Downtown West Palm Beach Market Survey

Prepared for:

Background and Objectives
In 2011, the West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority (DDA) launched a marketing research program to assist the development of its marketing plan. The DDA continued this program in 2012, 2013, 2015, 2019, 2021 and 2023 to provide an update as well as provide information on a trended basis in order to track progress and change.

The goal of the research is to provide understanding and insights of current visitors in terms of visit behavior, spending, wants/needs, satisfaction, demographic profile, etc. Additionally, an understanding of market area residents in terms of awareness, visitation, perception of the area, barriers to visitation, etc. is sought. As such, a two-part research study has been undertaken.
This report presents findings from the second part of the research - a survey of Palm Beach County residents. The first part of the research, reported separately, is an on-site survey of Downtown West Palm Beach visitors.

Who? What? Where? When?
Samples were drawn on the basis of residential household location in terms of distance from Downtown West Palm Beach as follows, with an equal split between genders within each sector:
• Sector 1 (n=75): under 1 mile
• Sector 2 (n=75):
1 to under 5 miles
• Sector 3 (n=71):
5 to under 10 miles
• Sector 4 (n=88):
10 to under 20 miles, Palm Beach County only
• Total: n=309
These sectors are referred to as the target market area

11-minute interview
Dual mode survey (telephone/online)
NOTE: Prior to 2021, this survey was conducted as a telephone-only survey. Beginning 2021, respondents took either an online or a telephone survey.
West Palm Beach DDA named as survey sponsor
Sample records were selected by geography (latitude/ longitude coordinates) by radii around the West Palm Beach DDA address.
Interviews took place between December 7, 2023 and January 11, 2024
How To Read This Report
Significance testing has been conducted among the various subgroups presented. Letters and/or color frames denote a significant difference versus the subgroup indicated at the 95% level of confidence.
The term “Top 2 Box” refers to respondents providing a 9 or 10 rating (on a 10 point scale) on a particular question/topic.
Data by sector, year, and demographic subgroups were reviewed (data available in the crosstabulation reports) and, depending on relevance, may or may not be presented.
Data presented in total and by demographics are weighted into market proportions by Sector population and Age (per U.S. Census Bureau). Data presented by Sector are weighted into market proportions by Age (per U.S. Census Bureau)

Summary of Findings
Since the end of the pandemic in 2021, downtown West Palm Beach has seen a resurgence in visitation, now back to pre-covid levels.
Eased Health Concerns
As the threat of COVID-19 diminishes with widespread vaccinations and improved health protocols, people feel more confident about venturing out and visiting public spaces like Downtown West Palm Beach. After periods of social distancing and lockdowns, there's a pent-up demand for social interactions and experiences. Downtown area serves as a hub for socializing, dining, and entertainment. The reintroduction of events, festivals, and cultural activities in Downtown West Palm Beach has attracted visitors looking for entertainment and a sense of community.
Recovery of Economic Activities
With the gradual recovery of the economy, individuals have more disposable income and are more inclined to engage in recreational activities, contributing to increased visitation. The reopening of businesses, restaurants especially, shops, and entertainment venues, has created a more vibrant and inviting atmosphere, enticing people to explore and spend time in Downtown West Palm Beach.

West Palm Beach residents living within 10 miles of downtown are most optimistic about the area
Visitation and Optimism of Residents Who Live Further Away Have Improved.
Optimism about downtown has expanded, transitioning from residents within a 5-mile radius in 2021 to encompass those residing within a 10-mile radius in 2023.
With Personal Vehicles Being the Main Source of Transport, The Most Common Complaints Continue To Revolve Around Parking and Traffic
Challenges related to parking, escalating parking costs making it less budget-friendly, and traffic problems, whether stemming from parking difficulties or road closures due to construction, persist as primary grievances. The scarcity of parking and its increasing unaffordability remain notable concerns, particularly for residents residing farther from Downtown.
Enhancing opinions about parking, particularly for individuals residing at a distance who rely on driving to the area, could stimulate increased visitation in the future.
Looking forward, we recommend leaning into the downtown area’s strengths such as the vibrant dining scene, while continuing to prioritize improvements to parking

Local residents’ visitation to Downtown WPB remains strong and back to Pre-Covid levels. Residents living further away from Downtown are the driving force behind this.
Have you ever visited Downtown West Palm Beach?
Total 2023 (n=309)

2023 Sector Analysis
More than half of residents have visited Downtown within the past 3 months, and we see a significant rise in those having visited over the past year. This rise is attributed to those living further away from the area.
When was the last time you visited downtown West Palm Beach?
Among those who have visited (n=301)
Visitation History
2023 Sector Analysis
When was the last time you came to downtown West Palm Beach?
(Among those who have visited/work/live)

vehicles remain the preferred mode of transportation when traveling to Downtown West Palm Beach.
Preferred methods of travel to Downtown Area
Among those who have visited and do not live/work downtown (n=204)

Q4a Preferred mode of travel to downtown area
Multiple Responses Accepted
versus 2021
Recent visits to
Palm Beach
are primarily driven by dining out, with municipal/community activities and offered events following closely behind. .
What was your MAIN reason for your last visit to Downtown West Palm Beach?
Top Mentions among those who have visited (n=301)
2023 Top Mentions

Dining out options remained robust this year, attracting residents from all sectors. Interestingly, shopping drew significant interest mainly from those living in proximity to the downtown area.
What was your MAIN reason for your last visit to Downtown West Palm Beach?
Top Mentions among those who have visited

Main Reason For Last Visit By Sector

In the current year, residents are primarily attracted to the area by the available dining options, followed by municipal/community offerings, events, and arts & entertainment. This trend aligns with the preCOVID patterns observed.
What events/places/establishments in Downtown West Palm Beach have you ever attended or visited?

Q5a/b Events/places/establishments ever visited Multiple Responses Accepted
versus 2021
Residents from more distant locations are notably more drawn to events, municipal/community offerings, and arts & entertainment compared to those residing closer to the area.
What events/places/establishments in Downtown West Palm Beach have you ever attended or visited?
Among those who have visited downtown West Palm Beach
Events/Places/Establishments Ever Visited By Sector

Q5a/b Events/places/establishments ever visited Multiple Responses Accepted ↑ ↓ Change versus 2021

Visitation to
the Kravis Center remains the strongest among those having visited an arts and cultural venue, followed by the Norton museum
The Kravis Center is an especially big draw for residents who live further away.
Arts and Cultural Venues Visited
(Aided) Among those who have visited downtown West Palm Beach (n=301)
And which of the following arts and cultural venues have you ever visited in Downtown West Palm Beach, if any?

Sector Analysis

Downtown residents consider food, area vibes and scenery to be its biggest strengths
What would you say are the area’s strong points?
Total Respondents (n=309)

Parking and traffic related mentions continue to be main complaints about the area.
What would you say are the area’s weak points?
Total Respondents (n=309)

Multiple Responses Accepted Only responses with over 5% shown
Change versus 2021 *Added in 2023 – stat testing n/a
Another issue among families is the lack of sufficient children’s activities in the downtown area. A complaint that has diminished some since 2019, but still prevalent.
Have Children (n=309)

Sufficient activities for children downtown (Among those who have children) (n=62)
One-third of West Palm Beach residents express a high level of optimism regarding Downtown's future as an urban destination.
Optimism about the future of downtown West Palm Beach as an urban destination

Overall, residents are excited about the changes being made to Downtown West Palm Beach. However, complaints primarily revolve around the increase in costs, parking issues, and concerns about overdevelopment.
Residents believe that development has come at the cost of replacing enjoyable entertainment and increasing expenses.
City leaders, the DDA, and others are working to make downtown West Palm Beach an urban destination… How optimistic are you about the future of downtown West Palm Beach as an urban destination? Why do you say that?
Open end question
“I've seen the progression throughout the years and improvements so I believe downtown WPB will only get better..”
“It’s a high area of growth for families, art and entertainment.”

“Living down here for the past 30 years I see the progress of high-end development happening in our downtown area.”
“WPB downtown has become an amazing area, constantly seeing improvements, I believe it will continue to thrive.”

Not Optimistic
“Nothing to entice us except very seldom the Kravis. Downtown is very congested with narrow streets. Mainly the very expensive parking deters us.”
“Too many monstrous buildings have ruined the West Palm Beach, Florida atmosphere. The density is far too high. Palm Beach is preserving the Florida charm, where West Palm Beach is destroying it.”

“Too many highrise buildings replacing positive things.”
“All designed for people with wealth. Including all of the horizon buildings. Why should the buildings obstruct our views?”
NPS scores have significantly increased compared to 2021, with higher scores attributed to positive recommendations from those residing within 10 miles of Downtown.

Ratings of Downtown West Palm Beach
Downtown received it’s highest ratings for diningquality and choice of restaurants.
This marks a change from 2021 when perceptions were predominantly centered on outdoor events, likely influenced by concerns about contracting COVID-19.
Ratings of Downtown West Palm Beach
Top 2 Box (rating 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale)

2023 Analysis By Venue

Future Visitation
In general, the inclination to visit Downtown experienced a notable increase compared to 2021, aligning once again with pre-COVID levels. Notably, residents from Sector 4 made the most significant contribution to this rise.
How likely are you to visit downtown West Palm Beach in the future?
Top 2 Box score – 9 or 10 out of 10

Parking Improvements would encourage more frequent
visitation, especially among residents who live further from downtown.
What would encourage you to visit downtown West Palm Beach more often?

Over a third of residents anticipate visiting arts and cultural venues in the upcoming year, reaching a level comparable to pre-COVID years. Those residing at a greater distance contributed most significantly to this increase.
How likely are you to visit arts and cultural venues in the next year?
Top 2 Box score – 9 or 10 out of 10

Additional Offerings
WPB residents are looking for more dining options, especially casual dining and coffee shops/cafes.
Those living closer to downtown would like to see more movie theater and bookstore options.
Which of the following would be important additions to the Downtown West Palm Beach area? Top 5 Offerings Per Sector

Residents are also looking for outdoor events –concerts, art fairs, flower shows, sporting events. Bringing in more big name entertainers and Broadway shows at the Kravis center were also mentioned.

Think of arts and cultural events or activities held in another city, downtown district…and tell me which ones you would consider attending if held in downtown WPB? Open end question
“We would love more outdoor concerts. A science museum would be great for with visiting family and friends.
“Lower prices at Kravits, they are way to expensive, more live music at night.”
“Broadway plays, other than once a year, like Miami.”
“Outdoor concerts, theme nights in bars, festivals.”

“Arts festival like the one in Wynwood, a nice fourth of July parade or Christmas parade.”
“Free outdoor concerts or art fairs.”

Atlantic Avenue and The Square were top destinations for shopping, dining and entertainment. Boca Town Center is significantly less compelling since 2021.
Favorite Shopping/ Dining/ Entertainment Areas
What is your favorite shopping area, or location that offers a variety of activities such as shopping, dining, and entertainment? (First mention)

2023 Sector Analysis

Q11a Favorite location for shopping, dining, arts, culture and entertainment Significance Testing at 95% Level of Confidence Between the Columns (ABCD)
Frequent Shopping/ Dining/ Entertainment Areas
What is your favorite shopping area, or location that offers a variety such as shopping, dining, and entertainment?
What other areas or locations do you frequent that offer a variety such as shopping, dining, and entertainment?
Consistent with favorite places, visitation is highest to the Square and Atlantic Avenue. Boca Town Center and Worth Avenue saw a significant drop in visitation since 2021. Q11a/b All locations frequented for shopping, dining, arts, culture and entertainment Significance Testing at 95% Level of Confidence Between the Columns (ABCD)

Responses Accepted
2023 Sector Analysis

Social media is residents’ top source for local news and information. Television is significantly less relied on as source of information since 2021.
Residents living in Sector 2 and 3 relied more heavily on the Internet when compared to the past year.
Sources of Local News and Information
What sources do you use for local news and information and for information about local events, shopping, dining, and entertainment? (Top mentions)

Q12a Sources used for local news and information on events, etc.
Significance Testing at 95% Level of Confidence Between the Columns (ABCD)
Multiple Responses Accepted
Change versus 2021

2023 Sector Analysis
More than three-fourth of WPB residents are active on social media.
Facebook and Instagram are top two choices.

Do you use Social Media?

As seen in past years, nearly all residents live in the area year-round.
Total 2023 (n=309) Year round resident Seasonal resident
Palm Beach County Residency


2023 Sector Analysis

Number of Children


2023 Sector Analysis
2023 Sector Analysis