DDA Board Meeting Packet - August 2020

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REGULAR BOARD MEETING Downtown Development Authority Tuesday, August 18, 2020 8:30 AM VIA ZOOM WEBINAR: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87072630688 DIAL IN: 1-929-436-2866 US WEBINAR ID: 870 7263 0688 CALL TO ORDER

Robert Sanders



Pressure Washing RFP 2020-002

Marketing/PR Update

2020-2021 Budget

Kinetic Art Project: Art that Moves You

Catherine Ast Tiffany Faublas Raphael Clemente

CONSENT CALENDAR (Action Required) •

Minutes of Regular Board Meeting July 21, 2020

Financial Statements of July 31, 2020

Teneka James-Feaman Robert Sanders

OLD BUSINESS (Action Required) •

Reschedule First/Final Public Hearing Dates

Raphael Clemente

First Public Hearing Date Monday, September 14, 2020 5:05pm Final Public Hearing Date Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:05pm NEW BUSINESS (Action Required) •

Downtown Neighborhood Association Agreement Renewal


Ph: 561.833.8873 Fax: 561.833.5870 www.downtownwpb.com

Raphael Clemente


DDA Board Bob Sanders, Chairman Rick Reikenis, Vice Chairman Lisa Gerard Mary Hurley Lane William Jacobson Cynthia Nalley Upendo Shabazz

FROM: Catherine Ast, FCP District Services Manager RE:

RFP 2020 – 002 Pressure Washing Services for Downtown West Palm Beach

DATE: Tuesday, August 18, 2020


On July 16th, the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Pressure Washing Services for Downtown West Palm Beach, via DemandStar, the DDA website and advertised in the Palm Beach Post. A Mandatory Pre-Proposal meeting was held on July 20th with 11 companies in attendance. The RFP closure date was August 3rd. The scope of the RFP includes, but is not limited to: (Full scope and RFP is available upon request) • Provide a cleaning schedule, with work performed from 11:00pm until 7:00am Eastern Time, to pressure wash sidewalk pavers, standard sidewalks and curbsides. This schedule should maintain cleanliness of Clematis Street (Clematis Core) on a routine basis. • Provide pricing, per square foot, to clean all areas outside of Clematis Street. • Provide pricing to clean alleyways within the Downtown District. • Cleaning service shall include removal of dirt, gum, oil, marking paint (when possible) and any other matter that is not intended to be on a walking surface. Areas of service include: (Map attached) Selection Committee Members who reviewed this Proposal are: • Sarah Mulder, Project Manager WPB CRA • Roberto Travieso, City of WPB Public Works Superintendent • Jay Hartsock, Building Maintenance Manager in Downtown • Angela Poco, City of WPB Community Events Supervisor We received five (5) qualified proposal from: • Green Earth Powerwashing • Bel Air Maintenance • D & P Pressure Washing Services 300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873 Fax: 561.833.5870 DowntownWPB.com

• •

People’s Choice Pressure Cleaning Santana Pressure Cleaning Services

The Selection Committee scored each proposal based on the following: Evaluation Factors Factor Points Description Organizational Experience and understanding 1 35 Company and staff have experience with similar jobs and government agencies. Company understanding of the needs of this RFP Finance and Value 2 30 Overall price and value of services Ability 3 25 Companies overall ability to properly provide services Local Preference 4 5 Company with an established service office located within the City of West Palm Beach Environmentally Friendly / Sustainability Practices 5 5 Extent to which company uses environmentally friendly, sustainable products, equipment and practices. Total 100 Evaluation Factor 1 – Organizational Experience and Understanding: • Provide a brief history of the firm, length of time in business, firm and staff qualifications, as it relates to the requirements of this solicitation. • Summarize your experience working with government agencies as it relates to the requirements of this solicitation. • Describe level of service that will be provided. Evaluation Factor 2 – Price and Value: • State your proposed monthly fee to cover requirements as outlined in the Scope of Work and referenced in the Cost and Price section of this Request for Proposal. • State fee on itemized list as requested. • Services or items considered to be expenses outside the proposal should be listed and described in the Fee Information Section (e.g. Rapid Response). Evaluation Factor 3 – Ability to Provide Services: • Over-all workload of company. • Proposed schedule to accommodate DDA needs. • Staffing level, equipment and availability to provide service. Evaluation Factor 4 – Local Preference (5 points): • Company with established service office located within the City of West Palm Beach Evaluation Factor 5 - Environmentally / Sustainability Practices: • Describe steps your company takes to decrease environmental impacts. 300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873 Fax: 561.833.5870 DowntownWPB.com

The Selection Committee ranking meeting was held on August 10th and the scoring was as follows:

Summary RFP Tabulation Sheet RFP2020-002 Pressure Washing Services for Downtown West Palm Beach

Sarah Mulder

Jay Hartsock

Angela Poco

Roberto Travieso





Green Earth Powerwashing







Bel Air Maintenance







Santana Pressure Cleaning







People's Choice Pressure Cleaning







D & P Pressure Cleaning






At this meeting, staff is requesting that the DDA Board approve the recommendation of the Selection Committee and award the contract to Green Earth Powerwashing. The agreement is for two (2) year with a two (2) year option for renewal. The contract amount is not to exceed $350,000.00 Thank you.

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873 Fax: 561.833.5870 DowntownWPB.com

PRESSURE WASHING SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is hereby made and entered into this _____ day of August, 2020, by and between the West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority, an Independent Special District (“DDA”), whose address is 300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401, and

, a Florida

Profit Corporation (“Contractor”), whose address is


WHEREAS, the DDA desires to retain Contractor to provide the goods and services set forth in the DDA’s Request for Proposal to RFP 2020-002 (“RFP”) and as set forth in Contractor’s responsive bid thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises set forth herein, the DDA and Contractor agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. INCORPORATION OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL AND RELATED DOCUMENTS The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall include and incorporate the terms, conditions, and specifications set forth in the RFP together with the Contractor’s bid in response thereto, including all documentation included therein or required thereunder. In the event of a conflict between the terms, conditions, and specifications set forth in this Agreement, the RFP, and/or the Contractor’s bid in response to the RFP; the documents shall have precedence in the following order, this Agreement, then the RFP, and then the Contractor’s response to the RFP. The foregoing shall constitute the entire understanding and agreement of the DDA and the Contractor and no modification to this Agreement shall be effective for any reason unless the same is in writing and has been executed by the DDA and the Contractor. ARTICLE 2. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS OR SCOPE OF SERVICES Contractor shall provide the goods and/or perform those services identified in the scope of work set forth in the RFP and agreed upon in the attached Scope of Work (Exhibit A). Including all areas and work set forth in the RFP and agreed upon in the Service Area List and Map (Exhibit B). Additional requests for services may be made by the DDA at any time there is a need. Exhibit B may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. The DDA Executive Director or designee shall have the authority to make such amendments on behalf of the DDA.

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ARTICLE 3. COMPENSATION Contractor shall perform all work required in accordance with RFP 2020 – 002 for an amount not to exceed Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars $350,000.00) per Fiscal Year (October 1 through September 30 the following calendar year). All other items that are not included in the routine maintenance and care of the Pressure Washing Services will be billed separately based on the Fee Information Sheet included in the Contractor’s Response to the RFP and made a part hereof as EXHIBIT C. The DDA shall pay Contractor following completion of cleaning based on the cost set forth in the Fee Information Sheet within 15 days of receipt of Contractor’s invoice for the Pressure Washing Services. ARTICLE 4. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS a.

Notice. All notices or other written communications required, contemplated, or

permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be hand delivered, telecommunicated, or sent via overnight courier (FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc…) with signature required upon delivery, to the following addresses: i.

As to the DDA:

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority 300 Clematis Street, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Attn: Raphael Clemente, Executive Director Email: rclemente@downtownwpb.com


with a copy to:

Lohman Law Group, P.A. 500 S. Australian Avenue, Suite 531 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Attn: R. Max Lohman, Esq. Email: max@lohmanlawgroup.com


As to the Contractor:

Attn.: Email:

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Headings. The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of

reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. c.

Partial Invalidity – Severability.

If any term, covenant, condition or provision

of this Agreement shall be ruled by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain in force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated. d.


This Agreement may not be assigned without the prior

written consent of the DDA. e.

Ownership of Intellectual Property. Contractor agrees and acknowledges that all

documents, records, original drawings, images, logos, trademarks, slogans, artwork, written materials, drawings, photographs, graphic materials, films, music and any other intellectual property created pursuant to this Agreement shall be the property of the DDA for its use and distribution as may be deemed appropriate by the DDA. f.

Independent Contractor.

Contractor agrees that it is an independent contractor

and not an agent of the DDA g.

Insurance and Indemnity.

Contractor agrees to procure and maintain the

insurance required by the RFP and to indemnify the DDA in accordance with the terms and condition set forth in the RFP. h.

Fiscal Funding Out.

This Agreement and the obligations of the DDA hereunder

are subject to and contingent upon the lawful annual appropriations sufficient to fund this Agreement by the DDA. A non-appropriate event shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement by the DDA. ARTICLE 5. CONTRACT TERM The term of this Agreement shall be from September 1, 2020, the Effective Date, through August 31, 2022, unless otherwise terminated pursuant to Article 6. This agreement may be renewed for One (1) additional Two (2) year term, under the same terms and conditions, by mutual agreement of the parties unless modifications to the terms and conditions are approved in writing by both parties and attached as an addendum to this agreement.

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The following shall constitute events of default by the DDA: a. The DDA shall at any time fail to pay, when due, any sums payable by the DDA

hereunder and such failure to pay continues for a period of fifteen (15) days after written notice of such failure is provided to the DDA by Contractor; or b. The DDA shall fail to perform, observe, or otherwise breach any of the other term, covenant, or condition of this Agreement, and such failure or breach shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after notice thereof by Contractor to the DDA, or if the failure or breach is such that it cannot be cured within the thirty (30) day period, then only if the DDA fails to commence the cure thereof promptly and within the thirty (30) day period or thereafter fails to diligently continue in good faith until such failure or breach is fully cured. 6.2

The following shall constitute events of default by Contractor: a. Contractor fails to provide the goods and/or services in the manner specified in

this Agreement; or b. Contractor makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or files a petition in bankruptcy or for reorganization or liquidation under a federal or state bankruptcy or insolvency act; or c. A receiver is appointed for Contractor, or for the property of Contractor, by any court and such appointment shall not have been dismissed within ninety (90) days from the date of such appointment; or d.

Contractor is dissolved or otherwise ceases operations and is incapable of

providing the goods and/or services in accordance with the Agreement; or e. Contractor shall fail to perform, observe, or otherwise breach any of the other term, covenant, or condition of this Agreement, and such failure or breach shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after notice thereof by the DDA to Contractor, or if the failure or breach is such that it cannot be cured within the thirty (30) day period, then only if Contractor fails to commence the cure thereof promptly and within the thirty (30) day period or thereafter fails to diligently continue in good faith until such failure or breach is fully cured.

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Upon the occurrence of an event of default described in paragraphs 6.1 or 6.2 above,

the non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement by giving notice thereof to the defaulting party. 6.4

The DDA may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause by providing

thirty (30) days written notice to Contractor. 6.5

This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for any

legal proceeding necessary to enforce the Contract will be in a court of competent jurisdiction located in Palm Beach County, Florida. No remedy herein conferred upon any party is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity, by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof. No provision of this Contract is intended to, or shall be construed to, create any third-party beneficiary or to provide any rights to any person or entity not a party to this Contract, including but not limited to any employees of the DDA and/or CONTRACTOR. 6.6

The failure of the DDA to insist in any one or more instances upon strict

performance of any one or more of the covenants, terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such covenants, terms and conditions, but the same shall continue in full force and effect, and no waiver of the DDA of any one of the provisions hereof shall in any event be deemed to have been made unless the waiver is set forth in writing and signed by the DDA. ARTICLE 7. PUBLIC RECORDS Notwithstanding anything contained herein, as provided under Section 119.0701, Fla. Stat., if the CONTRACTOR: (i) provides a service; and (ii) acts on behalf of the DDA as provided under Section 119.011(2) Fla. Stat., the CONTRACTOR shall comply with the requirements of Section 119.0701, Fla. Stat., as it may be amended from time to time The CONTRACTOR is specifically required to: A.

Keep and maintain public records required by the DDA to perform services as

provided under this Contract.

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Upon request from the DDA’S Custodian of Public Records, provide the DDA with

a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119 or as otherwise provided by law. The CONTRACTOR further agrees that all fees, charges and expenses shall be determined in accordance with Palm Beach County PPM CW-F-002, Fees Associated with Public Records Requests, as it may be amended or replaced from time to time. C.

Ensure that public records that are exempt, or confidential and exempt from public

records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract term and following completion of the Contract, if the CONTRACTOR does not transfer the records to the public agency. D.

Upon completion of the Contract the CONTRACTOR shall transfer, at no cost to

the DDA, all public records in possession of the CONTRACTOR unless notified by DDA’S representative/liaison, on behalf of the DDA’S Custodian of Public Records, to keep and maintain public records required by the DDA to perform the service. If the CONTRACTOR transfers all public records to the DDA upon completion of the Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt, or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If the CONTRACTOR keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically by the CONTRACTOR must be provided to DDA, upon request of the DDA’S Custodian of Public Records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of DDA, at no cost to DDA. Failure of the CONTRACTOR to comply with the requirements of this article shall be a material breach of this Contract. DDA shall have the right to exercise any and all remedies available to it, including but not limited to, the right to terminate for cause. CONTRACTOR acknowledges that it has familiarized itself with the requirements of Chapter 119, Fla. Stat., and other requirements of state law applicable to public records not specifically set forth herein. IF THE CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR’S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, PLEASE CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT THE WEST PALM BEACH

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[Signatures on next page.]

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.



By: _______________________________ Robert Sanders, Esq., CHAIRMAN

By: ________________________________ tbd tbd tbd tbd tbd, Title



By: ______________________________

By: _______________________________

Print Name: _______________________

Print Name: ________________________


By: ________________________________ R. Max Lohman, Esq., General Counsel

Corporate Seal

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EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK The following service items shall be provided for all areas listed in the Scope of Services section of RFP2020-002: Any quantities listed are approximate, not guaranteed. 1. Scope of Work The following service items shall be provided for all areas listed in the Scope of Services section of this RFP: 1. Provide a cleaning schedule, with work performed from 11:00pm until 7:00am Eastern Time, to pressure wash sidewalk pavers, standard sidewalks and curbsides. This schedule should maintain cleanliness of Clematis Street (Clematis Core) on a routine basis. 2. Schedule should provide that the full cleaning be completed within the week it is scheduled. 3. Provide pricing for the proposed cleaning schedule of the Clematis Core. 4. Provide pricing, per square foot, to clean all areas outside of Clematis Street. 5. Provide pricing to clean alleyways within the Downtown District. 6. Clematis Street is a high-volume pedestrian street and cleaning should be no less than once a month. 7. Cleaning service shall include removal of dirt, gum, oil, marking paint (when possible) and any other matter that is not intended to be on a walking surface. 8. Cleaning with hot water or steam is preferred over high-pressure spray as the primary cleaning method. Nonhazardous and/or bio-degradable cleaning products may be used as well. The use of chemicals not approved to enter storm drains is prohibited 9. Be able to reclaim and reuse water to ensure limited water waste. 10. Ensure no dirty wastewater gets into storm drains, by blocking drains or vacuuming runoff. 11. Ensure all store front windows, doors, walls and other areas impacted are rinsed after each cleaning and windows are cleaned if overspray gets on them. 12. Coordinate cleaning schedule with DDA staff. 13. Document all cleaning with photos of before and after each time cleaning is done. This documentation can be done using the Virtual Badge app for reporting. 14. There is no access to water on the streets. All water needed will need to be provided by the contractor. 15. Secure and maintain proper permits and water meters needed for work. 16. Be able to adjust work schedule to accommodate business activity and events. Late night businesses cannot have cleaning done near their establishments until after they are closed. Early morning businesses cannot have cleaning done near their establishments once they are open. 17. Provide recommendations to provide the best, most cost-effective service. 18. Provide recommendations for future enhancements. Deliverables: Each of the following as described in the Scope of work 1) Provide clean sidewalks within the Downtown District as described in the Scope of work. 2) Provide a safe and non-damaging cleaning process for performing work. 3) Provide all equipment, labor, vehicles, water, power, supplies, safety measures, and any other means needed to properly clean and maintain sidewalks, streets and property listed in this RFP and any others you may be asked to service.

EXHIBIT B SERVICE AREA LIST AND MAP SERVICE AREA LIST: Pressure Washing care and maintenance based on Contractors proposal as stated in Section 9 of RFP 2020 - 002, will include, but not be limited to, the following areas within the Downtown District: 1. 1 Green area is the Clematis Core. All sidewalks from front edge of buildings or property lines to edge of roadway. Consist of: a. 100 S. Clematis St. from Flagler Dr. to Narcissus Ave. b. Clematis St. from Narcissus Ave. to Rosemary Ave. c. Narcissus Ave. from Banyan Blvd. to Datura St. d. Olive Ave. from Banyan Blvd. to Datura St. e. Dixie Hwy. from Banyan Blvd. to Datura St. f.

Rosemary Ave. from Banyan Blvd. to Datura St.

2. Blue area is the quarterly area. All sidewalks from front edge of building to property lines to edge of roadway. Consist of: a. 100 N. Clematis St from Flagler Dr. to Narcissus Ave. b. Quadrille Blvd. from Banyan Blvd. to Datura St. c. Sapodilla Ave. from Banyan Blvd. to Datura St. d. Clematis St. from Sapodilla Ave. to Tamarind Ave. 3. All other areas within the DDA District Boundary are subject to cleaning request as needed.




DDA Board Bob Sanders, Chairman Rick Reikenis, Vice Chairman Lisa Gerard Mary Hurley Lane William Jacobson Cynthia Nalley Upendo Shabazz

FROM: Raphael Clemente RE:

Proposed FY 2020-2021 Budget

DATE: Tuesday, August 20, 2020


Attached please find the proposed budget for FY 2020/2021 and a comparison of the current fiscal year to the proposed FY 2020/2021 budget. The budget has been closely aligned with goals of the DDA work plan, to provide resources for COVID resilience and recovery, and to be responsive to the changing needs of our district. Staff will provide a detailed presentation of the proposed 2020/2021 budget during the meeting.

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873 Fax: 561.833.5870 www.downtownwpb.com

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority FY 2020/2021 Preliminary Budget July 21, 2020 Resolution No. 06-2020 Exhibit A

4010 4020 4030 4032 4035 4040 4046 4047 4048 4050 4060 4070 4071 4072 4080

Tax Revenues $ TIF DDA/CRA Interlocal Agreement DDA/City Interlocal Agreement CRA Project Funding Marketing/Sponsors/Dues Reimbursements - Physical Environment Reimbursements - Business Devlopment Reimbursements - Marketing & PR Interest - Seacoast Bank Rosemary Square MOU Grants Fees/Services Sponsorships Virgin Trains USA Ticket Sales Carryforwards Total Revenue $

2020-2021 DDA 2,285,771 $ (2,103,786) 0 48,600 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 230,685 $

2020-2021 CRA

2020-2021 DDA

2020-2021 CRA

CRA/City Project Fund

0 4,389,557 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,389,557



CRA Carry Forward DDA Carry Forward

0 0 0 385,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 385,000 CRA/City Project Fund



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,727,500 1,727,500



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400,000 400,000



Grand Total 2,285,771 (2,103,786) 4,389,557 48,600 385,000 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 1,000 2,127,500 7,132,742 Grand Total

CRA Carry Forward DDA Carry Forward


Business Development Grand Openings/New Business Training


Leasing/Brokers Meetings








Business Training and Support






325,000 57,982



6230-01 Business Training and Support - 12x12

















Façade Improvement Programs








Property & Business Incentives








Business Partnerships

0 Totals




55,000 449,000


0 50,000


28,000 478,000




83,000 1,034,982

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority FY 2020/2021 Preliminary Budget July 21, 2020 Resolution No. 06-2020 Exhibit A 2019-2020 DDA

2019-2020 CRA 80,000

CRA/City Project Fund $


CRA Carry Forward 45,000

DDA Carry Forward

Grand TOTAL 125,000








Public Realm Maintenance Holiday Lights


Pressure Washing, Cleaning & Maintenance



Signage and Pedestrial Wayfinding








Landscape Maintenance








Graffitti Removal








Capital Projects








Clean Team


0 48,600


6120 6122 6190 6210 6235 7700 6300

Marketing /Public Relations Advertising PR/Marketing Retail Promotions Community and Cultural Promotions Value Added Events Marketing Programs, Equipment & Web Collateral Materials



2020-2021 DDA $


Neighborhood Services Residential Programming Community Engagement Transportation (Trolley) Security and Policing Public Space Programs Homeless Outreach Totals $

2020-2021 DDA 11,000 0 0 0 0 0 11,000


0 105,000

CRA/City Project Fund $ -


CRA/City Project Fund


2020-2021 CRA 20,000 30,000 432,332 450,369 56,260 0 988,961



90,000 735,000 2020-2021 CRA 420,000 185,000 25,000 69,000 127,000 125,000 75,000 1,026,000

0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals $

6372 6375 7500 7600 7605 7610



0 0 55,000 0 0 0 55,000




50,000 76,000 60,000 100,000 45,000 541,000


0 -



DDA Carry Forward


45,000 45,000



Grand TOTAL 31,000 30,000 682,332 565,369 56,260 79,000 1,443,961

DDA Carry Forward


0 0 0 0 0 79,000 79,000

97,000 1,165,600 Grand TOTAL 630,000 185,000 75,000 200,000 187,000 225,000 165,000 1,667,000


CRA Carry Forward 0 0 75,000 115,000 0 0 190,000



CRA Carry Forward $ 210,000

0 0 175,000 0 0 175,000

7,000 277,000


West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority FY 2020/2021 Preliminary Budget July 21, 2020 Resolution No. 06-2020 Exhibit A

6010 6040 6030

6420 6430 6440 6450 6460

6241 6510 6520 6530 6540

General Office General Office Equipment, Computers & Programs General Postage

2019-2020 DDA $

Personnel Insurance Rent Tax Collection Travel & Training Reserves


Totals $

Totals $

2020-2021 DDA 11,000 7,000 3,500 300 9,000 30,800




Totals $ Total Expenses

24,000 0 20,000 0 44,000 2020-2021 DDA 78,285 0 18,000 0 0 96,285 230,685

CRA/City Project Fund

78,000 1,800 79,800





2020-2021 CRA



2020-2021 CRA 30,000 0 27,000 0 0 57,000



CRA Carry Forward $ 25,000 0 21,500 $ 46,500

CRA/City Project Fund 0 0 0 0 0 -

2020-2021 DDA

Totals $

7000 7100 7200 7300 7800 7900

0 0 -

Operations Dues Hospitality Board Meetings/Retreat/Training Publications Telephone

Professional Services Studies and Surveys Accounting Audit Legal Professional Services

2019-2020 CRA

2020-2021 CRA 808,000 30,796 190,000 0 25,000 0 1,053,796 4,389,557


CRA Carry Forward 0 0 0 0 0 -


0 0 0 0 -

CRA Carry Forward $ 20,000 0 0 0 75,000 $ 95,000

CRA/City Project Fund $

$ CRA/City Project Fund $


0 0 0 0 0 -

DDA Carry Forward $


DDA Carry Forward 5,000 0 0 0 0 $ 5,000




0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 1,727,500



Grand TOTAL 16,000 7,000 3,500 300 9,000 35,800

$ $

Grand TOTAL 50,000 24,000 27,000 20,000 75,000 196,000


DDA Carry Forward $

0 0 0


CRA Carry Forward 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 -

Grand TOTAL 25,000 78,000 23,300 126,300

DDA Carry Forward



0 0 0 0 213,018 213,018 400,000


Grand TOTAL 886,285 30,796 190,000 18,000 25,000 313,018 1,463,099 7,132,742

DDA 2020/2021 Budget Comparison Revenues Tax Revenues Interlocal 2nd mil Project Funding DDA/City Interlocal DDA/CRA Interlocal Interest Carryforwards Grants/Fees/Sponsors Total:

2020 2021 $2,227,505 $ 2,285,771 $2,227,505 $2,285,771 $409,500 $385,000 $75,100 $47,600 $0 $0 $100 $100 $2,761,460 $2,127,500 $1,000 $1,000 $7,702,170 $7,132,742

Change 3% 3% -6% N/A N/A 0% -23% 0% -7%

Business Development Property/Bus Incentives Façade Grants Meetings Business Train/Support 12x12/Thoroughfare Grand Openings Business Partnerships Total:

2020 $500,000 $155,000 $16,000 $440,000 $102,776 $18,000 $76,257 $1,308,033

2021 $450,000 $75,000 $26,000 $325,000 $57,982 $18,000 $83,000 $1,034,982

Change -10% -52% 63% -26% -44% 0% 9% -21%

Public Realm Cleaning/Pressure Wash Landscape Maintenance Grafitti Removal Signage Capital Projects Clean Team Holiday Lights Total

2020 $423,500 $420,100 $35,000 $217,017 $150,000 $110,000 $139,973 $1,495,590

2021 $350,000 $368,600 $25,000 $50,000 $150,000 $97,000 $125,000 $1,165,600

Change -17% -12% -29% -77% 0% -12% -11% -22%

Marketing PR Advertising Retail Promotions Equipment, Website Value Added Events Collateral Materials Community & Cultural Total

2020 $185,000 $462,160 $60,000 $175,000 $135,000 $183,873 $200,000 $1,401,033

2021 $185,000 $630,000 $75,000 $225,000 $187,000 $165,000 $200,000 $1,667,000

Change 0% 36% 25% 29% 39% -10% 0% 19%

Neighborhood Services Residential Programming Community Engagement Transportation Security and Policing Public Space Programs Homeless Outreach Total

2020 $31,000 $34,000 $700,855 $715,369 $70,000 $85,000 $1,636,224

2021 $31,000 $30,000 $682,332 $565,369 $56,260 $79,000 $1,443,961

Change 0% -12% -3% -21% -20% -7% -12%

DDA 2020/2021 Budget Comparison General Office General Office Computers and Programs General Postage Total

2020 $50,000 $78,000 $22,500 $150,500

2021 $25,000 $78,000 $23,300 $126,300

Change -50% 0% 4% -16%

Professional Services Studies and Surveys Professional Services Accounting Audit Legal Total

2020 88953 $141,914 $24,000 $25,000 $27,000 $306,867

2021 50000 $75,000 $24,000 $27,000 $20,000 $196,000

Change -44% -47% 0% 8% -26% -36%

Operations Dues Hopspitality Board Meetings Publications Telephone Personnel Insurance Rent Tax Collection Travel & Training Reserves Total

2020 $16,000 $7,000 $3,000 $300 $9,000 $890,000 $30,500 $150,000 $16,500 $16,500 $265,123 $1,403,923

2021 $16,000 $7,000 $3,500 $300 $9,000 $886,285 $30,796 $190,000 $18,000 $15,000 $323,018 $1,498,899

Change 0% 0% 17% 0% 0% 0% 1% 27% 9% -9% 22% 7%


DDA Board Bob Sanders, Chairman Rick Reikenis, Vice Chairman Lisa Gerard Mary Hurley Lane William Jacobson Cynthia Nalley Upendo Shabazz

From: Teneka James-Feaman, Associate Executive Director RE:

Art that Moves


August 18, 2020

We are working on bring Art that Moves, a one-of-a-kind exhibition in Downtown West Palm Beach that showcases over 20 kinetic art experiences from local to international artists. Art that Moves, will be a multi-site kinetic art display that is powered by wind, water, solar, sound, lighting, gravity, and mechanical, set for one-year beginning January 2021. Several additional cultural activities and programming will occur throughout the exhibit including meet the artists, tours, special artwork installations, and lectures. The kinetic artworks will appeal to everyone, due to the versatility of the artists and artwork which will be exhibited outdoors in open accessible spaces. The exhibit will attract visitors in a responsible manner by providing physical distancing options to enjoy art in person and virtually. By bringing a captivated audience to Downtown West Palm Beach, it will spark interest for individuals to explore local cultural institutions, organizations, art fairs and other programs. The DDA will be contracting with Debby Coles-Dobay to assist with artist coordination and installation. This project will be a collaboration between the A&E and the Downtown Development Authority. Debby Coles-Dobay has prepared a presentation describing the project. Staff is requesting the DDA support the project in addition to in-kind support but also $50,000 in financial support.

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873|Fax: 561.833.5870| www.downtownwpb.com

MINUTES Organizational and Regular Board Meeting Downtown Development Authority Tuesday, June 16, 2020 VIA ZOOM WEBINAR: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81461153823 DIAL IN: 1-929-436-2866 US WEBINAR ID: 814 6115 3823 ATTENDANCE Board Members in attendance included Chairman Robert Sanders, Vice Chairman Rick Reikenis, Lisa Gerard, Mary Hurley Lane, William Jacobson, Cynthia Nalley, and Upendo Shabazz. DDA staff in attendance included Raphael Clemente, Teneka James-Feaman, Shelly Williams, Samantha Moore, Catherine Ast, Sherryl Muriente, Tiffany Faublas, and Max Lohman Esq. (Lohman Law Group). Guests in attendance included Amiekay Richcrick, Todd Stone, and Sharon Persaud. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Sanders called the meeting to order at 8:32am. PUBLIC COMMENTS No public comments. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Clemente reported to the board status of ongoing projects and programs. - Staff created a COVID-19 Workshop in partnership with Custom Cleaning Solutions that focused on cleaning protocols for businesses. The participants received a cleaning starter kit that included masks, gloves, Bioesque disinfectant, spray bottles, and a box of paper rags. A one pager highlighting steps to protect yourself & to protect others for restaurants, retail & office, and restrooms were printed, distributed, and made available for stakeholders to print and share. - Wayfinding signs have been installed throughout downtown and staff was pleased with the work the contractor Don Bell completed. - RFP 2020 – 002 Pressure Cleaning Services is currently open and the top three bidders will present at the August board meeting. - PSC Security has been awarded the contract for the City of West Palm Beach, which is beneficial for all of downtown to be patrolled by one company. Clemente and Muriente also presented updates on the data collected during the Dining on the Spot program over a 6-week period. 72% of patrons were using the Dining on the Spot program areas. For the most part groups were practicing social distancing and adhering to guidelines. Peak traffic times were Friday and Saturday evenings from 7pm-9pm. After PBC mandated the use of masks there was a drop in visitation. Staff is currently connecting the rental company, Grimes, and businesses that wish to continue usage of equipment to take over the contracts and/or buy the equipment. PRESENTATIONS No presentations.

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833-8873|Fax: 561.833.5870| www.downtownwpb.com

ELECTION OF OFFICERS Election of Chairman Board Action: Reikenis made a motion to nominate Sanders as Chairman. Gerard seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Election of Vice Chairman Board Action: Sanders made a motion to nominate Reikenis as Vice Chairman. Jacobson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Election of Secretary Board Action: Sanders made a motion to nominate Clemente as Secretary. Hurley Lane seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. SET MEETING DATES FY 2020/2021 DDA Board Meeting Schedule Board Action: Reikenis made a motion to approve the meeting schedule as presented. Shabazz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Set 1st Public Hearing (Tuesday, September 01, 2020 @ 5:05 p.m.) Board Action: Reikenis made a motion to set the 1st public hearing date on Tuesday, September 01, 2020 @ 5:05 PM. Shabazz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Set 2nd and Final Public Hearing (Monday, September 14, 2020 @ 5:05 p.m.) Board Action: Reikenis made a motion to set the 2nd public hearing on Monday, September 14, 2020 @ 5:05 PM. Shabazz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of June 16, 2020 Board Action: Reikenis made a motion to approve the Minutes of June 16, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Hurley Lane seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Financial Statements of June 30, 2020 Board Action: Reikenis made a motion to approve the Financial Statements of June 30, 2020. Hurley Lane seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Tier One Grant Program James-Feaman reviewed staff proposal to reinstate the Tier One Incentive Grant to provide additional assistance to the businesses in the DDA district. She provided an evaluation of the incentive application guidelines from 2012 with recommended updates for this year and an updated application for board review She explained that this program will provide rental financial support for up to six (6) months not to exceed $15,000. She also researched rental assistance programs available in other downtown districts such as Miami, Orlando, Ft Lauderdale, and Delray Beach. The board discussed payment options and terms for recipients of the grant. Jacobson and Lohman suggested that once awarded the payments be paid monthly and could be made payable to both the tenant and the landlord to ensure the funds are being used as intended. Board Action: Hurley Lane made a motion to approve the Tier One grant program. Shabazz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873|Fax: 561.833.5870| www.downtownwpb.com

Landscaping Services Contract In June, the Board approved the RFP 2020-001 Selection Committee recommendation to award a Landscaping Services Contract to Scott Lewis’ Gardening and Trimming. Ast explained that included in the board pack is the contract for services through July 30, 2023 as well as the Exhibits showing scope of services, area of services and pricing. This contract covers all areas that have been added for coverage of City properties listed in our interlocal agreement. The City will reimburse DDA in the amount of $51,600.00 annually for those services, and beginning October 1, 2020, City Center will be added to that scope at $23,000.00 annually. Ast added that she will be billing the City monthly for the services to recoup costs. Board Action: Reikenis made a motion to approve the Landscaping Contract with Scott Lewis’ Gardening and Trimming not to exceed $395,000 per Fiscal year. Mary Hurley Lane seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Resolution No. 05-2020 Budget Amendment Clemente explained included in the board packet is Resolution No. 5-2020 amending the 2019-2020 Amended Budget to accept funding from the City of West Palm Beach to further goals associated with The Thoroughfare project (12x12). Reduce funding from the Rosemary Square MOU and to transfer funding to cover unanticipated Insurance costs for property liability insurance. Board Action: Shabazz made a motion to approve Resolution No.05-2020 Budget Amendment. Reikenis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Resolution No. 06-2020; 2nd MIL Budget The Downtown Development Authority’s proposed budget for the increment of its second mil of ad valorem taxation is as follows: Trolley

Contract Service Personnel Overhead TOTAL Marketing, Public Relations/Business Development Marketing Personnel Overhead TOTAL Physical Environment/Residential Services Programs Maintenance/Security/Residential/Community Personnel Overhead TOTAL

TOTAL 2nd Mil Increment

$712,225 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $489,622 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $988,924 $ 15,000 $ 10,000



$1,013,924 $2,285,771

Board Action: Hurley Lane made a motion to approve Resolution No. 06-2020 2nd MIL Budget. Shabazz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873|Fax: 561.833.5870| www.downtownwpb.com

ANNOUNCEMENTS Clemente announced that staff is exploring options for restarting the clean team program and/or additional janitorial services safely. Nalley announced that the DNA is restarting Downtown Safety walks and encouraged anyone interested in participating to reach out. The DNA has also invited security, police, and the homeless outreach team to join. They would like to help homeless get into the new facility at the fairgrounds while there are still beds available. Clemente thanked the board and staff for their continued efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic and recognized staff for their participation in webinars, training courses, and best practices both at the local and national level. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Sanders called for a motion to adjourn. Board Action: Reikenis made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:28am. Jacobson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873|Fax: 561.833.5870| www.downtownwpb.com

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority Balance Sheet July 31, 2020 ASSETS Current Assets

PNC Bank Operating Seacoast Bank - Money Market Petty Cash

4,152,867 159,059 50

Total Current Assets Other Assets Lease Security Deposit



Total Other Assets


Total Assets



Due to Lincoln National Vision Premium Payable Flexible Spending Withholding Suppl Med Ins. Premium Payable

7 1,235 0 1,242

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

Fund Balance Net Income

3,004,478 1,329,256

Total Fund Balance


Total Liabilities and Fund Balance


No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority Statement of Revenues And Expenditures July 31, 2020 Month

Current Year Revenues - Schedule 1 Expenditures Business Development - Schedule 2 Public Realm Maintenance - Schedule 3 Marketing/Public Relations- Schedule 4 Neighborhood Services - Schedule 5 General Office - Schedule 6 Operations - Schedule 7 Professional Services - Schedule 8 Total Personnel Expense Insurance Expense Rent Expense Tax Collection Travel and Training Reserves Total Expenditures

Current Year Surplus (Deficit) DDA Carryforward CRA Carryforward

Total Carry Forwards Net Total Surplus (Deficit)


Trolley Gross Annual


Work Plan




















28,280 84,218 36,440 44,646 4,984 1,155 7,696 63,201 0 11,909 0 211 0 282,740

503,948 661,587 424,753 900,166 51,685 19,659 143,552 698,044 30,390 131,686 13,985 11,723 0 3,591,178

1,308,033 1,495,590 1,401,033 1,636,224 150,500 35,300 306,867 890,000 30,500 150,000 16,500 16,500 265,123 7,702,170

38.5% 44.2% 30.3% 55.0% 34.3% 0.0% 46.8% 78.4% 99.6% 87.8% 84.8% 71.0% 0.0% 46.6%

372,418 661,587 0 61,386 51,685 19,659 143,552 698,044 30,390 131,686 13,985 11,723




38,154 237,508 Flexible Spending Withholding 1,307,609 38,154 1,545,117 (188,437)


536,612 2,224,848 2,761,460 0

44.3% 58.8% 0.0%


131,530 424,753 340,438












119,743 745,523 865,266

75,000 75,000

117,765 105,556 223,321

0 250,000 250,000

0 131,530 131,530






No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority Supplemental Schedules


July 31, 2020 SCHEDULE 1 - CURRENT YEAR REVENUES Current Year Revenues Tax Revenues TIF DDA/City Interlocal Agreement DDA/CRA Interlocal CRA Project Funding Interest Income Virgin Trains USA Ticket Sales Sponsorships Fees and Services Grants and Contributions Total Reimbursements Other Miscellaneous Income Rosemary Square MOU Total Current Year Revenues







Work Plan












432,332 190,000

963,564 85,000

450,369 15,000





49,582 0 6,500 0 0 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2,253,355 (2,045,520) 27,198 4,273,025 409,500 1,505 1,133 0 239 0 0 0 0

2,227,505 (2,045,520) 75,100 4,273,025 409,500 100 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0




101.2% 100.0% 36.2% 100.0% 100.0% 1505.0% 113.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 99.6%

2,253,355 (2,045,520) 27,198 2,276,760 119,500 1,505 1,133 0 239 0 0 0 0 2,634,170

No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

0 622,332

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority Supplemental Schedules July 31, 2020 Gross Month

SCHEDULE 2 - BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Property and Buss Incentives Facade Improvements Leasing/Brokers Meeting Total Business Training and Support Business Partnerships Grand Open/New Business





Work Plan












0 0 0 28,280 0 0

131,530 13,485 0 317,258 37,100 4,575

500,000 155,000 16,000 542,776 76,257 18,000

26.3% 8.7% 0.0% 58.5% 48.7% 25.4%

13,485 0 317,258 37,100 4,575






SCHEDULE 3 - PUBLIC REALM MAINTENANCE Pressure Washing/Street Clean 25,211 Clean Team 205 Graffitti Maintenance 1,000 Landscape Maintenance 22,328 Holiday Lights 2,500 Signage & Pedestrial Wayfinding 32,974 Capital Projects/Alleys 0

245,829 31,750 11,530 169,876 122,159 80,443 0

423,500 110,000 35,000 420,100 139,973 217,017 150,000

58.0% 28.9% 32.9% 40.4% 87.3% 37.1% 0.0%

245,829 31,750 11,530 169,876 122,159 80,443 0

Total Physical Environment





Total Business Development



No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.









West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority Supplemental Schedules July 31, 2020 Gross Month

SCHEDULE 4 - MARKETING/PR Collateral Materials





Work Plan












15,200 6,350 1,055 0 5,343 8,492 0

27,169 65,260 5,548 42,528 140,204 57,008 87,036

183,873 185,000 60,000 135,000 462,160 175,000 200,000

14.8% 35.3% 9.2% 31.5% 30.3% 32.6% 43.5%






9,000 340,438 498,342 31,547 8,714 12,125

85,000 700,855 715,369 70,000 34,000 31,000

10.6% 48.6% 69.7% 45.1% 25.6% 39.1%


Residential Programming

0 9,900 34,746 0 0 0

31,547 8,714 12,125

Total Res. Services/Quality of Life







Retail Promotion Value Added Events Advertising and Promotion Marketing Programs

Community & Cultural Promotion Total Marketing/PR

27,169 65,260 5,548 42,528 140,204 57,008 87,036 0





Transportation Security and Policing Public Space Programs Community Engagement

340,438 498,342

No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.





West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority Supplemental Schedules July 31, 2020 Gross Month

SCHEDULE 6 - GENERAL OFFICE General Office Expense





Work Plan












Equipment, Computers, Programs

640 0 4,344

6,613 484 44,588

50,000 22,500 78,000

13.2% 2.2% 57.2%

6,613 484 44,588

Total General Office






Telephone Expense

500 0 0 169 11 475

5,000 4,348 3,541 884 279 5,607

0 16,000 7,000 3,000 300 9,000

0.0% 27.2% 50.6% 29.5% 93.0% 62.3%

5,000 4,348 3,541 884 279 5,607

Total Operations






General Postage

SCHEDULE 7 - OPERATIONS Automobile Expense Dues Hospitality Board Meeting Publications

No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.









West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority Supplemental Schedules July 31, 2020 Gross Month

SCHEDULE 8 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Accounting Professional Service Audit Studies and Surveys Legal Total Professional Services





Work Plan












2,000 5,696 0 0 0

18,000 41,962 22,500 53,000 8,090

24,000 141,914 25,000 88,953 27,000

75.0% 29.6% 90.0% 59.6% 30.0%

18,000 41,962 22,500 53,000 8,090






Some rounding error may occur.

No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.






DDA Board

Bob Sanders, Chairman Rick Reikenis, Vice Chairman Lisa Gerard Mary Hurley Lane William Jacobson Cynthia Nalley Upendo Shabazz

From: Raphael Clemente RE:

Rescheduling of First and Final Public Hearing Dates


August 18, 2020

Based on the TRIM timetable and advertising schedule provided by the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser the previously approved dates for the First and Final public hearings must be rescheduled. Staff is proposing the following dates: First Public Hearing Date – Monday, September 14, 2020 5:05pm Final Public Hearing Date – Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5:05pm

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Ph: 561.833.8873 Fax: 561.833.5870 * DowntownWPB.com


DDA Board Bob Sanders, Chairman Rick Reikenis, Vice Chairman Lisa Gerard Mary Hurley Lane William Jacobson Cynthia Nalley Upendo Shabazz

From: Catherine Ast, FCP - CPTED District Services Manager RE:

DNA Sponsorship FY 2021


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) is an organization that the DDA has supported and partnered with in various ways, from formation through today. The outcomes of this sponsorship agreement are well within the DDA’s mission and goals to increase activity, build a strong sense of community, and support residential quality of life. There are minor changes being made to the sponsorship: • There will be two presentations annually to update the Board on DNA activities, one at March Board Meeting and one at the September Board Meeting. • Any projects that do not fall within the agreement specifics will be brought to the DDA for individual sponsorship. • Agreement will have an option for renewal for one year, unless parties request changes. That will make the agreement option through September 30th, 2022. • Agreement will be on a Fiscal Year basis, with this one being October 1st, 2020. DDA Staff is requesting Board approval for the FY21

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873|Fax: 561.833.5870| www.downtownwpb.com

SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered on this 18th, Day of August, 2020, by and between the WEST PALM BEACH DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, an Independent Special District created under the laws of the State of Florida, with offices located at 300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, hereinafter the "DDA", and the WEST PALM BEACH DOWNTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION, a 501{c)3, with offices located at C/0 300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, hereinafter the “DNA”. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by both parties, the parties agree as follows: I. General Provisions 1.

DDA RESPONSIBILITIES: The DDA shall pay a sum not to exceed EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS ($8,000.00) per Fiscal Year. A Quarterly retainer of TWO THOUSAND ($2,000.00) will be issued for programs and services set forth under Section 2 subsections a through e; and in no event shall the total amount on an Fiscal Year basis exceed EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS ($8,000.00) for the tasks set forth in Section 2, subsections a through e, unless there is a written addendum executed to this Agreement. The DDA will designate a staff liaison to provide guidance and communication between the DNA and DDA.


The DNA RESPONSIBILITIES: The DNA will provide two updates to the DDA, one mid-year and the other at the end of the year of this agreement, that include, outreach numbers, photos and activities for the programs and services detailed below: a. Neighborhood Watch: Engaging with police, security and the community to promote safety and awareness. b. Future Focus Committee: To educate and inform residents of upcoming development and its impact on the Downtown. c. Civics Committee: To encourage voter registration, candidate forums, educational meetings to help keep residents informed of City happenings and services. d. Promoting volunteerism and neighborhood kindness. e. Continued general and quarterly meetings to inform and educate residents.



COMMENCEMENT; TERM; TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall commence on October 1, 2020 and shall be effective only when signed by all parties. The initial Term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year, through September 30, 2021 and may be renewed for one additional one (1) year Term with the same conditions, unless otherwise terminated by either party. This Agreement may also be terminated by either party upon thirty {30) day written notice to the other party via hand delivery, certified mail, or national courier service (i.e. Federal Express) delivered to the following addresses: Notice: As to the DDA: WPB Downtown Development Authority Attn: Executive Director 300 Clematis Street, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 As to DNA: West Palm Beach Downtown Neighborhood Association Attn: President c/o 300 Clematis Street, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 With a copy to: R. Max Lohman, Jr. 500 South Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33405



Raphael Clemente, Executive Director West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

Cynthia Nalley, President West Palm Beach Downtown Neighborhood Association

____________________________________ Witness

___________________________________ Witness

Corporate Seal


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