8 minute read
The Walden Project-NY now accepting student enrollments
The RMSC Cumming Nature Center (CNC) is looking for at least four more students to complete The Walden ProjectNY enrollment for this fall.
The Walden Project-NY is a full-time outdoor education program for high school seniors and gap year students that is inspired by the teachings and writings of Henry David Thoreau. Based at the CNC in Naples, the program provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary education in an outdoor setting with an emphasis on academic independence and freedom.
“I feel so lucky to be part of this program. Every day, I watch young people challenge themselves, solve problems in their communities, engage with big ideas, and have meaningful experiences that they’ll remember forever. I can say, without hesitation, that this educational model works,” said Andy Webster, Lead Teacher at The Walden Project-NY. Based on
Legal Notice Town of Sweden
Notice of Town Board Member Attendance at Seymour Library Budget Presentation August 29, 2023
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Town Board members may attend the Seymour Library Board budget presentation on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 7 pm at the Library, 161 East Avenue. That a quorum of Town Board members might be present, but the Board will not convene or take any action. Members will be attending as observers.
This by Order of the Sweden Town Board Karen M. Sweeting, Sweden Town Clerk
Legal Notice Brockport Fire District
Boiler Replacement at Brockport Fire District Station 1
The following resolution was adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Brockport Fire District on August 7, 2023
Resolution to expend from the Brockport Fire District Buildings and Facilities Capital Reserve Fund for the replacement of the Boiler System at Brockport Fire District Station 1, located at 38 Market Street, Brockport NY 14420.
WHEREAS, pursuant to General Municipal Law §6-g, the Brockport Fire District (Fire District), Towns of Sweden and Clarkson, County of Monroe, State of New York, did establish the “Brockport Buildings and Facilities Capital Reserve Fund” a capital reserve fund to finance all or part of the cost of acquisition or the construction, reconstruction, remodeling, refurbishment, acquisition or upgrading of existing Fire District buildings or facilities; to pay or provide for structural improvements or to pay or provide for upgrades to the replacement of the HVAC systems, security, smoke and fire protection services for those buildings or facilities. Fire District facilities include the Fire District training grounds.
WHEREAS there is a need to replace the original Boiler System at Brockport Fire District Station 1, located at 38 Market Street, Brockport, NY 14420. The current boiler system is the original system when the building was constructed in the early 1970’s and is no longer energy efficient and it has become difficult to find replacement parts for repairs.
WHEREAS the above-mentioned work is to be financed from monies in the above-referenced “Brockport Fire District Buildings and Facilities Capital Reserve Fund”, and it is the purpose of said capital reserve fund to fund the replacement of the Boiler System at Brockport Fire District Station 1, located at 38 Market Street, Brockport NY 14420.
NOW BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Brockport Fire District is hereby authorized to expend from the “Brockport Fire District Buildings and Facilities Capital Reserve Fund” an amount not to exceed $300,000 for the purpose of the replacement of the Boiler System at Brockport Fire District Station 1, located at 38 Market Street, Brockport NY 14420 and,
BE IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum and shall not take effect until 30 days has elapsed after its adoption, or unless approved at a special election of the qualified voters of the Brockport Fire District after a proper petition calling for such special election is filed with the Secretary of the Brockport Fire District within the time permitted by law.
The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the vote was as follows:
Patricia Connors, Chairwoman, Commissioner Yes
Allyn Hammel, Vice Chairman, Commissioner Yes
Willard Bird, Commissioner Yes
Debra Bax, Commissioner Yes
David Georgiev, Commissioner Absent
The resolution was thereupon duly declared to have been adopted subject to a permissive referendum.
Dated: August 7, 2023
Debra L. Bax, Secretary Board of Fire Commissioners
Brockport Fire District PO Box 131, 38 Market Street
Brockport NY 14420
17 years of data from the Walden Project in Vermont, Walden students are 40 times more likely to go to college than their peers that learn in a conventional classroom.
The Walden Project-NY at the RMSC Cumming Nature Center will once again offer dual enrollment credit through the Finger Lakes Community College (FLCC) Gemini program. Eligible students enrolled in The Walden Project-NY may earn up to 10 college credits from FLCC after their successful completion of the program and will receive access to Gemini program resources while enrolled in The Walden Project.
“The Walden Project-NY is so important to the mission of the Cumming Nature Center because it not only acts as a capstone opportunity for our thriving suite of Forest School programs, but it also provides students a chance to understand their own learning styles and have the freedom to research
LegaL NoticeS
Legal Notice
Town of Clarkson
Notice of Town Board Member Attendance at Seymour Library Budget Presentation
August 29, 2023 by Order of the Clarkson Town Board
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Town Board members may attend the Seymour Library Board budget presentation on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 7 pm at the Library, 161 East Avenue. That a quorum of Town Board members might be present, but the Board will not convene or take any action. Members will be attending as observers.
Susan Henshaw Clarkson Town Clerk
Legal Notice
Brockport Fire District
Purchase and Installation of Cameras at Brockport Fire District Station 1
The following resolution was adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Brockport Fire District on August 7, 2023.
WHEREAS, pursuant to General Municipal Law §6g, the Brockport Fire District did establish the Brockport Communications Equipment Capital Reserve Fund, a Capital Reserve Fund to finance the cost of acquisition of new or used, upgraded, additional, and replacement communications equipment, including base station radios, vehicle radios, portable radios and pagers, for communication purposes for the Brockport Fire District and in addition to assist the Brockport Fire District with the expense and cost of integrating with the new communication system implemented by Monroe County and to assure the Brockport Fire District is in compliance with this new system.
WHEREAS, there is a need to complete Phase 2 of the installation of cameras at Brockport Fire District Station 1, located at 38 Market Street, Brockport, NY 14420.
WHEREAS, the above-mentioned acquisition is to be financed from monies in the above-referenced “Brockport Fire District Communications Equipment Capital Reserve Fund”, and it is the purpose of said Capital Reserve Fund to fund the acquisition and purchase of such equipment,
NOW BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Brockport Fire District is hereby authorized to expend from the “Brockport Fire District Communications Equipment Capital Reserve Fund” an amount not to exceed $20,000 for the purpose of the purchase and installation of additional cameras at Brockport Fire District Station 1, located at 38 Market Street, Brockport, NY 14420 to complete Phase 2 of the installation of cameras for security and safety of the Brockport Fire District personnel, apparatus, and equipment stored at Brockport Fire District Station 1, located at 38 Market Street, Brockport, NY 14420.
BE IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum and shall not take effect until 30 days has elapsed after its adoption, or unless approved at a special election of the qualified voters of the Brockport Fire District after a proper petition calling for such special election is filed with the Secretary of the Brockport Fire District within the time permitted by law.
The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the vote was as follows:
Patricia Connors, Chairwoman, Commissioner Yes
Allyn Hammel, Vice Chairman, Commissioner Yes
Willard Bird, Commissioner Yes
Debra Bax, Commissioner Yes
David Georgiev, Commissioner Absent
The resolution was thereupon duly declared to have been adopted subject to a permissive referendum.
Dated: August 7, 2023
Debra L. Bax, Secretary Board of Fire Commissioners Brockport, Fire District PO Box 131 38 Market Street
Brockport, New York 14420 topics meaningful to them in a supportive outdoor environment setting,” said Director of the RMSC Cumming Nature Center, Nathan Hayes. “I have no doubt that the Walden Project-NY is leading the way in rethinking what a high school education can be, and in these early years, enrollment is very important to help illustrate the exceptional impact that this program has on students and their futures.”
The Walden Project-NY has received incredible feedback from participants and their families in the last few years, with a parent sharing “I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that this program saved my daughter’s life” and a student sharing that ”My worst day at Walden was a thousand times better than my best day in normal school.”
Enrollment ends on September 1, 2023. Students who are interested in enrolling in The Walden Project-NY program can learn more at rmsc.org/walden.
Provided information
Legal Notice
“MARGHA CONSULTANTS & LANGUAGE SERVICES LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 07/28/2023. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as the agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to P.O. Box 402, North Greece, NY 14515. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.”
Legal Notice
Spencerport Fire District
Spencerport Fire District Board of Commissioners approved the following budget transfers at their Monthly Commissioners Meeting held on August 3, 2023. These transfers are subject to Permissive Referendum.
Motion by: McQuilkin/Seconded by: Dorgan
To approve the transfer of $214,361.00 from the Building Reserve Fund to reimburse the General Fund for expenses related to the new Training Facility. This resolution is subject to permissive referendum.
In Favor: 3 Opposed: 0
Motion by: McQuilkin/Seconded by: Dorgan
To approve the purchase of A Pierce Saber Custom Pumper in the amount of $768,777.00 from the Truck Reserve Fund. This resolution is subject to permissive referendum.
In Favor: 3 Opposed: 0
Jacqueline Sullivan, Secretary Spencerport Fire District
Legal Notice
Town of Hamlin Hamlin Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing
Please be advised that the Hamlin Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing at the Hamlin Town Hall located at 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin on Monday, August 21, 2023 after 7:00 p.m. with on-site inspections by the board beginning after 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 19, 2023 for the following:
Application of Jason & Tina ReQua, owners, Jason & Tina ReQua, seeking relief from Town Code§520-27C which states that a detached private garage or carport or non-agricultural storage barn must be erected equal to or behind the front main foundation line of the principal dwelling or building on the lot and shall not be located nearer than 15 feet to any rear or side property lines, nor closer than 10 feet to any other building on the lot. They are proposing to erect a pole barn in front of the main front foundation line of the existing dwelling. This is in the R-VL Zoning District. Tax account# 002.030-01-08.111.
All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard at this time.
Further information may be obtained by calling 964-8181.
August 7, 2023
Norman Baase - Chairperson Zoning Board of Appeals