Nominations are invited on and from Tuesday 19 March 20 2 4 for nine (9) Directors to the Board:
• Six ( 6 ) RSL Directors consisting of:
o Four ( 4) Ordinary Directors; and
o One (1 ) Chairperson and One ( 1) Vice - Chairperson
• Three (3) Associate Directo rs
Candidates must be financial Ordinary or Life members of West HQ Limited ; must have held continuous membership of West HQ Limited for not less than three (3) years; and must be eligible for election to the respective class of Director.
Candidates who nominate for an Executive office must have held the office of D irector for at least one (1) term of two (2) years at any time prior to the election. Nominations from candidates who don’t have this qualification may be submitted H owever , these nominations will only be considered if no nominations from candidates with this qualification are received or candidates with this qualification are unsuccessful in the ballot for RSL Director.
The s ix (6 ) RSL Directors consist of four ( 4) Ordinary Directors, one (1 ) Chairperson and one ( 1) Vice- Chairperson. Candidates who have nominated for Chairperson and Vice - Chairperson, MUST also nominate for the position of RSL Director and MUST be elected as RSL Director to be considered in the ballot for Chairperson or Vice- Chairperson.
Candidates must be nominated in writing by at least two (2) nominators (other than the candidate), each of whom must be financial Ordinary or Life members of West HQ Limited . No member shall nominate more candidates than the number to be elected for each position.
Nominations must be in writing and comply with West HQ Limited's Constitution and any relevant directions given by a West HQ Elections Officer
A Candidate Nomination Pack which contains an Election Notice, Election Timetable, Nomination Form (including a Statutory Declaration), Candidate Profile Form and Code of Conduct for Directors and Confidentiality Agreement is available from:
• Customer Service at the Western Foyer West HQ Limited, 33 Railway Street , Rooty Hill NSW 2677
• T elephone (02) 9625 5500
Nominations must be received by a West HQ Limited Elections O fficer no later than : 12.00 noon Sunday, 31 March 202 4 .
A nomination cannot be withdrawn after this time and any defect must be rectified before this time.
Nominations may be lodged:
• By hand: West HQ Limited, 33 Railway Street , Rooty Hill, NSW 2766 ; OR
• By post * : Attn: West HQ Elections Officer, West HQ Limited, 33 Railway Street , Rooty Hill, NSW 2766 ; OR
• By email: ballot@westhq.com.au
*Due consideration should be given to posting Nominations to allow for delays in mailing time or misdirected delivery.
If the election is contested , a draw to determine the order of candidates’ names on the ballot paper will be conducted in the nominated and sign posted lounge area located adjacent to the escalators at the Eastern Foyer, West HQ , 3.00pm Tuesday 11 April 202 4 . Anybody is welcome to witness the draw.
Candidates are required to submit a Candidate Profile Form including a passport size photograph of him/herself to a West HQ Election Officer by the close of nominations 12.00 noon Sunday, 31 March 2024. The photograph and position(s) candidates are nominating for will be included in West HQ Limited's Notice of Annual General Meeting which will be uploaded to the West HQ website (www.westhq.com.au ) prior to commencement of voting. The Candidate Profile Forms, as submitted by candidates, will be displayed at West HQ during voting.
If an election is necessary, voting will be conducted at West HQ during the following dates and times:
DATE: Saturday 11 M ay 202 4 to Saturday 1 8 M ay 20 2 4
TIME: 12.00 noon to 8.00pm
LOCATION: I n the nominated and sign posted lounge area located adjacent to the escalators at the E astern F oyer, West HQ .
Any enquiries concerning this election should be directed to ballot@westhq.com.au or (02) 9677 4962