Newsletter October 31

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W h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g i n 1 B ?

Mrs. Scott’s Official Newsletter for the Week of October 31, 2011

Literacy and Language

Daily 5 Read to Someone- Read, read, read some more to develop fluency! Paying attention to punctuation marks.

Work on Writing- Written responses to literary favorites

Listen to Reading: Practice reading at different rates to convey feelings

Work on Words: Practice alphabetical order, creating a mini word wall for our Work on Words folder

Literacy CAFE: Creating story maps to respond to text, stopping to check for understanding

Word Wall Words: do, not, but, get, said


Envisions Unit 13 Sessions 1-4

-Making Equal Parts -Describing Equal Parts of Whole Objects -Making Parts of a Set -Describing Parts of a Set Vocabulary: fraction, equal parts, whole

S o c ia l S t u d ie s October Citizenship Skill: Responsibility What is Economics? -Identifying examples of goods and services in the home, school, and community -Describing the components of various jobs and the characteristics of a job well done -Introducing the role of markets in the exchange of goods and services

Writing Workshop Writing informational paragraphs from research -using a tree map to organize information -writing a paragraph with an introduction sentence, details, and closing sentence

Handwriting Without Tears -Lowercase s and v using double lines (midline and baseline) -Activity page: adding s to make words plural

Just a Reminder!

-Please return the guided reading envelopes to school each Friday for Mrs. Scott to trade out the books. -Wednesday is the 50th Day of School!

Don’t forget! Grandparents and Special Friends Day is Friday, November 4th. Adult lunches are available from the cafeteria for $3.25.

Nicole Scott – 1B-

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