16 minute read
Anso is Ansúid i gCorca Dhuibhne
Blúire Béaloidis ó Scoileanna Chorca Dhuibhne: Na Tiarnaí Talún
Sé Lord Cork an tighearna a tháinig ó Chorcaig. Tháinig sé annso isteach timcheall dachad bliadhan ó shoin. Ní hé féin a tháinig acht a chaptaén. Thóg sé ó mhuinntir an Oileáin gach naomhóg agus bád a bhí aca is thug leis iad. Do chuir Lord Cork amach baintearach as a tig thíos san Leitir Ubhach. Ní raibh sí ag díol aon chíosa mar bhí sí bocht. Ní raibh aon chlann aici. Ní raibh aici acht an taon bhó amháin. Do chaith sé amach ar an mbán í. Bhí sí annsan is n'feadar sí cá bhfanfadh sí. Leig cómharsa isteach í acht i lár na h-oidhche chuir Lord Cork agus an captain ag triall uirthi á rádh léi ná raibh cead aici a bheith istig in aon tig nú éinne a leigfheadh isteach í go mbeidís féin amuich leis. Bhíodar seo ag díol an chíosa. Cailleadh an bhaintreach amuigh ar an mbóthair. Do bhí na tighearnaí talmhan ana chruaidh an uair sin.
Do tháinig tighearna mná annsan i bhfánn. Do bhí sí ana chruaidh ar fad. Chaitheadh sí amach na daoine ná féadfad an cíos a díol. Do chuir sí báillí annso. Bhí báille i dtig annso chuaidh sé anáirde air bárr an tighe. Tig tuighe a b'eadh é. Sháig an bhean an díos isteach na cheathrú. Siúd an fhuil ag teacht. D'imthigeadar is seana bhlas air a gcosa aca. Níor thánadar riamh ó shoin san Oileán.
Do chuir Bess Rice — an tighearna — amach as a dtig Cáit bhán is a hathair i dtaobh ná rabhadar ag díol an chíosa. Caitheadh amach air an mbán iad is mílte eile nách iad. Bhí Cáit Bhán ana óg an uair sin. Súagán a bhíodh timcheall uirthi is í na baclainn ag a hathair. Gheibheadh sé Ceann Sléibhe aniar. Ní leigtí isteach in aon áit iad mar bhí spíarí ag Bess Rice. Isteach fé bhéal leice a théighidís. Théigheadh a hathair Seamus Bán ag soláthar teine di. Gheibheadh sé cúpla spré is chuireadh sé fén leic é chun í a bheith te. Oidhcheannta bhídis istig i dtig acht bhíodh scéigthe aige na spiairí ortha is chaithidhis a bheith ag imhtheacht. Bhíodar ag chaitheamh an tsaoghail go hana bhocht. Bhí Cáit Bhán mór an uair sin. Bhíodh truagh aige sna sagairt dos gach aoinne acht ní raibh aon leigheas air. Thóg an t-Athair Domhnall Ó Súilleabháin air láimh í. Chuir sé fé scrúdú i dTráidhlí í is dhéin sí é. Cailín ana mhaith i gcóir leitireachta a b'eadh í. D'fág an sagart le n'uacht aici scoil Cill Mhic a Domhnaig, an fhaid a bhead sí ann is ag a clann na diaidh. Thóg sí tig nuadh is bhí a hathair in aoinfheacht léi. Phós Cáit is mhaireadar go lántsásta acht tá Cait Bhán is a fear marbh anois is Flathais Dé go bfuighidh a nanam.
Lord Ventry. Do bhí cúirt mór aige seo i mBaile 'n Ghóilin. Is innte anois atá Coláiste Íde. Sasanaig ar fad a bhí ann. Do bhí Lord Ventry ana chruaidh. Bhaineadh sé an stoc dos na daoine. Do chuir sé fear as a chuid talmhan i dtaobh ná raibh sé ag díol cíosa is roinn sé an talamh air na daoine a bhí ag díol an cíosa leis. Lord Mullins. Do bhí sé sin is Lord Ventry ag obair as láimhaibh a chéile. Beirt dearbhrathair a b'eadh iad. Do chuiridís báillí go dtí sna daoine ná bíodh aon chíos a dhíol aca. Tosnuigheadar ag roinnt na talmhan. Do briseadh ortha. Do chuireadh as Bhaile an Góilín iad tuisg gur protustúnaig iad. Is thóg an riaghaltas Coláiste Íde ann. Tá an coláiste sin lán do Chaitlicig is tá séipéal dheas istig ann. Do chuir tighearna eile is captain chun talmhan a roinnt thíos timcheall Bhaile an Mhuillin. Roinn é is fágadh na daoine bóchta gan aon chuid den dtalamh. Is mar sin a deineadh an feall ar na daoine fadó.
Is mó daoine a cailleadh leis an ocras is gan ach codhla amuigh fén spéir aca. Is mó chuid aca a tugadh leis a chuid leabthacha is a chuireadh i bpoll thíos ins na cuaiseanna iad. Nuair a tháinig na báillí annso fadó ceap na daoine go gcuirfí as na tighthe iad. Bhí gach seanabhean is a tocht chlúmh ar a drom aici a chur i bpoll. Ní fios cad a dhéanfhaidís dá mbeadh an tighearna inaon áit gairid dóibh. Bhíodar ró fhada uatha. Sé an áit go bhfuil Bannc na Mumhan anois an áit go mbíodh tig an tighearna Mullins. Do cuireadh na Feirtéirig amach as a gcuid talmhan i bParróiste an Feirtéirig. Lord Ventry a dhéin an beart san. Chuadar síos ar an dtráig an fhaid sin agus thógadar tighthe beaga agus bhíodar ag maireachtaint ar iasg agus ar thalamh sgóir ar feadh cúig mbliadhna. Fuair an chuid críona bás agus annsan leigeadh isteach aríst iad. Scoil: An Blascaod Mór.
Múinteoir: Máire Nic Gearailt
Faisnéiseoir: Eilís Bn. Uí Chearna
Aois: c.60
Ábhar á fhoilsiú le caoinchead Chnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann www.duchas.ie
Logainmneacha ó Chorca Dhuibhne (Ina luaitear gnéithe den gcósta):
Bá: Bá an Daingin; Bá Thrá Lí; Bá Bhreandáin Cuan: Cuan an Chaoil; Cuan Fionntrá; Cuan Ard na Caithne; Cuan an Daingin (nó Cuan an Daimh Deirg); Cuan Trá Bige Caladh: Bun Calaidh; Baile an Chalaidh; Caladh an Oileáin; Caladh na bhFeircíní
Cuas/Cuaisín: An Cuaisín Geal; Cuas an Bhodaigh; Cuas an Chapaill; Cuas Diarmada; Cuas na Teorann
Poll: Faill na bPoll; Poll an tSéideáin; Poll an Daimh; An Poll Doimhin; Poll an Bhallaigh
Mar eolas daoibh!
• Ranganna Gaeilge i gCorca Dhuibhne Fómhar 2020/21 /Irish Language Conversation Classes for 2020/2021
Más suim leat Cúrsa Comhrá Gaeilge TEG (Teastas Eorpach sa Ghaeilge) a dhéanamh, ag leibhéal ar bith, GlantosnaitheoriArdleibhéal, i nDeireadh Fómhair na bliana seo, cuir fios ar Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne ag eolas@cfcd.ie nó cuir glaoch ar 066 9156100. Féach www.teg.ie. Beidh Lá Measúnaithe don TEG á eagrú sa Daingean I mí Mheán Fhómhair. every level from Beginner to Higher Level, will commence in October in Corca Dhuibhne/the Dingle area. For further details call Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne at 066 9156100 or forward an e mail to eolas@cfcd.ie. An Assessment date for TEG will be organised for September.
• Allagar na hAoine
Blúire giolcaireachta ó Allagar na hAoine gach Aoine ag @AHaoine. Buíochas do Mhícheál Toose Mac Gearailt agus do Chian ó Lorcáin. Gach Eolas/Further Information: 066 9156100/ eolas@cfcd.ie
• Cúrsaí do Dhaoine Fásta i mBaile an Fheirtéaraigh (Cúpla áit fágtha fós)
7ú - 11ú Meán Fómhair: Comhrá Ardleibheal; Comhrá Meánleibhéal;
Costas: €225
Gach eolas ó Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne @ 066 9156100 nó cuir ríomhphost go dtí eolas@ cfcd.ie
Cláraigh at www.oidhreacht .ie. Register at www.oidhreacht.ie Tuilleadh Eolais/Further Information: 066 9156100 nó cuir ríomhphost chuig eolas@cfcd.ie. Call 066 9156100 or e mail eolas@cfcd.ie
• Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge i gCorca Dhuibhne 2020/2020
Déanfaidh Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne an cúrsa dhá bhliain seo a reáchtáil i gcomhar le Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge sa tréimhse 2020/2022. Má tá suim agat freastal ar Chúrsa Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge don dtréimhse cuir fios ar Chaitríona ag 066 9156100 nó seol ríomhphost chuig eolas@ cfcd.ie.
Comharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne
Milltown Branch

Castlemaine Rd, Milltown, Co. Kerry
Supporting The Community We Serve
Website www.rathmorecu.ie Email rathmore@rathmorecu.ie Tel: 066-97 67 777
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday OPENING HOURS MILLTOWN OFFICE Closed 10 am to 4pm Closed 10 am to 1 pm 3 pm to 6 pm Closed
Club Spórt Clochán - Bréanainn
Comhghairdeas le foireann sacar Club Sport Clochán Bréanainn CSCB leis an bua iontach a bhí acu le déanaí go hairithe le Luke Mullally, an cúl báire a stop gach rud sa chéad leath agus le Cian O’Grady a fuair na scóranna an-tábhachtach sa dara leath.

Cumann 500/Club 500 Draw . Buaitoirí Mí Luanasa 2020
1ú:(€500): Donal Moriarty, An Clochán, 2ú:(€250): John Paul Hoare, Lios, Bréanainn
3ú:(€150): John & Cliona O’Dowd, Bréanainn
4ú:(€75): Seamus McGearalt, Fearann Dalaigh, Caislean Ghriaire 5ú. (€50): John & Megan Kerin, New York Buíochas as ucht do thacaíocht leanúnach. Thank you for your continued support. Feach ar www.cflt.ie chun a thuilleadh eolas a fháil Seirbhís Béile Baile / Meals on Wheels: Mar gheall ar na treoirlínte ón Rialtas maidir leis an Coronavirus, tá na seirbhísí ó Halla Le Chéile curtha ar ceal. Táimid ag obair go crua chun an tseirbhís Béilí Baile a cuir ar fáil. I láthair na huaire tá an chistin ag obair Dé Luain, Dé Céadaoin, Dé hAoine chun freastal ar na daoine is leochailí . Má tá aon cheist agat glaoigh ar 066 7138137. Míle Búiochas.
Due to the recent guidelines from the Government regarding the Coronavirus, services are suspended from Halla Le Chéile. We are working hard to maintain the Meals on Wheels service. We are constantly reviewing the situation. At the moment the kitchen is operating on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays to cater for the most vulnerable. If you have any questions please call 066 7138137. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Halla le ligean ar Cíos agus Covid 19
Má tá tú ag lorg ionad chun cruinniú a bheith agat do ghrúpa mór tá an réiteach againn duit. Tá halla le tomhais 22m x 8m againn agus stáitse mór le sin. Ag fanacht amach 2 mhéadar óna chéile d’fhéadfadh 40 duine cruinniú a bheith acu sa halla
Ag fanacht amach méadar amhain óna chéile d’fhéadfadh 60 duine cruinniú a bheith acu sa halla.
Cuir glaoch ar 066 713 8137 do thuilleadh eolais. If you are stuck for a place to have a meeting for a big group we have the solution for you. Our hall measurements are 22m x 8m plus a big stage . At 2 meters social distancing 44 people could have a meeting in the hall At 1 meter social distancing 60people could have a meeting in the hall Ring 066 713 8137 for more information

Brigid O'Connor
WELCOME - FÁILTE A warm welcome is extended to Fr. John O Donoghue ( Missionaries of Africa ) and Fr. Donal O Connor (Chaplain IT Tralee) who will be ministering in the Parish of Annascaul, Camp and Inch until Christmas. Fr. Michael Moynihan PP Dingle Parish is appointed Administrator to the Parish. LADIES FOOTBALL Annascaul girls travelled to John Mitchell's on Tuesday, 11th of August and hit the ground running on a glorious summer's evening for football. With joint captains Grace Kennedy and Ciara Casey dominating midfield, Keelin Clifford had 3 points in the first 12 minutes and Ciara chipped in with two to fire the girls 5pts in front. Lauren Crean, Ciara Slattery and Caoimhe O'Callaghan were in an unforgiving mood and cut out Mitchel's supply time and time again. The score of the game was a ball fielded i lár na páirce by young Niamh O'Callaghan, who slipped it to Ciara Casey on the run. It went on at pace through the roadrunner Grace, a neat pass to Molly McCarthy who picked out Keelin and Camp's version of Gooch clipped over for a great team score. Shortly afterwards Caoimhe cleverly intercepted and the ball was flashed over the bar by Sinead Murphy. Sinead worked really hard forcing a turnover and fed the industrious Molly who raised the green flag much to the delight of the Annascaul supporters!! Aoibheann O'Dwyer was now in the thick of things working hard and helped create points for Keelin and Grace to leave us in control at half time.
The Mitchell's came out all guns blazing in the second half and goaled straight away to signal their intents. A magnificent finger tip save by keeper Niamh Hanifin along with stout defending by Aine Curran, Orla Curran and Caoimhe Curran (definitely not sisters but gritty backs one can be assured). The introduction of fresh legs by our younger girls Alannah Griffin, Lily Falvey, Lia Sheehy and Aoibhinn O Callaghan saw Lily tee up Lia to raise a badly needed white flag. Mitchells were now coming at Annascaul hard and raised two green flags as managers Paddy Curran & Ger O'Callaghan heart rates were soaring for all the wrong reasons. Aoibhinn the pocket rocket took off after Alannah fed her, fired for goal and despite the block managed to toe poke it home to lift the seige. But once more Mitchels drove forward to bang in another goal but finally the ref blew up as Annascaul won by two,much to the relief of all. Final score John Mitchell's 4-2 Annascaul 2-10. Team: Niamh Hannifin,Lauren Crean,Orla Curran. Aine Curran,Ciara Slattery,Caoimhe O Callaghan. Grace Kennedy & Ciara Casey. Molly McCarthy,Aoibheann O Dwyer,Niamh O Callaghan. Keelin Clifford ,Sinead Murphy. Subs: Alannah Griffin,Lily Falvey,Caoimhe Curran,Lia Sheehy and Aoibhinn O Callaghan. Many thanks to John Mitchels for a cracking game of football,referee Sharon Roche and our own Mairead Clifford for all her behind the scenes work!
Annascaul U-12 girls hosted Churchill on Tuesday 18th of August. This was a ding dong affair with both defenses well on top and in a strangely low scoring game Churchill deservedly won by 4pts. Annascaul started brightly and the Churchill goalkeeper made two great saves from Sinead Murphy and the electric Molly McCarthy. At the other side of the field, our halfback line of Aine Curran, Ciara Slattery and Niamh O'Callaghan went expertly about cutting off the Churchill supply lines. Niamh Hanifin with a pin point kickout, picked out the excellent Miriam Sheehan who delightfully placed Sinead Murphy and she made no mistake to raise a green flag. Churchill's two powerful midfielders were causing problems but Ciara Casey and Grace Kennedy worked hard to limit them and Churchill's running game. The second half saw Churchill tag on points but an excellent long range free from Ciara Casey saw the game tied. At this stage, try as hard as they would, our forwards Keelin, Aoibheann O C, Eimear and Lauren Foley just couldn't get the scoreboard ticking over. Our keeper Niamh pulled off a great save, Lauren Crean and Orla Curran in the fullback line were brilliant in repelling Churchill attacks and got great support from the fresh legs of Caoimhe, Aoibheann O Dwyer and Alanna. However, Churchill goaled and tagged on a point and despite Annascaul trying hard to the bitter end, we couldn't reel in Churchill. The Annascaul girls showed great heart and a never say die attitude which will only stand to them in future games. Better days lie ahead for this young bunch of girls one has no doubt. Team and Panel: Niamh Hanifin, Orla Curran, Lauren Crean, Aine Curran, Ciara Slattery, Niamh O'Callaghan, Ciara Casey, Grace Kennedy Molly Mc Carthy, Miriam Sheehan, Aoibhinn O'Callaghan, Keelin Clifford, Sinead Murphy. Subs: Caoimhe O'Callaghan, Aoibheann O'Dwyer, Eimear O'Connor, Lauren Foley, Alannah Griffin, Lily Falvey, Lia Sheehy, Caoimhe Curran, Tara Laide, Jenna Crean, Aoife Kennedy, Amy Kennedy, Roisin O Driscoll and Aisling Clifford. KERRY DISTRICT LEAGUE KDL football club. Announcement - We are delighted to announce that Gavin O’Brien has joined our U17 League of Ireland side for the 2020 season. Congratulations Gavin, well done ! go n-eirí leat ! TRALEE PARKRUN Lovely to see the Crean family Tom, Mary and Sinéad, Killelton actively involved in the Tralee Parkrun and obtaining the June Award Parkrun. A great example of family fun together in the great outdoors ! OBITUARY The Death of Michael Spillane, Spillanes Bar, Fahamore, The Maharees occurred on Wednesday last. Mike was a true entrepreneur, a pioneer in his own right whose renowned family Seafood Restaurant has received many awards and accolades in recognition of excellent cuisine in the tourism industry locally and nationally. He leaves a great legacy to his family and the tourism community of The Dingle Peninsula. A gentleman too, endeared to all who knew him.
Devoted and loving husband of Marilyn, father of John, Dave, Rose, Jeanne and Ben much loved brother of Sean, Mary Rose, Tom and Nora. Predeceased by sisters-in-law Mary and Judy, brother-in-law Dave. Sadly missed by his loving wife, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, son-inlaw, Rob, daughter-in-law, Annette, his three grandchildren, Yani, Hannah and Timmy, brothersin-law, Rob, Tom and Ed, sisters-in-law, Lori, Carol, Gert, his kids partners, Kirsty and Kenneth, his nephews, nieces, relatives, golf buddies and other friends and family in Canada and around the world. Mike will also be celebrated and missed by his many staff and customers both past and present at Spillanes Bar in the Maharees. A true legend, loved by all who met him. Rest In Peace. CASTLE PATTERN Saturday 15th August was Castle Pattern Day. Down the centuries people came to the village from all over the Peninsula to celebrate and to pray on the feastday of the Blessed Virgin, the patron saint of the parish. The day was known as Lá le Mhuire na Duimhche (The Day of Our Lady of the Warren. The Mutton Pie was the staple diet in a tasty soup (Castle recipe) and lashed down with a pint or a cup of tea as desired. On Saturday last the pies were enjoyed in the village restaurants in Castlegregory and in many homes around the village in keeping with tradition. Ocean View Nursing Home, Camp served up the mutton pies too made by Maura from Castle and with a few tips from the residents, I heard they were delicious as always. So now we'll have to wait 'til September for our next Mutton Pie around Camp Fair, 18th September and the Camp ladies will not be found wanting when it comes down to making the Camp Mutton Pie, there is a difference, they tell us and of course again always very appetising, so the best of healthy eating to you all and stay safe in the future ! CAMP YOUTH CLUB Unfortunately due to Covid regulations, the Youth Club is not in a position to open to members at the moment. ROSE OF TRALEE Every year the visit of the Roses to Ocean View Nursing Home in Camp in August is a highlight for the residents. To avoid disappointment this year Kay O'Shea Events Coordinator thought up a new and very novel idea and despite the 60th Rose of Tralee being cancelled, Kay decided to organise a Rose Celebration in Ocean View for the residents. And Kay even got found a Rose too amongst the residents. Ina Trant was delighted to be Ocean Views, Rose of Tralee 2020 and Florists came out specially to present her with a Rose Bouquet. Everybody had great fun and all agreed that it was a memorable and enjoyable afternoon for everybody. And they got local and National media coverage too ! Congratulatons Ina and well done Kay and all in Ocean View ! BALLINCLARE AMBUSH The Ballinclare Ambush and the shooting of Paddy Kennedy, R.I.P. - In August 1920, at the height of the War of Independence, an ambush took place at Ballinclare near Annascaul. A British army lorry was destroyed and the soldiers on board taken prisoner. Although they were subsequently released, having been given tea, cake and cigarettes at a nearby farmhouse, reprisals by the Black and Tans saw local man, Paddy Kennedy, shot dead. Tim & Mary Kennedy and their family along with members of Annascaul Historical Society, Mary Ward, Justin McCarthy, Michael Kennedy and John Hartnett marked this historical event in Annascaul on Tuesday 18th August, the Centenary of this historic, monumental and sad event in the history of the locality. Grand Nephew of Paddy Kennedy, Paddy Hartnett, Annascaul Historical Society says the Society intend to erect a monument in The Tom Crean Garden in the village in memory of all the volunteers who died in The War of Independence. Councillor Breandán Mac Gearailt MCC who attended on Tuesday has committeed to seeking funding from Kerry Co. Council towards the monument.