37 minute read
Seanchas ón dTrá Bheag
Roibeard Ó Cathasaigh
Páidí ‘Fitz’ Mac Gearailt (87) agus Tommy Evans (91) ag comhrá le Roibeard Ó Cathasaigh, 19/7/’20. Dheineas an taifeadadh seo d’Fhís na Féile a shruthaigh Coiste Pobail/Féile Lios Póil ar 1 Lúnasa 2020 ar www.liospoil.com. Baineann an tríú mír sheanchais leis an dTrá Bheag chomh maith, Seán Ó Súilleabháin (múinteoir Pháidí) a bhailigh ón Dhaid ceithre scór bliain ó shin, geall leis.
Páidí 'Fitz' Mac Gearailt
Grianghraf le Roibeard Ó Cathasaigh Roibeard: Fáilte go ‘Fís na Féile 2020’. Táimid anso cois Trá Bige agus faram tá beirt sheanchara, Páidí ‘Fitz’ Mac Gearailt ón nDroichead ó dhúchas agus Tommy Evans ón dTobar, agus táimid chun mírín scéalaíochta a thabhairt daoibh anois. Tosnóimid leatsa, a Pháidí – conas tánn tú?
Páidí: Go maith, buíochas le Dia.
R: Is maith san. Anois, tá seanará agatsa a bhaineann leis an dtráigh a mhúin an múinteoir daoibh, abair leat. P: Seán Ó Súilleabháin, fadó fadó riamh. Deireadh sé linn go raibh an Trá Bheag anso: ‘Bíonn trá na ndomhan tuilte nuair a bhíonn tráigh na bhfaoileann tráite,’ sin é dúirt sé linn.
R: Tá san ráite go deas – agus mar bharr air sin, tá scéal púcaí agat a bhaineas leis an dtráigh anso, a d’inis sé daoibh.
P: (Gáirí) Tá ceann agam mar gheall ar an Áthán Buí* – bhí fear ón dTobar nó Cinn Aird sa mhargadh sa Daingean agus bhí taoscán ólta aige during an lá, agus nuair a bhí sé ag teacht abhaile tháinig sé go dtí’n Áthán Buí – the Áthán Buí anso down at the bottom of Tobar Village, and, at that time the tide used to come into the road – since then the Council raised the road and the high tide don’t come in there any more, but at that time they’d be a couple of foot of water on the road. But when he came to the Áthán Buí there was a mermaid in from the sea coaxing
18 West Kerry Live
him to come down into the tide, and faith, he realized what was going on, and he with his horse and car, he didn’t get out of the car, and he didn’t follow the beautiful mermaid, but he put his hand in his pocket and he took out his penknife, and he stuck it her, and she vanished. Anyway, he went home. Next day he took out his pipe to have a smoke – his pipe was empty. He got his half quarter of tobacco, and his penknife – but there was no penknife in the pocket, and he remembered what he was after doing with it, and he came straight down to the Áthán Buí to see if his penknife would be anywhere, and there it was stuck in a big frog, and he got his penknife back. Sin é an scéal – sin é mar a dúirt an múinteoir Seán Ó Súilleabháin linn é ar scoil, agus má tá bréag ann bíodh, mar, ní mise a chum ná a cheap é, ’sé Seán Ó Súilleabháin a cheap é! R: Ardfhear, gura míle míle maith agat, a Pháidí.

Rí na Trá Bige! Tommy Evans Grianghraf le Roibeard Ó Cathasaigh
Roibeard: Anois, a Tommy, conas tánn tú inniu? Tommy: Ara, ag strácáil, táimid a déanamh maith go leor, buíochas mór le Dia. R: Ar dtúis, cad is aois duit, a Tommy? T: Naocha h-aon, agus cúpla mí leis. R: Well, in those ninety odd years you must have seen many iontas down here in the Trá Bheag, can you recall one or two of them, led thoil. T: Well, I remember this happened in 1942, the biggest gale and high tide I ever saw, I think it was around 1942 or three, there was a spring tide and a gale to the back of it, it did a lot of damage, knocked fences and everything, and it put barra taoide up on tha Áthán Buí that Paudie was telling you about, and in the barra taoide was dead fish – battered off the rocks. I’ve never seen it since, there was a line of fish up on the fence by the Council workers when they were clearing the place. R: And to finish, one other iontas that you saw. T: Well, I saw – that was most unusual, I didn’t see it before then, and I didn’t see it since, but then again I don’t be there too often – back at The Carraig at the mouth of the Short Strand, at turn of tide, there was a flood in the river first of all, and they were waiting for the spring tide to turn up – salmon – fine big salmon jumping all over the place, waiting to move up with the tide. I have never seen a shoal of salmon – they were there by the hundreds, I’m not adding to it, they were there by the hundreds, God only knows how many were there. And the minute the tide started to turn, you could see them moving up along the shore – one way passage for a lot of them, I’d say! R: Agus ar deireadh, tá seanará agat dúinn. T: ‘Tóg nuair a gheobhair, mar b’fhéidir, nuair a loirgeoir ní bhfaighir.’ R: Gura maith agatsa as an méid atá tugtha agat dúinn, agus táimid ana- bhuíoch díot. T: Fáilte romhat!
*Féach Pádraig Ó Siochfradha, P., Triocha-Céad Chorca Dhuibhne (Baile Átha Cliath 1939), lch. 155: ‘An tÁthán Buidhe. Cuid den bhóthar iseadh é fé bhun tighthe An Tobair. Éirigheann taoidí rabharta go hard ós cionn an bhóthair ann.’
I gcomhrá le Breandán Ó Cíobháin i dtaobh an datha atá luaite leis an logainm úd, dar leis, gur minic go mbaineann an dath a áirítear le logainm le cáilíocht fé leith nó le tabhairt fé ndeara ag am nó tráth áirithe a thugann bonn don ndath, sa chás seo ‘buí’ a dh’éireodh, b’fhéidir, as sní an iarainn in uiscí an phortaigh a d’fhágfadh scáil bhuí ar chlocha ghrinneall an átha.
Mír sheanchais a d'eachtraigh Pádraig Ó Súilleabháin (81), Cinn Aird dá mhac Seán Ó Súilleabháin, O.S., 22/8/1941 Pádraig: Ghaibheas aniar barra Poill a’ Bháid lá samhraidh agus chonac amuigh sa loig [hollow] in aice na Srúlach an breac agus a bholg le gréin aige – chomh geal le sneachta, agus gan thar troigh uisce san áit. Chaitheas díom mo bhróga agus ní fada bhíos ar a thí agus d’éalaíos amach. Bhíos ag cuimhneamh go m’fhéidir go raibh sé marbh. Nuair a thánga os a chionn, chonac a sceolbhach ag oscailt agus ag iamh. Chuireas an dá láimh greamaithe ann – lámh thiar ar chaol a eireabaill agus an lámh eile amuigh aigena cheann agus d’fháisceas i gcoinne an talaimh é. Bhíos ag ionfairt is ag aistriú na méireanna amach go bhfuaireas an sceolmhach aige. Ní raibh aon bhaol orm ansan, agus thugas liom den iarracht san é.
Bhí cuid mhaith cairteacha gainimhe (LS gainmhí ) ar an eitir [submerged sandbank] agus d’fheicfeá an t-ionadh a bhí orthu – fámaire de bhas gheal a bhí trí troithe ar fhaid.
Foinse/Source: CBÉ 1065:86-7; Táim buíoch don Stiúrthóir, An Dr Críostóir Mac Cárthaigh, as cead a thabhairt an t-ábhar seo ó Chnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann a fhoilsiú anseo.

€35 Nails Ireland’s #1 Brow Treatment. It is much more then just OPI Manicures In amongst the articles and news programmes detailing the roadmap for a safe return to school are the more familiar features and columns eyebrow shaping..... The HD Brows experience features tinting, waxing and Deluxe Manicure with Heated Mits Pedicure Deluxe Pedicure with Heated Mits we usually see this time of year outlining ideas for healthy and nutritious lunches that little cherubs will gobble up at break time. While parents threading, with stylists using a specially designed formula to give you perfectly defined brows. The effects are so good, they have been compared to a mini facelift. File and Polish File and Polish Hand and Toes who have time to cut sandwiches into interesting shapes or whose children love nothing better than a veggie wrap with hummus may find these articles helpful, I suspect most parents will relate to my reality e.g. *Requires a patch test 24 hour patch test in advance. Ask your Stylist about the HD Brow Addict Card. Shellac/Gelish Shellac/Gelish with Cuticle work False Lashes noses being turned up at a once favourite food, finding a three month old banana putrefying in a secret compartment of a school bag or a full lunch box returning home unopened because they did not have ‘time’ Lash Lounge €10 Paraffin Manicure Paraffin Pedicure Callus Peel to eat it. Continuing with the theme of reducing food waste, the focus NOVALASH SEMIPERMANENT LASHES €80 Callus Peel Pedicure this week is on sustainable school lunches. NovaLash Lash Extensions are a glamorous new way to extend the length and thickness of natural eyelashes, and Body Treatments If you are in the privileged position to be able to provide a school lunch are a practical, convenient and beautiful alternative to the daily use of mascara. Because each tapered, synthetic lash is Full Body Massage for your child then there is an onus on you and your child to make sure bonded to a single natural lash, the final result is of effortless Back neck and Shoulder Massage it is not wasted. This is easier said than done as children can be picky, squeamish and fickle. There are a number of things that can however be considered to help reduce waste. Involve children- older children are more than capable of making their own lunch (although it may be easier to do it yourself depending on the mania in your home in the mornings) but it still possible to involve €35 Ireland’s #1 Brow Treatment. It is much more then just eyebrow shaping..... The HD Brows experience features tinting, waxing and threading, with stylists using a specially designed formula to give you perfectly defined brows. The effects are so good, they have been compared to a mini facelift. Nails OPI Manicures Deluxe Manicure with Heated Mits Pedicure Deluxe Pedicure with Heated Mits File and Polish File and Polish Hand and Toes glamour and difficult to detect even close up. AMERICAN VOLUME EYELASH EXTENSIONS BY NOVALASH Volume Lashes (also known as “Russian Volume” or “3D lashes”) are anywhere from 2-8 individual, ultra-lightweight eyelashes placed on a single natural eyelash in the shape of a fan. These lashes are perfect for anyone! You will absolutely love them, guaranteed. - 30mins - 45mins - Indian Head Massage Spray Tans Bellamianta Rapid Spray Tan 2-4hours Full Body Half Body younger children e.g. giving them an options. Everyone is more likely to eat something they have chosen themselves. Routine – Obviously, using the most nutritious, fresh, seasonal and local produce is the ideal but an imperfect lunch which will be eaten is better than a perfect lunch in the bin. Stick to tried and tested foods that you know will be eaten instead of experimenting with new or different foods *Requires a patch test 24 hour patch test in advance. Ask your Stylist about the HD Brow Addict Card. Lash Lounge False Lashes €10 NOVALASH SEMIPERMANENT LASHES €80 Shellac/Gelish Shellac/Gelish with Cuticle work Paraffin Manicure Paraffin Pedicure Callus Peel Callus Peel Pedicure €40 Make Up We use a variety of makeup Make up Application €30 (Including eyelashes) Bridal Make up and Packages Available upon request. Tan Organic 8hr Tan Full Body Half body Cocoa 1 hour Tan Full Body Half Body in the hope that they might like them. NovaLash Lash Extensions are a glamorous new way to extend the length and thickness of natural eyelashes, and Body Treatments Call for appointment Be realistic - Children in primary school have an average of 45 minutes are a practical, convenient and beautiful alternative to the Tel: 087 - 0921480 or break time spread throughout the day; this does not equate to 45 minutes to spend organising themselves and eating food. Most children will daily use of mascara. Because each tapered, synthetic lash is bonded to a single natural lash, the final result is of effortless glamour and difficult to detect even close up. Full Body Massage Back neck and Shoulder Massage - 30mins Email: info@purebeautysalon.ie Opening Hours: prioritise getting outside to play over remaining seated at their desk to - 45mins Monday - Thursday: 9:00pm - 6:00pm eat. Provide portion sizes that can be realistically eaten in a short time AMERICAN VOLUME EYELASH EXTENSIONS BY NOVALASH - Indian Head Massage Thursday - Friday: 9:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm frame and consider how easy/difficult or time-consuming the food Volume Lashes (also known as “Russian Volume” or “3D Spray Tans options (and packaging) are for your child to manage because it is not lashes”) are anywhere from 2-8 individual, ultra-lightweight to job of teachers to help them eat e.g. can they peel a banana without reducing it to mush? Can they peel an orange? Can they open their own eyelashes placed on a single natural eyelash in the shape of a fan. These lashes are perfect for anyone! You will absolutely love them, guaranteed. Bellamianta Rapid Spray Tan 2-4hours Full Body Half Body lunchbox/flask? Adapt – Keep an eye on what food is coming home uneaten and adapt; if your child normally only eats half a sandwich then only give them half €40 Make Up We use a variety of makeup Tan Organic 8hr Tan Full Body Half body a sandwich. Fruit and vegetables are the most wasted items in school lunchboxes so while everyone wants to provide the healthiest lunch Make up Application €30 (Including eyelashes) Cocoa 1 hour Tan Full Body possible there is little point in putting fruit in a lunch box everyday if it Bridal Make up and Packages Available upon request. Half Body is never eaten. Options to avoid half eaten fruit include buying fun size alternatives, reducing portion sizes, using lemon juice or brined water Call for appointment to stop fruit slices turning brown and using sturdy airtight containers to Tel: 087 - 0921480 or Email: info@purebeautysalon.ie stop fruit getting bruised.
Opening Hours:
Alternatives – Most Irish schoolchildren do not have access to a fridge to Monday - Thursday: 9:00pm - 6:00pm store their lunch in or a microwave to heat food up so options can seem Thursday - Friday: 9:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm limited. Food flasks can be purchased relatively cheaply (around €10 for the sturdy options) and make alternatives such as soup and leftovers from
20 West Kerry Live
dinners (i.e. stews, curries, pasta etc.) viable options. Packaging & Palatability- Adults, not to mind children, are unlikely to eat lunches of soggy sandwiches and squashed bruised fruit or drink warm milk, so investing in a reusable lunchbox and drinks bottle which will protect food and keep beverages hot/cold is a good idea. This has the added bonus of reducing the need for unnecessary packaging (i.e. cling film, tinfoil, plastic bottles and cartons). This does not mean that you need to spend a fortune on ‘ecofriendly’ or fancy bento style lunchboxes (which are a pain to wash anyway). If it is reusable and strong enough to last longterm it will contribute to the circular economy. Using butter tubs, yogurt cartons etc. to pack food or to compartmentalise it in a larger lunchbox is also a good sustainable option as you are reusing otherwise single use packaging and cutting down on the need for surplus Tupperware. Websites such as stopfoodwaste.ie offer advice on some clever hacks to ensure more palatable lunches i.e. freeze dairy products like yogurts (which also prolongs their shelf-life) and they will be defrosted but still cold for lunch time in school; make sure to separate cheese from crackers so that the crackers do not absorb moisture from the cheese and make them soggy. €25 Apply their knowledge €35 €30 - Do not underestimate your child’s knowledge and understanding of environmental issues like climate change and €40 waste of resources. The first issue dealt with as part of the green schools €14 initiative is waste, while food waste is specifically discussed as part of €25 the food dude programme. Making school lunch their responsibility €20 from a waste point of view is a practical way of applying what they learn in school e.g. finish uneaten lunch before getting an after school snack. €25 €35 €40 pure beauty Finally, a quick note on takeaway lunches which are a popular option at secondary level. Takeaways are a more costly and less sustainable alternative to homemade lunches but on the other hand their purchase does contribute to the local economy and supports small businesses. Avoiding excess packaging and using keep-cups etc. has been more difficult since the beginning of the pandemic but being mindful of and €25 €40 €50 €25 Mobile Make Up artist available Wedding Packages Available Free Image Skincare Consultation, HD Brow Stylists We would like to take this opportunity to thank refusing a lot of the single use waste generated by takeaways is still €30 all our customers for their loyalty over the past possible e.g. refuse straws, single use cutlery, excess amounts of napkins, extra condiments. Responsible disposal of the waste is also a positive action i.e. clean paper and card packaging in recycling bins at school. €25 €35 €30 €40 €35 year. We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year. €14 €25 €25 Love ~ Elaine, Gail & Olivia €15 €20 €25 €35 €40 €25 €15 pure beauty €25 €20 €40 €10

€25 €30 €35
€25 €15
€25 €15 Mobile Make Up artist available Wedding Packages Available Call for appointment Tel: 087 - 0921480 or email: info@purebeautysalon.ie We are delighted to be open again. Free Image Skincare Consultation, HD Brow Stylists We have followed all of the HSE guidelines and taken every We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for their loyalty over the past year. We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Opening Hours: Monday: Closed Tuesday - Wednesday: 9:00pm - 6:00pm Thursday - Friday: 9:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm Opening Hours: Stockists of: Image Skincare, Waxperts, Lycon, Hd brows, Novalash, Shellac, Gellish, Opi, Bellamienta, Vita Liberata, Tan Organic precaution to ensure Pure Beauty is a safe environment for both staff and clients. Thank you so much for all of your support over the past few months. It was greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to seeing you all in the salon very soon! Love ~ Elaine, Gail & Olivia Monday - Wednesday: 9:00am - 6pm Elaine, Gail and Eimear Thursday- Friday: 9:00am - 9:00pm (by appointment after 6) Saturday: 9:00am - 4pm
Call for Appoinment: 087 0921480
€20 €10 Painter & Plasterer Repairs Call for appointment Tel: 087 - 0921480 or Interior/Exterior email: info@purebeautysalon.ie House maintenance service Fully insured Opening Hours: Monday: Closed Tuesday - Wednesday: 9:00pm - 6:00pm Call Paudie on 087 9947927 Thursday - Friday: 9:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm Stockists of: Image Skincare, Waxperts, Lycon, Hd brows, Novalash, Shellac, Gellish, Opi, Bellamienta, Vita Liberata, Tan Organic
Opening Hours:
Monday - Wednesday: 9:00am - 6pm Thursday- Friday: 9:00am - 9:00pm (by appointment after 6) Saturday: 9:00am - 4pm
Jane Casey
Cromane GAA
MID KERRY: Well done to the Mid Kerry senior football team that beat Kilcummin 3-15 to 0-12 in the County SFC at Fitzgerald Stadium, Killarney, on Saturday. Cromane were represented by Kieran O’Sullivan, who was making his County SFC debut at corner-back. Kieran was very solid and played beyond his years as he is still just 18. Darren Houlihan was also on the Mid Kerry panel. SENIOR DRAWS: The Cromane seniors have been drawn to play Keel in the Mid Kerry SFC quarter-final. The winner of this game will take on Beaufort or Glenbeigh-Glencar in the semi-final. Meanwhile, the Cromane senior team will also take part in this year’s Novice Football Championship. Cromane were paired with Valentia in the quarter-finals. That game, at a date to be decided, will be played in Cromane.
UNDER-16s: County League result: GGC 0-9, Milltown-Castlemaine 5-18 The Glenbeigh-Glencar/Cromane (GGC) under-16s never got going last Monday week in their third game in phase one of the county league. After a positive performance in their previous outing when defeating Beaufort in Cromane, it was a disappointing performance. The key though for these players is that they bounce back in phase two and find more consistency. The highlights included some fine points from play from Jason O’Connor and some excellent shot-stopping from goalkeeper Jamie Casey. This was their final game in phase one of the county league. Phase two of the Under-16 County League is scheduled to begin on Monday, August 30. Scorers: Jason O’Connor 0-4 (0-1 free), Charlie Foley 0-3 (0-2 frees), Kealan O’Sullivan, Tony Óg Duffy 0-1. Team: Jamie Casey; Jed Switzer-Dando, Darragh Crosby, Joshua O’Sullivan; Kealan O’Sullivan, Cian Lyons, Tony Óg Duffy; Liam O’Neill, Noah Falvey; Brian Cahill, Charlie Foley, Keith Moriarty; Jack McGrath, Jason O’Connor, Seamus Moriarty. Sub: Jamie O’Sullivan. UNDER-14s: The GGC under-14s are preparing for phase two of the county league. Their first game against Fossa was postponed due to the new guidelines imposed last week. The other teams in their division are Dingle and Templenoe/SneemDerrynane (who they play at home on Wednesday, September 2). The Fossa game will have to be rescheduled. UNDER-12s: In phase two of the Under-12 County League Cromane are in a division with St Michael’s (Ballinskelligs), Tuosist, Valentia, and Skellig Rangers. These four games are in addition to the three Cromane played in phase one against Glenbeigh-Glencar, Laune Rangers B, and Legion B. Cromane won their first game in phase two a fortnight ago against St Michael’s (Ballinskelligs). Their next game is this Sunday (August 30) away to Tuosist, at 1pm. JUNIORS: The Cromane B team is taking part in the County Junior League. They were defeated by Fossa in Cromane in their first game a fortnight ago. These games are invaluable for players who have not received game time in the junior championship as well as those players on the comeback trail.
Sunday, August 30 - Under-12 County League - Division 10 (round 3): Cromane v Tuosist in Tuosist at 1pm. Wednesday, September 2 - Under-14 County League - Division 5A (round 3): GGC v Templenoe/Sneem-Derrynane in Glenbeigh or Cromane at 7pm. Friday, September 4 - County Junior Football League - Group J (round 2): Cromane v Listry in Listry at 7pm. Saturday, September 5 - Minor County League - Group G (round 3): GGC v Templenoe/Sneem/Derrynane in Cromane or Glenbeigh at 4pm. Peacefully on August 19th 2020 at her daughter Catherine's residence in Derrinagree, Cork. Predeceased by her husband Jimmy and her brother Patrick and sisters Bridie (Teahan) & Sheila (Knightly). Sadly missed by her loving daughter Catherine, son-in-law Denis (O'Riordan), grandchildren; Kieran, John, Brian & Denise, sister Kathleen(Naughton), sister-in-law Mary (O'Shea, England), Kieran's wife Emma, Brian's Girlfriend Margaret, nieces, nephews, relatives, neighbours & friends. Private Family Funeral TOOK place for Mary with Requiem Mass Friday morning (Aug. 21st) at 10.30am in St. James' Church, Killorglin with Burial afterwards in Ardmoniel Cemetery, Killorglin.May she rest in peace. SUMMER HOLIDAYS: Now that we are asking Irish people to holiday at home, let us be mindful and keep our towns, villages and beaches tidy and clean and weed free. If we all keep our property clean, tidy and weed free, the countryside will benefit. Please do not throw face masks, disposable gloves on roads or public places, bring them home and put them in your bins. They are very unsightly and are strewn everywhere. CONFIRMATION in St. James Church, Killorglin for Glounagillagh, Douglas and Realt Na Mhara students on Wed 23rd Sept at 7pm. And on Fri 25th Sept at 7pm for the students of Scoil Mhuire, Killorglin. Blessings to all. MASS in Cromane every Friday at 8pm and Sundays at 10am. CHURCH SERVICE in St. Michaels every Sunday at 11am. BIRTHDAY BOY All good wishes to Martin Sweeney who celebrated his birthday last weekend. CAN RINGS: Please keep ring pulls from drinks cans only for writer. Rings are melted down and money raised goes to Palliative Care In Kerry. CRAFT MARKET every Friday morning in the CYMS Hall 10 to 1 in Killorglin. QUOTE: Learn to listen carefully and you will learn a great deal.

RETURNING TO EDUCATION : We wish all those returning to school and college the very best of luck. It will be a very challenging time for students and teachers /lecturers alike. Go neiri go gheal le gach duine agus fan slan. REOPENING OF BUSINESSES : Congratulations and Best Wishes to the The Morans VTN McCarthy family on the reopening of Larkins Bar & Restaurant last week. #supportlocalbusiness RESTARTING OF LOTTO : Exciting news.. Our Fundraising Lotto Jackpot Dingle Draw will return on THIS Friday August 28th - with a Jackpot of €12,600 on offer.
Due to the huge financial commitment with our Field Development Project and the impact of Covid 19, the executive made a decision to maintain the Jackpot at its current value of €12,600 (unless it is won) for an initial period of 3 months. This may be extended depending on circumstances. Lotto tickets are available in Londis, Spar, Burkes Butchers, O'Dohertys Pharmacy, Murphys Foodstore, Larkins Bar and Restaurant, Cronin's Filling Station, Castlemaine, Helena's Local XL Outlet in Castlemaine Karl J Barbers, Killorglin, Piggott Barbers, Milltown and Killorglin Golf Club.

MORAN'S Morans Tyre Centre Tyre Centre Mail Road, Dingle Dingle (066) 9151155
We thank you sincerely for contributing to our Lotto in the past and look forward to your renewed support going forward. Wouldn't it be a fantastic way to lift your spirits in these Covid times? So make sure YOU have YOUR ticket in the draw. Best of luck to all. Vehicle Testing for all Light Commercial Vehicles · Large Range in Stock · All Makes and sizes Morans Large Range in Stock Competitive Prices VTN Under 14: Congratulations to our U 14 White team who had a fine victory over Firies last week. Iarracht den chéad scoth le gach duine. SENIOR COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP Comhghairdeas to the Mid Kerry Management Team and panel on their comprehensive victory over Kilcummin this afternoon. Mid Kerry was captained by our club player Pa Wrenn who along with David Roche put in a tremendous performance. Other panel members included Cathal Moriarty, Jonathan O'Sullivan and Gavin Horan. Damien Murphy from our club is part of the management team. Maith an fear Damien. Iarracht den chéad scoth Best of luck to you all on Sunday next versus Kenmare Shamrocks in Round 2. Game will be streamed live. Open 6 Days Monday – Saturday, 9.00am to 6.00pm. Morans Garage - Dingle (066) 9151129 / (066) 9151155 PRE – NCT CHECKS ALSO AVAILABLE · Competitive Prices · Laser 4 wheel Tracking and Balancing Open 6 Days Monday – Saturday, 9.00am to 6.00pm. (066) 9151129 / (066) 9151155 Morans VTN Dingle Morans Tyre Centre Dingle Dingle VTN Centre Laser 4 Wheel Tracking & Balancing

NEW COVID GUIDELINES: The news regarding attendance at games this past week has certainly been very disappointing for all GAA fans. Right from the beginning of the Covid Pandemic, our Kerry clubs, officers, players, parents and mentors have shown tremendous leadership, Vehicle Testing for all Light Commercial Vehicles Vehicle testing for all light commercial vehicles community spirit and dedication. This has enabled our match program across all ages to be played and training sessions held in a monitored and controlled environment. We would ask absolutely everyone involved to continue do everything in their power to abide by all health guidelines and recommendations over the coming weeks. Vehicle Testing for all Light Commercial Vehicles · Large Range in Stock · All Makes and sizes Open 6 Days Monday – Saturday, 9.00am to 6.00pm. Morans Garage - Dingle (066) 9151129 / (066) 9151155 NOW OPEN Call 066-9151155 Where Juvenile games are concerned, it is vitally important to abide by the ONE PARENT or GUARDIAN only per child attendance rule ( and that is if it is necessary from a welfare viewpoint). Once inside a ground , social distancing is paramount. Continuing adherence to guidelines means that the GAA family is doing its best to ensure matches and training continue and hopefully in front of attendances in due course. MORAN'S QUARRY PRODUCTS Open 6 Days Monday – Saturday, 9.00am to 6.00pm. Morans Garage - Dingle (066) 9151129 / (066) 9151155 PRE – NCT CHECKS · Competitive Prices · Laser 4 wheel Tracking and Balancing Open 6 Days Monday – Saturday, 9.00am to 6.00pm. PRE – NCT CHECKS ALSO AVAILABLE Our club Covid Officer Damian McCarthy and his team of Covid supervisors ALSO AVAILABLE (066) 9151129 / (066) 9151155 have been working tremendously hard over the past few months and will continue to do so. • SAND & GRAVEL CUL CAMPS:Thank you very much to Listry GAA once again for the use of their pitch last week for our camp. Sincere thanks also to Keel GAA who obliged us at short notice on Friday last to host the final day of the camp. UNDER 16: Well done to our U16 team on Monday evening last who had a • LIMESTONE SCREENING & CHIPS great win over Glenbeigh/Glencar/Cromane. This game was Rd 3 of Phase 1 in this years U16 County League. Cromane was the venue. Final result: • DRAINAGE STONE Milltown/Castlemaine GAA U16 5-18 Glenbeigh/Glencar/Cromane U16 0-09 Thank you to all the supporter who travelled and to our Coiste na nÓg • LIME SPREADING sponsors Foleys Spar, Milltown. Well done to all of the players and their coaches. (066) 9151155
NEW MEDICAL PRACTICE. Dingle Doc (Dochtuir Teaghlaigh) is the title of the new medical service set up by Cork born Dr Paul Morrison and local lady Brid O'Sullivan based on John Street in Dingle. Dr Morrison was attached to the Ionad Leighis an Daingin for the past 2 years and now sets up his own service with his wife Brid who is an experienced nurse. The contact phone number is 066-9151343. Dingle Business Chamber wish them every success and welcome this new service in these uncertain times.
MENTAL HEALTH . The Kerry Mental Health and Wellbeing Fest 2020 is scheduled for October 10th to 17th and the organisers welcome participation from all interested individuals or groups. The 5 main ways to wellbeing are as follows --- Connect/Give/Take Notice/Keep Learning/Be Active. Further details in our next edition.
SCHOOLS. Its time to get our schools open again after the Covid lockdown left all students at home since mid March last. Last week I witnessed the enormous amount of work that has been undertaken by teachers in their respective schools. This upheaval of furniture and fittings to ensure the premises both interior and exterior are complying with Government Guidelines and safe for students to return to normal education life again. Molaim sibh go léir as an obair iontach seo go mór mhór i rith aimsir laoithe saoire an tSamhraigh. STREET CLOSURE. News coming to hand this week is that Kerry County Council wish to extend the closure of Strand Street to traffic from 11a.m to 6p.m. until November 1st next. The reason provided is the large influx of tourists to Kerry will continue for another 2 months and Covid related guidelines for pedestrian safety will be necessary in our towns. The research locally is that bookings will taper off once the schools reopen and the tourist numbers will dramatically fall come mid September. The Business Chamber are requesting an urgent meeting with the Council Management to discuss the issue as it was originally stated that normal traffic flow would return on September 9th.
PEIL. Dingle Senior team lost by a single point to Templenoe in the County Senior Football Championship fixture in Páirc An Ághasaigh last weekend. Well done guys on a great effort but injuries to key players before and during the game did not help matters either. The County League Division 1 and West Kerry honours are still up for grabs so plenty to play for before year end. PLANNING. The County Council Draft Local Area Development Plan for the Dingle Electoral Area has been published recently and will be open for submissions for the next few weeks. Once passed by the locally elected councillors this plan will form the basis for all planning applications decisions in this area for the foreseeable future. Therefore it is vitally important for everybody to read the plan fully and make submissions if you do not agree with certain proposals contained therein. Viewing on website kerrycoco/planning/planningpolicy/ municipal-district-local-plans. COVID GUIDELINES. I know you will say you are sick of hearing it but please once more be careful and comply as often and as long as possible with the basic guidelines until the virus is supressed sufficiently to return to normal living again. Yes we are all involved so play your part for everybodys sake. SLÁN TAMALL!!!.

Eoin Morrison cuts the ribbon at the opening of DingleDoc, the new medical clinic located at Gort a' Lín, John Street. Also pictured are (Dr.) Paul, Brid and Laoise Morrison.

Natural Healing Clinic Fertility, Gynaecology, Pediatric Injury

After ten years on the road, Dingle band Walking On Cars have come to the end of their musical journey. On Friday the quartet released a statement confirming that they are going their seperate ways. Through raw talent and tireless dedication, the band built up a large and loyal following over the years and cemented their credentials with thrilling live performances. Their decade long career as a band saw them enjoy chart success, fame and critical acclaim. And they deserved every bit of it. They soared high but kept their feet on the ground, touring all over the world and always returning to West Kerry. In their statement the band were particularily appreciative of their fans and assured them that they are all individually working on their their own projects. As a parting gift they released one final EP; "Clouds". We thank them for ten years of music and wish them well in their future endeavours. Go n-eirí libh.
DINGLE CABS 087 660 2323 Car & Mini Bus Hire Info@dinglecabs.com www.dinglecabs.com Prop: Sean Lynch
Unfortunately due to new corona virus regulations Tuesday night Bingo has been cancelled for the moment.
Thanks is extended to Brendan Courtney and Pat Browne for allowing community council members on site to promote the Club 500 draw to caravan and mobile home owners. The response was very well recieved. Thank you to all those who are now new members and we look forward to more people participating over the next few weeks. Perhaps it would make the ideal Christmas gift for someone special!! Think about it and check out castlegregory.ie for more details. Natterjack Toad Colouring Competition: Maharees Conservation Association in conjunction with the Local Authority Waters Programme is celebrating Heritage Week 2020 by launching a colouring competition with great prizes to be had. Information sheets available at the Office in Castlegregory. Also check out www.mahareesconservation.com and their facebook page. Farmers Market: Well as you know the market this year is on outdoors and so far it has been a great success. As we come close to the end of the season we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came to buy or just look,we couldnt do it without you. So to get your treats or souvenirs call to the market between 10am 1.30pm on Sunday morning....hopefully the weather will be still kind to us. See you there. Thank you for continuing to collect drink can rings. If you would also start collecting plastic milk bottle tops that would be wonderful. They are melted down and used for wheelchair parts. Mike Deane used to collect them a long time ago. There is a woman in Dooks who will take them if you leave them in the office. Chiropodist: Michelle Conway, Chiropodist, can be contacted directly for house calls - please ring her: 083 4074256 to make an appointment. Recycling: Please note the blue bins for recycling will be left out every Thursday morning. Bags for recycling are available in the Office. €3 per bag. Face Coverings: Thank you each and everyone, local and visiting, for observing the requirement to wear face coverings. These are available in Spar, the Beach Box and the Village Pharmacy in Castlegregory and include beautifu, locally made ones. We would like to remind everyone to continue wearing them and not to become complacent as time goes by. If you haven’t yet got into the habit, now’s a great time to start. It is good that the Covid 19 figures in Kerry are relatively low. Let’s do our part to keep it that way by complying with the practices advised by the health and safety authorities. Stay safe and many thanks for taking good care in the community! Tidy Towns will commence work again soon with all of the relevent restrictions in place. Help will be needed for a sustainable nature project at Coolroe. Watch this space for further details. The Information Office is opened Monday-Friday: 9.30am – 5pm (closed for lunch 1 – 1.45pm). Physical distancing protocol is in place (for example, access for one customer only at any time). If you have any printing, scanning, photocopying or laminating to do we can get that done for you. Or if we can help in any other way please let us know. We shall try to assist. Thank you. Size of posters for the notice board in the Village no bigger than A4 please!
Tel: 066 7139422 Email: castleinfocenter@gmail.com Website: www. castlegregory.ie
Pretty Drascombe Coaster For Sale
21’9” Fibreglass Yawl on break-back trailer with 8HP long shaft Honda Outboard (2001). 2 berths, cooker, chemical toilet, and sprayhood. €4,950 ono (Andrew 087 2405605).
Mallaidh Bric agus Liam Ó Sé, Scoil Chaitlín Naofa, Cill Mhic an Domhnaigh, i Séipéal Naomh Muire ag céiliúradh Chéad Chomaoine Naofa, ar an Satharn 15/08/2020.
Denis Casey Garage Annascaul Servicing, Tyres & All Repairs. Recovery Service Available
Call Denis on 086 852 3762

Oibrí Deonach
Is mian le Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne suim an phobail a mheas in obair dheonach pháirtaimseartha (dhá lá sa tseachtain) i Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne i mBaile an Fheirtéaraigh. Tá éachtaint sa Mhúsaem Gaeltachta seo ar ghéolaíocht, ar sheandálaíocht agus ar stair Chorca Dhuibhne, tá Creidiúnú Iomlán bainte amach aige fén Scéim Náisiúnta ag Ard-Mhúsaem na hÉireann, tá cuid dosna hiarsmaí ar iasacht ón Ard-Mhúsaem, tá obair athchóirithe déanta ann le déanaí agus tá taispeántas nua ann.
Nithe inmhianaithe
• Líofacht sa Ghaeilge idir scríobh agus labhairt • Taithí ar a bheith ag obair mar Chaomhnóir nó céim ábharach nó spéis tabhairt fé oiliúint mar Chaomhnóir Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne under the stewardship of Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne would like to ascertain the interest among the public in part-time voluntary work (2 days a week) in Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh. The local museum is one of very few Gaeltacht Museums, has Full Accreditation under the National Accreditation Scheme of the National Museum of Ireland, has artefacts on loan from the National Museum and has recently been upgraded with a new exhibition on display.
Key requirements
• Fluent spoken and written Irish • Training as a curator or some relevant degree or a willingness to undergo training as a Curator. Tuilleadh Eolais & Iarrataisí/Further Information &
Applications: cfcd@cfcd.ie nó 066 9156100. Spriocdáta 14 Sept 2020
The shortening evenings signal the imminence of the flu vaccine 'season' to all of us healthcare professionals. This year the flu vaccine (also known as influenza vaccine) has been extended to all children, free of charge, between the ages of 2 years to 12 years regardless of health status. To date the flu vaccine is offered to all those with chronic health conditions for example diabetes, cardiac issues, imunosuppression due to disease or treatment (including treatment for cancer) etc. from the age of 6 months and to all adults aged over 65 years. Target groups: Children aged 2 years to 12 years 6 months old to 64 yrs with underlying health conditions e.g. cancer, heart conditions etc Adults aged over 65 years Pregnancy People with Down syndrome Health Care Workers (HCW)
Household contacts of people at risk People at close contact with poultry and pigs In a nutshell, the flu causes death and hospitalisation every year and the vaccine offers the best protection against getting the flu for at risk groups. You need to get the flu vaccine every year ; the virus changes, therefore so too does the vaccine. The vaccine contains killed viruses - it cannot give you the flu. The rationale for vaccinating children in Ireland 10% of children under 15 years attend the GP with influenza in an average season. Highest incidence is in youger children, with under 5 years having high risk complications, including hospitalisation with high rates of admission to critical care units in children especially in children under 5 years. The vaccine has been received by millions of children globally including the US, Canada, the UK and Finland. A pilot study in 2014-2015 saw a 94% drop in GP consultations for influenza-like illnesses in primary school children and a drop of 74% in A + E attendence in primary school children with respiratory issues. In adults, a 59% drop in consultations with influenza-like illnesses was seen.
Over the last 10 years in the Irish healthcare system, over 11,000 confirmed cases of flu were children, over 4,750 of which were hospitalised and 183 were admitted to critical care. There were 41 deaths (figures courtesy of Health Protection Surveillance Centre).
This year sees two forms of flu vaccine - the LAIV (Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine) being administered to children aged 2-12 years and the QIV (Quadricalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine) to at-risk children aged over 6 months to 23 mths and aged 13 years and over and to those childrem whereby receiving a 'live' vaccine such as LAIV is contraindicated (eg those who are immunosuppressed, on aspirin, severe asthmatics). The LAIV is given through the nose, NO INJECTION. The QIV is an injection, given to smaller children in the thigh, to older children commonly in the upper arm. The LAIV which is a more effectice vaccine - 83%efficacy against confirmed influenza disease and also may protect against other strains not contained within the vaccine, is not licenced to give to children under 2 years old as it can cause wheezing. The QIV can be given to children aged under 2 whose health is compromised and in children who should not receive 'live' vaccines (as above). While the QIV is not as effective, it is hoped that vaccinating all children will provide 'herd' immunity for all. 'Live' vaccines can generate an immunoresponse in the body - a weakened strain of the vaccine is given which can cause mild systoms of flu or heavy cold i.e. mild fever (< 39c), nasal congestion,runny nose, tiredness and decreased apepitete are the most common symptoms. This can be treated with over the counter paracetamol/neurofen and is usually resolved within 24-72 hours. As with any medication/vaccination there is a risk of anaphylaxis, but it is very rare ( 1 in every 10,000). Your nurse or doctor will not give you the vaccine if you are known to have this risk and you will be monitered post vaccination for severe allergic reaction which usually occurs within seconds to minutes of receiving the vaccine. In conclusion, if you have never had the flu, that does not mean you are immune. If you fall within the target groups for vaccination, getting the vaccine is the surest route you have to ensuring that you do not get the flu this year. Personally, the most common side effect I have seen and experienced myself post flu vaccination is a sore arm for a few hours....to me that is much preferable to actually getting the flu! I will be first in line this September with my children to get vaccinated, who else is with me? Brid O'Sullivan registered nurse/midwife/smeartaker works in Dingle Doc with Dr Paul Morrison Note: Please see www.hse.ie/eng/health/immunisation/hcpinfo/guidelines for further up to date information / Statistics in article from hse.ie

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