The QH Issue 41

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MARCH 2018 | ISSUE 41 | FREE




Image: (left to right) Gerald, Lareb, Jamilla and Lama

Credits: Nadia Sayed

Image: Freya and Andita host as Ludo and Dan join them for results


BY SONAKSHI SHARMA The yearly UWSU Elections 2018 were held at The Loft in Harrow campus on 15th February. The elections were packed with supporters for each candidate. After a week of intense campaigning, the winners who took the new throne are- UWSU President Lareb Naseem, VP Regent and LTS Sunny Lee, VP Marylebone Jamilla Torres, VP Cavendish Gerald Aguilar, VP Harrow Lama El Khamy as full time officers. Your new part time officers includeDisability Officer Ray Ellis, NUS Delegates - Ludovica Sinicalchi Bernabo, Dan

Credits: Nadia Sayed

Seamarks, Lubaba Khalid, Kaniya Abubakar. Womens Officer, Kaniya Abubakar. BAME Officer Lubaba Khalid, LGBTI+ Offficer Shaik Syasya, and International Officer Saniya Rauf. Your new sabbs will take over the offices in July for a year. The elections night saw the absence of VP Regents and LTS Sunny Lee, who sent an emotional speech for his win which was read out by the hosts. As the winners were disclosed each one of them was overwhelmed with happiness and thanked the students for their support. The new Sabb team promised to work hard and be around for students while working on their respective manifestos.



Sonakshi Sharma Editor-in-Chief

Deputy Editor

Lavanya Singh News Editor

News Editor

Mishelle Thurai Features Editor

Ashleigh Jones Lifestyle Editor

Ioana Oblu Sports Editor

ABOUT THE QH The QUINTIN HOGG is produced monthly by a team of student volunteer editors and contributors. All students can get involved. No experience is needed and full training is provided.

The QH is published by the University of Westminster Students’ Union, and the views presented do not necessarily mirror those of UWSU or the editorial team. If you would like to make a complaint or comment about our journalism, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, Sonakshi Sharma in the first instance.



Ioana Oblu

Benedetta Laterza


BY SONAKSHI SHARMA We are almost midway through the second semester. After a relaxing and eventful February with university events , we are almost approaching the deadline fever. Don’t worry! We are here to bust your stress, grab a copy of your student paper, a cuppa and lighten your day with hyperlocal university news, features, lifestyle and sports.

Our front page story is all about the UWSU Elections! For those of you who don’t know, these are yearly elections that select the student leaders to work for the Students’ Union. Post the election we are now ready to welcome the power packed team including President and VP’s of all four campuses along with Representation Officers and NUS Delegates. For your election issue, we bring you a special election pullout online, containing the results, statistics by The QH and pictures by Nadia Sayed. You too can be a part of The QH, if you have anything interesting to write about, just contact me. You can keep yourself updated by following our Twitter, Instagram and Facebook page. For more great content you can always checkout the website. Lookout for Varsity, which is taking place on 21st March. Let’s go Dragons! Sonakshi x


BY FREYA THOMPSON We have a new set of Student Officers! Huge congrats to Lareb, Gerald, Jamilla, Sunny, Lama, Ray, Lubaba, Syasya, Kaniya and Saniya! I love that so many women put

themselves forward and were successful in these elections. Who run the world...?! We had an amazing 12% voter turnout! This elections had it’s ups and downs, but we really are engaging with more and more students, so thank you to everyone that voted! The most exciting part of the year is upon us! Tickets are now on sale for Varsity 2018 on March 21st! Our black and yellow Dragons teams will be in action all day and this year we’re hosting at Chiswick! It’s face painting time! Something I’ve been wanting to start since I joined UWSU is a Student Council, and it’s finally happening! On 2nd March, at Marylebone campus we are hosting our first ever Westminster Student Council! Come down and enjoy all things democracy, and hold your officers to account! See you there!

BY DAN SEAMARKS We’re full flow into semester two now and it’s fantastic to see you all taking on final major projects, dissertations and exams with great success. It’s also been a really exciting time for the Students’ Union as you’ve elected your next team of student leaders, you can find your next Sabbatical Officers and Representation Officers on our website. It’s been really great this

month to celebrate LGBT+ History Month, recognising our community here at Westminster. From flags reflecting the different people in our society to collaborations with societies and, of course, once again being home to Student Pride. Over the next few months we’ve got so much great stuff coming up for you including our legendary Varsity, which is taking place on 21st March. We’re going for a 7th year unbeaten, so grab your tickets and don’t miss your sports teams beat West London. Let’s go Dragons! Good luck with all of your upcoming deadlines and remember that if you need any help or support, your Students’ Union is here to help. Join your campus Facebook group, find out about our services at or pop into any of our offices. Dan, VP Harrow x






SOHO DIFFERENCE FESTIVAL IS HERE! BY BENEDETTA LATERZA This year, University of Westminster Difference Festival will take place from the 26th of February to the 3rd of March and will celebrate the historical and cultural roots of Soho. All students will be welcomed to explore the deep connections between the university values and the neighbourhood universally known for its diversity and progressivism. Participants will be able to choose among different ranges of activities according to their interests and curiosity. Walks and role plays to retrace London social revolution in the ‘60 will take place throughout the whole week and show a different side of Soho through its unique sexual revolution, crazy nightlife, and exclusive fashion. Workshops will also be available to learn the university history, queer activism, propaganda and so much more. If preferable, on the 1st of March students who are passionate about film will be able to participate to the screening of “Battle of Soho” which purpose is explaining“ how gentrification has changed the heart of London’s bohemian quarter”. Straight after, the movie director Aro Korol will hold a Q&A for all those who will like to explore more in depth the themes showed in the film. A small reception with food and drinks is also included. If you are more of a food type of person, on the 26th of February it will be possible to participate to an event that will give you access to Soho’s unique culinary culture “from fine dining to cheap eats, from imperial chefs to the bars and cafés of political refugees”. All the workshops and talks will be given by University lecturers and guest speakers. Don’t miss it!

Get to know Soho’s extravaganza with UoW

Creativity is essential to any human being. So why is the UK is not supporting it?

CAMBRIDGE ADMITS TO RAMPANT SEXUAL ASSAULT PROBLEMS MISHELLE THURAI The last thing you expect to check for when going to university, is the number of complaints in regard to sexual misconduct. Given how UK’s most prestigious universities have been faring in terms of sexual misconduct redressal, however, checking for whether your university has a record of sexual misconduct may soon become a priority. The elite University of Cambridge has admitted to a widespread problem with sexual assault on their grounds,

after their anonymous reporting system recorded 173 reports from people in a span of nine months.


Both students and staff have been using this anonymous reporting tool—over a nine month period which started in May 2017. Due to the anonymity of the system used to report, a lot of cases have come forward. The university commented on the system which was released last May and called it a “metric of success.” Students feel confident and safe about reporting misconducts, yet the large numbers released was not expected for such a prestigious university. Even though

students came forward, they have said that they would not pursue formal complaint. Cambridge has said that only six allegations were formally reported. Cambridge’s Pro Vice Chancellor writing for an academic website said: “It appears victims have confidence in our promise that these figures will be used to judge the nature and the scale of sexual misconduct affecting students and staff, and to act on it accordingly.” Other Universities such as Manchester, have followed in suit by introducing anonymous reporting tools. Is this becoming another thing students have to look for when looking into where to carry their further education? The reaction from students in Cambridge has stolen the spotlight. Student activists are in a bid to break the silence. It’s significant to note the matter of sexual misconduct —is not unheard of. We all know what goes on, especially in universities. Sexual violence has always been a problem amongst young people and millennials. Yet these numbers have brought matters to the surface. They have to be dealt with instead of pushed under the rug. Masses of students from Cambridge recently also took to the streets, wearing all black to raise awareness of sexual assault. This was in support of the Times Up campaign, which started with the Weinstein allegations of sexual misconduct.


Eu studnets still trust the UK for their education

BY FRANCESCO TAMILIA UK universities see a rise in the number of applications from EU students after last year applications fall by 4%. Since the UK has not left the European Union yet, EU students who come to study in the UK won’t be affected by Brexit in any way. As a result, experts argue that one of the

reasons behind this change could be attributed to the lastminute rush to study in British universities before Brexit takes place. Last year, British universities directly felt the consequences of the Brexit referendum. It spread an uncertainty over funding which led many European students to choose different options rather than the UK universities. The rise of non-UK applications has contributed to balancing the falling numbers of UK applications which dropped again by 3%. The international applications from outside the EU registered the highest number on record – 58,450 applications. Another possible explanation for this upturn could be the falling Pound. As Helen Thorne, Director of External Relations at UCAS told The Independent, “There are probably several factors

influencing the increasing numbers of applicants from the EU and beyond. For example, the weaker pound makes the UK a cost-effective place to study and the Government’s confirmation that EU students starting courses this autumn will be able to benefit from the existing financial support arrangements will have been beneficial.” The UK is a world-class destination for international students who look for a bright career. British universities welcome thousands of international students every year thanks to their reputation as a world education centre. However, international universities students are an ongoing topic of discussion among British politics. In the last general election, the leader of the labour party Jeremy Corbyn promised changes relating the controversial university fees. Recently, the

Prime Minister Theresa May stated that foreign students should be counted as migrants in official immigration statistics. A spokesperson for the Russell Group which represents 24 UK leading universities urged the government to ensure that “fees and finance arrangements for EU students remain unchanged during any transition period post-Brexit.” Because of the instability that the UK is facing nowadays, it is very difficult to forecast the future figures of the international students applying for British university for the next years. Though, it is fundamental for the government to be as clear as possible about the situation of current and future international students, for the benefit of both students and UK economy.







Kate Middleton wore a coat designed by Westminster Fashion graduate and Swedish designer Ida Sjöstedt on her Scandinavian tour. On their last day of the tour that celebrated Swedish culture, the 6-months pregnant Duchess stunned in a blue velvet gown. Considering that so far the Royal Family has refrauned from releasing the baby’s sex, the colour choice teases speculation that the couple could be expecting a prince. The royal couple met their hosts and local counterparts, Prince Daniel and Crown Princess Victoria, who is also a client of our alumna. The Duchess of Cambrigde completed her outfit with an elegant, longline black furtrimmed coat by Ida Sjöstedt. The Swedish fashion designer graduated from University of Westminster in the 2000, and set up her own label in Stockholm the following year. Since then Ida has become one of Sweden’s most popular designers, combining ready to wear collections with couture dresses for private clients, and with an ever-growing following crowd who love her signature style of feminine elegance mixed with tasteful kitsch. Known for her penchant for mixing luxury fashion with accessible high street brands, The Duchess of Cambridge’s Midas touch turns everything into “sold”. Her choice of a brand creates a money-can’tbuy publicity, capable of selling out a style in half an hour after being spotted. The “Kate touch” even made the designer of her sapphire engagement dress go bankrupt, as the business was not structured to cope with the demand that followed being the Duchess’ new favourite dressmaker. Taking into account her power of endorsement, Ida Sjöstedt can expect her star to shine even brighter that Westminster ignited.

We are all familiar with Turnitin, the plagiarismdetection service which is highly used among British universities. Its role is to detect any type of plagiarism in the assignments that students submit. Even if Turnitin does its job every time and detects any plagiarised sentence, universities are concerned about contract cheating. Contract cheating means that a student uses a third party, in order to produce the academic essay without any type of effort, such as researching or writing. Until now, Turnitin as a service was only able to detect the parts where students copied from published texts, or those submitted via Turnitin system. The number of students who pay from a few hundred pounds to thousands of pounds is continuously increasing. Students pay companies to write their assignments, ‘original’ academic essays, PhD theses and even dissertations. Those type of companies have freelance writers and academics as employers, and they are provided with a commission for each assignment they write. But students might not be able to use this type of third party and get a good mark without doing any effort at all. A new programme will be launched soon, which is designed to detect paid essays. The software will be an important step in catching


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Is Hong Kong making a U turn on freedom of speech?

HONG KONG ACADEMICS THREATENED BY FREEDOM OF SPEECH LIMITATIONS BY MARIA CAMPUZANO Hong Kong universities are under threat for exercising academic freedom after authorities are limiting speech rights. It is a trend that happens elsewhere, too. The right to express opinions has been encouraged in public spaces to start conversations and discussions. And this openness to different opinions is highly endorsed by academia, especially in higher education institutions. The idea of universities is for students to understand the concept of universality, by learning and accepting different voices and developing their own. Freedom of speech is core in academia, embodied in their own academic freedom. In the UK, the Education Reform Act of 1988 guarantees it to academics for them to ‘put forward new ideas and controversial or unpopular opinions, without placing themselves in jeopardy of losing their jobs or privileges’. The UNESCO says: “autonomy is the institutional form of academic freedom and a necessary precondition to guarantee the proper fulfilment of the functions entrusted to higher-education teaching personnel and institutions.” The current threat to Hong Kong universities is worrisome, and not only because it is home to top higher education institutions. There is a current pressure to limit freedom of speech. Governmentappointed figures are now in charge of universities against faculty and students’ will. Political motivations have pressured controversial academics’ removal from their jobs. The report, published by the NGO Hong Kong Watch, says that ‘a growing top-down

backlash has attempted to limit academic freedom and bring academia under the authorities’ control’ by suggesting that ‘elements of academic control in place elsewhere in China are gradually being incorporated into the Hong Kong system, threatening the city’s academic freedom and thus its universities’ reputations’.

“HONG KONG IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ACADEMIC HUBS OF ASIA AND THE WORLD” Hong Kong is one of the most important academic hubs of Asia and the world, particularly for its academic and intellectual freedom. Handed back to China in 1997 after being under the British rule since 1841, it became a semi-autonomous territory with a separate education system, keeping the right to freedom of expression. Students and staff face that risk in other parts of the world too, especially those living in authoritarian governments. To this day, there is no exact number of how many students were kidnapped and forced to disappear by the Argentinian government in 1976, during the last dictatorship. Nearly 5,000 academics from Ankara University, in Turkey, were dismissed after the recent failed army coup. A number of students were arrested in Myanmar for protesting government spending. Students in the University of Tehran have also been arrested for taking part in protests of Iran’s current political state. Youth around the world are exercising their rights to speak out, and they are being punished for it.

students who prefer to pay for professionally written essays, rather than doing them by themselves. The main feature of this innovation is that it will have the capacity of identifying a student’s writing style. It is based on learning algorithms, therefore if there is a striking difference between the submitted assignment and previous essays, the system will notify the university on the issue. As soon as the system will be launched, it is going to be easy to spread it in the UK universities, as most of them already use Turnitin or similar softwares. The plan is to crack down on websites which are selling essays to the undergraduate students. It came as a solution in protecting an individual’s degree and it aims to increase the originality and hard work among students. The innovation is excepted to be available for universities for the beginning of the 2017-2018 teaching year. Universities have severe penalties if students are caught when they submit work that is not written by them. The extension of Turnitin is excepted to have a pivotal role when it comes to plagiarism and protecting the integrity of one’s degree.


Turnitin updates its system to fight paid essays Photo: Unsplash

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Justin Cheng’s suicide is the seventh student death in less than 18 months. Photo: Unsplash

IS THE UNIQUE BRITISH MARKING SYSTEM GOING OUT OF STYLE? BY JOANNE CLARKE In January, it was reported that Cambridge University was considering a change in the degree system it uses, from the UK’s 2:1 system to the Grade Point Average (GPA) system currently used in the United States. The current system used by universities in the UK, and in other countries around the world, has been in place since 1918. But according to Professor Graham Virgo, pro-

vice chancellor at Cambridge, there are good reasons for the change. Speaking to The Telegraph, Virgo stated “There is a general sense of dissatisfaction with the blunt tool of traditional classes.” This sense of “dissatisfaction” is down to the issue of grade inflation. This is due to the fact that the number of high class degrees given each year has increased. According to The Telegraph’s article, “three quarters of graduates [are] now leaving university with a 2:1 or a first” and “since the nineties, the number of first class

degrees has increased fivefold.” Academics are worried that because of the amount of high class degrees given out each year, the degrees will therefore be devalued. In addition, it has been said that by changing from the 2:1 degree classification to the Grade Point Average system, that UK universities would be more in line with other universities around the world that also use the GPA classification. The Grade Point Average system used in both the

United States and around the world, is said to be more accurate in terms of student’s performances, as they are evaluated throughout the entirety of the course they are on. The resulting mark is between 0 and 4, to two decimal places. One difference between the two systems is that, although the GPA system is said to evaluate student’s consistently while studying, the 2:1 classification used in the UK puts more focus on students’ final year, rather than their work during the course as a whole. There have also been accusations that some universities may slightly amend their students’ results

in order to be higher up on the university league tables, and that there is too much focus on the number of firsts that the university has achieved. Although Professor Graham Virgo of Cambridge spoke of the dissatisfaction of the current system, Virgo also spoke of the input needed from the Office for Students, as he believes this change cannot be carried out by just one university. If the GPA classification is to be adopted by universities in the UK, then it has to be used across the whole university sector and not by just one university. At this moment in time, it has been estimated that 20 universities in the UK have trialled the GPA system.

SCOTLAND WILL PROVIDE FREE TUITIONS FOR ALL EU STUDENTS AFTER BREXIT BETWEEN 2019-2020 BY TEAM QH Scotland has announced that it will continue keeping tuition at universities free for EU students for at least four years after Brexit, thus taking a different stance from the UK and sparking conversations around anti-English sentiment. Earlier this month, the Scottish Government announced that EU students who start university in Scotland in the year 2019-20 will not be charged tuition fee, as is the current norm. Scotland’s Higher Education Minister, Shirley-Anne Somerville praised the move for sending a strong message that EU nationals are still welcome in the country, in light especially of the UK’s bitter dispute with the EU on the terms of the impending divorce.

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Talking to Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) at Holyrood, she recalled that Scotland had already promised free tuition to EU students enrolling at Scottish universities in 2017-18 and 2018-19. “I can announce that we will now extend that commitment to the 2019-20 student cohort,” she added. “This means that all eligible non-UK EU citizens who come to Scotland to study for an undergraduate higher education qualification in 2019-20 will benefit from free tuition.” She also stated that the decision would not benefit just EU students, but also provide time for the government to plan upcoming academic years: “We are the first government in the UK to make such a commitment. We do so to send a strong message

to current and prospective students—you are welcome here.” While Scottish universities have welcomed the decision, it’s also revived talks around Scottish anti-English sentiment. While students from the EU are exempt from paying tuition fee, those from other parts of the UK and outside Europe are not entitled to such benefits. Scottish institutes, however, have praised the clarity the decision provides: “Today’s announcement gives some much-needed clarity and assurance to universities, but most importantly demonstrates to EU students that they continue to be welcome in Scotland,” Prof Andrea Nolan, convener of Universities Scotland, said. “EU students are a core part of many important courses

but are also highly-valued educationally, culturally and economically, not just by universities but the communities in which they live,” she added. Liz Smith, education spokeswoman for Scottish Conservatives, commended Scotland’s important move to instil confidence in EU students about the educational benefits available to them: “I think all MSPs are aware of the outstanding contribution EU students and staff make to our universities, often at the cutting edge of research and development.”


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University of Westminster’s Fab Lab, Aberrant Architecture and local arts centre Artsdepot joined together to create a workshop that allowed 140 students, between the ages of 8-14, from five NorthLondon schools to tell their story through design. The workshop, created by Aberrant Architecture in collaboration with Artsdepot, aimed to introduce the younger generation to architecture and design during a time when cultural funding is under threat. The project required the use of both computer and hand work, combining these both to make an authentic design process. The workshop took place at The University of Westminster’s Fabrication Laboratory. The Fab Lab was launched in 2015 and included the addition of two workshop areas offering advanced digital model making facilities, equipped with flexible computer controlled tools. The Fab Lab offers specialist short training courses along with support for research and PhD students, as well as open for student activities. Each of the five schools were assigned an individual colour – including pink, purple, yellow, green and blue. Using these colours, they made bricks using the construction material ‘papercrete’, which is a make from recycled paper and adhesives. The students also added clay ornaments to the bricks alongside adding the name of their school to give them to take ownership of their work. Matthew Haycocks, Senior Lecturer at the University of Westminster, said that it was good to see school children as young as seven, learning how to use modelling software to design their own 3D objects in the Fab Lab. He continued that they were as excited as the children to see the individual designs combined to become a part of the ‘Storytelling Igloo.’ The Storytelling Igloo was in an exhibition at the Anthorp Gallery at London’s Artsdepot from the 13th to 31st December 2017. Haycocks stated that the over all project was “A wonderful collaboration with a beautiful result!”



13 years on, HuffPost has ended its unpaid contributor network. Photo: Unsplash


THE BRIGHT AND DARK SIDE OF THE NATIONAL STUDENT SURVEY EXPLAINED BY BENEDETTA LATERZA It comes a time in your life as a final year student in which your university will ask you to fill a NSS or, if you prefer, a National Student Survey. The goal of the research is to evaluate different aspect of the student experience based on the quality of courses, teaching facilities, support etc. to then create the annual league table of the best universities in the country. For all universities this is a big deal because their place in the list might influence applications for the following year and give or take away a certain prestige to the structure itself. For students, NSS is mainly an easy way to obtain free Amazon gift cards and other similar contributions for their feedback. Putting all of this into perspective it seems like a fair deal for students who just need to invest five minutes of their time between lectures and dissertation anxiety to give an honest opinion on their courses. Yet, at the beginning of the month, an anonymous letter from an academic has appeared on The Guardian. The writer expresses his concern over the controversial behaviour that some UK universities put into practice when they submit the survey to their students.

It is explicitly admitted that when the results come out in the summer “meetings are held behind closed doors, all-staff emails are sent out with stern bold headings or celebratory exclamation marks, gossip runs rife about which departments did better or worse than predicted”. For us, it can be quite difficult to realise why the result of a survey that can depend on many different variables – first of all students filling it randomly or lying – can be so important, but when your department budgeting partially depend on it you do start to care a bit more. Some unnamed universities pushed it as far as making students complete the NSS in special IT rooms with a supervisor or, even worse, staff telling students that a negative feedback could jeopardise their chances of getting good job prospects after they graduate. Without a shade of doubt, the NSS is a great way for final year students all around the UK to make their voices heard on a national level and make sure that – for better or for worse – their opinion will be taken into consideration by future generations of students. But it is as fundamental that the system in which is conducted is always transparent and accountable, for both staff and students.

University of Westminster students Livia Schmidt (currently studying on the International Law LLM course) and Manvir Grewal (who is studying for a PhD degree in the Westminster Law School) were given the opportunity to present their research on Gender, Law and Constitutions at the Second International Symposium; the formal report was published on the UN Women’s website. The report looks at the different aspects of reproductive rights and bodily integrity across different constitutions, including the UK, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Iran and Indonesia. The research report made use of the UN Women constitutional database, drawing information from the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women’s (CEDAW) affirmation of the health and reproductive rights of women. The researchers explored issues surrounding the context of gender equality, soon finding that the constitutional protection for reproductive autonomy was inadequate which resulted in a greater disparity between the genders. The focus of the research was not on equal treatment in the eyes of substantive law, but

rather to see whether the law allows for equal outcomes through protection of rights for both men and women; if not protected for women it may otherwise lead to heightened inequality between the genders.

“LIVIA SCHMIDT AND MANVIR GREWAL’S RESEARCH ON GENDER, LAW AND CONSTITUTIONS HAS BEEN PUBLISHED ON UN WOMEN’S WEBSITE” Publication of their research report on the UN Women website has enabled them and their research teams to develop their work further. The University has since been invited to take part in the UN Women Symposium by an alumni now working at UN Women enabling students to create connections with peers from universities worldwide to form a global network.

26/02/18 6:25 PM






FANS (Friends of Arriving New Students) are a vital part of ‘The Great Start Project’ as they provide a personal welcome to new undergraduate students starting in September at University of Westminster. FANS (Friends of Arriving New Students) are a vital part of ‘The Great Start Project’ as they provide a personal welcome to new undergraduate students starting in September at University of Westminster. FANS help students settle into the university community and act as their first point of contact during induction week. However, ‘The Great Start Project’ does not just benefit new students; it also offers a range of benefits to the students that take on the role as FANS. As a member of the FANS team, you acquire critical transferable skills that are key for future employment. Take a look at some FANS testimonials below for reasons to why you should apply for this brilliant position: Chichi Cheshli BA Tourism Planning and Management, Faculty of Architecture & Built Environment “Being one of the FANS gave me the fantastic opportunity to work closely with the Students’ Union and get to know people from different campuses, backgrounds and lifestyles. It was a very eyeopening experience that I highly recommend to anyone who wants to see the university as something more than just books and exams. Go out there, have fun and add an experience to your life that will later become valuable for your personal and professional development. Helping new students get around the university and answering their questions, assures them that university life will not be as daunting as it seems is extremely important since we’ve all been there. Which is why a student body that can easily relate to the new bees will make a positive impact on their perception of the university. Become one of the FANS, and you won’t regret it.” Sidra Khan BA Business & Tourism, Faculty of Architecture &

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Built Environment “Being one of the FANS has offered me a whole other perspective to University. When I first started University of Westminster I was in Level 5, I got plenty of support from my tutor and a few students, but someone like the FANS would have been a game changer. I didn’t know about FANS until the year had ended and I was moving to Level 6, so I decided to apply for the role and see how it uncovered. Fortunately, I finally became one of the FANS in my last year of University, and I learnt more about the University, and what it offers then I did in the previous two years. I regret not having been a part of ‘The Great Start Project’ sooner. The experience allowed me to think on my feet, although you plan what you are going to do and say before you meet the new students, the truth is that when you are in the role as a FANS you just go with it. Students have different times when they are free, and if I saw them, I would give them mini-tours of the campus and local area, while offering them advice that they might require to get through the first few weeks.

“FANS GAVE ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO WORK CLOSELY WITH THE SU AND GET TO KNOW PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT CAMPUSES, BACKGROUNDS AND LIFESTYLES” The position as FANS also gives you the opportunity to get to know the different ways people comprehend information, which is significant knowledge to have if you plan on being in a managerial or leading role in your future career. It’s never too early to start practising and learning these things.

Being part of FANS also allowed me to understand the specific manner I talk and offer information from my knowledge and how that is perceived and used by others. It’s not like a general customer service job since you do not have to learn about products and try to sell them but instead you are asked about your actual experiences; therefore it’s a little like being your own boss. Unfortunately, no that doesn’t mean you can come in and do whatever you want because you do have to follow a program but you oversee the information you are offering, the experiences YOU had and the journey that you’ve had are all questioned due to the curiosity of the first years. Don’t let your shyness stop you from taking part in this opportunity because even though I’m an introvert, it was one the most amazing organisations I’ve been a part of within my University life. It helped me overcome my own shyness and become better at public speaking and gatherings. To be entirely honest, I didn’t have time to worry about being shy or bad at something because there were so many exciting things happening that I couldn’t even focus on how my shyness would affect. I would 100% recommend becoming a part of the FANS to anyone who is willing to take part in making University life smoother and more comfortable for firstyear students. If I had the opportunity, I would do it again. It doesn’t look too bad on your CV either!” Dele Oladeji Creative Writing, Faculty of Social Science & Humanities “I strongly recommend ongoing students to take part in this initiative. Not only does it offer the opportunity to meet and get to know new students, but it also allows you to learn about how the university operates. It’s rewarding for your personal development, negotiating skills, and time management. Even when things weren’t going as planned, there was always someone to talk to. Kudos to the Super FANS that have done the project the year

before, they were encouraging and supportive. The reward goes beyond the monetary and the time out of London, its more rewarding regarding our future goals, learning and expectations. Come on board guys! Become one of the FANS! It will push you forward. Learn about the university; meet amazing new and ongoing students. Go out for a coffee; take a trip to other campuses: Harrow, Marylebone, New Cavendish, Well Street, and Regent Street Campus. Visit our lovely Library at Little Titchfield Street, visit our Gym and Café at Regent Street – you will truly love the experience. Stay well FANS! There’s a lot going on at the University of Westminster!” Shafali Khanom Mumu BSc Biomedical Science, Faculty of Science & Technology “FANS provide a personal welcome to new students at the University of Westminster; they make the induction day easier and enjoyable for new students as we all know an induction day can be stressful. When I was a new student I had two lovely FANS who were very welcoming and friendly, I was shown around the university and gained insight into university life through their personal shared university experience. Having FANS helped me greatly to settle down into university life. They also encouraged me to apply for FAN position, which I later took their advice and became a FAN at the University of Westminster, it has been a fantastic and valuable experience for me. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting new students and sharing my own experience of life at the University of Westminster with them. As a quiet person; this role has helped me to build up my confidence, leadership and teamwork skills as well as making new friends. It is an excellent opportunity to build a professional network as you get to meet so many different people. I have seen myself evolve from being a shy individual into a more confident and responsible person. I strongly believe that it not only helped me develop my communication skills but

also gave me a great chance to strengthen my leadership qualities. Becoming one of the FANS for the University of Westminster was a great opportunity and a good achievement. It has enabled me to promote the University as well as gaining a great deal of self-confidence. It truly is an opportunity that should be taken advantage of, as it has made my university life a more enjoyable time.”

“FANS IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD A PROFESSIONAL NETWORK AS YOU GET TO MEET SO MANY DIFFERENT PEOPLE” If you would like to become a FAN during September 2018 then now is the time to register. Please register your interest at the following link www. by 12th April 2018. Benefits of getting involved include: • Cash Reward for successful completion • Training in a luxury hotel setting • Key transferable Leadership & Employability Skills • Certificate for your portfolio • Recognised for your HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Record) • N e t w o r k i n g opportunities • Making new friends and meeting a vast range of students Please note you will have to be studying at the University of Westminster in September 2018 to apply for the position. If you have any questions, you can contact Nima Takodra, Great Start Project Manager on Don’t miss out on FANtastic opportunity!


26/02/18 6:25 PM








have always had a very strong opinion on the importance of having an “out of this world friend.” The type of friend that is completely separate to your life, your world. I find it can become all too easy to get wrapped up and consumed by small problems and worries. These problems are usually quite insignificant but I find they still weigh on my mind. I usually choose not to tell people in my immediate circle if I’m feeling this way. It causes mass chaos, with everyone trying to help and in turn exacerbating the problem. It’s in these situations that the “out of this world friends” - my long-distance friends really are the most helpful.

know the intricate details of my day to day life, but they do know me and they know what I’m made of. That’s the great thing about friendship, it doesn’t matter where you are in the world you will be bonded over the fact that you both have each other’s best interests at heart. While I know it would be easier to reach out to people in my immediate circle, these are people who are with me all the time and know every little detail (don’t get me wrong I still do reach out). It is just that sometimes the people who are furthest away know how to keep you functioning.


I have learnt the importance and the benefits that come with having long distance friendships. It’s these friendships that remind me that I have a wide support network, one that reaches across the other side of the world. They are able to bring me back to reality and quickly, especially if it’s over a small issue. They don’t

However, by no means is long distance friendship easy. It takes a lot of work and internal security to maintain a friendship with someone who is particularly far away. There are times where you feel you’re not putting in enough effort or vice versa. Over time though I have come to realise it’s about having faith in not only them, but in your friendship. At the end, sometimes it just nice to have a chat with someone who feels worlds away. It is a reminder that there is love and support all around the world. Long distance friendships still work, if you care for them like you would if you were next to each other.

True friendships still exist: no matter the distance



ersonal blogs are like an online journal or diary; it is a place on the internet that many people can call their own. Many of these personal bloggers write about varying topics from food, travel, lifestyle, fashion and many others. People love to know about other people’s lives hence why personal blogging became so popular in the 21st century especially with the gradual progress of nearly every household being able to afford a laptop. With that change in the 21st century a variety of people decided to give blogging a chance whether it is on WordPress, BlogSpot or other platforms. It was around 2005 – 2006 when there was a growth in the emergence of personal blogs and with the start of Google AdSense advertising in 2003 it was made possible for bloggers to be able to create money by blogging.

“THEY ARE LIKE AN ONLINE JOURNAL” Household names such as Huda Beauty and Zoella started off on their own personal blogs which then helped them transform into businesses, therefore

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it is clear to say that to some extent personal blogs are the new career go to’s as you never know what could happen whilst blogging about something that you love. Huda Kattan, the founder of Huda Beauty first started a blog on WordPress expressing her love for skincare and makeup on her personal blog from the comfort of her own home, which then flourished into a business later on. Blogging is an effective way to earn a decent income to live off nowadays without having to leave the comfort of your own bed. It is through the use of Google Adsense, advertising companies that reach out to bloggers to want to have their ad or product displayed on the blog and even partnerships with Amazon. You receive commission for each sale if the buyer is coming from your blog and many other ways that bloggers are able to make money via personal blogging. There are many perks of becoming a blogger, and creating an income is just one of them. They include: being able to meet new people from all around the world without even getting on a plane, being as creative as you want because after all this is your space on the internet, being your own boss! Want a lunch break early, go for it, getting freebies such as products to review, developing your personal blog to a business later on. All in all, it seems that personal blogging has become a growing trend in the job industry as more and more people are finding it appealing that they could possibly earn money by maintaining an online presence.

Persoanl blogs can transform from a passion to a way to earn money

27/02/18 10:16 AM







Books might seem like an old, boring thing. but actually they can enrich our culture and help us develop our imagination

DISCUSSES THE MAGIC WORLD OF BOOKS... There’s something about picking up a new book that fills me with excitement The feel of the paper, freshly pressed or well-worn depending on its age. The smell of a new book hot off the press or even the smell of an old book worn out over time. Reading is great not only because of the story held within the pages, but how you as the reader experience the book. A book is something that can remind you of a specific moment when you pick it up. It can be passed down from one generation to the next. It can be so many things to people world wide. It can aid religion, science, politics, law and so many other things. But is it the same even when it isn’t a hard copy? Over the last decade, E-readers have taken the market by storm. People can now buy and access their favorite books from anywhere in the world. Technology has made it possible for people to take their favorite novels with them anywhere, removing the dreaded choice of which book to bring on a long trip away.

“E-READERS HAVE TAKEN THE MARKET BY STORM” While older generations of E-readers were just screens that you could read from, newer versions have added all kinds of bells and whistles. It is now possible to bookmark, highlight and add notes to any page. This makes for a great tool when trying to make connections within a book or trying to mark

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memorable passages. You can also search for terms within a page which makes it easy to locate any key words or phrases that you are looking for. Unlike a hard copy. You can also hide or remove your notes at any time if you feel they are no longer necessary. For students, one of the major benefits of using devices for reading is that they can hold so many different books and articles. It makes for a convenient place to keep important information and references that they need for research, making it easier to get work done in any environment. For people who are constantly on the go, e-readers provide them with the ability to take their work with them. Even on the daily commute to work or university, rather than carry a paper book with you it is so much easier to read something that is accessible on your phone. Whether someone should get an e-reader or hard copy book really boils down to preference. While each has their advantages, those trying to decide which to get need to think about the way they like to read and if they want or need any of the add-ons that e-readers provide.

them the way I did. That is the aspect that a Kindle will never be able to replicate. E-readers don’t have the wear of all the summers at the beach. The coffee stains from a rainy afternoon spent curled up in your favorite chair. Call me old fashioned, but I think it’s those signs of life that make books so great and it is something that won’t be replaced by any technology.

“EACH HAS THEIR ADVANTAGES” Though there are many benefits to having an E-reader, there is something about the paper back that will always appeal to me. I love being able to pick up a book and open its pages. To me, it feels like the way a book is supposed to be read. I love picking up an old book in my parents’ house and thinking of my father reading it when he was younger, or his father before him. It is that nostalgia that makes a paper back so great. I think of all the books that I have read and how one day my children will pick them up and read

27/02/18 10:16 AM







Time to meet up with old friends thanks to Facebook

rom time to time, I wake up in the morning, check Facebook as a first thing, and see this thing on my news feed: “It’s been 5 years since you and your friend connected on Facebook!”. To be honest, I have no clue what scares me the most- the fact that the person was a very close friend of mine in the past and we do not talk anymore, or the fact that I am getting older and 5 years passed already. I tap on it and I am provided with all of the memories that we shared online: concert check-ins, tagged photos, posts on each other’s timeline with the captions “This is so us!” or “Oh my gosh, this is so relatable to you…”. In that moment, I am overwhelmed with happiness because I am reminded about so many precious memories, but at the same time with sadness… you can’t say something good about two people who drift apart. But, because of this, I share the post and tag my friend in it. I do not find it strange whatsoever, even though Facebook is not heavily used anymore, it is in trend to share this type of post. My friend sees it and starts writing to me on Messenger. Besides formally asking about each other’s lives and how we have been lately, we started talking about how many memories we had together. We endlessly discuss the times when we got so drunk that we forgot what we did for half of

a night, about how we cried over break-ups and boys who did not care about us, and how we supported each other through the bad and the good times.

“MY FRIEND SEES IT AND STARTS WRITING TO ME ON MESSENGER” The funny part is that I never excepted this type of online ‘anniversaries’ to rekindle my friendships. It is both awkward and weird, but kind of helpful at the same time. Because afterwards, we actually went for a night out and had a lot of fun: I shamefully forgot how good hanging out with her was. I guess that in the end, technology is really good when it comes to bringing people together.



heresa May released a statement on Black History month and said: “I am proud to support Black History Month and I want to pay tribute to everyone who, over the last thirty years, has helped to support this opportunity to celebrate the extraordinary contribution that our African and African Caribbean communities make to our United Kingdom.” This makes me raise the question, should we only acknowledge Black History for 31 days of the year. Shouldn’t we celebrate the sacrifices and contributions our heroes have made in the fight against racism? Black History month originally started off being a week long celebration as it coincided with Abraham Lincolns birthday on February the 12th and Frederick Douglass on the 14th.The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, announced this movement as a bid to teach the importance of race and history throughout generations. It is admirable that the importance of race and the journey and footsteps from figures in the past have led us to where we are in society now; we are a multicultural melting pot and we have to thank our ancestors and the struggles that they faced for that. Yet racism is not wiped out all together. That is why we need to look at the past more often and not just tie it to one month. We need to be educated on

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a frequent basis in order for equality to occur within the workplace, community and social settings. Jay-Z mentioned in an interview for The New York Times, the common occurrence of racism within the celebrity sphere. He said: “there was a great Kanye West line in one of [his] songs: “Racism’s still alive, they just be concealin’ it.”

“SHOULDN’T WE CELEBRATE THE CONTRIBUTIONS?” I mean Jay-Z even rapped about O.J Simpson the famous case of racism within the police force. What I am trying to acknowledge here is that the dialogue about race needs to stay open. We cannot hide it and bring it out once a year for a month. Unfortunately, it is still happening all around us, even though we might not be victim to it ourselves.

Racism is still relevant nthe 21st century

25/02/18 4:14 PM




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25/02/18 4:14 PM



BUDGETING • The Architecture Drawing Prize: If you’re a fan of art and architecture, head down to Sir John Soanes Museum and see winning art from designers and students worldwide. 21 Feb-14 April. It’s free too! • Roof East, Stratford: The Social Fun & Games Club heads to Stratford. Outdoor games and a bar? Why not! Entry is free too. • Fashion and Textile Museum: For all you fashion students, there is a really interesting exhibition on the history of the “t-shirt”. Tickets for students are only £7.



Vegetarianism has long been a heated topic of discussion, but could cutting meat out of your diet benefit you as well as animals?


PICK OF THE MONTH • Sixties Style: Shot by Duffy: Proud Galleries is hosting an exhibition showcasing Brian Duffy’s work. If you’re interested in photography, this is the perfect day out for you. It includes fashion, celebrity, and advertising campaign photography. What’s even better is that it is completely free to visit.

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anything else.

Being a vegetarian is not hard once you get into it. I grew up on a farm, where we sustained ourselves keeping various animals, so I frequently would get attached to the animals and would be devastated when they were slaughtered. I suppose that’s when it started for me. However, I only became vegetarian when I joined university in 2016. Meat was too expensive and I just decided to give it a go. However, the effects of no longer eating meat were surprising. After only a week, I felt so much healthier, less bloated and, the best way I can word this, much cleaner inside. After a few weeks I didn’t really even think about eating meat anymore.

Food Diary - Thursday 9th February:


Everyone’s journey into a meat-free lifestyle is different; some are harder than others. Another one of my friends attempted to become vegetarian but it simply was not for her. But that’s okay. One thing that I cannot stand, and I’m sure many will agree, are the pretentious vegetarians and vegans. It is fair enough to choose these lifestyles, but it is also everyone’s choice to eat meat and other animal-related products.

Nevertheless, my cravings for chicken nuggets, they were dire. I was getting grumpy and the smallest thing would start to anger me. I was desperate and nearly broke. I spoke to a friend and she recommended Quorn chicken nuggets. Now fake meat was not something that attracted me, but in the end, I knew I had to do something to resolve my cravings. I tried them and I was genuinely shocked. They tasted exactly like McDonald’s chicken nuggets. To this day, every time I eat them I am shocked at the similarity between meat and non-meat. Other than the nugget-shaped fiend, I found that I did not particularly struggle with

1. Breakfast: Oatmeal with milk, cinnamon and blueberries, black coffee 2. Snack: Banana, black coffee 3. Lunch: Jacket potato with butter and cheese, orange juice 4. Snack: Sliced vegetables dipped in hummus, green tea 5. Dinner: Mushroom risotto, water 6. Snack: Punnet of raspberries, hot


the suffering. But there are other benefits. Some are health-related, as the vast majority of food poisoning cases come from meat. It can also help you to lose weight since there is a lot of saturated fat in meat. You can also help the environment. Studies show that vegetarians are at a lower risk of getting type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. There are even studies which have shown that vegetarians are more likely to live longer.

Final Tips Vegetarian:



• Try cutting down on meat slowly by introducing 2 meat-free days a week. • Have a good reason for becoming vegetarian. If you do it without one, it will be impossible to stick to it. • Check out some recipes online. A staple website for me is • Make sure you get enough protein. This can be with nuts, soy, grains, and, of course, vegetables.

“EVERYONE’S JOURNEY INTO A MEAT-FREE LIFESTYLE IS DIFFERENT” There are many reasons to become vegetarian. We all know about the obvious: the animals. You can reduce

Enjoy fruit as a healthy snack

27/02/18 10:26 AM






Instagram is my favourite form of social media. I could scroll through my feed for hours on end, looking at all of the aesthetically pleasing pictures, from food and travel, to fashion. There is no doubt that the majority of my fashion inspiration comes from Instagram, and I’m truly grateful to anyone that tags where their clothes are from on their photos. It saves me having to google where I can buy that rainbow-striped jumper from. You can never have enough fashion inspiration, so here’s a list of my five favourite fashionistas.

1. Megan Ellaby (@meganellaby)

Soon the world’s top fashion designers will have their creations strutting down the runway

BY RALUCA RISTEA It’s that time of the year when we all wish to be bloggers, journalists, or famous people in order to be able to attend London Fashion Week. A week full of glam, sparkle, luxury, and so much more. It was held between 15th20th February. Most of the shows were taking place in the Store Studios and Ambika P3 Showspace, inside the University of Westminster. Thank God for internet, which helps us keep up to date with the trends, and offers an insight about the world’s leading designers’ preferences for the next season. I peeked and eavesdropped a little and I managed to create my “Do not miss” list. To begin with, Mulberry is a MUST. “An iconic brand of Britishness. Inspired by the spirit of heritage and the attitude of rebellion”, which displays its clothes on 16th - being live streamed as well.

“A WEEK FULL OF GLAM, SPARKLE, LUXURY, AND SO MUCH MORE” Secondly, Burberry, as British as “a cup of tea” should definitely be taken into consideration. We are already used to Christopher Bailey’s unusual way of doing things, so every runaway is a surprise. Especially that the playlist for the catwalk was already available on iTunes, so the teaser had been released. Also, Erdem inspires us with “versatile yet powerful femininity”, experimental textiles, vibrant prints, and detailed craftsmanship.

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Last but not least, the show that keeps my curiosity high is University of Westminster, Fashion Design BA. On 16th February, 14:00, Fashion Design BA became the first undergraduate course in the world to show its graduate collections on the official London Fashion Week Schedule. Fingers crossed for our colleagues and let’s get inspired by their creativity. Maybe the guy you have talked to that day in the canteen is the one who will design your beloved gowns in the future.

“THE SHOW THAT KEEPS MY CURIOSITY HIGH IS UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER, FASHION DESIGN BA” However, next season trends have not been fully disclosed yet, but we can make a bet that the mini skirt will have a return in our closets but in a reinterpreted way, as it “never goes out of style”. Precious Cargos are the second “go to” for the autumn-winter 2018. The public’s appetite for denim is lowering, so the investments go to lowkey trousers with plenty of pockets to store your belongings. Did somebody say unsexy dresses? Well, next season claims it. Big tent shapes in wild prints will be visible everywhere. Moreover, if you are a huge fan of the Zoo, this should be your favorite trend: lions, tigers, cats, dogs, and birds are going to be everywhere. So, with that being said, would you dare to adopt any of the new season style and follow the trends? If so, you didn’t miss the Fashion Week.

Megan Ellaby is a fashion blogger from Manchester, who not only posts on Instagram, but runs a blog and YouTube channel dedicated to style. On her blog, she introduces herself as a Fashion Communication and Promotion graduate – which shines through whenever she talks about fashion. You can tell that she knows what she’s talking about, and her passion for everything fashion is obvious. With every picture she posts, another item of clothing is added to my (already long) wishlist.

2. Lydia Rose (@fashioninflux) I can’t remember when I started following Lydia Rose but I know it’s been a while. Lydia Rose posts photos everyday of her outfits, and every day I wish I had her wardrobe. Not only does she post on Instagram, but has her own blog dedicated to fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. She has a great sense of style, wearing everything from furry cardigans to checked trousers and the cosiest looking jumpers to the cutest mini-skirts. Just a scroll through her Instagram inspires me to be more adventurous with my clothing choices.

3. Sophia Rosemary (@sophia_rosemary) In her bio, Sophia Rosemary describes herself as an “avid dungaree wearer” which is just one of the reasons I love her Instagram. Her style includes all the trends of the moment but with a sixties and seventies vibe. Her style is so varied, from wearing an orange midi dress one day, to a striped jumper, mom jeans, and converses the next – each photo and outfit is different from the other.

4. Lesley (asos_lesley) Lesley is an “Asos Face and Body insider” and blogs about make-up on a separate Instagram account. Although her Instagram isn’t aWlways about fashion, her sense of style is a real mix. She rocks everything from sporty to casual to smart, which gives me the inspiration to mix up my own style. Her Instagram ‘theme’ is an added bonus.

5. Jemma Wade (@_jemmawade) The first thing I noticed from Jemma Wade’s Instagram was her hair – probably the most firey red hair I’ve ever seen. Jemma Wade is an artist, and although she posts other things apart from clothes, her outfits are eyecatching nonetheless. Sometimes she matches her clothing choices to her hair, wearing mustard yellow jumpers, or orange tops, which makes me want to buy some hair dye just so I can try it out for myself. If your wardrobe, and style in general, is in need of a re-vamp you should definitely check out these girls and give them a follow. If you’ve ever needed an excuse to go out and have a massive shopping spree, then these acounts are your perfect excuse to do so.

Instagram is the hot-spot for some great fashion inspo

27/02/18 10:26 AM





If you were a fan of Me Before You, why not give After You a read

BY ASHLEIGH JONES Getting your hair cut can quite often be a stressful process. Firstly, you have to actually find somewhere that seems like a decent place to get your hair styled. There’s nothing worse than walking in to a hairdressers and feeling like nobody there knows how to style, cut, or even dye hair. It’s best to research places before you go there straight away. Look them up online. Have they been reviewed? If so, what do previous customers have to say about the place? Ask friends and family for suggestions on places to visit.

“IT’S BEST TO RESEARCH PLACES BEFORE YOU GO THERE STRAIGHT AWAY” Secondly, once you’ve found a place to go to, it’s sometimes still nerve-wracking as you’re worrying the hairdresser might not do what you asked for. There is no worse feeling than when a hairdresser asks “Is this okay?” once they’ve cut your hair 5 inches too short and dyed it bright red, rather than the “subtle hint of red” that you actually asked for. You just have

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to silently nod to your hairdresser in agreement, whilst trying to hold back your tears. Luckily, with London at our doorstep, there are many salons that will do a great job. Iconic “Toni & Guy” will never fail to impress you with both their professionalism and ability to deliver you the style you want. If colouring your hair is what you’re after, look no further than “Bleach London”. They have three salons across London, one of which is in Topshop’s flagship store on Oxford Street. “Bleach” are known for their vibrant and funky colours, so hit them up if you’re looking for something a little unique and different.

When Me Before You by Jojo Moyes was first published it was already one to watch as once it hit the shelves it swiftly rose up the book charts and took a firm stance in the bestseller spot. This first book, out of a soon to be series of bestselling novels, marks the journey of Louisa Clark, the quirky, outgoing carer and Will Traynor the quadriplegic in a wheelchair. Now that we have turned over a new year, Moyes has decided to hit the bookseller list for the third time with the third novel of the series; Still Me. However these two books could host a discussion which could last all day. As much as I loved Me Before You and as much as I am yearning to read Still Me, this book review is on the second book of the series; After You. You would think that after Me Before You, Louisa Clark would have been able to take the advice of her deceased lover Will and move on, take the opportunities the world threw at her, and really get out there. That is what he wanted after all. Moyes startles readers when launching this second narrative describing Clark’s life as nothing but a flop. There is no promise and no prospect of moving on. She slaves away at an airport bar, lives in a tiny flat, and is having a string of pointless one night stands. The reader follows her journey with nothing but despair and sorrow. Well I did anyway. Will’s story undoubtedly haunts After You. After all, it was hard to recover from the way Me Before You ended. It is evident that grief is a strong theme woven into this narrative. With the rooftop as a symbol of the grief and the darkness overpowering Clark’s



life it seems like there is no hope for her. Moyes masterfully guides this narrative into unexpected twists and turns. Through the characters of Lily and Sam, you view the transformation of Clark first hand. You see her fix her life together and you unavoidably become part of this. By the end of the story you have been through a journey with Louisa Clark and an unforgettable one at that. Still Me has definitely caused a commotion amongst book hoarders worldwide. Everyone needs to know how Clark’s story will finish. Will she come back? Or will the big apple magically sweep her away forever?

Jojo Moyes



“THERE ARE MANY SALONS THAT WILL DO A GREAT JOB” Popular for being “one of London’s best unisex hairdressers”, “The Lounge Soho” has been around for 20 years. Several publications such as TimeOut, Vogue, Elle, and GQ all recommend this salon. So, if it’s good enough for them, then it’s definitely good enough for me. There’s no need to stress anymore as these salons are sure to do a great job of that new look that you’re after.

Prevent over spending and make your student loan last until the next installment in April

25/02/18 4:30 PM


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TOGETHER #WEPLAYSTRONG Maybe too many sports are considered today to be ‘for men only’. In real life, there is no such thing, and this is Lisa Evans’s belief as well. If you do not know yet who she is, Lisa plays for the Arsenal team of the FA WSL (Football Association Women’s Super League) and she is playing professional football. Lisa, accompanied by other three top European internationals are currently promoting on social media a scheme, which aims to get more women involved in football. The campaign is part of a plan that wants to increase the physical activity of the individuals, as the numbers of children suffering from obesity are continuously increasing. Even less than a quarter of children achieve the recommended level of daily physical activity. The purpose of those campaigns is to get more and more women or girls involved in different types of sport. The Arsenal player believes that social media is more than vital when it comes to promoting her campaign. Social platforms such as Instagram or Snapchat are highly used by teenagers, and by advertising her campaign on them, the initiative is much more visible and appealing. The Arsenal player desires to see more and more women playing professional sports, without the fear that they are not supposed to. In the meantime, Evans also started a vlogging series for UEFA’s YouTube channel along with other internationals in order to promote her ‘Together #WePlayStrong’ campaign. She is filming herself on her day-to-day life, from training to shopping, giving reasons why women should get more involved in sports.

Many personalities from the sports world are black



Cyrille Regis, MBE is not a name synonymous with the bright lights of European football or its glitzy celebrity

prominent feature in British football leagues, Cyrille received a torrent of abuse in gladiatorial like stadia that was already frighteningly hostile. Before safety regulations were introduced, stadiums were

primarily standing, resulting in massive attendance numbers. Banana’s would fall at his feet like rain, monkey chants were the norm. When thousands of grown men spat spiteful venom his way on a weekly basis he simply let his talent do the talking. When Cyrille eventually earned himself a chance to represent England on the world stage he was sent a bullet in the post, the accompanying letter informed him that if he dared pull on an England shirt he would receive another bullet in his knee. After passing away on the 15th Jan this year, the British media hailed him as a “trailblazer” and “pioneer” for young black footballers in Britain. His courage in the face of adversity and the dignity with which he handled such vile torment inspired generations of black sportsmen. We tend to associate Black History Month with prominent political figures who have led the charge against racism. We should not be so quick to forget that sport has engaged and united more people globally than politics ever has and in his death, we are reminded that Cyrille Regis helped unite them both.

LEEDS SACKS THE MANAGER AFTER ONLY EIGHT MONTHS BY IOANA OBLU Thomas Christiansen, the head coach of Leeds United was sacked, due to a dismal seven-match run with no win. Even though he was supposed to follow a two-year contract since June 2017, it seems like his role as a coach for the football team did not last more than eight months. Leeds United had a very promising start at the beginning of the contract with Christiansen, and the team occupied one of the top positions in September.


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status, but for any black footballer playing in the UK from the 70’s until the present day, he is the grandfather of the anti-racism movement within the sport. Before black players were a


Christiansen, 44, was unknown in the football world when the new Leeds owner, Andrea Radrizzani gave him the role of the ex-manager, Garry Monk, in the summer of 2017. But since autumn, they have lost their rank due to losing five out of seven matches. Leeds lost with a score of 4-1 at home, to Cardiff City. This winless match took place only two weeks after losing to Millwall, and almost a month on from their FA Cup. Following his departure from Leeds United, the exmanager has paid tribute to the football team’s fans on Twitter, thanking them for showing their support. Currently, Leeds are searching for a new manager, who will be the ninth one since 2014. On the list of candidates at the moment are Grayson, as well as Steve McClaren. The football team is struggling to get to the top.

Leeds United sacked their manager, Thomas Christiansen

27/02/18 10:33 AM

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