DDA Board Meeting Packet February 21, 2023

Page 27


Downtown Development Authority

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

8:30 AM

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33401


Dial: +1 301 715 8592

Webinar ID: 828 2888 4658

CALL TO ORDER Rick Reikenis




 West Palm Beach Food Tour

CONSENT CALENDAR (Action Required)

 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting December 20, 2022

 Financial Statements of December 2022

 Financial Statements of January 2023

OLD BUSINESS (Action Required)

 Incentive Grants

NEW BUSINESS (Action Required)

 Effect TV

 EDU Equipment Request



Raphael Clemente

Raphael Clemente

Rick Reikenis

Teneka James Feaman

Teneka James Feaman

Raphael Clemente

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873|Fax: 561.833.5870| www.downtownwpb.com


Downtown Development Authority

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

8:30 AM

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33401


Dial: +1 301 715 8592

Webinar ID: 827 8256 3817


DDA Board members in attendance: Chairman Rick Reikenis, Vice Chairman William Jacobson, Cynthia Nalley, Varisa Lall Dass, Daryl Houston, Samantha Bratter, Bob Sanders, DDA Staff in attendance: Raphael Clemente, Vivian Ryland, Jacqueline Smith, Tiffany Faublas, Sherryl Muriente, Teneka James‐Feaman, Sabrina Lolo, Attorney Max Lohman, Krystal Campi, Carolina Puente, guests Marco Casagrande, Josh Merkin, and Tony Theissen.


Chairman Reikenis called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.




Raphael Clemente gave the Executive Director’s Report, noting that he has been working with the City Administration, local leadership, the state attorney and Senator Powell to figure out a more effective way to deal with homeless and mental health issues in downtown West Palm Beach. This included a presentation to the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation. Raphael asked for advocacy at state legislative level for the funding of comprehensive services and a diversion program that doesn’t route people that are arrested for nuisance issues into the criminal justice court. They are proposing a community court that you are directed to mental health evaluation and/or drug abuse evaluation, that then leads to treatment.

Raphael gave an update on the Mobility Coalition Program.

Sherryl Muriente and Marco Casagrande spoke on the experience of the Trojan Rocking Horse project that kicked off at the fairgrounds on January 16, 2023, with approximately 40 students participating.

Raphael gave an update on the tree project.

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873|Fax: 561.833.5870| www.downtownwpb.com




Motion to approve the consent items was made by William Jacobson, Bob Sanders seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


Teneka James‐Feaman gave an update and presentation on the DDA’s Incentive Programs, including examples of previous grants, qualifying criteria, and recommended ineligible business types. Lengthy discussion ensued. No action was taken, and staff was directed to make final amendments to the programs for further discussion at the February 2023 Board Meeting.


Tony Theissen from rbb, DDA’s PR company, presented an annual review of the public relations and digital campaign. Staff requested approval for a contract up to $165,000.00 for the upcoming year. Motion to approve the request was made by William Jacobson, Daryl Houston, seconded the motion. Cynthia Nalley opposed the motion. Motion was passed 5 to 1.

Rick Reikenis presented the results of the Executive Director’s annual performance evaluation. Based on the results of the performance evaluation, Chairman Reikenis recommended a salary increase of 3% effective January 1, 2023. Motion to approve the request was made by Bob Sanders, Samantha Bratter seconded the motion. Cynthia Nalley opposed the motion. Motion was passed 5 to 1.



Meeting adjourned at 9:53am. Bob Sanders made the motion, seconded by Daryl Houston. Motion passed unanimously.

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 561.833.8873|Fax: 561.833.5870| www.downtownwpb.com


West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority Balance Sheet No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

December 31, 2022

Current Assets PNC Bank Operating 1,645,849 Valley National Bank - MMA 160,538 PNC Investment Management Acct 5,140 Petty Cash 50 Interest Income Receivable 274 Total Current Assets 1,811,851 Other Assets Lease Security Deposit 23,000 Total Other Assets 23,000 Total Assets 1,834,851 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities Due to Lincoln National 4,782 Vision Premium Payable 46 Flexible Spending Withholding (1,002) Suppl Med Ins. Premium Payable 95 Total Current Liabilities 3,921 Fund Balance 3,601,875 Net Income (1,770,945) Total Fund Balance 1,830,930 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 1,834,851

No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Trolley Gross Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Current Year Revenues - Schedule 1 (911,391) (223,519) 598,214 -37.4% (323,519) 0 0 0 100,000 Expenditures Business Development - Schedule 2 30,721 46,291 693,987 6.7% 15,570 30,721 Public Realm Maintenance - Schedule 3 173,614 541,926 2,120,700 25.6% 541,926 Marketing/Public Relations- Schedule 4 106,989 225,268 1,580,000 14.3% 0 225,268 Neighborhood Services - Schedule 5 117,394 355,385 2,160,000 16.5% 12,806 230,271 112,308 General Office - Schedule 6 2,214 12,774 69,760 18.3% 12,774 Operations - Schedule 7 1,372 6,042 31,328 19.3% 6,042 Professional Services - Schedule 8 6,529 22,819 200,000 11.4% 22,819 Total Personnel Expense 75,994 234,321 1,045,000 22.4% 234,321 Insurance Expense 0 44,407 40,000 111.0% 44,407 Total Rent Expense 12,245 47,801 200,000 23.9% 47,801 Tax Collection 4,299 8,597 20,000 43.0% 8,597 Travel and Training 1,796 1,796 16,000 11.2% 1,796 Reserves 0 0 716,873 0.0% Total Expenditures 533,167 1,547,427 8,893,648 17.4% 948,859 230,271 225,268 112,308 30,721 Current Year Surplus (Deficit) (1,444,558) (1,770,946) (8,295,434) (1,272,378) (230,271) (225,268) (112,308) 69,279 DDA Carryforward 849 4,146 99,487 4.2% 4,146 0 0 0 0 CRA Carryforward 164,047 799,270 2,427,454 32.9% 421,072 100,000 135,169 112,308 30,721 Total Carry Forwards 164,896 803,416 2,526,941 31.8% 425,218 100,000 135,169 112,308 30,721 Net Total Surplus (Deficit) (1,279,662) (967,530) (5,768,493) (847,160) (130,271) (90,099) 0 100,000
Statement of Revenues And Expenditures December 31, 2022
West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

Supplemental Schedules

December 31, 2022


No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Gross Trolley Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Current Year Revenues Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Tax Revenues 1,909,738 2,572,797 2,945,187 87.4% 2,472,797 100,000 TIF (2,821,581) (2,821,581) (2,763,173) 102.1% (2,821,581) Rosemary Square MOU 0 0 135,000 0.0% 0 DDA/CRA Interlocal 0.0% 0 CRA Project Funding 0 0 280,700 0.0% 0 Interest Income 452 1,392 500 278.4% 1,392 Dividend Income 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Gain or (Loss) on Investments 0 22,525 0 0.0% 22,525 Virgin Trains USA Ticket Sales 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Sponsorships 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Fees and Services 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Grants and Contributions 0 1,288 0 0.0% 1,288 Total Reimbursements 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Other Miscellaneous Income 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets 0 60 0 0.0% 60 0 Total Current Year Revenues (911,391) (223,519) 598,214 -37.4% (323,519) 0 0 0 100,000

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

31, 2022



No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Supplemental Schedules December
Gross Trolley Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D
Total Property and Buss Incentives 30,721 30,721 200,000 15.4% 30,721 Facade Improvements 0 150 160,000 0.1% 150 Leasing/Brokers Meeting 0 1,745 30,000 5.8% 1,745 Total Business Training and Support 0 6,500 177,987 3.7% 6,500 Business Partnerships 0 7,175 106,000 6.8% 7,175 Grand Open/New Business 0 0 20,000 0.0% 0 Total Business Development 30,721 46,291 693,987 6.7% 15,570 0 0 0 30,721
Pressure Washing/Street Clean 82,100 164,200 610,000 26.9% 164,200 Clean Team 29,478 88,434 541,300 16.3% 88,434 Graffitti Maintenance 1,000 4,000 20,000 20.0% 4,000 Landscape Maintenance 61,036 128,256 559,400 22.9% 128,256 Holiday Lights 0 157,036 175,000 89.7% 157,036 Signage & Pedestrial Wayfinding 0 0 40,000 0.0% 0 Capital Projects/Alleys 0 0 175,000 0.0% 0 Total Physical Environment 173,614 541,926 2,120,700 25.6% 541,926 0 0 0 0

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

December 31, 2022

No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Supplemental Schedules
Gross Trolley Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D SCHEDULE 4 - MARKETING/PR Survey 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Collateral Materials 4,632 27,950 150,000 18.6% 27,950 PR/Marketing 8,323 10,944 225,000 4.9% 10,944 Retail Promotion 3,363 5,308 80,000 6.6% 5,308 Total Value Added Events 6,552 13,317 150,000 8.9% 13,317 Advertising and Promotion 23,309 91,494 500,000 18.3% 91,494 Marketing Programs 0 600 150,000 0.4% 600 Community & Cultural Promotion 60,810 75,655 325,000 23.3% 75,655 Total Marketing/PR 106,989 225,268 1,580,000 14.3% 0 0 225,268 0 0 SCHEDULE 5 -NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES Homeless Outreach 0 0 150,000 0.0% 0 Transportation 55,953 230,271 975,000 23.6% 230,271 Security and Policing 54,533 112,308 780,000 14.4% 112,308 Public Space Programs 209 421 155,000 0.3% 421 Community Engagement 6,649 8,528 37,000 23.0% 8,528 Residential Programming 50 3,857 63,000 6.1% 3,857 Total Res. Services/Quality of Life 117,394 355,385 2,160,000 16.5% 12,806 230,271 0 112,308 0

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority



No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Supplemental Schedules December
Gross Trolley Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D
31, 2022
General Office Expense - Other 865 3,634 40,000 9.1% 3,634 Investment Expenses 0 2,246 0 0.0% General Postage (100) 163 4,760 3.4% 163 Equipment, Computers, Programs 1,449 6,731 25,000 26.9% 6,731 Total General Office 2,214 12,774 69,760 18.3% 10,528 0 0 0 0
Dues 987 3,730 6,000 62.2% 3,730 Hospitality (60) 416 9,500 4.4% 416 Board Meeting 45 335 5,500 6.1% 335 Publications 0 0 328 0.0% 0 Telephone Expense 400 1,561 10,000 15.6% 1,561 Total Operations 1,372 6,042 31,328 19.3% 6,042 0 0 0 0

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

December 31, 2022


Some rounding error may occur.

No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Supplemental Schedules
Gross Trolley Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D
Accounting 2,500 5,000 30,000 16.7% 5,000 Professional Service 3,026 11,200 60,000 18.7% 11,200 Audit 0 0 25,000 0.0% 0 Studies and Surveys 0 4,500 55,000 8.2% 4,500 Legal 1,003 2,119 30,000 7.1% 2,119 Total Professional Services 6,529 22,819 200,000 11.4% 22,819 0 0 0 0

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Current Assets PNC Bank Operating 7,167,468 Valley National Bank - MMA 160,728 PNC Investment Management Acct 5,412 Petty Cash 50 Interest Income Receivable 19 Total Current Assets 7,333,677 Other Assets Lease Security Deposit 23,000 Total Other Assets 23,000 Total Assets 7,356,677 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities Due to Lincoln National 5,835 Vision Premium Payable (15) Flexible Spending Withholding (880) Suppl Med Ins. Premium Payable 95 Total Current Liabilities 5,035 Fund Balance 3,601,875 Net Income 3,749,767 Total Fund Balance 7,351,642 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 7,356,677 January 31, 2023
Balance Sheet

No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Trolley Gross Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Current Year Revenues - Schedule 1 5,880,785 5,657,265 6,366,707 88.9% 2,767,265 875,000 1,265,000 650,000 100,000 Expenditures Business Development - Schedule 2 16,303 62,593 693,987 9.0% 31,872 30,721 Public Realm Maintenance - Schedule 3 90,510 632,436 2,120,700 29.8% 632,436 Marketing/Public Relations- Schedule 4 74,537 292,257 1,580,000 18.5% 0 292,257 Neighborhood Services - Schedule 5 76,252 431,637 2,160,000 20.0% 15,139 276,248 140,250 General Office - Schedule 6 4,473 17,248 69,760 24.7% 17,248 Operations - Schedule 7 1,194 7,234 31,328 23.1% 7,234 Professional Services - Schedule 8 8,901 31,719 200,000 15.9% 31,719 Total Personnel Expense 82,357 316,679 1,045,000 30.3% 316,679 Insurance Expense 0 44,407 40,000 111.0% 44,407 Rent Expense 13,044 60,845 200,000 30.4% 60,845 Tax Collection 50 8,647 20,000 43.2% 8,647 Travel and Training 0 1,796 16,000 11.2% 1,796 Reserves 0 0 716,873 0.0% Total Expenditures 367,621 1,907,498 8,893,648 21.4% 1,168,022 276,248 292,257 140,250 30,721 Current Year Surplus (Deficit) 5,513,164 3,749,767 (2,526,941) 1,599,243 598,752 972,743 509,750 69,279 DDA Carryforward (487) 3,659 99,487 3.7% 3,659 0 0 0 0 CRA Carryforward 81,987 881,257 2,427,454 36.3% 450,541 100,000 169,995 130,000 30,721 Total Carry Forwards 81,500 884,916 2,526,941 35.0% 454,200 100,000 169,995 130,000 30,721 Net Total Surplus (Deficit) 5,594,664 4,634,683 0 2,053,443 698,752 1,142,738 639,750 100,000
Expenditures January 31, 2023
West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority Statement

Supplemental Schedules

January 31, 2023


No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Gross Trolley Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Current Year Revenues Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Tax Revenues 115,499 2,688,296 2,945,187 91.3% 2,588,296 100,000 TIF 0 (2,821,581) (2,763,173) 102.1% (2,821,581) Rosemary Square MOU 0 0 135,000 0.0% 0 DDA/CRA Interlocal 5,765,076 5,765,076 5,768,493 99.9% 2,975,076 875,000 1,265,000 650,000 CRA Project Funding 0 0 280,700 0.0% 0 Interest Income 210 1,601 500 320.2% 1,601 Dividend Income 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Gain or (Loss) on Investments 0 22,525 0 0.0% 22,525 Virgin Trains USA Ticket Sales 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Sponsorships 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Fees and Services 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Grants and Contributions 0 1,288 0 0.0% 1,288 Total Reimbursements 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Other Miscellaneous Income 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets 0 60 0 0.0% 60 0 Total Current Year Revenues 5,880,785 5,657,265 6,366,707 88.9% 2,767,265 875,000 1,265,000 650,000 100,000

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

January 31, 2023



No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Supplemental Schedules
Gross Trolley Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D
Total Property and Buss Incentives 0 30,721 200,000 15.4% 30,721 Facade Improvements 0 150 160,000 0.1% 150 Leasing/Brokers Meeting 8,452 10,196 30,000 34.0% 10,196 Total Business Training and Support 0 6,500 177,987 3.7% 6,500 Business Partnerships 7,851 15,026 106,000 14.2% 15,026 Grand Open/New Business 0 0 20,000 0.0% 0 Total Business Development 16,303 62,593 693,987 9.0% 31,872 0 0 0 30,721
Pressure Washing/Street Clean 1,600 165,800 610,000 27.2% 165,800 Clean Team 0 88,434 541,300 16.3% 88,434 Graffitti Maintenance 540 4,540 20,000 22.7% 4,540 Landscape Maintenance 88,370 216,626 559,400 38.7% 216,626 Holiday Lights 0 157,036 175,000 89.7% 157,036 Signage & Pedestrial Wayfinding 0 0 40,000 0.0% 0 Capital Projects/Alleys 0 0 175,000 0.0% 0 Total Physical Environment 90,510 632,436 2,120,700 29.8% 632,436 0 0 0 0

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

January 31, 2023

No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Supplemental Schedules
Gross Trolley Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D SCHEDULE 4 - MARKETING/PR Survey 0 0 0 0.0% 0 Collateral Materials 6,390 26,792 150,000 17.9% 26,792 PR/Marketing 0 10,944 225,000 4.9% 10,944 Retail Promotion 5,567 10,875 80,000 13.6% 10,875 Total Value Added Events 13,428 26,745 150,000 17.8% 26,745 Advertising and Promotion 19,067 110,561 500,000 22.1% 110,561 Marketing Programs 15,831 16,431 150,000 11.0% 16,431 Community & Cultural Promotion 14,254 89,909 325,000 27.7% 89,909 Total Marketing/PR 74,537 292,257 1,580,000 18.5% 0 0 292,257 0 0 SCHEDULE 5 -NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES Homeless Outreach 0 0 150,000 0.0% 0 Transportation 45,977 276,248 975,000 28.3% 276,248 Security and Policing 27,942 140,250 780,000 18.0% 140,250 Public Space Programs (186) 235 155,000 0.2% 235 Community Engagement 2,519 11,047 37,000 29.9% 11,047 Residential Programming 0 3,857 63,000 6.1% 3,857 Total Res. Services/Quality of Life 76,252 431,637 2,160,000 20.0% 15,139 276,248 0 140,250 0

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

January 31, 2023



No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Supplemental Schedules
Gross Trolley Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D
General Office Expense - Other 1,339 4,974 40,000 12.4% 4,974 Investment Expenses 3 2,249 0 0.0% General Postage 18 181 4,760 3.8% 181 Equipment, Computers, Programs 3,113 9,844 25,000 39.4% 9,844 Total General Office 4,473 17,248 69,760 24.7% 14,999 0 0 0 0
Dues (680) 3,050 6,000 50.8% 3,050 Hospitality 194 609 9,500 6.4% 609 Board Meeting 794 1,129 5,500 20.5% 1,129 Publications 0 0 328 0.0% 0 Telephone Expense 886 2,446 10,000 24.5% 2,446 Total Operations 1,194 7,234 31,328 23.1% 7,234 0 0 0 0

West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

January 31, 2023


Some rounding error may occur.

No CPA provides any assurance on these financial statements.

Supplemental Schedules
Gross Trolley Annual Budget Work Plan Services Marketing Security Incentives Month Year-to-Date Budget % Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D
Accounting 2,600 7,600 30,000 25.3% 7,600 Professional Service 4,200 15,400 60,000 25.7% 15,400 Audit 0 0 25,000 0.0% 0 Studies and Surveys 1,670 6,170 55,000 11.2% 6,170 Legal 431 2,549 30,000 8.5% 2,549 Total Professional Services 8,901 31,719 200,000 15.9% 31,719 0 0 0 0


To: Rick Reikenis, Chairman

William Jacobson, Vice Chairman

Samantha Bratter

Varisa Lall Dass

Daryl Houston

Cynthia Nalley

Bob Sanders

From: Teneka James‐Feaman, Associate Executive Director

RE: DDA Incentives Discussion

Date: February 21, 2023

Per the Board’s direction at the January meeting, staff will present the updated downtown Incentive Programs.

Staff Recommendations, which include the changes that were decided upon during the January meeting, are as follows:

Façade Grant

o Current Program:

‐ Grants to business owners or property owners for up to 50% of the cost of exterior improvements made to building façades in the DDA district for awnings, signs, landscaping, and other similar exterior improvements.

‐ Storefront: Up to $10,000

‐ Building façade that is 25,000 sq ft or larger: Up to $20,000

Recommend modifications:

‐ Staff approval

Business Incentive

o Current Program

‐ The grant shall not exceed 25% of the total project cost up to a maximum of $75,000

‐ Program eligible in DDA District

‐ Business and Façade Grant Incentives to include not eligible businesses identified as:

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Ph: 561.833.8873 Fax: 561.833.5870 * DowntownWPB.com

 Vape/smoke shop, CBD/Medical Marijuana, tattoo parlors, liquor stores, gun shops, and nightclubs.

Recommend modifications:

‐ Incentive available to businesses located on the ground floor only.

‐ Incentive available to tenant or owner occupied.

‐ DDA Board review for projects over $50,000

‐ Exclude National Brands, defined as a product that is distributed nationally under a brand name owned by a producer or distributor.

Staff is requesting board approval for the Incentive Programs, with recommended modifications as stated above. Pending board approval, the grant programs will be reactivated and made available to all qualified businesses and property owners.

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Ph: 561.833.8873 Fax: 561.833.5870 * DowntownWPB.com

Downtown Incentives

February 21, 2023

Incentive Program Purpose

The incentive programs offered by the West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority (DDA) are intended to provide funding to new businesses or existing businesses within the DDA District to assist with significant modifications to commercial properties.

The goal of the grant programs is to attract a complimentary mix of types, including retail, for profit and not for profit Arts and Cultural facilities, unique restaurants and boutiques, and service-oriented to better serve our downtown community.

Non-Eligible Businesses

Any Business that is not permitted by city code

Any Business with outstanding code enforcement violations or debt to the City

Financial services (State and Federal)

Wholesale shops

National brands in any category

Convenience Stores

Tattoo parlors / Body Piercing/Body Art Shops

Smoking products and accessories / vape shops

Medical Marijuana dispensaries / CBD products

Nightclubs and Bars / Liquor Stores

Current Programs

Business Incentive

- Qualified leasehold improvements

- 25% up to $75,000

Façade Incentive

- Exterior improvements, 50% up $10,000 for storefront and $20,000 for stand alone buildings more than 25,000 sq ft

Grand Opening

- 50% of costs up to $1,000


Façade Grant

Current Program:

- Grants to business owners or property owners for up to 50% of the cost of exterior improvements made to building façades in the DDA district for awnings, signs, landscaping, and other similar exterior improvements.

- Storefront: Up to $10,000

- Building façade that is 25,000 sq ft or larger: Up to $20,000

Recommended modifications:

- Staff approval


Business Incentive

Current Program

- The grant shall not exceed 25% of the total project cost up to a maximum of $75,000

- Available throughout the DDA District

- Exclusion of non-eligible businesses identified as:

▪ Vape/smoke shop, CBD/Medical Marijuana, tattoo parlors, liquor stores, gun shops, and nightclubs.

Recommended Modifications

- Incentive available to businesses located on the ground floor only

- Incentive available to tenant or owner-occupied business

- DDA Board review for projects over $50,000



To: Rick Reikenis, Chairman

William Jacobson, Vice Chairman

Samantha Bratter

Varisa Lall Dass

Daryl Houston

Bob Sanders

Cynthia Nalley

From: Raphael Clemente, Executive Director

RE: Police Department Equipment Request

Date: February 21, 2023

The West Palm Beach Police Department has requested that the DDA help with the purchase of equipment improve their ability to patrol the Downtown area. With rapid growth and increasing activity levels in downtown, ease of mobility and enhanced visibility of police officers is important to maintaining a safe environment, and to presenting an image of safety and security for the community.

The Police Department’s request (please see the attached document) is for a total amount of $61,891 to purchase the following equipment, as well as required accessories and upgrades:

Two EV Elite Allset electric patrol carts, including light kit and graphics: $31,987

Six Recon Interceptor police E‐Bikes with light kits, graphics and accessories: $29,904

This request comes in the middle of a budget year, however it is possible to allocate funds for this request from the DDA’s budget reserves.

Representatives of the West Palm Beach Police Department will be present at the meeting to discuss this request and answer questions.

300 Clematis Street, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Ph: 561.833.8873 Fax: 561.833.5870 * DowntownWPB.com

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