November 2014
Weston & Worle Now in our fourth year
The magazine for the Weston-super-Mare community FREE The Weston & Worle View - November 2014
The Weston & Worle View - November 2014 The Weston & Worle View - September 2014
A from the editor Aword word from the editor
Weston & W orle November
Now in our fourth yea r
elcome to the November issue, inside this month’s edition, you V��� will find plenty to read about, especially with the possible redevelopment of the Winter Gardens, not a popular decision for some, but it could be just what the town needs, as the younger people at the college would be financially helping the local businesses. I would be interested to hear from you regarding this, write in and let us know your views. The magazine Who remembers the old shop at the top of Worle, Gunning’s? Inside we have a for the Weston-s uper-Mare com munity FR EE special feature telling you about it’s past, we also have a feature on a pub in the Worle High Street, which used to be called The Prince of Wales, ACover special thanks to David Winship picture provided by professional you can find out which one it is on page 22. for the front cover photographer Davidphoto. Winship. Just a reminder that Christmas is only weeks away, where did that year go?. Website:
Deadline for December issue 25th November2014 2014 15 December Publisher:
Pony Publishing Ltd, Locking Farm Industrial Estate, Locking, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset. BS24 8PJ
Steve Drew
At a glance…November 04 11 11 13 13 14 14
Patsie Fowler
19 19 ‘‘
Dennis Hastings
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Flying Colours Ltd, Badgeworth, Somerset. Disclaimer:
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss, damage, or omission caused by error or negligence for any services provided by advertisers or for any content of the publication. The views expressed in this publication may not inaccessibly represent those of Pony Publishing Ltd or it’s associates. All material within the magazine, whether editorial or advertising, is copyright of Pony Publishing Ltd,and may not be reproduced without Permission from the publisher.
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The Weston & Worle View - July 2014 The Weston & Worle View - November 2014
Great Weston Ride Numbers on the rise
ntry is now open for the 2015 Great Weston Ride and, after another runaway success this year and with more and more people coming from further afield to take part, the organisers expect that the Ride will attract a record number of entries for the sixth year in a row. For anyone who hasn't come across it yet, the Great Weston Ride is a spectacular city-to-coast challenge bike ride that takes place each Summer in the West Country and word is certainly spreading fast now about an event that gets tremendous feedback and plaudits from participants each year. The next outing for the event has been confirmed for Sunday 19th July 2015 and, to underline the Ride's growing success and popularity, many of this year's entrants have already booked their places again for 2015. Ride Organiser, Darren McKimm, commented: “This year's Ride went fantastically well, we had over 1,000 people who entered as well as a huge number of supporters at the finish, and once again there was just a fantastic atmosphere about the whole day. And off the back of that we've already seen a tremendous increase in the number of entries for 2015 compared with the same stage last year. What was also particularly noticeable this year was the number of people travelling to the area to take part. As you might expect, the majority of participants are from the local Bristol and North Somerset area, but this year one in three riders were actually from further afield - including London, Birmingham, South Wales, and Devon. And we even had one intrepid soul who came all the way from Northern Ireland! So word's definitely spreading, and hopefully we'll see even more people from all over the country rising to the GWR challenge and in the process treating themselves to a great West Country day out - we're pretty sure they won't be disappointed!". The Ride’s spectacular 56-mile route starts in Bristol and then takes riders through some stunning countryside and picturesque Somerset villages as it charts its way through the Mendips and across the Somerset Levels to its final destination on the seafront in Weston-super-Mare. The event attracts all sorts of cyclists, from the very experienced right through to complete novices and, judging by the positive and wide-ranging comments from previous participants, there is general agreement that the Great Weston Ride has something to offer just about everyone, especially if they are looking for a great day out as well as a personal challenge. One rider, Chris Henry from Weston-super-Mare, summed it up: "It was a fantastic day with fantastic
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views and a fantastic sense of achievement - such a well-organised introduction to mass participation cycling. You can count me in for next year!". Lots of other riders have left similar comments on the Ride website, and the consensus certainly seems to be that it is well worth a visit to the West Country to take on this rewarding and very do-able cycling challenge.
Press Release
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Many participants also use their efforts to fund raise for charity and the Ride's official charity partner, Prostate Cancer UK, has received around £105,000 to date, while charity fundraising as a whole has now reached £165,000 since the event began in 2010. “The Great Weston Ride offers people a great personal challenge, and in the process lots of riders also choose to use their efforts and exertions to fundraise for charity - it adds to the overall sense of achievement, it’s a great source of motivation for many people, and we’re extremely grateful for the generosity and support shown by fundraisers and their sponsors”, a spokesman explained. So it seems clear that anyone who is looking for a great cycling challenge AND a fun day out should seriously consider the 2015 Great Weston Ride wherever they live!
The Weston & Worle View - July 2014 The Weston & Worle View - November 2014
“ Y our local Property Specialists “ Residential Sales Residential Lettings Commercial Land Auctions Weston Office: 01934 423170
Worle Office: 01934 515153
Proud sponsors of
rowds of over 10000 thronged the streets of Burnham on Sea yesterday for their 5th food and drink festival. The festival is focused on local producers and with it's over 90 traders it has rapidly become the biggest food and drink event in Somerset. The festival which started in 2012 has expanded to include three large street markets, 5 indoor venues, a demo stage, competitions, live music and is now strengthening its links with the farming community by including livestock and farm machinery. Many visitors stayed all day and the festival organisers are going to look at a shopping creche to help out next year. Part of the day long appeal is the sheer number of traders to see. Mayor Martin Cox told us “I was asked to judge the Best in Show competition and it took me over 3 hours to visit every trader. It is great to have Burnham on Sea put on the map for all the right reasons." Images credited to Marcus Smith
Beverley & Sarah Milner Simonds
The Weston & Worle View - July 2014 The Weston & Worle View - November 2014
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Stay Warm this winter
tay warm this winter with heated clothing! From gloves to gilets, socks to sweaters and hats to jackets, there is a whole range of garments out there to keep you sizzling hot! Chemical packages which react when exposed to air or when twisted, or packets of gel which store heat after being heated in the microwave, can keep you warm for several hours when placed in a pouch inside clothing, depending on the size of the packet, thickness of insulation, and the outdoor temperature. The most effective method of heating is electrical. Clothing fitted out with heating elements and powered by rechargeable batteries can stay warm for up to five hours - and some have variable heat settings as well as an on/off switch. If on a motorbike, some clothing can be wired into the cigarette lighter or straight into the bike’s battery, and other items can even be plugged directly into the mains – for example gloves that connect to a computer’s USB port! An alternative way to keep warm is thermal clothing, which does not produce heat itself, but prevents body heat from escaping by warming the layer of air between the skin and the clothing. New synthetic materials such as polypropylene provide excellent insulation, reduce moisture and are so lightweight that they can be worn discreetly as underwear under normal clothing.
emembrance Day takes place on November 11 to mark the moment the guns of the First World War fell silent, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. The first Armistice Day was held in 1919 throughout the e forget’ ‘Least w Commonwealth. The name changed to Remembrance Day after the Second World War. Remembrance Sunday is held on the second Sunday in November each year, with services at war memorials and churches. The poem 'In Flanders Fields' by Canadian surgeon John McCrae, inspired the use of the symbolic poppy. The opening lines of the poem refer to the thousands of scarlet poppies that were the first flowers to grow over the churned-up earth of the battlefields. The Queen lays the first wreath during the national ceremony at the Cenotaph in Whitehall. Money raised by the sale of poppies is used by the Royal British Legion to support servicemen and women.
By Tom Hancock
By Debbie Singh-Bhatti
chools in Somerset are invited to sign up to an e-Pledge raising awareness of internet safety among children and young people in the county. Somerset County Council has now launched its Somerset Safer Internet Day e-Pledge for 2015. Tens of schools county-wide are hoped to take the 2015 pledge with the theme ‘Digital Me: protect carefully, present thoughtfully and promote positively’. Somerset County Council’s Education Technology Adviser, Amy Brittan, said: “The Somerset Safer Internet Day e-Pledge has flourished since we started it in 2010, with more and more schools signing up every year “It is clear the county is responding to its own, localised initiative, which ties it with a range of other e-Safety activities and schemes we provide and support in the county helping young people stay savvy online”. Many Somerset children, for example, create videos and upload them to their own Youtube channel, inspired by Youtube ‘celebrities’ who have lots of online followers. Some young people post up things like Minecraft tutorials.
Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View - November 2014
m se b ch In a la si to N o o b Ju tr T p N A N o d A lo w fo It p a
The Weston & Worle View - November 2014
The Weston & Wor
Weston&&Worle Worle View - September 2014 2014 The The Weston View - November
Community Accountancy
As a small charity or community groups, keeping a ‘proper’ record of your finances plays a vital part in the running of your organisation. We provide information, guidance and templates on a range of subjects including: Ä VHWWLQJ XS D ERRN NHHSLQJ V\VWHPV IRU \RXU QHZ JURXS Ä LPSURYLQJ H[LVWLQJ ILQDQFLDO V\VWHPV Ä ,QWHUQDO )LQDQFLDO &RQWUROV Ä RSHUDWLQJ D SHWW\ FDVK V\VWHP Ä ZKDW GRFXPHQWV \RX QHHG WR NHHS WR EDFN XS \RXU financial transactions Ä KRZ WR UHFRQFLOH \RXU EDQN DFFRXQW ZKHQ WKH VWDWHPHQW arrives. Ä DFFRXQWLQJ IRU UHVWULFWHG IXQGV We use a bookkeeping spreadsheet, called ‘VYCOUNT’ specially designed for small voluntary and community groups which is available free to members. We also have a good working knowledge of SAGE Software and can also advise members with accounting queries who operate these accounting systems.
Our Monthly Payroll Service offers a low cost payroll service for voluntary and community groups across the West of England. The service includes: Ä &DOFXODWLQJ HPSOR\HHVÂś PRQWKO\ SD\ QHW RI WD[ DQG national insurance contributions (NIC) due. Ä 3URFHVVLQJ VWDWXWRU\ DQG YROXQWDU\ HQWLWOHPHQWV DQG deductions such as sick pay, maternity pay, paternity pay, student loans, company pension scheme contributions and payroll giving. Ä 0RQWKO\ UHSRUWV GHWDLOLQJ ZDJH FDOFXODWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ WKH net pay amount due to each of your employees plus details of the total tax and National Insurance due to HMRC. Ä $XWRPDWLFDOO\ VXEPLWWLQJ PRQWKO\ SD\ GHWDLOV WR +05& LQ line with Real Time Information (RTI) requirements. Ä 3UHSDULQJ SD\VOLSV DQG \HDU HQG 3 V IRU HDFK employee. Ä +HOS SUHSDULQJ DQG VXEPLWWLQJ \RXU RUJDQLVDWLRQÂśV year-end statutory returns. We offer a simple and straight forward charging structure. To find out more, contact:
Christmas Lights Switch On
estive family fun can be enjoyed in Weston-super-Mare this month when the Christmas lights are officially switched on. Live music and entertainment will mark the occasion, which runs from 49pm in the Italian Gardens on Thursday 27 November. The lights will be switched on at 6pm and a firework display will start at 8pm. Shoppers can also take advantage of extended opening hours that evening to pick up a perfect present. Late night shopping continues throughout December, on Thursdays 4,11 and 18 from 4-9pm in the town centre and Sovereign Shopping Centre. There will be FREE parking in the Sovereign Shopping Centre every Thursday from 27 November up until Christmas for vehicles arriving after 3pm.
Payroll Service
A special thanks to Martin Slade for supplying The above images, from last years Christmas lights switch on.
The Weston & Worle View - November 2014 The Weston & Worle View - July 2014
The Winter Gardens Future set for community use
he future use of the Winter Gardens as a community venue, remains high on the agenda for North Somerset Council and Weston College as negotiations continue regarding the redevelopment of the building. Following last week’s announcement about the bid for funding to enable the building to be redeveloped to accommodate a state of the art education centre for Weston-super-Mare, discussions are continuing to ensure that community events arranged at the Winter Gardens can continue to flourish in the town. The outcome of the bid won’t be known until December this year, and then, if successful, there would be no changes in the way the building runs until December 2015 at the earliest. Any events that are due to be held at the venue before December 2015, including the very successful Food Festival, will not be affected by the proposals as work will not start on-site until the end of 2015. The college and the council are working together to ensure those organisations with bookings from December 2015 and beyond can be accommodated while works are carried out. Dr Paul Phillips, Principal of Weston College, said:"When we were approached by the council to consider the Winter Gardens as a possible building to house the future Law and Professional Services Academy, we considered community use. "I can confirm continued community use at the Winter Gardens following refurbishment is very much part of our vision for the future of the building, and key to ensuring education in the town has a direct connection with our local residents." All organisers with bookings at the Winter Gardens from December 2015 onwards are being contacted to discuss arrangements for their events while work is carried out at the building. Work will start at the rear of the building meaning that the Ballroom and adjacent seafront facing parts of the building are unaffected by the first phase of works. Keep up to date with what’s happening in Your town. Look out for
The Weston & Worle View each month
orth Somerset's new business centre, The orth Somerset's new business Hive, which has been developedcentre, and The Hive, which been developed andwhich launched ashas an enterprise hub from launched as an enterprise hub from which local businesses can work, do business and local businesses canand work, do business and full enjoy on-site advice support, is one-third enjoythree on-site advice support, is one-third -just months onand from its official opening.full -just three months on from its official opening. The Hive, located in the The Hive, Quarter located of in the Business BusinessPark Quarter Weston in theof Weston Park in the Junction 21 Enterprise Junction 21 Enterprise Area of Area of Weston-super-Mare, Weston-super-Mare, was officially opened by was officially opened by North Somerset North Somerset Enterprise Agency Enterprise Agency (NSEA) in July,to (NSEA) the in July,to provide workspace, provide the facilities andworkspace, support facilities and support that start-up, small and that start-up, small and growing businesses need, all under one roof. growing businesses need, all under one roof. It offers workspace with easy-in easy-out terms, It offers workspace with easy-in easy-out conference and meeting rooms for the useterms, of conference meeting rooms forathe use of tenants andand the wider community, business tenants hot anddesks the wider business lounge, and community, virtual officeatenancies, lounge, hot desks and virtual office tenancies, alongside business advice, support and training from alongsideteam business advice, support andadvisors, training from NSEA's of experienced business NSEA's team of experienced business advisors, who are based on-site. who are based on-site. The Hive's first eight tenants, which between them The Hive's first eight whichofbetween occupy 13 offices andtenants, 33 per cent availablethem office occupy include;specialist, 13 offices and 33 high per cent of available office space, technology, research space, include;specialist, high technology, research and development company Xenint Limited, chartered and development companyservices Xenint Limited, town planning consultancy providerchartered town planning consultancy services provider Renplan and telecommunications services provider Renplan andComms. telecommunications services provider First Class First Class Comms. The Hive's facilities are also regularly used by five Thedesk Hive's facilities also "virtual" regularlyoffice usedtenants by five hot clients andare several hot desk clients andand several "virtual" office tenants and its conference meeting rooms, which are and its conference meeting rooms, which are available for hire byand non-tenants, have already taken available for hire by non-tenants, bookings up to November 2015. have already taken bookings up to November 2015. Mark Burland of First ClassComms agrees. "The Markbenefits Burlandtoofthe First ClassComms agrees. key business are location, ease"The of key benefits to the business are location, ease of access 24/7, 365 days a year and a budgeted access 24/7, 365 days a yearalland a budgeted monthly cost which includes of my services. monthly cost which includes all of my services.that Clients who have visited have all commented Clients visitedan have all commented that they canwho seehave this being interesting and creative they can this being an interesting and in creative place for see businesses taking that next step place for businesses taking that next step in growing." growing." "Our hopes for the next nine months are to "Our hopes for the next nine months are to continue to grow our occupancy as successfully continue to in grow as successfully as we have the our firstoccupancy three months." concludes as we have in the months." Angela Hicks. "Wefirst canthree also now focusconcludes on Angela Hicks. "We can also now focus on starting to build a vibrant in-house business starting to build a vibrant in-house business community for our tenants to enjoy and benefit community for our tenants to enjoy and benefit from." from."
Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View - November 2014
The Weston & Worle The Weston & Worle
Hands and Feet Remembrance Day takes place on November 11 to mark the moment the guns of the First World War fell silent, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. The first Armistice Day was held in 1919 throughout the Commonwealth.
The name changed to Remembrance Day after the Second World War. Remembrance Sunday is held on the second Sunday in November each year, with services at war memorials and churches.
The poem 'In Flanders Fields' by Canadian surgeon John McCrae, inspired the use of the symbolic poppy. The opening lines of the poem refer to the thousands of scarlet poppies that were the first flowers to grow over the churned-up earth of the battlefields. The Queen lays the first wreath during the national ceremony at the Cenotaph in Whitehall.
Money raised by the sale of poppies is used by the Royal British Legion to support servicemen and women. By Tom Hancock
he hands and feet probably get used more than any other part of the body, and consequently hands often become dry, rough and chapped and feet calloused and tough. As they serve us so well, they deserve a bit of pampering and tender loving care to keep them in tip-top shape. As a rule of thumb, whatever is done to your hands can be done to your feet probably get used more than any other part of the body, and consequently hands often become dry, rough and chapped and feet calloused and tough. As they serve us so well, they deserve a bit of pampering and tender loving care to keep them in tip-top shape. As a rule of thumb, whatever is done to your hands can be done to your feet, and a good starting point is to have a regular manicure or pedicure. Typically, a spa manicure or pedicure will start with a soak to soften the nails and skin, but if you want to give your hands and feet a real treat, why not try a paraffin wax treatment? Hands or feet are submerged for a few seconds in a warm mixture of melted paraffin and mineral oil. As they are removed the wax hardens slightly, and they are then dipped in the mixture again and the process repeated three to six times. A thick layer of wax eventually forms which is left to dry for 10-15 minutes, often with mittens or booties on top, after which the wax is peeled or rubbed away. This treatment softens rough skin and leaves hands and feet feeling beautifully silky smooth. Exfoliation follows next. Glycolic exfoliation, which involves the application of glycolic acid in cream or gel form, dissolves and removes dead and damaged skin cells. In the case of feet, you may also get the soles pumiced, particularly on the heels and ball of the foot, to remove dead or hard skin. A nourishing massage of the hand, wrist and lower arm or the foot, ankle and lower leg, brings this stage of the manicure or pedicure to an end. As a finishing touch the nails are then shaped, the cuticles trimmed, and nail polish applied. In recent
years, gel polish has grown in popularity. Manufacturers boast that the finish can remain flawless and chip-free for up to 14 days and with a zero drying time and no damage to the nail, it’s easy to understand why it’s often the first choice. Nail art is on the increase and is high profile in the fashion world and amongst celebrities. It’s a great way to express individuality, fashion savvy, creativity and humour. Nail art involves painting and gluing designs and jewels onto nails to create a myriad of exciting and fun looks, but it does require skill and a lot of time. An easier and quicker option is to have nail wraps. Made from vinyl adhesive, a detailed design can be applied in a fraction of the time – and looks almost as good. By Debbie Singh-Bhatti
ince December 2007, we have distributed hundreds of Christmas stockings to the wounded, injured and sick guys and girls. We would love your help to bring a little Christmas joy to our heroes in 2014, as they come to terms with their life changing injuries. This year, we are looking to provide 600 stockings to Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Headley Court and our four Recovery Centres. The stockings will be filled with lovely treats, from books and magazines to toiletries and games. We are asking our wonderful supporters to donate what ever they can spare so that we can make these stocking really special and show our heroes how much we care for them. Thank you so much your generosity. It really will make a difference to these young men and women, knowing that people have come together to help make their Christmas that much better. Donating through this page is simple, quick and secure. It is the most efficient way to give – so every donation goes further – and if you are a UK taxpayer and give Gift Aid consent you will boost your donation. Thank you for your support
The Weston & Worle View - July 2014 The Weston & Worle View - November 2014
Fun educational classes for 3 - 5 year olds and their parents Phonic Frogs - learning letters & sounds Mathematical Frogs - exploring numbers, shape, space & measures Story & Rhyme Time Frogs - traditional & modern stories, fairy tales and rhymes
Interactive & engaging activities taught by a qualified teacher Classes in North Worle, Milton, Uphill, W-s-M, and Locking Pre - School / Nursery workshops & private tuition also available Facebook Tel/Text: 07952 973786
Child car seats safety checks
Readers letter Memories of Weston.
Hi Steve. I have very fond memories of Weston, after being evacuated there in 1940, indeed my life's first memory is getting of the train and walking up to the town ,with my mother, and brother and sister, also my first school, and my first picture show at the (Regent Cinema?) where I saw, The Wizard of Ozz. The Americans billeted there were very kind to us, I would like to share and perhaps exchange these memories with others perhaps through your magazine. I can give my details to you, but or my security reasons at present I wish to remain incognito. Your help would be welcome. Regards and thank you. Archie If you would like to contact Archie, please forward the email to us, and we will pass it on. Please email:
Bleadon Market is a friendly mixed event with a Somerset village atmosphere selling local produce: meat, cheese, fruit and 'in season' vegetables, plants, flowers, preserves, breads, cakes, etc. Also crafts, books, jewelery, antiques, collectables, bric-a-brac, pet products and much more. There is something new every month, there is also a Community Cafe, selling hot and cold drinks and snacks. Coronation Hall & Jubilee Room, Bleadon, BS24 OPG 9.00am-12.30pm
Every M
round a third of child car seats checked during two recent in-car safety days of action in North Somerset were incorrectly
fitted. Road safety officers from North Somerset Council organised days of action in Weston-super-Mare and Portishead in partnership with officers from Avon and Somerset Police. Police officers stopped vehicles carrying children to let car seat safety experts check that the children inside were travelling safely and advise drivers on the correct way to install child car seats in their vehicles. Of the 325 seats checked, 104 were incorrectly fitted and seven children were travelling without a seat. Drivers had to resolve the no-seat situation before children were able to continue travelling or face a fixed penalty notice of £100. The legal requirement is that children should be over 135cms tall or 12 years old to wear an adult seatbelt. As well as the incorrectly fitted seats which can put children at risk, we also found a significant number of young children using booster cushions," said Cllr Elfan Ap Rees, the council's executive member for highways and transportation. "While this is not illegal, parents were reminded that children should travel in high back booster seats for greater protection until they 12 years old or over 135cms tall." Insp Sharon Bennett of Avon and Somerset Police said: “We’re pleased to have been able to run this initiative again as a follow-up to the day of action held in the summer. Having the right child car seat, properly fitted, is really important to keep children safe. "During the days of action, we found every third seat wasn’t fitted properly, so it highlights the importance of making sure people are aware and get their child car seats checked. By teaming up with the council to hold these events we can work together to improve safety for all road users.”
The Weston & Worle View - November 2014
round 800,000 people in the UK have dementia. The word dementia describes a set of symptoms which include memory loss, and difficulty with thinking, problem solving and language. These symptoms can sometimes be caused by other things however, so it’s important to get a diagnosis as soon as possible. Your GP may refer you to a specialist consultant. Assessments are likely to include conversations with you and your loved ones, a physical examination, memory tests and/or a brain scan. Dementia is caused when the brain is damaged by diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease or a series of strokes. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, affecting 62 per cent of those diagnosed. Other types include vascular dementia affecting 17 per cent, and mixed dementia which affects 10 per cent of those diagnosed. Those with dementia may be given medicines to help with symptoms and slow down progression, but as yet there is no cure. Some sufferers also attend day centres and support groups. Carers can get help from local Carers Groups, Social Services and Dementia UK’s Admiral Nurses. These nurses specialise in dementia and provide practical and emotional support as well as information to families, friends and professionals. Dementia UK is a charity. In addition to Admiral Nurses it also provides a national helpline and email service. One of the other major organisations in this field is the Alzheimer’s Society. This is a membership
organisation which provides local support services, including day care and home care and befriending and support for families and partners of those with dementia. They also provide fact sheets and publications and have a helpline and an online forum called talking point. In addition, the Alzheimer’s Society fund research, provide training and development and campaign to raise awareness. One of their recent initiatives is Dementia Friends. You may have seen the television adverts for this which included lots of celebrity support. Anyone can become a Dementia Friend. I did in just over 10 minutes! This campaign is all about increasing understanding about dementia, and educating people so that they can help those with the condition. Dementia Friends learn a little bit about what it’s like to have dementia and then turn this understanding into action. This could include helping someone get on the correct bus, or being patient if someone with dementia is taking a long time to find the right change when paying for their goods at a till. To become a friend you watch a short video on the website then register or attend a local information session. Dementia UK: Helpline: Call 0845 257 9406 or The Alzheimer’s Society: Helpline: Call 0300 222 1122 Dementia Friends:
Saturday 29th November 2014 Priory Community School, Queensway, Weston-super-Mare BS22 6BP (opposite Sainsburys Supermarket)
Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View - November 2014
t’s t’s inspired inspired songs, controls songs, controls our tides and is our tides and is Earth’s nearest Earth’s nearest neighbour, but how neighbour, but how often do you often do you actually look up at actually look up at moon? Dark, clear, moon? Dark, clear, frosty winter nights frosty winter nights might be the perfect might the perfect time tobe start. time to start. Binoculars are a Binoculars a better placeare to start better place to start than telescopes because they are easier to handle than telescopes easier to handle for beginners. Anbecause ordinarythey pair are of binoculars – for beginners. ordinary pair binoculars – available very An cheaply – will doof just fine initially. available very cheaply – will is doabout just fine initially. Astronomy at its most basic magnification Astronomy at its most basic is about magnification and light-gathering power. and power. Evenlight-gathering a moderate form of power, like those provided by a pairform of 7×50 binoculars, reveals 7 Even a moderate of power, like those times as much information as the unaided eye 7 provided by a pair of 7×50 binoculars, reveals can see. times as much information as the unaided eye can The see. moon is a great place to start for budding astronomers. ultimately wantfor to budding see deep-sky The moon is aIfgreat placeyou to start objects inside Ifour own Milky or even astronomers. ultimately youWay wantgalaxy to see–deep-sky outside the galaxy – you’ll want to galaxy avoid the objects inside our own Milky Way – orfull even moon its brightness interferes outsidebecause the galaxy – you’ll want to avoidwith the our full view of fainter objects. moon because its brightness interferes with our view So you’ll need to watch the phases of the moon of fainter objects. carefully. But the moon itself is a terrifically So you’ll need to watch the phases of the moon interesting target in its own right, and well worth carefully. But the moon itself is a terrifically studying properly before moving on. interesting target in its own right, and well worth The bestproperly time to before observe the moon studying moving on. is in twilight, when the glare of the moon is not so great and The time to observe the moon is in twilight, morebest detail is visible. when the glare of the moon is not so great and It’s best to start moon-gazing when the moon is just more detail is visible. past new (waxing), and visible as a slender crescent It’s best to startsky moon-gazing when the moon just in the western after sunset. At such times is you’ll past new (waxing), and visible as a slender crescent in the western sky after sunset. At such times you’ll
have have a a beautiful beautiful view view of of earthshine earthshine on on the the moon. moon. This eerie glow on the moon’s darkened portion is This eerie glow on the moon’s darkened portion is really light reflected from Earth on to the moon’s really light reflected from Earth on to the moon’s surface. surface. Each month, as the moon goes through its regular Each month, as the goes through and its regular phases, you can seemoon the line of sunrise sunset phases, you can see the line of sunrise and sunset on the moon as it progresses across the moon’s on the moon as it progresses across the moon’s face. This is the line between the day and night face. is moon the line between the day and nightline. sides This of the and is called the terminator sides of the moon and is called the terminator line. The best place to study the moon from Earth is The best to study theThe moon Earth is along thisplace terminator line. sunfrom angle is very along this terminator line. The sun angle is very low in this twilight zone and this means the lunar low in this twilight zone and in this means theYou lunar features cast long shadows sharp relief. features castgrey longareas shadows in sharp will also see on the moon.relief. You will also grey areassoon the moon. These aresee called maria, named because early These are called maria, sowere named because astronomers thought they seas. In factearly they are astronomers thought they were fact they now thought to have formed 3.5seas. billionInyears ago are whenthought asteroid-sized hit3.5 thebillion moonyears so hard now to have rocks formed agothat lava percolated up through cracks in theso lunar when asteroid-sized rocks hit the moon hardcrust that and flooded the up impact basins. These lava plains lava percolated through cracks in the lunar crust cooled and eventually greylava areas we see and flooded the impactformed basins.the These plains today. and eventually formed the grey areas we see cooled today. The white highlands, nestled between the maria, are olderwhite and they are pockmarked by thousands of are The highlands, nestled between the maria, craters that have over millions of yearsof older and they areformed pockmarked by thousands Some ofthat thehave largerformed cratersover are millions visible through craters of years binoculars. One of them, Tycho, at the six o’clock Some of the larger craters are visible through position on the emanates long of binoculars. Onemoon, of them, Tycho, at theswatches six o’clock white rays for hundreds of miles over the adjacent position the moon, emanates long swatches of Secureonstorage from... highlands. This is material kickedover out during the white rays for hundreds miles the adjacent Per ofyears Tycho impact 2.5 million ago. highlands. This is material kicked out during Weekwrap up warm, get outthe So thisimpact winter,2.5 whymillion not and Tycho years ago. gaze up at the moon. It’s well worth the effort. SoOPEN this winter, wrap STORAGE FROM 5’up x 5‘ warm, get out and 7 DAYS A WEEK why not By Tom Hancock gaze up at the moon.FLEXIBLE It’s well worth the effort. CONTRACTS
Need extra storage SPACE?
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14 32
Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View - November 2014
nstall big water butts - Save as much rainwater as possible and deploy it with care. Water generously only where it’s needed, in the cool of the evening, to encourage deeper rooting. Mulch well. Right plant, right place - For free-draining soil don’t plant thirsty plants which require a lot of water. If it’s clay, choose deep-rooted, strong plants, like roses and hardy fuchsias, which will withstand dry periods where the ground bakes.If an established plant can't survive on its own, it's probably not the right plant for your plot. Ban peat - Peat bogs are an essential part of our eco system. Once they’re gone they’re gone forever. There is no excuse for buying peat-based products…ever. Use only peat-free composts,soilimprovers and mulches. Weston & heap Worle View - July 2014 2 Recycle. Recycle The Recycle. - Make a compost The Weston & Worle View - September 2014 15 or buy a compost bin. Re-use plastic and crock pots. String old CDs and bottle tops over newly planted seedlings as bird scarers. YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR Restrict chemical usage - Try nematodes for pest thina Michael, 9, from control. Encourage ladybirds for greenfly control by Weston-super-Mare has planting fennel, dill, white cosmos and scented been busy weaving loom geraniums. bands to sell for charity. So far the Leave a wild patch - Build your own army of slug budding young business woman and bug killers. A pile of logs and fallen leaves and a has raised over £100 and is not patch of nettles will provide shelter for all manner of stopping there with orders piling up and plenty of garden wildlife, including hedgehogs, ladybirds and eager customers ready to buy her bands. beetles. Loom bands have been taking the country by storm By Louise Addison and Athina spotted an opportunity to raise money for her favourite charity, Weston Hospicecare. I’ve been selling them at the Seaward Hotel and Winston’s in town. I’m going to make some to sell at the Hospice as well as they are really excited about my little business. “I wanted to do it so the Hospice can help people to feel better. They looked after my Grandad and I want to say thank you for everything they did. Athina hopes that when she’s a bit older she can carry on supporting the Hospice by volunteering in Thousands of nostalgic images of locations all one of their shops. over Britain are available to view on the website of “I love clothes and like to choosing people’s clothes. the Francis Frith Collection. Maybe I could offer a personal shopping service!” not visit our site today The bands take Athina just 5 minutes to make now and enjoy some memories. she has had lots of practice and she is even going to make some whilst she is on holiday to sell to friends and- September family in Spain. The Weston Worle View View 2014 2014 The Weston && Worle - November 27 15
Weston-super-Mare Sands 1913
A Good Read Gig - Simon Armitage
imon best known as a poet, but he is also an accomplished lyricist, reviewer Our charming Georgian Hotel is renowned as and all round storyteller. Weston’s Premier Wedding Venue, due to a first Subtitled ‘The Life and class reputation built on the outstanding reviews from the many Bride and Grooms whose wedding Times of a Rock Star days we have hosted. Fantasist’, it documents Our charming Georgian Hotel is renowned as Weston’s Premier Wedding Venue, due to a first his experiences with class reputation built on the outstanding reviews music, from his early listening habits, from the many Bride and Grooms whose wedding days we have hosted. through teenage obsessions and on to his final acceptance as an adult of the fact that he will never be a rock star. We hold a Civil Wedding and Civil PartnerThis is swiftly followed by his decision to form a ship Licence, enabling you to simplify the band and attempt to become just that. arrangements by holding all aspects of your special day in one venue. Whilst this is an ideal book for dipping into – most of Weston’s New Event Every Wedding includes the following: the sections can be read out of sequence – it is Red Carpet Arrival almost impossible to stop you begin. Each Dressed top table & cake table resh after the success of the Weston Colour anecdote leads on to another: from the experience Master of Ceremonies & Designated Wedding Run, Weston Hospicecare is pleased to Planner of selling a guitar on E-bay, to memories of school announce the launch of yet another brand Private bar & lounge domestic science lessons. Complimentary Bridal Suite new event called the Neon Five. Preferential accommodation rates Part observation, part autobiography, the stories major across are often laugh-out-loud Seen funny,inyet the cities next page the world and another will bring a moment of sadness, and even tragedy. Weston first, theand Neon Five In particular, the lyrics from ‘Songbirds’ will take place on Saturday ‘Feltham Sings’, the two musical documentaries in 25th October 2014 which the stories of prisoners into songs, arefrom 6pm at heartbreaking. Weston Woods. intelligent, well-crafted and The Neon Five will in take For many, it is the recognition of themselves theyou angreatest adventure through tales that tells that createsonthe sense of the darkness. With surprises waitingage round engagement. Readers a certain willevery cringecorner, as therecalls route will take you twisting through themums trees of he his punk phase (and thank their ost Woods sources agree the gloriously Weston which willthat be filledas with music,and bright that their 18thcake was quite unusual) eccentric game ofnot conkers began in lights and hidden delights. then realise that they too are now amongst the England, but conkers is also played in North oldest Comegig-goers. dressed in your loudest clothes and America, Canada, Ireland and Switzerland. brightest neon warmuch paint,aarm yourself with glowsticks This is also very book about Yorkshire. Success in conkers on good equipment. and even get ready to don’t joinrelies the party as you head through But if you get the reference to Hence you needzones” a good horse chestnut The best different “glow including Electric .Avenue, Corporation Pop, it is handily explained... are firm,Odyssey, uncracked and symmetrical. Drill through Space Alice’s Wonderland, Enchanted All in all, anand excellent read, either through at one sitting, or the centre thread a shoelace the hole, Forest and Retro Revival as a pick-and-mix view of – modern life knotting it securely. you’ll never want to leave! .By Kath The aim isBennett to smash your By happy coincidence, theopponent’s conker with your own if you achieve this, your conker clocks goand back on Saturday becomes one-er. From it gets bit more will A TaiOctober Chiaclass organised by Age UKa Somerset 25th and you gethere complicated. Ifinitfrom thenSeptember smashes another one-er it at run everyhour week 5th at 10.30am an extra bed. Don’t becomes a two-er. If it then smashes a two-er it Martindale Court, –Martindale Rd. Cost £4 waste it sleeping join automatically becomes a four-er. If it then smashes a Contact Smith on 07530777895 or email Weston Nikki Hospicecare’s neon six-er it becomes a ten-er and so on. Still with me? rebellion. You can even carry on the party and head The rulesinto of conkers are many and varied. I rather straight town after! like the one which states that if youthe drop yourFive conker With only 900 spaces available, Neon will your opponent can yell ‘stamps’ and crush your Healthwatch North Somerset has launched be the exclusive event of the Winter so don’t a 4 Seasons conker with hisout foot. you yell to ‘nosell stamp’ he’s survey to find the of local people delay registering, itIfexperiences is likely out first, quick! Asian Food Take-Away Restaurant not allowed to do this. Good luckofwith thatservices. one one in using GP Practices and the Out Hours To heat avoidofdisappointment, register now at 14 The Centre, the The surveybattle! is open to or everyone who423960. is registered call 01934 Chinese, Cantonese, Thai Weston-super-Mare with a GP practice NorthIfSomerset andin should Dense conkers areinbest. yours sinks a The approximately Neon Five isit’s the to Weston 01934 643777 take 15 minutes toalternative complete bucket of water a fresh goodnew one. Less legitimately Hospicecare’s the Midnight Walk event include baking Not your conker in aBeach low oven, which ranit for 7 years. or coating it in nail polish soaking in vinegar 16 The Weston && Worle -2November 2014 The Weston & are- all guaranteed improve your chances The Weston &ofWorle Worle The Weston Worle View View September 2014 to 2 7
Conkers M
Custard Tartlight Who
his ove t l t ’ n es
te de
b b h s e L a h I’ W th m “I fe to A c o “I M T s m a G g it s Preparation time w Cooking time: 30
Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Serves 6 Ingredients 150g / 6 oz plain flour Pinch of salt 75g /3oz butter or an equal mix of butter and lard, cubed 2 - 3 tbsp cold water 3 large eggs, plus 2 large egg yolks, lightly beaten 55 g / 2 oz caster sugar Method Heat the oven to 220°C/Gas 7 For the pastry Place the flour, butter and salt into a large bowl. Rub the butter into the flour with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Be careful not to over-rub. Add the cold water to the mixture a small amount at a time, and using a round-bladed knife, stir until the dough binds together. Wrap the dough in clingfilm and chill for a minimum of 15 minutes, up to 30 minutes.
Spicy Baked Apple Serves: 4
Gently roll out the pastry to line a 1½"/4 cm deep, x 7"/18 cm base tart tin. Brush the pastry all over with a little of the beaten egg. This will help seal the pastry during cooking. Place the pastry in the fridge while you make the filling.
For the filling In a large bowl beat the eggs and egg yolks lightly with the sugar. Warm the cream to a gentle simmer, then pour slowly over the beaten eggs, stirring constantly. Be careful not to overheat the cream or it will curdle the eggs. Add the vanilla extract if you are using.
4 large Golden Del 1 splash Lemon Ju 85g Walnuts, halve 1 tbsp Raisins re 1 tbsp Soft Light M B 25g Butter G ¼ tsp Ground Cinn ol
ba w Preheat the oven to 180°C /Gas 4. Carefully cut a 2.5cmO Using an apple corer or a small, sharp knife, remove theph Place the walnuts, raisins, sugar, butter, and cinnamon ta in Pour the egg and cream mixture through a sieve ke produce a coarse, textured mixture. If you don't have a fo into the pastry case. Sprinkle over the grated tir thoroughly with the other ingredients. nutmeg. Stuff each apple cavity with the mixture and replace the Tr be Place the tart onto a baking sheet and bake in ovenproof dish so that they're upright, and then fill the pa im the centre of the preheated oven for 10 minutes Place the dish in the preheated oven and bake for 30 min jo to brown the pastry. Lower the temperature to the point of a knife. When slightly cooled, carefully remov th 180°C/Gas 4 and continue cooking for a further serving plates, and serve hot with crème fraiche or ice cre pl 20 minutes or until the custard is set. ni The Weston & Worle 2 The Weston & Wor The Weston & Worle View July 2014 10 17 The Weston & Worle View 26 - November 2014 2 The Weston & Worl Method
18 12
The Weston Worle ViewView - November The & Weston & Worle - September 2014 2014
any of you who are familiar with Worle will recognise this well-known shop, sadly no longer open but converted into apartments. Margaret Gunning, who was brought up in Worle and whose parents ran the shop gave me the old photograph. The original photo shows the shop at the beginning of the 20th century when it belonged to Margaret’s grandparents, James & Annie Spinner It was the oldest established shop in the area and at one time in the early 1800s the nearest shop for people from Weston.The Spiner,s took over the shop in 1897 and sent this letter to all their prospective customers. James Spinner and Annie Tucker had married in the same year and started their married life in their new shop. Their only daughter, Ivy Jervis Spinner was born in 1899 .She married Australian born Henry Gunning in 1925 and eventually they took over her father’s shop. Their daughter, Margaret, also gave me a postcard showing her mother, Ivy Spinner as a schoolgirl at Lyndenhurst School in Worle. This school was at the top of Coronation Road Worle. LYNDENHURST SCHOOL Ivy Spinner is 10th from the left (with a white collar) Sent as a postcard in April 1918, but the picture possibly a little before that. Addressed simply to:
Miss Spinner, Worle, Weston-super-Mare, Message reads:
Lyndhurst School
Ivy Spinner
“Finish off all baskets carefully for me to fetch Friday, and please tell Dolly Planter same and send a card telling me how many you have all done so that I get it Wednesday. Much Love L.K.C. Was this part of the war effort? Were they packing supplies for the troops? Does anyone know? As the card was sent to Ivy – could the sender have been anything to do with Lyndenhurst School?. The rather authoritarian tone of the message does suggest this. What a pity it is signed with only initials. In a Street directory for 1917, a Miss Corfe and a Miss Lane occupied Lyndenhurst. Was the sender Miss Corfe
We would like to thank, Weston-super-Mare & District Family History Society, for letting us publish this article Please visit to read more on families in or from this area of Somerset. Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View - November 2014
Coffee Time Crossword Across
21 effortless (4) 11 astound (4) 23 ostracize (7) 12 venomous snake (3) 1 seldom (6) ow does it happen? Your family has enothers. If your child is older, warn them about 25 dock, port (7) 14 joist (4) 4 summer principal, boss (5) sharing joyed a happy, healthy six week items such as lipstick, lip balm, make-up, 26 countrified (5) 15 wildcat (4) builder (5) holiday, but within just days of8returning razors, creams, lotions and other personal items 9 acrimony, bad blood 18 investigate, intrude (3) 27 seventh zodiac sign (5) school your child comes down with a(3,4) cold, or such as towels and sports28kit. utilize (6) 21 effortless (4)
to develops an itchy skin condition, or catches Down nits. Why, when they need to be settling into a new (6) 1. renovate 2 courage (7) routine and you need to be back at work, do they 3 4 5 6 7
There are some germ hotspots in schools, and 13 plucking-tool (8) of them! One survey found cafeteria trays are one 16 non-partisan (7) that there were more bacteria per square inch on a track and field event (4,4) 17 deadly (6) 19 covet (5) cafeteria tray than there were on a toilet seat, serene (4) 20 composition, mélange buffoon (5) probably because the trays(6)don’t get cleaned as 22 scour, clean (5) crime (U.S) (6) often. If your child drops food on discipline a tray, they spiritual (4) should North African country (5) 24 physical, mental and throw it away! Finally, your child can build up their immunity by getting enough sleep and exercise, eating a well balanced diet that includes lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and by drinking plenty of water. Take these preventative measures and hopefully going back to school will be a happy, healthy time for everybody! By Debbie-Sing-Bhatt
October deadline 25 September 2014 th
suddenly get ill? Like it or not, children gathering in schools is one of the main ways germs circulate in communities. Their immune systems are less mature, they tend to be in close contact, and they have ‘germy’ habits like sticking fingers or pencils into their mouths, so it is inevitable How that theyto are play going toSudoku come home with It’s simple! something nasty at some point. Fill inmost the grid so that can eachbe row, columnif a few That said, illnesses avoided 3 x 3 box, contains the numbers 1 is to good and practices are followed. Top of the list to your 9 withchild’s no repetition. make through sure that immunisations are all up to You date,don’t andneed that all family members to be a genius. Thesehave had a seasonal flu vaccination, where appropriate. puzzles use logic alone. Prevention is definitely the best medicine. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictdiive. Next, make sure they wash their hands enough -and properly! The most common way to catch illness is through the mouth, eyes or nose after the hands have been in contact with infected surfaces. A thorough wash with soap and warm water to the back of the hands, in between the fingers and around the nails for 20 seconds (as long as it takes to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice!) - before eating or drinking, after a visit to the toilet, blowing their nose, or touching animals and waste, should be the minimum. Teach your child ‘germ etiquette. This means staying away from other children who may be sneezing or coughing, covering their own coughs and sneezes by using tissues that should be thrown away immediately, and avoiding head to head contact with
20 32 24 2
AA Milne Conan Doyle CS Lewis Ella Wilcox Emile Zola Emily Bronte Geoffrey Chacer
HG Wells Ian Rankin Jean Kerr JM Barrie John Keats John Knox John Ruskin
The Weston & View ---September July The Weston &Worle Worle View July2014 2014 The Weston Worle View - November 2014 The & Weston & Worle View 2014
John Updike Judy Blume Karl Marx Samuel Pepys Sandburg Saul Bellow
Neon Five lights up the night for Weston Hospicecare
ver 500 people swarmed Weston Woods on Saturday for a charity event which hopes to raise £30,000 for Weston Hospicecare.The Neon Five followed a 5k route through the forest and people came dressed in their finest neon clothes, had the chance to meet the White Rabbit in Alice’s Wonderland and have their photos taken with a glow in the dark unicorn in the Enchanted Forest.
Zones such as Retro Revival and Electric Avenue were where the party really started with lasers, smoke machines and party anthems to get the crowd dancing along the route. Blair Chadwick, Fundraiser, said: “Retro Revival was a real party atmosphere, it was like a disco inferno! Everyone was taking photos and getting into the spirit of the evening. The whole event was really interactive and it was great to see everyone having a really fun time of it.” Music from Star Wars and Doctor Who welcomed people into Space Odyssey where participants could take photos with a 6ft spaceman and glowing UV planets.
Charlie Hodgkiss and her friends came to support the evening with their glow in the dark circus skills
including juggling, poi and hula hoop which entertained the crowds before the start. We grabbed people as they came off the finish line
to ask them what they thought about the event. Mel and Lloyd were impressed with the event marshals with their infectious enthusiasm, “it was really good fun, we would definitely do it again next year.” They weren’t the only ones to commend the marshals who had just as much fun dancing around and posing with props as the participants. Laura and Hayley said: “It was wonderful. The course was brilliant. We loved everything about it, from the music to dressing up. It was an inspiring event to be part of.”
Oliver and his friends said: “It’s amazing when you came across the colours and the music in the woods!” Sue said: “The Neon Five was so original, I have never been to anything like it before. The highlights for me were the unicorn in enchanted forest and space odyssey – such amazing settings nestled in amongst the woods. It was so enjoyable and we got loads of chances to take pictures of each other against the unusual, colourful and vibrant backgrounds of the event.
Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View - November 2014
October deadline 25 September 2014 th
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n 1871 the property which became known as the Golden Lion was occupied by an establishment then know as the Prince of Wales. The publican noted in the census was one, Richard Headington who gave his g occupation as a Licensed Victualler. However the royal name did not survive long and in 1878 it was conveyed as the Golden h Lion Public House to William Holt. Worle View -- September July 2014 & Worle View1821 In April part of 2014 the premises had been sold as a plot of ground situate in Worle but in December of the same year in another document a building was recorded there. A Joseph and Thomas Watts are named several times amongst the early transactions and they appear to have been descendants of one, William Watts. Interesting as William was convicted in 1776 of selling cider without being duly licensed and fined forty shillings but it was his first offence. Perhaps the Golden Lion began life as an illegal cider-house. During the Second World War the premises was made use of by the A.R.P., the Homing Pigeon Society and was even host to a flower show. The landlord at that time was Robert Lickes who was married to Irene Whitford a daughter of the landlord of the New Inn, they were well known for their hospitality.
Worle’s Pubs
Is available now. Book Price ÂŁ7.00 For more details Contact: Lesley Brown email Lesley @
The Weston & Worle View - November 2014
Seasonal flu can knock you off your feet so residents are being urged to protect themselves with a free flu jab.
The vaccine is freely available from GP surgeries for anyone in the following categories: aged 65 or over pregnant women children aged two, three and four (given as a nasal spray) people with a long-term medical condition such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, neurological disease or weakened immune system people living in a residential or nursing home carers
f you are employed as a health or social care worker, it is important that you also have the flu vaccination to protect the people you are caring for. Employers of health and social care staff are required to provide this. In a welcome initiative, the majority of pharmacies in North Somerset are now offering the flu jab to: pregnant women those aged 18-65 and living with a long term condition Carers While GPs are still running their flu vaccination clinics as normal, the initiative will provide an easy and accessible option for patients. Staff at participating pharmacies are fully trained to provide the flu jab. Becky Pollard, North Somerset Council's director of public health said: "This is a free service, designed to reach people who don't normally receive a vaccination from their GP." Flu is highly contagious and causes a range of symptoms including fever, chills, headaches and aching muscles. It cannot be treated by antibiotics. At risk groups are more vulnerable to the effects of flu, so vaccination is crucial. Local Pharmacies taking part in the initiative are -$VGD 3KDUPDF\ŕŻ&#x2122; 3KLOOLSV 5RDG :HVWRQ VXSHU 0DUHŕŻ&#x2122; Phillips Road, Weston-super-Mare, %6 8= BS23 3UZ %DQZHOO 9LOODJH 3KDUPDF\ŕŻ&#x2122; ŕŻ&#x2122; :HVWILHOG 5RDG %DQZHOO %6 $' Westfield Road, Banwell, BS23 1JA %RRWV WKH &KHPLVWŕŻ&#x2122; ŕŻ&#x2122;52-56,52-56, High Street, High Street, Weston-super-Mare, Worle, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1JA BS22 8EF %RRWV WKH &KHPLVWŕŻ&#x2122; ŕŻ&#x2122;/RFNLQJ &DVWOH :RUOH %6 $< Locking Castle, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 7AY &R RS 3KDUPDF\ŕŻ&#x2122; 205, Milton 205, Milton Road,Road, Weston-super-Mare, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 BS22 8EFŕŻ&#x2122; 8EF 'D\ /HZLV 3KDUPDF\ŕŻ&#x2122; 3, Broad 3, Broad Street,Street, Congresbury, Congresbury, BS49 BS249 2DGŕŻ&#x2122; 2DG 'D\ /HZLV 3KDUPDF\ŕŻ&#x2122; /RFNLQJ 5RDG :HVWRQ VXSHU 0DUH ŕŻ&#x2122; 331, Locking Road, Weston-super-Mare, %6 /< BS23 2LY /OR\GV 3KDUPDF\ŕŻ&#x2122; ŕŻ&#x2122; 37, Whitecross 37, Whitecross Road,Road, Weston-super-Mare, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 BS23 1EN 1EN /OR\GV 3KDUPDF\ŕŻ&#x2122; ŕŻ&#x2122; 193, High 193,Street, High Street, Worle,Worle, BS22 Weston-super-Mare, 6HD BS22 6HD /OR\GV 3KDUPDF\ŕŻ&#x2122; 146, High 146,Street, High Street, Worle,Worle, BS22 Weston-super-Mare, 6HGŕŻ&#x2122; BS22 6HG /OR\GV 3KDUPDF\ŕŻ&#x2122; 3, North 3, North WorleWorle DistrictDistrict Centre, Centre, Worle,Worle, BS22 BS22 6BTŕŻ&#x2122; 6BT /RFNLQJ 3KDUPDF\ŕŻ&#x2122; ŕŻ&#x2122; 60, Grenville 60, Grenville Avenue, Avenue, Locking, Locking, Weston-super-Mare, Weston-super-Mare BS24BS24 8AR 8AR 0RUULVRQV 3KDUPDF\ŕŻ&#x2122; Summer Summer Lane,lane, Locking Locking Castle, Castle, Worle, Worle, BS24BS24 7AYŕŻ&#x2122; 7AY Tesco Instore PharmacyŕŻ&#x2122; 6WDWLRQ 5RDG :HVWRQ VXSHU 0DUH %6 ;* Station Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23ŕŻ&#x2122; 1XG
Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View - November 2014
Property Personality Of The Year
ngela Hicks, the chief executive of North Somerset Enterprise Agency (NSEA), has won the property personality prize at Insider’s South West Property Awards 2014. Angela, who has played a vital role in creating The Hive, NSEA’s new head office and managed workspace. The Hive, based in the Junction 21 Enterprise Area in Weston-super-Mare, offers a wide array of services including; fully serviced office space, meeting and conference facilities and virtual tenancies. Angela was presented Welcome to with the award in front of 300 of the region’s leading property professionals, architects, developers and Photography investors. The awards, Aerial Circus held at the Grand Thistle Hotel, Bristol, and compared by comic Hal Cruttenden, celebrated the Based in Worle, Aerial Circus photography is successes of a resurgent year in the property the brainchild of Rich Collar, ex-international industry. Television Cameraman. Rich offers a wide range photographic and enterprise; from many different As of The Hive is runservices as a social surplus perspectives!!! funds from The Hive will be reinvested back into the enterprise agency to continue Call 7073 the flow 0791 of free 020 support and advice to the local business community. The Weston & Worle View - September 2014
Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View -2November 2014
The Weston & Worle
Game On !
Over the years big names have come and gone
n the early to mid 1980s, the electronics market was taken by storm when popular Arcade games were taken to the small screen and made available to play at home. Atari launched Space Invaders on its TV games console, and Nintendo created its iconic handheld game Mario Brothers in what we then thought was state of the art technology. Little did we realise what sophisticated play lay ahead as technology developed and the gaming market expanded. Over the years, big names have come and gone as market leaders have fought it out to claim the top spot, so that supremacy in the games console market can now be claimed by just two brands – Sony with its PlayStation and Microsoft with its X-box, with the Nintendo Wii trailing in third place. The keenest users are as passionate about their choice of gaming equipment as fans are about the football team they support. It’s known as Console Wars – the battle to establish gaming supremacy. To the unbiased onlooker, they each have their merits. With the new generation of consoles launched in November 2013, the X-box One sees a shift in direction to an all singing, all dancing media hub, offering the ability to view live TV, watch DVDs and stream videos via the Internet (for a price). As well as the facility for live picture chat similar to Skype, it also boasts built in software (called Kinect)
which allows you to issue voice commands, which it obeys. In contrast, Sony has opted to keep it simple with the PlayStation One. First and foremost it is designed to play video games, although it does include free access to the Internet to watch videos, and it also comes with a handheld controller known as the Vita which allows you to continue with play whilst checking out what’s on TV. Fought with equal passion is the battle between console users and computer gamers about which platform offers the best gaming experience. PC enthusiasts claim membership of the PC Master Race, based primarily on their machines’ augmented graphical power brought about by upgrades or additions to the original hardware. Though the wars and battles amongst console users and PC players continue in real life as well as on screen, the question about where it’s all heading remains. Mobile gaming on tablets and phones can be just as immersive and fun – and these units are much more portable. In addition, low-priced apps are more attractive than expensive games which become obsolete with the launch of each new generation. Yes, the computer gaming market has come a long way since its explosion in the 1980s, and something tells me it has much further still to go! By Debbie Singh-Bhatti
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Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View - November 2014
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To enter, answer the following question. What was Jane’s Last name in the Tarzan Films? Email your answer to
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Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View - November 2014
The Registration Service
Hallowe’en Bonfire Night Christmas Lights
Has moved
he North Somerset Register Office in Weston-super-Mare will be moving next week from its current location on the Boulevard to the Town Hall. The move will take place on Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 October. Attendance at the register office is by appointment only and registration staff will remain available throughout the relocation for the registration of deaths and to arrange appointments for all registration matters. Appointments to register births and to give Notice of Marriage or Civil Partnership will be limited in the week of the move.As the move involves the careful transportation of the historic registers to their new location, most applications for certificates from the historic records will be suspended on 7 and 8 October.From 7 October, people|arriving for birth and A. Dean | R. Rose R. Wood death registration appointments will report to the main desk Town| Hall. V. reception Sheridan | in S. the Dean M. Vaughan Those wishing to get married at the register office will be able to use the statutory marriage room or one of two larger ceremony rooms which have been refurbished ready to host marriage, civil partnership and citizenship ceremonies .Cllr Tony Lake, North Somerset Council’s executive member for property, Asaid: “The relocation of the registration service to the Town Hall is part of our innovative programme to provide a better service to local people by transforming our office space and providing multiple services under one roof.“ Across The old register office is no longer fit for purpose and 7 Mexican drink (7) we are selling it on the open market. 9 Wind instrument (5) Transferring the registration service to the Town Hall 10 Range cooker (3) not only makes it easier for people to access the service, but also allows visitors to make use of the 11 Hired soldier (9) excellent facilities there.”For more information about 12 Coach, instruct (5) the relocation of the service or to book an 14 Anguish (7) appointment please ring 01934 427 552
August Competition Winners Congratulations to
Coffee Time Crossword
16 Buffer, protect (7) 18 Polishes, wipes (5) 19 Occasionally (9) 20 Glide over snow (3) 21 Fleshy fruit (5) 22 Barrel makers (7) Down 1 Second-largest ocean (8)
6 Fee, tariff (4)
18 Absolute ruler (6)
8 Designed to reduce drag (11)
2 Water (4) 3 Pilot, aviator (6)
13 Make (8)
4 Tenders, puts forward (6)
15 Most treacherous (8)
5 Absconders (8)
17 Contemplate, mean to (6)
19 Drainage pan or pit (4)
& Worle View - July2014 2014 TheThe Weston & &Worle View - November 2014 TheWeston Weston Worle View - September
20 27
The Mayor Visits
The Great Western Air Ambulance Society.
ouncillor Roz Willis was invited to the base to meet the crew, and see the helicopter. Critical Care Paramedic Pete Sadler gave her a tour of the Bolkow, our current helicopter, and talked her through what happens when they receive an emergency call. This will be one of the last visits to the Bolkow, as we are due to upgrade our helicopter this week to an EC135. The new helicopter will make a huge difference to us, and will improve the care we are able to provide. It has a 40% increase in cabin volume, an extra seat allowing us to carry parents with a child and train our new paramedics and doctors, and is side loading. Weston-super-Mare is one of the places we fly to the most. The visit by Councillor Willis came on the same day that HM65 landed in the town to assist ambulance crews with a patient. The GWAAC helicopter is based in Filton, just north of Bristol, and is part of the regional 999 emergency response service. We receive no funding from the Government or the National Lottery, which means we rely entirely on the generosity of the people we serve to continue operating. There are many ways that people in Weston can support us, from becoming a volunteers, recycling your unwanted clothes, or signing up to our lottery. GWAAC is one of the few air ambulances who work to the gold standard Critical Care Model, which means rushing a critical care paramedic and critical care doctor to the scene. Essentially we are a flying Accident and Emergency Department, bringing the hospital to the patients. The team fly seven days a week, 365 days a year and attend more than 100 incidents per month. We provide one of the busiest air ambulances in the UK. Within five minutes of a 999 call to our base the aircraft is in the air, and no more than 20 minutes later the team are anywhere within the region that we cover. This means that one patient in five – a patient otherwise expected to die – survives.
Light up a Life with Weston Hospicecare and let a loved one’s memory shine bright this Christmas
hroughout November and December The Hospice are encouraging people to remember a loved one and support Weston Hospicecare’s Light up a Life Appeal. People can leave a dedication in our Book of Remembrance which will be available to view at selected Weston Hospicecare shops, the Hospice itself or online. At the end of the Appeal, we will have our special Light up a Life ceremony in the Hospice Gardens in Uphill on Sunday 14th December. Join us in our celebration where hundreds of lanterns are lit with personal dedications attached to each one, representing a friend, relative or colleague who is no longer with us. Visit for more information KEY MEETING DATES ARE: Policy and Finance 15th December (budget preparation and Council Finances) Community Services 15th January (Museum, Blakehay Theatre, Youth Services, Street Furniture etc) Full Town Council 19th January (budget plans for 2015/16 and “Precept” currently £58 on an average band D home)
Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View - November 2014
pillage and reduce odours.
10.000 Visitors at festival finale
ore than 10,000 people attended the two-day 'Made in North Somerset Showcase' at the National Trust's Tyntesfield Estate in Wraxall. The event featured over 40 local stallholders, family activities provided by the National Trust and sponsors the University of the West of England, and toe-tapping folk, jazz, sea tarting up a new community organisation or running an existing one is a great thing to do, shantiesan and pop music tarting up also a new organisation or running existing onetoisagree, a great thing toto do, but it can becommunity challenging. There are plans to prepare, budgets activities from local musicians. but it can be challenging. ThereSomeone are plansyou to prepare, to agree, activities tocan organise and also volunteers to coordinate. can turnbudgets to for free, impartial support feedback organise and volunteers to coordinate. Someone Great you can turn towas for free, impartial support can be a lifeline. received from both visitors be a lifeline. So for an afternoon a month, I volunteer with VANS to offer a free advice clinic for voluntary groups and and exhibitors. Clevedon So for an afternoonfrom a month, with VANS offer a free advice clinic for voluntary groups and social enterprises acrossI volunteer North Somerset. As atobusiness consultant, I’ve worked with hundreds of bespoke cake makersI’ve Corrister and White social enterprises from across North Somerset. As a business consultant, worked hundreds of organisations. And I’m delighted that I can use my experience to give something back with to my local commented: “Great day! We had a fab time and sold organisations. community. And I’m delighted that I can use my experience to give something back to my local a lot of cake". Missy Cards and JoeJoe Handmade community. Over the last year, we’ve provided advice on a huge commented range of topics. We’ve helped on Twitter: “Thankwith you legal Made in North Over the last year, we’ve provided advice on a huge range of topics. We’ve helped with legal structures, business planning and financial management. We’ve advised on running regional, also benefiting the local economy. Somerset for a fantastic event atmeetings, Tyntesfield - such a structures, business andgrant financial management. We’ve advised on running meetings, managing volunteers and writing applications. we’ve made some great alongwith thesunshine way. g Parents and carers whoplanning would have been entitled vibrant, friendly and well friends run market to managing volunteers and writing grant applications. we’ve made some great friends along the way. Whatever issues organisation is facing, the monthly sessions can who help.have Eachjust pre-booked anyway to claim freeyour school meals because of their boot”.advice Trethowans Dairy, moved to Whatever issues your organisation is facing, the monthly can help. Each pre-booked slot lasts for twenty minutes and is free VANS members. Just sessions let uswere know what you’d like to talkgreat income or circumstances are being urged to still Northadvice Somerset, also thrilled with their slot lasts forintwenty and is to free to VANS members. Just let “Almost us knowsold whatout you’d like tointalk about –this and we’ll dominutes ourway very best help. apply for the usual before their child sales, saying: at Made North about – and we’ll do our very best to help. on our next We school. hold monthly advice session. For information session please us by phone on 01934 starts Somerset event contact at Tyntesfield. Great event”.410192 We hold monthly advice session. For information on our next session please contact us by phone on 01934 410192 or by email on The council isonasking families Income The event the finalevisit of the or by email Simon Perks the founder andclaiming director of Sockmonkey Consulting. Formarked more information his fourth website'Made in Support, ChildisTax or Consulting. North Somerset' Festival, a visit three-week celebration of Simon Perks the Credit, founder Jobseeker’s and director ofAllowance Sockmonkey For more information his website g Employment Support Allowance to continue to fill out food, drink and arts and crafts, all made in North an application form to receive free school lunches as Somerset, at venues across the district. this draws down vital funding for schools. rle View - September 2014to claim free school meals 19as a Every child entitled BEEbrings SAFE benefit £1,300 directly to their school. Cllr BEE GAS &SAFE HEATING ENGINEER of Blatchford added: “If parents and carers receiving SERVICING - FREE QUOTES - BOILER INSTALLATION GAS & HEATING ENGINEER s the nights get darker you may feel a little benefits do not continue to fill out application GAS FIRE SERVICING - LANDLORD CERTIFICATES SERVICING - FREE QUOTES - BOILER INSTALLATION worried about venturing out. Here are some request forms INSTALLATION for free school lunches, schools CENTRAL HEATING GAS FIRE SERVICING - LANDLORD CERTIFICATES ideas to keep you safe: CENTRAL HEATING INSTALLATION will lose important funding that benefits t: 01934 514 466 Wear white clothing with reflective panels and have individual and the e: whole school t: 514 m: 01934 07982pupils 239 466 104 community. There are currently around 700 reflective strips on your shoes to help you be seen. e: m: 07982 239 104 children in North Somerset who are entitled to You could also wear a head torch. claim for a free school meal benefit but don't. Face oncoming traffic when running on a road with That's nearly £1m in wasted funding for no pavement, except on a blind corner when you schools." should move to the opposite side. Or avoid roads You can download an application form from the with no pavements completely. 0 council's website at: Vary your route as always running in the same place at the same time can make you vulnerable to assailants, and note road names as you pass. Choose a well lit route with an even surface. e Consider running with a friend or friends, this will keep you motivated and help you to stay safer. Sudoku Crossword Always tell someone where you are going and apSudoku Crossword proximately what time you will be back. Consider taking a mobile phone and personal alarm. You could also try free apps such as Glympse which alal low you to share your location with people so they . can track you. Don’t listen to music while you are running as you need to be able to hear oncoming cars, bikes and dogs. By Susan Brookes-Morris r
e to provide free school meals
Worle View - July 2014 The Weston & Worle View - November 2014 The Weston & Worle The Weston & Worle View - September 2014 29 29
major community event is celebrating its tenth anniversary by capturing a day in the life of North Somersetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s residents. Your North Somerset is an annual event held in January which brings together local communities for a day of advice, entertainment and activities for all the family. To mark the eventâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first decade, organisers are making a short film to celebrate what is great about life in North Somerset and they are asking residents for their help. The film will capture a 24-hour period from noon on Friday 14 November to noon on Saturday 15 November. Residents are invited to send in a brief 30-second film or a selection of photos capturing a moment in their day. This could be taken at work, home or anywhere in the district. Organisers hope that the film will provide an interesting insight into what people get up to on a daily basis, as well as providing a valuable piece of social history. Entries must be received by midnight on Sunday 30 November and the following conditions also apply: all entries must be filmed between noon on Friday 14 November and noon on Saturday 15. November.
War Memorial 2
85141 Private Arthur John (Jack) Rice was born in Worle in 1887, the eldest son of John and Charlotte (nee Payne) Rice.He is shown in the 1891 census, aged 4, living in Goss Street (now Ebdon Road). Prior to entering the army, some 18 months earlier, Arthur was employed, on his own account as a market gardener. Before this he was employed at Hillside by Mrs W.E.S. Battiscombe. It was whist he was working in Worle that he met Kate Hancock, then a laundress, whom he married in 1913. They had three chidren, the eldest of which was only four years old when Arthur was killed in action. They resided at Church Villa, Worle. Arthur originally joined the Somerset Light Infantry, with serial number 203459. Before being transferred to the 9th Battalion Welsh Regiment. Ironically, whilst Arthur was undergoing
30 2
By submitting an entry, you are giving North Somerset Council permission to use your footage/stills. Any submissions included in the final film may be used by the media all films and photos involving children must have parental consent before submission. Films should be a maximum of 30 seconds, each person can enter up to one film and three photos. The premiere of the film will be held during Your North Somerset at the Winter Gardens in Weston-super-Mare on Sunday 25 January. The main event will run from noon to 4pm with the film showing at 1.30pm.
Keep up to date with the North Somerset Council news Visit
his training in this countryhe proved to be very good in musketry and, were it not for the fact that more men were required to be sent to France, would have been selected to be a musketry instructor in this country. He had not long been in France before he was badly gassed in an enemy attack and also developed trench fever. After some months convelescence in a Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD) at Hendon, he returned to the trenches. He was, unfortunately, only in the lines for a few. days, when he was killed in action on 11th April 1918, aged 31. He was awarded both the Victory and British war medals and is commemorated on Panels 93 to 94 of the Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium. Frank Gosden. References: Weston Gazette 1914, Weston-super-Mare Mercury 1914, Commonwealth War Graves Commissio Worle History Society holds meetings in the Community Centre, Lawrence Road, Worle, on the first Thursday of the month at 7 pm. All are welcome.
Weston & Worle View - July 2014 TheThe Weston & Worle View - November 2014
Garden View O
k, so it's a terrible heading, but November is the perfect time for planting new hedges, and at this time of year it's a very safe bet. Prior to the use of containerised plants (which can be planted at almost any time of the year) planting between November and March was a gardeners only option, and as far as the A plants are concerned it's still the best by far. When plants are dormant (asleep) they will hardly even notice being moved, and by spring when their new leaves emerge their roots will have already pushed through the surrounding soil in their new home. Hedges are often thought of as hard work, time consuming and have been at the centre of heated neighbourly debates (whether it's cutting them too low or letting them grow too high). They are great for blocking out unsightly views, adding privacy, and also make a wonderful place for wildlife to live, rest and nest. For the past 3 years we've had a variety of birds nesting in our Yew hedge and the addition of extra life in the garden always pleases me. If you're looking for a quick solution to a green screen, then you have two options, either instant (such as a 2m high instant hedge, pre grown, trained and clipped, perfect for the impatient gardener), or Leylandii conifers. As I write this I can hear the screams, but it really is the best option for speed and it's cost-effective. Do be aware that legally, as of a couple of years ago, you have to keep its growth contained to 2m high if on a boundary (this does not
s Hedge Your Bet
apply to any other species). For the more patient gardener, try the classic evergreen Yew hedging. Like most beautiful things in life, it's more expensive to buy. It's also slower growing (15-30cm per year), but does only require cutting once per year in September, and will provide you with the most beautiful hedge. I also favour the evergreen Portuguese laurel, which has a smaller leaf than the more common cherry laurel, or Beech if it doesn't need to be evergreen. For a smaller hedge it has to be Box, but alternatives include Lavender, Berberis, Lonicera, and for the perfect no-cut low hedge go for a small Hebe, (simply choose a variety which only grows to the height you actually want the hedge to grow to). Whichever hedge you choose, the ground preparation should be the same. For containerised, bare-root or root-balled hedges, dig out a trench which follows the line of the proposed hedge, this should be at least one and a half times wider and deeper than the rootball. Fork over the base of the trench and return some of the soil, so that when you plant the hedge it sits at the same level as previously planted (i.e. not too deep). Backfill with the removed soil, add a handful of bonemeal per plant, and dig in. Firm with your boot then water well before mulching with 5cm of compost, manure or bark clippings. Happy winter gardening
Solution Word Search Solution Spicy Baked Sudoku Apples with Walnuts
Crossword Solution
Preparation time: 15 mins Cooking time: 30 mins Serves: 4
4 large Golden Delicious Apples 1 splash Lemon Juice 85g Walnuts, halved 1 tbsp Raisins 1 tbsp Soft Light Brown Sugar 25g Butter Weston & Worle View - July 2014 Âź tsp& Ground Cinnamon TheThe Weston Worle View - November 2014
The Weston & Worle View - September 2014 The Weston & Worle View - November 2014