April 23 Newsletter

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W h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g i n 1 B ? Mrs. Scott’s Official Newsletter for the Week of April 23, 2012

L it e r a c y a n d L a n g u a g e


Daily 5

Investigations Unit 8 Twos, Fives, and

Work on Writing- steps towards publishing, dictation sentences reviewing oi and oy, Daily Fix-it to practice editing


Literacy CAFE: comparing and contrasting fairy tales, discovering elements of fairy tales including talking animals, good versus evil, magic, love, and special numbers

Counting Money: pennies, nickels, dimes,

2.2 Problems About Twos 2.3 Twos and Fours 2.5 How Many Squares? 2.7 How We Counted

Work on Words: inflected ending rules for –s, -es, -ing, -ed; homonyms, subject and object pronouns

Sight words: man, many, take, were

Writing Workshop -Creating a class writing rubric -Responding to fairy tale writing prompts

Due to STAAR testing Tuesday, April 24Thursday, April 26, our school will be closed to visitors from 8:15-2:45. Thank you for your cooperation! Please return permission slips and lunch orders for our field trip to the movies next Monday, April 30th.

and quarters

S o c ia l S t u d ie s March Citizenship Skill: Effort

S c ie n c e We will find out what happens when rye grass and alfalfa plants are grown, then mowed close to the soil surface, and then allowed to grow again. We will plant wheat seeds in soda straws and watch for growth.

We will record changes in our brassica plant.

Nicole Scott – 1B- nscott@coppellisd.com

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