Technology Decisions Jun/Jul 2014

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IT leadership & innovation

Will Microsoft survive? OpenStack’s growing pains Hard questions to ask your data centre JUN/JUL 2014 VO L .2 NO. 5 PP100009359


ZOMBIE VIRTUAL MACHINES coming to get you?



It is with great excitement that I take over the reins of Technology Decisions. Andrew Collins has stepped back from the role of editor to concentrate on his studies, but will continue to contribute as senior writer. On behalf of the whole team, I thank him for his hard work in producing such a fine

j u n / j u l

2 0 1 4


magazine, and we wish him well with all his endeavours.

10 | Virtualisation brings savings, simplicity and

I take over as editor at a time when the ICT field is


going through lots of big changes, from BYOD to the

12 | Peer2Peer: Kris Kumar, Digital Realty 16 | A safe and secure digital environment

cloud. The cloud in particular has changed just about everything - from where we store our data, to how we work collaboratively with colleagues in any part of the world. But as is true with all new technologies, there are always pluses and minuses. Our lead feature in this issue looks

29 | Cloud and database services provide the right fit 30 | Will Microsoft survive the next decade? 34 | Cloud solutions require a consultative approach

at OpenStack, the open source cloud platform, and finds that while the platform has gained wide acceptance, it still has a few challenges to overcome. How important is the cloud to your enterprise? Would you be lost without it? I’d like to hear your thoughts on this and any other ICT matter that you feel strongly about. You can email me at: Jonathan Nally, Editor

F E A T U R E S 04 | Growing pains for the cloud’s open source platform OpenStack vendors are increasingly claiming the open source cloud platform has reached maturity, but is it truly ready for the enterprise market?

cover image: ©Black Spring/Dollar Photo Club

20 | Does your desktop have a desktop? Analysts have been predicting the death of the desktop for many years, but what do IT managers think? Will tablets replace every beige box?

14 | People, processes and technology Organisations that begin a journey towards adopting cloud must begin with a clear understanding of the destination, or be left with disappointing results.

26 | Are zombie machines coming to get you? The ancient human instinct to not throw anything useful away is leading to VM sprawl – the rise of zombie VMs that refuse to die.


w w w . t e c h n o l o g y d e c i s i o n s . c o m . a u

Growing pains

for the cloud’s open source platform Andrew Collins

OpenStack vendors are increasingly claiming that the open source cloud platform has reached maturity - but is it truly ready for the enterprise market? 4

The project is managed by the OpenStack

“Most people I talk to about this [say

Foundation, an organisation formed in

that OpenStack] takes an awful lot of

September 2012.

people and a lot of money to implement and make work. People are saying that

The OpenStack code is freely available

it’s still quite amorphous, there are many

under the Apache 2.0 licence and is open

distributions of it, and implementing it

to contributions from the general public.

and making it work actually becomes

According to the project’s official website,

quite expensive and quite complicated,”

“an open development model is the only

McIsaac says.

way to foster badly-needed cloud standards, remove the fear of proprietary lock-in for

In a report titled ‘An overview of Open-

cloud customers, and create a large ecosys-

Stack, 2014’, Gartner analyst Lydia Leong

tem that spans cloud providers”.

writes: “OpenStack requires significant expertise to implement and operate for

From a distance, OpenStack seems quite

anything other than a trivial nonproduc-

impressive. More than 100 organisations -

tion deployment. Do not expect that

including major vendors such as IBM, Cisco,

you can simply send an engineer on

“From a distance, OpenStack seems quite impressive. More than 100 organisations contribute to the project and it

© alphaspirit/Dollar Photo Club

features some pretty impressive users ...”

Dell and Hitachi - contribute to the project.

an OpenStack training course in order

It also features some pretty impressive users,

to acquire the necessary skills. When

such as Harvard University, Sony, PayPal

considering the cost of an OpenStack

and even the US National Security Agency.

solution, ensure that you factor in the labour costs.”

OpenStack has come in for criticism in the past, however. These criticisms included, but

When asked about reports of burdensome

were not limited to, supposed community

implementation, Mark Potts, CTO of

infighting and politics, a lack of enterprise

HP’s Cloud unit, says his own company’s

features and low-quality contributions from

public cloud efforts provide a case study

the community.

for OpenStack’s progression.

one of a few open source cloud

Recent times have seen OpenStack’s pro-

“We’ve been running a public cloud at

platforms available to organisa-

ponents claiming that the project has

scale based on OpenStack, going all the

tions that don’t want to rely on

emerged from its difficult teething period

way back to Diablo [an OpenStack release

proprietary cloud platforms. This could

and is now (or is on the verge of being)

from late 2011]. The maturity around

include companies wanting to deploy their

ready for the enterprise.

some of that in Diablo and [subsequent


or the uninitiated, OpenStack is

version] Essex was problematic. It was a

own private clouds or cloud service providers looking to offer public cloud computing

But some commentators believe problems

very new project, that’s for sure. If you

services to their customers.


compare [the even more recent] Icehouse

OpenStack was launched in 2010 by Rack-

Kevin McIsaac, analyst at IBRS, says that

terms of the experience, robustness and

space and NASA in 2010, both of which

implementing OpenStack is labour intensive

scalability,” Potts says, adding, “Now that

contributed code to the first iteration.

and costly.

doesn’t mean there is not work to be done.”

now to Diablo, it’s markedly different in


Potts points to HP’s hand in advancing the

is a framework divided into multiple

basis, limits portability between different

project’s TripleO program as an example of


OpenStack-based clouds as well as the

how OpenStack has developed over time.

ability to use OpenStack for hybrid cloud “Because components can, to some degree,

solutions. At present, there is no less lock-in

“The TripleO project is really about how

be adopted independently of one another

for customers adopting OpenStack than

you stand up an OpenStack-based cloud

and each project has its own technical road

for those adopting proprietary CMPs,”

environment, and then how you manage

map and leadership, OpenStack projects vary

she writes.

the life cycle of that. Because one of the

in their maturity, speed of development,

things customers want is that innova-

development community participation and

But lock-in isn’t necessarily a bad thing,

tion and that fast cycle, but that can be

level of customer adoption.

according to McIsaac.

every three to six months. So we’ve been

“Although significant efforts have been made

“You don’t want to avoid lock-in. What

spending a lot of time on TripleO and

to stabilise the most widely adopted Open-

you actually want is to strike the right

the installation to make it a lot easier,”

Stack components, OpenStack as a whole

balance between lock-in and value. Because

Potts says.

should be considered relatively immature

if you’re not committed to anything, you

software and new projects continue to be

probably won’t get any value out of any-

added to the integrated releases,” Leong says.

thing either. And there’s huge value to be

very, very disruptive if you’re upgrading

HP runs all of the infrastructure for OpenStack itself, he says, including con-

had from being locked into the right stuff.

tributions, testing and CICD (continuous

There’s also doubt about whether the open

integration/continuous deployment).

source nature of OpenStack truly does away

“Microsoft, for example. You can get a lot

with vendor lock-in.

of value out of the Microsoft stack, and

“We’ve learnt an awful lot. What we’re

you are firmly locked into it, but if you

doing with our distributions is bringing a

McIsaac says: “You’ve heard these stories

really exploit the features and the benefits,

lot of that knowledge and understanding

[about interoperability] from vendors before.

you can drive enormous value. What’s

from the public cloud, from running the

‘You take my magic pixie dust, rub it on

the problem with the lock-in? Well there

OpenStack project and distribution in a

some other stuff, and now it’s good.’ And

are problems - contract negotiations, for

CICD process, in to TripleO,” he says.

to a degree those claims really are magic

example - but if you’ve got such great

“[And also] supporting that for custom-

pixie dust.”

value out of it, who cares?” he says.

and building out and having to deal

According to the analyst, we’re likely to see

But don’t be cavalier - lock-in may be the

with releases and upgrades at that type

increasing vendor lock-in as time goes on.

price for getting value, but that compro-

ers as they start to think about adopting

of frequency.”

mise must be made with full awareness “That was kind of the Unix [promise] as

of what you’re getting out of it.

Potts does concede that OpenStack “still

well: open systems and no vendor lock-in.

has room to improve”, but he maintains

Well, no. The lock-in is less severe in the

“You need to be very careful where you

that OpenStack is now “very mature”.

case of Unix, and even less with the case of

do get locked in. There’ll always be some

Linux. But you go down a Red Hat Linux

layers you get locked in to. Be clear what

“HP runs a public cloud at scale. Rack-

route, there’s a degree of lock-in. There’s

they are, and be very clear about how you

space runs a public cloud at scale, on

always lock-in,” he says.

drive value when you’re locked in, and

top of OpenStack. We both run on the

how you might get away from it at some

newest versions, and we would not have

Gartner’s Leong feels similarly, writing:

the service level agreements that we can

“OpenStack is open source, but that does not

other stage,” McIsaac says.

put in front of customers if OpenStack

equate to open standards, broad interoper-


was still as immature as it was a year ago.”

ability or freedom from commercial interests.

On top of talking up the maturity of

Locked in?

“Interoperability across OpenStack-based

some interesting rhetoric while plugging

Gartner’s Leong is not so sure of Open-

clouds, whether public or private, is

their OpenStack-based products. HP

Stack’s maturity. She notes that OpenStack

currently challenging and, on a practical

CEO Meg Whitman, for one, was widely

OpenStack, vendors are also employing



reported as saying in May, “Just as the

Potts, however, believes that customers

WSJ quoted Martin Fink, the GM of

community spread the adoption of Linux

will be able to dictate how far vendors’

HP’s cloud business unit. As the WSJ

in the enterprise, we believe OpenStack

offerings stray from vanilla OpenStack, and

notes, HP sells and supports Red Hat’s

will do the same for the cloud.”

therefore avoid the fragmentation of Unix.

brand of Linux, but competes with Red

IBRS’s McIsaac is dubious of the parallels

“I think the customer base will demand that

between OpenStack and Linux. OpenStack

it stays close to trunk, and doesn’t become

The article also outlined Red Hat’s rela-

lacks a leader figure to keep the core of

proprietary and closed, because they’ve

tionship with a company called Mirantis.

the project together, he says.

been bitten by that before,” Potts says.

The two companies partnered up, with

Hat in the OpenStack market.

Red Hat using Mirantis consultants and

“Although significant efforts have been made to stabilise the

tools to help its own customers build clouds using its version of OpenStack.

most widely adopted OpenStack components, OpenStack as a whole should be considered relatively immature software.”

But the WSJ said that after Mirantis began selling its own OpenStack software, Red Hat decided to dissolve the services partnership, and the company’s

“Unlike Linux, I don’t see the equivalent


senior leadership encouraged at least one

of a Linus Torvalds, who describes himself

Some vendors involved in OpenStack are

large Red Hat reseller not to partner

as ‘a benevolent dictator for life’,” McIsaac

copping flak for their particular approach

with Mirantis.

says. Instead, “Each one of these corpora-

to making a dollar from the project.

tions - like Red Hat and HP - is doing

“The problem is that … the majority

their own thing and they’re adding their

In May this year, in a story called ‘Red Hat

of [Red Hat’s] business is based on Red

own flavour to it, and then they’re building

Plays Hardball on OpenStack Software’,

Hat Enterprise Linux, and of course

their own distributions, and then they’re

the Wall Street Journal reported that

what they’ve got to do is continue to

trying to commercialise it.”

Red Hat’s rivals, partners and custom-

push Enterprise Linux,” says HP’s Potts.

ers feared the company was using its Rather than mirroring Linux, McIsaac

dominance of the Linux market to block

So, with OpenStack, Red Hat is “doing

believes OpenStack is instead a repeat

organisations from using OpenStack

a very closed stack, where [host OS,

of the Unix story from the ’80s, “where

products from other vendors.

virtualisation and OpenStack distro] are

the big vendors all went off and took

very tightly integrated, and you buy a

a great idea - Unix - and then added

Specifically, the WSJ claimed that Red

package. Obviously they don’t want to

all the things they thought were neces-

Hat had chosen not to provide support

support other Linux, because that’s not

sary, and then made it commercial and

to its commercial Linux customers if

in their interests.”

proprietary to themselves. So Unix was

they use rival versions of OpenStack.

still Unix, but everybody’s flavour was

This denial of support could discour-

Not all vendors are following that path,

different and moving between them was

age customers from employing cloud

however. Potts naturally mentions HP’s

quite hard.

products from other vendors, the line

own model as a comparison.

of argument went. “Whereas Linux, even though there is a

Red Hat has gone down a path with “a

bit of a split - Red Hat versus Debian, for

Red Hat reportedly said it would cost

different business model, and it’s a differ-

example - that level of split is much, much

too much to support different versions

ent approach - a fully, tightly integrated

smaller, because you’ve got the benevolent

of OpenStack, and that its cloud software

stack that doesn’t have different layers

dictator for life who controls the core of

needed to be tied tightly to its Linux

and options”, says Potts. “We’ve gone for

Linux,” McIsaac says. OpenStack is “likely


a different approach - we come with a

to be more fragmented like Unix, which was


fully integrated stack, but we actually have

standard but was somewhat fragmented

“Red Hat has taken the art form of

support for different Linux, and we have

in implementation.”

closed open-source to a new level,” the

support for different hypervisors.”


Virtualisation brings savings, simplicity and flexibility work


ornsby Shire Council is replacing its traditional

The council reconsidered its traditional PC-based, Windows

Windows XP/SAN environment with an advanced

XP environment and legacy SAN in May 2014 as the leases were

virtual desktop environment based on the Nutanix

due to expire in a few months. “This created an opportunity to

Virtual Computing Platform and VMware View.

consider what new solution could not only meet our immediate

This change has become necessary as it prepares not only to

IT needs but also support our needs over the next 10 years,”

meet current IT requirements but also to build a foundation

said Munns. “Our options included moving to a like-for-like

for a more mobile future.

environment, using a SAN-based VDI solution, or VDI based on

Hornsby Shire, located north of Sydney, is one of the largest councils in the state of New South Wales and is known for having a ‘switched-on’ community with an active base of IT-savvy residents and council employees.

VMware, and an all-in-one appliance offering combined server, memory and storage.” The council chose the Nutanix/VMware solution as it would reduce outgoings by approximately $100,000 per year in IT costs

“The key benefits of virtualising soon became clear - cost

alone, as well as being easier to manage and more flexible. “Being

savings, simplicity and flexibility,” said Craig Munns, information,

a scale-out system we can buy more capacity as we need it,

communications and technology manager at Hornsby Shire Council.

which fits our budget strategy perfectly,” Munns said. “We ran a

Munns and his ICT team manage the computer network

proof of concept and the solution was quickly embraced by staff.

comprising 500 desktops, 100 laptops and 80 printers used by

Although the Nutanix technology is next-generation it proved to

around 750 personnel across 20 sites in the shire. These are deployed

have the maturity and stability to fit our VMware environment.” The rollout was expected to be completed by June 2014. One of the key benefits of the Nutanix platform has been the simplicity it has brought to the council’s IT environment resulting in lower support costs and faster implementation. “Having the storage and compute functions in one box, and the single pane management, means we don’t have to manage multiple environments,” said Munns. “This was particularly important for us given we have a relatively small IT team with many business requirements to satisfy.” In addition to the Nutanix solution and VMware View environment, Hornsby Shire Council’s new IT architecture also includes a


in diverse locations from council administration buildings and

UniDesk virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) management solution.

depots to libraries, childcare centres, sports centres and other

“For the last couple of years we have seen more and more

community facilities. The council uses a suite of cloud-based

mobile devices being used by staff. They are using both Apple iPads

business software applications and other specialist applications

and Android devices … [We are now] able to give everyone instant

used by individual council services where necessary such as

access to their desktop, no matter what device they are using or

engineering, mapping and graphic design systems.

whether they are in the office or out in the field,” said Munns.




Hard questions to ask your data centre

Providing state-of-the-art facilities is one thing, but data centre providers should do more to raise the bar of customer service.


n increasing number of compa-

Hard questions need to be asked. Do 50

nies in Australia are outsourcing

people run your data centre instead of five?

their technology infrastructure.

Are they over-maintaining it? How can this

Outsourcing to data centre pro-

be managed to decrease waste?

viders is growing significantly, with Frost & Sullivan’s Australian Data Centre Services

Improve transparency. Increased opera-

Market 2013 report forecasting a market

tional transparency should also be a focus.

growth of over $1.5 billion by 2019.

Clients should be aware of exactly what they are paying for, such as what each component

To help their clients succeed, data centre

of the service costs and how much usage

providers must monitor the evolving needs

there has been per billing cycle. While there

of clients closely and continue to innovate.

is a measure of transparency today, different

State-of-the-art facilities and service are

data centre providers may report usage and

important, but more needs to be done.

bill for services differently.

Reduce waste. Many companies still consider

Establish industry-wide benchmarks.

technology infrastructure investment as a

Benchmarks can go a long way towards

cost, rather than an asset from which they

setting the right expectations. While many

can profit; however, models such as these

data centre providers do maintain historical

are becoming obsolete. Developing a new

benchmarks, adopting industry-wide bench-

business case for investments and improv-

marks will set clear guidelines about the rela-

ing the quality of the end-user experience

tive quality of data centre solutions, allowing

is something that all companies must do.

clients to make truly informed decisions.

One way to do this is to reduce waste. The

Regulatory compliance. Change can

National Australian Built Environment Rat-

only be effectively conceptualised and

ing System energy rating tools provides a

implemented in collaboration with other

valuable benchmark of performance for

players in the data centre ecosystem, includ-

Australian data centre providers to ensure

ing governments. For example, in 2013,

they are committed to being energy efficient.

industry-specific regulatory changes began to emerge in the Asia Pacific for technology


Kris Kumar has served as Digital Realty’s Senior Vice President and Regional Head of Asia Pacific since March 2012 and is responsible for overseeing the company’s corporate and operational activities in the Asia Pacific region. Prior to this role, he served as Vice President Corporate Development and Regional Head of Asia Pacific from May 2010 to March 2012. He has over 30 years of experience in the IT/data centre infrastructure, real estate and maritime industries.

However, energy efficiency is only one aspect

outsourcing that data centre providers must

of this. When it comes to data centres, this

adhere to, covering the financial services,

fundamental change in outlook must span

healthcare, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals

design, construction and operations. It

and biotech sectors.

should even address how we build awareness of - and say ‘no’ to - practices that promote

Data centre providers must offer creative

waste: by cutting down on water or electricity

business models that increase their clients’

use and becoming more efficient in tapping

return on investment. Only in this way can

human resources and processes.

they remain relevant to their customers.




People, processes and technology:

the perfect combination Max McLaren, Regional Vice President and General Manager Australia and New Zealand, Red Hat Asia Pacific


Organisations that begin a journey towards adopting cloud must begin with a clear understanding of the destination, or be left with disappointing results.


rom being a buzzword, cloud

ness transformation marked by expedited

computing has transitioned to

product delivery and reduced IT costs.

become a critical and strategic component for businesses across

Making the right move

all sectors in today’s digitally connected

Just as in the wider IT world in general,

world. The challenge now for IT decision-

cloud implementations are increasingly

makers is to sort through the proliferation

moving towards a more hybrid infra-

of information to find that which is most

structure. Furthermore, spanning het-

relevant, which in turn will help them make

erogeneous infrastructures, supporting

the right choices. They need to focus on

multivendor environments and bridging

a holistic view of all aspects within the

existing business workflows to this hybrid

organisation, going beyond just IT and

cloud world requires open approaches such

including people, process and technology.

as open source - just as leading public

By doing this, decision-makers can effec-

clouds have done. But within this broad

tively define and build a complete cloud

open and hybrid framework, there’s also

implementation (whether private, public

a need to take into account the specific

or hybrid) that can lead to a total busi-

needs of each individual business.

simple as just completing a technology

waterfall model to systems procurement,

transformation. Treating it as such will

a methodology that has consistently been

make the transformation that much harder

shown to be extremely inflexible to meet

and the benefits even harder to realise. To

changing business needs and which can

uncover the right approach and reap the

often lead to delays in product delivery.

intended benefits - no matter what the size

While stringent processes may be required,

or goals of the organisation - it becomes

especially in regard to security, using a

critical to ensure businesses find the right

cloud model to automate platform deliv-

balance of people, process and technology.

ery can greatly enhance an organisation’s capabilities to deliver both faster and more

People. Given the rapidly changing tech-

consistently. By focusing on optimising

nology landscape and the necessity to use

process early in a cloud implementation,

that technology to drive business value,

an organisation can ensure that its cloud

most businesses face a quandary when it

maximises the organisation’s potential.


comes to internal business and IT staff. One such issue is that many valued but veteran

Technology. There are many technol-

employees don’t always have the knowledge

ogy options when it comes to a cloud

of new business process methodologies, or

implementation. The right solution will

of newer architecture, design and imple-

be dependent on the organisation’s goals

mentation skills as they relate to the cloud.

and challenges. Ideally, organisations must use secure, open source products to build

The problem can be addressed through

their cloud solution. Additionally, specific

a compelling solution by engaging with

technologies allow those organisations to

customers with deliverables-based engage-

manage a variety of hybrid cloud infra-

ments. These engagements allow projects

structures. This in turn enables them to

Using a cloud methodology that addresses

within newer business models and technolo-

quickly mobilise and scale up across mul-

unique business needs, aligns with regula-

gies to be implemented, while simultane-

tiple cloud deployments as their business

tory constraints and optimises for individual

ously using a proven, hands-on mentoring

needs increase.

performance, cost and risk requirements

process to foster the development of internal

will allow for improved speed-to-market,

staff. This will enable customers’ staff to be

Shaping your cloud strategy

near-limitless scalability, cost savings,

operationally ready to work with the new

Moving to the cloud involves embracing

increased accessibility and reduced oper-

cloud infrastructures built.

new technologies, new service and deploy-

ating risks.

ment models, and substantially new IT skill Process. At the core of most enterprise

sets and processes.

With the flexibility, efficiency and scalability

IT organisations is a rigid, process-laden

offered by cloud technologies also comes the

approach to platform delivery, which can

Organisations that begin a journey towards

challenge of building out an implementa-

exacerbate any enterprise architecture dif-

adopting cloud, without a clear understand-

tion that maximises the business’s potential.

ficulties. With the introduction of cloud,

ing of the destination, are typically left with

Organisations must carefully examine their

which can greatly simplify an infrastructure,

disappointing results.

businesses to determine where and what

organisations must lay the foundation for

type of cloud will be the most appropriate

proper governance and processes, or else

Therefore, one needs to take into considera-

given their existing IT deployments, and

the web of infrastructure will become even

tion various factors while defining a clear

based on workload-specific requirements

more complex and unmanageable.

cloud strategy. This includes the expected

around cost, risk and performance.

impact of cloud on the business, identifyTo meet customer demands, a more agile,

ing applications that could be moved to

collaborative and iterative process for

cloud, how to maintain security and policy

Transforming the current enterprise IT

systems management is necessary. How-

compliance in the cloud, and choosing the

model to a hybrid cloud model is not as

ever, many organisations employ a classic

best-suited cloud deployment model.

Finding the right balance


A safe and secure digital environment work


s one of Australia’s most progressive and creative K-12

“Catering to such a wide range of age groups and academic

educational institutions, St Michael’s Grammar School

levels, it is important for the school to have the flexibility to

(founded in 1895) sits at the leading edge when it

manage what it deems to be appropriate content for different

comes to implementing technology for its staff and

levels,” said Ross. “We needed a strong but fine filter to be able

students. Not only does it offer easy access to applications and

to quickly sift through content without affecting performance.”

the internet through its computer laboratories and workstations,

After considering many options, St Michael’s settled on

it also has a fast wireless network covering the school grounds.

Barracuda Networks’ Web Filter 610. As an integrated content

The infrastructure allows its 1300 junior and senior students

filtering, application blocking and malware protection appliance,

and 300 full-time staff to comprehensively access its IT resources

it suited St Michael’s needs perfectly.

and to collaborate on projects and instructional materials.

“We could immediately enforce internet usage policies by

However, with children as young as seven in its care, St Michael’s

blocking access to websites and internet applications that are

takes no chances when it comes to safety and security, especially

not applicable to the school, as well as eliminating the entry of

online security.

spyware and other forms of malware,” said Ross.

“It is critical for us to ensure that our students, especially the

“One of the great features the Web Filter 610 has provided

younger ones under our charge, are adequately protected against

is that even inappropriate ads are blocked on safe websites,” he

various forms of inappropriate content lurking in cyberspace,”

added. “Unfortunately, a lot of websites hosting valuable content

said Jai Ross, manager of St Michael’s ICT department.

do sometimes have unsafe content on them as well, but with the 610 we don’t have to be so discriminating.” In addition, the filter also gave St Michael’s the flexibility needed to enhance the productivity of its users. The device integrates with Microsoft’s Active Directory to provide real-time access to the different users and groups managed by the directory server with different policies applied to each. From an IT administration standpoint, St Michael’s also found Web Filter 610 to be highly effective. “It is surprisingly easy to manage and allowed us to produce

© micromonkey/Dollar Photo Club

highly customisable reports,” noted Ross. “It is also very reliable and we’ve never had any unplanned downtime.” The scalability and power of the Web Filter 610 also meant that the school needed to install only one system to manage all its users, saving time and


While its old firewall seemed to be doing an acceptable

money. Most importantly, it serves its primary role well.

job protecting the school’s network, it was determined that a

“The primary reason was to protect our students from the

broad-based appliance preventing generic categories of content

unsafe content out there,” said Ross. “It has helped keep our

was insufficient to meet the school’s needs.

students safe on the web.”

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FROM THE FRONTLINE Does your desktop have a desktop? Jonathan Nally

Analysts have been predicting the death of the desktop PC for many years, but what do IT managers on the frontline think? Will tablets take over, or is there still a place for the beige box?



e’ve all read the head-

“With our next rollout in mind, we are

Perhaps a tablet’s form factor means

lines. Sales of tradi-

also investigating replacing thin clients

that they never will.

tional desktop PCs are

and some laptops with dockable tablets,”

dropping like lead bal-

says Naidoo. “Tablets should be able

“Multiheaded displays make it easier

loons and our offices are transforming

to fill the thin client function but also

to monitor many systems and specific

into hip young places full of bean bags,

give all our users the added flexibility

metrics while you still have your email

basketball hoops and tablet computers

of being able to take a tablet into meet-

and IM clients running - that’s a big


ings or attach a keyboard and use them

part of our life, which tablets won’t be

like a laptop.

able to replace for us.”

when you speak with those who make

“As with thin client, we do not expect

Cloud and managed service provider

decisions about IT infrastructure for

tablets to replace all our devices. Tablets

The Cavalry, also based in Sydney, is

their companies, the story isn’t as clear-

by themselves are perfect for consum-

right at the cutting edge of technology

cut. For while the desktop does seem to

ing data; however, in order to create

due simply to the nature of its business.

be on the way out for many users, for

something substantial, you can’t beat

Peter Low, one the company’s directors,

others it still has a firm hold.

a keyboard.

is another who doesn’t see every desktop

Mark Naidoo is IT infrastructure man-

“Whichever direction we choose, I believe

ager for public transport company

we are seeing the death of desktops.”

While the sales figures can’t be denied,

PC vanishing anytime soon.

Transdev Australasia. He’s one of the

“The answer for us is no - you’ll always

Power users

cannibalisation [of the desktop market]

“At Transdev, we are currently replacing

Sydney-based firm Hostworks is a pro-

we’ve seen multiple devices per person.

desktops with thin clients connected to

vider to the online and digital media

Whereas before someone might have had

a Citrix XenApp Desktop environment.

industries. Greg Koen, general manager,

a computer or laptop, who now doesn’t

Thin clients are cheaper, easier to man-

product factory (infrastructure), sees a

have a smartphone and a tablet in addi-

age and much less of a security risk

place for certain desktops still. “Tablets

tion to a desktop or a laptop?” he says.

compared to traditional desktops and

certainly threaten the low- to mid-spec

laptops,” he says.

desktop, but not the power user’s work-

This raises the associated issue of BYOD

station - well, not yet, anyway,” he says.

(see From the Frontline, Technology Deci-

“We do not expect to replace desktops

sions, April/May 2014). “You’re seeing a lot

and laptops for all our users, as there

“In my previous life in the finance

more devices needing management than

will always be applications and situations

industry, traders needed the power of

before,” says Low. “And also the expecta-

where the XenApp environment does not

workstations with typically four screens

tions of how people relate to technology

suit,” adds Naidoo. “We will still need to

attached,” Koen adds. “Complex apps

are far less tolerant than they used to be.

deploy some laptops and desktops for

need lots of compute power and plenty

When they connect up to their cloud and

these situations but these are minimal.

of pixels; tablets aren’t able to do that.

their software they expect it to work.

©Mikhail Kalakutskiy/ Dollar Photo Club

need high-powered users, and rather than

ones who views desktops in decline.


David Arkles, GM, Enterprise Solutions (ANZ), Motorola Solutions

Peter Low, Director, The Cavalry

Greg Koen, GM, Product Factory (Infrastructure), Hostworks

Mark Naidoo, IT Infrastructure Manager, Transdev Australasia


“With the BYOD pitch, a lot of the

protected. But in terms of tools to

work functions that are being provided

make your business and yourself more

today to workers isn’t across company

productive, we embrace those.”

supplied devices,” adds Low. “We’ve seen it in our own company. We offer

But tablets and other mobile devices

our staff technology, but people come

aren’t for everybody. Arkles cites the

in and they’re an avid Apple supporter

example of a major multinational

and they love their iPad and they want

corporation which, nine months ago,

to use it. They actually refuse … they

decided to move to issue its workers with

say, ‘Thanks a lot for supplying computer

consumer-grade mobile devices, partly

X, but I’d rather use my own.’

because of staff desire. It hasn’t gone mobile computing, the Motorola offices

well. “They put a stop to it in the last

“On the desktop issue … At the mo-

are places for innovation when it comes

month, and they’re now engaged with us

ment we deploy laptops to our team.

to workplace devices.

around putting enterprise-grade Android

We haven’t seen a suitable device to

smartphone devices in,” says Arkles.

replace a laptop with a tablet for the

“We do embrace technology [and we]

way we work.”

certainly encourage people to,” says

So overall, it is a case of horses for

Arkles. “My iPad for example is my own,

courses. While tablets and smartphones

David Arkles is Motorola Solutions Aus-

it’s not a business one; but I don’t have

have their place at present, and will carve

tralia’s general manager for enterprise

any issues having it in the network - as

out an ever-larger chunk of the desktop

solutions in Australia and New Zealand.

long as we operate according to the very

market as the years progress, the humble

As you might expect from a company

strictly controlled security standards

PC perched on your office desk will still

that is a world leader in enterprise-grade ensure AD_TecDes_LCBP_AUS_Layout 1 7/22/13to 8:46 AM that Pageour 1 overall network is


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be around for a while yet.

BEST OF THE WEB IT budget cuts put Australia behind competitors In its annual global survey of CIOs, Gartner Executive Programs found Australian IT leaders face significant challenges compared to their global counterparts. The survey found that, while Australian businesses expect IT to support growth, many were cutting IT budgets and falling behind the rest of the world in digitalisation, raising the prospect of a digital leadership vacuum. Australian organisations have fewer chief digital officers (1.8%

A digital leadership vacuum According to the Gartner report, most businesses have established IT leadership, strategy and governance, but have a vacuum when it comes to digital leadership. To exploit digital opportunities and ensure the core of IT services are ready, there must be clear digital leadership, strategy and governance. Gartner recommends that all business executives need to become digitally savvy. Yet in Australia, less than 2% of businesses have

compared to an average of 6.6% globally), outsource less and consume fewer public cloud services than worldwide averages. With IT budgets shrinking by 0.1% (compared to global growth of 0.2%), Australian IT leaders have less money to fund growth. A closer look at IT spending shows 26% of IT spending will be outside of the IT budget. This could raise integration issues in the short term and governance issues in the long term. “If Australian IT leaders are to ‘tame the digital dragon’, they need to address three top priorities: developing digital leadership, renovating the core of IT, and building bimodal capability,” said Gartner vice president Andy Rowsell-Jones.

appointed a chief digital officer, compared to 6.6% globally. When it comes to using the cloud, survey data shows that one-fifth of Australian businesses and governments have made significant investments in public cloud, placing them slightly behind their global peers. The other striking difference between Australian IT leaders and their peers is the type of cloud services being purchased. Only 43% of Australian businesses have invested in SaaS, compared to a staggering 72% globally. This could lead to Australian businesses missing out on the flexibility benefits of SaaS, which offer turnkey solutions to IT service needs.





echnology powerhouse Hewlett-Packard has revealed their plans for the ground-breaking Helion portfolio with the announcement of $US1bn investment in Cloud Computing. Since HP opened its doors in 1939, the company has been committed to open standards and interoperability. Their stewardship of the IEEE-488 (GP-IB and HP-IB) interface is a good example of this. HP’s patronage of the OpenDaylight Foundation’s open networking initiative has helped drive the SoftwareDefined Networking market and their commitment to OpenStack for the Cloud demonstrates HP’s support for open source applications. If we could start again and build Cloud computing from the ground up, what would we change to deliver a better solution? What would a new Cloud environment look like? Let’s imagine we could build the new structure and framework and call it Cloud 2.0. What would our core design goals be?

Let’s put the critical design goals of Cloud 2.0 in the spotlight • It’s open and interoperable • It’s adaptable and easily managed • •


It’s secure and provides easy access to your digital assets without performance barriers Service provisioning and capacity management are easily accomplished Let’s examine the business drivers that could lead to creating a unified cloud ecosystem that offered

users a vast array of choices while reducing changebased risk.

Open Standards would drive development of the new Cloud 2.0 Cloud 2.0 would be built on industry-ratified standards that ensure all systems were transparent and interoperable. This would enable comparative testing and benchmarking, permitting clients to select the vendor or solution that best fulfils their business need. Ideally there would be an independent authority providing oversight who is able to set uniform service levels that comply with accredited standards. Typical examples would include locating data in seismically stable environments or highly secure military zones. Because the framework is built on open standards, embedded systems and dedicated appliances could be built with plug-and-play functionality coded into networking and authentication protocols. Unlike current architecture and topology, the new operating environment would support legacy applications and operating systems by providing easily customisable “hooks” built into application interfaces. This would guarantee that integration between the hardware and software was seamless.

Reduce the high costs of enterprise technology ownership by building plug-and-play protocols Legacy applications are often retained because migration costs are exorbitant and capital expenditure is difficult to justify. Cloud 2.0 would provide uniform middleware that could plug into legacy systems and leverage the enormous

strides made in advanced virtualisation technology. A subscription model to fund the start-up could be used to kick-start the initiative with major contributions coming from vendors who stand to gain from making the project viable. The minimum functionality required would be to provide seamless migration of physical or virtual applications to and from the cloud, on-demand. Users could migrate endof-month processing to the Cloud and produce reports in minutes. The process of “out-processing” would be easily configured by end users with the activation of Cloud computing as simple as selecting a printer and hitting the enter key! This general concept could be extended to mirroring and real-time replication with the connectivity protocols and security authentication embedded in the software. It’s feasible that autonomous functions could kick-in to load-balance computing tasks, depending on the level of resources required.

Cloud Neutrality and independent indemnity that reduces risk There are numerous Cloud frameworks that claim to be “open”, “adaptable” and “secure”. CIOs must weigh up their existing investment in physical and virtual technology against the risk of change that Cloud migration poses. Cloud vendors claim that they already meet the provisions required for elastic demand or “bursts” of instantaneous compute power. What customers need is a comfort zone that enables them to select a Cloud partner who is an accredited member of a Cloud association. Stakeholders would be required to contribute financially to insure and indemnify themselves against data loss. Underpinning the structure would be trust mechanisms that are open and independently audited. Professional indemnity that funds policyholder remediation against unforseen events would certainly find favour with customers.

Independently audited Agreements (SLAs)


monitoring of performance and compliance. In Cloud 2.0 a better approach would be to set minimum performance standards and price these services accordingly. Classifying the value of your data and the guaranteed minimum seek time required would be a useful first step. High performance computing would be allocated to solid state disk arrays while low value archives could be stored on tape libraries. At its most base level, the product selected by a customer would be based on the grade of service required. Independent value-added specialists could monitor performance metrics to ensure compliance with SLAs.

What is HP Helion? • HP Helion is a portfolio of cloud products and services that simplify how organisations build, manage and consume information in their IT environment. • Helion combines the agility of cloud computing, the innovation of open source, and the security and reliability that organisations demand. • The vision for HP Helion is to become the flexible data fabric of an organisation and an integral part of their business operations.

Good strategy is guided by a clear vision for the future Hewlett Packard’s clarity of vision could reinvigorate the Cloud market and cement the company’s market leadership. Gartner’s recent magic quadrant shows that HP now occupies the number two spot in global networking and their storage and converged infrastructure products continue to garner customer accolades. HP’s Helion has the potential to unify customers and change the way business deploys Cloud solutions well into the future.


One of the issues that causes much angst amongst Cloud customers is the inconsistency between vendor SLAs. The industry lacks independent auditing and

Find out more about HP’s Helion cloud at:





zombie machines coming to get you?

Charles Clarke, Technical Director for APAC, Veeam Software


here is no such thing as an

between now and 2020. In addition, 6.4

IT department with too much

million tonnes of CO2 could be avoided

money. That’s always been true,

from 2003 to 2020 as a result of virtu-

but budgets right now are univer-


sally tight. For many organisations I deal with, the question is not which ‘nice-to-

The savings of virtualisation come from

have’ optimisation to leave off the list this

the fact that the more virtual servers you

year, but which essential project to delay.

can run on a single physical machine, the more energy you will save and the less


The ancient human instinct not to throw away anything useful is leading to VM sprawl - the rise of zombie virtual machines that refuse to die.

This is not the only thing driving more

often you will have to buy new hardware.

and more organisations to virtualise their

In most organisations, the business case

IT environments - there are many other

for virtualisation is built on the assump-

factors like speed, reliability and flexibil-

tion of a ‘consolidation ratio’ of between

ity - but making the best possible use of

10 and 20 to one - in other words, that

scarce resources is a big factor.

every physical machine will host 10-20 virtual machines (VMs).

According to IDC, Australian companies that virtualise their servers and physical

Once virtualisation has been implemented,

infrastructure can save $6 billion in costs

though, users quickly notice many other

restored at a moment’s notice - people

You also need to implement thin pro-

still hesitate to delete the VMs themselves.

visioning, particularly for SAN storage

Often the machine is unregistered so it’s

space, which is notoriously expensive. Thin

easy to forget about, but it’s still there in

provisioning means you can configure

a kind of undead zombie state.

your VM with all the storage you think is required - but actual storage space will

Superficially it seems less risky to let your

only be released when it’s needed, up to

old VMs hang around in case you need

the maximum you have configured for.

them one day - after all, hardly anybody

With this you can ensure the most efficient

ever gets in trouble for NOT deleting

use of your entire available storage pool.

something. But in reality, it’s VM sprawl that poses the real risks.

Another solution is to be rigorous about clearing out old and unused files - but to

The first risk is the one that really kills

do that, you first need to find them. This

your business case: every zombie VM is

is not a job that can be done manually - it

still using up valuable system resources,

needs specialised tools that can not only

especially expensive storage. Let’s say it’s

identify junk files but also enable you to

been allocated 500 Gb of data - even if

delete them safely.

© Lonely/Dollar Photo Club

that storage space is empty, it still can’t be used because it’s reserved for that VM.

Another problem that undermines the

It’s like putting a traffic cone in an empty

business case for virtualising is misal-

parking space - it instantly turns free space

location and over-allocation of system

into wasted space.


Combine zombie VMs with other junk

The easiest way to create a new VM is to

advantages. One of the key benefits is the

data like old ISO files and defunct system

do it from a template - every new machine

sheer convenience of creating new virtual

snapshots and you can push an entire stor-

gets, say, two CPUs, 8 Gb of RAM and

machines. Instead of going through a

age array to breaking point surprisingly

100 Gb of storage space. That’s a good,

lengthy procurement process to buy a new

quickly. The larger the organisation, the

average spec - but unfortunately, not

server, a development or project team can

more people there are contributing to the

every VM has average needs. Some will

commission as many new VMs as they

sprawl and the faster trouble will happen,

need more resources and some will need

need in minutes.

no matter how well resourced you are.

much less - and it’s very seldom possible

This is great - but if you don’t do your

There’s also a compliance risk: how many

housekeeping properly, the proliferation

operating system licences do you have?

You need expert systems

of VMs can slow your environment to a

Every zombie VM is using up one of them.

Assigning too many resources is waste-

crawl and fatally undermine the business

When the vendor comes to do an audit

ful and inefficient - it needlessly ties up

case for going the virtual route in the first

and finds you over the limit, “Whoops,

resources you could be using somewhere

place. It’s such a common problem it even

we seem to have overlooked that one” is

else. But assigning too few resources hurts

has a name: VM sprawl.

not going to be a good enough excuse.


Undead virtual machines

Keeping a clean machine

Finding the right balance between efficiency

Part of the reason VM sprawl happens is

Business processes that prevent wanton

and performance needs the right tools - by

the ancient human instinct not to throw

creation of new VMs are one way to

which I mean tools specifically designed for

away anything useful, ‘just in case’. So

solve the problem - but a process that

managing virtual environments.

even though the project is wrapped up

overcomplicates things also undermines

- all the files are archived and there are

the flexibility benefits of virtualisation in

Virtualisation works because it allows us

full backups of all the VMs that can be

the first place.

to overcommit resources, knowing that

to know in advance which is which.


most processes don’t need as much as

system that contains a lot of the specialist

up in July will also know not to implement

they are allocated. It’s like the way airlines

knowledge any organisation running a

that particular recommendation.

overbook flights, knowing that there’s a

virtual environment needs.

fairly predictable proportion of people

Between an IT manager’s knowledge of the

who won’t turn up. Because of this, and

You also need a system that can identify

business context, and a good monitoring

the multiple layers of abstraction cre-

problems affecting specific servers, depart-

tool’s knowledge of the virtual environ-

ated in the process of virtualising, it is

ments or applications. Throwing more

ment, it is possible to run a virtualised IT

almost impossible to understand the true

RAM at a slow machine, for example, isn’t

shop that delivers both better performance

resource usage of any VM using the same

always the right solution. What if the real

and lower cost, meeting the ROI targets

tools and approaches we use in physical

problem is disk related, or an application

set by the business.


with a memory leak? Monitoring tools need to supply that information - in the specific

There is no doubt that organisations will

You need the right monitoring and report-

context of a virtualised environment with

increasingly continue to virtualise their

ing tools to ensure that virtual overcom-

overcommitted resources.

IT infrastructure. Traditional IT policies,

mitment doesn’t become real. These tools

legacy management and reporting tools

will also allow you to manage your VMs

Human decision-making is always para-

are fast becoming inefficient in meeting the

dynamically, allocating and taking away

mount, of course, because humans know

demands of an environment delivering in-

resources according to their needs.

things about context and the future that

creased performance, scale and availability.

machines can’t. If the monitoring tool

A rethink of IT management to meet these

Because the rules of virtual environments

notices that between January and June a

demands and ensure you reap the most

are so different, it’s important to choose

particular server was underutilised, it may

from your virtualised infrastructure is a

monitoring tools that give recommenda-

recommend switching resources away from

no-brainer. This will eliminate the potential

tions, not just reports. What you need is

that machine. The human who knows that

pitfalls that could seriously undermine the

not just one more report, but an expert

the company’s financial year-end is coming

business case for virtualising.

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Cloud and database services provide the right fit

ounded in 2005, MapMyFitness is a leader in connected

during the autumn until it gets to holidays and picks back up

fitness, offering GPS-based tracking apps that have

with New Year’s resolutions. We’re at least doubling page views

topped both Android and iOS stores’ fitness categories

and mobile sessions year over year on top of increased user

since their inception. The company has steadily grown


and now boasts more than 22 million registered users.

To address the steady growth and fluctuation, DevOps has

To address seasonal demand, scale strategically and maintain

been a crucial component of MapMyFitness’s strategy. “We make

its rapid growth, MapMyFitness uses a variety of Rackspace

heavy use of Puppet to fully automate our environment, and we

services - including dedicated and cloud servers, RackConnect

practise continuous deployment, deploying to production daily

and MongoDB management services from ObjectRocket.

for the web and as often as we can for mobile,” Demmel says.

“What initially drew us to Rackspace were cost and reliability,”

“We integrate tightly with development, embedding DevOps

says Jesse Demmel, vice president, engineering at MapMyFitness,

personnel with our development team as they’re building features

“as well as the ability to get the benefits and performance of a

to ensure that we can handle the performance and that we’re

dedicated environment without any of the hassle of managing it.

building out the infrastructure appropriately at the right time.”

“As we’ve grown, one thing that has kept us at Rackspace

Demmel sees the addition of Performance Cloud Servers as

is the cloud, and the RackConnect to the dedicated side, which

an exciting step that will further enable the company’s journey

gets us really low latency from cloud to dedicated,” says Demmel.

towards total automation. “We’re getting 5x better performance out of the Performance Cloud than the previous generation of the cloud,” Demmel says. Yet despite this success, they still find dedicated to be the best solution for their database needs. “We’ve wanted to keep the databases on dedicated hardware due to the need for high IOPS,” Demmel explains. “In recent years, it’s been shown that high IOPS for databases is possible in the cloud as well, but the cost and reliability of dedicated hardware is still much better

© yanlev/Dollar Photo Club

than the cloud.” While MapMyFitness’s MySQL databases average more than 9000 queries per second (spiking at twice that volume), the company looks to MongoDB as a solution that will allow it to grow cost effectively. MapMyFitness’s customer base has at least doubled every

“What led us to Mongo was that classic relational databases

year since it began. In addition to this consistent growth, data

scale vertically, and aren’t cheap to do right,” Demmel says. “It

volume fluctuates in a predictable pattern each year.

was a cost choice. You look at the company and how fast it’s

Demmel explains, “Every year we are growing at a rate of

going to grow and where we’re going to be in five years, 10

2.5x in terms of the data that we have to support. Our traffic is

years, and a vertically scalable solution like MySQL was pretty

very cyclical: summer is our peak, and it starts trickling down



Will Microsoft survive




the next decade?

t seems there are now two Microsofts.

narrative colours interpretation. For

A more durable future?

The first, as it is characterised in

example, the primacy of the desktop -

The dichotomy in perceptions over Mi-

the technology industry and related

upon which Microsoft’s current business

crosoft matters for customers. An accurate

media commentary, frequently misses

hinges - has waned, but the finances of

version of the company is important

opportunities - it ships outmoded, over-

the corporation do not directly reflect

because an unflattering depiction of its

priced products to a market that doesn’t

despair or a trend to very negative terms

situation may influence strategic decisions

want them anymore. It has not innovated

of business directly correlated to falls

on the implementation of products and

and is usually outsmarted by its rivals.

in PC sales. Interpretation of Microsoft

services. In this sense, Microsoft is a

rests on relative magnitude and degrees,

strategic partner with many organisations

not absolutes.

that use the vendor’s products. Just as in

The second Microsoft - the one known in the financial sector - has strong fundamen-

any risk analysis, the vitality, innovation

tals, good products, very strong revenues

The technology industry picks on specific

and competitiveness of a major supplier

and has worked through management

Microsoft products, which have been either

are factors that affect long-term arrange-

challenges and is looking forward to a good

late to market or poorly performing. In

ments with a vendor.

future. The sentiment amongst financial

general terms, the technology industry

observers is bullish on the stock, and the

tends to extend a negative product instance

If the technology industry views are to be

company is a strong buy recommendation.

into a whole-of-corporation failure - which

believed, Microsoft may not exist within

makes for dramatic, though not very ac-

a five-year period. The financial analysis,

curate, commentary.

however, tends to support a more durable

These two Microsofts can’t be the same. The reason there are two versions of the

and vital future for the company. If the

corporation is that it depends on the

The financial industry, on the other hand,

latter perspective is correct, organisations

perspective and the reading that is given

interprets Microsoft through the numbers

can be confident on the outlook for many

to particular items of data, whether that is

alone. The return on equity, earnings

years ahead. Microsoft’s record revenue

sales shipments or revenues. In turn, how

per share, and operating revenues, for

for the December 2013 quarter showed

that individual information is transformed

instance, are base guides for perfor-

that its Surface and cloud offerings were

into a whole corporation

mance and market competitiveness,


and they are very strong across the

30 © Bagiuiani/Do

llar Photo Clu


main measures. The financial analy-

Unlike other vendors that have collapsed

sis is valid and fully qualified but

rapidly, Microsoft is large and extensive

the technology perspective points

and - due to its scale - has unusual

to weaknesses that Microsoft has to

capabilities that can help it withstand

fix. (There is insufficient space here

steep competitive erosion through, for

to offer the alternative view that the

example, legal devices, or through market

focus on quarterly returns and earn-

strategies such as pricing. It has billions in

ings per share is the reason product

cash that can be used to buy companies

innovation and other core business

and enhance its products. The marketing

strategies have not performed well;

cloud addition to its CRM suite, Dynam-

that, in other words, the business is

ics, which will be phased in over 2014,

too financially motivated.)

is one such example.

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An ongoing theme in the technology

customers should try to make the vendor

industry’s perspective of Microsoft is

endure any cost disadvantages. Should that

based on direct technology performance,

action be widespread and have an impact

the value of the products and the experi-

on operating costs, Microsoft may alter

ence of many customers. On those three

practice as a result of customer action.

criteria the company has a mixed report

Such a degree of influence is likely to be

card. Relative product performance, value

greater from US customers rather than

and competitive pricing can be debated


endlessly. It is a fact that - even removing the bias that enters such debates of vendor

Organisations can look forward to a

versus vendor - Microsoft must rectify

continuous working relationship with Mi-

weaknesses in its products portfolio; it

crosoft, but need to consider three things:

must have a clearly articulated evolution

the cost and durability of being locked in

for the future and must also be able adapt

with the company on several platforms

to changing business environments.

over a 10-year period; the flexibility and agility that may be realised from other

Demise is not imminent

options; and that both courses of action

Even with its endemic strengths, Microsoft

mean accounting for business processes

has one of the most difficult tasks ahead

and costs, including opportunity costs.

- managing change across its operating markets, the technologies, its financial

In conclusion, debate over Microsoft’s

models and even through to management.

mixed record of successes and slow in-

Large corporations don’t manage change

novation during the last decade has incited

well - not before it becomes apparent to

conjecture as to its long-term durability.

the executive that procrastination is not

As many highly successful vendors have

acceptable to the shareholders. In its last

disappeared very quickly, it is reasonable

earnings call of October 2013, Microsoft

for some to wonder if the same might

accepted that it was on a path to change.

happen to Microsoft at some point.

But it has to be better at communicating what it can do because perception is the

But while Microsoft has been ‘disrupted’ in

most elastic element of brand quality.

the sense that it has not adjusted smoothly to new conditions, its demise is not immi-


Microsoft is a complicated organisation

nent. Yes, the corporation has to fix several

to deal with and some customers have

parts of its business, which will not be easy,

decided to end their agreements with it.

but it is financially sound and growing.

There are several reasons customers find

Microsoft customers need not fret over its

other suppliers. For some, the cost of

longevity. However, they ought to examine

using Microsoft’s products and services

how much they depend on Microsoft and

may be marginally higher. As the vendor

perhaps consider other flexible options over

gradually modifies its business model,

the next five years.

Guy Cranswick is an IBRS advisor who covers Google (Apps and Search), broadband/ NBN, Web 2.0 technology, government and channel strategy, including areas of business productivity. He has worked both in Australia and overseas for many major analysis firms.

BEST OF THE WEB Privacy policies must be clear and simple: OAIC

© Jackson

Australian privacy laws changed significantly in April, with the introduction of a set of Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) covering the handling of personal information. To kick off Privacy Week, the Office of the Information Commissioner has launched guides to developing a privacy policy that complies to the new standard, as well as to undertaking privacy assessments. “The OAIC’s community attitudes to privacy research shows that 95% of Australians want to know how their information is handled. However, we also know that most people don’t read privacy policies because they are too long and complex,” McMillan said. “The challenge for organisations and agencies is to develop privacy policies that allow individuals to make informed decisions about their privacy.”

Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim added that Australians are becoming increasingly concerned about how their private data is being handled. “Privacy complaints to the OAIC are on the rise with the OAIC having received almost 3000 complaints this financial year. That represents over a 50% increase on the previous year’s figure,” he said. “We also know that a majority of Australians (60%) have chosen not to deal with organisations because they were concerned about how their personal information would be handled.” Speaking at the launch, Pilgrim said that companies that proactively notify the OAIC about a data breach will be looked on more favourably than those who don’t, IT News reported. He said ANZ spared itself an investigation into a 2011 incident involving a security hole that potentially exposed customer statements to unauthorised eyes by directly informing Pilgrim about the breach. “But if an organisation doesn’t tell us about a breach and we find out about it through the media, we will have to start an investigation because we don’t have the background information that we need,” he said.





Cloud solutions

require a consultative approach

ith the growth of IT, smart

those looking to host offshore also need to

devices and the Internet

evaluate how Australian Privacy Principles

of Everything, the systems

could affect their operations.

and the data centre envi-

ronments that support them are becoming

The different types of ‘clouds’ available offer

increasingly diverse.

their own advantages. With the public cloud, the services provider owns the entire physi-

Today, organisations can choose their own

cal infrastructure and software. Businesses

‘data centre ecosystem’ which may include

purchasing access to these resources are

on-premise data centres, co-location facili-

billed only for time, bandwidth and storage

ties, hosted or managed services, or the end-

used. This model is often integrated when

less cloud options available such as private,

organisations are not constrained by security

public, community or hybrid. The trend

or data sovereignty concerns.

towards an outsourced model is validated by IDC, which believes cloud services and

In comparison, private cloud allows busi-

data centre services will grow by 24% and

nesses to host resources in a dedicated,

14% respectively year-on-year.

virtualised environment. While this addresses the risks associated with multiple users and

For organisations looking for solutions that

shared resources, it does require a substantial

are mapped to their individual IT applica-

initial investment and capital expansion as

tions and business processes, the question

additional capacity is needed, and does not

is, “How can I best deliver this application

provide for short-term bursts of growth.

to my business?” We call this applicationdependent data centre architecture.

To help businesses realise their cloud needs, there is a hybrid solution that uses a secure,


Whether the application is email, web ser-

private network to connect services and serv-

vices, CRM, ERP, supply chain management

ers or private clouds within the corporate

or any other business process, organisations

network to more flexible resources within

should consider each application against

the cloud. This way, the user realises the low-

criteria such as security, sovereignty, latency,

cost adaptability of cloud computing with

criticality, financial and political to establish

the security of its own servers, all through

the best means to deliver this service.

a single management interface.

When weighing up the benefits of integrating

Those who wish to implement cloud services

different types of data centre architectures, all

are best served by employing vendors who are

the risks involved need to be considered. For

focused on consultative solutions over those

example, the various IT ecosystems specific to

who simply deal in components. However,

verticals such as finance or telecommunica-

organisations should also have a clear-cut

tions often need to keep their critical data in

plan that assesses their data ecosystems and

a location close to their premises. However,


Adam Wilkinson has 18 years of experience in the IT industry with leading system integrators, distributors and vendors, including 10 years with the Schneider Electric IT Business (formerly APC) in Australia.



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