14 minute read
Dingle Cookery School Recipe
Pasta with Smoked Bacon, Mushroom and Sage
Mark Murphy Dingle Cookery School
Hopefully you enjoy this pasta dish. Perfect for this time of the year as the evenings are getting darker and the temperature is dropping. This tasty pasta supper will cook in a few minutes. The combination of smoked bacon, mushrooms and sage is always delicious add to a good pasta and you are laughing. I have opted for pappardelle, this will help to the bacon, mushrooms and sage to the cling a little to the pasta. Serves 4
350g-400g pappardelle pasta 2-3 smoked bacon rashers, cut into small pieces handful of mushrooms, cleaned and sliced
1 shallot, finely sliced 3-4 sage leaves knob of butter
parmesan cheese salt and pepper olive oil
extra virgin olive oil
Put a large pot of water on, bring to boil and add a generous amount of salt. Add the pasta and cook until it is al dente (should have a little bite). While the pasta is cooking you can make the rest of the dish. Put a pan over a medium to high heat, once hot add a little oil and then add the bacon, cook this for about 3 minutes, once it has taken on a colour add the mushroom, some sage leaves and a little butter, cook this for another 3-5 minutes. Sprinkle the shallots over all the mushrooms. Cook for a further 2 minutes.
Grate some parmesan over everything, stir all this together. Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed.
Strain the pasta and keep a little of the water, add this to the pan and mix it all together (if you pan is not big enough add it to a bowl and mix this together). Portion this between 4 bowls, drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil over each bowl
shave plenty of parmesan over it and add a little black pepper.
Bain Taitneamh As!!
The Cottage Market, Annascaul
The Cottage Market Annascaul will go virtual this September, so if you have a hobby or handmade products, home-baked that you want to sell. We can put them online. Contact Elizabeth if interested. 086-2663186
Residents Association
Friday 28 August at 7pm meeting at Lios Na gCraobh with all the residents of Kerry County Council and An Cluid residents to form a new tenants association of Lios na gCraobh, Annascaul.
Annascaul Gaa & Coiste na nÓg
Annascaul Gaa & Coiste na nÓg would like anyone who left items behind in the dressing rooms to collect them as soon as possible. Thank you.
Inch Beach Half Marathon & 10k Virtual fun/run/walk/jog
While we can’t all run together this year in our traditional format, we’re still here and delighted to launch our first series of virtual runs. We hope you’ll run with us, even if it is virtually on the 20th September, and stay motivated and keep your spirits up. The Inch beach half marathon & 10k virtual run can be run in your own time at your own pace from any location in the world. You can run, jog, walk, on or off road, or even on a treadmill at the gym.. The beauty of a virtual run is that it is on your terms. All you have to do is register https://eventmaster.ie/event/lDBDcV8HPO Your bespoke medallion and & Beautiful Original Design T-Shirt will be shipped directly to you. This run is open worldwide. Anyone wishing to take part outside the Republic of Ireland must pay for post and package. If you would like anything included in the Notes. Contact Noel Spillane. Ph 087 2184757 or forward an email to info@annascaul.ie before 8pm every Saturday.
Chiropody Clinic with Michelle Conway
S.A.C. dip FHPT, S.A.C Dip FHPP
Private House Calls Now Available
Due to the Corona virus there will be no Clinics in Walsh’s Pharmacy until further notice. However i am now offering House Calls to my customers with full compliance to all Covid Safety Protocols.
Please call me on 083 4074256 to arrange an appointment
Corns Ingrowing Toenails Verrucas Calluses Fungal/ Thickened Nails Cracked Heels
Chiropody Clinic By appoinment only Call: 083 4074256
Cár imigh an samhradh? Tá sé deacair a chreidiúint go deimhin go bhfuil daoine thar n-ais ar scoil chéanna féin agus ba mhaith le Tobar Dhuibhne deaghuithe a thabhairt dos na héinne a bheidh istigh sa seomra ranga i mbliana nó ag tacú leo a bheidh ann. Nára fada uainn an aimsir bhreá a bhíonn againn de ghnáth an t-am so den mbliain go mbeidh na "stayhaenta saoire" deireanacha ag daoine timpeall an oileáin!
An Próiséas Pleanála Teanga / The Language Planning Process
Seo daoibh blúire eolais ginearálta maidir leis an bPleanáil Teanga go náisiúnta. Go hiondúil bíonn 7 mbliana ag gach ceantar a bplean a chur i gcrích. Don gcuid is mó, is iad na Gaeltachtaí iad féin na ceantair atá ina Limistéir Phleanála Teanga (LPT) le hOifigeach Pleanála Teanga fostaithe ann chun an plean a fheidhmiú. Here's some info about Language Planning nationally. Generally, every area has 7 years to implement their plan. For the most part, the areas are the Gaeltachtaí which are Limistéir Phleanála Teanga (Language Planning Regions) with an Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga employed to enact the plan. Tá áiteanna eile ina Bhailte Seirbhíse Gaeltachta agus ina Líonraí Gaeilge. Samplaí des na Bailte ná Daingean Uí Chúis, Trá Lí, Cathair Saidhbhín agus Dún Garbháin. Is Lionra Gaeilge a bheidh in Inis, Co. an Chláir, mar shampla. Other places can be Gaeltacht Service Towns (Daingean Uí Chúis, Trá Lí, Cathair Saidhbhín, Dún Garbháin) or Irish Language Neworks (Ennis in Clare).
Bíonn daoine eile fostaithe sna ceantair Ghaeltachta eile gan dabht. Anois i gCúige Mumhan tá Victor Bayda in Uíbh Ráthach, tá Liadh Ní Riada i nGaeltacht Mhúscraí agus tá Conor McGuinness ceaptha i nGaeltacht na nDéise. Bíonn Tobar Dhuibhne ag comhoibriú leis na hOifigigh eile agus guímid gach rath ar na haon phlean go dtiocfaidh borradh fén dteanga timpeall na tíre. In the other Gaeltacht areas different Language Planners are employed. Now in Munster we have Victor Bayda in Uíbh Ráthach, Liadh Ní Riada in Múscraí and Conor McGuinness newly appointed in the Déise Gaeltacht. Tobar Dhuibhne wish every area all the best.
An Chúinne Chruthaitheach

Seol chugainn aon píosa scíbhneoireachta nó filíochta!
Tá píosaí cruitheacha á bhfoilsiú anseo as Gaelainn nó go dhátheangach. Má chuireann tú dán, ealaíon nó splanc-scríbhneoireacht chugainn, tabharfar dearbhán One4All don té foilsithe! Sprioclá ná Luan sula dtagann an West Kerry Live amach.
An raibh a fhios agat... ... Did you know?
Deineadh iarracht cáiliúil Daniel O'Connell a mhárú nuair a bhí sé thall i Londain le nimh ina chúpán - bhí an t-ádh dearg leis go raibh bean cistine Éireannach ann a dúirt leis as Gaelainn gan an cúpán a ól! Buntáistí móra na Gaelainne! A famous attempt was made to murder Daniel O'Connell with poison in his cup - he was very lucky there was an Irish woman working in the kitchen there who told him as Gaelainn not to drink it! Big advantages of Irish!
Nuacht agus Imeachtaí / News agus Events Tacaíocht / Support
Tá ceist againn ort: cad iad na rudaí gur féidir linn a dhéanamh duitse chun Gaelainn a labhairt níos mincí? Beidh suirbhé á chur le chéile againn go luath ar a bhfuil déanta agus a bheidh le déanamh ag Tobar Dhuibhne - ba mhór againn bhur dtuairim!
Question: What are the things that can be done for you to speak Irish more frequently? We'd love to hear from you. We'll be putting a survey together soon on the effectiveness of the plan and what chas and can be done.
Cúla4 ar Scoil
Má thá'n tú age baile le leanaí nó daoine a dteastaíonn uaithu Gaelainn a chlos nó a fhoghlaim, beidh Cúla4 Ar Scoil ar siúl aríst ar TG4 gach maidin ar a 10:00 ag tosnú ón 31ú Solar Systems Lúnasa ar aghaidh. Tom Kennedy If you're at home with kids or want to hear or learn some Irish, Cúla4 Ar Scoil will be starting Solar..panels or tubes, what's the difference? Well they both provide again on TG4 every morning ag 10:00 starting hot water when heated by the sun’s energy, thus saving you energy, be it oil, gas or electricity. Monday. A solar system will save up to 70% of your annual hot water bill. When it comes to tubes versus panels, the tubes are marginally more efYouTube Thús Maith ficient than panels, but realistically the difference is small, especially when we have had such a great spell of sunshine. Ná dearúd go bhfuil físeáin á gcur in airde ar There is another "solar system" known in the trade as "Thermodynam YouTube le Tús Maith - scéal gach Máirt agus ic" this is a solar panel that works in the dark. Yes with no sunshine, you ask how! Well the answer is simple really, it's not a solar panel it's a heat pump. oideas / dúlra le Darach Déardaoin - tá rud éigin ann dos na héinne! The way it works is a panel is fitted to your roof which is connected to a unit and cylinder in your hot press. This is a compressor similar Don't forget that Tús Maith videos are being to what's found in a fridge, this unit pumps a refrigerant gas into the uploaded every week - each Tuesday sees a new panel where it heats due to the fact that the gas has a very low boiling point of about -25 Celsius so this hot gas comes back into the unit, story and on Thursdays there are recipies and where the gas is compressed to make it hotter, the heat is then trans nature with Darach. Something for everyone! ferred to create heat. However, this unit is dependant on electricity to operate so while saving money on heating hot water it does so at a cost. Ranganna Ballet Take for example a typical family home with 3 to 5 occupants, costs on average about €1,500 to €2,000 per year to heat, of which about a Beidh ranganna bailé ag tosnú go luath in Áras 1/4 to 1/3 of this is hot water, so a typical hot water bill for a family of Bhréanainn le Scoi Bailé Róisín Barrett i gcomhar 5 is somewhere in the region of €450 to €650 a year. le Tús Maith. Breis eolais agus clárú le Orlaith A solar system for a family of 5 can cost anything from €4,000 to €5,500 supplied and fitted, giving them a yearly saving of approx ar 066 9156 100 nó roisinbarrett1@gmail.com. €350 to €500 and when you take into account the rising cost of energy, a system can pay for itself in 5 to 10 years. Ballet classes will be starting soon in Baile an Fheirtéaraigh with Scoil Bailé Róisín Barrett, alongside Tús Maith. More info & registration with Orlaith on 066 9156 100 or roisinbarrett1@ gmail.com.
Scéalta ár mBailte
An bhfuil suim agat i gcúrsaí scannánaíochta? Cuirfimid failte roimh dhaoine scéalta a bhaineann lena mbailte fearainn féin a insint dúinn i bhfoirm gearrscannáin nó eile. Aon ábhar in aon chor dos na scéalta – béaloideas, logainmneacha, amhráin, srl. Beidh taispeántas deas againn agus rudaí bailithe againn! Comhrá Chorca Dhuibhne - WhatsApp Sóisialta Má theastaíonn uait bheith curtha isteach i ngrúpa WhatsApp sóisialta Comhrá Chorca Dhuibhne cuir focal chuig 087 376 9538 nó pleanteanga@cfcd.ie. Grúpa neamhfhoirmeálta atá ann ina mbeidh daoine in ann comhrá scríofa a bheith acu.
If you want to be a part of an informal social WhatsApp group in Irish, Comhrá Chorca Dhuibhne, send a message to 087376 9538 or pleanteanga@cfcd.ie. A great chance to chat, read and write as Gaeilge!
Tomhas na coicíse
Táim íseal is mé óg ach ard agus mé sean. Cad is ea mé?
Cuir freagra chugainn @tobardhuibhne ar Instagram nó ar r-phost! Freagra & buaiteoir an eagráin seo chaite: "Bogha Báistí" – Margo H, Corca Dhuibhne
Gaelainn Labhartha, Pobal Nasctha
Ríomhphost: pleanteanga@cfcd.ie
Suíomh Idirlín: www.tobardhuibhne.ie
Fón oifige: (066) 9156 100 – brúigh 3 do Thobar Dhuibhne
John Prendergast & Cristín de Mórdha j.prendergast@cfcd.ie & c.demordha@cfcd.ie
Get your heating system up to date Extra Grants available from WE ALSO SUPPLY & INSTALL THE FOLLOWING: SEAI & Electric Ireland Does your Oil/Gas Boiler need servicing Reg. Gas installer Get your heating system into shape and improve efficiency

This year has brought so many changes to the way we live and work and we’ve seen this very clearly over the summer months through the different people who have used the services of the Dingle Hub. Many of you have worked here for an extended time this summer, some of you are considering making a more permanent move, some have already taken the plunge. Now, more than ever, it is so important to continue to build a strong community for remote workers on the Dingle Peninsula; this will ensure we have those chats over coffee (virtual for now) to identify mutually beneficial opportunities that can only come from networking and connecting.
Have you recently started working from here?
Are you considering a part-time or permanent move to the Dingle
Are you self-employed, remote working or a start-up business?
Perhaps you are in a position within your business to bring remote working opportunities with you and build a team from here? We want to hear from you!! Please connect with us at info@dinglehub. com and help us build a vibrant, diverse and dynamic community and network. It’s not necessary to need a physical desk or office space in the hub to be part of this wider community. We’d also love you to connect with us on social media platforms - Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook as we share upcoming events, opportunities and ideas there, so it’s a good place to get an idea of the wide range of projects and networks we’re connected with.
I mbliana tá athrú mór tagtha ar an tslí a mhairimid agus a n-oibróimid; tá sé sin feicthe againn go soiléir i rith an tsamhraidh agus ó na daoine difriúla atá ag baint úsáid as an Dingle Hub. Bhain roinnt mhaith agaibh úsáid as an spás anseo do thréimhsí bhreisithe ama i rith an tsamhraidh; tá roinnt agaibh ag smaoineamh faoi bhogadh anseo/ar ais anseo go Chorca Dhuibhne go buan, tá an céim sin déanta ag roinnt eile agaibh cheana. Tá sé níos tábhachtaí ná riamh leanúint ar aghaidh pobal/líonra láidir a chruthú do chianoibrithe lonnaithe i gCorca Dhuibhne; cinnteoidh sé seo go mbeidh caifé agus comhráite againn (ar Zoom go fóill ar feadh tamaill eile) chun deiseanna a aithint a théann chun tairbhe do dhaoine éagsúla; tagann deiseanna mar sin chun solais ach amháin/den chuid is mó trí líonraí agus nascanna a dhéanamh.
Ar thosnaís ag obair ó Chorca Dhuibhne le déanaí?
An bhfuil tú ag smaoineamh faoi bhogadh go Chorca Dhuibhne go páirtaimseartha nó go lánaimseartha?
An bhfuil tú féinfhostaithe, cianoibrithe nó an bhfuil comhlacht nua á bhunú agat?
B’fhéidir go bhfuil deis agat postanna nua a chur ar fáil a bheadh lonnaithe i gCorca Dhuibhne agus foireanna a bhunú anseo? Ba bhreá linn cloisint uait! Déan teagmháil linn ar info@dinglehub.com agus cabhraigh linn pobal agus líonra spleodrach, éagsúil, fuinniúil a chruthú. Ní gá le deasc nó oifig fisiciúil sa Hub a bheith agat chun a bheith mar pháirt den phobal i gcoitinne. Ba bhreá linn chomh maith más maith leat nasc a dhéanamh linn/Dingle Hub a leanúint ar na meáin shóisialta - Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook - Roinnimid eolas faoi imeachtaí, deiseanna agus smaointe ann, agus mar thoradh feiceann tú an pictiúr ginearálta faoi na réimse leathan tograí atá fé bhun againn agus na líonraí a bhfuilimid nascaithe leo.
If you are in need of desk or office space to support your work, make sure to contact us to discuss your needs as we have packages to cater for those who want to work from here on a partial, intermittent or permanent basis. It is important to note that access to the Dingle Hub will be by prior appointment only for the duration of Covid-19 restrictions. Anyone who wishes to use the facilities can book a hot desk online at www.dinglehub. com or contact info@dinglehub.com to arrange longer term options. Our conference room is currently available for online booking on a half-day or full-day basis. The conference room can accommodate up to 3 people while maintaining social distancing. Stay safe and well everyone. Live in a Creative Place, Work in a Creative Space Contact: Deirdre de Bhailís, Dingle Creativity and Innovation Hub Tel.: 066 9150140 Email: info@dinglehub.com
www.dinglehub.com The Dingle Creativity and Innovation Hub is a Community Enterprise supported by Enterprise Ireland, the Dept of Rural and Community Development through the Town and Village Renewal Scheme, eir, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Kerry Co Co and the Dingle Chamber Alliance.

Cónaigh i gceantair cruthaitheach, Oibrigh i spás cruthaitheach

Do You Need To Work From Dingle?

The Hub Offers:
Hot desks, dedicated desks and private offices Access to 1Gb of eir fibre broadband A dedicated telephone landline Free parking 24-hour access and more
Contact Us:
Phone: 066 9150140 Email: info@dinglehub.com Web: www.dinglehub.com
Located in: