic offerings the most interesting on campus. The program has been at Westfield State since the early 1980s, but, within the past five years, the state’s Board of Higher Education developed official honors criteria for all levels of Massachusetts’ institutions of higher learning, including community, state and university. “We now are officially part of the Commonwealth Honors program,” says Dr. Glen Brewster, director of Westfield State’s honors program. Re-invigorated by this new affiliation, participation in the honors program on the Westfield State campus has increased dramatically. Brewster says over 230 students take part in the program now, as opposed to about 50 students in the past. “This fall, 78 first-year students, the largest group ever, came into the Honors Program,” he adds. Dr. Vanessa Diana, assistant director of the program, says, “It’s a really engaged and enthusiastic group of students who are involved in all types of learning.” To support the students, the program now has its own physical space in Mod Hall. “Students can use the computers and printers, study or just hang out together. We are really excited about having the center as a gathering place for our students,” says Dr. Diana. Students who qualify academically to participate in the honors program find themselves in small classes that are limited to 15 students. “The beauty of the program is that the coursework aims to emphasize
Dr. Vanessa Diana and Dr. Glen Brewster greater interaction with classmates and the professor, more writing and discussion and independent study,” Dr. Brewster explains. Many students think that honors courses will be “harder,” Dr. Brewster says, noting it’s not quite an accurate theory. “We consider them enhanced, not harder,” he says. Inquiry and learning are more discussion-based, more intimate, and students get engaged in an interactive, creative approach, with one-on-one mentoring with accessible faculty. Amber Pettel, a communication major, says of her honors composition class, “It allowed the process to be as much about creativity and thought development as it was about technical writing skills.” The honors experience extends beyond the classroom and, in the past, has included
attendance at special events, receptions with guest lecturers, field trips to cultural events, participation in conferences and informal gatherings that provide students with opportunities to socialize and learn. In addition, Westfield State makes available designated honors residential living in Lammers Hall. Both Dr. Brewster and Dr. Diana say the best examples of what the program supports can be found in The Squirrel Squire, the official press of the Westfield State Honors Program, which is filled with articles written by and about honors students. Looking over past issues, it becomes clear that these students are a busy bunch, with many taking advantage of Westfield State’s study abroad opportunities. Psychology major Brooke Carney traveled to the University of Limerick to study and says, “I enjoyed learning about Irish culture.” In addition to her classes, Carney traveled to several other countries and says, “Through all these experiences I found myself becoming more independent, confident in my abilities and more receptive to different ‘norms’ in other cultures.” The honors program at Westfield State is full of “future leaders,” as Dr. Diana says. Critical thinkers with energy and drive, Dr. Diana expects to see our students in vital social roles in the future. “One student’s studies played an active part in developing the sexual harassment awareness policies, here on campus,” she says. Both Dr. Brewster and Dr. Diana agree that the honors program provides an additional layer of support to students. “With our new Honors Center we are anticipating and excited about the growth of the program,” says Dr. Brewster. n
REBUILD Continued from page 5
Opportunity Around Every Corner “It’s as though the program found me,” explains Mike Brill ’12. It was that easy to enter Westfield State’s Honors Program in the spring of 2009 on the recommendation of his English composition professor, Vanessa Diana. A senior from Southwick with a double major in history and political science, Brill became part of a cohort of students that are enthusiastic learners, and he’s very appreciative of the amazing opportunities it has afforded him. In June 2010, for instance, Brill got to explore his interest in the Middle East – actually in the Middle East. “I spent two weeks in Jordan with other Westfield State students, led by Professor John Paulman of the communication department,” Brill says. “Because of his professional contacts and familiarity with Jordan, we had access to newspaper offices, television studios and were able to visit places usually inaccessible to a regular tourist. “I got to use the Arabic I’d been
Brill. “It has been amazing. I am going to graduate in May with knowledge and experience that forms a solid foundation for me to pursue my goals.” Brill wants to return to the Middle East, study Arabic and eventually attend graduate school to study history in a Ph.D. program. While many students are suspicious that an honors class will be “too much work,” Brill discovered that the courses and assignments are more engaging and interesting than difficult. For example, for an honors class assignment about the Islamic world, “We had to go to Amanouz Café (a Moroccan and Mediterranean restaurant in Northampton), have dinner, take pictures and write about the significance of the food in the Islamic culture,” Brill said. “It was a really interesting experience.” And, like his classmates, Brill enjoys being in small classes with others who want to learn. Forming close relationships with professors, who often
Mike Brill ’12 studying during the spring semester at Westfield State. It was fantastic,” Brill adds. It turns out, Paulman was a Fulbright Scholar and had done much traveling, including in Jordan, when he was a college student. Inspired by the Jordan trip and advised by Paulman, Brill applied for and won a Critical Language Scholarship to study Arabic for eight weeks during the following summer, in 2011, in Oman. “It was as if around every corner there was another opportunity,” says
serve as mentors, is another advantage to the program. With graduation this June, Brill is busy working on his senior honors project, focused on United States foreign policy in Iran and Iraq from 1980 to 1988. “I can’t stress enough how helpful my professors have been,” he says. “And, having a place like the Honors Center to meet with or socialize with other students keeps me energized, excited about the future.” n
I take advantage of the SERV program,” says Hayes. The SERV program – State Employees Responding as Volunteers – is an employee benefit that supports giving back to the community. “No one understands the intersection where the public and private sectors meet better than Jerry Hayes,” says Dobelle. “His experience in urban redevelopment will enable Springfield to shape its own future in a way that is innovative, cost effective and well-planned.” Hayes has held a number of positions — and for a number of cities, institutions and governmental organizations. He was executive director of the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority in the mid-70s, for example, and later, he served as assistant city manager for planning and development in Lowell; assistant secretary of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Communities and Development; and director of the Center for Economic Development in the School of Management at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He later served as president of the Springfield Economic Development Corp., and worked on a number of redevelopment initiatives in Hartford, Conn., and surrounding communities in various capacities, including vice president of real estate and corporate services for the Phoenix Life Insurance Company. Referring to the damage done to the neighborhoods in Springfield, Hayes says, “Until you actually see it, you really can’t fully comprehend it, and many people have only read or heard about it.” The tornado left historic districts scarred and whole city blocks crumbled beyond repair. That road map to rebuilding is what Hayes is developing, starting with meetings to gather community ideas and strategies. “The purpose is to generate as much community input and engagement as possible,” says Hayes. “What we found in evaluating the experiences of other communities that have gone through natural disasters and then recover is that the best master plans are those that are built from the ground up.” n F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
On the Shelves Faculty members publish books on topics from World War II to societal acceptance By Vanessa Dion ’11
t W e s t f i e l d S tat e U n i v e r s i t y, fac u lt y members model
hard work inside the classroom and out. From reference books, to textbooks, to leisurely reading, they are publishing books based on their academic and personal studies as a way to further their own research and to reach out to their students. Featured below are five faculty members and their books, published within the last two years. Marilyn Sandidge is a professor of English who has been teaching British literature, medieval and early modern literature, history of the English language and grammar for secondary education at Westfield State for 23 years. For two years, she worked to compile and edit a collection of essays for the book, Friendship in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Explorations of a Fundamental Ethical Discourse. The book is a reference geared towards graduate students, professors or for those with a general interest for research purposes. Sandidge said that the book provides a “sense of continuity in world culture in fundamental issues.” It focuses on friendship in Western culture from the Greeks through the early modern period, showing how friendships are defined in different periods, environments, politics, economics and spirituality. Friendship in the Middle Ages and Early
Modern Age is the most recent in a medieval studies series published by Walter De Gruyter and was released in February 2011. It can be found online at degruyter.de and sells for $195. Krysia Jopek is a visiting lecturer who has been teaching freshman composition and world literature at Westfield State for one and a half years. She spent 10 years researching and writing to complete her first novel, Maps and Shadows, which won a 2011 Silver Benjamin Franklin Award in the category of historical fiction. The book is based on her family’s history and survival of World War II and reveals a chapter of the war’s history that received little attention. Four members of Jopek’s family tell the story of the brutal Soviet deportations of one and a half million Polish civilians to forced labor camps in Siberia shortly after the Soviets occupied eastern Poland at the beginning of the war. Even though the novel was originally
written for a Polish-American audience, Jopek hopes that it could be used in classrooms as a historical aid. Inspired by her own curiosity to piece her family’s history together, Jopek encourages others to record their family history. Published in December 2010 by Aquila Polonca Publishing, Maps and Shadows can be found online at amazon.com and is typically sold for $11-$15. Katherine Walsh is an associate professor of social work at Westfield State. She has been teaching master’s-level social work at the University for one year, coming from Springfield College, where she taught for 19 years. In 2006, she published a book called Grief and Loss: Theories and Skills for Helping Professionals, a collaboration of her own writing and her students’ casework and examples of grief and loss. Walsh needed a textbook to teach her students about symbolic loss, not just death, such as divorce and foster care. When she could not find a proper book dealing with grief specifically, she decided to create one that would make the content accessible to those whose professions deal with grief on a regular basis, for example, nurses, probation officers and therapists. Walsh hopes readers will gain an understanding that people experience grief in many situations, not just following a death, and so can be more supportive and caring to those they care for who are experiencing grief. The second edition of Grief and Loss was published in October 2011 by Pearson and can be found online for $52.80 at amazon.com. Eve Shapiro, assistant professor of sociology, has been on the faculty at Westfield State for three years. She teaches a theory course, as well as upper-division classes focused on how society shapes people and how we react to society. In 2010, Shapiro published Gender Circuits: Bodies and Identities in a Technological Age,
about how new technology is shaping peoples’ sense of self. Meant to be accessible to everyday readers, the book is not considered to be of the textbook genre; however, it could be used in a classroom. “People who grow within social norms are considered normal, and people who grow differently are viewed as different,” Shapiro says. She hopes that her book will offer an understanding that everyone should fit and be welcome in our society, even if our society shaped them in different ways. Published by Routledge, Gender Circuits can be found online at amazon.com for roughly $29. Juan Pablo Rivera is an assistant professor of world language studies at Westfield State, where he has taught for three years. Rivera and a Colombian colleague from Bowdoin College, Dr. Nadia Celis, crafted an introduction for the book, Errant Lesson: Mayra Santos-Febres and the Contemporary Caribbean. Rivera says that through critical essays written by filmmakers and literary critics of culture, Errant Lesson argues that Mayra SantosFebres, the first Afra-Hispanic literary celebrity, “has redefined the role of the public intellectual not only among contemporary Caribbean writers, but among Latin American intellectuals in general.” Rivera took an interest in SantosFebres’ writing while he was an undergraduate at Yale University and was inspired to write this book because of the relative lack of attention that black women writers have received in Latin America. Errant Lesson was released in October 2011, by Isla Negra Editores. It can be found online at http://www.editorialislanegra.com/ and sells for $22. n
F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
Peak Performance Westfield State professor climbs Mount Kilimanjaro By Dan Connors ’12
e x t b o o k s a n d s i m u l at i o n s only take you so far,
but nothing teaches like hands-on experience. Literally, hands on, which is exactly what Westfield State University Professor Carsten Braun got by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Braun, who teaches environmental science courses, began his most recent trek up Kilimanjaro, the largest mountain in Africa and the tallest free-standing mountain in the world, on Sept. 17, 2011, and reached the summit on Oct. 4. A graduate of the University of Massachusetts (UMass), Amherst, Braun has connections with colleagues, such as fellow scientists and the leader of the expedition, UMass geoscientist Douglas Hardy. The climb was conducted to maintain equipment for the weather station that Braun and these colleagues placed on Kilimanjaro on an earlier hike. “We always need to reset the station each year because the glacier thins from the top, and everything melts out of the ice,” Braun said in a post to his Facebook group, Kibo2011, which allowed his students to follow and learn from him despite being thousands of miles away. These educational posts were offered frequently, often several times a day. For example, on Sept. 26, Braun posted, “So now you have bare rock exposed inside the glacier – that is not good. The rock gets heated in the hot sun and, in turn, accelerates the glacier melting. Plus, now there is (definitely) no ice flow from the higher elevations to sustain the lower parts of the Kersten Glacier.” Here, students could gain a better sense of glacial melting, which has been accelerated by global warming. Timing and planning are everything when climbing big mountains. “Professor Braun and his department knew last spring that he would have this
opportunity, so they were able to make arrangements for his classes to meet in his absence,” said Liz Preston, vice president of academic affairs. “The fact that he was able to interact with his students from Mount Kilimanjaro sealed the deal.” In addition to Braun’s regular Facebook postings, students were able to connect with Braun briefly over the telephone for a conference call, which was cut short, due to weather conditions. The high altitude and climate not only affects the equipment but the climbers as well. Dr. Robert Bristow, a geography and regional planning professor and one of the faculty members covering Braun’s classes during his leave, talked about the physical strain of reaching Kilimanjaro’s summit. “For (climbing in a) high-altitude climate you must acclimatize yourself,” he said. “But Professor Braun has mountaineering experience.”
Braun did not do any specific training for this hike, but he does stay in shape by climbing mountains regularly and otherwise taking care of his health. “It’s just a big mountain,” Braun said, adding that you have to be in good shape but that Kilimanjaro isn’t a dangerous climb, like Mount Everest. “This was a unique and compelling opportunity that Professor Braun was able to share with his students,” Preston said. Braun agrees. “I wanted my students to see what real scientific research looks like,” Braun said, adding that such excursions give him “incredible visuals” for teaching and “a little bit of ‘street cred,’ if you will. “I’ve climbed them, I’ve fallen off them,” he said about large mountains such as Kilimanjaro. “I know how they behave. I know how they feel. Students respond to that.” Braun has made numerous trips up Kilimanjaro since 2000. His peers embark on the climb annually because of the maintenance required to their weather station. To view his photos and read his posts visit his Facebook page at facebook.com/ kibo2011. n
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Tried and True Celebrating faculty anniversaries By Vanessa Dion ’11
Faculty members have quiet ways to show support for Westfield State University. These men and women commit their accomplished careers to the University and its students. This year, almost 20 professors were celebrated for important anniversaries that honor their dedication to Westfield State. Dr. Karl Leiker has been a professor of geography and regional planning at Westfield State for 35 years. He received his bachelor’s degree from Fort Hayes State University in Kansas, his master’s degree from the University of Missouri and his doctoral degree from Pennsylvania State University.
While at Westfield State, he researched multiple topics and wrote a program for the regional planning major. He has been a student senate representative, a volunteer football coach and an academic advisor. In addition, Dr. Leiker informally advised students, and he said it brings him great pleasure to know that he has influenced students. Dr. Kamal Ali is a professor of ethnic and gender studies at Westfield State. He began his University career as the director of minority affairs 30 years ago, soon after he received his master’s and doctoral degrees from
teaching techniques. There have even been instances when he said he has “written booklength notes for students in courses where no adequate text was available.” When he is not
the University of Massachusetts (UMass), Amherst. Before attending UMass, Dr. Ali studied multicultural education at New York University and Hunter College in New York. He has helped increase the student graduation rate and accompanied students to Africa for the January term. He finds value in “watching students transform themselves.” Dr. Larry Griffith is a professor of computer and information science and has been teaching at Westfield State University for 30 years. He has a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a doctoral degree from Harvard University, all in mathematics. Dr. Griffith is the last remaining charter member of the computer and information science department, created in 1983. He is responsible for the development of many of the computing courses at the University and the revival of a moribund computer security course. He has served as chair of the College/University AllCollege Committee, Promotions Committee, and Tenure Committee and helped manage the Northeast North American Region of the International Collegiate Programming Contest for over 10 years. Dr. Griffith reaches out to his students with a variety of
teaching in the classroom, he has advised students and the computer science club, coached programming contest teams and supervised special study courses. Dr. Gerald D. Healy was a professor of economics and management at Westfield State for 30 years, retiring in September 2011. He received his associate’s degree from Holyoke Community College, his bachelor’s
degree and master’s of business administration from American International College in Springfield, and he became a registered Chartered Life Underwriter and Chartered Financial Consultant at The American College in Pennsylvania. Dr. Healy was one of the original members of the department of economics and management at Westfield State. He advised clubs over the years and even served as the varsity ice hockey coach. Dr. Healy is proud to see how many of his students have become successful and says that “nothing was more important to him than trying to make a difference in the lives of his students.”
Dr. John Wagner has been a professor of economics at Westfield State for 25 years. He received his bachelor’s degree in economics from Kutztown University in Pennsylvania, and both his master’s and doctoral degrees in economics from Temple University, also in Pennsylvania. Dr. Wagner developed a double major program that helps make students more marketable in their fields. For the past 10 years, he has been involved with studentorganized football and kickball games with the math club, and Dr. Wagner also organizes an informal economics alumni dinner every few months so alumni can check in and keep in contact with one another.
Dr. Stephanie Kelly is a professor of geography and regional planning at Westfield State and has been teaching at the University for 25 years. She received her bachelor’s degree from Bridgewater State University, her master’s degree in environmental planning from Arizona State University and her doctoral degree in education from UMass, Amherst. In addition to teaching, Dr. Kelly coordinates the regional planning program, including its
Dr. William Cook is a criminal justice professor who has been teaching at Westfield State for 20 years. He received his bachelor’s degree in psychology from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, his master’s degree
internship component. She also organizes activities for the regional planning advisory board. Dr. Kelly finds it rewarding to “follow students from their first days at Westfield State through their graduation and beyond by linking them up with potential graduate school placements and jobs.”
in forensic psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York and his doctoral degree in criminal justice from the City University of New York. Dr. Cook’s course specialties at the University are in terrorism, ethics in criminal justice and corruption and political crime. He was the co-advisor and co-founder of a Ham Radio Operators club on campus, and he received the John F. Nevins Outstanding Educator Award in 1998. Dr. Cook also had a career
in the military, and after Sept. 11, 2001, he was recalled to active duty with the U.S. Navy and sent overseas on two deployments. He continued to assist students via email, however. Dr. Cook says he encourages his students to strive to do their best and not accept mediocrity. Dr. Roger Tudor has been a professor of psychology at Westfield State for 20 years. He received his bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Florida and from the University of South Florida, he earned a master’s degree in experimental psychology and a doctoral degree in education and applied behavior analysis. While at Westfield State,
Dr. Tudor developed behavioral language programs for children with developmental disabilities, such as autism. He currently teaches classes in the master’s program in applied behavior analysis. He enjoys face-toface interactions with students about where their future will bring them. The following professors also celebrated anniversaries this year, but they were unavailable for comment: Dr. Stanley Jackson, psychology, 20 years; Dr. Bradford Art, philosophy, 25 years; Dr. John Paulmann, communication, 25 years; Dr. Harold Stessel, English, 25 years; Dr. Patrick Romano, physical science, 40 years; and Dr. Frederick Harling, history 45 years. n
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Owls Leave 2011 with Stellar Records By Mickey Curtis, Sports Information Director
e s t f i e l d S tat e U n i v e r s i t y c o m p l e t e d another highly
successful sports season during the 2011 fall semester, highlighted by the women’s soccer and women’s volleyball NCAA Tournament teams.
he women’s soccer team recorded the first NCAA Tournament victory in program history by defeating Stevens Institute, N.J., on penalty kicks. The Owls’ bid to advance to Sweet Sixteen ended when the team fell to Williams College, 2-1, in the second round. The team compiled a 15-4-2 record and won its third Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference (MASCAC) championship in four years. The scoring leaders were juniors Kayley Miller, Leann Rivard and Brittanie McGregor, who were firstteam all-conference selections. Miller and Rivard tied single-season school records with 42 points and 15 assists, respectively. Other all-conference honorees were senior defender Heather Dragon and freshmen Sarah Sypek and Ashleigh Chretien. The women’s volleyball team captured its third straight MASCAC championship and participated in its third consecutive NCAA Tournament. The Owls lost in the NCAA opening round to Springfield College, the top-ranked team in New England. First-team all-conference selections Alex Shaw and Kerin DeGirolamo finished their outstanding collegiate careers by setting school records for kills and assists, respectively. Also earning all-conference honors was sophomore Julia Warner. The men’s and women’s cross country teams continued their winning ways by capturing MASCAC titles. The women cruised to their eighth straight conference crown led by freshman Amy Trainque, who placed second individually and was named the MASCAC rookie of the year. She was followed by freshman Olivia Marshall (third place), senior Marissa Bonito (fourth place), junior Rachael Cardin (sixth place), and freshman Nicole Foucher (eighth place). The men’s cross country squad captured its 24th title with a six-point victory over rival Bridgewater in the 41st annual MASCAC championships. Westfield placed all five of
its scorers in the top 11, led by senior Jonathan Joyce (fifth place), junior Anthony Frissora (sixth) and Cam Fairbanks (seventh). The field hockey team advanced to the semifinals of the conference tournament and tied a school record for victories in a season. The 12-7 Owls were led by senior standouts Jessi Gould and Nicole Gagnon. Gould tallied a team-high 26 points to finish her outstanding four-year career with 122 points, the second most points scored in school history. Gagnon anchored the solid Owl defense and scored eight points, including three goals on penalty strokes. Both were all-conference honorees, and Gagnon was selected to play in the National Field Hockey Coaches Association prestigious Senior All-Star Game. Also earning all-conference honors were senior goalie Amanda McCarthy and junior midfielder Lauren Tavares. The men’s soccer squad also posted a winning record (10-7-1) and was led by senior first-team all-conference selections Josh Severns, Justin Laliberte and Sam LaBonte. The young and talented Westfield football team that included only nine seniors finished with a competitive 5-5 record, losing three games by a total of seven points including two overtime setbacks. Five Owls were accorded first-team all-conference status: junior defensive end Chris Walker, senior defensive back Ryan O’Connell, sophomore tight end Jeff Winchell, junior punter Dan Dowling and junior placekicker Kennan Startzell. O’Connell was also an All-New England All-Star while Startzell had a stellar season, setting or tying six school records. The 5-7, 160 pounder led the Owls in scoring and ranked second in the NEFC in kick scoring with 56 points. He was perfect on his extra points (26 for 26) and made 10 of 12 field goal attempts. n
The 2011 Westfield State University women’s volleyball team won its third straight conference championship and participated in its third consecutive NCAA Tournament.
Westfield State University women’s volleyball all-conference players during the 2011 fall semester were, left to right: Kerin DeGirolamo, Alex Shaw and Julia Warner.
The Westfield State University women’s soccer team won its third Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference championship in four years and advanced to the second round of the 2011 NCAA Tournament. F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
2011 a Great Year for This Alum Coaching lacrosse his claim to fame By Mickey Curtis, Sports Information Director
t wa s q u i t e a y e a r for Steve Duffy ’91. The assistant
coach for the Boston Cannons captured the 2011 Major League Lacrosse (MLL) championship in August, then in late November, he received national recognition when he was promoted to head coach. He was also inducted into the Waltham High School Athletics Hall of Fame. Duffy’s year to remember was duly noted by his Westfield State friends. “I was inundated with phones calls, emails and text messages, and it was on Facebook,” says Duffy. “It was pretty nice. I got tons of congratulations.” Duffy hopes his Westfield State classmates continue to keep in touch with him as he leads the reigning MLL champions. He is
confident he is ready for the challenge after three years as a Cannons assistant coach and 18 years as a highly successful coach at Waltham High School. “If I didn’t think I was ready, I wouldn’t have put my name in (the applicant pool),” he says. “The three years as an assistant seasoned me. I am definitely looking forward to it.”
“Although we appreciate the interest of many other candidates, Steve’s knowledge of our players and the other MLL teams, as well as his tremendous dedication to the Cannons organization, made him the strongest candidate from the beginning,” says Cannon general manager Kevin Barney in the official press release announcing Duffy’s hiring as head coach. “His experience with the Cannons will provide a seamless transition as we prepare for 2012.” Duffy is excited to be a part of the fastest-growing sport in the United States that features many outstanding athletes. The MLL is expanding from six to eight teams this year with long-range plans to increase to 16 teams. The league, which began in 2001, plays a rugged 14-game schedule beginning in late April and attendance is growing steadily. The Cannons play their home games at historic Harvard Stadium and average crowds in excess of 8,000. In Denver, the Cannons played in front of 27,000 lacrosse fanatics. In addition, ESPN is televising selected games. “Major League Lacrosse is doing it the right way,” says Duffy. “They are modeling themselves after the Major Soccer League. In 10 or 15 years, I believe the (lacrosse) league will be firmly established.” With a hard-working front office staff and based in one of the country’s lacrosse hotbeds, the Cannons have solidified themselves as one of the league’s top organizations. “Coach Duffy’s stature in the local lacrosse community will be invaluable as we continue to build the Cannons brand throughout the CONTINUED ON PAGE 35
Hall-of-Famer Earns Prestigious Hagan Award By David Caspole ’94, Westfield State Senior Development Coordinator for Athletics
i l l i a m J . “ B i l l” M i l l e r ’ 5 3 , a longtime member
of the University’s Athletic Hall of Fame Committee, has been selected as the winner of the James C. Hagan Award, for outstanding service and support of athletics at the University. Miller has had a 70-year affiliation with Westfield State, first attending the Training School as a fifth-grader in 1941, then earning his bachelor’s degree at what was then Westfield State Teachers College while competing as a member of the school’s fledgling varsity programs in basketball and baseball. Miller, who spent almost 40 years as first a teacher, then principal at Benjamin J. Phelps Elementary School in Agawam, renewed his acquaintance with Westfield State’s athletic programs when attending the Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in 1998, as his friend and teammate Chet Symancyk ’53 was inducted into the hall. Miller was recruited to the Hall of Fame Selection Committee the next year and has been very involved with Westfield State’s athletics program ever since. “Bill’s longtime involvement with Westfield State athletics makes him an excellent choice for the Hagan Award, which we consider one of the greatest honors that the Hall of Fame Committee can bestow on an individual,” said Richard Lenfest, director of athletics at Westfield State. “Bill and his wife, Carol, are regularly seen attending games and have been regular supporters of the Owl Club booster club since we started it five years ago.” The Hagan Award was established two years ago and named for the first recipient, Westfield Bank President Jim Hagan ’84,
and honors individuals who have provided outstanding service and support to the athletics department at the University. The freshman class directory in the 1950 yearbook called Miller a “Terrific basketball player . . . who sure knows his biology.”
His basketball team posted a 15-2 record in 1950-51, which is still the best winning percentage in the history of the school. Miller played with Westfield State Hall of Famers Symancyk, Bob Farr ’55 and the late Don Farr ’57. Miller’s involvement with Westfield State winds through the very history of the University – his professors read like a who’s who of the campus – President Edward Scanlon, Ed Welch, Theresa Lammers – all of whom have buildings named after them on campus. CONTINUED ON PAGE 35
President Evan S. Dobelle, left, and William “Bill” Miller ’53 F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
Nanci Salvidio Appointed to Senior Leadership Position Nanci Salvidio ’73, M ’84 has been named interim vice president for Alumni and Community Relations, replacing Ken Lemanski, who is now the interim president of St. Joseph’s College in Standish, Maine. With a bachelor’s degree in social sciences and a master’s in psychology from Westfield State, Nanci has had an incredible 38-year association with her alma mater. Her exceptional service to the University has included work as a counselor in the Urban Education program and as associate director of the Academic Center. Most recently, she served as executive assistant to the president and as associate vice president for Advancement and University Relations. Alumni and community members know Nanci for her grace, good humor and generosity. With a “trust your heart” philosophy that reflects her belief that “the heart already knows what the mind can dream of,” she brings passion and broad vision to every task at hand. On April 13, at its annual spring conference, the Massachusetts Women in Public Higher Education recognized Nanci as a nominee for its first Phenomenal Woman Award. Congratulations, Vice President Salvidio!
The process is simple. Please find the nomination form at www.westfieldalumni.org/nomination. The deadline for nominations for 2012 is June 15, 2012. For more on Chelte, visit westfieldalumni.org/cf_news/view.cfm?newsid=20.
Alumni Travel Takes Off
Pictured from left to right: Kevin Queenin ’70, chair of Westfield State University Alumni Association; Judy Chelte ’73; Ryan O’Connell ’07, immediate past association president; Raymond Chelte ’67; and Westfield State President Evan S. Dobelle.
Raymond Chelte ’67: 2011 Westfield State Distinguished Alumnus The Westfield State University Alumni Association honored Raymond Chelte ‘67 of Chicopee with its first Distinguished Alumni Award. The honor is a service award designed for an alumnus who has made an outstanding contribution to the community. Raymond accepted the award during the annual Alumni Homecoming weekend at Westfield State. This year, Westfield State is searching for two distinguished alumni. Do you know an outstanding alumnus who received either their undergraduate or graduate degree from Westfield State? Consider nominating him/her for the 2012 Distinguished Alumnus honor.
The Westfield State Alumni Travel program has successfully run a number of fabulous trips and plans are in place for more. In addition to a Boston-to-Bermuda Cruise, May 25-June 1, 2012, we have scheduled the “Tuscan Experience” on April 20-29, 2013. Additionally, the Alumni Association will be sponsoring a New York State trip for October 4-8, 2012. See ad on page 35. Travel is open to all alumni, faculty, staff and friends of Westfield State University. For more information, visit www.westfieldalumni. org/travel or contact Kathi Bradford, director of Alumni Relations at kbradford@westfield.ma.edu.
Election Time is Fast Approaching. . . . If you are interested in serving as a member-at-large for the Westfield State Alumni Association, please contact our office right away! Nominations (either self or other) are due by June 15, 2012. You will find an online nomination form at www.westfieldalumni. org/elections. Please email Kathi at kbradford@westfield.ma.edu or call (413) 572-5404 with any questions about the process or your involvement.
Stay Connected Be sure to keep in touch so you’re in the know about all things Westfield State! Visit our website at www.westfieldalumni.org for news, events, happenings and more. While you are there, why not login and update your information? For first-time logins, your username and password is the same – your first initial, last name and four-digit graduation year (ex. Joe Smith, class of 1999 would be jsmith1999). If you need assistance logging in or have questions about the site, please contact Kelly Galanis at kgalanis@westfield. ma.edu or (413) 572-5228.
REUNION 2012 — We Hope You Are Returning to Campus! Registration for Reunion 2012, June 23-24, can be found at www.westfieldalumni.org. Whether you are returning to celebrate a milestone (classes ending in 2 and 7) or to reconnect with friends (Musical Theatre Guild, Urban Education, Track and Cross Country) or just want to spend a night back on campus, we would love to see you. The full reunion program costs $150 per person, including three delicious meals, a reception, entertainment and accommodations. New Hall is a gorgeous, air-conditioned building with apartmentstyle living for you and your friends. Add music, a luau on the green, brunch, a fabulous evening of dining and dancing, and you have a great recipe for reconnecting with your friends and the campus. Questions? Please contact Kathi Bradford at kbradford@ westfield.ma.edu. Hope we see you in June! The Class of 1962 will be celebrating its 50th reunion this year and would like to locate all of its classmates! If you have updated contact information for yourself or any member of this class, please contact the office of Alumni Relations at (413) 572-8356. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you at Reunion Weekend 2012!
Commencement 2012 and Golden Owls Celebration After much consideration, Westfield State University has decided that Commencement 2012 will be celebrated at the MassMutual Center in Springfield on May 19, 2012. The following are excerpts from a letter from Marsha Marotta, Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Chair of the Commencement Committee and Meaghan B. MacDonald, President of the Class of 2012, on the decision to make the move: Due to construction on several campus projects, including the new residence hall scheduled to open in the Fall of 2013, the campus green will not be available for Commencement for at least two or three years. The Commencement Committee considered several alternatives and concluded that the MassMutual Center is the best option. The committee includes representation from students, faculty and staff across campus.
MassMutual Center allows us to avoid the disruption of construction while at the same time preserves our Commencement traditions. In addition, the center affords easy access from highways, convenient parking, ample seating with unobstructed views, jumbo screens for close-up views of graduates, air conditioning and no concerns about inclement weather. The spirit of Westfield State is in our students, faculty, staff, families and friends, and we will bring that spirit with us on May 19, 2012. Look for details early in the Spring semester.
Alumni Yellow Pages Want You to Share Your Business! The Alumni Yellow Pages are currently under construction. We want to hear from you. Do you have a business or organization that would benefit being seen by 37,000 alumni? Then share your information with us to appear in our listings database, or consider taking out an advertisement on our page for a very reasonable fee. Visit westfieldalumni.org/yellowpages today to submit your information.
Westfield State Alumni Store Be sure to stop by westfieldalumni.org and check out all the offerings in our online store. We offer stylish hoodies and crewnecks, camping chairs and diploma frames, all with reasonable prices that include a donation to the Alumni Association Scholarship Fund. Items can be picked up at the Alumni Relations office for free, or we will gladly ship your items to you for a reasonable fee. Place your order today at westfieldalumni.org/store.
Homecoming 2012 Save the date: Homecoming 2012 will happen on the Westfield State campus on Saturday, Oct. 20. Come on back and see your classmates, professors, friends and more. Join us in the morning for the Homecoming Tailgate party sponsored by the Westfield State Alumni Association. Then enjoy live music and great food at our Homecoming site, and watch the Owls football team take the field in an exciting game. Following Homecoming, keep the party going into the night and join the 70s Decade Reunion at its evening function. For more details and to register, visit westfieldalumni.org/homecoming. F O C U S M AG AZ I N E • SPRIN G 2 0 1 2
Births 1989
Kaitlin Dupre and her husband, Seth Taylor, are the proud parents of two children – Molly Bowen Taylor, born Sept. 16, 2010, and Brennan Robert Taylor, born Oct. 18, 2011.
Weddings Rep. Don Humason Jr. and Janice Tracey Humason welcomed their son Quinn Geordon Humason on Aug. 15, 2011.
Erica Keaney and her fiancé, Roger Catron, welcomed their son, Turner, into the world on Nov. 25, 2009.
Steven Hughes wed Karen Kapusta in a June 11, 2011, ceremony and reception at The Delaney House in Holyoke. Steven is a captain with the Massachusetts State Police.
University and earned a master’s degree in criminal justice. She is a police officer for the West Springfield Police Department. Erica and Morgan traveled to New Zealand for one month for their honeymoon. They live in Chicopee.
2003 William J. Hawkins married Kelly E. Moriarty on Oct. 16, 2010. William graduated from Westfield State University and is employed as the town planner for Suffield, Conn. The couple lives in Feeding Hills. Elizabeth R. LaFond married Peter L. Coppez on Sept. 2, 2011. Elizabeth earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English from Westfield State. She is currently employed by Baystate Health as a communications specialist in the marketing and communications department. The couple enjoyed a honeymoon exploring the beautiful country of Italy.
2004 Proud Parents Matthew Pietras ‘02 and Trisha Stickney Pietras and Grandparents Jim Pietras ‘72 and Michele Pietras ‘73 welcomed their baby girl, Teagan Winter Pietras, into this Westfield State family on June 18, 2011.
Jessie Ramsey Haddad and Johnny Haddad welcomed their son Jayden into the world on June 24, 2011.
Neil Gannon ‘91 and Michael Burke were married on Oct. 9, 2011.
1995 Robert A. St. Amand married Kerri-Ann Fraterrigo on July 31, 2010. Robert graduated from Westfield State University and is a high school guidance counselor in Suffield, Conn. The couple lives in Longmeadow.
2001 Erica Galuszka married Morgan Ireland on Oct. 16, 2010. Erica attended Westfield State
Nicole Marie Fagan married David Scott Poythress on July 16, 2011. The couple will live in Barcelona, Spain, where David will attend the IESE Business School at the University of Navarra. Nicole received her bachelor’s degree in education from Westfield State University. Jason Pease married Jennifer Felix on June 18, 201,1 at Our Lady of Fatima Church in Ludlow. Jason earned his bachelor’s degree from Westfield State University and is currently a firefighter and paramedic with the Ludlow Fire Department. The couple lives in Ludlow.
Thomas Reynolds married Sarah Siegel on Sept. 24, 2010. Thomas graduated from Westfield State University and is a personal trainer at Definitions in Manhattan. The couple lives in Brooklyn, N.Y.
2005 Meredith O’Connor married John Courtney on Oct. 29, 2011, at the Cranwell Resort in Lenox.
Two Westfield State grads tied the knot! Stephanie da Costa Clark and Eric Clark ’07 tied the knot on July 23, 2011, a beautiful and very warm Saturday. They were married at St. Mary’s Church in their hometown of North Attleboro and their reception directly followed at Lake Pearl Lucianos in Wrentham. There were over 20 Westfield grads in attendance!
2007 Courtney Walsh and Scott Phelon married Aug. 13, 2011, at the Delaney House in Holyoke. Scott is currently a police officer for the city of Westfield and Courtney teaches at White Oak School in Westfield.
and Benjamin is employed as a lab processor with the Holyoke Medical Center. The couple lives in Westfield.
Deaths Sarah Odachowski Martin married Shayne Martin of Missouri on Aug. 7, 2011, in Sudbury. Sarah and Shayne now live in Germany, where he is stationed with the U.S. Army. They are enjoying living and traveling throughout Europe.
2009 Megan M. Kane married Aaron D. Sweet on July 16, 2011. Megan earned her master’s degree from Westfield State and is currently a fourth grade teacher for Veterans Park School in Ludlow. The couple lives in Westfield. Kathryn Sadlowski married Matthew Dasso ’02 on Oct. 1, 2010. Kathryn and Matthew are both graduates from Westfield State University. Kathryn is a preschool teacher at Williston Northampton School in Easthampton, and Matthew is a sales associate with G. Housen of Vermont. The couple honeymooned in Aruba. They live in Easthampton.
2011 Alecia Champiney married Benjamin Standish ’10 on June 25, 2011. Alecia and Benjamin both graduated from Westfield State University. Alecia is employed as a toddler teacher with Bright Horizons in Enfield
For more detailed information on the obituaries of those in our Westfield State University community, please visit westfieldalumni.org/classnotes, or contact Kathi Bradford at kbradford@ westfield.ma.edu.
1927 Rose M. Fitzgerald passed away on Jan. 21, 2011. Harriet (O’Keefe) Deane passed away on Feb. 2, 2011. Mary V. Smith passed away on May 7, 2011.
1953 Barbara A. Hellstein passed away on Aug. 5, 2011.
1957 Leo Rioux ’61M passed away on Sept. 1, 2011. Patricia Kane passed away on May 18, 2011.
Eileen Pariseau passed away on Oct. 28, 2011.
William Maloney passed away Sept. 1, 2011.
1960 Charles F. Smith passed away on July 16, 2011.
1961 Barbara A. Julian passed away on Nov. 16, 2011.
1942 Mary Cusick passed away on March 20, 2011.
1944 Stella Mondoux passed away on July 29, 2011.
1948 Lucille D. Gibbs passed away on Oct. 16, 2011.
1948 Philip Hansen passed away on June 24, 2011.
Richard F. (Dick) Van Heynigen, Sr. of Mooresville, North Carolina, died Oct. 7, 2011.
Eleanor McCarthy passed away on Dec. 18, 2011.
John F. Slasinski passed away on Jan. 16, 2011.
Edward Mullarkey passed away on May 24, 2011.
Roland Miller passed away on June 11, 2011.
Dorothy L. Heywood Stewart passed away on Dec. 18, 2011.
Lucia Vecchiarelli passed away on May 5, 2011.
Gary LaFountain passed away on June 27, 2011.
Richard Mc Cabe passed away on April 1, 2011.
Michael Polansky passed away on May 16, 2011.
1977 Susan M. Burkhart passed away on July 28, 2011.
1979 Robert Tucker passed away on March 8, 2011. Bruce Farrington passed away on Nov. 4, 2011.
Beverly Chapman Bray passed away on Nov. 27, 2011.
1968 William Hennessey passed away on June 2, 2011. William Igoe passed away on June 9, 2011.
1970 William Lapointe passed away on Jan. 21, 2011.
1971 James F. Tierney Sr. passed away on July 12, 2011.
Gussie H. Jenkins passed away on Jan. 9, 2011. Richard F. Russell passed away on Oct. 24, 2011.
1983 Laurence B. Deburro passed away on Oct. 14, 2011. RuthAnn Lobo passed away on July 19, 2011. Gail M. Supanich passed away on March 17, 2011.
1984 Maureen D’Amico passed away on Jan. 7, 2011.
1974 David G. Coupal passed away on March 18, 2011.
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Mark Sawula passed away on Sept. 28, 2011.
ter’s in physics from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He taught physics at Gardner High School and Mt. Wachusett Community College for 35 years and served as science department chair for 31 years.
George Milne passed away on June 27, 2011.
Robert Coelln passed away on July 26, 2011.
Robert P. Lees passed away on Oct. 28, 2011.
Linda Haska Madeka is newly retired and loving it. She recently retired from her position, teaching English as a second language for the Boonton Board of Education in Boonton, N.J.
Carlo Santos of Wareham passed away on June 4, 2011.
Kyle Piazza passed away on Oct. 29, 2011.
2008 Rebecca Wallace passed away on Nov. 1, 2011, at age 31.
News For more details on each of the news items that appear below, please visit westfieldalumni.org/ classnotes.
1968 Michael Kudravetz is enjoying retirement and singing with the Greater Gardner Community Chorus. He received his mas-
The Westfield High School band was chosen as one of only 25 bands in the country to represent Westfield High, Westfield and Massachusetts at a Band of Pride tribute to those who lost their lives in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. They performed in Times Square, New York City, in early November. Patrick Kennedy is the director of the band.
1985 Barbara O’Connor has been selected to fill the position of the University of Connecticut’s first female
Joseph McGiverin was elected as a Holyoke City Councilor at Large in the November 2011 elections. Daniel T. Smith retired as principal of South Hadley High School after 30 years in the South Hadley School system.
1978 Bob Mayo is an annual participant of the Jimmy Fund Walk and is one of the Top 100 fundraisers for the event.
1958 Ann Zucco Favreau published Window Eyes, a story that chronicles her travels with an open heart, open mind and “window eyes” that see beyond the tourist sites to view the culture of the people with interest and without judgment.
1982 Susan A. Pepin-Phillips was named vice president of marketing for Florence Savings Bank.
1989 After working 23 years as a police officer, Steven Fleming is switching gears as the new school resource officer for the South Hadley Public Schools. Tammy Kraus has been appointed by Massachusetts Senate President Therese Murray to serve as chief financial officer of the Senate Office of Administration and Finance.
police chief. Maureen Owen Wark is the new dean of students at Montserrat College of Art. Maureen lives in Salem with her husband, Andrew, and new rescue black lab Sadie. She is pictured here enjoying a viewing of the Stanley Cup!
1986 Kathleen Hickey Moore (center) is an annual participant of the Jimmy Fund Walk and has been participating for the past 15 years.
Valley Human Society and the Highland Valley Elder Services.
Patrice Stribling Nelson has been very active in the music industry out in Merced, Calif. She has completed her last semester as conductor of the Merced Youth Choir and runs the Stribling Nelson Music Studio.
1987 Michele Lawrence-Bennett will serve as assistant vice president and security officer of Florence Savings Bank. Michele is a volunteer for the Dakin Pioneer
Christine McNamara Musial’s two daughters show their Owl Pride with fun Westfield State gear! Pictured are Mary Patricia, 18 months, and Elizabeth Anne, 2 years. Miles Woodhouse was recently selected to fill the role of employee relations coordinator for Baltimore City Community College. Miles lives in the Baltimore area.
1992 Terrell Hill, founding principal of High School, Inc., a National Academy Foundation (NAF) school, was recently featured in an article in Black Enterprise magazine titled, “Finding Success Through a Middle Ground.” Keith McKittrick recently joined the staff at Holyoke Community
College as its director of development.
1993 Capt. Tracey G. Gove was recently appointed police chief for the town of West Hartford, Conn. Tracey currently lives in Farmington, Conn., with his wife and three sons. Two-term Springfield Mayor Domenic J. Sarno was reelected to a four-year term in the November 2011 elections.
Joseph Alvernaz is part of the Education and Training Department at Holyoke Medical Center, which provides training for new and veteran staff members. The Granby Arts Project has also announced Joe as this year’s director.
1996 Attorney Gina Barry of Bacon Wilson P.C. has been named a New England SuperLawyers Rising Star for the fourth time in the November 2011 issue of Boston Magazine.
1997 Rich Sirop is currently executive producer of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Rich was promoted after a lengthy run with the show and is pleased that his Westfield State experience helped him along the way.
Kyle Robidoux recently was awarded the Ricanne Hadrian award from the Mass Association of Community Development Corporations (MACDC) for a CDC project manager or organizer who meaningfully engages local residents in building economicallyand racially-just communities.
PeoplesBank has announced the appointment of Melissa E. Richter as branch manager at the new Memorial Avenue office in West Springfield. Melissa lives in West Springfield.
1999 Jim Leahy was elected as a Holyoke City Councilor at Large in the November 2011 elections. This is his seventh win for this position. Sharon Malouin has been elected audit officer of Florence Savings Bank. Sharon earned her bachelor’s degree in business management from Westfield State University. She is a volunteer at the White Brook Middle School and a parentteacher organization member for the Easthampton elementary schools.
2003 Lisa Beauchemin became a Lamaze-certified childbirth educator in June 2010 and recently began teaching classes at Mercy Medical Center in Springfield. She also was recently elected as treasurer of the Green River Doula Network.
Brianna Arnold has been named one of the store managers of Carlos Pazolini, an Italian shoe store that is new to the United States.
Faculty and Staff News
2008 Jenna Flynn is employed with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She worked on finding coordinates in the Westfield River this past summer as part of her Capstone Research Project.
Faculty and Staff formed Team Westfield State at the Hot Chocolate Run/Walk on Dec. 4, 2011, in Northampton. The run raises funds for Safe Passage, the Hampshire County organization providing shelter, counseling and advocacy services to women and children who have experienced domestic violence.
2000 Mark Luke was inducted into the Oliver Ames Athletic Hall of Fame in November of 2011. Mark had a standout career at Westfield State University, where he started four years, and three of those years he was voted the team’s Outstanding Lineman and All New England Football Conference.
2001 Francis Henderson III has been selected to fill the position of full-time School Resource Officer, serving Northampton High School, JFK Middle School and Smith Vocational Agricultural High School.
Massachusetts National Guard Specialist Shannon Swanson (center) was given an Army commendation medal for aiding an 89-year-old woman suffering from hypothermia during the freak October snowstorm that left hundreds of thousands of people without electricity. Melissa Nelson has joined Medvest LLC, the local franchise-holder for Doctors Express Urgent Care centers in the states of Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Many Westfield State faculty and friends took part on one of nine teams in the Great Josh Billings Run-A-Ground triathalon that took place in the Berkshires on Sept. 18, 2011. Westfield State University has appointed Donald M. Bowman as its first chief development officer. Don will lead Westfield State’s development program with the goals to increase the engagement of alumni and friends in the University and to
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Donald A. Ford Sr. passed away on Jan. 15, 2011, at his home in Chicopee. Donald retired from Westfield State University after 21 years as the Dean of Student Affairs and Affirmative Action Officer.
increase private investment and major gifts for a range of programs such as planning for the University’s 175th anniversary in 2013. See story page 37. Environmental Science Professor Carsten Braun recently completed the trek up Kilimanjaro, the largest mountain in Africa and the tallest freestanding mountain in the world, on Sept. 17, 2011, and reached the summit on Oct. 4, 2011. To view his photos and read his posts visit his Facebook page at facebook.com/kibo2011. See story Page 16. Junior Delgado M ’02 was featured in On the Job in the Sunday Republican. Junior said he likes his job because “As a career counselor, I am able to impact students’ lives through counseling and assisting them in identifying future goals.”
Dr. Catherine Dower-Gold, professor emerita, has been named the Catholic University School of Music’s Distinguished Alumna for 2011. Catherine taught at Westfield State for 35 years. She is the author of Puerto Rican Music Following the Spanish American War (1983); Alfred Einstein on Music (1991); and Yella Pessl, First Lady of the Harpsichord (1992). Dr. Weston Dyer, II passed away on Nov. 18, 2011. A professor of political science at Westfield State University for 21 years, he retired in 1990.
Kenneth Haar, long-time professor and one of the leaders around Beacon Hill and the Commonwealth for PHENOM, has been named Interim Associate Vice President for Government Relations.
Nitza Hidalgo was recognized by Gov. Deval Patrick as one of 19 outstanding Latino educators in public schools and five board members across the state.
Mary Kronholm ’93 active library advocate and trustee of the Blandford Public Library, has been chosen by Gov. Deval Patrick to serve on the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. Mary is one of nine residents of the Commonwealth who are responsible for conducting official business of the MBLC. Waleska Lugo-DeJesus ’10 has been named interim director of multicultural affairs and interim executive assistant to the president at Westfield State. Prior to this appointment, Waleska served as assistant to the vice president of Advancement and University Relations.
In January, Kathi Bradford, (front left), director of alumni relations, led a class of 26 students on a trip to Nicaragua for a service learning seminar, teamed with Kelli Nielsen ’04 (behind Kathi’s left shoulder). Teressa Young from Advancement and University Relations (obscured, far right) also attended as the course assistant. The group fundraised, developed and physically built a school.
LACROSSE Continued from page 26
HAGAN Continued from page 27
region,” Barney says. “Along with his coaching duties and community appearances, he will be taking over as director of Cannons Camp, our series of educational summer programs throughout New England.” Despite Duffy’s heavy workload with the Cannons, including drafting and evaluating college players, the head coach position is part-time. Duffy has been employed at Waltham High School for 20 years, 17 years teaching U.S. history and criminal law and the past three years as a vice principal. His is married to Marianne (Spignese) Duffy ’91. Duffy did not play lacrosse at Westfield State – he was a standout defense end for the Owls football team – and he caught the coaching bug early in his teaching career at Waltham. Duffy spent 18 years as the head coach of Waltham High School boys’ lacrosse program. In 2001 and 2005, Duffy directed Waltham to the state semi-finals and the state championship game, respectively. He received the 1999 Boston Globe and Eastern Massachusetts Lacrosse Coaches Association (EMLCA) Coach of the Year Award. After developing Waltham High School into one of the best programs in the state, it was time for Duffy to make a coaching change because of his job commitments as vice principal. As a Cannon assistant, his primary duties were coaching the defense and making in-game substitutions. “You are coaching some of the best athletes in the world, and you have to tell them when the best time is for them to be in or out of a game with split-second decisions and that can be a challenge,” says Duffy. Duffy’s decisions will make an even bigger impact as head coach. He will be coaching arguably the best player in the world, Paul Rabil, who played in college at Johns Hopkins. Many of the Cannon players are from perennial powers such as Duke, Cornell and Princeton and, like Duffy, they are part-time employees as the league salary cap for an entire team is reportedly $175,000. The team meets for formal practice sessions on weekends and plays Saturday games. Most of the players have other sources of income. For example, they are college coaches, investment counselors and salesmen, and many also play in the national indoor lacrosse league. The highly acclaimed Rabil has endorsement contracts. “These guys are professionals, but, like anyone else, they need to be coached,” says Duffy. “And the guys who don’t want to be coached won’t be here. All of these guys are competitive and just want to play. They are tremendous athletes and very dedicated to what they are doing. A lot of it is because of their talent, but it’s also a lot of hard work on their part.” Rabil and other Cannon stars, including attackman Matt Poskay and defenseman Mitch Belisle, applauded the front office’s decision to hire the Westfield State graduate as their head coach. “He took a blue-collar approach to the position, and that is kind of (the players) approach,” says Poskay. “I think one thing that helps is that we are not a rebuilding team; we’re just a reloading team, and we are as excited as Duff is to get going.” n
Miller acknowledges that his interest in becoming a teacher stems from attending the Training School for middle school. The Training School, located at 27 Washington St. in Westfield, was owned by the University and used as a practicum for students who were studying to become teachers. “I had a few really terrible teachers when I was in elementary school,” said Miller. “But I had four of the best when I attended the training school, including Marjorie Williams, who’s a member of the Westfield State Hall of Fame.” Miller said he was selected to give the graduation speech when his class graduated from eighth grade, even though he wasn’t the valedictorian. “For a lot of people back then, eighth grade was as far as they went, so we had a graduation. I’m not sure why they picked the little Lithuanian kid to speak,” he said, with selfdeprecating humor. “Tuition at Westfield was just $37.50 a semester when I attended,” said Miller. “One of my proudest moments at Westfield was when I was one of three students chosen for Who’s Who in American Colleges – Dan Dion, Marion Coach and myself – the last two of us of proud Lithuanian heritage!” When Miller attended Westfield State, the basketball team would practice on the upper floor of the college building, which now serves as Westfield’s City Hall. “We mostly played at the old high school,” said Miller, referring to what is now Westfield Vocational High School. “But after a year or two, one of the guys on the team was part of the National Guard, so we started to play our games at the Armory on Franklin Street before the guard’s team would play.” “We spent my junior year writing letters to the legislature to keep the College open,” said Miller. “There was a possibility the school would close, but eventually the legislature decided to fund the campus, which opened on Western Avenue a few years after I graduated.” Miller did play in the first game in the new Parenzo gymnasium in the fall of 1956 as a member of the alumni taking on the varsity. After graduating from Westfield State, Miller enlisted in the U.S. Army 10 days before the end of the Korean War. After two years in the Army, he returned to his hometown of Westfield, where he applied for a job in the Westfield School district. A day later he applied for and was given a job in the Agawam School District. Miller’s attendance at Westfield State began a family tradition. His daughter, Patricia (Miller) Cyranowski, is 1980 graduate of Westfield State, and now his granddaughter, Hannah Miller, currently attends. “Back in 1976, when my daughter graduated high school, she wanted to be a teacher, but there were very few teaching jobs available then, and I tried to discourage her from choosing that field. Finally, I told her, “If you still want to be a teacher, you have only one choice for college: Westfield State College, and it came to be.” n
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MADDEN Continued from page 14
Not unlike Coach Belichick and his “Belistrator,” Gibbons and Farley demonstrate and explain to viewers how to make the players in the game run different pass routes, blitz, call an audible and recognize what the opponent is showing. As MB Nation grew, word of mouth about Gibbons and Farley and their body of quality work eventually got back to EA Sports (Electronic Arts Sports), the manufacturers of MADDEN NFL. In 2011, Gibbons and Farley traveled to Orlando, Florida, to EA Sports to meet the people who actually make the game. They spent five days there, playing the game 10-15 hours a day, learning all of its nuances. Prima Games, a subsidiary of Random House, learned of Gibbons and Farley from EA Sports and hired them to write “MADDEN NFL12 The Official Player’s Guide,” a 256-page how-to bible for the game. “The book is focused on what we call the “five sets for success,” says Gibbons. “Many that play MADDEN don’t have an idea of how to play the game. They simply call one or two plays, and that’s it. The five sets revolve around actual football knowledge that allows the players to have specific plays for specific situations in the game.” The guide has hundreds of photos of actual situations – all photographed by Farley – as well as player ratings, explanations of what to do in any situation and tips, all written and explained so that anyone from novice to expert will understand. It is written with an energy that pumps readers up, exciting them for what they are about to learn or try out for the first time. To say the user guide is top-notch or awesome is an understatement. The love, passion and energy that went into it is evident on every single page. Gibbons and Farley give their readers everything they need to bring MADDEN NFL 12 as close to playing in a real NFL game as possible. One of the actual designers of the game commends Farley and Gibbons in the intro to the guide, stating, “They know the game in and out” and that players should “take their tips to improve their game.” Gibbons and Farley also created a website called “challenge85. com,” on which the sole purpose is to play the Patriot’s Chad Ochocinco in a game of MADDEN. “Over a year’s time, nothing happened, but this past summer, a bunch of people messaged out to Chad, via twitter, to play us,” says Gibbons. “Chad sent me his number and said he’d love to crush me in a game of MADDEN. Zach and I went to his house and played him in MADDEN... It was one of the cooler experiences we have ever had.” (In case you’re wondering how they fared against the Patriots wide-out, “We beat him pretty good,” says Farley with a smile.) Both Gibbons and Farley credit Westfield State for providing them with a quality education and think the friendships and selfgrowth they experienced there were the most valuable. “My time at Westfield State was an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything,” says Farley. Visit Gibbons and Farley online at www.maddenbible.com. n
MURAL Continued from page 10
Downtown Art Gallery that relate to various cultures as well as the community of Westfield.” Smith was chosen to create this public mural because of his exceptional landscape panorama skills. “John is an alumni of Westfield State, and in our mission to include alumni in our gallery agenda, we had an exhibition of his amazing paintings at the Arno Maris Campus Gallery a year ago,” Lund says. “I was so taken by his ability to recreate visuals with mood that I thought he would be the perfect candidate for this mural. “Our hope is to continue to culturally enhance Westfield, and, as a result, make it an exciting place to visit,” Lund adds. According to Chris Linquist, director of the Westfield Athenaeum, the mural will be permanently displayed on a wall behind the adult circulation desk. Smith will include an image of the Athenaeum when it first opened at its current location at 6 Elm St. Smith got in touch with the library’s archivist, Kate Deviny, and found pictures of the original Fowler-Gillett Homestead, originally built in 1838, that was converted into the Athenaeum
Smith was chosen to create this public mural because of his exceptional landscape panorama skills. “John is an alumni of Westfield State, and in our mission to include alumni in our gallery agenda, we had an exhibition of his amazing paintings at the Arno Maris Campus Gallery a year ago,” Lund says. at the turn of the century. “It’s tough because there are only a few photos of the original, but that’s what I will create a landscape out of. The painting itself will tie the history of the library to what it is today.” “‘Athenaeum’ means ‘place of learning’ in Greek,” adds Linquist. “The mural will depict a significant part of the Athenaeum’s history.” Smith’s intrigue for landscape painting stems from many moments spent with his father. “My dad would pull the car over on the highway to watch a sunset light up the clouds. That kind of light only lasts for 5 or 10 minutes, and then it’s gone,” he says. Sunsets and sunrises are Smith’s favorite moments to capture through paint and brush strokes. “As I continue to learn, I find the little details you leave out are what people’s minds fill in,” he says. Smith’s mural will be complete in the spring of 2012, and his work can be viewed at johnsmith8.com/paintings.html. n
In With the New By Austin Hall ’12
o n a l d B ow m a n , the new
chief development officer for Westfield State University and the executive director of the University’s Foundation, has a method for successful fundraising. He networks. Bowman reaches out to volunteers, builds relationships and talks about the important work of the Foundation. His goal is to develop a solid program of individual and corporate and foundation giving. Bowman says the Foundation’s role is to operate as an independent organization that serves as a broker between the donors and the University. All gifts to the Foundation support the University. Established in 1980, the Foundation is a publicprivate partnership for raising and managing money for Westfield State. The Foundation supports the University in four areas: • Annual Giving. Raises money through phon-athons, direct mail and personal solicitation. • Planned Giving. Generally funds the endowment of the Foundation. • Major and Special Gifts. Designs special programs to specifically fund a particular project or initiative, such as Westfield State’s 175th anniversary celebration in 2013. • Corporate and Financial Giving. Obtains support from corporations and foundations, usually on a larger scale, that can consist of either annual or capital gifts. Bowman attended Occidental College in California before going to the University of California at Los Angeles’ Anderson School of Management, where he earned his master’s in business administration. He has served as a consultant periodically at Regis College in Massachusetts and then Illinois College. He was also the vice president for development at Spring Hill College in Alabama before coming to Westfield State. To learn more about the Westfield State Foundation, please visit the website at westfield. ma.edu/foundation. n
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Advancement and University Relations Westfield State University Westfield, MA 01086-1630
Solar Panels a Sea of ‘Green’
A sea of solar panels producing clean, free energy was unveiled last fall atop the roofs of Bates and Wilson Halls. Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Richard K. Sullivan, center, joined Westfield State officials, including President Evan S. Dobelle, right, and State Sen. Michael Knapik, left, in a review of the installation. There are now 182 panels on Bates Hall and 352 on Wilson. Since March 2010, the solar panels have generated some 17,043 kilowatts of electricity. Kiosks in each building let the public know how much electricity is being produced and even how many light bulbs and trees have been saved. To date, the electricity generated is equivalent to a savings of 306 trees, 1,380 gallons of gasoline and 12 tons of CO2 gas emission into the atmosphere. The system saves the University between $15,000 and $20,000 in electricity costs annually and offers $39,000 in annual solar credits. The $520,000 project was funded by Westfield State and state and federal funds.