What’s New in Electronics Sep 2012

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September 2012

on the cover 4 Personal computers benefit connectors 6

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When two insulators

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become conductors


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short circuits 18

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Choosing the right

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ethernet cable


DC/DC converter - setting up supply systems 29

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The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect 3

on the cover

Simple but powerful microcontroller The recently released Arduino Leonardo is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega32u4. It has 20 digital input/output pins (of which seven can be used as PWM outputs and 12 as analog inputs), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a micro USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller. Connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Leonardo also sports a new pin layout (R3) which will become standard across all Arduino boards. This new addition to the Arduino family differs from preceding boards in that it uses a single microcontroller to both run sketches and for USB communication with a connected computer - eliminating the need for a secondary processor. This allows the Leonardo to appear to a connected computer as a mouse and keyboard, in addition to a virtual (CDC) serial/COM port. Combining these two functions onto a single processor enables more flexibility, simplifies the design and helps lower the cost. The device can be powered via the micro USB connection or with an external power supply. The power source is selected automatically. External (non-USB) power can come either from an AC-to-DC adapter or battery. The adapter can be connected by plugging a 2.1 mm centrepositive plug into the board’s power jack. Leads from a battery can be inserted in the Gnd and Vin pin headers of the power connector. The board can operate on an external supply of 6 to 20 V. However, the recommended range is 7 to 12 V. The ATmega32u4 has 32 KB of memory (with 4 KB used for the bootloader). It also has 2.5 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM. The board has a number of facilities for communicating with a computer, another Arduino or other microcontrollers. The ATmega32U4 provides UART TTL (5 V) serial communication, which is available on digital pins 0 (Rx) and 1 (Tx). It also allows for serial (CDC) communication over USB and appears as a virtual COM port to software on the computer. The chip also acts as a full-speed USB 2.0 device using standard USB COM drivers. A SoftwareSerial library allows for serial communication on any of the Leonardo’s digital pins. The ATmega32U4 also supports I2C (TWI) and SPI communication. The board appears as a generic keyboard and mouse and can be programmed to control these input devices using the keyboard and mouse classes.


The device can be programmed with Arduino software. Reference materials and tutorials are available at http://arduino.cc. The ATmega32U4 comes preburned with a bootloader that allows uploads to new code without the use of an external hardware programmer. It communicates using the AVR109 protocol. The board is available with soldered headers for shield connectivity or without soldered headers for a low-profile development platform. Whether you’re new to this open-source microcontroller board or you are an old pro at building your own interactive projects, you’ll find everything Arduino on the element14 community. Unlike searches on multiple reference sites, the community connects with the latest technical information and resources, helping accelerate the design process. Now with over 110,000 engineering and developer members, it also has a dedicated Arduino Group (http://www. element14.com/community/groups/arduino). By joining the group today, you will have access to: videos and tutorials to help you get started; featured experts to answer technical questions; technical datasheets and specifications; your peers to ask about how they are using Leonardo. With Web 2.0 functionality to facilitate communication, interaction, collaboration and information sharing between members around the world, the community is a go-to resource for staying up to date on the latest topics and innovations in engineering. element14 is now taking early orders for the Leonardo (with headers), which will be distributed in October. Engineers can pre-order via the element14 website (order code: 2133071). element14 au.element14.com

The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect

The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect 5


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Cables & connectors

Personal computers benefit connectors

John MacWilliams, Bishop & Associates

The connector industry has benefited greatly from the rise of personal computer volumes. In recent years, those rewards came from double-digit growth in notebook PCs, including Apple’s version, the MacBook series. These mobile PCs contain 20 to 30 or more connectors and cable assemblies. Some are standard products like USB, VGA, SATA, and RJ45. Inside, the system relies on mostly application-specific/de facto standard interconnect products. All must fit into ever thinner and lighter envelopes. With increasing dynamics of mobile system designs, such as ultrathin laptops, tablets, e-readers and smartphones, the whole nature of how people use computers is changing. Desktops have been negatively affected - although they may come back with a vengeance. The dynamics affecting increased mobile system use include: • Rise of broadband and wireless internet capable of streaming live video over Wi-Fi on 4G/LTE networks; • Huge increase in mobile applications that allow people to access content; • Improvements in battery technology that we assume will be ongoing; • Emergence of ultralight tablets with high-resolution screens and notebook-like performance; • A downward cost curve, resulting in PC-capable devices selling for under $500; • Growth in emerging markets where space is limited; • Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices; • Amazon.com’s Kindle e-reader and Apple’s iTunes online music, publishing and movie libraries; • Semiconductor advances in VLSI, SiP, high-resolution image sensors, accelerometers, etc; • Device packaging with strong, lightweight aluminium and carbon composite cases; • LCD display advances, which will continue marching towards HD OLED technology. 6

Notebook PC unit shipments in the second quarter of 2012 will reach 55 million units - a run rate of 236 million for the year, surpassing desktops. 2Q12 will be +18% vs 1Q12 and +9% year-over-year. Led by Apple and Samsung, the tablet market grew from 22.6 million units in 2010 to a forecast of 83.5 million units in 2012. Digitimes Research projects tablet sales will hit 375 million units by 2016, an astounding six-year CAGR of +60% per year. We have a slightly more conservative number going forward. Including ereaders, which will morph into iPad-like devices or be consumed by them, our total for tablets is 117 million units in 2012 and 208 million units in 2016. The tablet market has more than 10 entrants already, but the lion’s share goes to Apple, with fast-closing Samsung and a credible showing by Kindle Fire. Google’s Android OS for tablets will be akin to Windows OS for PCs, making tablet design relatively easy for new entrants and for software developers. Despite continuing patent litigation, Apple and Samsung are expected to remain in leadership positions. Some say the iPad has had a significant impact on notebooks. That is probably true in the consumer segment, but much less so in B2B applications.

The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect

Cables & connectors

We think this will change quickly, with tablets being used in new applications for mobile workers, from sales personnel to educators and physicians, rather than takeaway sales of PCs. There will be fewer clamshell devices being carried around by workers - unless they are convertible notebooks. Many believe PCs will overcome the early consumer-driven love affair with tablets and that both will grow into the future - PCs in single digits, notebooks in the 8-10% range and tablets at well over 20%. There are several reasons for this optimism: 1. Notebooks are downsizing into MacBook Airs or ultrabooks, with all-day battery power and the latest generation CPUs, such as Intel’s Ivy Bridge processors. 2. Desktops are morphing into more compact and attractive all-in-one systems with 24-27″ HD-LCD displays. 3. PCs = computing power, tablets = content viewing. This may change with new tablet applications and voice input. 4. The PC and its peripherals are ingrained in everyday life and PC use will not change quickly. 5. We expect to see evolutionary developments in future PCs. There will be several impacts on connectors. First, IO counts will go down because a) there is less room inside thin cases and b) newer IO standards such as USB 3.0 and HDMI will cause legacy ports to be eliminated, as Apple has already done. Notebooks will have two to four USB ports; typically one USB 3.0 and two or three USB 2.0. They’ll also have one VGA or DisplayPort/Thunderbolt, HDMI, RJ45, audio port and card reader. Ultrabooks will have two USB ports with one 3.0, a DisplayPort, micro-HDMI and RJ45. Internal connector counts will drop, due to higher levels of integration and direct attach of CPUs and memory (few if any sockets). Whether HDD or SSD, the drive IO will be SATA. Notebooks will retain an optical drive, while most ultrabooks will not. Thin flex cables are used and motherboards will continue to shrink in size. Typically each subsystem will be connected with a flat cable or be board-toboard connectorised. We are not yet ready to predict what will happen between VGA and Thunderbolt. That will be an interesting dynamic in the future PC market. The average connector count will be about 25 for notebooks and 15-20 for

ultrabooks. With an average of 22-23 per system overall. The 2012 notebook connector market should approximate 5.5 billion units. The tablet market for connectors will be a different story, with fewer units per system, including few IO ports but rapidly rising volumes. Apple has two IO ports, its proprietary USB combo port and an audio jack. The iPad depends more on Wi-Fi or cellular communications. Other tablets are more liberal with IO ports, including card slots and micro-HDMI. Internally, there are few connectors; mostly boardto-board and cable-to-board; on average eight to 10 per system. We believe this number will increase as more IO ports are added. On the other hand, there will continue to be downward pressure to reduce costs, due to high levels of integration. Thus the tablet/e-reader connector market should be around 900 million units and around 2 billion units in 2016. With notebooks and tablets, ancillary cable, docking connections, external displays, printers and other external peripherals will add to the total. Bluetooth will continue to cut into external cabling. But don’t forget, you really need to have a PC or Mac to dock your tablet. Virtually all mobile devices will be assembled in Asia, mostly in China by subcontract manufacturers based in Taiwan and China. Currently, it is said that China’s restrictions on exporting rare earth materials is one reason why it dominates mobile platform devices. This is because their displays and batteries contain materials mined "Despite continuing patent in China. litigation, Apple and Samsung With some exceptions, the component parts are expected to remain in assembled into these systems are also made in leadership positions." China, often in adjacent sites. Continuing friction with China on several levels may be resolved because of mutual interests - or the mid-term future could see insourcing to the Americas, particularly if there is some untoward event or a major manufacturer bites the bullet and repatriates manufacturing to its own territory. For now, the world is about 99% dependent on China manufacturing for computer motherboards, notebooks, ultrabooks, iPads and mobile phones. The future looks bright for mobile computer and tablet systems. Despite predictions of doom for the PC, it will continue to grow because of a world market, its unique capabilities and the desire of its movers and shakers to innovate new products and applications. Market saturation is not likely because of constant new product innovation and replacement cycles. The new ultrabook design is compelling, but its initial cost may dampen growth until prices come down closer to conventional notebook systems. Ultrabooks will become a staple for upscale consumers and professionals. Entry-level users may be eschewing notebooks and desktops for tablets, but it won’t be pricing that drives them there; rather, it will be ease of use, content applications and buzz. There is the start of an explosion in tablet-related productivity tools for business and institutional use. Longer term, tablets will gain computing functionality, and it will be interesting to see how that plays out against conventional PC systems. The connector market for these devices will grow because of sheer computer volumes and will remain somewhat challenging due to small size and density, coupled with high performance and the need to manufacture close to the ODM/EMS assembler, typically in China. Robin Pearce, Bishop & Associates rpearce@bishopinc.com

The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect 7

newproducts MIMO signals test Rohde & Schwarz is claiming to be the first T&M equipment supplier to offer a test solution for 3GPP LTE uplink with MIMO technology. The current release of the R&S FS-K103PC software option for the FSV, FSQ and FSW signal analysers allows chipset manufacturers to develop the components for tomorrow’s user equipment - today. The software already meets one of the requirements of LTE-Advanced, the next incarnation of the 3GPP LTE standard. In release 10 for LTE-Advanced, the 3GPP has specified that user equipment with MIMO technology will be able to use up to four antennas to transmit data in the uplink to the mobile radio network. In the downlink, up to eight parallel data streams are provided. MIMO allows the capacity of the LTE network to be expanded even further. Currently, 3GPP LTE only uses MIMO in the downlink with four parallel data streams. Until now, transmission of only one data stream was possible in the uplink. Chipset developers can use the new software option to directly test whether the LTE uplink MIMO function is correctly implemented in the device under test. A set-up consisting of two signal analysers connected to a PC is used to test two antennas of the device under test simultaneously. This allows users to verify the MIMO pre-coding. The software analyses the data streams and their distribution among the antennas according to the matrix multiplication defined by 3GPP. This also makes it possible to verify the time correlation between the antenna signals. Rohde & Schwarz (Australia) Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R046

Better headset audio AMS has introduced the AS3421 and AS3422, with integrated speaker driver ICs which make it easier for manufacturers of Bluetooth headsets, headphones and earpieces to implement active noise cancellation.

RF vector signal transceiver The NI PXIe-5644R RF vector signal transceiver (VST), a software-designed instrument, combines a vector signal generator and vector signal analyser with a user-programmable FPGA into a single PXI modular instrument. Engineers can transform the vector signal transceiver into a new instrument or enhance its existing functionality using NI LabVIEW system design software. The VST is suitable for testing the latest wireless and cellular standards such as 802.11ac and LTE. Features include: up to 6.0 GHz frequency coverage and 80 MHz instantaneous RF bandwidth; performance for testing wireless standards such as 802.11ac and LTE; fast measurements; built on FPGA technology programmable with LabVIEW; easily expands to support multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) configurations or parallel testing in a single PXI chassis. National Instruments Australia Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R140

Prototype PCB service

Wireless headsets, which may be linked over the air to devices such as mobile phones and portable media players, are often used in noisy environments such as cars, aircraft, office buildings and public places. ANC reduces the perceived volume of external noise, enabling the desired receivepath audio signal to be heard against a nearly silent background. Headset users can therefore: hear speech more clearly on voice calls and benefit from improved intelligibility; enjoy the full dynamic and frequency range of reproduced music at a comfortable playback volume; concentrate for longer and benefit from a less tiring and stressful listening experience. Single-chip ANC solutions with integrated speaker driver ICs process external noise sensed by a microphone embedded in the headset and generate a noise-cancelling signal, while amplifying the desired audio signal with very low levels of distortion. Digi-Key Corporation Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q761


An additional prototype service is being provided to complement Lintek’s existing Fast Turn prototype service, which is currently offered across the entire spectrum of boards manufactured. The service will be aimed at providing Fast Turn at lower cost on standard FR4 1.60 mm, single-sided and DSPTH circuit boards, to help users with basic PCB requirements. The service will be called the Mini Prototype Service and is specifically designed to meet requirements when only a part of a standard 18 x 24″ panel is required. This service will allow users to buy a panel with a usable area of 8 x 11″. The service is available from the beginning of September. Lintek Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R095

The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect


Year Warranty

PBB21C 300/600 Watt PBB21C series is ideally suited to many industries, LED signage, automation and test & measurement applications. The PBB21C series has been designed to include streamlined functions and smart circuits as basic concept. Extended reliability, depending on usage, lifetime is possible to exceed 10 years. Conformal coating for outside usage, low leakage current for medical equipment are optional. PBB21C series offers cost effectiveness and high reliability for your system.


newproducts Online tool update An updated version of online knowledge tool the Knode has been launched and is said to be the only online resource for embedded and PCB design engineers who want to quickly find products and solutions to complete a project. The tool connects engineers with the latest technical information and resources from the world’s suppliers. The latest design includes: a cleaner design and intuitive navigation that makes it easier to find information fast; more space for new solutions, better access to video, application-specific content and downloads; quick access to technical content and solutions with a one-click search from the home page across all areas of the design flow with all required technical content from a single search bar; new personalisation features such as ‘my list’ that helps securely store and share relevant information gather and store parts, code, examples and documents; more technical content and resources for embedded design and PCB design flows with quick access to detailed information, app notes, datasheets, videos and downloads; access development kits, development tools and embedded software from manufacturers such as ARM, Freescale, Micrium, Microchip and TI. Plus exclusive development kits, PCB design software, schematics and CAD models.

Embedded motherboard The embedded Mini-ITX motherboard KTA70M/mITX based on the AMD embedded R-series accelerated processing unit provides accelerated processing capabilities and graphics with the ability to drive up to four displays simultaneously, either as independent displays or as a single large surface. This makes the device suitable for midrange to high-performance rich media applications in vertical markets such as medical, industrial automation, gaming and digital signage. The motherboard delivers scalable performance from soldered dual-core up to quad-core APUs at an optimal balanced performance per watt ratio and maintains a low thermal design power of 25 W.

element14 Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q885

PTC thermistors Vishay has introduced a series of radial-leaded, positive temperature coefficient thermistors. Devices in the TFPTL series feature nickel thin film elements with positive temperature coefficients of +4110 ppm/K, fast response time of <2 s and high stability over a wide temperature range from -55 to +150°C. Available in two sizes with lead pitches of 2.5 and 5.0 mm, the thermistors offer designers a wide variety of standard resistance values at +25°C (R25) from 100 Ω to 5 kΩ and tolerances of ±1% and ±5%. Non-standard resistance values and tolerances are also available. With their long-term stability (typical <0.1% drift) and high-temperature performance, they can be used for temperature measurement, sensing, compensation and control in industrial and consumer applications. They can also replace silicon-based temperature sensors. Fastron Technologies Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q915

HDMI matrix switch The SM-8X8-C6HDR-HDBT HDMI matrix switch uses HDBase-T technology to route uncompressed digital HDMI video and IR control signals from multiple HDMI video sources to multiple displays. The technology allows the matrix switch to support HDTV resolutions up to 1080p with an uncompressed bandwidth of 225 MHz (6.75 Gbps) to effectively eliminate video compression artefacts. The switch provides direct HDMI inputs and CAT6 outputs that provide a maximum extension of 100 m from the switch to remote CAT6 to HDMI Receivers. Up to eight HDMI video sources can be connected in any combination to eight video displays. The device is HDCP compliant and supports 12-bit deep colour, x.v.colour, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD master audio, Dolby digital, DTS 7.1 and LPCM, Lip Sync, 3D and consumer electronic control. Users can configure and control the matrix switch by using the front panel buttons, via a serial port connection or by using the IR remote control. Interworld Electronics & Computer Industries Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q937


It also enables digital signage applications with support for large displays with resolutions up to 4096x2160pixels. Developers can also use the accelerated processing capabilities of the APU with up to 426 Gflops, to accelerate both graphicsand compute-intensive applications while using industry-standard libraries such as OpenCL, DirectX 11 and DirectCompute. The device is based on the AMD A70M controller hub and offers a maximum of 16 GB RAM. It is available with the quad-core AMD embedded R-series APU R-460L (2.0 GHz, 2.8 GHz in turbo mode) and R-452L (2.0 GHz, 2.4 in turbo mode) as well as the dual core R-252F APU (1.9 GHz, 2.4 in turbo mode). Connections for video include 2x DisplayPort (DP) and 1x VGA. Additional displays can be connected either via DP ‘daisy chain’ or with an optional DP add-on card. For expansion cards it features 1x Gen 2.0 PCI Express x8 PEG port and 1x Gen 2.0 PCI Express x4 slot, 4x USB 3.0, 10x USB 2.0 and 2x GbE-LAN allowing for peripheral and networking options. A wide range of storage media can be connected via the five SATA600 interfaces with RAID 0/1 functionality and one mSATA (mini-SATA) socket for onboard SSD. Kontron Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q911

The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect

newproducts Position control The Axioline I/O system has been expanded to include the AXL SSI 1/AO 1 module for position detection. The terminal also has an analog output to control drives. The combination of position measurement via the SSI interface and simultaneous analog set point input offers simple and fast positioning. The SSI interface enables fast communication with encoders up to a transmission frequency of 2 MHz. The value transferred by the encoder can be directly converted into a position by the module. This functionality shortens commissioning times. The automation terminal has a resolution of up to 56 bits and supports Gray and binary encoders, making it sufficiently flexible for a range of applications. Additional functions include the synchronisation of the SSI values with the digital or analog inputs and outputs of the Axioline station as well as detailed diagnostics of the module and encoder. The positioning solution is rounded off by the integrated analog output for specifying a set point. Users can define a set point position with standard voltage or current signals, eg, for frequency converters. Phoenix Contact Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q889


Motor/drive catalogue T h e m a x o n m o t o r c at al ogu e 2012/13 contains about 3100 products with the electronics and DC motor drive system program. In 390 pages over 1700 DC motors, 993 transmissions and gearheads, 199 linear actuators and ball screws, 65 position and speed sensors and a variety of drive electronics are shown. With the enclosed DVD, users can browse through the catalogue, data sheets, print or save. In addition, all technical drawings are in DXF and STEP format for import into any CAD system. Also included on the DVD, the ‘maxon selection program’ (MSP) helps to find the optimal drive solution. maxon motor Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q880

The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect

Materials research

The researchers Claudia Cancellieri (left) and Mathilde Reinle-Schmitt at an apparatus that produces thin layers of different materials with the aid of a laser.

When two insulators become conductors How can two materials which do not conduct electricity create an electrically conducting layer when they are joined together? Since this effect was discovered in 2004, researchers have developed various hypotheses to answer this question - each with its own advocates, who defend it and try to prove its validity. Now, an international team under the leadership of researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute has probably settled the controversy. They have shown that it is the combination of the properties of both materials that produces the effect and therefore disproved an alternative hypothesis, which proposes that the materials mix at the interface to create a new, conducting material. The materials under study are so-called perovskites, members of a large class of materials with interesting electrical or magnetic properties that could play a significant role in electronics and computing in the future. In 2004, researchers discovered that if two materials, SrTiO 3 and LaAIO 3 - both of which are electrical insulators - are joined together, a thin, electrically conducting region is formed at their interface. Since

then a number of hypotheses were proposed to explain this effect, which has led to controversy ever since. Of the various explanations, effectively only two competing hypotheses have survived. To compare their relative merits, an appropriate experiment was performed by scientists at PSI, together with colleagues from the University of Geneva. In addition, scientists from the University of Liège have contributed important theoretical insights. Both substances are complex metal-oxide materials - so-called perovskites - with a "Other researchers are typical layered structure. In SrTiO 3 , the nevertheless convinced that structure consists of alternating planes of strontium oxide (SrO) and titanium dioxide conductivity is created because (TiO 2), while in LaAIO 3, they are lanthanum both compounds are known to oxide (LaO) and aluminium dioxide (AIO2). combine at their interface and this The two materials, however, differ in one intermixed material is conducting." crucial aspect. In SrTiO 3, both planes are electrically neutral, while in LaAIO3 they are alternately positively and negatively charged. The combination of two such materials leads, in the opinion of one school of thought, to the transfer of mobile electrons to the interface between the two materials, making this ultrathin interfacial region conducting. This happens, however, only when the LaAIO 3 film is thick enough. Otherwise, the combination of materials remains an insulator. This hypothesis is known as the ‘polar catastrophe’. Other researchers are nevertheless convinced that conductivity is created because

The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect 13

Materials research

Structure of the material investigated. Lower: Pure SrTiO3 (dark blue: strontium Sr; turquoise: titanium Ti; grey: oxygen O) with alternating planes of SrO and TiO2. Upper: Mixed layer of SrTiO3 and LaAIO3 (red: lanthanum La; orange: aluminium Al).

both compounds are known to combine at their interface and this intermixed material is conducting. To clarify this controversy, the researchers wanted to answer the question, “Is a mixture of the two substances conducting?” Researcher at PSI Mathilde Reinle-Schmitt says, “We used again SrTiO 3 and LaAIO 3 in various proportions and thicknesses and then measured the conductivity. The results were surprising. For thin layers of deposited mixtures, the system was insulating, while for thicker layers the interface was conducting, although the layers themselves were not, just as for pure LaAIO 3. What changed was that the mixed layer had to be correspondingly thicker with less LaAIO 3 in the mixture. Perovskites, the category to which the materials being investigated belong, often have interesting electrical and magnetic properties, some of which have never been observed in any other materials.An additional important property is highlighted by Philip Willmott, leader of the investigating group at PSI.

In contrast to traditional semiconductors used today, different perovskites have a similar crystalline and chemical structure and can be incorporated so that materials with different characteristics can be combined into a single device, such as a superconductor with a material which reacts sensitively to magnet fields or one that can detect substances in the air. Materials in which the current does not flow in all three dimensions but in only one or, as here, in two, are also current topics of research that could lead to numerous applications.

Paul Scherrer Institute www.psi.ch

newproducts 600 V trench IGBTs A family of motor vehicle-qualified 600 V IGBTs for electric and hybrid vehicle applications including airconditioner inverters, pumps and positive temperature coefficient (PTC) heaters has been introduced. Co-packaged with a diode and available in a D2Pak package for compact surface-mount systems, the devices have a nominal current of 24 A and a minimum short circuit rating of 5 µs. They also offer low VCE(on) to reduce power dissipation and achieve high power density and positive VCE(on) temperature coefficient, making them suitable for paralleling. The family also features an optimised square reverse bias safe operating area (RBSOA) and up to 175°C maximum operating temperature. They are available in TO-262 and TO-220 packages for standard through-hole assembly.

Fibre connector The Neutrik opticalCON fibre-optic connection system series has been improved. The Advanced series includes: lockable, O-ring sealed metal protection cap; ratched lock bushing; custom colour coding; protective rubber coating; ergonomic anti-kinking boot.

Amber Technology Limited Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q954

Mouser Electronics Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q927


The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect

newproducts Touch panel PC

Plasma coatings

iBase’s environmentally friendly RISC-based touch panel PC system, the MRS800, is a fanless panel PC based on the Cortex-A8 600 MHz microprocessor, TI AM3517. The panel PC offers 256 MB of DDR2 memory and onboard 512 MB NAND flash/SD card for storage. It features the necessary interfaces required for use in many different applications and industries: 1 x 10/100 ethernet with optional PoE support, 1 x USB, 1 x RS232, 1 x SD card slot and a 12 VDC-in jack. It has a programmable LED light bar and supports USB OTG (USB on-the-go). The resistive-touch panel is supplied with a black plastic enclosure and an 8″ TFT display, featuring an 800 x 600 resolution. It can be integrated with a VESA mount support (75 x 75 mm). The stand-alone device supports high-level operating systems such as Linux 2.6.x, Windows CE 6.0 and Android 2.3. Supporting 3D graphics acceleration, the PC is suitable for a diverse range of applications, including industrial and home automation, POS terminal and kiosk panel usages.

Nanofics coatings on electronic components such as PCBs provide a surface barrier against water and oil and protect against corrosion and oxidation. The coatings, manufactured by Europlasma, are a plasma that can penetrate into the core of complex shaped products and can be soldered through using existing fluxes and pastes. An additional advantage is that the coatings are flexible, flame and temperature resistant and, when applied to an electronic device, make it waterproof.

Backplane Systems Technology Pty Ltd

Harting Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q464

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/N980

Kobot Systems Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R156

Flexibility for automation M12 circuit board connectors are now available in variable custom bodies. Housing/flange sockets and insulating bodies are kept separate from each other for greater flexibility. This design is often demanded for automation as housing/ flange sockets are often integrated directly into the housing. A further benefit is that all models are the same height. All M12 connectors are the same height whether female or male. This means that all straight, vertical models required for the circuit board can be supplied from the same source.

The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect 15

newproducts Power source The EM test Netwave series is a single-phase AC/DC power source, specifically designed to meet the requirements of standards IEC/EN 61000-4-13, -4-14 and -4-28. Used as a DC power source, it covers the requirements of IEC/EN 61000-4-17 (ripple on DC) and IEC/EN 61000-4-29 for voltage dips and interruptions on DC supplies. With its low distortion and high stability, even if supplying dynamic loads, the series guarantees full compliant measurements for harmonics and flicker testing as per IEC/EN 61000-3-2,-3-3,-3-11 and -3-12 as well as JIS C 61000-3-2. The series is suitable for testing inverters (eg, solar power, wind power) and e-vehicles. Additionally, it is suitable for avionics testing as per DO-160, Airbus ABD0100 and Boeing as well as per MIL-STD-704. The series comprises the Netwave 3 with 3.50 kVA output, the 7 with 7.50 kVA output and the 7.2, which is also compliant for testing power phenomenon under MIL-STD-704 and aircraft avionics testing as per DO-160, Airbus ABD0100 and Boeing. It also includes the required isolation transformer, built into an MRAC 25 with space to house a DPA 500N harmonics and flicker analyser. Consultant Technology Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q763

Clamp meters Fluke Corporation has introduced the 320 series true-RMS clamp meters that produce noise-free measurements in tough environments. The 323, 324 and 325 are suitable for rugged, all-purpose use in residential, commercial, HVAC/R and light industrial electrical applications. The series features: slim, ergonomic design for comfortable all-day use; large, easy-to-read display; CAT III 600 V/CAT IV 300 V safety ratings; true-RMS AC voltage and current for accurate measurement of nonlinear signals; DC current, frequency and resistance up to 40 kΩ for motor testing. The 324 and 325 models offer a backlit display, contact temperature readings from 10 to 400°C and capacitance measurements from 100 to 1000 µF. The 325 model also offers DC current measurements up to 400 A and frequency measurements from 5 to 500 Hz and min/ max function. Fluke Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q916

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newproducts LED floodlight

LDMOS transistors Richardson has announced availability and design support for two new laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) transistors from Freescale. The two RF power FETs feature enhanced ruggedness of 65:1 VSWR and wideband operation over 1 MHz to 2 GHz. The unmatched transistors can deliver full CW rated power over the entire operating frequency range. The combination of integrated stability enhancements and optimised impedances allow for a simpler wideband implementation than previous generations of LDMOS transistors. The devices are housed in low thermal resistance packaging and are suitable for applications involving harsh conditions, including HF-UHF transmitters and transceivers, television transmitters, white space data transceivers, aerospace and defence systems, test equipment and radar systems. Key features of the 25 W MRFE6VS25NR1 include: frequency range: 1.8 to 2000 MHz; gain: 25.4 dB; pout: 25 W; power added efficiency: 74.5%; supply voltage: 50 DC; thermal resistance: 1.2ºC/W; package type: TO-270-2. Key features of the 100 W MRFE6VP100HR5 include: frequency range: 1.8 to 2000 MHz; gain: 26 dB; pout: 100 W; power added efficiency: 70%; supply voltage: 50 DC; thermal resistance: 0.38ºC/W; package type: NI-780-4; also available in gull wing MRFE6VP100HSR5.

Designed and manufactured in Britain, the Marl 748 series floodlight is 10 cm deep but delivers 3000 lumens from an input of 56 W. The lamp has a rated life of 60,000 hours, equivalent to over 13 years at 12 hours a day. In this time, a metal halide floodlight would need to be replaced 20 times, based on a standard life of 3000 hours. The lamp uses 60% less energy than an equivalent metal halide lamp and is suitable for security lights in warehouses, car parks and other commercial and industrial premises. The series floodlights is based on the Osram Golden Dragon Plus LEDs, packaged in a die-cast, powder-coated aluminium housing protected by tempered glass. The units are weatherproof, being sealed to IP66 standard and are suitable for operation between -30 and +45°C. An optional dusk-dawn sensor can be fitted to bring the light on when ambient light levels drop below a preset level. The series is offered in four versions, with medium, wide and extra-wide beams as well as an oval beam. Aerospace & Defence Products Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R073

Wireless Components Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q754

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Standardising M2M

Emona distributing Oscium range Emona Instruments has been appointed the Australian distributor of the Oscium range of iOS test instruments. The test equipment modules take advantage of the intuitive features and touch screen technology of the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch and interface via the iOS family’s 30-pin dock connector to create a new category of test equipment called iOS Test. The equipment platform is intuitive, portable and modular. The range is made up of three instruments, the WiPry-Combo a combined spectrum analyser and peak power meter, the iMSO mixed signal oscilloscope and the LogicScope logic analyser. Software can also be downloaded from the App Store for a test drive. The WiPry-Combo is a 2.4 GHz ISM band spectrum analyser and peak power meter that visualises Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Bluetooth and remote sensor networks. The iMSO-104 is said to be the world’s first mixed signal oscilloscope designed specifically for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. LogiScope is a 100 MHz, 16-channel logic analyser.

Global distribution Mouser Electronics has signed a worldwide distribution agreement with Intersil. The agreement means faster access to Intersil’s newest amplifiers, power modules, analog multiplexers, FET drivers, PWM controllers, interface ICs, switches and video ICs.

Seven of the world’s information and communications technology Standards Development Organisations have launched a global organisation to ensure the most efficient deployment of machine-to-machine communications systems. The organisation, called oneM2M, will develop specifications to ensure the global functionality of M2M - allowing a range of industries to effectively take advantage of the benefits of this emerging technology. At a meeting in the US, the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses and the Telecommunication Technology Committee of Japan; the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions and the Telecommunications Industry Association of the US; the China Communications Standards Association; the European Telecommunications Standards Institute; and the Telecommunications Technology Association of Korea launched oneM2M. The members will develop technical specifications and reports to ensure M2M devices can successfully communicate globally. The number of M2M connections is growing, with some forecasts as high as 50 billion by 2020. These connections will reside within virtually every major market category and oneM2M will play a vital role to ensure that these industries - from healthcare to transport and energy to agriculture - can benefit fully from the opportunities that M2M communications present. The initial goal of oneM2M will be to confront the need for a common M2M service layer, which can be readily embedded within various hardware and software and relied on to connect the devices in the field with M2M application servers worldwide. With an access independent view of end-to-end services, oneM2M will also develop globally agreed-on M2M end-to-end specifications using common use cases and architecture principles across multiple M2M applications. oneM2M is open to participation from other interested organisations and parties, as well as cooperative efforts with other organisations. For further information, please consult www.onem2m.org.

Battery recycling All waste batteries and accumulators such as lead acid and nickel-cadmium cells must be recycled under new legislation enacted by the European Union. The action comes following environmental concerns about the hazardous waste generated by disposing of electrical and electronic equipment. Now there will be a recycling efficiency of between 65 and 85% although the process does not include the steps involved in sorting or preparing batteries for recycling but is defined as the reprocessing operation carried out on waste batteries and accumulators. Only when the materials have ceased to be waste is the recycling considered to be complete. 18

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RS Components and Allied Electronics are taking general orders for Raspberry Pi, the credit card-sized computer board developed to boost the uptake of computer programming among young people and enthusiasts. Orders can be placed by visiting http://pi.rsdelivers.com. Users can order multiple quantities of the model B board, along with the associated accessories to enable users to get started, including SD cards pre-loaded with the Raspberry Pi operating system and cases for storage. Previously available only from the dedicated RS and Allied online Pi Store, businesses, engineering professionals and educational institutions can now route their orders through the local RS and Allied websites. Those customers intending to buy the Raspberry Pi for personal use will use the Pi Store to make their purchase. While existing orders for Raspberry Pi will continue to be fulfilled through the next few months, the ramp-up of production has enabled RS and Allied to lift the restrictions on the number of units per user. Orders can be placed for unlimited quantities of Raspberry Pi and the associated accessories without the requirement to register or to receive an invitation to order. These orders will start reaching users by the end of September.


Raspberry Pi more available

Sensor labels signing Bemis has signed a joint development agreement with Thin Film Electronics ASA to develop a Bemis intelligent packaging platform. The agreement will accelerate the commercial development of functional sensor labels manufactured from new and emerging printed electronic technology made from Thin Film’s read/write printed memory and program logic. When used with Bemis packaging, the range of ‘intelligent’ labels will monitor and record key physical properties and environmental data in packaged perishable products.

The Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium (EEMBC) is now 15 years old and has gained in popularity with embedded system designers. Originally launched to provide comparable and objective performance data on general-purpose embedded microprocessors, EEMBC has broadened its scope to include benchmarking integrated SoCs capable of tackling both specific and general-purpose tasks, as well as the performance of smartphones and tablet PCs and next-generation firewall appliances performing deep packet inspection. The concept of benchmarking has changed, going beyond speed measurements while performing abstract computing functions to include energy consumption and aspects of performance that are much closer to the user experience. Today, EEMBC has 130 processor, tools and systems vendors among its commercial members and licensees. Additionally, the consortium contributes to research in the embedded processor field by licensing its benchmark suites to more than 100 universities worldwide. The best known of EEMBC’s processor benchmarks is CoreMark, a freely licensed benchmark that has been downloaded by almost 8000 users to analyse and compare processor core performance. Recently developed EEMBC benchmarks also include MultiBench, a tool for evaluating multicore processor performance, and AndEBench and BrowsingBench, benchmark suites that directly analyse the performance of a smartphone or tablet and indirectly measure the performance of the internal SoC as well as the system software stack.

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Popularity grows for benchmark consortium

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newproducts UPS management

Inlet filters The Schaffner FN9280 and FN9290 IEC inlet filters are equipped with C14 type IEC appliance inlets. Tight RF jointing comprising flange frames with deep-drawn steel housings provide a high degree of shielding against strong magnetic fields. The flange mount system offers either horizontal or vertical mounting holes to enable front or back mounting. The 9280 filters have a single-stage topology and the FN9290 is a two-stage device offering an insertion loss of 80 dB typically. Both have a compact design with a height of 46 mm and a dual fuse holder for a spare fuse. The dual pole power switch isolates the filters from the mains and can be removed for maintenance. The B versions of both series have a minimal leakage current of 5 µA maximum and are suitable for medical devices. The E versions are provided with earth line choke for additional asymmetric interference suppression.

Intelligent Power Manager software has capabilities to remotely shut down a host server during a power outage within VMware vSphere high-availability mode. Eaton is claimed to be the first uninterruptible power system manufacturer to offer these capabilities within HA mode. Building on Power Manager’s existing integration with vSphere, IT and data centre managers running vSphere HA can now shut down a host server remotely when an event threatens the power to the server. It will shut down the host server and all the virtual machines residing on it, protecting unsaved work and preserving data integrity. The software update also provides a company digital signature for the Power Manager and Power Protector packages. Eaton Industries Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q920

Signal input board

Crystek’s CVCO33BE-1662-1708 VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) operates from 1662 to 1708 MHz with a control voltage range of 0.5 to 4.5. This VCO features a typical phase noise of -106 dBc/ Hz at 10 kHz offset and has good linearity. Output power is typically +2 dBm. Input voltage is 5, with a maximum current consumption of 20 mA. Pulling and pushing are minimised to 5.0 MHz and 5.0 MHz/V. Second harmonic suppression is -15 dBc typical.

The modular multichannel MultiCell 8619 is designed with standard functions and extension modules, to customise the transmitter/controller to specific application needs and connected sensors. An extension module has been released as a signal input board that can be used for direct connection of two additional digital-input flow sensors and two additional analog-input measurement devices. The board features two 4-20 mA signal inputs for any type of transmitter with a suitable signal output, such as pressure, level or water chemistry parameters including turbidity, oxygen, free chlorine, ozone, etc. These analog inputs can be locally altered to 0-5 V or 0-10 V inputs. By using the analog inputs as, for example, external set points further functionality is achieved. The board is also equipped with two digital NPN and PNP transistor inputs for connecting transmitters with frequency output, such as flow transmitters. Alternatively, the digital inputs can be used as contact inputs to trigger selected functions of the 8619.

Wireless Components

Burkert Fluid Control Systems

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Westek Electronics Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q901

VC oscillator



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newproducts Vandal-proof light The LumenRay XVP is lighting for harsh environments that has been developed at the request of the Cook County Correctional facility to provide a vandal-proof lighting that would withstand maltreatment from prison inmates. Designed to withstand maximum abuse, the lamp also combines LED technology to provide a brighter light while consuming less energy, with each unit consuming about 40 W and providing longer life. The lamp is all about ruggedness being engineered from aircraft-grade extruded aluminium and combined with an impact-resistant, polycarbonate lens that has 250 times the impact strength of glass. A mounting and installation hardware method creates an impenetrable light fixture. Aerospace & Defence Products Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R069

Scooter fuel gauge ams, designer and manufacturer of analog ICs for consumer, communications, industry, medical and motor vehicle applications, has developed a reference design to show how a simple current and voltage measurement circuit can produce state of charge readings for electric scooter batteries. The design uses the AS8510 sensor interface, a twochannel battery sensor interface, together with an eight-bit microcontroller, an LDO and an LED driver (driving an LED bar graph display). Electric scooter manufacturers could replace today’s voltmeter displays with a fuel gauge, to make the vehicle more user friendly for the rider. Digi-Key Corporation Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R029



PC for medical use An embedded box PC, ARK1120, which was released earlier this year, has been installed in a medical trolley by a supplier in the US. For this medical application, the computer has four USB and two COM ports and a half-size, mini-PCIe slot to connect to a wireless module. The PC is under the trolley table and a connected touch panel is on top where nurses and doctors can read data. The COM ports connect to instruments that measure the patient’s vital signs. A barcode reader allows nurses to scan codes and read data from a server while the vital signs are transmitted to a server by wireless. The palm-size, fanless device uses an Atom N455 processor running at 1.66 GHz and has a 1 GB SATA HDD. Power consumption is 10 W.

Environmental Monitoring Systems DATA CENTRES






93 7

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Advantech Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R027

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newproducts I/O modules High-speed input/output modules for the ControlLogix programmable automation controller platform enables faster machine speeds in a wide range of discrete applications. The Allen-Bradley ControlLogix 24 VDC I/O modules, used with the ControlLogix 5570 family of PACs, can improve total system response time through new hardware and peer-to-peer communication capabilities that reduce the time it takes for modules to communicate with the controller. Since SRT equates to the time required for input module response, controller processing and output module response, reducing I/O latency results in higher machine speeds for increased parts production. For even faster performance, the modules also function in peer-to-peer mode, bypassing the controller entirely by establishing in-chassis connections that allow I/O modules to communicate directly with each other. Shifting task management to the I/O modules can relieve a controller of the overhead required to process and direct I/O modules, helping improve reliability in program execution and throughput. In peer-to-peer mode, input to output response time can be fewer than 100 µs.The peer-to-peer capabilities are suitable for applications with fast detect-energise sequences, such as high-speed parts rejection. Rockwell Automation Australia Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q891

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Technical microsite element14 has introduced robotics, medical and industrial automation microsites for the Asia-Pacific region that will cater to the latest technologies in the region. A team of technology experts has combined proprietary intelligence with the latest information from the world’s top suppliers to provide information and solutions for engineers at the microsites. Design tools and resources, featured products, white papers, training videos and articles can be accessed online to help design engineers. element14 Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q899

LED power supplies Excelsys Technologies has introduced the LDB 150 LED and LDB 200 power supplies that provide 150 and 200 W at constant current/ constant voltage power in an IP67rated, low-profile, aluminium case. The series features two models offering 24 or 48 V nominal output. The units offer constant voltage operation up to their full load capability and then constant current operation down to 50% of their nominal output voltage. An extended universal AC input range of 90-305 VAC with active power factor correction with high-efficiency operation up to 92.5% make these units suitable for ‘green’ lighting applications. Additional features include -30 to +70°C operating temperature, built-in overcurrent protection, overvoltage protection, overtemperature protection and short-circuit protection, high line and load regulation. Amtex Electronics Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q766


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newproducts Satellite messaging

IP67 wall-mounted enclosures for harsh environments The 1555F range from Hammond Electronics is a family of rugged IP67 sealed enclosures designed for wall mounting PCB-based or DIN rail-based equipment such as security components, control equipment and radio repeaters used in harsh industrial environments or outdoor applications. Available in RAL 7035 light grey and moulded in either general-purpose ABS or flameproof polycarbonate, the units have a number of features that provide good functionality. In use, the lid is secured to the wall or other surface using the slots moulded into the integral flanges. The screws securing the lid to the base are then inaccessible as they are against the surface, giving security against unauthorised tampering. For maximum security, the units can be attached to the wall with tamper-resistant screws. Standoffs are moulded into both the lid and the base and, apart from in the two smallest sizes, DIN rail-mounting tabs are also provided. The bottom of the base features a moulded recess for a membrane keyboard or label. The initial six sizes range from 120 x 66 x 42 mm to 159 x 91 x 62 mm; all lids are fitted with captive M4 stainless steel screws that engage with stainless steel inserts in the base, allowing repetitive assembly and disassembly. Environmental sealing is achieved through a tongue-and-groove design and a moulded silicon rubber gasket; all fixings are outside the gasket seal. All units can be supplied factory modified with machining and silk screening to the user’s specification; AutoCAD and PDF dimensioned drawings can be downloaded from www.hammondmfg.com/1555F_SL.htm. Hammond Electronics Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q728

The Cerberus global communication system enables outdoor enthusiasts to maintain contact with family and friends. The system records a traveller’s location as frequently as every five minutes and sends real-time notifications via satellite to the monitoring station. Unlike emergency position-indicating radio beacon and personal locating beacon systems, it allows the traveller to send check-in messages to update those at home at any point. In addition, this system alerts the traveller of approaching severe weather or geo-political events occurring in the area. Integrated into the device is a Gore protective vent that equalises the housing’s internal pressure, eliminating vacuum and preventing premature failure of the seals. At the same time, the vents prevent water, dust, dirt and other contaminants from entering the housing. WL Gore & Associates Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R036

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Cables & connectors

Choosing the right ethernet cable With businesses becoming increasingly more communication-centric, virtually every industry is now relying on industrial ethernet technology to network devices and control systems as well as to enhance process automation and improve efficiency. As one of the most widely used networking technologies, ethernet connects more than 85% of LAN connected PCs and workstations, providing a flexible solution that delivers real-time data and status updates to ensure constant information accessibility and instantaneous data transfer. To use these communication capabilities, ethernet cables are required to provide the necessary connectivity. These cables are used to connect devices, such as PCs, switches and routers, to transmit and receive data. To ensure proper cabling installation, organisations such as the American National Standards Institute, Telecommunications Industry Association and Electronic Industries Association provide clear, concise instructions and standards that assist users in setting up reliable ethernet connections. Along with understanding the correct regulations, selecting the appropriate cable The Telecommunications Industry for an application is equally important. Association (TIA) and Electronic Identifying the various cable categories, Industries Association (EIA) were classes and types and their distinctions is critical, as cables are separated into distinct developed to describe uniform categories, such as 5, 5e and 6, classes like wiring system requirements. C, D, E and F, and are defined as solid or stranded. By recognising these classifications, as well as the uses and purposes for stranded and solid cables, users can select the ideal cable to meet their application requirements. The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and Electronic Industries Association (EIA) were developed to describe uniform wiring system requirements. These standards provide useful guidelines for implementing cabling systems in networking applications. Outlining how to design, build and manage cabling systems, these standards are designed to direct users through creating a uniform cabling system. By providing user-friendly instruction, as well as topology, connection points, termination points and media definitions, users can 24

wire a building without prior knowledge or special skill. ANSI/TIA-568, a family of telecommunication standards, provide the requirements for twisted-pair, optical fibre and coaxial cabling, with the purpose of establishing performance and technical criteria for cabling system configurations to access and connect components. To attain this goal and aid users in creating reliable networking connections, these standards define transmission and mechanical requirements, electromagnetic compatibility for cabling, installation procedures, connector termination techniques and field testing. To ensure cable connections are properly made, ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-C.2 provides performance testing guidelines that must be carried out on cables before use to ensure the system will operate as expected. Generally, testing is a two-phase process, consisting of an opens test and a shorts test. In the first phase (opens test), a cable tester is used to verify that all the intended connections exist and are good. The second phase (shorts test) is performed to ensure there are no unintended connections. Unintended connections can either indicate a short circuit, which is when the connection is short, or signify miswiring, which occurs when a connection goes to the wrong place.

The latest issue of Connect — element14’s product brochure — is available now http://au.element14.com/connect

Cables & connectors

Cabling standards also outline the appropriate bend radius for each cable. Bend radius is the minimum extent a cable can be bent without kinking, suffering damaging or shortening the cable’s life span. The minimum bend radius is five times the cable diameter for stationary cables and 10 times for moving/flex cables. When cabling is bent beyond this predetermined minimum bend radius, it can cause transmission failures. All pathways must maintain the minimum bend radius wherever the cable makes a bend. Common cabling types used for ethernet connections are twisted-pair cables, which can improve the signal quality and cable flexibility. There are several different categories and classes of cable to indicate their specific performance parameters. These include Category 5, 5e, 6 and 7, and each encompasses a different type of twisted pair cable that has unique properties which define how much signal it can carry and transmission limitations. According to the ANSI/TIA/EIA standard for category 5e copper cable, the maximum length for a cable segment is 100 m. Category 5e cable is capable of transmitting data at speeds of up to 1000 Mbps - 1 Gb per second. The specifications for 10BASE-T networking specify a 100 m length between active devices. This allows for 90 m of fixed cabling, two connectors and two patch leads of 5 m, one at each end. Category 6 cable was designed to perform at frequencies of up to 250 MHz and offers higher performance for better transmission of data at speeds up to 1000 Mbps, with fewer errors for 100BASE-TX and 1000BASE-T applications. For additional data transfer requirements, some category 6 cables can support 10 gigabit speeds; however, they may suffer length limitations. Category 6 cabling, with its larger conductors, internal dividers and tighter twist lengths, would be analogous to a high-end model, delivering better performance and more capacity. Solid and stranded cables each have their individual purposes and benefits, and knowing when and where they should be used will improve networking performance and efficiency. Though they feature similar capabilities, each serves a distinct function and offers specific advantages. Solid cables are made up of a single, solid conducting wire. Featuring larger wires, solid cables are physically stronger and easier to work with. Further, the larger wires provide superior electrical characteristics capable

of remaining stable over a wider range of frequencies. This makes solid cables better suited to new and emerging high-speed ethernet applications. Due to their large copper diameter, solid conductor cables have a lower DC resistance and a lower susceptibility to high-frequency effects. Solid cables can support longer transmission, receiving longer runs and higher data rates than stranded cables. However, while solid cables have a ‘larger’ core, they are also more vulnerable to breakage. This limits their flexibility, as they cannot be repeatedly flexed or bent without breaking or causing performance inefficiencies. This inherent stiffness makes solid cables suitable for horizontal cabling within a system infrastructure. For example, solid Cat5e cables are well suited to networking applications such as running from room to room in an office building, due to the higher distance needed. For runs over 30 metres, solid cables will perform better and more reliably than stranded cables. With stranded cabling, the inside features twisted pairs of a stranded cable, with each individual conductor made up of a bundle of smaller-gauge wire strands. Stranded cable is arranged in a way that several wires surround a single wire in the bundle’s centre. For category cables, the number of surrounding strands is six, with one in the middle. This stranded arrangement forms a conductor that ends up with a diameter similar to a solid cable. However, the conducting area of a stranded Though they feature similar cable is smaller than that of a solid cable due capabilities, each serves a to the smaller diameters of each individual wire strand. Stranded cables are a type of distinct function and offers cable that users often have more familiarity specific advantages. with and handle directly. The stranding of the wire conductor not only protects the cable, it also enhances its flexibility. The longer the cable is, the more times each strand is twisted around the centre. As a result, when a stranded cable is bent, each strand bends as though it is independent of the entire strand. This construction enables these cables to move easily and frequently without harm or risk of performance failure. While they are not as reliable as solid cables for long-distance runs, their flexibility makes stranded Cat 5 cables suitable for short distances. Since there are pliable by nature, stranded cables deliver the mobility necessary to perform well in applications such as patch cabling, as they will be constantly plugged, unplugged, bent or installed. A patch is used to provide connectivity between any two RJ45 jacks. Common patch cabling applications are connecting patch panel ports to other patch panel ports or to switch ports, and for connecting the work area outlet (jack) to the computer or other networked device. As networking continues to be a necessary component of businesses in virtually any industry, understanding the types, standards and purposes of various ethernet cable options is crucial to ensuring reliable network performance and continuous access to important data. By using ASNI/TIA/EIA-568 as a guideline, users can install, test and maintain the cabling required for their networking applications.

Turck Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R001

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newproducts Reference carrierboard A reference carrierboard for COM Express basic and compact Computer-and-Modules with pin-out type 6 designed for developing SFF applications and supports all futureoriented interfaces required in small and portable applications. OEMs can use the new reference carrierboard in the Mini-ITX form factor to accelerate application development or use it off the shelf paired with the broad ecosystem of Mini-ITX accessories. The device carries out all the interfaces that COM Express Computer-on-Modules with pin-out type 6, such as the COMe-bSC6, the COMe-cOH6 and the COMe-bIP# with the 3rd generation of Intel Core processors, make available. Type 6 serves as a reference design for developing applications with enhanced user experience, increased graphics capabilities, faster drives and peripherals. The broad range of graphic interfaces including LVDS, DDI (displayport/HDMI/DVI) and VGA (via DVI-I) enables developers to connect any embedded display type without additional components. High-speed serial interfaces including USB 3.0 allow connection of modern peripheral components. With SIM card support and smart battery support, OEMs can use the new reference carrierboard to develop a broad range of always-connected mobile devices. Kontron Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q767

SDH/PDH analyser The JDSU/Acterna ANT20 SDH/PDH analyses digital communications systems. The graphical user interface (GUI) with Windows and ‘point and shoot’ touch screen makes for easier use. There are automatic modes for configuring, scanning, trouble-scanning, searching and measurement start/stopping (user defined), to further enhance ease of use. If there is a power outage during a measurement, all data is saved, including previous results. Once power is restored, the measurement resumes. The power failure time is recorded along with other events. Features include: interfaces for PDH data streams at 2, 8, 34 and 140 Mbps; electrical and optical interfaces for SDH at STM1 (155 Mbps); jitter and wander generators and analyser options fitted. TechRentals Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q902

Card socket Samtec has expanded its range of high-speed edge card solutions with a 2.00 mm pitch mini edge card socket suitable for high-speed computing and storage applications as well as other complex systems. The socket is a flexible high-speed solution for use with various mating card thicknesses and is supplied with a choice of rugged features. Samtec ANZ Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q895

PC board mount The Switchcraft EN3 right-angle PC board mount 2-18 contact has applications for any sealed data transmission, military or industrial GPS location devices, environmental monitoring, transport, medical data carts, marine and general industrial electronic applications. Using an integral O-ring/gasket, the panel connectors are available in 2-18 pins/sockets in the same housing size with bayonet locking right-angle PC board mount contacts. They meet enclosure rating IP66/IP68 and NEMA 250 when mated or covered. Narrow or wide versions are available and gold-plated contacts ensure reliable connectivity. Clarke & Severn Electronics Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q552

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Stand-alone embedded measurement and logging platform National Instruments has released the stand-alone NI CompactDAQ system, a high-performance embedded measurement and logging platform with a built-in dual-core Intel processor for running data acquisition, online analysis and logging software. With the NI CompactDAQ platform, engineers can customise a complete measurement system using LabVIEW or take advantage of over 600 companies in the NI Alliance Partner Network for a custom turnkey data-logging solution. The system features an Intel Core i7 dual-core processor, 2 GB RAM and 32 GB non-volatile storage users can run highperformance, mixed-measurement tests while logging data directly to the system, removing the need for an external PC. Users can accelerate productivity with the latest version of LabVIEW, which provides sample projects and templates for highspeed acquisition and data logging, designed to save time and lower maintenance costs. Features include: 8-slot chassis with more than 50 C Series I/O module options - mix and match a variety of I/O and sensor types, including AI, AO, DIO and CAN to create custom measurement and logging systems; USB, ethernet and serial ports - connect USB/ethernet NI CompactDAQ devices, including the NI cDAQ9184 ethernet chassis, to expand the number of module slots for large-channel-count applications or integrate other devices, such as a camera or GPS device; stream data to disk at up to 30 MBps - simultaneously stream continuous measurements with sample rates up to 1 MS/s/ch. National Instruments Australia Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R168

Transformer-free UPS The Eaton 9E UPS features a transformer-free design with sensing and control circuitry to achieve up to 98% efficiency and provide maximum load protection in its high-efficiency mode. It provides surge suppression for the load, detects the location of faults and takes appropriate action and switches to double-conversion operation in less than 4 ms. Hot Sync technology makes it possible to parallel up to four UPSs to increase availability or add capacity. This enables load sharing without any communication line. The UPS is available in ratings from 80 to 200 kVA. Eaton Corporation Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R047

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NEW White Papers

now available online!

Global networks for M2M M2M has a relatively short history, having been around since 2000 when it became apparent that communication between machines carrying out similar functions would be a good idea. It has since broadened into communication between dissimilar devices, examples being medicine and mining. This eBook explains more about this technology.

Power quality eBook With equipment and energy costs rising, it’s hard to stress enough the importance of power quality. Power quality issues can hamper production processes, damage costly equipment and lower productivity. This eBook features articles on power quality challenges, managing and reporting problems, improving efficiencies and reducing costs. Download now.

newproducts Tablet PC IEI Technology’s 7″ tablet PC with TI Sitara ARM Cortex, the Icecare Mobile Field Assistant, features the TI OMAP3 AM3715 CPU and Android 2.3.4 OS. The device is integrated with a selection of wireless communication technologies such as WCDMA/HSDPA, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n and Bluetooth 2.1 to keep mobile workers connected with the back office. In addition, the built-in GPS antenna provides access to locationbased services, tracking and navigation applications. The device is supplied with front- and rear-facing CMOS cameras, a 13.56 MHz RFID reader and a 1D laser/2D imager scan engine, which provides different data collection methods that help to eliminate risks of human error. To better fulfil the needs of extensive operation time, it is designed to manage power efficiently with two hot-swappable battery packs that provide 11.1 V 1880 mAh capacity. The PC is rugged and dust tight and protected against water, with an IP rating of 64. ICP Electronics Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q674

Flexible crimp connectors

Advanced pressure diagnostics provide valuable insight into your process Advanced pressure diagnostic technology provides a means for early detection of abnormal situations in a process environment and enables the user to proactively respond to changes in the process, troubleshoot and prevent future shutdowns. Find out how it can help prevent abnormal situations in your plant.

M12 connectors with crimp connection are now also available as a flexible angled version. Male and female connectors are both currently in development. The A-code version will be available initially, followed by the male D-code version. A special feature of the connectors is the changeable outlet direction, giving a choice of several positions. Harting Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/N800

End-user experience measurement is critical for your business: managing quality of experience Organisations used to predominately use network uptime measurements to evaluate their performance when delivering business-critical data to end users but are now seeking to reduce the time needed to resolve performance issues and also take actions to prevent these problems before they disrupt business processes. Read more in this paper.

For these and more White Paper downloads, visit www.electronicsonline.net.au/white_papers

Clock/ calendars The standalone real-time clock/ calendar portfolio with the 10-pin, SPI MCP795XX family offers many of the same features as the larger 14-pin MCP795WXX family, including good timekeeping performance. Reducing overall component count in the system and eliminating the user programming costs for a serial ID make the MCP795XX RTCC family suitable for the handheld, wireless and consumer markets. By including 64 bytes of SRAM, 2 Kbits of EEPROM and a 128-bit unique ID, which can be ordered blank or preprogrammed with a MAC address, extra memory devices may not be needed. Utility power meters, manufacturing equipment, radios, GPS and hospital instrumentation applications that need accurate time over a broad temperature range will also benefit from the very wide digital trimming range, which can compensate up to 22 s/ day for crystal frequency drift. Microchip Technology Australia Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R048


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Power devices

DC/DC converter - setting up supply systems

There is a wide range of potential applications for DC/DC converters. As their name implies, they convert voltages to match each other.

They increase the voltage on long supply lines, thereby balancing out voltage drops caused by cable losses. The converters use galvanic isolation to separate electrical circuits and protect sensitive loads by decoupling them. That is why primary-switched power supply units from the Quint product range have an intermediate internal circuit used as a filter. This makes it possible to separate, for example, grounded and ungrounded electrical circuits. Another advantage is that it protects critical loads against disruptive voltage fluctuations. If, for example, a motor turn-on requires a lot of power for its start-up torque, this causes a brief voltage drop. The same occurs when loads with a high incoming capacitance are connected. When these types of temporary interruptions occur, troubleshooting often turns out to be difficult and time intensive. In view of this, DC/DC converters provide an attractive option when sensitive appliances have to be supplied with a stable 24 VDC. The fuse protection on the secondary side makes a significant contribution to load availability. In this context, three different cases can be distinguished: • No fuse: if cable cross-sections are designed to match the output current’s maximum effective value, then it is not necessary to have a fuse on the secondary side to protect load circuits and lines.

• Reduced cable cross-sections: if there is a reduced cable crosssection, then the affected load feed lines must be secured with a suitable line fuse. The fuse is dimensioned according to the crosssection of the feed line. • Selectivity: if a load that has short-circuited has to be turned off quickly to secure continued interruption-free operation of other loads, this requires selective deactivation. Devices that would satisfy this are in the Clipline range. For selective deactivation, standard commercial circuit breakers are the most economical solution. They can trip electromagnetically or thermally via a bimetallic strip. To trip within a few milliseconds, however, the integrated electromagnet requires a significantly higher current than the circuit breakers rated current. This is why selective fuse breaking tech"With the static power boost nology from the Quint product range is now power reserve, devices constantly also available for DC/DC converters. The dynamic power reserve reliably trips standard have 1.25x rated current. This circuit breakers within a few milliseconds. even enables loads with a high Additionally, the devices supply six times the rated current for 12 ms. Faulty current start-up current to start reliably." paths are selectively turned off, the error is localised and important system components remain operational. The selective fuse breaking impulse on the primary side is comparable with the impulse on the secondary side. This makes it possible to deactivate SFB technology in devices from the product range. This is necessary when the upstream source cannot provide the requisite energy if there is a short circuit. A case like this can occur, for example, when input is being supplied with a battery with low capacity or a power supply without SFB technology. If the SFB impulse has been overridden, then the converter will not retrieve electricity from the feed grid. When SFB technology is activated, the converter at the output delivers up to six times the rated current for 12 ms. This means that the feed source has to provide a comparatively high current. The SFB switch is on the upper side of the DC/DC

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Power devices

converter and can be activated using a screwdriver. The SFB technology is always activated in the standard setting. A project planning matrix is useful in designing the secondary side. It describes the maximum wire lengths based on the device power class, cable cross-section and the circuit breaker. On the primary side, cable cross-sections should be sized as large as possible and cable lengths should be planned as short as possible so as to keep the line impedance as low as possible. The continuous monitoring of output voltage and current enables DC/DC converters to be comprehensively diagnosed. Preventative function monitoring visualises critical operation states before errors appear in the system. Voltage is controlled on the input side. Active switching outputs and zero potential relays are used for remote monitoring. With the static power boost power reserve, devices constantly have 1.25x rated current. This even enables loads with a high start-up current to start reliably. The Quint range includes five DC/DC converters with component widths between 32 and 82 mm and rated currents between five and 20 A. In power boost mode, output currents between 6.25 and 25 A are available; with SFB technology, those values increase to between 30 and 120 A.

The nominal input of 24 VDC is split into start and operation. A Quint converter requires at least 18 VDC to start up, while the input voltage can drop to 14 DC during ongoing operation. The device will only switch off beneath this threshold. The upper threshold is 32 VDC during both the start-up and operation. All DC/DC converters support a broad temperature range of -25 to 70°C, which is why they are suitable for applications that require high resistance to cold and heat. Shock resistance up to 30 g pursuant to IEC 60068-2-27 and resistance to vibrations up to 2.3 g pursuant to IEC 60068-2-6 ensure trouble-free operation, even under highly demanding mechanical conditions. Phoenix Contact Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q759

Faraday offers a range of: RFI / EMI / EMC Power RF Filters EMC Antennas – Dipoles to Horns Amplifiers – RF & Microwave (DC – 4000W) and RF Modules Shielded Enclosure – Anechoic Chambers – Antenna Measurement Systems Absorber – EMC Test Boxes – MIL-STD Test Equipment RF Shielding – Magnetic Shielding – MRI Shielding

(03) 9729 5000 30


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newproducts Linear LED driver Needing only two additional components, the AL5801 linear LED driver enables designers to simplify motor vehicle interior, signage and general lighting control circuits. Integrating a 100 V-rated N-channel MOSFET with a pre-biased NPN transistor, this small footprint SOT26 packaged device will drive chains of up to 30 low-power, series-connected LEDs with currents from 20 to 350 mA. The device’s open-drain output operates between 1.1 and 100 V, ensuring common 12, 24 and 48 V power rails are supported, while the LED current is set using an external low-value resistor. By generating a 0.56 V reference voltage across the resistor, the driver’s internal control transistor helps minimise power losses and ensures a sufficient supply voltage margin. Due to the reference voltage’s negative temperature coefficient, the output current is automatically reduced at higher temperatures, helping to protect the LED chain from any damage. In addition, its wide operating temperature range of -40 to +150°C means it can be mounted immediately adjacent to LEDs where PCB space is limited.

LTE , Inmarsat

Future Electronics Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q923 LTE,

Fibre light source The FTK1000 multimode fibreoptic light source, combined with the SimpliFiber Pro power meter, measures power and loss across a fibre-optic network using the dual-wavelength testing feature. Wavelengths are automatically detected and transmitted simultaneously in 850 and 1300 nm. Features include: combines measurements taken at both wavelengths into one record; single-person operation and testing; four-button functionality for simple use. TechRentals Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q762

Interconnect guide The Rugged Guide highlights how Samtec can provide solutions for high-cycle, high-power, rugged and harsh environment applications. Products are offered in conjunction with online tools. Rugged capabilities include extended life products and power integrity guidelines for high-performance solutions, as well as design flexibility, industry best lead times and full engineering support.

• IP data service over satellite • Ideal for high frequency, low latency data reporting of fixed assets


Samtec ANZ Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/R028

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newproducts LED solder pads Uniform solder pads, based on the Oslon LED family, are said to make it easier to use LEDs from different manufacturers. The board solder pad design can be used for LED components from at least two different manufacturers and the concept can also be used for metal core, FR4 and ceramic boards. The individual solder surfaces are divided into segments electrically connected and electrically disconnected. By selecting appropriate spacings between the solder surfaces, the second LED product - rotated 90° - can be attached to the uniform board design. The anode and cathode of the two LED components are connected to the same electrically contacted segments. By dividing the solder surfaces the two LED types automatically align themselves to the edges of the solder surfaces during the reflow solder process. Osram Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q914

IGBT modules Semikron has added three-level topologies to its product range that will have a lower distortion factor and reduced filtering requirements. The range will now include MiniSKiiP, Semitop and SKiM 4 IGBT modules. The baseplate-free SKiM4 module is the most powerful IGBT in the range, with rated currents of between 200 and 600 A. Up to 250 kVA can be achieved without several modules having to be connected in parallel and they are available for 650 and 1200 and 1200 V in NPC topology. The TNPC modules can deliver up to 900 VDC and 480 VAC, while NPC can push the EU low voltage directive to its limits of 1500 DC and 1000 VAC. For smaller currents, baseplate-free, spring-contact IGBT MiniSKiiP modules are available. These have solder-free mounting and are intended for rated currents of between 75 and 200 A and reverse voltages of 650, enabling powers of up to 85 kVA, at 4.9 A/cm². A further merit of these modules is the easy, single-screw connection between module and heat sink and controller board. The counterpart to solder-free MiniSKiiP modules is the Semitop, an IGBT module which is 12 mm in height and soldered onto the power circuit boards and used in applications with current ratings of 20 -150 A. These solder-connection modules are available in NPC and can deliver up to 65 kVA. The voltage rating is 600.

Rotary inclinometer Turck’s rotary single-axis inclinometer has expanded on the dual-axis CANopen inclinometer to offer angular tilt detection. With a monitoring range of 360°, the device provides extended application flexibility, allowing operators to monitor mechanical arms, such as tensioners or moving components. Its CANopen communications also make it suitable for mobile equipment, such as monitoring and reporting the position of outriggers, booms or other vertically rotating parts. The inclinometer measures angular tilt in reference to gravity. At the heart of the instrument are MEMS (microelectromechanical system) devices that incorporate microelectromechanical capacitive elements into the sensor that use two parallel plate electrodes - one stationary and one attached to a spring-mass system. Movement causes acceleration that produces deflection in the non-stationary electrodes. This results in a measurable change in the capacitance between the two plates that is proportional to the angle of deflection. All measured values and parameters are accessible via the object directory. Turck Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q770

Semikron Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/N972

Lightning protection The Times-Protect LP-GPX-05-T high-performance lightning protector series is a DC pass design for protecting GPS receivers requiring up to 5 VDC to be supplied on the centre pin for L1, L2 and L3 bands. While the RF path is DC blocked, the biased DC voltage protection circuit uses solid state protection to provide surge protection. The series is a bidirectional filter exhibiting good insertion-loss and return-loss characteristics from (1000 to 2000 MHz). The white bronze-plated construction eliminates potential galvanic corrosion and provides long life in hostile environments. The fully weatherised housing is rated to IP65. Rojone Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q925


Bandpass filter TDK’s multilayer bandpass filter is designed for the 2.4 GHz band, and is suitable for Bluetooth and wireless LAN implementation in smartphones, regular mobile phones and other mobile devices. The filter features an insertion loss of 2.5 dB and a high attenuation of at least 25 dB (at 4.8 to 5.0 GHz). Despite the component’s small form factor, it offers a rated power up to 27 dBm. TDK Australia Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q684

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newproducts Rugged data entry Cortron’s model 121 series of keyboard/pointing devices are rugged and industrial versions built to withstand hostile and demanding industrial and military environments. The series is lightweight and compact and suitable for mobile or air applications. It fits into standard RETMA rack systems. The series is virtually impervious to contaminants found in harsh applications. Vital electronics and switch bearing surfaces are sealed for long-term protection against water, beverages, dust, dirt and many chemicals. Sugar-based beverages can be left to dry without causing damage. There are over 300 variations available. Metromatics Pty Ltd

Singlemode OTDR

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q757

The Fluke Optifiber singlemode optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) provides fibreoptic network visibility and certification and will deliver a tier 2 OTDR trace of a network. Automated test and analysis allows ease of use in the field. Select from predefined lists or create custom limits. LinkWare cable test management software makes result management easy by instantly accessing results on PC to print reports that meet certification demands. Fluke Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q909

Female cable connector REAN (a brand of Neutrik) has introduced the Tiny xlr screwlocking female cable connector (RT*FCT-B). The preassembled black locking nut fits to all common rearmountable male receptacles and locks out on its own when screwed to a receptacle. The screw-locking cable connector also features the chuck-type strain relief and a grounding ring for good RF shielding. The in-built O-ring sealing offers a water-resistant connection in mated condition. The screw-locking cable connector is available in 3-, 4- and 5-pole versions. Amber Technology Limited Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/Q604

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Radiation causes surprise damage That is the result of a characterisation method that uses a combination of lasers and acoustic waves to provide scientists with a capability tantamount to X-ray vision. It allows them to peer through solid materials to pinpoint the size and location of defects buried deep inside with unprecedented precision. The research was conducted by post-doctoral fellow Andrew Steigerwald under the supervision of Physics Prof Norman Tolk. The ability to accurately measure the defects in electronic materials becomes increasingly important as the size of microelectronic devices continues to shrink, Tolk explained. When an individual transistor contains millions of atoms, it can absorb quite a bit of damage before it fails. But when a transistor contains a few thousand atoms, a single defect can cause it to stop working. Previous methods used to study damage to electronic materials have been limited to looking at defects and deformations in the atomic lattice. The new method is the first that is capable of detecting disruption in the positions of the electrons that are attached to the atoms. This is particularly important because it is "To detect the electron dislocations, the behavior of the electrons that determines the physicists upgraded a 15-year- a material’s electrical and optical properties. An analogy is a thousand people floating old method called coherent acoustic in a swimming pool. The people represent the phonon spectroscopy (CAPS)." atoms and the water represents the electrons, said Steigerwald. If another person - representing an energetic particle - jumps into the pool, the people in his vicinity change their positions slightly to make room for that person. However, these shifts can be fairly subtle and difficult to measure. But the jumper will also cause quite a splash and cause the level of the water in the pool to rise. Much like the water in the pool, the electrons in a material are more sensitive to defects than the atoms. To detect the electron dislocations, the physicists upgraded a 15-year-old method called coherent acoustic phonon spectroscopy (CAPS). This is similar to the seismic techniques that energy companies use to search for underground oil deposits, only on a much smaller scale, said Steigerwald. Oil explorers set off a series of small explosions on the surface and measure the sound waves that are reflected back to the surface. That allows them to identify and map the layers of different types of rock thousands of metres underground. Similarly, CAPS generates a pressure wave that passes through a chunk of semiconductor by blasting its surface with an ultrafast pulse of laser light. As this happens, the researchers bounce a second laser off the pressure wave and measure the strength of the reflection. As the pressure wave encounters defects and deformities in the material, its reflectivity changes and this 34

alters the strength of the reflected laser light. By measuring these variations, the physicists can detect individual defects and measure the effect that they have on the material’s electrical and optical properties. The physicists tested their technique on a layer of gallium arsenide semiconductor that they had irradiated with high-energy neon atoms. They found that the structural damage caused by an embedded neon atom spread over a volume containing 1000 atoms - considerably more extensive than that shown by other techniques. This is significant because today people are creating nanodevices that contain thousands of atoms, said Steigerwald. One of these devices is a solar collector made from quantum dots, tiny semiconductor beads that each contain a few thousand atoms. Our results may explain recent studies that have found that these quantum-dot solar collectors are less efficient than predicted, he said. The fact is that we really don’t understand how any atomic-scale defects affect the performance on an optoelectronic device, said Tolk. Techniques like the one that we have developed will give us the detailed information we need to figure this out and so help people make nanodevices that work properly. Research Assoc Prof Anthony B Hmelo, Assistant Professor Kalman Varga and Stevenson Professor of Physics Leonard Feldman also contributed to the research that was supported by a Department of Energy grant, an Army Research Office grant and a National Science Foundation grant. In addition, portions of the work were performed at the Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, using facilities renovated with the NSF grant. Vanderbilt University www.vanderbilt.edu

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The damage that radiation causes to electronic materials may be at least 10 times greater than previously thought.

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