Westminster Magazine | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Page 48

ALUMNI NEWS & UPDATES For this issue we asked alumni to send in along with their updates an answer to the question, “How has your education impacted your ministry?” We want to hear more from our alumni family. If you have a piece of news or a Westminster story you’d like to share, please send us an email. You can contact Joel Richards at jrichards@wts.edu. Kyle Davis began full time as the Executive Director of Bible Translation Fellowship on January 1.. God willing, the Davises will move to Cape Town, South Africa as soon as they get their visas. There Kyle will be training translators and pastors, and working towards becoming a Translation Consultant. Bob Eckardt (MDiv., 1978) retired from over 40 years of pastoral ministry in the OPC as of July 2020. Bill Edgar replied, “I attended WTS from 1966 to 1969. Of course, the education was superb: some of the founders were there, Van Til, Woolley, Young, and Murray. But perhaps my most valuable experience was the friends I made: Moises Silva, Ray Dillard, Jim Hurley, Dick Keyes and many more. As a WTS professor, today I still mine the wisdom I learned from them.” Jeffrey McCleary is retiring after 37 years in ministry. Praise the Lord for His service. Larry Roff (D. Min, 1982) writes “My doctoral studies at WTS were under the oversight of Ed Clowney and George Fuller. My work was in the area of hymnody. That led to my writing an adult Sunday School course on the history and theology of our hymns, and to my serving as editor of the (red) Trinity Hymnal, both published by Great Commission Publications. I am now retired and living at Penney Retirement Community south of Jacksonville, FL. I am writing a 3–4 page hymn study each week and am now working on #75 in that series. I hope to find a publisher, since many of the 500+ subscribers on my email distribution list have been urging me to do so. We are thrilled that our daughter,


Jennifer, is now Development Director of the large multi-staff crisis pregnancy center ministry, ‘Choices,’ in Chattanooga, TN.” Daniel Scott (DMin., 1995) was elected Moderator of the 146th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Donald Slager has worked with most language groups in Liberia and Sierra Leone for 40 years. “Presently” Donald writes, “I concentrate on translation projects in Liberia (right now Bandi, Dan, Maan, and Manya). I also serve as the editor of the United Bible Societies’ English Handbook Series for Bible translators. I’ve been working on them for about 20 years, just completing the series. Westminster prepared me well for the work I’m doing.” Henry B Smith Jr. (MAR, 2015) writes, “My WTS education and training was absolutely essential for my ministry work with Associates for Biblical Research. The supreme authority of the Holy Scriptures and the Christ revealed therein must be the proper foundation and starting point for all archaeological and historical research connected to the Bible. Van Til’s apologetic equipped me to recognize and critique worldview paradigms which govern human interpretations of both the biblical text and related archaeological evidence. The value of my Westminster education is inestimable. Sola Scriptura!” Ken Stewart (M.Div. 1975; Th.M. 1976) has retired as Professor of Theological Studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, GA where he taught since 1997. In his retirement, he is doing adjunct work in various seminaries and carrying on with writing projects. His co-authored book, Reformed and Evangelical Across Four Centuries: The Presbyterian Story in America, will be released by Wm. Eerdmans Co. in January 2022. Chaplain Lt. Col. David Wersler (M.Div., 1980) has been awarded the Gill Robb Wilson Award.

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