Weston & Worle View January 2015

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January 2015

Weston & Worle Now in our fourth year

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The magazine for the Weston-super-Mare community FREE The Weston & Worle View - January 2015


The Weston & Worle View - January 2015 The Weston & Worle View - September 2014

A A word word from fromthe theeditor editor


elcometotoour thefirst December issue of the Weston & Worle View. Welcome issue of 2015 2014 has been a great year for us and we would like to The presents have now all been unwrapped, the mince thank all of our customers for their continued support they have pies munched, and the weather's turned a non-festive given us throughout the year. Also, our readers without whom, shade of grey, is there anything to look forward to? this magazine would not be possible. . A resounding YES!!

w Steve Dre Summer is on it’s way, with Weston holding even more Editor events this year, there is plenty to look forward to. Especially the Weston’s Got Talent final at the Blakehay Theatre, coming soon.

Keep up to date with what’s happening in Weston Visit www.loveweston.com

A special thank you to Gary Clark For the front cover photo. www.garyclark.photography

Deadline for February issue 18th January 2015 Publisher:

Pony Publishing Ltd, Locking Farm Industrial Estate, Locking, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS24 8PJ


Steve Drew steve@ponypublishing.co.uk


Patsie Fowler patsie@ponypublishing.co.uk

Studio/Production: Dennis Hastings

Printed by:

Flying Colours Ltd, Badgeworth, Somerset. Disclaimer:

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss, damage, or omission caused by error or negligence for any services provided by advertisers or for any content of the publication. The views expressed in this publication may not inaccessibly represent those of Pony Publishing Ltd or it’s associates. All material within the magazine, whether editorial or advertising, is copyright of Pony Publishing Ltd,and may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher.

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WE‛D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU Something on your mind? Something to share? We‛d love to hear from you.

The Weston & Worle View

web: www.westonandworleview.co.uk email: steve@ponypublishing.co.uk

Tel: 01934 820041


Email: steve@ponypublishing.co.uk putting “letter for publication” in the subject box . We must have your name and address but you can request anonymity.

The Weston Worle View - July 2014 The Weston && Worle View - January 2015


By Susan Brookes-Morris




The Weston & Worle View - September 2014


r VANS members Voluntary Action North Somerset and IT advice fo al ci an fin , ss ne Monthly Advice Sessions Free busi


tarting up a new community organisation or running an existing one is a great thing to do, but it can also be challenging. There are plans to prepare, budgets to agree, activities to organise and volunteers to coordinate. Someone you can turn to for free, impartial support can be a lifeline. So for a day a month VANS offers a free advice clinic for voluntary groups and social enterprises from across North Somerset. Simon Perks is a business consultant, who has worked with hundreds of organisations and is joined by Michael Bowles, VANS Financial Control Officer and Stephen Hares, VANS IT support worker, to offer advice and support to VANS members. Over the last year, we’ve provided advice on a huge range of topics. We’ve helped with legal structures, business planning and financial management. We’ve advised on running meetings, managing volunteers and writing grant applications. And we’ve made some great friends along the way. Whatever issues your organisation is facing, the monthly advice sessions can help. Each pre-booked slot lasts for twenty minutes and is free to VANS members. Just let us know what you’d like to talk about – and we’ll do our very best to help. The next monthly advice sessions will be held on Wednesday21st January 10 – 12 at the Badger Centre in Weston-super-Mare. To book your slot, please contact us by phone on 01934 410192 or by email on info@vansmail.org.uk


4 - September 2014 e View

The Weston & Worle View - July 2014 The Weston 27 & Worle View - January 2015


f you receive a Christmas Gift that turns out to be faulty, under theGift Sale Ofturns Goods f you receivethen a Christmas that out Actbethe purchaser will be entitled toGoods a refund to faulty, then under the Sale Of (usually limited to a few a repair, or Act the purchaser willweeks), be entitled to a refund replacement (within a 6 months but (usually limited to a few weeks), period, a repair, or often 12 month due to replacement (within a 6product monthswarranties). period, but often month due to product warranties). Legally12the contract is between Legally the the contract purchaser is betweenand the the seller, so itand is the purchaser usually best seller, so it isif the person who usually best bought if the you the who gift goes person bought backthe to the vendor you gift goes with receipt., backthe to the vendor hence title of this piece!If the item was bought with thethe receipt., online, the youtitle have rights underwas thebought Sale of hence of the this same piece!If the item Goods Act. have However, thererights are also a new ofof online, you the same under the set Sale Regulations which give further the of Goods Act. However, there areprotection:also a new set Consumer Regulations. RegulationsContracts which give further protection:- the Consumer Contracts These mean that fromRegulations. the moment you place an order, have days you receive the an These you mean that14 from theafter moment you place goods you to legally order, have cancel 14 daysit.after you receive the goods to legally cancelsets it. of regulations there Of course with both may be exclusions. Of course with both sets of regulations there may be exclusions. The good news is that many stores and suppliers go beyond the statutory requirements. The good news is that many stores andSome suppliers refund or exchange goods all year round, even go beyond the statutory requirements. Some when they are not faulty and simply refund or exchange goods allyou yearhave round, even changed Many areyou even more generous when theyyour are mind. not faulty and have simply around and offerare a longer returns period changedChristmas your mind. Many even more generous with theChristmas opportunityand to have gift receipt which you around offer aa longer returns period can pass on to the recipient, so that they can with the opportunity to have a gift receipt which you change if required. can passthe onitem to the recipient, so that they can By Susan Brookes-Morris change the item if required.


By Susan Brookes-Morris


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Make the most of the winter sales Make theloves most of theand winter veryone a bargain, at thissales time of


year there are plenty of them but of it veryone loves a bargain, and around, at this time can year be easy toare getplenty carriedofaway. are but some there them Here around, it tips on easy how to in control of what up can be to stay get carried away. Here ends are some in your shopping basket! tips on how to stay in control of what ends up in your shopping basket! Decide what you need first. Go through Decide whatyour you wardrobe need first. to check for gaps, scout Go through your wardrobe through cupboards, to checkyour for gaps, scout and thinkyour about what you through cupboards, actually There’s and thinkuse. about what no you point filling upThere’s with stuff actually use. no just because there’s 70% off!just point filling up with stuff because there’s 70% off!a Do your research. Take stroll down the highTake street Do your research. a or browse on line to see whator stroll down the high street catches your Try what on browse on lineeye. to see where andon catchesappropriate your eye. Try make a list of everything you really want , and so that where appropriate when the open youyou canreally makewant a beeline for make a listdoors of everything , so that it. when the doors open you can make a beeline for it. Go early – or late. To be sure of getting

what you–really want, visit theof sale in the Go early or late. To be sure getting first couple of days, if you wantinthe what you really want,but visit the sale the cheapest prices, waitbut until the want end. the first couple of days, if you cheapest prices, end.away in Stick to a budget. It’swait easyuntil to getthe carried

the the moment andtocompromise on what Stickheat to aofbudget. It’s easy get carried away in you are willing to pay. If you are too weak to what say the heat of the moment and compromise on no inare thewilling face of taketoo cash andtoonly you totemptation, pay. If you are weak say spend what you no in the face of have. temptation, take cash and only spend have. Take awhat sale you buddy. They could be the head of reason when you choose to ignore all the above Take a sale buddy. They could be the head of advice! when you choose to ignore all the above reason advice!

Happy shopping! Happy shopping! By Debbie Singh-Bhatti By Debbie Singh-Bhatti

The Weston Worle View - July 2014 The Weston && Worle View - January 2015


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War Memorial



6635 Private William (Willie) George Thyer was born in Worle on 15th November 1894 to James and Elizabeth (nee Cox) Thyer. In the 1901 census he is shown as living at Number 1Mendip View, Worle. After leaving the local school he was apprenticed to Mr Thorne, hairdresser, who had a shop in Baker Street, Weston-super-Mare. In the 1911 census he shown as living in ‘The Cottage’, Worle. On completion of his apprenticeship William moved to Aberavon in order to pursue his occupation. He later returned to Weston to manage the business in which he had served his apprenticeship, which had now been taken over by Mr. Shelah. Heeding the call to arms he enlisted into the Gloucestershire Regiment and was sent to France in November 1915. In a letter home, just before the battle in which he lost his life, he requested his parents not to worry if they did not hear from him for a week or two, as big things were about to happen and he would probably be unable to find the time to write. They did not hear from him again.




He was killed in action on 3rd September 1916. The chaplain Rev. J.F.S. Southern, who originally came from St. Mary’s Redcliffe, Bristol, wrote a letter of condolence to William’s parents and the platoon sergeant also wrote to William’s sister, stating that William had been killed instantaineously by a shell whilst they were storming an enemy trench. William was 21 years old. He is commemorated on Pier and Face 5A and 5B of the Thiepval Memorial, France and was awarded the 15 Star, as well as the Victory and British War medals.

Frank Gosden. e-mail:frankgosden@talktalk.net

References: Weston Gazette 1914, Weston-super-Mare Mercury 1914, Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Worle History Society holds meetings in the Community Centre, Lawrence Road, Worle, on the first Thursday of the month at 7pm.


The Weston && Worle View - January 2015 The Weston Worle View - July 2014

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fter a year of supporting the need for a new station at Weston-super-Mare the Weston Super Quilters presented a cheque for £1500 to the local RNLI Weston Super Quilters are a group of enthusiastic and very skilled people who share their interest in developing impressive quilts. They meet regularly to discuss and advise members of the techniques and to show the results. Each summer they hold a major exhibition in Weston’s Winter Gardens when the hall is full of incredible work. The quilts are full of imagination and clever design and the exhibition is open to the public. In August they were visited by Charlotte Conroy, Lifeboat Operations Manager at Weston-super-Mare. Charlotte presented the prizes for the best quilts.


group of hardy souls spent their Christmas Morning wading into the freezing waters of the Marine Lake on Weston-super-Mare sea front. This is an annual event organized by the Cove Restaurant.

Part of the money raised went to the Weston RNLI appeal for a new lifeboat station. £180 was raised towards the appeal.

The Weston & Worle View - January 2015


October deadline 25 September 2014 th

suddenly get ill? Like it or not, children gathering in schools is one of the main ways germs circulate in communities. Their immune systems areEst less mature, they tend to be in 2007 close contact, and they have ‘germy’ habits like sticking fingers or pencils into their mouths, so it is from a top Pet Care Company inevitable thatNational they are going to come home with Cat Care at Home Visits | Home Visits For Dogs something nasty at some point. Small Animal Care & Boarding | Horse & Small Holding Care That said, most illnesses can be avoided if a few House & Pet Sitting | Animal Ambulance good practices are followed. Top of the list is to Pets At Rest Cremation Service | Pet Transport make sure that your child’s immunisations are all Trained, Experienced & Insured up to date, and that all family members have had Contact: Caroline Burrowson Bsc a seasonal flu vaccination, where appropriate. 310 Prevention is01934 definitely the900 best medicine. info@mendip.animalsathome.co.uk | www.mendip.animalsathome.co.uk Next, make sure they wash their hands enough -and properly! The most common way to catch illness is through the mouth, eyes or nose after the hands have been in contact with infected surfaces. A thorough wash with soap and warm water to the back of the hands, in between the fingers and around the nails New for 20 seconds (asEve long compare as it takes How did your with How did‘Happy yourBirthday’ New Year’s Year’s Eve eating compare with that that of of other other countries? countries? to sing twice!) - before or mazing firework displays from around the marzipan pigs, and good drinking, after a visit to the toilet, blowing their nose, mazing firework displays from around the marzipan pigs, and good luck luck symbols symbols made made out out of of world become a sight on chocolate or touching animals and waste, should be the world have have become a familiar familiar sight on chocolate or or marzipan marzipan in in shapes shapes such such as as chimney chimney New sweeps, minimum. New Year’s Year’s news news programmes. programmes. Many Many sweeps, coins, coins, or or horseshoes horseshoes are are exchanged. exchanged. countries also have traditional forms of Lead is considered to countries have‘germ traditional forms Teach also your child etiquette. Thisof means staying Lead is considered to celebration dating hundreds be celebration dating back hundreds ofbeyears. years. away from other back children who mayof sneezing or be auspicious auspicious in in In the UK many people observe first-footing. This is Germany coughing, covering their own coughs and sneezes In the UK many people observe first-footing. This is Germany so so at at New New traditionally by a good looking Year, by usingdone tissues shouldhealthy, be thrown away traditionally done by that a young, young, healthy, good looking Year, they they pour pour molten molten male with carries gifts which andHe avoiding headinclude contacta maleimmediately, with dark dark hair. hair. He carrieshead giftsto which include awith lead lead into into cold cold water water and and piece money, salt, should be see what piece of of coal, coal, money, bread bread and and The salt, and and should& beWorle seeView what shape shape Weston July 2014 32 The Weston & Worle View September 2014 24 through the the develops. the first first person person through the front front door door after after the the New New develops. It It is is believed believed Year begins. This is believed to bring good luck. that this predicts the Year begins. This is believed to bring good luck. that this predicts the future, Auld Lang Syne is the familiar tune that many of us future, so: so: heart heart shapes shapes Auld Lang Syne is the familiar tune that many of us symbolize sing. This represents remembrance of old friends symbolize marriage, marriage, sing. This represents remembrance of old friends round and round shapes shapes denote denote and times times spent spent with with them. them. Generally Generally credited credited to to good luck, Robert Burns, he actually said he was merely noting good luck, and and a a ship ship Robert Burns, he actually said he was merely noting means a journey. the words of an ‘old man’s singing.’ He set these means a journey. the words of an ‘old man’s singing.’ He set these People words People also also leave leave a a bit bit words to to the the tune tune of of a a traditional traditional Scottish Scottish ditty ditty ‘Can ‘Can of every food eaten on Ye Labour Lea.’ of every food eaten on Ye Labour Lea.’ New New Year's Year's Eve Eve on on their their plate plate until until after after Midnight, Midnight, as as In In Denmark Denmark a way of ensuring a well-stocked larder. a way of ensuring a well-stocked larder. Carp Carp is is also also traditions involve traditions involve included, included, as as itit is is thought thought to to bring bring wealth. wealth. smashing smashing plates. plates. Whereas in Brazil, lentils are seen People throw Whereas in Brazil, lentils are seen as as a a symbol symbol of of People throw wealth and prosperity and thus are traditionally part broken plates on to wealth and prosperity and thus are traditionally part broken plates on to of friends’ of a a New New Year’s Year’s meal. meal. Other Other customs customs include include friends’ doorsteps. doorsteps. priestesses of the local macumba voodoo This symbolises priestesses of the local macumba voodoo cult, cult, This symbolises dressing up in blue and white for a ceremony good wishes for the dressing up in blue and white for a ceremony good wishes for the dedicated year dedicated to to the the god god of of water water Yemanja. Yemanja. In In addition, addition, a a year ahead. ahead. sacrificial boat laden with jewellery, candles and Another tradition sacrificial boat laden with jewellery, candles and Another tradition flowers involves flowers is is pushed pushed out out from from Ipenama Ipenama beach beach in in a a bid bid involves leaping leaping to bring health, wealth and happiness. from chairs on the to bring health, wealth and happiness. from chairs on the strike In strike of of midnight. midnight. In Greece, Greece, 1st 1st January January is is also also St St Basil’s Basil’s Day. Day. He He is is remembered for his kindness and generosity to the In Austria, New remembered for his kindness and generosity to the In Austria, New poor. Years poor. Vassilopitta, Vassilopitta, Basil's Basil's cake, cake, is is one one of of the the special special Years Eve Eve is is called called dishes that is prepared and contains a silver or Sylvesterabend dishes that is prepared and contains a silver or gold gold Sylvesterabend coin. Whoever finds the coin will be lucky for the which means Eve of coin. Whoever finds the coin will be lucky for the which means Eve of next Saint next year. year. Saint Sylvester. Sylvester. Suckling pig and By Susan Suckling pig and By Susan Brookes-Morris Brookes-Morris peppermint peppermint ice ice cream cream are are traditional traditional food food for for New New Year Year celebrations. celebrations. Tables Tables are are often often decorated decorated with with

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The Weston & Worle View - January 2015

Weight training is the best bet for losing belly Fat according to researchers


en who do weight training are more likely to lose weight around their middle than men who do aerobics, according to new research. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health studied the long-term effects of weight training and aerobic exercise on the waistlines and body weight of over 10,500 men over 12 years. The findings showed men who did at least twenty minutes more weight training a day had a smaller waist size than those who did aerobic exercise. Combining the two types of exercise had the biggest effect. The study also found participants who lead the most inactive and sedentary lifestyle had a biggest waistline. Carrying extra weight around your waist increases your risk of cardiovascular disease which is why it’s important to keep our weight in check. Julie Ward, our Senior Cardiac Nurse, said: “Carrying extra weight around your waist increases your risk of cardiovascular disease which is why it’s important to keep our weight in check. This study suggests combining weight training and aerobic exercise is the best answer to reducing belly fat. However, the fact that this research excluded women and people from different ethnic backgrounds means more studies are needed to validate these results. So for now, the message is the same. Anyone planning to use weight training as part of their exercise plan should consult their GP beforehand, particularly if they at risk of, or have been, diagnosed with a cardiovascular related condition.

Our charming Georgian Hotel is renowned as Weston’s Premier Wedding Venue, due to a first class reputation built on the outstanding reviews from the many Bride and Grooms whose wedding days we have hosted. Our charming Georgian Hotel is renowned as Weston’s Premier Wedding Venue, due to a first class reputation built on the outstanding reviews from the many Bride and Grooms whose wedding days we have hosted.

We hold a Civil Wedding and Civil Partnership Licence, enabling you to simplify the arrangements by holding all aspects of your special day in one venue. Every Wedding includes the following: Red Carpet Arrival Dressed top table & cake table Master of Ceremonies & Designated Wedding Planner Private bar & lounge Complimentary Bridal Suite Preferential accommodation rates

Visit your local store Weston Retail Park,, Weston-s-Mare. The Weston Worle View - July 2014 The Weston && Worle View - January 2015




d t W l C b a d S F y B c 2 a w W r s W b d T w T H w

9 Vie The Weston &3Worle

A Good Read Kept – DJ Taylor


illed as a Victorian Mystery, this novel by DJ Taylor is a true page turner in the style of Dickens, Wilkie Collins and the like. With multiple narratives and a range of perspectives, Taylor weaves a web of intrigue around the life and death of Mr Henry Ireland and his wife, which surprises and delights the reader. The novel begins with an arresting episode in which two men find themselves by a Scottish loch undergoing a series of challenges to steal rare birds’ eggs. This links them to the strange but eminent naturalist James Dixey, who in turn becomes the guardian of a strangely disturbed young woman. At times the narrative thread is truly puzzling, and the reader must connect and theorize for themselves – but this is no bad thing, and at least we can read on at our own pace rather than having to wait, in the Victorian manner, for the next instalment. There are plenty of potential heroes and heroines, and a smattering of particularly villainous villains, for us to engage with too. One for those dark winter nights in front of the fire – abandon the television and curl up with a good book instead. Although be warned – you may stay up later than you had intended, reading on to the finish!

Deadline for the January issue 18th January

Cars and Trucks and Things that Go! - Richard Scarry


illions of children have grown up with picture books written and illustrated by Richard Scarry. By the time he died in 1994 he'd sold more than 100 million copies around the world. One of the best known is Cars and Trucks and Things that Go! To celebrate its 40th birthday recently, the Designer Paul Smith – a huge Scarry fan himself - was asked to redesign the work while retaining the charm of Scarry's original drawings. There was also a boxed set which was limited to just 1000 copies and is already reselling for hundreds of pounds a copy. While most of us will never get the chance to own the boxed set, the new-look book is well worth seeking out. It has certainly impressed Scarry's son Huck, also a children's writer and illustrator, who said: "Paul Smith and his team have amazed me. It's Richard Scarry seen with Paul Smith’s eyes." For those who don't know the work, every manner of moving machinery is riotously depicted in a story which sees the pig family head to the beach for a picnic. On their journey they encounter every vehicle known, from the forklift to the locomotive, and many vehicles that are not known, from the pumpkin car to the broom-o-cycle. Each detailed spread provides the opportunity to make up stories and describe situations. Will Officer Flossy catch Dingo? Will Rollo Rabbit catch his runaway steamroller? And can you find the goldbug on every page By Kath Bennett

Enter today to be in with a chance of wining a FREE Weston-super-Mare Family Odeon Ticket

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TheWeston Weston Worle View - July 2014 The && Worle View - January 2015

The Weston Worle View 2014 The Weston &&Worle View- September - January 2015




n Saturday February 28 2015 at 7.00pm The 70 strong BIG WORLE SHOWBIZ CHOIR (under the guidance of their musical director Bob Gibbons) will be performing their third public concert at PRIORY COMMUNITY SCHOOL, QUEENSWAY, WORLE, WESTON SUPER MARE.

This concert sees the choir take the audience on a musical journey from Berlin to New York. There are songs from the pen of the wonderful composer IRVING BERLIN ncluding Top Hat ,White Tie and Tails ,Puttin’ On The Ritz ,Heat Wave, Cheek To Cheek and There’s No Business Like Show Business .After the memorable songs from the musicals of IRVING BERLIN there are more popular numbers including a Mamma Mia Medley ,songs from Chicago ,Fiddler On The Roof ,Guys and Dolls and a rousing medley from the musical Oliver !!. This concert will see THE BIG WORLE SHOWBIZ CHOIR raising funds for Home Start a local charity which works with families with young children .It supports them by training volunteers who help them through challenging times .

T The Choir

THE BIG WORLE SHOWBIZ CHOIR was formed in June 2013 and has many members from the community from all walks of life. They rehearse every Thursday at Becket Primary School in Worle under their musical director Bob Gibbons and pianist Bill Stagg . Tickets for the concert are £6 (including a free Lucky Programme) and are available from choir members or by calling 07506294741

NB Please note early start time of 7.00 pm

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The Weston &Worle Worle View -- July 2014 The Weston Worle View July2014 2014 The Weston View - January 2015 The Weston&&& Worle View - September

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Work starts on further improving town centre pedestrian links Oxford Street - Centre


he first phase of planned works to improve pedestrian links between the railway station and the town centre in Weston has started. Preliminary works to improve the pedestrian route coming into Weston from the main railway station. route from Station Road to the town centre and seafront via Oxford Street began in December with the main works due to start in January and be completed in March. Under the programme pavements will be widened and resurfaced with the same high quality flag paving as used on the southern end of the High Street, allowing businesses at the Centre on Walliscote Road to embrace the pavement cafe culture and improve the whole pedestrian experience for residents and visitors coming into Weston from the main railway station. As part of the project the unsightly steel fenced crossing point at the Centre will be replaced by a simpler and more appropriate zebra crossing and the roads will be resurfaced.

Station Road - Town Hall

The project is funded by the Government’s Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF), which is intended to encourage increased use of public

transport while also encouraging regeneration and investment in the town. The LSTF has already funded several projects in Weston, including improved cycling facilities in Worle and Rectors Way, and contributed to the improved car park signing around the town that was installed last year. When the main works start in the New Year, closures will be used where necessary for safety reasons and to ensure the scheme is completed as quickly as possible during the quiet post Christmas period. In addition, the works will be scheduled to minimise disruption to businesses in the area. Cllr Elfan Ap Rees, Deputy Leader of North Somerset Council and executive member for highways, said: "This latest scheme is part of an ongoing plan to upgrade and improve the approaches to the town centre, with proposals to upgrade the frontage of the railway station due to follow. "In addition, we also hope to upgrade Regent Street and the main High Street in the future to link in with the current works. All these plans are opportunities for us to give the town centre a long overdue facelift without cost to hard pressed council tax payers." -


ave you been inspired by a coach or sports professional? Would you like to lead sports sessions and motivate others? How to play Sudoku If so, why not register and attend the next 'Level 2 Community Sports Leader Award'? This is a fun and practical course divided into seven units including an introduction to sports leadership, communication for It’s simple! sport, taking control of a group, organisational tools, safety in sport, adaptation of simple activities and Fill in the grid soyou that would like to attend the full seven unit course there putting it all into practice. If you're unsure whether each row, column are two taster sessions in February which you can sign up for now by downloading and completing and 3 x 3 box, the registration form (pdf). contains the numbers through to lead 9 withsmall no groups of people in sport and recreational After completing this course you will1be able to activities within community settings. repetition. A number of people who have been on the course have gone on to You don’t access paid sport coaching opportunities andneed othertocoach education programmes. beplease a genius. These the sport and active lifestyles team by email For more information or to register contact puzzles use logic sp.ort@n-somerset.gov.uk

The Weston Worle View - July 2014 The Weston && Worle View - January 2015

5 13

or making roads safe so that children can walk or cycle to school. “This challenge cannot be tackled by public health teams alone. It needs a cross-governmental approach which looks at winning rightimprove customers and maintaining how wethecan transport, educationhigh satisfaction levels," says Mark. "With a small regional team we are to nothelp the get biggest and town planning people moving communications services provider in the South West but we are one to watch!" more.”

First Class Comms can be contacted on 0845 180 1000. For more information visit http://www.firstclasscomms.co.uk

Lawrence Road 50+club


irst Class Comms, which launched just 18 months ago, is celebrating several major new client wins and a 29 per cent annual increase in business. The company, which recently expanded into The Hive business development centre in the J21 Enterprise Area of Weston-super-Mare, specialises in managing the communications services - including mobiles, landlines, phone systems and internet connection needs - of business-to-business organisations, mostly in the South West. An experienced independent provider, the company has established relationships and is highly accredited with all the key carriers, vendors and We have LASERS, service providers. Launched PYROTECHNICS by telecoms specialist Mark Burland, it has builtPA its business around LIGHTS and SYSTEMS for negotiating best services and prices, delivering efficient services and managing queries, faults and new requests. First Class Comms has now won a significant contract with Sword Active Risk, a specialised Software and IT services company with 1200 staff, following a referral. It has also been further contracted by client The Bovey Castle Hotel to deliver high speed connectivity in a rural location and is working with Proteus, a Bristol-based marketing communications agency, managing its ongoing communications services following a move to new offices. The company has also undertaken a Net Promoter Survey (NPS) to gauge A. Dean | R.loyalty Roseand | R.success Woodof customer relationships achieving a score of +77 which, Director Mark Burland is unrivalled V. Sheridan | S. Deanbelieves, | M. Vaughan in the telecoms and most other sectors, where a +50 score is deemed excellent. The company anticipates further growth ahead. "We will continue our steady, structured growth plans,

Community Hall, Lawrence Road, Worle. Meets every Wednesday 14 00 to 16 00. Telephone 01934 424462.

Hallowe’en Bonfire Night Christmas Lights ANY EVENT!


The Weston & Worle View - July 2014

August Competition Winners Congratulations to


The Weston Worle View - July 2014 The Weston && Worle View - January 2015


School Applications Let’s hear it for the bear this January


here’s a national awareness day for most things, and Winnie the Pooh is one of them! Celebrated on 18th January, it commemorates the birth in 1882 of British author and playwright Alan Alexander Milne, the creator of Pooh and his friends Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore. The book Winnie-the-Pooh first appeared in print in 1926 and was followed two years later by The House at Pooh Corner. Though Milne only wrote two Pooh books, his characters have become popular worldwide. The characters are based on toys owned by Milne’s son, who also appears in the books as his namesake Christopher Robin. They were written in Hatfield, East Sussex and locations such as Hundred Acre Wood, Galleon’s Leap and The Enchanted Place are linked with real places in and around nearby Ashdown Forest. The books contain some wonderful lines that are simple and innocent but also wise: “Weeds are flowers, too, until you get to know them.” “If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.”


Though there are no official events to mark Winnie the Pooh Day, here are some ideas for your own celebration: create some Winnie the Pooh artwork, dress up as a favourite character or play Pooh sticks!

Don’t miss the deadline


arents of children due to start school in September 2015 are urged not to miss the closing date for applications. Children who were born between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2011 can start at a primarytarting or infant upschool a new from community organisation or run next September. The closing but it can also be challenging. There are plans t date for the submission of organise and volunteers to coordinate. Someone yo applications is 11.59pm on Thursday 15 January. be a lifeline. So for anisafternoon a month, I volunteer with VANS to o "Christmas a busy time for parents, but it’s social enterprises from across North Somerset. As a bu absolutely vital they apply on time, as late applicants organisations. I’m delighted I canatuse my expe have less chanceAnd of being allocatedthat a place their community. preferred school," said Cllr Jeremy Blatchford, North Somerset member for children Over theCouncil's last year,executive we’ve provided advice on a huge ran and young people's services. structures, business planning and financial managemen managing volunteers writing grant applications. we Parents can apply onlineand at www.n somerset.gov.uk/admissions. Alternatively, paper Whatever issues your organisation is facing, the month application are available fromisthe council's slot lasts forms for twenty minutes and free to VANS memb School Transport team. To get a aboutAdmissions – and we’ll and do our very best to help. Wetelephone hold monthly For884 information our next s form theadvice teamsession. on 01275 078 or on email or by on info@vansmail.org.uk them atemail admissions@n-somerset.gov.uk. Simon Perks is the founder and director of Sockmonkey Cons Parents can also pick up an application form at either http://www.sockmonkeyconsulting.com. the Town Hall in Weston-super-Mare or from the council's offices at Castlewood in Clevedon.





t: 01934 514 466 m: 07982 239 104

e: beesafegas@gmail.com

By Debbie Singh-


The Weston Worle View - July 2014 The Weston && Worle View - January 2015


15 View The Weston & Worle


others. If your child is older, warn them about sharing items such as lipstick, lip balm, make-up, razors, creams, lotions and other personal items such as towels and sports kit. Our charming Georgian Hotel is renowned as Premier Wedding Venue, dueand to a first There are some Weston’s germ hotspots in schools, class reputation built on the outstanding reviews cafeteria trays are one of them! One survey found from the many Bride and Grooms whose wedding days weper havesquare hosted. inch on a that there were more bacteria Our charming Georgian Hotel is renowned as cafeteria tray thanWeston’s therePremier were Wedding on a toilet Venue,seat, due to a first built on get the outstanding probably becauseclass thereputation trays don’t cleanedreviews as from the many Bride and Grooms whose wedding often. If your child drops food onhave a tray, they should days we hosted. throw it away! Finally, your child can build up their immunity by We hold a Civil Wedding Partner- eating a well getting enough sleep and andCivil exercise, ship Licence, enabling you to simplify the balanced diet that includes lots of fresh fruit and arrangements by holding all aspects of your vegetables, andday byindrinking special one venue. plenty of water. Every Wedding includes the following: Take these preventative measures and hopefully Red Carpet Arrival going back to school be table a happy, healthy time for Dressed top tablewill & cake Master of Ceremonies & Designated Wedding everybody! Planner By Debbie-Sing-Bhatt Private bar & lounge Complimentary Bridal Suite Preferential accommodation rates

October deadline 25 September 2014



tionally-recognised treasure trove and home wild plants in the UK; a massive role in our go unnoticed tell us how flooding, provide shelter used for medicinal e want people to see for woodlands and capture

ir guests will be invited to a ere the winning images will


uk for more information

ay 30th January 2015

&orle Worle View -- September 2014 View July 2014 16 & Worle View - September 2014


Weston’s New Event


resh after the success of the Weston Colour Run, Weston Hospicecare is pleased to announce the launch of yet another brand new event called the Neon Five. Seen in major cities across the world and another Weston first, the Neon Five will take place on Saturday 25th October 2014 from 6pm at Weston Woods. The Neon Five will take you Secure storage from...on an adventure through the darkness. With surprises waiting round every corner, Per the route will take you twisting through the trees of Week Weston Woods which will be filled with music, bright lights and hidden delights. STORAGE FROM 5’ x 5‘ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Come dressed in your loudest clothes and FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS SECURE 24 HOUR CCTV brightest neon war paint, arm yourself with glowsticks and get ready to join the party as you head through different “glow zones” including Electric Avenue, BristolOdyssey, Road COOMBE FARM SELFEnchanted STORAGE Space Alice’s Wonderland, HeadRevival Office: Coombe HEWISH Forest and Retro – Farm,Sandford Rd,Winscombe BS25 1JF www.coombefarmselfstorage.co.uk you’ll never BS24 6RTwant to leave! By happy coincidence, the clocks go back on Saturday 25th October and you get an extra hour in bed. Don’t waste it sleeping – join Weston Hospicecare’s neon rebellion. You can even carry on the party and head straight into town after! With only 900 spaces available, the Neon Five will be the exclusive event of the Winter so don’t delay registering, it is likely to sell out quick! To avoid disappointment, register now at www.neonfive.org.uk or call 01934 423960. The Neon Five is the fresh new alternative to Weston Hospicecare’s Not the Midnight Beach Walk event which ran for 7 years.

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Weston& &Worle Worle View - September 20142015 2- January The The Weston View

The Weston 7 & Worle


The Weston & Worle View - January The Weston & Worle View - September2015 2014


puzzles use logic


he United Kingdom has the third highest level of obese and overweight people in Western Europe, with nearly a third of adults and more than a quarter of children fitting into this category. The statistics are worrying, especially as obesity increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and other diseases . he much anticipated second series of So, what is making us fat andBroadchurch what can we do ITV's award-winning is about it? Put Although simply, wethe putfictional weight on when back. town ofwe consume more is calories we use. This could Broadchurch set in than Dorset, many of the be due towere portion size thearound type of Clevedon. food we eat. scenes shot in or and Foods rich in sugar or fat contain the most The newand series Tennant reprising calories are sees most David likely to make us gain his role as Detective Inspector Alec Hardy and Olivia weight. Colman returning as Detective Sergeant Ellie It’s New Year, andreturning many ofcast us will make the Miller. Also in the are Jodie decision to lose weight, but what is best Whittaker, Andrew Buchan and Arthurthe Darvill. way to tackle it? New to series two are Charlotte Rampling, There are numerous diets,Eve aids, supplements and Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Myles and James slimming D’Arcy. clubs out there, some promising amazing results. You’ve seen the adverts about "We have ourselves people whobeen haveable lost to sixreacquaint stones in as many with the crewand andare actors for great! this second series to of want the months feeling It’s tempting crime drama. Our working relationship with them to shift the excess pounds as quickly as possible, has as good as the firstover series," to getbeen the business of dieting with,commented and get Ursula James, North Somerset Council's tourism back to normal life again. development officer."Once again the filming The sad fact is that theofvast majority of local people generated a good deal interest among who lose weight put it back on again, and this people. is because once the weight is lost, they do return I'm‘normal’ sure there will be many turns in the to by reverting backtwists to theand habits that plot linethem as the progresses, but place. the caused to series gain weight in the first This has true beenfor kept firmlywho under isstoryline particularly people losewraps." weight quickly. To highlight some of the locations used in the No doubt just about any help you lose series the council has diet put can together a website weight, but the real test which one can help The Broadchurch trailis: - giving information you keep itdifferent off? Overlocations the yearsand there have been about suggestions various diets - thearea. high fibre, high protein, high of walks in the carb, grapefruit, cabbage soup and meal "What we plan to do is update the trail when the replacement diets to name a few. second series has finished so that we don't give


ng… i r a t s k c a b s i h Broadchurc

But increasingly, evidence suggests that the most effective way to lose and maintain weight loss is not to follow a ‘diet’ at all, but to simply make changes to eating habits that can be sustained for life. Diets don’t generally work because they demand more of us than we can realistically give for a


away any of the surprises undoubtedly in store," added Ursula. "At the moment the trail includes locations such as Marine Lake, Poets Walk, Marshall's Field and St Andrew's Church (which became Broadchurch's parish church of St Bede). "One of the highlights of the trail is Hill Road, Clevedon's thriving independent shopping area, which became Broadchurch High Street – centre of a lot of action in both series. The film crew refurbished a vacant shop, Seeleys, which became the Broadchurch Echo, with incredible attention to detail. Now the shop is a successful local food and craft market – which has been running for well over a year. Traders onperiod. Hill Road got the idea to set up a prolonged market regimes after seeing fictional Eating thatthe deny us alloutdoor the things we Broadchurch Market set up, with and a grant enjoy, that leave us feelingand hungry a from North Somerset Council’s Highwill Street Innovation social outcast on nights out, inevitably Fund were to transform Seeley’s theback cause us toable revolt at some point andinto turn great market it is today. to oldcommunity ways.

North Somerset Council promotes itself as a Becoming better educated, learning new habits, film friendly council economic taking responsibility forrecognising our choices,the continuing to benefits filming canlosing bringweight into the area, and live a normal life and gradually at the growing interest in 'film around 1-2 lbs per week will,tourism'. in the long run, produce the best chances of permanent success There were 46 filming shoots in the district this at the from scales. year, Abbots Pool and Portishead to Clevedon, theyou Mendips andfirst Weston-super-Mare. Good luck as take the step to becoming a slimmer and healthier you!

Broadchurch trail can be found at ByThe Debbie Singh-Bhatti https://tackk.com/broadchurch

The Weston & Worle View - July 2014 CROSSWORD Crossword 11







10 10

11 11

12 12

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15 15

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22 22

21 21

23 23




Across 7 Base (6) 8 Conundrum (6) 9 Clip, snip (4) 10 Dazzling, magnificent (8) 11 Tussle, scuffle (7) 13 Brew made from apples (5) 15 Extra room (5) 17 Type of bacon! (7) 20 Underground burial room (8) 21 Chomp (4) 22 Oval nut (6) 23 Shellfish (6)

Down Down

1 2 3 4


5 Dismay, alarm (6) Minute particle (4) Illegal import or export (7) 6 12 Confirmation (5) 14

Preservative, flavour enhancer (8) Chemise, shirt (6) Baby's game (8) Bristle (7)

16 18 19 21

Almost (6) Baby cat (6) Verbose (5) Knock (4)

Across 7 Base (6) 8 Conundrum (6) 9 Clip, snip (4) 10 Dazzling, magnificent (8) 11 Tussle, scuffle (7) 13 Brew made from apples (5) 15 Extra room (5) 17 Type of bacon! (7) 20 Underground burial room (8) 21 Chomp (4) 22 Oval nut (6) 23 Shellfish (6)

Down 1 Dismay, alarm (6) 2 Minute particle (4) 3 Illegal import or export (7) 4 Confirmation (5) 5 Preservative, flavour enhancer (8) 6 Chemise, shirt (6) 12 Baby's game (8) 14 Bristle (7) 16 Almost (6) 18 Baby cat (6) 19 Verbose (5) 21 Knock (4)

TheWeston Weston Worle View - July 2014 The && Worle View - January 2015


le Spaghetti alle Vango Ingredients 500g/1lb very small fresh clams, or a small jar of clams in brine 3 tbsp olive oil 1-2 garlic cloves, finely chopped Preparation time: 15 minutes 1 tsp anchovy paste Cooking time: 30 minutes (optional) Serves 4 2 tbsp finely chopped parsley 400g/14oz canned chopped tomatoes Salt and freshly ground black pepper 450g/1lb dried spaghetti Method If using fresh clams tap each one sharply and discard any which stay open. Scrub the remaining clams. Add the clams to 2-3 tbsps water in a heavy bottomed pan. Cover with a lid and cook over a medium heat for 3-4 minutes, or until all the shells have opened. If using fresh clams discard any which have not opened after five minutes. Remove the clam flesh from the shells (you can leave a few in their shells for garnish) and dip them quickly into their cooking water to rinse off any sand. Strain the juices from the pan through a sieve lined with muslin or a sheet of kitchen paper and reserve the liquid. Heat the olive oil in a pan over a medium heat. Add the chopped garlic and fry until it begins to turn pale gold in colour, then add the anchovy paste (if using) and parsley and stir-fry for 30 seconds. Add the chopped tomatoes and the strained clam juices (if you are using a jar of clams, you can use some or all of the brine from the jar, but be careful it doesn't make the sauce too salty). Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Cook the spaghetti according to packet instructions and drain. Just before serving add the clam flesh to the sauce and stir well. Mix the sauce into the cooked spaghetti. Serve garnished with parsley and any remaining clams in their shells.

Worle View - July 2014

The Weston &5Worle View - January 2015


"Mum this stuff is awesome!

You should totally listen to it!"


hat hat was was my my teenage teenage son son discovering discovering my my 80's 80's vinyl vinyl collection collection and and my my father's father's collection collection of of 78s. 78s. Because Because of of course course my my dad dad and and II know know nothing nothing about about music music while while he he and and his his friends friends are are experts. experts. In In the the age age of of the the strangely strangely invisible invisible digital digital sound sound file, file, II watched watched his his burgeoning burgeoning love love affair affair with with these these solid solid pieces pieces of of sound sound history history with with some some amusement. amusement. 78s 78s in in particular particular are are very very tactile: tactile: the the thick, thick, heavy heavy shellac, shellac, the the dust, dust, the the stiff stiff card card cover. cover. There's There's a a richness richness about about them them which which time time hasn't hasn't dulled. dulled. In In the the way way of of teens, teens, Charlie Charlie began began to to Google Google his his latest latest obsession. obsession. "Mum, "Mum, did did you you know know that that in in the the early early days days they they discovered discovered that that recording recording a a piano piano while while itit was was on on the the floor floor made made itit sound sound too too tinny, tinny, so so they they suspended suspended pianos pianos in in the the air air and and made made the the pianist pianist perch perch on on an an elevated elevated platform? platform? Cool?" Cool?"

II had had to to concede concede that that II did did not not know know this! this! Over the the coming coming weeks weeks II also also learned learned that that Over because because there there was was no no sound sound equipment equipment early early on, on, there there was was no no way way of of modulating modulating the the volume volume of of a a singer singer to to prevent prevent distortion distortion when when recording. recording. To To get get round round this, this, a a someone someone stood stood behind behind the the singer singer reading reading the the score, score, and and when when a a particularly particularly high high note note or or loud loud phrase phrase was was imminent imminent they they pulled pulled the the singer singer away away from from the the mic! mic! Wonder Wonder what what Mariah Mariah Carey Carey would would make make of of being being manhandled manhandled like like that? that? Our Our language language even even evolved evolved to to reflect reflect our our love love of of records. records. The The phrase phrase 'In 'In the the groove', groove', 'Groovy', 'Groovy', 'To 'To groove,' groove,' all all relate relate to to the the grooves grooves on on a a 78, 78, LP LP or or single. single. In spite spite of of all all the the studio studio shortcomings, shortcomings, collectors collectors In of of old old records records swear swear the the sound sound quality quality of of 78s 78s in in particular particular has has never never been been surpassed. surpassed. The The hiss hiss and and scratch scratch caused caused by by the the patina patina and and deterioration deterioration of of old old shellac shellac discs discs appeals appeals to to them. them. As As Charlie’s Charlie’s interest interest deepened, deepened, he he spent spent a a lot lot of of time time in in specialist specialist record record stores stores and and at at collectors' collectors' fairs. fairs. A A surprising surprising number number of of people people deal deal in in vinyl vinyl or 78s or both, and most of them are friendly or 78s or both, and most of them are friendly individuals individuals with with a a wealth wealth of of knowledge knowledge they they are are happy happy to to share. share. It's It's a a curious curious fact fact that that in in the the age age of of huge huge TVs TVs and and surround-sound, surround-sound, the the sound sound quality quality of of the the music music many many of of us us listen listen to to is is going going backbackwards, wards, because because often often we we listen listen through through tiny tiny earbuds earbuds or or mobile mobile phone phone speakers. speakers. It It is is also also curious curious that that many many young young musicians, musicians, steeped steeped in in electronics, electronics, are are rediscovering rediscovering the the joy joy of of playing playing with with sound sound on on vinyl vinyl and and shellac, shellac, in in much much the the same same way way that that the the scratch scratch and and mix mix DJs of the seventies, eighties and nineties DJs of the seventies, eighties and nineties did. did.

revival Records are enjoying a By By Louise Louise Addison Addison

Wordsearch adagio adagio air air andante andante bar bar bass bass beat beat canon canon clef clef coda coda duet duet etude etude


flat flat forte forte fugue fugue gigue gigue harmony harmony jig jig key key largo largo lento lento major major minim minim

minor minor minuet minuet note note octave octave piano piano pitch pitch polka polka quaver quaver rhythm rhythm rondo rondo scale scale

The Weston Worle View - July 2014 The Weston && Worle View - January 2015

scherzo scherzo sharp sharp sonata sonata symphony symphony tempo tempo tone tone treble treble unison unison vibrato vibrato waltz waltz


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Aerialsecurity CircusisPhotography Phone a serious issue


owadays it’sAerial probably worrying Based in Worle, Circusmore photography is if someone steals your phone than your purse because of the amountofofRich data stored on it: bank, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon accounts, are the tip of the the brainchild Collar, ex-international Television Cameraman. Rich offers a wide range iceberg. of photographic services and from many different Your first line of defence is to make it hard for thieves to get into the phone. Make sure perspectives!!!

you've got your phone lock turned on so that they have to enter your password. If you're using a pattern or pin code to unlock the phone make sure it's not something Call 0791 020 7073 simple like 1234 or a rectangle. www.aerialcircus.webs.com SIM cards can be switched to another phone and used to run up bills of thousands of rich@aerialcircus.co.uk pounds. Notify your provider as soon as you realise your phone is missing. A delay may mean that you incur unnecessary charges. Although phone companies are being The & - September 2014 4 & Worle View View - aSeptember 2014 11 at exhorted toThe capWeston the Weston amount of Worle liability customer incurs if their phone is misused, the time of writing this is not commonplace. Make sure your SIM is locked, as well as your handset, and check with your provider to see if you can voluntarily place a cap on your usage; that way, the phone will cut out once the limit is reached. Switch your location service on. Your phone will then be able to tell you where it is. Apple, Android and other major systems all have online phone location websites. You can locate and lock the phone, make it ring or even wipe it. Mobile phones, like laptops are open to hackers. In general phones are more secure from virus attacks, but you still need to be wary of criminals. Virus attacks on phones mostly occur via dodgy apps. Apple are very strict about what is allowed into iTunes so virus protection isn't an issue. On Android devices you need to be more careful. Read reviews carefully and check the permissions the app requests when you install it. If it's a simple app asking for full access to your phone, it should ring alarm bells. If in doubt don't install. Most of the major security companies produce Android apps to give you an extra level of security. Install one of these to give you extra peace of mind.Remember, when your phone connects to a Wi-Fi hotspot all the information it sends and receives passes through the computer controlling that hotspot. Always be aware of who owns the hotspot and how much you trust them. Most data, like bank logins and other major services, are highly encrypted so they can't be stolen. However, other websites you use will not be as secure and may allow your login details to be hi-jacked. Check that the website or app you are using is secure (look for a little padlock icon) before you type in your details, especially card details. If in any doubt, don’t use it. Phone security is mostly about being aware of the problem and using common sense. If you follow the steps above, then even if you do lose your phone, it shouldn't cause you any serious issues.

By Tom Hancock

The Weston & Worle View2- January 2015

The Weston & Worle 21

Work starts on further improving town centre pedestrian links Oxford Street - Centre ing…


he first phase of planned works to improve pedestrian links between the railway station and the town centre in Weston has started. Preliminary works to improve the pedestrian route coming into Weston from the main railway station. route from Station Road to the town centre and seafront via Oxford Street he much anticipated second series of began in ITV's December with the main works due is award-winning Broadchurch to start inback. January and be the completed Although fictionalintown of March. Broadchurch is set in Dorset, many of the scenes were shot in and around Under the programme pavements will Clevedon. be widened and resurfaced with the same The new series sees David Tennant high reprising his quality paving asInspector used on the endOlivia of role flag as Detective Alecsouthern Hardy and theColman High Street, allowing businesses at the Centre returning as Detective Sergeant Ellie on Miller. Walliscote embracecast the are pavement AlsoRoad in thetoreturning Jodie cafe culture and improve the whole pedestrian Whittaker, Andrew Buchan and Arthur Darvill. experience for residents visitorsRampling, coming into New to series two areand Charlotte Weston from Jean-Baptiste, the main railway station. Marianne Eve Myles and James As D’Arcy. part of the project the unsightly steel fenced crossing point at the Centre will be replaced by a "We have been able to reacquaint ourselves with simpler and more appropriate zebra crossing and the crew and actors for this second series of the the roads will be resurfaced. crime drama. Our working relationship with them has been as good as the first series," commented Station RoadNorth - Town HallCouncil's tourism Ursula James, Somerset development officer."Once again the filming generated a good deal of interest among local people.


I'm sure there will be many twists and turns in the plot line as the series progresses, but the storyline has been kept firmly under wraps." To highlight some of the locations used in the series the council has put together a website The Broadchurch trail - giving information about different locations and suggestions of walks in the area. The project is funded by the Government’s Local "What weTransport plan to doFund is update thewhich trail when Sustainable (LSTF), is the second series has finished so that we don't intended to encourage increased use of public give

back Broadchurch is



away any of the surprises undoubtedly in store," added Ursula. "At the moment the trail includes locations such as Marine Lake, Poets Walk, Marshall's Field and St Andrew's Church (which became Broadchurch's parish church of St Bede). "One of the highlights of the trail is Hill Road, transport while also encouraging regeneration and Clevedon'sinthriving independent shopping investment the town. area, which Street The LSTF hasbecame alreadyBroadchurch funded severalHigh projects in – centreincluding of a lot of action in both series. Weston, improved cycling facilities in Worle and and contributed the improved The Rectors film crewWay, refurbished a vacantto shop, Seeleys, car park signingthe around the townEcho, that was which became Broadchurch withinstalled last year. attention to detail. Now the shop is a incredible successful localworks food and market – which When the main startcraft in the New Year, has beenwillrunning well over a year.for safety closures be usedforwhere necessary reasons to ensure thethe scheme completed as Traders and on Hill Road got idea toisset up a quickly as possible during the quiet post Christmas market after seeing the fictional outdoor period. In addition, theset works will with be scheduled to Broadchurch Market up, and a grant from minimise disruption to businesses in the area. North Somerset Council’s High Street Innovation Cllr Elfan Apable Rees, Deputy Leader of North Fund were to transform Seeley’s into the Somerset Councilmarket and executive member for great community it is today. highways, said: "This latest scheme is part of an North Somerset Council promotes itself as a ongoing plan to upgrade and improve the film friendly council recognising the economic approaches to the town centre, with proposals to benefits filming can bring into the area, and upgrade the frontage of the railway station due the growing interest in 'film tourism'. to follow. There were 46 filming shootstoinupgrade the district this "In addition, we also hope Regent year, from Pool andStreet Portishead Street and Abbots the main High in thetofuture to Clevedon, Weston-super-Mare. link in withthe theMendips currentand works. All these plans are opportunities for us to give the town centre a long overdue facelift without hardat The Broadchurch trail cancost be to found pressed council tax payers." https://tackk.com/broadchurch


ave you been inspired by a coach or sports professional? Would you like to lead sports sessions and motivate others? If so, why not register and attend the next 'Level 2 Community Sports Leader Award'? This is a fun and practical course divided into seven units including an introduction to sports leadership, communication for sport, taking control of a group, organisational tools, safety in sport, adaptation of simple activities and putting it all into practice. If you're unsure whether you would like to attend the full seven unit course there are two taster sessions in February which you can sign up for now by downloading and completing the registration form (pdf). After completing this course you will be able to lead small groups of people in sport and recreational activities within community settings. A number of people who have been on the course have gone on to access paid sport coaching opportunities and other coach education programmes. For more information or to register please contact the sport and active lifestyles team by email sp.ort@n-somerset.gov.uk


The Weston & Worle View July 2014 2014 The Weston Worle View -- July The Weston && Worle View - January 2015


Garden View Seeds Of Change


ow many seeds have you eaten today? Probably more than you realise. As a nation, we consume tons of them every day and whether they are ground to make our bread, mushed to accompany our chips or sprinkled on our burger bun, seeds play an important role in our diet … as well as in our garden! Most of the seed heads that were left over from autumn have now fallen over, disintegrated, or been eaten by hungry birds, so as part of my ‘outdoor housework’ I’m cutting them down to ground level before the new growth begins to emerge next month. The stately seed heads of Stipa gigantea looked fantastic for such a long period of time, as did the erect stems of Calamagrostis ‘Karl Forester’, but even these have been defeated by the wind. It may be cold outside, but now is the perfect time for planning what to grow this year, from seed of course! Over recent years the popularity of growing your own vegetables has meant that veg seed sales have overtaken those of traditional flowers, but you really can’t beat the satisfaction of plants from seed. The first plants I ever grew were Snap Dragons. I was fifteen, and I found the packet in the back of a drawer (presumably they had been stuck to a box of cereal at some stage). I diligently followed the instructions for sowing and placed them on top of my wardrobe (I’m not quite sure why I did that). What happened next really was a miracle. They germinated! It was hard to believe that the old seed,




uneven layer of compost, wardrobe location and over watered soil, produced a rash of new seedlings. It wasn’t long before they had grown to around 2 inches high and bent towards the light, narrowly avoiding the artex ceiling! I potted them on and they produced the most beautiful range of colours all summer long, and that was the moment I became hooked on gardening. It wasn’t really a surprise that they germinated, as that’s what seeds are designed to do. They can survive in their dormant state for years, and because there are often more seeds per packet than you know what to do with. I always sow just a few more than I need and return the rest to a sealed container in the fridge. Stored like this they keep for years. To give them the best start in life, most seeds require just a tray of compost and some warmth. Large seeds should be covered over with compost, but small seeds left uncovered as they often don’t have enough energy to push new leaves through the soil. Prick out singly once large enough to handle and grow on somewhere frostfree, before gradually hardening off ready for life outdoors.

Until next time, happy winter gardening.


Any Gardening tips? Please let us know

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The Weston Worle View - July 2014 The Weston && Worle View - January 2015



The Weston & Worle View - January 2015

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