Technology Decisions Feb/Mar 2013

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NO BOUNDARIES Big data is about smart people Social media and your CRM The new security threat matrix Investing in the digital economy

FEB/MAR 2013 VO L .1 NO. 3 $9.95


the mobility challenge

Just about every survey that’s polled senior IT executives

f e b / m a r

has found that two of the big issues technology leaders face are mobility and security. Both consume considerable effort from businesses as they need to manage increasingly complex requirements without impacting service delivery. Security and mobility intersect. And the point at which the two become inexorably intertwined is with the concept of deperimeterisation. Until recently, it was pretty easy to draw a line around the edge of the business and determine where service delivery started and ended. Today, the IT department is responsible for securely delivering business applications and data to devices they don’t own, can’t fully manage and are unable to even geographically locate. That means having mobility and security strategies that can work in a world without boundaries.

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over the last couple of years

10 | Tech Toys 12 | What about on-premises computing? 14 | Advertising funds free CBD Wi-Fi installations 16 | Ethical footprints 18 | Big data: it’s all about smart people 20 | For Rocketseed, local hosting was the answer 22 | Peer2Peer: Dr Ian Oppermann, CSIRO 36 | Asia Cloud Forum 46 | The social media Trojan Horse

Adding to the challenge is that there’s no single best practice model that does it all. In this issue we talked to a number of experts in the field so that you can get their insights and develop security and mobility strategies that work for you. Have a great 2013. Anthony Caruana, Editor

F E A T U R E S 04 | No boundaries: the mobility challenge

26 | The threat matrix

How will IT deliver services to

Enterprise IT leaders are finding

devices and places it never imagined?

that the breadth of new threats is changing how security rules are

cover image: ©


32 | Mobile devices: the next internet security target

40 | Turning social media into a business advantage

Malnets are the new threat that CIOs

Existing CRM systems are not

need to be alert to.

capable of dealing with the flood of social data businesses need.


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The increasing desire for businesses to deliver services to staff and customers on any device, at any time and in any place is driving the third era of IT delivery. 4

used are being shed and IT managers

means getting a strategy in place, defin-

have a choice. They can either ride the

ing appropriate policies and guidelines

wave or get dumped.

for users and developers, and changing the way you think about managing end

If you’re looking for a silver bullet solu-

users and devices.

tion or a business that can be used as an illustration of best practice, then you’re

Vive la Revolution

going to be disappointed. While a solution

Consumerisation of complex technolo-

might work in one context, it’s unlikely

gies, primarily smartphones and tablets,

that it will easily translate to another.

has created a user and customer lead revolution. But while it’s easy to point

As Shaun McLagen of EMC said to us,

the finger at the hardware being a key

“It’s a tough one to do it right. It’s so dif-

driver, the cheap and ubiquitous access

ferent for every organisation. Every day

to mobile networks has provided the

what mobile means to the organisation,

connectivity tissue that allows mobile

be it big or small, public or private, it

devices to connect to the business.


changes every day. I know that anybody

Across Australia, it’s taken barely a

would put their hand up and say they’re

decade for us to move from slow and

doing it right.”

expensive technologies such as GPRS to


3G and now 4G/LTE networks. Anyone


The trouble is that mobility doesn’t have

who used GPRS for data will recall the

a neat definition. It can mean very dif-

horrendous charging that accompanied

ferent things to different organisations.

it. It was easy to spend over $100 in a day. Today, that gives gigabytes of data

This is an important consideration.

access. And public Wi-Fi networks in

When a company is considering mobility

restaurants, airports and hotels make it

as a new set of services for the business,

easy for travelling executives to connect

it needs to decide what that means for

to the office even if they are overseas.

he first two eras, focused

it. At one end of the spectrum it could

on centralised computing on

mean supporting email and calendars

While many companies maintain secure

mainframes and decentralised

on personal portable devices. On the

VPN access, a shift is taking place.

computing with client-server

other hand, it could mean full access

Mobile device support for VPNs isn’t as

systems, shared one common feature.

to the full suite of corporate application

universal as for regular computers and

The boundary of the business was well

or support for limited types of devices.

making VPN connections can impact service delivery.

defined. If it’s the latter then the business will In the third era of IT, the business is

likely need to consider a plan for migrat-

Simon Spencer, IT Manager at the Master

shedding its boundaries. The boundaries

ing or updating applications for multi-

Builders Association of Queensland, told

of when, where and how systems are

device and multiplatform access. That

us about their new mobility strategy.



While the previous system of staff using

Google supports. While IT depart-

Ian Hodge from Quest said, “Businesses

laptops connecting back to the main of-

ments, intent on reducing costs, might

are going to start seeing business ad-

fice over an SSL VPN worked, it wasn’t

consider ‘no name’ tablets rather than

vantages in implementing BYOD. But

as mobile as they’d like.

branded products for known vendors,

it starts by looking at the user and not

those cheaper devices might not have

the device. Rather than letting everyone

“We wanted to present a more profes-

security features that are added by

plug in their iPads, it might be ‘let’s un-

sional approach and not sit at a desk,

vendors who understand the needs of

derstand what the users in their various

open up a laptop and then say to the

enterprise customers.

roles in the company are doing and let’s provide a technology solution for them

client ‘Hang on a second’. A professional approach said that we just had a tablet,

For example, as Ron Hassanwalia of SOTI

that helps them go about their business

could open up the CRM app and have

explains, “Prior to Ice Cream Sandwich

more effectively and actually contributes

all the details of that lead or account at

[Android 4.0], you could not encrypt the

to the bottom line’.”

their fingertips.”

SD card of many Android devices with the exception of Samsung and HTC. If

In contrast, the Master Builders Asso-

Choosing mobile platforms

you wanted to allow Gingerbread [An-

ciation of Queensland didn’t tread the

The IT business has always had its own

droid 2.x] devices then you probably

popular BYOD path. Instead, the organi-

religious wars. Apple vs Windows. Ora-

wanted Samsung or HTC.”

sation chose to purchase and distribute iPads to staff. This was driven by the

cle vs SQL Server. Proprietary vs Open Source. It’s no different when it comes

Adding to complexity for IT executives

gentle learning curve with the devices

to mobility.

who are choosing mobile platforms is

as it was already a platform staff was

the potential rise of BlackBerry and

familiar with. Most already had their

The two main players at the moment

Microsoft. Both have recently released

own iPhone or iPad so the transition

are iOS and Android. Developed by Ap-

new operating systems that target the

from laptops to iPads was relatively easy.

ple and Google respectively, both take

growth in enterprise mobility. What’s

very different approaches to security. In

interesting is that just a few years ago,

“The more mature companies that em-

Apple’s case, access to third-party apps

they were the incumbent powerhouses

brace that user-centric model say that

is tightly controlled through its App

of the market but they are now the

they believe that BYOD can help their

Store and device management is bound


employees be more productive. They can respond more quickly to custom-

by tight guidelines governed by Apple.


To BYOD or not to BYOD

ers. They can improve work processes,”

As many different vendors use Android,

The challenge for technologists is to

according to Hodge.

each adds their own customisations to

not start with the solution. In some

the operating system. As a result, some

cases, the decision as to what hardware

The middle ground is to allow users to

devices ship with Android’s default

is deployed is centred on the specific

bring their own devices but limit what

system security while others have extra

devices. However, that’s not the best

is supported on different platforms.

components added through APIs that

place to start.

The BYOCD approach advocated by

Enterprise Mobile Device Management SOTI Manages BYOD Better!

SOTI Inc. is the world’s most trusted MDM & BYOD solution with over 10,000 Enterprise MDM Deployments, managing millions of devices, supported by a network of over 450 partners in over 170 countries. Our award-winning solution, MobiControl offers support for mobile and desktop computing devices including smartphones & tablets running Windows desktop & handheld operating systems, Apple iOS & Google Android.

“American Airlines is blazing trails in our mobile initiatives. SOTI’s advanced security and remote control helpdesk tools will enable us to put the latest mobile devices into our clients’ hands to enhance the onboard experience, and into our employees’ hands to support the smooth operation of our airline with complete confidence.” Kimberly L. Jackson, Sr. Mgr Enterprise Mobility and Wireless Solutions, American Airlines

“We were most impressed with how easy it was to get MobiControl up and running. Using MobiControl has certainly taught us how to make better use of our mobile devices and maintain efficient processes around how they are used and updated.” Andrew Thomas, Technical Services Manager, Fred IT Group

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mobility. A successfully implemented VDI


solution is expandable and secure. “The ability to separate data, to cut the company’s data from the user’s data, you can’t do that if you allow devices into the network and access into corporate systems

Hassanwalia of SOTI calls this BYOCD

One of the challenges of mobile device

- for all that data to be sitting on the one

- bring your own certified device. “Or-

management, or MDM, is that IT depart-

device unmonitored and unmanaged it

ganisations and companies are going to

ments need to change their views on asset

becomes a risk,” he added.

be defining what is certified, what is

management. When the business owned

allowed and what isn’t allowed.”

the assets there was significant effort

One of the costs that is often underesti-

just tracking devices through their life.

What are we really managing?

mated when deploying VDI solutions is

However, that changes when the focus is

storage. As data is removed from end-user

on tracking data and applications rather

devices, there may be a need to increase

In the past, IT was very focused on

than hardware.

storage in the data centre. Data that was

managing physical assets. When a user

once held on smaller islands of storage

was issued with a notebook or mobile

Part of the challenge is that a BYOD policy

on tablets and notebooks can be being

phone, IT made sure they had a record

that doesn’t restrict the devices that users can

pulled back into the data centre.

of who had the device and where the

bring into the business will require systems

device was. But when a business embraces

to deliver applications and data to many

Safety first

mobile applications, it’s also taking on

different devices and operating systems.

In a recent report, Gartner identified

the risk of data being held on devices that are not tightly managed.

three security hurdles that need to be The BYOCD approach advocated by Has-

overcome when shifting to BYOD. These

sanwalia of SOTI allows “you to have a

were conflicts between the right of users to

That requires a two-pronged approach

very secure policy without compromising

leverage the capabilities of their personal

around securing the device through

across every single platform”.

devices, conflicts with enterprise mobile

appropriate policies and practices as

security policies, freedom of choice with

well as shifting the focus away from the

Is VDI the answer?

hardware to the data. While the loss of

Many organisations look a the mobility

of platforms and devices, and privacy

a $700 tablet is annoying, losing confi-

issue and decide that the safest way to

concerns emanating from the personal

dential data is more damaging.

push corporate applications and data to

ownership of devices used at work.

devices and the differing security profiles

portable devices is by virtualising desktop Adding to that challenge is that if a


device holds both corporate and per-

there is no simple solution to the problem.

sonal data - a situation that needs to

Hodge of Quest warns, “Desktop virtu-

There’s no role model or best practice that

be considered regardless of whether

alisation is not the same as server virtu-

applies universally to all mobility scenarios.

the strategy involves BYOD - then the

alisation. With servers, it all exists under

management solution needs to take that

one roof in the data centre. So, physical

McLagen of EMC suggested that when

into consideration. Remotely wiping

proximity means that changes are made

security is done well that “you see a

a BYOD device because the user has

in close control of IT. With the desktop,

layering of technologies. It’s people who

forgotten and mistyped a corporate

we’re talking about devices that exist out

have a good mature security posture, layer

password a few times might result in the

in the world and are moving.”

technology appropriately, who understand

deletion of valuable personal information


Clearly, security is a significant issue and

where their key assets are and manage to

such as photos or videos. The focus for

When VDI is done well, it offers some

that risk. People who use a combination

businesses needs to be on protecting

significant benefits when dealing with

of people, process and technology well

corporate data and not everything on

increasing organisational complexity and

will be able to open up business and not

the device.

the need to support increased levels of

lock down innovation.”


THE TRAVELLER’S SMARTPHONE While Android smartphones are plentiful, few hit the local market with a 5-inch screen and dual SIM capability making Kogan’s smartphone a handy travel companion for the frequent flyer.

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WIRELESS STREAMING ON THE GO Most external hard drives are about the individual but the Wireless Plus can stream its 1 TB capacity to any device - iOS and Android are supported through a free app.


SUPER-THIN ANDROID The superslim Ascend D1 smartphone delivers the current version of Android in a pocketfriendly form factor that will have others looking with envy. The 4.3-inch screen is designed for outdoor viewing.

POCKET-SIZED NETWORK Not only does this 4G wireless hotspot let you connect to the internet, it also supports up to five connections, making it suitable for small mobile workgroups looking for quick, mobile connectivity.

THE DESKTOP DECLUTTERER The SynCharger declutters your desk by combining a multidevice charging station that can handle up to four devices while hiding all the cables and chargers. A must for the gadget-rich executive.

THE BOARDROOM THEATRE If you want to replicate the cinema experience in your boardroom or home theatre, then you want the SXRD 4K projector. With 4096 x 2160 resolution, jagged edges and revealed pixels are a thing of the past.







ver the last few years the IT

High business value is another driver for

industry has been obsessed

keeping workloads in-house. These are

with cloud computing. I

the workloads that are central to the or-

can’t recall a time in recent

ganisation and may require uninterrupted

years when I’ve browsed an IT news site and

delivery or are custom applications that

not seen an article about cloud. The amount

have been developed over a period of years

of coverage may be warranted but there is

and require resourcing and management

still a future for on-premises computing.

that is best kept in-house.

In December, IDC Australia released our

Many vendor events over the past few years

predictions for 2013. One has received

have espoused the value of private clouds

lots of interest: On-Premises Computing

but here’s something they won’t tell you:

will Catch a Second Wind with Converged

private clouds are difficult, expensive and


time consuming to build. Even with the right skills and large budgets, the time

We have been mesmerised by the large

required to deploy private clouds can rule

migration that’s been taking place as

them out from selection criteria. Converged

organisations move their workloads from

systems offer a way to short-circuit these

on-premises to off-premises. What I am

long lead times.

interested in is what remains behind. The last major driver is innovation. I liken With so much scrutiny placed on the

it to cholesterol. Cholesterol is essential for

workloads - and therefore infrastructure

good health but too much leads to serious

that remains - how are CIOs deploying

issues. In our IT departments, getting the

in-house workloads? There are four main

right level and balance of innovation is a

reasons for keeping your workloads in-

priority as every time we innovate we amplify

house: innovation, a lower deployment cost,

complexity, leading to increased expense.

velocity and high business value. Converged systems enable organisations


Often we see lower deployment costs

to direct innovation where it will have the

for running workloads in-house rather

greatest impact. A change in the Austral-

than off-premises. However, even in this

ian server market has been long overdue.

scenario the decision to keep a workload

Research tells us that we are still a long way

in-house is not straightforward as CFOs

from achieving management and efficiency

are watching IT spending very closely to

standards required to drive costs down in

ensure all efforts are being undertaken to

our organisations. The good news is that

move away from capital expenditure. The

Australian organisations are one of the

result is that business cases attached to in-

world’s fastest to take up new technologies.

house technology deployments in 2013 will

In 2013, 1/3 of all server deployments in

require more rigour than before.

Australia will be converged systems.

Matt Oostveen is the head of research for IDC Australia overseeing all research divisions. Based in Sydney he has more than 15 years of information technology experience in the Asia-Pacific region. He is responsible for identifying emerging trends, new business and pricing models, and assessing the interconnecting relationships between hardware and software technologies from a services solution perspective. He also runs end-user research into demands and adoption trends of CIOs across Australia.



kyFii, a provider of advertising-supported Wi-Fi solutions,

The system is now in place, with in-centre promotion letting

has completed installation of several wireless systems

customers know that the Wi-Fi is there and they can hop on. The

in Sydney shopping centres well before deadline, using

solution serves about 3200 users per day across all four sites. This

wireless technology implemented by BigAir.

equates to about 2 to 2.5% of all footfall throughout the sites.

SkyFii specialises in providing advertising-supported Wi-Fi

solutions to organisations, which can then offer those wireless internet access free to their own customers. Property group Ipoh put out a tender for a system that would

0.6 to 1% of footfall. While the solution was not the cheapest one available, the benefits of the system far outweighed the cost, Arthur said.

let it offer free Wi-Fi to consumers

“I’m sure we could have

that passed through four of its

found a cheaper alternative

shopping centres in Sydney: the

elsewhere, but it was geared

Queen Victoria Building (QVB),

towards providing a really, really

The Galeries, The Strand Arcade

high-quality Wi-Fi network, and

and Chifley Plaza.

a really, really high-quality user

SkyFii put forward a proposal and won the tender. SkyFii in

experience,” he said. The




turn put out the hardware and

implementation was also a priority

data side of the solution out to

for SkyFii. “We had advertisers

tender, ultimately selecting a

ready to put content through the

solution from BigAir that relies

service,” Arthur said. The company

on technology from Ruckus

originally had a deadline that


accounted for an 8- to 12-week




installation process.

requirements, given the highly

“We managed to get all four

congested environments of the

properties cabled up within four

shopping centres involved.

[weeks], which was fantastic.

“We were conscious of

We were able to start offering

creating a solution that could

the service a lot sooner than

handle huge amounts of data

we expected. That came down

- congestion, multiple devices,

to BigAir’s project management,

multiple people logging on at

in conjunction with the in-

the same time. We see Wi-Fi as

house electrician at the QVB

a space that’s going to grow in

who actually did the physical

popularity and we didn’t want to have to replace a network in a year’s time because we’d undervalued the demand on the network,” said Wayne Arthur, director at SkyFii.


Uptake of free Wi-Fi at Australian shopping centres averages about

labour,” Arthur said. SkyFii also appreciated the system’s bandwidth demand program. “We really had no idea what the user uptake would be and how far we would have to push it, so we wanted to have some

The solution uses access points, switches and ZoneDirector

flexibility around how we controlled that. Ultimately the bandwidth-

WLAN controllers from Ruckus wireless. The WLAN controllers

on-demand function has allowed us to do that … and make sure

handle the link between the data feed and the access points.

that what we say we do, we can actually deliver,” Arthur said.

FLIP SIDE Andrew Collins



here’s a lot of talk these days about

But the tool has attracted attention for

alarming - it’s pretty unlikely that any married

carbon footprint. I’d like to talk

the way it could be used maliciously. Tom

person in their right mind who makes use

about ethical footprints: the impact

Scott, a Facebook user with early access to

of such services is going to list prostitutes

our day-to-day activities have on

Graph Search, set up a tumblr account to

as an interest, especially if they’re Friends

others. In particular, I want to look at the

demonstrate specific examples of how a

with their spouse on Facebook.

effects of technology.

malicious user could exploit the tool. The But Scott also provides pretty

On the one hand, there are the

terrifying examples of queries that

obvious examples of ethical failures

could be used maliciously, like

in tech: companies using child

“family members of people who

labour in their factories or having

live in China and like Falun Gong”

work conditions so bad that scores

and “Islamic men interested in

of employees commit suicide. The

men who live in Tehran, Iran”.

companies in these instances should

These queries could easily be

be named and shamed until such

used by organisations or private

practices cease. And we should

citizens with malicious intent to

all be aware of the effect that our

persecute individuals.

purchasing of these products has on the world around us.

To be fair, the tool doesn’t aim to open up every detail of every

But with the increasing popularity of

Facebook user to every person

big data, business intelligence, and data min-

account is called ‘Actual Facebook Graph

on the internet. In the company’s own

ing and analytics, our ethical footprints are

Searches’ (http://actualfacebookgraph-

words: “With Graph Search, you can look

becoming both more expansive and harder

up anything shared with you on Facebook,

to foresee. Take, for example, Facebook’s


and others can find stuff you’ve shared

Graph Search, which the company revealed

Scott entered a few queries into the search

with them, including content set to Public.”

just last month. The tool allows users to

engine and posted the results on his tumblr

But the fact that Scott’s searches returned

search Facebook’s database of friends and

(with any identifying information such as

so many results shows that many people

interests using specific queries in something

people’s names or faces redacted). One query

either aren’t aware of how to change their

resembling natural language.

was “married people who like prostitutes”.

privacy settings or don’t realise that there

It returned a list of people who had listed

is a need to do so.

Facebook provided several examples of such

themselves as married on their Facebook

queries, including: “music liked by people

profile, and also listed prostitutes as an

Also, consider that Facebook has previously

who like Mitt Romney”, “people who have

interest. From the search results page, Scott

made sudden changes to its privacy settings.

been product managers and who have been

could get in touch with the spouses of these

What happens if you go on a six-month

founders” and “languages my friends speak”.

people. That example is more amusing than

holiday and Facebook changes how its pri-

vacy settings work (again), revealing some

When it can, Target assigns each of its

their daughter started receiving advertising

part of your profile that you thought you’d

customers a unique ‘Guest ID’ and uses

for baby clothes and cribs, and questions

hidden from everyone but your friends?

that to keep track of what those customers

started being asked.

The obvious solution in this scenario is

are buying, as well as other demographic

to avoid putting private information on

information. The company’s statisticians

The girl’s pregnancy wasn’t revealed by a

Facebook and the like in the first place.

were able to look at that information - for

careless Facebook status update, but by the

But that doesn’t always work. With the

example, that a customer had recently

workings of a data analytics program. All it

sophistication of today’s data analysis tools,

been buying scent-free soap, large bags

took was for her to be alive in the modern

organisations can use the little information

of cotton balls, magnesium supplements,

age and her privacy was busted wide open.

that you do give them to make shockingly

etc - and make a statistical inference that

correct inferences about you.

the customer was however many per cent

The above examples probably seemed quite

likely to be pregnant, and also estimate

innocent to their creators when they were

Take the story of how Target found that a

when they were due. Once identified, the

first thought up. But these technologies

teenage girl was secretly pregnant and started

customer could be fed advertising in the

have great capacity to inflict harm on

a chain of events that led to her secret being

build-up to their due date, in the hope

those around us - and ourselves - if we’re

revealed to her parents. A 2012 New York

that Target became their one-stop shop

not careful.

Times article detailed how Target developed


a way of determining if a customer is preg-

Get thinking about your ethical footprint and

nant, even if they didn’t want the company

This strategy backfired when the company

the dodgy practices you yourself are being

to know. New parents are a goldmine for

sent baby-related advertising material to

exposed to. We all need to be more aware

retailers, so the company wanted a way to

a teenage girl, still in high school, in the

of what effect we’re having on the world

target expectant mothers and deliver them

US. The girl was in fact pregnant, but her

and what effect the world is having on us.

related advertising before the birth.

parents didn’t know. At least, not until

See something you don’t like? Speak up.


B I G D A T A IT’S ALL ABOUT SMART Big data is not about the technology. Big data is not about the next big thing in the IT department. Big data is not all about the social media revolution. Big data is all about really smart people forging the tools to enable business and organisations to stop guessing about which decision is the right one to make.



s society has become more

of machine learning and can implement

digitised and storage has

algorithms in software at scale. Successful

become cheaper and more

data science teams, such as the Ambiata

available, more of our dig-

team at NICTA, have a passion for un-

itised life is within reach.

derstanding the organisation and solving problems, and the creativity and lateral

This digital asset contains enormous

thinking to forge data into something the

insight into our world, but most or-

business can understand and use. A data

ganisations have failed to tap the surface

science team can turn data into granular

of this value. Many organisations have

actionable insights for an organisation, For

struggled to tame their own data assets

example, how you stop the next customer

(forget social media - I am referring to

from leaving, where you send inventory,

things like customer communications,

which power transformer is about to fail

what people have bought, what they

or whether you can waive a requirement

did on the company web page) into

to charge mortgage insurance.

beautifully crafted data schemas stored in a data warehouse, that either never

The challenge organisations are going to

made it into production or didn’t con-

face is that if they want to become truly

tain what the business needed when it

data driven, it is not about vendor deci-

did. This has been terribly distracting,

sions or hardware but gaining access to

shifting the focus away from bridging

an experienced data science team.

the chasm between an organisation’s data assets and its business.

Will we see software tools replace data science teams? In my opinion: unlikely.

Big data is not a technology but a paradigm.

For the same reasons that accounting

Store everything forever and extract value

software has not replaced chief financial

with science. Open source technologies,

officers. Access to a good data science

like Hadoop, developed out of desperation

team will soon become an organisation’s

by the world’s largest internet properties,

strategic advantage.

provided the world with a cheap and scal-

Rami Mukhtar NICTA Big Data Team Leader



able way for organisations to store every-

Once the hype dissipates, businesses will

thing forever. Decades of developments in

increasingly understand that big data is

the science of machine learning, an area of

all about having the smartest people in

research in which NICTA is a recognised

the room. Large organisations will build

international leader, has provided us with

their own data science teams over time,

the tools to extract value.

but for smaller businesses the cloud may be the answer. By moving their anony-

This brings us to the new hot career of a

mous data assets onto the cloud there

data scientist. A data scientist is typically

will increasingly be an opportunity to

not a person but a tightly integrated team

amortise the cost of a Data Science team

of people that have a deep understanding

across multiple organisations.



mail marketing service provider Rocketseed has moved

widely supported by many ISPs in Australia, and those that did

its virtual environment to a new Australian ISP, achieving

support it often charged a premium for the service.

cost savings and flexibility gains.

Rocketseed Australia contracted parts of its hosting to a

Rocketseed enables its customers to brand their

US-based ISP. But while the service and the affordability were

outgoing employee emails, turning ordinary corporate emails

satisfactory, the time zone differences between the US and

into marketing opportunities. With offices in New York, Sydney,

Australia often proved a challenge, as the ISP’s maintenance

London and Johannesburg, Rocketseed relies on a global network

schedules often corresponded with the Australian business day.

of ISPs to host its virtual machines and support its non-standard operating system.

The company looked for a local service provider that would satisfy its requirements, choosing Australian-based ISP Aptira.

Rocketseed Australia previously hosted its physical servers

The ISP supports Rocketseed’s operating system and virtual

with a small Australian ISP. The customer support and service

machine platform, and also offered free installation and set-up

uptime were satisfactory, until the ISP provider was acquired by

in its data centre.

a larger American company. This resulted in a noticeable decline in customer service responsiveness.

“The reason why we chose Aptira was the fact that they were the most affordable and the fact that they allowed us to manage our own servers, installed with an OS that they normally don’t offer to their clients,” Meyer said. “They were very proactive and were working with us in determining the best set-up and most feasible solutions. They also offered a trial for the period we were transitioning from [Rocketseed] version 5 to version 6, which was a major undertaking, and that gave us peace of mind.” The ISP hosts Rocketseed’s two virtual machine servers using an IaaS cloud-based platform based on VMware. vSphere is used to access and manage the servers over a secure, firewall-protected VPN connection. The

“We were forced to deal with support call centres offshore, in India. When we needed data centre access, it took too

along with managed IT support and systems administration.

long to facilitate and we encountered occasionally hours of

Meyer said that Rocketseed measured initial savings of

downtime, which is unacceptable in a business where one

approximately 50%, and gained flexibility and uptime, by

provides email services. In the end, customers don’t care

transferring its hosting to Aptira.

whose fault it is,” said Sven Meyer, Client Services Manager, Rocketseed Australia.


hosting service includes managed backups and disaster recovery,

“Most of our costs come from outsourcing services to an ISP. Aptira allowed us to host our own servers in their environment,

The company began looking for a new local ISP, but ran into

which meant the service cost came down for them and for us, and

problems. The Rocketseed platform relies on a virtual machine,

made it a very flexible solution for both our companies,” Meyer said.

cloud-based environment. The company found that the operating

Since the ISP is based in Australia, Rocketseed no longer has

system the Rocketseed platform relies on – Ubuntu – was not

customer service delays and inconvenient maintenance windows.


PEER PEER CSIRO recently launched Australia’s largest publicly funded research initiative focused on the digital economy. The Digital Productivity and Services Flagship (DPAS) is a $40 million research initiative focusing on the services sector and optimising the full value of national broadband infrastructure.




ustralia has received praise for its

CSIRO recently launched the Digital Pro-

strong and resilient economy. In

ductivity and Services (DPAS) Flagship, to

the face of a longlasting global

tackle these challenges head on. Our goal is

financial crisis, this success is

to “grow productivity in Australia through

largely the result of the strength of Aus-

frontier services innovation and unlocking

tralian commodities markets, and steadily

the value of broadband communications”.

increasing demand from emerging markets.

By 2025, we are aiming to create $4 billion per annum in added value for the Austral-

Paradoxically, we have seen a dramatic

ian economy by developing and delivering

decline in our multifactor productivity

more efficient and innovative services that

compared to OECD countries. In just over

improve citizen wellbeing and prosperity.

a decade, Australian labour productivity relative to the US has gone from almost

Our specific focus areas will be government

92% in 1998 to 84% in 2010. Growth in the

services, commercial services, health services

services sector has also slowed compared to

and smart infrastructure. The creation of

nations such as India and China.

the DPAS Flagship in conjunction with the rollout of high-speed broadband provides

This leaves Australia in a vulnerable position

opportunities for new and enhanced services

for a post-mining boom economy. According

with potential for significant impact in

to the 2011 Grattan Institute Report, our

multiple domains.

economic prospects beyond the end of the current boom will deteriorate significantly

The issue of reversing Australia’s productiv-

if the decline in our productivity growth

ity decline requires sustained investment.

performance is not reversed.

The role of ICT and digital services in transforming traditional industries offers an

Australia’s challenge is to maintain a com-

opportunity to build a competitive position

petitive edge in an increasingly complex and

for Australian SMEs. The challenges faced

resource-limited world. A successful digital

in transforming Australia’s digital economy

economy is essential for driving Australia’s

are complex. It is, however, the area of most

economic growth and maintaining our in-

potential gain and where the greatest oppor-

ternational standing. Addressing efficiency

tunity exists. With almost 80% of Australia’s

opportunities opened up by broadband

GDP based on services, innovation in this

communications will be critical in an era

space is crucial for Australia’s long-term

of rising health costs, an ageing popula-

growth and prosperity.

tion, pressures on the infrastructure and


Dr Ian Oppermann is the Director of the Flagship for Digital Productivity and Services at CSIRO. Prior to this appointment, Dr Oppermann was the Director of CSIRO’s ICT Centre.

logistics sectors, and public expectations

Australia remains a ‘lucky country’ with an

of governments. Innovation built on a

optimistic future. A focus on innovation

national broadband infrastructure and

will help to drive our economy forward and

other technology will drive productivity

show what is possible in a more prosperous

improvement across the services economy.

and more personalised future.

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Anthony Caruana

Security is always high up on the list of issues IT decision makers need to manage. One of the most challenging aspects of security is that the types of threats are changing and the environment we’re protecting is shifting as mobility, the cloud and other trends alter the way we work. Anthony Caruana spoke with four security gurus to get their views on the changing threat matrix.


Can enterprises adapt their existing security models to deal with BYOD? It’s obvious that there is no way to eliminate

All four of our panel agreed that the

all the risks to a business. However, McKin-

types of threat have changed but each

nel said that “it’s a question of educating

pointed to a different threat. Gray said,

people and teams within an organisation

“The whole concept of APT (state spon-

about how to protect both their devices and

sored malware) attacks has really become

the information stored on them”.

Security systems are only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. Searle told us, “Attackers will quickly identify the weakest link within a target organisation and pursue them relentlessly until they have achieved their goals.”

What emerging threats do you anticipate for the coming year?

mainstream over the last few years. The funny thing is, APT-style attacks are

Businesses can accommodate technical

This is perhaps the most critical question

nothing new, it’s more that awareness

changes so there’s no reason why they can’t

- what’s next?

of this type of threat has grown.”

change their approach to security according to Ducklin. “If you are determined to

Ducklin expects to see “more of the

On the other hand, Ducklin pointed to

run headlong into the future in what you

same” and McKinnel said, “Emerging

growing use of the cloud by cybercrooks

do and how you do it, yet determined to

threats include DDoS, botnets and

where they can access “crimeware as a

be a stick-in-the-mud when it comes to

multivector threats. There will be more


security, you may end up not adapting

activism, hactivism, state-sponsored

your attitude to security.”

espionage and cyber warfare. Gray was more pessimistic.

According to Searle, “The single biggest change in the threat landscape has been

This is the challenge for businesses and

the movement from mass-produced

securing their IT environments. The very

“Well, there are two things that concern

scattergun-style spam, phishing and

idea of the organisation’s perimeter is far

me - the erosion of the effectiveness of

defacement campaigns to highly custom-

less defined than it was.

two-factor authentication and the rising popularity of social engineering among a

ised and sophisticated attacks.” Coupled with McKinnel’s identification that, “The

Gray said, “The transition to BYOD is really

class of attackers who previously haven’t

biggest change has been the increase in

driving some new thinking among smarter

presented much of a threat.”

mobile devices being used in the work

enterprises. They’re realising it’s a chance

environment and the breakdown between

to really embrace deperimeterisation -

Gray sees ‘man in the middle’ attacks,

their owners (staff ) and corporate IT.”

they’re now able to set up their networks

where authentication information is cap-

We learn that what worked last year may

in a way that treats each endpoint with

tured between the sender and receiver. He

not work this year and may not even

less trust. So when BYOD is done right,

pointed to recent attacks using malware

work next year.

the entire network can benefit. When it’s

called Zeus, used to intercept the one-

done wrong, it’s potentially very risky.”

time-passwords sent by SMS that are


Patrick Gray, security analyst, producer and presenter, Risky Business podcast

Scott McKinnel, MD, Check Point Software Technologies, ANZ

Craig Searle, Operations Director, BAE Systems Detica

Paul Ducklin, Head of Technology, Sophos05

© Tighe

What is the biggest change to the types of security threats enterprises face?


used in banking transfers. “A crew hitting

bank and nowhere else. I think we’ll see

cloud services. Teaching users how to be

European banks got away with something

this for high-value corporate accounts

safe with their own data is a good way

like $47m doing this,” according to Gray.

some time in 2014. They’ll stay in use

to get them thinking about business data

until we can think of a better solution,”

and to ask the question, “Do you look

Gray added.

after your customers’ data as strongly

What was clear in speaking with all four

and as carefully as you should?”

panellists was that the factor to consider

the underlying supply chain who may not

Have businesses adapted their thinking around security in the cloud and BYOD world?

have the same level of security maturity.

While the cloud has become a significant

We have a theory. When security is done

By compromising these organisations an

planning and execution concern for

well it’s like the umpire at your favourite

attacker can quickly abuse the trust rela-

enterprise IT departments, it seems that

sporting event. You know it’s there but

tionships between supplier and customer

businesses are being slow to adapt their

it’s not noticeable. McKinnel says that it

and achieve their aims.”

security models for this new paradigm.

starts the C-suite by “having someone in

Further to that, Searle also noted that

Gray says that there’s a source of local

traditional security by logical or physical

advice. “One organisation providing stel-

Similarly, Searle says, “Security done well

separation may no longer be enough.

lar advice when it comes to both cloud

could be most easily described as having

“SCADA environments are becoming more

computing and the BYOD phenomenon

security built into the very DNA of an

commonly targeted, particularly in cases

is Australia’s very own Defence Signals

organisation. Every business process,

of espionage. Often SCADA environments

Directorate. They issue edicts to gov-

every job function, every requirements

rely on ‘security through obscurity’ and

ernment about these topics and release

specification would have information

operate on dedicated networks that are

guidance to the private sector. DSD’s

security built in as a key consideration.

physically separate from the rest of the

work in this area is well worth a look.”

Security becomes part of the culture of

when looking at emerging threats was the motivation of the attackers. Searle said that “attackers may not directly attack an organisation, instead they attack

What does “security done well” look like in an enterprise?

a senior position, such as a CISO”.

an organisation, not dissimilar to anti-

corporate environment.” “Largely the core model for effective IT security management - Prepare,

ing authentication methods and shift

Protect, Respond & Monitor - remains

Ducklin’s view is that there needs to be

away from static data, such as birthdays,

unchanged,” according to Searle. “What

a pragmatic approach that is negotiated

addresses and the like, when validating

has changed is the focus of the individual

with end users where the benefits for bit

personal credentials.

principles and the level of exposure that

the user and business are highlighted.

non-IT staff have to these principles.”

“Can you hook your own iPad up to the company network? Yes. Do you get

“We’ve seen some miscreants doing some very clever account hijacking by abusing

Searle says that IT’s roles in security is

to make all your own decisions on con-

helpdesk process flaws at companies like

changing as back office teams like finance

figuring the iPad? No. You can’t install

Apple and Amazon. Google for ‘Mat Honan

or HR are now involved in addressing IT

any old app. You can’t jailbreak it. You

social engineering’ to read a horrifying

security risks. “In today’s environment,

can’t get rid of the passcode because you

story about that.

every single team member within the

find it irritating. In return, of course, the

enterprise has a critical role to play.”

personal stuff you have on there will be safer, which is good for you, too.”

“Authentication headaches are going to


discrimination or OH&S.”

Gray expects to see the collapse of exist-

grow in 2013 and hit fever pitch in 2015.

Ducklin sees the willingness of end users

It’s a really awful problem that might ne-

to give up personal information as being

Gray, on the other hand, hasn’t yet seen

cessitate a move to single-use transaction

a significant issue. As well as personal

security done well. “Show me an enter-

devices, like a tablet computer issued by

data, there’s also geo-location data and

prise that does security well and I’ll show

your bank that can only connect to the

the willingness to put information on free

you a unicorn that pisses beer.”

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Litéra Secure File Transfer provides email encryption, electronic signatures and secure large file transfer. The product allows users to send encrypted emails and attachments of any file type up to 100 GB, and enables organisations to safely transfer large files that may otherwise be restricted by file size restrictions of the sender’s or recipient’s mail server. The electronic signature functionality allows a user to execute a document, such as a contract or agreement,

Yellowfin Storyboard is a presentation and

that is sent using the product.

collaboration platform for business intelligence

It’s available as a hosted or on premise private cloud application.

(BI). It offers an interactive PowerPoint-style

Users can send large files up to 2 GB directly from Microsoft Outlook

presentation module for BI content.

or up to 100 GB using the web interface.

The web-based presentation-oriented user

Users can also view a full audit trail of sent and received files, in-

interface enables insights to be incorpo-

cluding time-stamping, proof of delivery to email server and inbox,

rated into organisational decision-making

and open notification.

processes, while allowing employees from non-data-centric backgrounds to share and benefit from BI. Rich content - such as images, graphics or video - can be added to slides.

Additional features include central policy management for administrators, full scalability and mobile device access.


Users can also embed interactive reports to


any slide. This allows users to explore their

Micro Focus has released Rumba 9.0 and Rumba+, which enable organisations

data collectively during presentations, to help

to modernise the end-user experience in isolation from the application code.

contextualise its significance and underpin

This can help increase end-user productivity and satisfaction without the risks

data-based decision-making.

associated with heavy-duty modernisation development projects.

Each specific presentation is auditable and

Rumba enhances the end-user experience of legacy applications by transposing

securable. Users can monitor how many,

their green-screen presentation onto more Windows, mobile and web environ-

and which, users have viewed each Sto-

ments. This allows organisations to improve end-user productivity, shorten business

ryboard. Access to each Storyboard can

process learning cycles and cut through laborious data input/retrieval processes.

also be restricted to certain user types or

Rumba can securely connect to host systems, enabling terminal emulation.

individual users.

The software introduces three different clients that allow the customer to mod-

Storyboard is integrated into the core Yel-

ernise green-screen applications without the need of specialised knowledge.

lowfin application and comes as part of a

Point-and-click controls can be created to enhance a single green screen or

standard Yellowfin licence.

to update an entire application.




M O B I L E D E V I C E S T H E N E X T I N T E R N E T S E C U R I T Y T A R G E TÂ Jonathan Andresen, Blue Coat Systems

K 32

Malnets are a lucrative source of income for distributors and they are becoming more sophisticated every day. How can your business stay ahead of the distributors to protect your business?

eeping corporate networks

ness model that uses a combination of

secure has never been more

both mass-market and targeted threats

difficult, complex or over-

to infect users or steal sensitive or pro-


prietary information. And while the IT community grapples to keep up with

In the past six months there has been

computer security threats, cybercriminals

a 200% increase in malware networks.

are increasingly turning their attention to

Known as ‘malnets’, malware networks

the vulnerabilities presented by mobile

have delivered more than two thirds

device platforms.

of malware attacks worldwide and are virtually impossible to shut down.

The new corporate network

The rise of large malnets has turned

Businesses are increasingly allowing

malware into a highly lucrative busi-

mobile devices to access the corporate

To create additional complexity, malnets use this self-perpetuating process to launch multiple, varied and simultaneous attacks. For example, while a large search engine poisoning attack is targeting millions of different search terms, a concurrent spam attack could be generating millions of malicious emails. Each attack will use different trusted sites and incentives to lure users. Since these malnet infrastructures last beyond any one attack, cybercriminals can quickly adapt to new vulnerabilities and repeatedly launch new malware attacks. By choosing the most popular places on the internet, such as search engines and social

Š Khalitov

networking sites, malnets are able to infect multiple users with relative ease.

Why conventional security is failing With the rise of mobile devices in the workplace, securing the corporate network now means securing the user. Yet there are significant gaps between the security that employees are willing to accept and IT

network. In fact, by 2016, 350 million

believe the productivity and flexibility

managers expect on mobile devices accessing

employees globally will use smartphones

benefits offered by mobile devices are

corporate data.

at work and 200 million of these will

inextricably linked with an increase in

be employee-owned devices.

web security threats.

Whether it’s through corporate mobile

They are right to be concerned. Web-based

initiatives to improve workforce pro-

threats are device agnostic, targeting users

ductivity, bring your own device policies

on desktops, laptops and mobile devices

Most existing mobile security solutions

to offer employees greater flexibility, or

alike. The increase in mobile devices with

lack a control point over mobile browser

guest device programs to enable a closer

access to the corporate network provides

applications and the operations within native

working relationship with partners or

cybercriminals with a new high-value target

mobile applications. For example, organisa-

customers, businesses must deal with

for malware attacks and creates a potential

tions must block the entire Facebook native

two major challenges. Firstly, they must

security risk for businesses.

app, rather than blocking employees from

There are several risks associated with allowing mobile devices to access the corporate network.

posting content within it. Comparatively,

overcome exposure to web-based threats and inadvertent data loss via native mobile

How malnets work

companies that choose to reduce controls

and mobile browser applications. Secondly,

Malnets are extensive malware networks

face a high risk of inadvertent data loss and

they must ensure employees follow cor-

circulating on the internet, designed to

are unable to enforce acceptable use policies

porate security policies.

deliver mass-market attacks on a continuous basis. They are developed, managed

Web threats indiscriminately target all

While both business and employees make

and maintained by cybercriminals seeking

devices, regardless of whether they are

strides to embrace the shift to a more

to steal personal information or transform

desktop computers or mobile devices.

mobile workforce, many IT managers

end-user systems into botnets.Â

These threats are also now able to re-use



threats that indiscriminately target users on laptops, desktops, smartphones and tablets. 2. Granular application and operation controls Most mobile device-level solutions simply block entire applications and offer no control


over mobile browser applications. Look for a mobile device security solution that provides

successful desktop tactics against devices.

Negative Day Defence offers a proactive

granular application and operational controls

Current information shows there are eight

approach to network security. By identify-

across both types of applications – native

malnets circulating on the internet that

ing the malnets delivering the attacks and

mobile and mobile browser. These granular

target mobile users, three of which target

blocking them at the source, businesses are

controls will allow you to set flexible IT

mobile users exclusively.

able to prevent new attacks before they

policies that prevent inadvertent data loss

are launched. This new type of proactive

and ensure consistent enforcement across

A recent global mobility survey conducted

cyberdefence, combined with a robust

the extended environment – closing the

by IDC revealed a large expectation divide

business security policy, represents the

application security gap.

between IT managers and employees re-

future of internet security.

garding the level of security that should

3. Contextual policies

How businesses increase mobile device security

Look for a mobile device security solution

many IT managers see the risk of malware spreading from a mobile device to the

To date, companies have struggled to

that intelligently applies policies based

corporate network as very high, while the

find ways to balance the benefits offered

on user, device, location and content. A

overwhelming majority of employees feel

by mobile devices and the threats they

flexible solution will allow your business

their mobile devices are very secure.

present to the corporate network. Today’s

to create policies that can accommodate

complex online environment demands

both personal and business usage without

Defending your network

a security solution that has the ability

compromising security.

For businesses trying to protect their users

to meet an employee’s desire for access,

and data in an increasingly complex threat

balanced against the IT department’s

Now is a crucial time for businesses to ad-

environment, a new type of security is re-

need for protection against threats and a

dress these security challenges. Cybercrimi-

quired. Businesses must look for a unified

control point for native mobile and mobile

nals are increasing their strength using the

security solution, which will extend the

browser applications.

advanced technology provided by malnets,

be applied to mobile devices. For example,

security perimeter of the corporate network


that supports a robust policy framework

while employees add to vulnerabilities on

by delivering global threat protection and

When looking for a corporate network

the corporate network with mobile devices.

universal policies to all users across the

security solution that extends to mobile

Enterprises understand the dangers of allow-


devices, there are several things you should

ing access to corporate data from employee-

look for:

owned devices, but haven’t yet determined

While malnets are nearly impossible to kill,

1. Advanced defences

the best approach to mitigate those risks.

there are steps you can take to protect your

By blocking the threat delivery mechanism

organisation. One of the major issues faced

rather than specific threats, the Negative

Businesses today must look for a network

by companies is that traditional anti-virus

Day Defence protects users well in advance

security solution that leverages the same

defences often fail to pick up malnet attacks

of the deployment of malnets. And since

policy and protection infrastructure across

until after the damage is done. Traditional

the Negative Day Defence blocks eve-

deployment modes, ensuring consistent

signature-based defences are unable to keep

rything associated with known malnets,

protection and policy enforcement regard-

up with the frequency with which these

businesses are also protected against any

less of location or device. Using this model,

attacks are launched. The security industry

other attacks delivered by these malicious

businesses will be able to combat and close

must move to a proactive defence that can

infrastructures. Importantly, a security so-

the mobile security gap associated with

stay one step ahead of malnets.

lution must protect against device-agnostic

mobile and remote users.

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Singapore harnesses analytics bizR&D synergies Exploit Technologies Pte Ltd (ETPL), the technology transfer arm of Singapore R&D organisation A*STAR, is driving a consistent pipeline of technologies for commercialisation as well as building clusters of industries, including business analytics, aimed at strengthening Singapore’s research and business ecosystem.

The Asia Cloud Forum, an online media portal, has been created to represent the interests of enterprise users, governments, telcos, vendors, policy makers and others with a stake in the development of cloud computing in Asia.

The company has identified the clusters based on market potential; patent strength in technologies that support the cluster; and the speed at which each cluster is likely to mature, deliver results and reach leadership position. “About 50% of South-East Asia’s data centres are located in Singapore and we will continue to attract more,” said Dr Ng See Kiong (pictured above, left), director of the Business Analytics Translational Centre (BATC). “Can Singapore be the Switzerland of data banking? To do that, we need to create an ecosystem. That means creating services based on data, such as analytics.” BATC was spun off from A*STAR, set up by Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry as the R&D engine for the industry. The


centre’s two main goals are to ensure that its R&D technologies are deployed in the real world and to create a talent pool to

and services; healthcare and wellness ($8.8 billion); energy and

work on the technologies.

resources ($8.2 billion); online and virtual goods ($24.5 billion); education ($15.4 billion); telecom ($46.4 billion); supply chain

“The whole idea with BATC is about translating technologies

and manufacturing ($24.6 billion); hospitality and tourism ($4.3

into innovative solutions,” said Christopher Yu, vice president of

billion); and financial services and insurance ($46.5 billion).

ETPL’s Planning, Innovation, Network and Enterprise Division. Examples of transformation that Ng cited include retailers’ foRead full article by Khoo Boo Leong at content/singapore-harnesses-analytics-biz-rd-synergies

IDC: 2013 last call for CIO transformation “2013 will be the last call for CIO transformation,” said Sandra Ng, vice president of IDC Asia Pacific’s Practice Group at the recent Asia-Pacific ICT 2013 Top 10 Predictions Forum. “The key performance indicators (KPIs) for IT departments and CIOs are beginning to change. The CEO is beginning to give business-

cus on delivering new customer experiences and transforming physical retail outlets to differentiate themselves; and Malaysian budget airline Air Asia’s provision of tablets as part of its inflight entertainment system. Read full article by Khoo Boo Leong at content/idc-2013-last-call-cio-transformation

Cloud predictions 2013: APAC cloud adoption takes off

oriented KPIs to the head of IT or the CIO. Once the new KPI

According to The Asian State of the Cloud 2012 survey con-

is established, new behaviours will be shaped.”

ducted by Asia Cloud Forum in August and November last year, enterprise hybrid cloud (38.3%) and private cloud (35%)


Ng also highlighted nine industry sectors that will undergo or

shared similar rates of adoption in Asia. Public cloud adoption

begin their transformation journey in 2013. They include retail and

(16.7%) trailed far behind. And a sizeable 10% of the respond-

consumer packaging, where businesses in Asia-Pacific excluding

ents said cloud computing was simply “not suitable for use at

Japan will spend US$17.1 billion next year on hardware, software

their organisations”.

W W W. A S I A C L O U D F O R U M . C O M


The primary reason behind their possible engagement in cloud

jobs available worldwide, according to an IDC white paper

computing, according to the survey results, was to enhance

- Climate Change: Cloud’s Impact on IT Organizations and

flexibility and scalability of IT resources (63.3%), control IT

Staffing’ - sponsored by Microsoft Corp.

costs (46.7%), optimise local/global IT infrastructure through virtualisation (43.3%), modernise business process (41.7%) and

However, IT hiring managers report that the biggest reason

reduce capital expenditure (41.7%). Just 16.7% of the respond-

they failed to fill 1.7 million open cloud-related positions in

ents said cloud computing was part of their corporate strategy.

2012 is because job seekers lack the training, certification

According to Mark Smith, managing director, Savvis Asia, “There has been a lot of request for proposals from blue chip companies about cloud services lately in Hong Kong.”

and experience needed to work in a cloud-enabled world, according to IDC, which interviewed more than 600 hiring managers worldwide for this study.

There has been strong cloud uptake across selected workloads

Globally, almost two-thirds of enterprises are planning, im-

like e-commerce and development/test environments. “This year,

plementing or using cloud computing, and more than 50%

many IT decision makers consider cloud for their core business

of businesses agree that cloud computing is a high prior-

applications. In 2013, I anticipate this trend will continue to grow

ity. However, more than three-quarters of businesses have

significantly and extend to mission-critical apps,” added Smith.

apprehension about the security, access or data control of cloud computing.

Read full article by Carol Ko at cloud-predictions-2013-i-apac-cloud-adoption-takes

7 million cloud-related jobs worldwide in 2015 Demand for ‘cloud-ready’ IT workers will grow by 26% annually through 2015, with as many as 7 million cloud-related

W W W. A S I A C L O U D F O R U M . C O M

Asia-Pacific will adopt private IT cloud services more aggressively than Europe, Middle East or North America. Cloudrelated IT jobs will grow at 32% per year to more than 2.3 million in Asia-Pacific by the end of 2015. Read full article at



QUEST SOFTWARE MESSAGESTATS 7.0 AND MESSAGESTATS BUSINESS INSIGHTS Quest Software’s MessageStats 7.0, which includes MessageStats Business Insights, is available. Business Insights helps IT managers detect, analyse and investigate inappropriate use of corporate email as outlined by email use policies, including excessive personal usage, social

The HEAT Cloud 2012.3 ITSM platform

networking and communication with competitors.

supports critical workflow-based service

The software allows managers to mine insights from data locked

management tasks that range from service

in the Exchange store, to help answer questions including: which

desk operations to more complex service

employees are communicating with top-tier clients, how often com-

management operations.

munication is taking place and what ideas are being discussed in

The platform introduces social service man-

the organisation and by whom.

agement. By bringing social collaboration

A dashboard lets managers configure useful insights without extensive

concepts together with service management

technical training, thereby reducing the burden on IT admins for

best practices, the process improves com-

one-off requests. The dashboard provides an overview of insights

munications between service desks, team

grouped into categories, is customisable and can be refined on

members and customers.

the fly to reflect the changing priorities of a business.

Real-time feeds and activity streams contain-

ing important updates allow service desks analysts and customers to be notified in real time about key issues and updates to help



improve service desk efficiency and customer

The Telogis Fleet 10 fleet management software is now available. The Driver


Scorecard provides metrics to help companies identify trends in driver behaviour

The Social Board provides a central location

that impact safety. The software generates reports on activities and behaviours

for agents or customers to post, receive and

that are critical to driver safety including hard braking, hard acceleration, exces-

comment on messages. A self-service portal

sive speeding, seatbelt use and after-hours vehicle use. It gives drivers in-cab

gives users up-to-date information, helping

alerts to help encourage safe driving habits.

them to solve their own issues, reduce the

The Telogis Supervisor is a mobile app that allows field supervisors access to

volume of service tickets, and simplifies com-

information in the field, helping them to make decisions based on location

munication for the service desk.

and vehicle information.

The platform includes a centralised location

The app shows the user where they are in relation to other vehicles and assets

for previously submitted posts and messages.

within their organisations, and see customer information, driver data, recent

Service agents can create new incident reports

stops and histories, and the vehicle that may be nearest to a specific job. Fuel

based on social feeds from the social board.

monitoring brings greater visibility to a business’s fuelling activities.

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B U S I N E S S A D V A N TA G E Dr Roger Kermode, Chief Technologist, Communications, Media & Entertainment, HP South Pacific


egacy customer relationship

lytics solutions capable of converting massive

management (CRM) and business

amounts of data into real business value.

intelligence (BI) systems were

of 21st-century consumers. The challenge

Survey shows big swing to BI integration

now is to manage the sheer volume, veloc-

An international market IT survey has

ity and variety of data flying their way.

provided an insight into current thinking

never designed to satisfy the needs


The huge proliferation of social media and mobile technologies is fast becoming a game-changer for Australian organisations and their relationships with customers. This explosion in data, from consumers who are continuously connected, is now viewed by many companies as essential for effective customer engagement.

among major companies towards BI and It is no longer sufficient to examine internally

social media solutions. Nearly 600 organisa-

sourced data such as sales reports or internal

tions from a wide range of industries were

customer ticketing systems. Organisations

surveyed in 2011.

must be able to capture external data flowing across social networks and digital channels,

The survey found that 89% of respondents

and merge it with their existing intelligence

in Asia-Pacific and Japan (APJ) considered

to understand their customers in real time.

BI systems important. However, less than

This requires strategic information and ana-

a third believed their current systems met

due to the lack of an enterprise strategy

Organisations that successfully exploit

to gain maximum business value from the

social media understand this and update

captured data.

their workflows to be customer centric

© Mymrin

with multiple feedback loops to minimise Many organisations still use enterprise data

cycle times. This means that business and

warehouse solutions that capture data from

IT work closely together to share all data

multiple sources during the day. However,

from all sources when designing a social

this data may take up to 24 hours before it is

media engagement and BI solution.

accessible - a delay that is now unacceptable.

Prioritise customer understanding not just performance

For example, news media organisations need

Sourcing data from multiple sources is just

instant access to online story consumption

the start. If the wrong questions are asked,

and resulting social media interactions in

particularly ones for which no action can

order to prioritise content and maximise

be taken, then the investment is wasted.

readership. Many publishers now actively

Organisations must ensure the data enables

track social media posts related to competi-

direct actions that improve customer metrics

tors in order to preserve readership and create

such as engagement, churn and desired-

‘Fast Follower’ or ‘Catch Up’ stories based on

action completion. This means any solution

topics they’ve missed. This is only possible

deployed must be flexible enough to ask a

when social media and internal data streams

variety of questions and provide the means

are combined and accessed in real time.

to effect changes based on the answers to those questions.

However, this integrated and real-time ac-

Big data in real time

cess creates headaches for companies that

Social media happens in real time, and so

often have insufficient governance structures.

should an organisation’s response to it. A

their business needs and less than half felt

Rather than a plan to prioritise their BI efforts

key part of a successful social media strat-

their existing business intelligence solutions

that are aligned with business goals, many

egy is the capability to understand and act

could handle large data sets.

organisations have ad hoc solutions devel-

in real time. However, the implications of

oped in response to urgent business needs.

this flow through to system design. To be successful, organisations will require fast

The value of capturing customer commentary from social media channels also rated

These issues are further exacerbated with

databases capable of ingesting multiple

very highly, with 79% of APJ companies

increases in available data. Organisations

high-volume real-time data flows while

saying the information should be tracked.

are finding it harder than ever to manage

simultaneously providing access to the data

The global average was 68%.

the influx of social media data and exploit it

for automated and manual analytics. With

for improved customer experiences. Current

technology purposely developed to analyse

Nearly two-thirds of APJ respondents in-

architectures were never designed to handle

large volumes of unstructured data in real

dicated that over the next 12 months they

all this information. Australian enterprises

time, organisations are better equipped to

are planning to integrate social media with

must ensure that their solution to managing

respond to market movements with practical

existing business intelligence data and 54%

social media data fits with their BI plan as

and actionable insights.

will require outside assistance to achieve

a disjointed approach will just propagate

Multilayered reporting

their goals.

their current woes.

A key part of any successful social media

Existing BI systems not up to the task

Chief information officers (CIOs) should

right insights and performance metrics

be aiming for the following:

to people. Wireless tablet computers have

The survey results show that despite heavy

Integrated, organisation-wide solutions

made it easier than ever for people in

investment in BI systems in recent years,

The incorporation of social media into an

the boardroom down to the data centre

organisations are not achieving the results

organisation’s customer relationship strategy

floor to access performance data. This in

they anticipated. For the most part, this is

requires new technologies and workflows.

turn has created demand for multilayered

strategy is the ability to propagate the


reporting whereby people are individually

on Facebook and Twitter and incorporate

within the organisation and social media

presented with customised views into

sentiment analysis to provide real context

metrics can be used to gain insights.

what is happening on the basis of their

to the ‘noise’ on social networks. Once

role. The deployment of multilayered

they start engaging with customers through

reporting also reinforces customer-centric

social media channels, they are in a posi-

Delivering a competitive edge

behaviours and an organisational focus on

tion to influence their decisions. They can

Organisations throughout Australia and the

what is important.

also proactively protect and enhance brand

broader Asia-Pacific region are aware of the

reputation by responding to customers with

importance of incorporating social media

relevant offers and good service.

into their CRM and BI systems. Legacy

The incorporation of social media into an organisation’s customer engagement

CRM systems are incapable of handling

strategy changes the conversation between

Mobile phone network providers are us-

the huge volume of traffic. The pressure

the CIO and the rest of the organisation.

ing social media in network management.

is on to develop more effective programs

Whereas the conversation in the past may

Widespread usage of smartphones and

and architectures.

have involved larger, longer projects with

tablets drives increases for data and localised

reasonably well-defined requirements, the

congestion. Some operators track Twitter

Social media must be incorporated into exist-

integration of social media creates shorter

for complaints about coverage to determine

ing contact centre channels for a complete

cycles and a much closer partnership with

the impact of network problems and where

view of customers and the rapid delivery

the chief marketing officer.

to prioritise repairs or network upgrades.

of new products and services aligned to market trends and the broader business

Gaining an insight into customer trends

A fully linked intelligence environment with

Companies that create an agile and fully in-

enterprise-level system to help companies

Those that succeed with an integrated

tegrated social intelligence environment can

make the right business decisions. Infor-

social media strategy will establish a solid

move beyond simply ‘listening’ to comments

mation can be converted to identify trends

competitive advantage.

intelligence plan.

real-time analytics can be part of a broader

Do you aspire to ‘Peak Performance’ in IT? Learn how at the BICSI South Pacific 2013 Conference and Exhibition The BICSI South Pacific 2013 ‘Peak Performance’ Conference is the premier event for network & cabling professionals who are involved in all aspects of ITS infrastructure, including specification, design, installation and management. Hear experts from around the world speak on data centres, the NBN, IT networks, cabling, IP-based applications and business topics. The conference will conclude with a stirring closing Keynote Address from former Victorian Premier, The Honourable Jeff Kennett AC. Encompassing technical presentations, cases studies, workshops, seminars and product demonstrations, the Conference will help you: » » » » »

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will formally launch ACTA as part of the Con-

18-20 March 2013 Etihad Stadium, Melbourne Docklands. The BICSI ‘Peak Performance’ Conference and Exhibition aims to help delegates and visitors achieve peak performance in ICT infrastructure through technical and business presentations, workshops and exhibitions. The conference (Tuesday and Wednesday) will feature subject-matter experts articulating peak performance in topics covering recent structured cabling developments, the NBN rollout, data centres, convergence of AV, security and building management onto IP networks, regulatory matters, project management, the active network layers and the maintenance of IT infrastructure. Seminars and workshops (Monday) will upskill delegates in issues such as choosing between shielded and unshielded cabling; properly terminating Cat 6A; correctly testing and reporting on cabling performance; interpreting OTDR charts; successfully deploy multimedia applications over structured cabling; cabling for industrial applications; and main-

sensus IT Writers and Consensus IT Professional

taining fire ratings in cable pathways.

The launch of Australian Consensus Technology Association (ACTA) will be held on Monday 25 March in Sydney and broadcast live to locations in Melbourne and Brisbane. The new association provides a wide range of education and training for its members as well as ample opportunities for networking, collaboration and mentoring. ACTA is part of Consensus Group, established in 1999, which runs a series of industry awards programs that identify the most innovative solutions designed and developed in Australia and New Zealand. Paul Fletcher, MP, Federal Member for Bradfield,

Awards presentations which honour the industry’s IT journalists and editors and our unsung heroes. Other awards programs run by Consensus include the Consensus Software Awards (most innovative software), NASSCOM Innovation Student Awards (innovation by students at our universities), Consensus GreenTech Awards (most conference

CEBIT AUSTRALIA 2013 For the twelfth year running, CeBIT Australia returns to the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre from 28–30 May 2013 as the number one business technology event of the Aus-

innovative green and clean technologies) and

tralian business calendar.

the Consensus Innovation Awards (innovation

The CeBIT Exhibition brings together a diverse range of industries on

across all industry sectors).

a single platform, covering the entire spectrum of business technology

Julian Day, Founder and CEO of Consensus,

solutions for industry and government, from critical processes such as

said, “We have conducted in excess of 400 evaluations of technology over the past decade



business intelligence, cyber security and enterprise resource planning software, to the latest Web 3.0 developments, unified communication,

and are well positioned to assist and enable our

cloud, big data and emerging technologies.

members to innovate and commercialise new

The CeBIT Global Conferences line-up focuses on the latest innovations,

ideas. Bringing together technologists across all

business solutions and technology insights from the private and public

market sectors provides a unique platform for

sectors. The 2013 conference themes include cybersecurity, supply chain

networking and collaboration on new projects

& logistics, financial technology, cloud computing, enterprise mobility

to promote Australia’s capabilities.”

and business intelligence & big data.

For the latest news and updates, follow @CeBITAUS on Twitter.




ocial media has the capacity

overall response from the group was

build larger organisations because what

to be the glue that connects

“only 40%”. Social media technologies

that organisation is capable of doing is

your business with the rest of

have great promise in connecting the

far more valuable than the associated

the world.

right person with the right information

transaction costs that come from a large

at the right time.


recently around social media and many

This is the core reason that social media

It may seem obvious but if we examine

people around the world are trying to

technologies can be viewed as a Trojan

the proposition from the point of view

figure out how best to use the technolo-

Horse inside large organisations. If social

of social technologies then it gives us

gies to transform their business models.

technologies are about connecting to the

new insights. What we are about to see

Beyond that current fixation, social

right person or right information at the

is a battle between the increased capac-

media technologies will change the very

right time, then the question that has

ity the technologies give individuals and

nature of how large organisations work.

to be posed is whether that informa-

small organisations to collaborate and get

tion or person is necessarily inside your

things done, and their capacity to reduce


transaction costs inside large organisa-

There has been a huge amount of hype

tions. There will be no single winner but

report last year with the headline number that use of social media technologies in

The increasing use of social technolo-

the basic value proposition of the large

four sectors could add US$1.3 trillion

gies inside large organisations means

organisation is under threat. We will see

to the world economy. Underlying that

that people will become more and more

far more collaboration across groups and

headline is the view that social tech-

comfortable in using them to organise

less value in large organisations.

nologies can increase the productivity of

their connections and their workflow.

knowledge workers by 20-25%, a huge

Once that happens they will become

What this means from an IT point of

gain for companies that employ sig-

far more comfortable in using that

view is that these changes will fundamen-

nificant numbers of knowledge workers.

process to connect and collaborate with

tally change the nature of work inside

people outside of their organisation as

organisations and will make them more

well as inside.

porous to the outside world. This will

At a recent presentation to a CEO

fundamentally embed IT more strongly

institute group, I quoted research that


people inside large organisations spend

The Nobel Prize-winning economist

into the business process and forward-

40% of their time trying to find the right

Ronald Coase wrote a paper in 1937

thinking implementations will be looking

person or the right information to solve

called ‘The Nature of the Firm’. The es-

to create a structure which facilitates all

a problem or meet a customer need. The

sential message in that paper is that we

of this change.

© Rich

The Mckinsey Global Institute released a

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