Prairie Life - September 21, 2018

Page 1

Prairie Life SEPTEMBER 2018

VOL. 1 - ISSUE 7




WHAT’S INSIDE: Westman dancer wins big at powwow PAGE 2 • Melita woman helps others with addictions PAGE 4 • Game birds released in advance of upcoming hunting event PAGE 6 • Poplar Lake author returns to pen novel on the Prairies PAGE 8 • Saskatchewan artist creates her passion on old barn boards PAGE 10 • Chicken soup is good for more than the soul PAGE 11 • Estevan youngster receives help for War Amps PAGE 12

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Prairie Life


Young Westman dancer

wins big at international powwow


even-year-old Molly Taylor has been dancing for six years. Yes, you read that right - since she was just one-year-old. To top it off, she also won the Junior Girls Traditional dance at a major U.S. powwow on September 7. “We’re pretty proud - that was a big one,” said her mom, Lola Thunderchild “She’s wearing the champion jacket and her ribbon skirt to school today!” The United Tribes Powwow is a three-day contest held every fall in Bismarck, North Dakota. Dancers of all

ages from the U.S. and Canada attend. According to the website, it’s one of the biggest powwows “on the Great Plains powwow circuit.” Dancers like Molly, from Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation and now living in Sioux Valley, compete for prize money in various categories such as Traditional, Grass Dance, and Jingle Dress. By winning first in her event, Molly won $300 and a powwow champion jacket - an unexpected windfall because she was younger and smaller

than most of her competitors in the 6-12 age bracket. In fact, when the announcement came, Molly was at the campground playing with her Barbie dolls and had to race back for her prize! It’s also not the first time she’s been in the money. She won $250 for placing second at a powwow in Dunseith, ND this summer. Generosity Remarkably for her tender age, Molly gives away most of her winnings. In a quiet voice and with some encouragement from her mother,

Powwow grounds in Bismarck where Molly danced in front of hunPhoto courtesy of Frank White Bull, UTTC International Powwow photographer dreds of spectators.

NOTICE OF TENDER Sealed written tenders for the purchase of property described below will be received by: Jaret Hoeppner, Barrister, Solicitor, 120 Broadway Street North, P.O. Box 489, Deloraine, Manitoba, R0M 0M0 PROPERTY:

A beautifully maintained farm with two houses. 175.68 Acres of mixed oak ravine and pasture, hay land, large dam and grain land. More detailed description of the property can be viewed at the following website - View an aerial video of farm at SE 1/4 4-3-21 WPM EXCEPTING: FIRSTLY: ROAD PLAN 319 BO DIV. SECONDLY: ROAD PLAN 35924 BLTO THIRDLY: ALL MINES AND MINERALS AS SET FORTH IN TRANSFER NO. 44821. BO DIV. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TENDER: 1. Interested parties must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the property, and not on any of the above particulars and representations made by anyone on behalf of David and Diane Stead. 2. Tenders must be received by the above address on or before 4:00 p.m. Thursday, September 27, 2018. 3. All tenders shall be accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of $1,000.00 payable to Jaret Hoeppner Law Office “Trust”, and the party submitting the accepted tender will be required to pay the balance to close on the possession date. 4. Within 15 days from the date of notification of acceptance of tender, the successful bidder shall be required to execute an Offer to Purchase on the terms contained herein, and provide confirmation of financing within said 15 days. 5. Highest or any tenders not necessarily accepted. 6. Successful bidders will be responsible for real property taxes at possession. 7. Possession date shall be November 1, 2018 or to be mutually decided. 8. For further information or to make arrangements to view the property please contact

she explained what she did in Bismarck. “I gave some money to an older lady sitting in the campground. I didn’t know her. I told her, ‘I want to give you some money because I won first place in the dance.’ Then I shake hands with them. They usually give me a hug.” Thunderchild says her two sons also compete in powwows, and it’s their tradition to give away a portion of their winnings. With the money she kept, Molly bought a pink feather T-shirt and slime. She is seven, after all! About the dance In Girls/Women’s Traditional, the participants dance to the beat of the drums in a graceful, controlled manner keeping their feet together and close to the ground. They carry feathers, a shawl and sometimes a purse. The dancer or a close relative usually make the dresses. Molly’s mother, an educational assistant at Virden Junior High School, made Molly’s outfit. You can see a video of Molly performing her winning dance on the Virden EmpireAdvance Facebook page. More winners Western Manitoba dancers who won prizes in Bismarck included: Blaze Standing Ready, Junior Boys Traditional, Beulah, Man.; Tatiyana Brown, Women Fancy, Mini-

ota, Man.; Terence Brown, Senior Men Fancy, Miniota,

By Heather Reimer

Man.; Donny McKay, Golden Age Men, Griswold, Man.

Prairie Life


VOL. 1 - ISSUE 7

With a belief in the core values of the people, their stories and the beautiful vast land we call home, Prairie Life recognizes the importance of keeping our history relevant and our future promising – one story at a time. Rick Major, Publisher (306) 861-0705 Nancy Johnson, Consulting Publisher (204) 726-4362

Sales Team

Alison Dunning, Regional Saskatchewan Sales (306) 453-2525 Andrea Corrigan, Weyburn Area (306) 842-7487 Leslie Dempsey, Production Supervisor ( Sabrina Kraft, Production Coordinator


Heather Reimer, Virden Empire-Advance (Story/Photography) Judy Wells, Melita New Era (Story) Greg Nikkel, Weyburn Review (Story/Photography) Sean Mott, Yorkton This Week (Story/Photography) David Willberg, Estevan Mercury (Story/Photography)

NEXT ISSUE – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2018 DEADLINE – MONDAY, OCTBER 15, 2018 We connect the borders of Southeastern Saskatchewan and Southwestern Manitoba with 32,000+ copies 10 times a year.

The Citizen Kipling

this week

Prairie Life


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Prairie Life


Abuilds Melita woman more than just a space to help others with addictions A

s a recovered alcoholic, Ardyth Wilson has helped people who struggled with their sobriety for many years. She did this by listening to them, counseling and “being there”, and even opening her own doors to those waiting to get into treatment when she lived in Alberta with her husband Dan. But when a few people turned into many, the couple decided to build a cabin to host her guests. “It was at this time that they decided they needed a ‘bigger house’ and began searching,” said Jacqueline Hoffman (Wilson’s daughter). Wilson found the former Notre Dame convent

Prairie Sky Recovery Centre (formerly Leipzip Serenity Retreat) is marking its 10th anniversary. Pictured is the Centre’s founder and former CEO Ardyth Wilson (left) with her daughter Jacqueline Hoffman, current CEO. Congratulations on the anniversary and ten years of healing. Photos courtesy of Prairie Sky Recovery Centre



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built in 1927 and a designated Municipal Heritage Building (near Wilkie, Saskatchewan) and fell in love. “It wasn’t always her intention of opening a treatment facility, but rather to simply provide support.” She added that it all developed organically as her mom realized the people staying with her needed counseling and formal programming. “It developed with the help of other addicts and alcoholics.” So while finding the building was the first big first step, extensive renovations and modernizing posed some overwhelming challenges. But her mom was up for the challenge. “They went into the venture with some money from the sale of their house —but $50,000 when looking at $1,000,000 in renovations was one giant leap of faith.” Wilson was a strong, determined woman who would need every ounce of her fortitude to pull the project together according to Hoffman. Along with the challenges of acquiring qualified staff and attracting them to a rural Saskatchewan location along with the harsh winters and limited services, she also needed the capital to pay them, along with paying tradesman from the local area to do the renovations. “There were many many hurdles, but God provided. He sent tradesmen that needed healing and in exchange, offered their services. He provided people to help, who liked the area and were willing to relocate, and He sent clients whose fees raised the money needed for supplies.” For three years, the couple chose to pay their staff and not themselves – keeping the faith that one day this would all change. The centre named Leipzig Serenity Retreat opened in 2008. After eight years in business, the focus was no longer just on a retreat centre, but also recovery as well. So a new name was adopted – the Prairie Sky Recovery Centre. To date, 1,200 people have been helped at the centre and the success rate is impressive — 56 per cent compared to most government centres with a 7-10 per cent success rate. In addition, 90 per cent of those at Prairie Sky complete the program. “We feel our success is seeing clients who are celebrating their sober birthday nine years after attending our program. We see success when a marriage is repaired, and a family is reunited. We see success in supporting a staff member in recovery, watching them advance in their career when years before they were on death’s door.” Hoffman added that this year Prairie Sky was acknowledged with the BBB 2018 Torch Award for Ethics and is also a finalist for this year for the Priority Focus ABEX award (for business excellence). The program is designed to help people with addictions – but

By Judy Wells

aside from drugs and alcohol, they also see people who are struggling with gambling, sex, food and mental health issues. They are also the largest employer in the area. “We have 17 full and part-time staff who have a mixture of education and experience. We have a registered psychotherapist with a master’s in clinical psychology as our managing director, along with registered social workers, certified addictions workers, students and peer counselors.” Prairie Sky also hires people in healthy recovery in every department from housekeeping to kitchen and maintenance as well as recovery support staff. Over the years, the centre has expanded to offer fifteen programs from the original two, and now employee a staff of seventeen. The fully renovated and restored building has 54 rooms housed in 20,000 square feet. “This year is a growth year and we are hoping to add more community-based programs in the future. We are looking forward to accreditation being finalized and building partnerships with Saskatchewan-based organizations. We are looking to develop more mental health programming as well as sober coaching for family and friends. We believe the sky is the limit!” said Hoffman. Hoffman got involved in the centre in 2011, and according to mom she always intended her daughter to be her successor. “She had shown a love for the centre and the business. I trained her in every facet of the company.” In January of 2016, Wilson was taken by ambulance from the centre to the hospital, and when she woke she was incoherent. She was diagnosed with viral encephalitis. With her daughter and family in Calgary at the time, Wilson felt lucky she had arranged for her to be power of attorney the year before. Hoffman along with her sister Melanie rushed to Saskatoon. “She immediately stepped in to act on my behalf — which was good because I was unaware of what was happening.” Wilson stayed in the hospital for several months, and when she finally came out she asked her sister Sharlene about the centre and staff. “She assured me Jacqueline had been taking care of things. I was so grateful the doors hadn’t closed.” With an extended period time needed to heal, Wilson stepped down formally as the CEO and retired in October 2016. “Jacqueline arranged a big beautiful retirement gala for me. I am proud to say that she has been the CEO since mid-2016 and I couldn’t be happier with her work. She and her family have since moved back to Saskatchewan and the centre is flourishing! We just celebrated our 10th anniversary, and fulfilled my dream of having more than just a space to help a fellow alcoholic.”


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Prairie Life


Game birds released

on farms around southeast region


ver 800 new upland game birds were released onto farms throughout the southeast region on Thursday, in advance of the upcoming Bird Doggin’ hunting event hosted at Goodwater. The event organizing committee took delivery of the live birds delivered from the MacFarlane bird farm in Wisconsin, and then distributed them to farmers and land-owners, and committee members took the birds out to various locations to band and release them. The group received 700 cock pheasants and 110 Hungarian partridges altogether, at a cost of $22,000 US (or around $27,000 in Canadian dollars). They were the first group in Saskatch-

ewan to do a release of Hungarian partridges in 2014, and they have been doing annual bird releases since then. In addition to the birds released on Thursday, they will be releasing 275 hen pheasants and 60 more cock pheasants next March. Some of the locations for the bird release included in the Osage area, around Goodwater, Midale, Cedoux, Torquay, Tribune, BromheadNeptune, and as far west as the Radville area. Ray Paslawski took birds for release in the Osage area, and Dan Cugnet took 100 pheasants and 10 Hungarian partridges for release in the Weyburn area, such as around Nickle Lake and some north of the city.

The Bird Doggin’ hunting event will be held on Saturday, Oct. 13, with a social time the night before. The event’s banquet and weigh-in from the hunting of game birds will take place at the Goodwater Rink, featuring steak and pheasant, with a silent auction and a live band to provide entertainment, the Walker Valley band. The organizers will be providing shuttle buses for those who wish, from Weyburn, Midale, Torquay and area. Hunters were able to preregister online this year, and are coming from throughout Saskatchewan, with a maximum of 200 who can take part in the hunting. They are expecting the evening event will have around 500 people in

By Greg Nikkel

attendance. Since 2014, the hunting organization has released over 3,700 birds around the southeast, not counting the 810 that were released this year. The release is done in cooperation with the province’s Department of the Environment. In 2017, there were 802 pheasants and 150 Hungarian partridges released, and from the Bird Doggin’ event, there were 150 pheasants, 61 partridges and 37 grouse harvested. In 2016, they released 650 pheasants, including 50 hens, and 50 Hungarian partridges, with a total of 247 pheasants, 96 partridges and 33 grouse harvested. All proceeds from the Bird Doggin’ event go towards the release of upland game birds, which are replenishing the bird populations for current and future generations.

A newly-banded pheasant flew over a field of corn before landing to find a place to nest, after it was released near Goodwater. Photos by Greg Nikkel

FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed, written tenders for the property described below will be received by:

MEIGHEN HADDAD LLP P.O. Box 397 Melita, MB R0M 1L0 Attention: Karen Beauchamp

PROPERTY: S ½ 10-3-27 WPM Exc all mines and minerals (310.32 acres) Municipality of Two Borders - to be sold as a half section, not selling as two separate quarter sections. NE ¼ 9-3-27 WPM Exc all mines and minerals (159.54 acres) Municipality of Two Borders

CONDITIONS OF TENDER: 1. Interested parties must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the property and not on the above or any other particulars or representations made by or on behalf of the Seller. 2. The S ½ 10-3-27 WPM should receive a separate tender from the NE ¼ 9-3-27 WPM. 3. Tenders must be received on or before 1:00 p.m. on November 15, 2018. 4. Each tender must be accompanied by a $1,000.00 deposit cheque payable to Meighen Haddad LLP. Deposits accompanying unaccepted bids will be refunded. 5. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The bidder whose tender is accepted will be required to complete an agreement covering terms and conditions of sale. 2. In addition to the deposit, the balance of the accepted tender must be paid on a date no later than January 15, 2019, or evidence provided that the purchase funds will be available under conditions acceptable to the Vendor. If the balance of the accepted tender is not paid within the set time limit the deposit paid may be forfeited as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. 3. Possession is not authorized until acceptable arrangements for full payments are made following acceptance of tender. 4. All mines and minerals will be reserved from any Transfer. 5. Land is in the Torren’s Title system. 6. Successful bidders will be responsible for real property taxes commencing January 1, 2019.


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5 Regular Sale 9:00 AM





12 Presort YLG/ Calf Sale 10:00 AM





19 Regular Sale 9:00 AM

20 Sheep Goat & Horse Sale 12:00 Noon


24 Butcher Sale 9:00 AM


26 Presort Feedersale 10:00 AM








1 Butcher Sale 9:00 AM


3 Presort Feeder Sale 10:00 AM



8 No Butcher Sale Receiving Feeders 10-5 Presort


10 Presort Angus Feeder Sale 10:00 AM

11 Sheep/Goat Sale 12:00 Noon


15 Butcher Sale 9:00 AM


17 Presort Feeder Sale 10:00 AM



22 Butcher Sale 9:00 AM


24 Presort Charolais Feeder Sale 10:00 AM



29 Butcher Sale 9:00 AM


31 Presort Angus Feeder Sale 10:00 AM

For any marketing information or questions regarding our feeder finance program or online auction contact: Robin Hill, Manager (204-851-5465), Rick Gabrielle (204-851-0613), Ken Day (204-748-7713), Orillon Beaton (204-851-7495), Kolton Mcintosh (204-280-0359) Butcher Cattle Sales start Monday SEPT. 24 selling cows, bulls and fat cattle. DLMS Sales evety Thursday at 11 am at - call us to list your cattle Pre-sort sales - Delivery accepted until 5 pm the day before the sale. Bred Cow Sales - Delivery accepted until 2pm the day before the sale. Regular sale delivery accepted Tuesday 8 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sunday delivery between noon and 8 pm for Monday Butcher Sales. Presort Influence Sales - all breeds and classes of feeder cattle accepted for these sales. ALL CATTLE MUST HAVE THE CCIA RFID CATTLE IDENTIFICATION TAGS. SK DEALERS LICENSE 171306 MB DEALERS LICENSE 1317

Prairie Life


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Prairie Life


Novel reflects on the R

on Thompson’s latest book is a two-fold homecoming. It tells the narrative of returning to your original community and confronting the past. For Thompson, writing the novel was a chance to reflect on and celebrate his home province. Thompson, a writer living in Toronto, grew up in Yorkton. He moved away after high school, dabbling with naval work, European backpacking, and banking. Wherever he went, his rural upbringing stayed with him.

“The Prairies can mark you for life,” he said. In 2015, Thompson published his first novel, “A Man of Letters,” a satire on the writing process. This year he’s releasing a prequel to “Letters” entitled “Poplar Lake.” Set in the 1990s, it details a young man’s return trip to his Prairie hometown of Poplar Lake as he introduces his girlfriend to his family. As the man revisits his old stomping grounds, he’s forced to eventually reckon with his difficult past. There are heavy and dark moments in the novel, but Thompson strove to maintain a comedic tone throughout. “I told the story in a satiric way,” he said. “There are a lot of jokes [in it].” Thompson based the fictional town of Poplar Lake after Yorkton. He got the name when he visited the town during the 2010 flood. It seemed as though the city was under a lake. “It’s inspired by the Yorkton experience,” he said. In the novel, Thompson presents themes of shared history and how the past can haunt us even when we try to bury it. “I want to explore how we could be blind to the violence below the surface,” he said. Thompson was drawn to the Prairies as a setting for his novel due to its rich history. He sees the Prairies


By Sean Mott

as a place with positive and negative elements constantly intermingling. Some people can drive through the Prairies and see nothing but boring flatlands while others can see acres upon acres of farmlands ready for use. “The Prairies are interesting because people can see what they want [to see],” he said. “[They] can be what you make it.” Thompson appreciates his home province for its vast open plains that contain a hidden beauty. “It’s a subtle landscape,” he said. “It grows on you. “It’s not boring; it’s rich.” While writing “Poplar Lake,” Thompson worked with a lot of material. He had to be merciless with his own work and chop out large chunks of the novel to make it flow smoothly. As is the case with most authors, the editing process was tricky. “Reining myself in [was the hardest part],” he said. “[There were] probably 20,000 words I cut out.” In an age of entertainment overload, Thompson is thrilled to have a second novel hit the bookstore shelves. “It’s hard to get published,” he said. “It feels good. “[‘Poplar Lake’] is the best little book no one’s heard of yet.” “Poplar Lake” will be released on Oct. 15 through Non Publishing. It will be available at the Yorkton Coles bookstore.

FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed, written tenders for the property described below will be received by: P. O. Box 111 Melita, MB R0M 1L0

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PROPERTY: E ½ of Section 36-2-29 WPM excepting firstly: Out of the NE ¼ the Ely 132 feet perp of the Nly 759.5 feet Perp, Secondly: out of the NE ¼ Road Plan 509 BLTO and Thirdly: All mines and minerals. There are 3 bins and 1 dugout on the NE ¼ . Acres in the ½ section excluding the 132 ft by 759.5 ft parcel, road plan and two well surface lease sites is approximately 328.71 Tenders to be received on the ½ section not the individual quarters S ½ of Section 17-3-28 WPM EXC all mines and minerals. There are 2 dugouts on the ½ section and it is cross fenced. Acres in the ½ section excluding one well surface lease site is approximately 316.44 Tenders to be received on the ½ section not the individual quarters THE SELLER WILL RETAIN THE OWNERSHIP OF THE EXISTING OIL WELL SURFACE LEASES. EXISTING OIL WELL SURFACE LEASES WILL NOT BE ASSIGNED



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1. Interested parties must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the property and not on the above or any other particulars or representations made by or on behalf of the Seller. 2. Bin space for the bins is not available until April 1, 2019. 3. Tenders must be received on or before 1:00 p.m. on October 15, 2018. 4. Each tender must be accompanied by a $2,000.00 deposit cheque payable to Meighen Haddad LLP. Deposits accompanying unaccepted bids will be refunded. 5. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The bidder whose tender is accepted will be required to complete an agreement covering terms and conditions of sale. 2. In addition to the deposit, the balance of the accepted tender must be paid on a date no later than December 1, 2018 or evidence provided that the purchase funds will be available under conditions acceptable to the Vendor. If the balance of the accepted tender is not paid within the set time limit the deposit paid may be forfeited as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. 3. Possession is not authorized until acceptable arrangements for full payments are made following acceptance of tender. The E ½ is subject to a lease in which the tenant is entitled to use the land until April 1, 2019. 4. All mines and minerals will be reserved from any Transfer. 5. Successful bidders will be responsible for real property taxes commencing January 1, 2019.

Prairie Life



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Prairie Life


Artist Bev Sobush-Melby’s passion:

Weathered faces on old barn boards


ev Sobush-Melby is drawing on her experience working in the Cymri Community Pasture years ago to inspire her current works of art, which include portraits of cowboys on weathered old boards of wood. She has also been making a series of paintings of scenes from the community pasture, drawn on her memories and on old photos of cowboys working with cattle and around the community pasture lands. She initially began many years ago painting the face of Santa Claus on old barn boards, and boards from old wooden slats from fences along the CP Rail line, and she has sold many of those pieces over the years. More recently, she turned her attention to portraits of cowboys with the old-style cowboy hats, some with names drawn from old Westerns, like a grizzled face she named “Dangerous Dan” on one old weathered piece of plywood.

Bev searches around on her farm and in the area for weathered pieces of wood, noting these are what lend her pieces the character she’s looking for. “I don’t want anything new. I often pick up little pieces and decide what I’m going to do with them,” she said. “Sometimes the texture and the size of the wood piece give me the idea of what to paint,” she added. Noting the new style of cowboy hats that rodeo cowboys or country singers wear, she said she prefers to paint hats of an older style, to give it a more authentic look. “The old boards are rough on the brushes. I put on a base coat to work on, and then it doesn’t soak into the wood. I use quite a bit of water with the acrylics so it can flow on nicely,” said Bev. “I just have a fun time with it.” The barn board art pieces weren’t always well-accepted when she had them for sale at art and craft sales, but today many people love the look of the weathered boards. “The first time I showed them in Weyburn, people were not interested in items on old wood. I always liked them. You have to have the right décor to use them, as they’re very rustic,” said Bev. She has also been working on a series of paintings of cowboys working in the community pastures, continuing with the theme she had for an exhibit she had a few years ago at the Weyburn Credit Union art gallery. They are based on scenes that she saw every day while working with her husband Chris Larsen, and her son Carlton. “My son and I rode every day, and we’d check the fences and the cows,” she noted, saying that after a while, “you get ingrained in that way of life.” As a volunteer with the Souris Valley Antique Association, which holds the threshing demonstration for Midale’s Pioneer Echoes

By Greg Nikkel

each summer, Bev had a large painting on a weathered board to display there, and she thought it could be safely left in the flea market building at the Heritage Village overnight. The problem was, when she went back the next morning, it was gone, and she thinks it was someone who just visited the flea market and saw the great deal of a painting. She had never intended to sell that piece, but realizes now she will likely never see it again. Bev is planning to have some of her works for sale at the Weyburn Arts Council’s One Festive Floor event at the Weyburn Comprehensive School’s Cugnet Centre on November 17.

Midale artist Bev Sobush-Melby put some finishing touches on a painting of an old cowboy on old weathered wood. She has found pieces of wood from old barns and from old fences used by CP Rail, and they provide the colour and texture that she loves as she paints cowboys from long ago. Photos by Greg Nikkel

Harvest Season Offers Lessons to Investors Submitted by Perry Doull


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t’s harvest time again. Of course, harvest season may not mean that much to you if you don’t work in agriculture. Nonetheless, you can learn a lot from those who do — especially in your role as an investor. Here are a few of these lessons to consider: “Feed” your portfolio. Through the proper combination of fertilizers and irrigation, farmers seek to maximize the growth of their crops. And if you want to give your portfolio the opportunity to grow, you need to “feed” it with the right mix of investments. This generally means you’ll need to own a reasonable percentage of growth-oriented

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vehicles, such as stocks and stock-based securities. Keep in mind, though, that the value of these types of investments will fluctuate, sometimes sharply — and there’s no guarantee you won’t lose some or all of your principal. Be patient. Crops don’t grow overnight. Farmers know that they will put in countless hours of work before they see the fruits of their labours. And they know that, along the way, they will likely experience setbacks caused by a variety of issues: too much rain, too little rain, insect infestations — the list goes on and on. When you invest, you shouldn’t expect to “get rich quick” — and you can expect to experience obstacles in the form of bear markets, economic downturns, changes in legislation and so forth. Continuing to invest for the long term and focusing more on long-term results than short-term success can help you as you work toward your objectives. Respond to your investment “climate”. Farmers can’t control the weather, but they can respond to it. So, for example, when it’s been dry for a long time, they can boost their irrigation. As an investor, you can’t control the economic “climate,” but you can make adjustments. To illustrate: If all signs point to rising long-term interest rates, which typically have a negative effect on longterm bond prices, you may need to consider reducing your exposure, at least for a while, to these bonds. Diversify. Farmers face a variety of risks, including bad weather and fluctuating prices. They can help combat both threats through diversification. For instance, they can plant some crops that are more drought-resistant than others, so they won’t face complete ruin when the rains don’t fall. As an investor, you should also diversify; if you only owned one type of financial asset, and that asset class took a big hit, you could sustain large losses. But spreading your dollars among an array of investments — such as stocks, bonds, cash and other vehicles — may help reduce the effects of volatility on your portfolio. (Be aware, though, that diversification by itself can’t guarantee a profit or protect against loss.) Relatively few of us toil in the fields to make our living. But by understanding the challenges of those who farm the land, we can learn some techniques that may help us to nurture our investments.

Prairie Life


Chicken soup is good for more than the soul


Sealed, written tenders for the property described below will be received by:

Meighen Haddad LLP P.O. Box 397 • Melita Manitoba • R0M 1L0 Attention: Karen Beauchamp


old season never seems to take a year off. Experts estimate that colds are so widespread that very few humans escape infection. Some people come down with colds more than once per year. That should not come as too great a surprise, as there are now thought to be more than 200 different strains of cold. For the past 50 years, researchers studied two classes of viruses responsible for a total of roughly 100 different incarnations of the common cold. Two years ago, after development of molecular techniques to look at the viral genome, researchers found a third class of rhinoviruses, according to James Gern, MD, an asthma specialist at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. This discovery doubled the number of potential cold viruses. While there’s no cure for the common cold, cold remedies have been around for centuries. Chicken soup remains one of the more popular cold remedies. Grandmothers have long espoused the virtues of chicken soup with regard to treating colds, but now research is backing up those claims. Researchers have long examined the potential health benefits of chicken soup in an attempt to understand why it seems to be such an effective tonic at treating colds. A 1998 report found that broth may help improve the function of the tiny hairs in noses called cilia. The cilia help prevent contagions from getting into the body. Hot fluids also can help increase the movement of nasal mucus, helping to relieve stuffiness and congestion. Chicken soup also can help reduce inflammation, which often results as the immune system works to fight the cold virus. A study in the journal Chest found that chicken soup appears to inhibit neutrophil chemotaxis, which is the movement of certain immune cells to mucus membrane surfaces. As a result, mucus production is inhibited and cold symptoms are reduced. Chicken soup is loaded with immune-boosting vegetables and other ingredients that provide phytonutrients. The American Cancer Society defines phytonutrients, or phytochemicals, as plant compounds like carotenoids, lycopene, resveratrol, and phytosterols that are thought to have health-protecting qualities. Chicken soup may also contain onions and garlic, which are believed to have natural antibacterial or antiseptic properties. An easily digestible comfort food, chicken soup also helps a person feel better because it effectively delivers vitamins and minerals. While some profess that homemade chicken soup is the key to fighting a cold, many commercially-made soups fit the bill as well. The salt, steam, vegetables, chicken protein, and soothing broth combine to form a worthy adversary to the common cold.



NW ¼ of Section 31-6-28 WPM excluding all mines and minerals

The property is currently has a tenant with a rental agreement that expires January 1, 2019. The lease will be assigned to the successful bidder. Seller will retain all of the rent for 2018 and will be responsible for the 2018 property taxes.


1. Interested parties must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the property and not on the above or any other particulars or representations made by or on behalf of the Seller. Inquiries should be directed to Garth Harrison (705) 533-4585. 2. Tenders must be received on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 31, 2018.

3. Each tender must be accompanied by a $1,000.00 deposit cheque payable to Meighen Haddad LLP. Deposits accompanying unaccepted bids will be refunded. 4. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.


The bidder whose tender is accepted will be required to complete an agreement covering terms and conditions of sale.

2. In addition to the deposit, the balance of the accepted tender must be paid on a date no later than January 2, 2019, or evidence provided that the purchase funds will be available under conditions acceptable to the Vendor. If the balance of the accepted tender is not paid within the set time limit the deposit paid may be forfeited as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. 3. Possession is not authorized until acceptable arrangements for full payments are made following acceptance of tender. 4. All mines and minerals will be reserved from any Transfer. 5. Land is in the Torren’s Title system.

6. Successful bidders will be responsible for real property taxes commencing January 1, 2019.

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Prairie Life


War Amps make a difference for By David Willberg


mma Grobbink might be young, but she has already become a regular at the War Amps Western Canada Child Amputee seminar. Emma, the four-year-old daughter of Mike and Jessica Grobbink of Estevan, was in Winnipeg with her mother from Aug. 24 to 26 for this year’s seminar. It’s the third time she has been to the conference. Emma was born without part of her right hand. She has the thumb, but is missing fingers, which makes it difficult to grip things. “She always really enjoys going and getting to hear all the other kids and getting to interact with them,” said Jessica Grobbink. The conventions are an opportunity to gain information and keep in touch with some of the other amputees they have met at the previous seminars. “One of the things about being an amputee is that everybody’s situation is unique, in that nobody needs exactly the same thing,” said Jessica. “There are always new developments and new information, and it’s a great weekend to get together and share all of it.” The conferences have proven to be a great source of information. While attending a previous convention, Jessica learned about a recreational device for her daughter, allowing Emma to ride a bicycle. Emma previously couldn’t properly grip the handlebars. “I’d seen a similar device in one of the War Amps communications. They send out a quarterly newsletter,” said Jessica. “It was something that attaches to the right side of the bike on her handlebars. It allows her to properly grip and steer, which allows her to ride her bike, which is exactly what any four-year-old would want to do.” There is a bit of a process needed to get a

recreational device made, but the War Amps can give recommendations on the devices. It usually starts by approaching a general practitioner, and then going through an occupational or physical therapist. Then applicants are referred to the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. “From there, they have to take fittings and measurements and stuff, so it involves a couple of trips back and forth to Regina, and then the end result is customizable device that’s made perfectly just for Emma so she can ride her bike,” said Jessica. The War Amps helps cover the cost of the device, which would be expensive to purchase. It has given Emma the freedom to ride a bicycle on her own. It’s the only device Emma has needed thus far. Her mother describes Emma as resilient and clever at figuring out how to do things without needing assistance. There are a couple of things she needs help with, but there isn’t anything she can’t do. “As she gets older, there will probably be more devices or daily living aids that she might need to use, especially as she gets into different sports and things like that,” said Jessica. At this year’s convention in Winnipeg, Emma met another little girl in Regina who is also a partial hand amputee. They spent some time together and really enjoyed visiting. A highlight of each seminar is the involvement of junior counsellors. Usually the War Amps tries to match up young children with young people in their teens who have a similar level of amputation, so they can spend time together, play and become comfortable with each other. “A lot of times the parents of the junior counsellors are there as well, so for myself as

a parent, then I have the opportunity to ask any questions I might have to parents of junior counsellors,” said Jessica. “Obviously they’re 10-15 years ahead of where Emma is, so they’ve already gone down this road, and they’ve seen some of the similar situations that Emma has or will encounter, so they’re in a good position to give advice or recommendations on what you can do and who you need to speak to.” Jessica expects they will continue to attend these conferences, especially since Emma always enjoys them.

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The War Amps was started by amputee veterans returning from the First World War wanting to help each other adapt to their new reality and advocate for seriously disabled veterans. With a philosophy of “amputees helping amputees,” they welcomed the next generation of war amputees following the Second World War and established the Key Tag Service to gain meaningful employment and provide a service to the public. Later, recognizing that their experience could help others, they developed programs to serve all amputees, including children.

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