W h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g i n 1 B ?
Mrs. Scott’s Official Newsletter for the Week of February 27, 2012
L it e r a c y a n d L a n g u a g e Daily 5
Investigations Unit 6
Work on Writing- using the Somebody Wanted prewriting chart for fictional stories, daily fix-its to review singular and plural nouns, suffixes, and compound words Work on Words: suffixes –ly and –ful, review vowel digraphs ew, ui, ue, segmenting and blending two syllable words
Literacy CAFE: comparing literary elements across different cowboy stories, comparing and contrasting Bubba the Cowboy Prince to a familiar fairy tale
1.7 More Combinations of Ten 2.1 Revisiting How Many of Each 2.2 Crayon Puzzles 2.3 Dot Addition 2.4 More Crayon Puzzles 2.5 Assessment Vocabulary: more, combinations,
Sight words: would, your, keep
S o c ia l S t u d ie s
Writing Workshop
February Citizenship Skill:
Important Writing Adding details to our sentences
Handwriting Without Tears - lowercase z -paragraph writing
Respect Research and Study the Nine Banded Armadillo: The Mammal of Texas Chili Cook Off
Raffle tickets for the class baskets are on sale starting Monday, Feb. 27th. Please continue to send in those paper towel tubes. Each student needs one for an open house project. On Monday, February 27th your child will be bring home middle of the year assessment information. Please sign and return as soon as possible. If you would like a copy to keep, just make a little note and I will provide one for you. Thank you!
Nicole Scott – 1B- nscott@coppellisd.com