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An Fhéile Bheag Filíochta
De dheasca srianta Covid-19 tá Clár na Féile teoranta i mbliana, ach táimid fíorshásta a bheith in ann léacht agus dhá cheardlann filíochta a chur ar fáil dár gcairde agus lucht tacaíochta. Due to Covid-19 restrictions the festival’s programme is reduced this year. We are, however, delighted to be able to offer a lecture and two poetry workshops to our friends and supporters.
Léacht na Féile
Aoine 6 Mí na Samhna ag tosnú ag , á chraoladh ar leathanach Facebook na Féile (nasc ar shuíomh na féile http://feilebheagfiliochta.com) 'Mo Shlán go Gleann aoibhinn an Mháma': Imirce in Amhráin agus Filíocht na nDaoine' Le Seán Mac an tSíthigh, craoltóir agus fear béaloidis.
Ceardlanna Filíochta Ar-líne / Online Poetry Workshops
Satharn 7 Mí na Samhna, ag tosnú ag 10rn. Beidh dhá cheardlann filíochta ar-líne á reáchtáil faoi stiúr bheirt fhilí aitheanta: ceann as Gaeilge le hÁine Uí Fhoghlú agus ceann as Béarla le David Wheatley. Beidh táille €20 do rannpháirtithe. Beidh líon na rannpháirtithe teoranta go dtí 7 ar a mhéid. Tuilleadh Eolais agus clárú ach teagmháil le eolas@ feilebheagfiliochta.com. Saturday 7 November, starting at 10am. Two online poetry workshops led by acclaimed poets: one in Irish with Áine Uí Fhoghlú and one in English with David Wheatley. The cost for participants will be €20. The number of participants will be limited to a maximum of 7. Further information/Registration:eolas@feilebheagfiliochta.com.
Inch Tourism and Development Committee Raffle in aid of the Restoration of the Bell at Inch Church
The Manchester Merchant was destroyed by fire and sank just off the Inch bar on 15th January 1903. The ship’s master, Captain Couch, was injured in the fire and hospitalised in Dingle. When he recovered he presented the bell to the people of Inch. Prizes Include
€50 Voucher for Skellig Hotel Meal for two at Benner’s Hotel, Dingle €50 Voucher for Louis Mulcahy Pottery BMW Travel bag from Ahern’s Castleisland
€5 for 3 strips of tickets

60 Soicind le John Prendergast
Cad ab ea do chéad phost? Ag glanadh cairteacha nuair a bhíos 10… fostaí na bliana! Cén scannán is fearr leat? Fight Club Cén leabhar is fearr leat? An séú Harry Potter - classic Cad ab ea an chéad dhlúdhiosca / ceirnín / téip a cheannaigh tú? Six is dócha! There’s a Whole Lotta Loving…!! Cén saoire ba mhó a thaithin leat? Na Bahámaí cúpla bliain ó shin Cén deoch is fearr leat? White hot chocolate ó Bean Cén t-aisteoir is fearr leat? Cillian Murphy nó Aisling Bea Cén chomhairle a thabharfá duit fhéin níos óige? Ní chailleann fear an mhisnigh riamh é! Cé hé/hí do laoch spóirt? James Prendergast! Hup Beirt ón stair ar mhaith leat a bheith agat mar aíonna dinnéar? MLK & Pádraig Pearse Dá bhféadfadh Time Machine tú a thabhairt áit ar bith ar feadh lá amhain, cathain / cá rachadh tú? Wuhan, Nollaig 2019 – go leor le hathrú!! Cén ráiteas is fearr leat? Ná mol is ná dímhol daoi, mar ní bhíonn saoi gan locht is ní bhíonn daoi gan tréith ORIGINAL KERRY
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HARD OF HEARING? This is an opportunity to STOP LIVING IN SILENCE and improve your hearing now!
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The Mall, Dingle, Tel: 066 9152225 OUR NEXT CLINIC: WEDS 10th July From 10am-3.30pmOUR NEXT CLINIC: WEDS 14th OCtOBER, 10AM - 2PM 100% DISCREET HEARING AIDS NOW AVAILABLE
Audivox Hearing Aids
Clinic 29, Bishopstown Road, Cork Tel: 021 4546437 Email: info@audiovox.ie
Pat Hanafin
Septic Tank Emptying & Drain Cleaning

With over 30 years in business providing a Septic Tank Cleaning Service in the Dingle Peninsula, we now provide DRAIN CLEANING. From 2” sink lines to 4” - 12” sewer pipes. Biocycle tanks filter system,washed after emptying. Providing power washing service and washing facility. 24 hour cover.
Septic & Biocycle Tank Fitting
We supply and fit septic tanks and biocycle tanks. All percolation work carried out all over the peninsula.
Lee Strand’s innovation and leadership in the marketplace continued this week when they launched Ireland’s first 100% renewable 2 litre milk carton. Their new 2 litre carton follows the successful launch of Lee Strand’s 100% renewable 1 litre carton in October 2019. Produced by Tetra Pak, the carton is recognised as the world’s first fully renewable pack and has won many prestigious international awards. The plant-based carton and cap are also 100% recyclable. Speaking at the launch, Gearoid Linnane, CEO, Lee Strand stated “Lee Strand’s €2 million manufacturing investment is a major step forward in the development of truly sustainable packaging and reinforces our commitment to protecting the environment. The trend in the marketplace indicates there is a shift away from plastic and this will continue if new levies on single use plastic are introduced. Customers are more environmentally conscious, and we are delighted to be a step ahead of the curve offering consumers a choice now when making their 2 litre milk purchases.” To celebrate the launch, customers will be given the chance to win €1,000 if Lee Strand’s new 100% Renewable 2 litre milk carton is in your fridge! Tune into Radio Kerry for details on how to enter, promotion will commence from Monday, October 12th. Over 250 limited edition Lee Strand & Radio Kerry ReMOOOable reusable mugs will also be given away on Radio Kerry over the next three weeks. Plus, the finalists will be put forward to win €1,000 in the Lee Strand grand final draw.

The ideal candidate will need:
Minimum 1-2 years of relevant experience
Good understanding and knowledge of accounting processes
Excellent Microsoft Office skills (Word/Excel)
Knowledge of SAGE computerised accounting system an advantage
A good command of spoken Irish is beneficial
Main duties and responsibilities:
Record supplier invoices and maintain creditors ledger Sales Ledger accounting Issuing payments to suppliers General office administration