Westminster Magazine Fall/Winter 2018

Page 41



REMICK ADMISSIONS HOUSE The Remick Admissions House is the first building that many prospective students and their families visit. It offers many, by all intents and purposes, Westminster College’s first impression. Hundreds of prospective students pass through its doors each year, and its home-like atmosphere was designed to create a favorable and lasting imprint. The newest structure on campus since the construction of Hoyt Science Center, the Remick Admissions House was dedicated in May 1999 and named in honor of the now late Dr. Oscar E. Remick, who served from 1987-1997 as Westminster’s 12th president and chancellor. The two-story, 5,100 square foot facility—which cost $1.4 million to construct—houses the College’s admissions and financial aid departments. Dr. Oscar E. Remick, Westminster President and Chancellor (1987-1997)

~ Dorothy J. Pollock ’46 W e s t m i n s t e r C o ll e g e M a g a z i n e 3 9

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