WETRUST 2013 G20 會議新聞整理 1.針對已開發國家的貨幣寬鬆政策(美、日)所引起的紛擾,G20 定調為市場導向的匯率形成因素。 2.已開發國家於會議中承諾將注意其貨幣政策的外溢性。 3.會中金磚四國對已開發國家過度寬鬆貨幣政策表達不滿。以次會議由俄羅斯主辦。俄羅斯總統普京 也在會中表達不滿。 4.美國與歐洲承諾將執行《巴塞爾協議 III》。若真的開始執行,台灣該如何因應? 5.大陸針對日幣的貶值,出現競貶的聲音。國際貨幣組織主席拉加德表示:開發中國家若有意保持增 長,應該透過政策作產業結構性的改變,而非靠貨幣貶值達成成長目標。
G20 財長會議公報:承諾避免實施競爭性貶值 2013 年 02 月 16 日 19:56 來源: 每經網
北京時間 2 月 16 日晚間消息 在本週五和週六,二十國集團財政部長和中央銀行行長們齊聚莫斯科,在 經過會晤後發佈了此次峰會的聯合會議公報。以下是會議公報的要點: 我們重申,將致力於密切合作來降低全球經濟運行中的不平衡性,並尋求推行結構性改革來對本國的 儲蓄產生影響,同時提高勞動生產率。 我們重申,將致力於迅速推進以市場為導向的匯率形成體系,提高匯率的靈活性,更有效的反映出經 濟的基本面,避免匯率的無序波動。從這一點來看,我們唯有密切合作來能實現共同發展。 我們重申,資本流的過度波動以及匯率的無序變動都會對經濟和金融穩定造成負面影響。 我們將避免對本國貨幣實施競爭性貶值。我們不會為了提高競爭力這一目的而人為設定匯率目標。我 們將抵制任何形式的貿易保護主義,確保市場開放。 為了解決現有全球經濟中的疲軟,積極推進大力度的改革並共同協商出臺政策是我們實現強勁、可持 續性和平衡性經濟增長和重建市場信心的關鍵。 我們將繼續兌現早前的承諾,包括推進金融改革進程,來構建更具彈性的金融體系,實施激進的結構 性改革來提振經濟增速。 我們將致力於確保公共財政的可持續性。 發達國家應該推出切實可行的中期財政戰略,應與我們早前在墨西哥洛斯卡沃斯峰會做出的承諾相一 致。 切實可行的中期財政整合計畫將很快就位並得以執行,將會把短期經濟環境和財政調控空間考慮在內。 我們支持採取行動提升那些對經濟十分有必要的信貸流入。各國的貨幣政策應該根據各自的目標,直 接致力於實現本土的物價穩定,並支持經濟復蘇。 我們將致力於對其他國家為調控本土經濟所採取的政策可能產生的溢出效應進行監測,並使其負面影 響最小化。我們期盼得到框架工作小組對有關溢出效應調研的結果。
2013 , 15 Feb , Fri
G20 財長會為貨幣戰之爭“滅火” 避免貨幣競相貶值 2013 年 02 月 16 日 17:56 來源: 東方網
據《新聞晚報》報導,近來有關貨幣戰的討論甚囂塵上,但正在莫斯科出席二十國集團(G20)財長 和央行行長會議的多位元國際財經組織掌門人均表示,圍繞貨幣戰的爭論“毫無根據”且“徒勞無益” 。 國際貨幣基金組織總裁拉加德認為,當前經濟復蘇並不平衡,發達國家經濟復蘇緩慢,而許多發展中 國家經濟增長迅速,這在客觀上就會帶來某種“緊張”,如部分發達國家指責新興市場國家 “人為使 本國貨幣貶值”。但她認為,近來受到熱議的貨幣戰話題毫無根據,國際貨幣基金組織的評估表明相 關貨幣基本符合其實際價值。 拉加德說,國際貨幣基金組織將密切關注國際金融形勢的發展。她同時呼籲發達國家不要採取過度寬 鬆的貨幣政策;而發展中國家要想獲得穩定增長,必須採取措施打破結構性瓶頸。 拉加德認為,世界各國應聯合起來,為促進世界經濟可持續增長共同行動,國際貨幣基金組織將致力 於協調各國在貨幣政策方面的合作。 經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)秘書長古裡亞也認為,目前並沒有爆發所謂的貨幣戰爭,“不排除這 是別有用心者為轉移視線耍的花招”。他表示,在 G20 財長和央行行長會議框架內,不會就貨幣戰議 題展開討論,各國代表還有許多“更為重要的計畫”。 同樣站出來為貨幣戰話題 “滅火”的還有歐洲中央銀行行長德拉吉。他在 15 日舉行的新聞發佈會上 說,有關貨幣戰的爭論不合時宜,且徒勞無益。他強調,匯率並非政策目標,但對於促進經濟增長和 保持價格穩定十分重要。在他看來,歐元的名義和有效匯率處於長期平均水準。 分析人士認為,儘管貨幣戰不會成為本次 G20 財長和央行行長會議的單獨議題,但會議結束後發表的 聯合公報將會就匯率問題有所表述,預計發達國家將承諾注意其貨幣政策的外溢性。
西方七國集團發表聲明 堅持匯率由市場決定 2013 年 02 月 16 日 14:49 來源: 中國廣播網
中廣網北京 2 月 16 日消息 據經濟之聲《交易實況》報導,西方七國集團發佈聲明,堅持匯率由市場決 定不動搖。知名財經專家李克認為,這對前一段時間日元大幅度貶值,實際上作出了某種限制。 李克:在前一兩個月,日元急速貶值,到目前為止已經將近貶值 20%,目前大家擔憂發達國家的量化 寬鬆會不會推動一輪新的全球範圍的貨幣戰爭。2 月 12 日,G7 七國集團發表了一個共同聲明,主要還 是強調要堅持匯率由市場決定的基本原則不動搖。對於日本來說,他們覺得比較欣慰的是至少七國集 團對於日本目前打擊通縮,甚至對設定通貨膨脹為 2%的目標這些做法認為不是政府有意識地在干預匯 率市場,所以對日本版的量化寬鬆保持了一種謹慎的態度。
WETRUST 作為七國集團來說,它們是堅決贊成由市場決定匯率,政府不可以對匯率市場有過多的干預。同時也 覺得在目前的狀態之下,所謂“貨幣戰爭”的說法過於嚴重,應該沒有到這個程度。 另外一方面,這對日本來說也是有約束的,G7 七國集團的聲明某種意義上來說把各個國家之間競相貶 值本幣的管道斷掉了。實際上 G7 七國集團並不是說對日本現在的做法完全保持贊同,實際上也作出了 一些適當的限制。 評論員簡介:李克國際著名經濟學家、日本大學商學院 EMBA 終身正教授、日中管理學院院長、《亞 太經濟評論》主編、亞洲開發銀行研究員,常年深入研究亞太經濟、企業管理,對中國和日本經濟有 獨到見解。
日本財務相在 G20 會上否認日本發動匯率戰爭 2013 年 02 月 16 日 18:05 來源: 人民網
東京 2 月 16 日電 綜合日本媒體報導,在莫斯科召開的 G20 財長和央行行長會議上,日本為擺脫通貨緊 縮而採取的經濟政策成為第一天會議中熱議的話題。 關於日本等國家的金融、匯率政策,與會的日本財務大臣麻生太郎表示,雖然有很多論調說發生了匯 率戰爭呀貨幣戰爭什麼的,但他認為這些論調言過其實了。 針對安倍政府實施的量化寬鬆金融政策,部分國家擔心,這是日本為了推動出口誘導日元貶值。對此 ,麻生太郎予以否認。他認為,日本採取的量化寬鬆政策是為了儘快擺脫久困日本的通縮現狀,配合 日本央行制定的 2%物價上漲目標而採取的措施,並非要誘導日元貶值。 報導稱,大多數國家表示理解日本所實施的經濟政策,認為將日本此舉說成是發動匯率戰爭確系言過 其實。 不過,發展中國家警告稱,應該小心發達國家的量化寬鬆政策引發的傳導(外溢)效應。
金磚四國不滿發達國家過度寬鬆貨幣政策 2013 年 02 月 16 日 17:59 來源: 人民日報
二十國集團財長和央行行長會議於 2 月 15 日、16 日在俄羅斯首都莫斯科舉行。這是俄羅斯擔任二十國 集團輪值主席國後舉行的首次部長級會議,加強金融體系穩定性為此次會議的主要議題,與會各國財 長和央行行長圍繞落實強勁、可持續和平衡增長框架體系,以及推進國際金融體系改革和金融監管系 統改革等議題進行討論。 中國同多數發達國家差距明顯縮小 會議期間,俄羅斯財長西盧阿諾夫與經濟合作與發展組織秘書長古裡亞於 15 日共同主持了名為“增長 之路”的經合組織 2013 年年度報告發佈會。在發佈會上,西盧阿諾夫表示,報告對全球經濟形勢做了 不過,發展中國家警告稱,應該小心發達國家的量化寬鬆政策引發的傳導(外溢)效應。
2013 , 15 Feb , Fri 全面和客觀的評價,提出的建議措施對於各國推動經濟發展具有重要借鑒意義。 報告介紹了過去 5 年中國經濟高速發展的情況,用翔實的資料肯定了中國經濟增長的世界意義。在本次 二十國集團財長與央行行長會議期間,金磚國家副財長與央行副行長舉行了會議,出席會議的中國財 政部副部長朱光耀向中方媒體介紹了本次會議的一些情況。他表示,這次會議是為今年 3 月在南非德班 舉行的金磚國家領導人第五次會晤進行政策準備。會議就建立金磚國家發展銀行和金磚國家貨幣儲備 庫的具體財政金融議題進行了討論。金磚國家影響力上升目前是世界經濟格局變化的客觀反映,包括 中國在內的世界主要新興市場國家順應世界經濟格局的變化。南非德班峰會將是該組織領導人第五次 峰會。這次峰會有重要的財政金融方面的議題,反映自去年新德里峰會以來的金磚國家合作的進展情 況。 與會的經合組織經濟部主任阿蘭•德•賽瑞斯在接受本報記者採訪時表示,中國近年來經濟的飛速增長 對世界經濟發展具有重大貢獻。當前中國同多數發達國家的差距明顯縮小,在增加就業、向私有資本 開放投資領域以及減少企業行政性費用開支等有利於經濟增長的多個方面,中國均取得了顯著成果。 未來如何保持長期穩定的高增長率是中國急需研究的重要課題之一。希望經合組織報告中提出的相關 建議,例如促進人力資源的流動性,進一步增強法律規範和教育公平等,能夠對未來中國的決策起到 幫助作用。 《巴塞爾協議 III》有望得到實施 國際金融體系改革仍是這次會議討論的重要內容。包括落實 2010 年首爾峰會達成的國際金融體系改革 內容,啟動國際貨幣基金組織新一輪份額改革討論等。 對於當前熱議的貨幣戰爭,古裡亞表示事實上並不存在任何貨幣戰爭。當前一些國家運用貨幣手段協 調經濟困境只能解決眼前的問題,他們應當關注的應該是整個國家的長遠發展。 朱光耀認為,此次會議在一些老問題上有所突破。在執行《巴塞爾協議 III》問題上,去年美國宣佈無 限期推遲《巴塞爾協議 III》,歐洲也存在猶豫。但是,此次在二十國集團國家強烈要求下,發達經濟 體考慮到他們自身銀行監管方面的具體情況,美國做出了在今後幾個月內實施該協議的決定,歐洲也 表示《巴塞爾協議 III》的批准已進入最後階段。歐美國家已經認識到了執行《巴塞爾協定 III》的重要 性以及主要發達經濟體在執行該協議中應該承擔的責任。中方期待各方能夠真正落實承諾,在金融監 管方面強化二十國集團協定內容,增加其信譽度。 金磚國家要求主要發達國家注意其貨幣政策外溢性 在談到經合組織和金磚國家的合作時,古裡亞表示,金磚國家是全球經濟的重要增長力之一,經合組 織同金磚國家均建立了良好的合作關係。俄羅斯同時還是經合組織邀請成員國,並在未來將成為經合 組織的正式成員國,這將有助於促進金磚國家同經合組織成員國互動。 金磚國家要求世界主要發達國家在制訂貨幣政策時應該注意其外溢性,也就是主要發達國家實施過度 寬鬆的貨幣政策對世界經濟,特別是對發展中國家的影響。金磚國家副財長與央行副行長會議就這一 問題進行了討論,金磚國家領導人第五次會晤也將討論此話題,並要求發達國家承諾在宏觀經濟政策 方面考慮特別是貨幣政策的外溢性問題。
WETRUST 在接受本報記者採訪時,朱光耀表示,在俄羅斯行使本屆主席國職權過程中,中俄兩國保持密切的溝 通,中方非常感謝俄方及時通報會議的有關情況,也感謝各方在會議期間及時就重大的政策問題保持 溝通。中方認為,俄羅斯成功舉辦二十國集團會議是俄對整個二十國集團進程和世界經濟發展的貢獻 ,也是新興市場國家包括中國對世界經濟穩定與發展的貢獻。對本次會議俄羅斯提出的議題,俄中兩 國進行了全面的溝通,相互理解相互支持。這具體體現了中國與俄羅斯間的全面戰略協作夥伴關係。
日貨幣“大放水”引各國擔憂 中國如何應對? 2013 年 02 月 16 日 09:51 來源: 北京青年報
“從美聯儲推出第四輪量化寬鬆政策,到歐元集團主席容克警告歐元匯價“高得危險”,再到日本央 行日前推出無限量寬鬆措施,全球貨幣戰似乎“一觸即發”,在這場突如其來的全球貨幣“變局”中 ,中國該如何應對?” 日貨幣“大放水”引各國擔憂 在美聯儲三輪貨幣“大放水”過後,全球美元流動性氾濫,引發包括日本在內等國家央行被迫放鬆貨 幣政策,以避免本國貨幣過快升值。 日央行日前宣佈自 2014 年起實施每月定期購入資產的“無限期”貨幣寬鬆措施。對於日本的貨幣大放 水,各國反應強烈。先是德國央行行長魏德曼跳出來,他表示對此深感憂慮,歐洲央行行長馬里奧•德 拉吉也表示,央行的獨立時代即將結束,各大央行可能迫於各自政府的壓力,陷入競相推動本幣貶值 的貨幣戰。英國央行行長默文•金隨即指出,今年貨幣戰爭可能激化;俄羅斯央行第一副主席烏留卡耶 夫也判斷,全球正處於一場新的貨幣戰爭邊緣。 為了穩定全球貨幣市場,七國集團近日發表了關於匯率的聲明,但事與願違,造成更混亂的局面。 全球貨幣戰“一觸即發”? 2013 年,全球貨幣戰一觸即發?對此,《貨幣戰爭》作者宋鴻兵稱,“現在可以肯定的是,美日歐以 及俄羅斯、巴西等國都在或即將主動點燃貨幣戰火,其他國家會束手待斃嗎?2013 年可能會爆發世界 貨幣大戰。” 但知名投研人士萬曉西認為,全球貨幣戰打響的可能比較小。目前全球經濟體之間主要矛盾還是中美 利益的平衡,日本的經濟和軍事戰略都是在跟隨美國。儘管最近日元貶值比較快,但綜合來看各國匯 率變化,主要是日元貶值,美元處於平衡狀態,歐元則還在升值。因此全球貨幣戰目前來看很難打起 來。不過,這樣的格局使得人民幣匯率比較尷尬。 商務部研究院研究員白明則表示,從目前來看,各國的量化寬鬆貨幣政策還是相對孤立的,出發點基 本上都是振興國內經濟,因此還未構成貨幣戰;但是如果多國競相跟風貶值,就會有引發貨幣戰的風 險。 中國如何應對全球貨幣戰? 6
2013 , 15 Feb , Fri 事實上,美日的貨幣“大放水”引發一些國家擔心,全球出現競相貶值的貨幣戰,並助推新一輪貿易 戰。在此情況下,中國又如何應對? 目前,中國是日本最大的交易夥伴,對華貿易占日本貿易總量的 21%。白明表示,東亞經貿聯繫日益 緊密,日本在研究亞洲貨幣體系,同時中日韓自貿區、日本與東盟經貿合作等自由貿易安排也在進展 中,日元貶值必然會對周邊經貿聯繫密切的國家帶來影響,比如貿易、投資等領域。 “面對日元的貶值,如果中國不下調人民幣匯率,那麼出口損失是必然。”萬曉西建議,我國央行也 應採取一些措施讓人民幣大幅貶值,“如果各國貨幣競相貶值,堅挺的貨幣肯定‘最吃虧’,目前我 們只能讓人民幣貶值,而且貶值幅度大於日元。” 北京嘉合盛匯研發中心首席外匯分析師王洋表示,面對日元貶值形勢,中國企業應該及時、主動地採 取措施,以規避日元貶值帶來的損失。他建議,我國外貿企業可以進行遠期外匯買賣操作,“可以買 入日元兌美元的遠期對沖,日元兌美元波動大,易操作;而人民幣兌日元不好操作。” 此外,日元貶值對大量持有日本國債的中國等國家外匯儲備利益或將受損。日本央行近日演講指出, 央行持有的日本國債達 104.9 萬億日元,這一持倉已刷新歷史最高紀錄。 對此,有專家表示,中國只有創新外匯儲備運用模式,採取多元化投資思路,方能盤活外儲資產,從 而實現外儲保值增值。
G20 不是貨幣戰的盡頭 三派陣營對號入座 2013 年 02 月 16 日 08:35 來源: 匯通網
本周市場最重要的焦點事件——G20 會議,已經拉開帷幕。但會議依然沒有能夠給出市場一個清晰的 答案:究竟美、日聯手實施的寬鬆政策,是否屬於“貨幣戰爭”的範疇? 唯一我們可以隱約察覺到的是:G20 可能正在分化成 3 個陣營。以美、日為代表的“挺寬鬆派”,以 德國、澳大利亞和加大拿為代表的“中立派”,以及以俄羅斯、中國等新興市場國家為代表的“反寬 鬆派”. 美、日:寬鬆有理! 日本央行(BOJ)行長白川方明(Masaaki Shirakawa)週五(2 月 15 日)在赴莫斯科參與 G20 財長 與央行行長會議時表示,將向 G20 峰會闡釋日本央行大膽的寬鬆措施。 同時,白川方明表示,將向 G20 國家陳述日本的政策目的在於穩定國內經濟。他指出,日本貶值是由 於投資者的避險情緒消褪。全球經濟已經趨於樂觀,而歐洲的尾部風險也已經消褪。 另外,白川方明認為,在各國均努力推動本國經濟增長的環境下,全球經濟將會因此受益。 美聯儲(FED)主席伯南克(Ben Bernanke)則在 G20 會議表示,美國經濟正在復蘇,但失業率仍 7
WETRUST 在 8%左右。他聲稱,“我們距離健康和活力仍差的很遠。” 伯南克為美聯儲的寬鬆行為辯解稱,“如果(寬鬆政策使)美國經濟復蘇,世界經濟也將從中獲益.” 國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)主席、前法國財長拉加德(Christine Lagarde)週五發表言論稱,“對日 本的寬鬆政策表示歡迎.” 值得一提的是,目前法國和德國在對歐元匯率問題上,處在對立面。法國希望歐洲央行(ECB)對歐 元匯率設立目標,防止歐元過度走強,影響法國出口。而德國則認為,歐元並未高估。 新興國家:競爭不應在匯率 新興市場國家對於發達工業國家濫用印鈔機的做法,已經抱怨已久。來自發達國家源源不斷的鈔票, 最終流向新興市場,並推高了通脹。 俄羅斯財長 Anton Siluanov 週四(2 月 14 日)表示,他確信二十國集團(G20)決策者將在其共同聲 明中支持由市場決定匯率. 他向媒體說道:“G20 聲明將會支持由市場決定匯率 ,對此我絲毫不懷疑。競爭應存在於經濟體之間 ,而非存在於匯率。” Siluanov 認為,G20 最終聲明中有關匯率問題的措辭可能有別于七國集團(G7)聲明,但意向仍然類 似。 俄羅斯總統普京(Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin)週五表態聲稱,“協調政策將是關鍵,俄羅斯的 首要任務是排除經濟不平衡,刺激增長.”這也暗示了俄羅斯反對寬鬆的立場。 遺憾的是,新興市場的抱怨,和已經將寬鬆政策坐實的美、日相比,等同於隔靴搔癢。 中立派:德國、澳大利亞、加拿大 德國由於在出口方面佔據高附加值的優勢,對歐元升值承受能力更強。澳大利亞、和加拿大屬於資源 大國,處於經濟生產的上游,貨幣升值引發的負面影響,也要滯後於其他經濟體。 因此上述國家在 G20 中的立場,更加自由。 德國財長朔伊布勒(WolfgangSchaeuble)週五表示,匯率水準應由市場決定,政府不應對此進行 干預。G20 成員國在莫斯科舉行會議時也將採取這一立場。 朔伊布勒並未理會對於日本操縱匯率的擔憂。他聲稱,“包括日本在內的七大工業國(G7)已經在本 周早些時候發佈的公告中重申了讓市場決定匯率的承諾。” 朔伊布勒認為 G20 和 G7 能夠處於同一立場.
2013 , 15 Feb , Fri 澳大利亞財長斯萬(Wayne Swan)則評價,“日本目前的做法是恰當的.G20 不能設定一套僵硬的赤 字目標,需要留出國家、地區因素空間。” 但他同時也強調,“G20 一直都強烈呼籲匯率應基於市場。” 加拿大財政部官員週三(2 月 13 日)曾表示,“加拿大的立場是,G20 必須確定中期財政承諾。”該官 員同時聲稱,“干預匯率將是抵觸 G7 聲明的例子,但干預在某些極端時候是正當的。” 加拿大財長費海提(Jim Flaherty)週五在 G20 會議時指出,“財政紀律與擴大財政可以同時達成。 同時他提醒 G20 成員國嚴格管理本國的預算。” 截至目前為止的 G20 聲明重要內容:G20 草案並不提及不設定外匯目標的承諾,也不包含既定財政目 標。最新的公報草案重申“避免匯率過度波動,導致市場失序”.會議確認了中期財政計畫承諾,但部 分國家需要對近期經濟狀況進行考量。G20 公報並未納入此前 G7 提出的在非常時期動用非常政策的辭 令。
G20 會議或將上演“貨幣戰” 2013 年 02 月 16 日 08:33 來源: 匯通網
來自二十國集團(G20)的財長們將於週五和週六(2 月 15-16 日)聚首莫斯科。G20 財經官員將圍繞 日本壓低日元匯率的經濟擴張性政策展開唇槍舌戰。另外,考慮到確保經濟持續復蘇的難度比官員們 之前所預計的還要大,財長們可能會在此次會議上一致同意放緩政府預算削減的步伐。 俄羅斯財政部長西盧阿諾夫(Anton Siluanov)稱,近來日本央行所採取的措施將是會議的主要議題 。他重申 G20 國家支持匯率由市場決定,但他認為 G20 財長們不會對日本進行嚴厲批評。他說,匯率 討論會有什麽樣的結果,將取決於日本政府的立場。 一位來自 G20 的高級政府官員表示,可能會在此次會議上重點探討所謂的“匯率戰”問題。該官員透 露,G20 將在公報草案中重申所有成員國應避免競爭性貨幣貶值的承諾。 在尋求促進經濟增長方面,許多 G20 成員國採取了規模史無前例的貨幣刺激措施。多數情況下,這些 措施導致實施寬鬆措施的國家本幣貶值,並給大型發展中經濟體帶來一些問題,大規模的資本流入推 動這些發展中國家的貨幣升值。 最新一輪刺激舉措已經招致新的譴責。有人批評,一些國家可能以犧牲別國利益為代價,尋求刻意壓 低本幣匯率,借此提振出口、獲得貿易競爭優勢。 G20 會議召開的前一周,七國集團(G7)試圖就匯率問題達成共同意見,但卻意外遭遇失敗。 G7 一直以來主導著金融外交問題的協商,但日本新首相安倍晉三為結束 20 年來通縮而採取的一系列行 動,導致日美兩國政府關係愈見緊張。
WETRUST G7 週二(2 月 12 日)發表聯合聲明,重申“堅持對於由市場決定匯率的長期承諾”,但這種團結姿態 很快因批評日本的聲音而削弱。 俄羅斯表示,G20 國家將支援 G7 上述聲明的主旨。但最終發表的聲明在文字表述上可能有差異。西盧 阿諾夫稱:“措辭可能不同(於 G7),但目的將保持一致。” G20 上次在 11 月會議的聲明中,曾有一項“避免貨幣競相貶值”的呼籲,但本周的 G7 會議卻刪除了這 一點,日本視此舉為替其貨幣政策背書。 一位元消息人士說,G20 不會有另外一份針對匯率的聲明。主要公報將加入一段文字,但內容不會是 重複 G7 會議所說的“我們不會設定匯率目標”。 G20 或考慮放緩預算削減步伐 在 2010 年的 G20 多倫多峰會上,G20 領導人同意至少會在 2013 年之前把預算赤字降低一半,並在 2016 年之前穩定或降低政府債務。這項承諾意在向債券投資者傳遞一個清晰的信號:全球經濟大國將 認真應對債務問題。 但現在,許多 G20 成員國擔心,執意履行上述承諾可能會扼殺經濟復蘇。 西盧阿諾夫在接受媒體採訪時稱,他們將提議修改多倫多協議,可能針對的是協議中的相關指標;目 前看來,這些目標難以達成,所以應該予以調整。 許多 G20 成員國財長現在承認,他們高估了預算緊縮對經濟產生的影響,尤其是歐洲地區。 國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)近期表示,雖然 IMF 經濟學家 2010 年時曾預計政府平均每削減 1 歐元預算將 犧牲 0.50 歐元的經濟增長,但實際代價可能是 1.50 歐元。 事實表明,實現經濟增長持續復蘇比 G20 領導人 2010 年預想中的更難。週四(2 月 14 日)公佈的 資料顯示,去年第四季度德國和法國經濟均呈現萎縮。美國、日本和英國公佈的資料顯示,這三個國 家第四季度經濟也出現下滑。 美國財政部負責國際事務的副部長 Lael Brainard 在本周早些時候的新聞發佈會上說,G20 成員國中, 有三分之一的經濟體正處於衰退中,所以 G20 有必要加大努力讓失業者重新就業,多倫多協議並非解 決之道。她說,關於必須避免經濟復蘇受到威脅。 Brainard 稱,這並不是說各國就不需要推進中期預算收緊計畫了,相反,美國政府認為需要在赤字和 債務目標與增長必要性之間找到一個更好的平衡。 G20 高級官員稱,G20 財長們將在週六發佈的公報草案中呼籲美國和日本採取措施解決其長期存在的 債務問題。
2013 , 15 Feb , Fri
2013 G20 會議中與租稅天堂相關內容整理 1.G20 會議中所提之稅基侵蝕與獲利轉移問題,是指在國際投資,安排架構雙邊租稅協定時,有關 〝實體營運〞與〝當地所得〞認定問題的探討。這部分屬於〝中岸〞公司的操作與運用,譬如常見 的註冊地:愛爾蘭、盧森堡、英國、新加坡、香港等。*香港非租稅天堂: http://obu.com.tw/04-obu-hk.php 未來,境外公司的運用應該會逐步走向〝離岸公司與中岸公司〞的結合規劃。 2. 對反洗錢反恐怖主義金融 (AML/CFT)的加強監管,導致透過境外公司在海外銀行開戶愈來愈難 (銀行要求揭露與提供帳戶營運目的的資料)。 以下中譯僅供參考。 20. In the tax area, we welcome the OECD report on addressing base erosion and profit shifting and acknowledge that an important part of fiscal sustainability is securing our revenue bases. We are determined to develop measures to address base erosion and profit shifting, take necessary collective actions and look forward to the comprehensive action plan the OECD will present to us in July. We strongly encourage all jurisdictions to sign the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance. We encourage the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information to continue to make rapid progress in assessing and monitoring on a continuous basis the implementation of the international standard on information exchange and look forward to the progress report by April 2013. We reiterate our commitment to extending the practice of automatic exchange of information, as appropriate, and commend the progress made recently in this area. We support the OECD analysis for multilateral implementation in that domain. 在稅賦部分,我們欣然接受 OECD 有關於處理稅基侵蝕與獲利轉移問題,以及對於鞏固稅基是財政 支撐要素的認知等相關報告內容。我們已決定要研擬措施來處理稅基侵蝕與獲利轉移問題,採取必 要措施要期盼 OECD 於 7 月提出全面性的行動計畫。我們強烈鼓勵所有管轄國簽屬共同協助行政公 約。我們鼓勵資訊交換透明化全球論壇來繼續加快進行監控,也期待 2013 年 4 月的進度報告。我們 重申對擴展自動交換資訊的使命,並酌情實踐承諾。我們支持 OECD 多邊執行的分析。 21. We reiterate our commitments and encourage the FATF to continue to pursue all its objectives, and notably to continue identifying and monitoring high-risk jurisdictions with strategic Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Terrorist Financing (AML/CFT) deficiencies. We look forward to the completion in 2013 of the revision of the FATF assessment process and support ongoing FATF work, including on identification of beneficial owners of corporate vehicles. 我們重申我們的承諾,並鼓勵 FATF 繼續追求其各項目標,並值得注意的是,繼續查明和監測高危險
WETRUST 地區的戰略反洗錢反恐怖主義金融 (AML/CFT)效率不彰之處。我們期待著在 2013 年完成 FTAF 評估過程的修定和支援正在進行的 FATF 工作,包括公司實質所有人的辨識。 22. In the prudential area we call for further progress within the FSB to encourage increased adherence to international regulatory and supervisory cooperation and information exchange standards. 在遵循地區 我們呼籲在 FSB 更多的進展 以鼓勵更堅守國際規約,監控合作與資訊交換標準。 *FSB (Financial Stability Board 金融穩定委員會)
2013 , 15 Feb , Fri
2013 G20 高峰完整會議內容,請參閱以下原文資料: TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction
1. Driving the Growth of the Global Economy: the Role of the G20
2. Priority Areas and General Approaches of the Russian Presidency of the G20 I.
Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth and Financing for Investment a.
Global Economic Outlook and Implementation of the G20 Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth
b. Financing for Investment
10 13
13 13
II. Jobs and Employment
III. International Financial Architecture Reform
IV. Strengthening Financial Regulation
V. Energy Sustainability
VI. Development for All
VII. Enhancing Multilateral Trade
VIII.Fighting Corruption
3. Events
Annex. Calendar of the Russian G20 Presidency
WETRUST This paper outlines a strategic agenda proposed by Russia for the G20 in 2013 and highlights the specific priorities of the Russian G20 Presidency. Its purpose is to serve as a guide for the preparation of meetings and documents throughout the year, as well as objectives for the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Saint Petersburg, September 5-6 2013. Russia will do its best to reach tangible results on the most pressing issues on the global agenda by setting a stage for thoughtful discussions. Section 1 describes the overall state of global economy and formulates the role of the G20 in solving the global problems. Section 2 presents the priority topics of the Russian Presidency. Russia sees ensuring continuity and providing additional impetus to the ongoing activities of the G20 as one of its main tasks. At the same time, the section provides an opportunity to understand Russia’s viewpoint and become aware of the specific focus areas proposed by Russia among the traditional areas of concern. In addition, Russia puts forward several new discussion topics. Section 2 also depicts general approaches of the Russian Federation to its G20 Presidency. It contains a discussion of the core principles that Russia would like to promote in the G20, as well as Russia’s vision of how the G20 working process should be organized in 2013. Finally, Section 3 and Annex contain the description of the major G20 official events, and a preliminary calendar of the key seminars and events scheduled to be held throughout the year of the Russian Presidency.
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The global recovery remains extremely fragile with weak, unbalanced growth and large downside risks. To provide an adequate response, concerted international efforts must be directed at addressing these vulnerabilities and ensuring that governments implement the required policies to restore inclusive and sustainable growth. The G20 has played an important role during the crisis and is looked upon for guidance in turbulent times. Russia is convinced that we should embrace this responsibility. Complacency must give way to redoubled efforts to affirm the G20’s status as one the most important global fora, and to ensure that the G20 is capable of leading by example.
Global economy continues to grow at a subdued pace. In the advanced economies, risks seem largely self-inflicted and can only be resolved through political compromise. The “fiscal cliff ” in the U.S. has turned into a “cliff-hanger”. If an appropriate solution is not reached to avert it, the economy’s improving fundamentals could be stymied in 2013. At the same time, a balanced resolution of the budget impasse could accelerate next year’s growth momentum. Economic equilibrium and growth in the Eurozone can only be achieved through sustainable resolution of the debt crisis. The region is in a tightening vise, caught between fiscal austerity and opposing parties’ limited commitment to alternatives (whether monetary or political). So far, the worst effects have been avoided, but there is a need to continue implementing a long-term strategy.
The G20 has repeatedly shown its solidarity and efficiency in sending positive signals in times of unfolding economic turmoil. Now it is high time for us to recognize the significance of multilateral coordination at a time when a new wave of the crisis is imminent, but has yet to emerge. Moreover, positioning the G20 as the world’s premier forum for economic cooperation requires joint efforts in the interests of our people as a steering group for the global economy with a broader vision, rather than in the mode of a short-term crisis manager. In our view, the most valuable contribution from the G20 in this sense would be to demonstrate the political will, intellectual wisdom and practical readiness to find efficient solutions. The concrete form such a demonstration could be is in the G20’s commitments on policy coordination, and strict compliance with them.
Emerging economies’ growth expectations are being adjusted to these new global realities and to the shifts in their own domestic trends. Nevertheless, they remain vulnerable to a growing list of economic and geopolitical uncertainties. As a result, conditions and prospects in certain regions continue to diverge.
WETRUST sults. The overall agenda for the G20 in 2013 comprises both the legacy from previous Presidencies and several new ideas proposed by Russia. Russian points of emphasis in the “traditional” areas of the G20 activities will be clearly viewed. The discussion of the whole range of the closely intertwined items of the G20 agenda has been planned around the three overarching priorities, all focused on igniting a new cycle of economic growth. We also look upon them as the three watchwords for the Russian G20 Presidency:
The core objective of the Russian Presidency is to concentrate the efforts of the G20 – the forum of the world’s largest economies – on developing a set of measures aimed at boosting sustainable, inclusive and balanced growth and jobs creation around the world. Prospects of weak global growth lie at the root of several of the world’s economic problems, including a deterioration of fiscal outlooks and bank balance sheets. Low confidence levels are affecting private consumption and investment, having a negative effect on employment. The structure of the G20 work program for 2013 will address these challenges.
Growth through quality jobs and investment;
Growth through trust and transparency;
Growth through effective regulation.
These 3 priorities of the Russian Presidency will serve as a lens through which we propose to consider and discuss the G20 agenda in 2013, comprising eight areas of the primary focus of public attention: (1) Framework for strong, sustainable and balanced growth; (2) Jobs and employment; (3) International financial architecture reform; (4) Strengthening financial regulation;
Russia is convinced, that common goals of shared global growth can be attained, and restored confidence can be established among different elements of the global economy. We believe that reinvigorating economic growth basing on a solid foundation of intensified financing for investment is the key goal for our combined future efforts, as well as for measures adopted unilaterally. Addressing major challenges to global economy is a traditional focus of the G20 agenda. Putting the growth as the main goal of the Russian G20 Presidency, we will ensure continuity of the dialogue, and attach extra impetus to the G20 discussion, facilitating further implementation of the G20 commitments and building on the achieved re-
(5) Energy sustainability; (6) Development for all; (7) Enhancing multilateral trade; (8) Fighting corruption. To support the Russian Presidency’s focus on boosting economic growth and job creation, two new topics will be proposed for discussion, including Financing for investment and Government borrowing and public debt sustainability.
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Figure 1. The three-dimensional growth agenda for the G20 proposed by the Russian Presidency, top three priorities are at the roof of the temple, with subtopics of each area given in the columns.
Growth through…
Quality jobs and investments
Effective regulation
Strengthening Financial Regulation
Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced growth
Enhancing Multilateral Trade Energy Sustainability
Financing for Investment
Jobs and Employment
▪ ▪ ▪
Energy infrastructure and regulation Predictable energy markets Green growth GMEP Initiative
▪ ▪
Tackling structural unemployment Employment of vulnerable groups
Trust and transparency
International Financial Architecture Reform
▪ ▪
IMF quotas and governance reform Government borrowing and public debt sustainability
Fighting Corruption
Development for All ▪ Food security ▪ Infrastructure ▪ Human capital ▪ Financial inclusion ▪ Post MDGs
We believe the proposed approach could yield
meetings of Finance Ministers and Central Bank
tangible results, establishing a solid base for addressing all the issues on the agenda. We as well recognize the importance of establishing wellstructured dialogue to enhance the working process and come to tangible results.
Governors. However, on a single occasion the Presidency’s innovation in the form of a joint meeting of Finance and Labour Ministers will be put on trial. For the first time the G20 Ministers of Labour and Finance will meet to increase the feasibility of the measures developed to facilitate job creation.
In terms of the working process, Russia counsels “prudent orientation” and pragmatism for the G20 process, and advocates streamlining the working formats and activities to ensure result-oriented performance. Accordingly, during its Presidency year Russia intends to limit the scope of ministerial involvement in the G20 processes to the traditional
In 2013, Russia is planning to lead the G20 in close cooperation with Mexico and Australia, its partnering economies in the Troika. We view the legacy of Mexico, our predecessor, as highly relevant to Russia’s objectives in 2013, and we will proactively share our experience with our Australian successors.
WETRUST Finally, the result-oriented approach promoted by Russia for the G20 requires extensive consultations with a very broad range of external stakeholders. By enhancing our Outreach dialogue with non-G20 states, international organizations (with a special focus on engaging the United Nations), business circles, labour unions, civil society, future leaders, academia and think-tanks, we will not only ensure legitimacy, transparency and efficiency of the G20, but also expand our vision, come up with better solutions, and generate cross-sectoral synergy to enhance the public benefit of the G20. A durable solution to the challenges presently faced by the global economy requires effective policy measures. The narration that follows contains brief introduction into the priority topics outlaid by Russia for the G20 in 2013.
I. Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth and Financing for Investment a. Global Economic Outlook and Implementation of the G20 Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth Decisive actions have been undertaken by G20 to restore and strengthen global growth and to put it on the sustainable path. Nevertheless, global economic recovery is still fragile and large downside risks to the outlook remain, thus spurring the need for in-depth analysis of economic policies and well-coordinated actions of the G20’s member economies. One of the priorities of the Russian Presidency is to address this problem through further development of the Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth. The Framework Working Group (FWG) will address the following topics: ■
Revision of country-specific medium- and long-term public debt targets and develop strategies to achieve them;
■ Enhancement of the Accountability Assessment Process by extending the number of indicators to enable more comprehensive and precise macroeconomic analysis; ■
Analysis of the persistent imbalances among the G20 members in fiscal, monetary, exchange rate and structural policy domains.
At least two group meetings are planned for January and July of 2013, complemented by conference calls. By the end of the year the FWG aims at delivering the G20 Saint Petersburg Action Plan, which will assess key global risks for sustainable growth and set out policy actions that should be taken by member countries to mitigate these risks. An updated report on the persistent imbalances in the G20 economies, as well as an enhanced Accountability Assessment framework, and a review of the progress on the previous G20 commitments will also be presented. b. Financing for Investment Financing for investment is a key precondition for economic growth and a principal factor for job creation. However, following the global economic and financial crisis of recent years, the levels of various types of investment have declined significantly, especially in the developed countries. The main task of the G20 is to foster such an environment that would be more conducive to financing for investment and identifying new sources for long-term investment in the current global economic landscape, in order to contribute to strong, sustainable and balanced growth. The Russian Presidency is planning to provide room for fruitful discussion on possible ways and practical steps to increase the amounts and effectiveness of financing for investment. We suggest analyzing public policy in this sphere, the role of privatepublic partnerships (PPPs) and non-traditional sources of long-term financing, debt and equity markets, as well as FDIs. The G20 efforts will be focused on the impact of the financial regulatory reforms on financing for investment, banking sector capabilities and barriers, multilateral and national development banks, international reserves, among others. Jointly with a large group of major
2013 , 15 Feb , Fri innovation and promotion of smaller enter-
international organizations (World Bank, IMF, OECD, FSB, UN, etc.) the G20 will exert much effort, which might lead to the following results to be presented at the G20 summit in September: ■
Strengthened public policy and improving PPP in terms of promoting financing for investment;
Elaborated measures to support investments in small-and-medium enterprises and startup businesses;
Measures to meet capitalization needs of global banks;
Recommendations on regulatory changes that would bring about change in banking business models towards funding the real economy;
Analysis of the role of possible sources of financing for investment (institutional investors, equity markets, government guarantees);
Analysis of FDI trends, patterns and impact to maximize their growth enhancing capacity;
Recommendations on how to increase MDBs’ lending capacity.
II. Jobs and Employment Active steps undertaken by the G20 countries to overcome the negative consequences of the global financial and economic crisis have led to improving labour market conditions in most countries. However unemployment and under-employment are still on the rise in some countries, creating severe strain on workers and their families. One of the priorities of the Russian Presidency is to overcome this problem by facilitating job creation. The Task Force on Employment (ETF) will lead the effort to address the following topics: ■
Job creation through sound monetary and fiscal policies, structural policies to foster 19
prises; ■
Labour activation for the vulnerable groups;
Monitoring of labour market development and progress on the previous G20 commitments.
Three Task Force meetings are planned: in February, June and October 2013. A special meeting of Ministers of Labour jointly with Ministers of Finance is organized in July. By the end of the year, the ETF aspires to deliver: ■
A declaration of the G20’s Labour Ministers;
A database of best practice policies to facilitate job creation and labour activation;
A set of recommendations on policies to stimulate job creation and labour activation;
A progress report on implementation of the G20 commitments related to youth employment.
III . International Financial Architecture Reform The recent global financial crisis has revealed gaps and deficiencies in the International Financial Architecture (IFA). Addressing these gaps is one of the main priorities of the G20. IFA Reform is a topic that includes a wide range of issues: ■ Governance and legitimacy of the international financial institutions; ■
Presence and efficiency of multilateral standards, guidelines and recommendations;
■ Issues of global liquidity, capital flows, reserve currencies, exchange rates, etc. IFA Reform should lay the foundation for a stronger global economy and achieve a wellbalanced and efficient IFA to prevent the next
WETRUST crisis. To do that the Russian Presidency proposes to work towards further increasing the efficiency and legitimacy of the IMF governance structure. The implementation of the IMF’s 2010 Quota and Governance Reform will be particularly challenging. It will secure doubling the IMF quota resources and reviewing the IMF quota formula in order to adequately reflect the current weights of its members. We will also work on strengthening the IMF surveillance framework and multilateral analysis, including the assessment of spillover effects and developing global liquidity indicators. The G20 will also be encouraged to continue working on further development of the Regional Financial Arrangements and strengthening of their cooperation with the IMF. Continuing the implementation of the G20 Action plan to support development of local currency bond markets will also be an important topic. In this context the Russian Presidency will deepen work on government borrowing and public sustainability issues. The IFA Working Group aspires to achieve the following results by the end of 2013:
IV. Strengthening Financial Regulation To prevent the resumption of the world crisis it is important to strengthen financial regulation. One of the G20’s main tasks is to solve this problem by providing the Financial Stability Board (FSB) with favorable conditions to carry out its reforms. The FSB will lead a group of international standard setting bodies in an effort to address the following topics: ■
Monitoring of Basel III implementation among its members;
Adoption of the methodology for the selection of, and apply a supervisory regime to, domestic systemically important financial institutions (D-SIFIs);
Promotion of shadow banking regulation;
Development of the global legal entity identifier (LEI) system;
Completed IMF’ 2010 Quota and Governance reform;
■ Reduction of mechanistic reliance on Credit Rating Agency (CRA) ratings;
The review of the IMF quota formula and implementation of the 15-th general review of quotas by January 2014;
■ Completion of the over-the-counter derivatives reform;
Progress in developing global liquidity indicators;
Completed implementation of the Action Plan to support the development of local currency markets;
Further development of RFA and establishment of close cooperation between them and the IMF; Reviewed “Guidelines for Public Debt Management”, which were introduced by the IMF and World Bank for the first time in 2001.
Completion of the FSB transformation into a full-fledged international organization and specification of its internal governance rules and procedures.
The working plan will be closely linked to the key G20 events and the current FSB activities. By the G20 Saint Petersburg Summit we expect to have in place: ■
The institutionalization process for FSB;
■ Further development and monitoring of the “too-big-to-fail” regulatory framework, including a peer review of the FSB’s recovery plans and cooperation agreements for all global SIFIs and the implementation of identification principles and prudential measures
2013 , 15 Feb , Fri
relating to domestic systemically important
ments and integrate green growth and sus-
banks (D-SIBs);
tainable development priorities into structural policies;
Adoption of policy recommendations to strengthen regulation of the shadow banking sector Preliminary results of the launch of the global legal entity identifier (LEI) system.
■ Recommendations on the voluntary peer review process for fossil-fuel subsidies; ■
A progress report on JODI-oil, and an initial overview of the launch of JODI-gas;
A draft plan for a best practice database of green energy and energy efficiency policies and management approaches used by members of the G20;
A fully operational GMEP website as a tool to implement the Global marine environment protection initiative.
V. Energy Sustainability Energy sector is a crucial growth engine for G20 members and the world economy as a whole and a key to unlocking world sustainable development. The Energy Sustainability Working Group (ESWG) will lead the effort to address the following topics: ■
Making energy and commodity markets transparent and more predictable;
Promoting growth;
Sound regulation for energy infrastructure;
Ensuring global protection of the marine environment.
energy efficiency and green
Two ESWG meetings are planned at least for February and June of 2013. They will be complemented by extensive consultations throughout the year. By the end of 2013 the ESWG aspires to deliver: ■
Finance Ministers’ progress report on the G20’s contribution to enhancing transparency and functioning of international commodity and energy markets; Recommendations for setting up a framework for forecasting commodity market volatility; Draft principles for efficient energy markets regulation to stimulate infrastructure invest21
VI. Development for All Building infrastructure and providing inclusive access to basic amenities are required to spur economic growth. Therefore, the Russian Presidency has positioned development as one of its priorities. The Development Working Group (DWG) is planning to structure its work around the following topics: ■
Food security with a focus on agricultural production increase and undernutrition;
■ Human resource development with a focus on a global skills database; ■
Financial inclusion with a focus on financial literacy and access to financial services by women, migrants and the youth;
■ Infrastructure with a focus on long-term financing; ■
Active participation in creating a post-2015 development agenda;
Development of an accountability mechanism to assess progress on the previous G20 commitments.
WETRUST The group is planning to meet four times: in February, May, July and October of 2013. By the G20 Summit the DWG aspires to prepare draft Saint Petersburg Development Action Plan and G20 Development Working Group Accountability Report to be endorsed by the Leaders.
VII. Enhancing Multilateral Trade Hardly could anyone argue that mutually beneficial trade policies are crucial for fast global recovery. One of the Russian Presidency priorities is to strengthen multilateral cooperation in order to find global solutions to the current economic difficulties and risks, and to avoid situations that create trade tensions among the G20 countries. Progress in the Doha negotiations is also vital to meet these goals. With these considerations in mind, the G20 needs to push forward the strong demand for developing trade and investment as a growth driver, and the strong multilateral trading system as a necessary condition for it. Today we are expected to contribute to finding ways to solve the issues on the Doha round agenda and lead the effort to address the following issues: ■
Curbing protectionism;
Strengthening and development of the multilateral trade system;
strengthening the multilateral trade system.
VIII. Fighting Corruption Corruption is a great obstacle for effective growth of the global economy. One of the main priorities of the Russian Presidency is to fight corruption in an efficient and intransigent manner. The AntiCorruption Working Group (ACWG) will continue its work on the issue, structured around the following topics: ■
Start implementation of the G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan 2013-2014. Guidance will be sought and a number of focus areas will be pursued, including in promoting UNCAC, further independence of anticorruption agencies, interdicting foreign bribery, combating money laundering and proceeds of corruption, denial of entry for corrupted officials, and other areas of the Action plan;
Anti-corruption training to build a corruption-free society;
Deepening the engagement of business community;
Financial transparency and disclosure for public officials;
Eradicating corruption in major international events.
Global value chains.
A wide range of joint activities of the G20 and other relevant international fora are scheduled for 2013 with major checkpoints in July (release of the 9th WTO OECD UNCTAD Report on the G20 Trade and Investment Measures) and December (WTO Ministerial conference). Before the Leaders’ Summit in Saint Petersburg will be presented: ■
■ Briefs on addressing protectionism and
A reflection on the 9th WTO OECD UNCTAD Report on the G20 Trade and Investment Measures;
Three ACWG meetings are planned: in February, April, and October of 2013. By the end of the year the ACWG aspires to develop: ■
The Third Monitoring Report on the implementation of the G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan;
G20 Anti-Corruption Training Course;
■ Recommendations on proper conduct related to major international events.
2013 , 15 Feb , Fri
G20 Leaders’ Summit is scheduled for September
Please, see the detailed calendar of the events in
5-6th, and will take place at a famous historical site - Konstantinovsky Palace at Strelnya.
the Annex.
Throughout the year of its Presidency Russia is planning to hold five Sherpas’ meetings, five meetings of Ministers of Finance, a joint meeting of Ministers of Finance and Labour, meetings of working groups, and several side-events aimed at supporting the G20 agenda.
Russia has launched a special website (URL: http://g20russia.ru), where all the latest news and information concerning the calendar and venues of the events, as well as official papers and other relevant information is published.
Russia also sees much reliance on Outreach as the key to the success of the year of its Presidency, and will promote extensive Outreach dialogue with various categories of stakeholders. Outreach consultations will start as early as in December, 2012. Final Outreach events are scheduled to be held in June, 2013.
WETRUST G20 RUSSIAN PRESIDENCY CALENDAR Main Outreach Events Other G20 Events Sherpa track meetings Finance track meetings DATE
DECEMBER 2012 11-12
Moscow, Russia
G20 Sherpas' Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Think-20 Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Civil-20 Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Business-20 Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Conference on Russian G20 Presidency Program "Fostering Economic Growth and Sustainability"
JANUARY 2013 14-15
Delhi, India
Framework for Strong Sustainable and Balanced Growth Working Group Meeting
FEBRUARY 2013 13
Moscow, Russia
International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting
Moscow, Russia
G20 Finance Ministers' and Central Bank Governors' Deputies Meeting
Moscow, Russia
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Energy Sustainability Working Group Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Task Force on Employment Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Development Working Group Meeting
MARCH 2013 3-4
Moscow, Russia
G20 Sherpas' Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Seminar on Public Debt Management
APRIL 2013
Tentatively – Energy Sustainability Working Group Meeting
Washington, USA
Seminar on Financial Literacy and Financial Education
Washington, USA
Seminar on International Financial Architecture Reforms
Washington, USA
Framework for Strong Sustainable and Balanced Growth Working Group Meeting
Washington, USA
Washington, USA
G20 Finance Ministers' and Central Bank Governors' Deputies Meeting G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
Vancouver, Canada
Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting
MAY 2013 16-17
Moscow, Russia
Development Working Group Meeting
St Petersburg, Russia
G20 Sherpas' Meeting
Paris, France
Seminar on Trade issues at the OECD
2013 , 15 Feb , Fri
JUNE 2013 3-4
St Petersburg, Russia
Task Force on Employment Meeting Conference: "Rating Agencies In The International Financial System" FSB Plenary Meeting
St Petersburg, Russia
St Petersburg, Russia
St Petersburg, Russia
Moscow, Russia
G20 Finance Ministers' and Central Bank Governors' Deputies Meeting Conference: "Financial Literacy and Financial Education"
Moscow, Russia
Civil-20 Summit
20-21 18-21
St Petersburg, Russia St Petersburg, Russia
Business-20 Summit Youth-20 Summit
20-22 TBC
St Petersburg, Russia St Petersburg, Russia
St Petersburg International Economic Forum G20 Experts’ Seminar on Energy Issues
St Petersburg, Russia
Energy Sustainability Working Group Meeting
St Petersburg, Russia
Tentatively – Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting
JULY 2013 8-10
Moscow, Russia
Development Working Group Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Meeting of Social Partners (B20 and L20)
Moscow, Russia
G20 Labour Ministers Meeting with Social Partners
Moscow, Russia
G20 Labour Ministers Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Moscow, Russia
G20 Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors' Deputies Meeting Joint G20 Finance and Labor Ministers Meeting
Moscow, Russia
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
St.Petersburg, Russia
G20 Sherpas' Meeting
SEPTEMBER 2013 2-5
St.Petersburg, Russia
G20 Finance Ministers' Deputies Meeting
St.Petersburg, Russia
St.Petersburg, Russia
G20 Sherpas' Meeting and Joint meeting with Finance Deputies ST PETERSBURG G20 LEADERS' SUMMIT
OCTOBER 2013 8-9
Washington, USA
Washington, USA
Washington, USA
International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting G20 Finance Ministers' and Central Bank Governors' Deputies Meeting G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
Washington, USA
Development Working Group Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
Task Force on Employment Meeting at the ILO
TBC 23-24
TBC Moscow, Russia
Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting G20 Sherpas' Meeting
Moscow, Russia
Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Forum and Seminar
WETRUST Glossary ACWG: Anti-Corruption Working Group CRA: Credit Rating Agency DWG: Development Working Group EME: Emerging Market Economy ESWG: Energy Sustainability Working Group ETF: Task Force on Employment EU: European Union FDI: Foreign Direct Investment FSB: Financial Stability Board FTA: Free-Trade Agreement FWG: Framework Working Group G8: Group of Eight G20: Group of Twenty GMEP: Global Marine Environment Protection IFA: International Financial Architecture ILO: International Labour Organization IMF: International Monetary Fund JODI: Joint Organizations Data Initiative LEI: Legal Entity Identifier MDB: Multilateral Development Bank NGO: Non-Governmental Organization OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development PPP: Private-Public Partnership RFA: Regional Financial Arrangements RTA: Regional Trade Agreement SIFI: Systemically Important Financial Institution (D-SIFI: domestic SIFI) WTO: World Trade Organization UN: United Nations UNCAC: United Nations Convention Against Corruption UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade And Development