Assiniboia Times - March 14, 2025

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Giselle’s Showtyme Dance hosts gala performance

Muriel Fehr Freelance Reporter

Dedication and perseverance are two attributes that are required to attain a level of proficient skill in any line of work or other achievement. This is no less true for the art of dance.

A spectacle of strength and agility was presented on the stage of the Prince

of Wales auditorium on March 8.

Giselle’s Showtyme Dance Studio held their kick off event for the competitive section of their season. Solos and duets were not part of the recital. To give the dancers a chance to showcase the skills they have achieved during the year a separate evening

was held to demonstrate their learned abilities.

In total 54 performances were part of the show given. Every style of dance was seen. Each dancer or pair wore a striking costume. The pieces of music were either intense or softly poetic. Round tables were set up with dark tablecloths and a platter of fin-

ger food. A table with an array of beverages including, ice water, iced tea, coffee and tea along with ice and pop for mixing drinks was readily available.A bar was run by members of the Prince of Wales board.

The gala was very well attended by members of the dancers’ families. Anyone not in attendance missed an

incredible evening. Giselle commented “It’s a shame more people weren’t here to see this. It’s not just for the families of dancers.”

Fortunately for everyone who enjoys the arts, there are two more opportunities to witness the skills honed throughout the year. April 26 and 27 as well as May 3 will round

out the competitive season for the students of Giselle’s Showtyme Dance. One date is a recital, while the other is a full competition including solos and duets. Perhaps Giselle and the dancers will have the opportunity to greet connoisseurs of the arts from Assiniboia and surrounding communities.

Saskatchewan to halt US alcohol and procurement

Premier Scott Moe announced that the Government of Saskatchewan has directed Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) to stop purchasing

US-produced alcohol and has directed that goods and services procured by the Government of Saskatchewan prioritize Canadian suppliers, with the goal of

reducing or eliminating US procurement.

Any future government capital projects have been paused and for those projects in process, contractors

will be asked to report on American products and reduce that amount.

“These extraordinary measures are a direct response to President

Trump’s unjustified tariffs and a direct attack on the Canadian economy,” Moe said. “This decision was not made lightly, but the Government of Saskatchewan has always and will always stand up for Saskatchewan’s interests and protect our jobs, our economy and our residents.”

Liquor retailers will no longer be able to order USproduced alcohol, however they may still choose to sell their remaining inventory. This approach defends the interests of Saskatchewan’s economy while avoiding negative impacts on Sas -

katchewan’s liquor retailers who have already purchased US products.

Lotteries and Gaming Saskatchewan has been directed to source from other suppliers the $43 million of VLT and slot machines that are to be upgraded this year and are currently procured from the United States.

The Government of Saskatchewan will also expect school divisions, municipalities and post-secondary institutions to adopt similar procurement policies that prioritize Canadian goods and services.

Giselle’s Showtime Dance Gala performers display their talents and the hard work that goes into their performances.
Photo courtesy of Muriel Fehr

The thaw has begun: ticks lying in wait

March is National Tick Awareness Month (NTAM) and the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) and Merck Animal Health are reminding Canadians they can take several steps to protect their pets against ticks.

The 2025 NTAM campaign has the message: “Will Ticks Get Through? Not With You!”

NTAM said pet owners can it more difficult for ticks (and the pathogens they may carry) to navigate their way to pets by layering these three crucial steps:

• Performing daily tick checks and avoiding locations where ticks can be found. Using veterinaryapproved tick control products for the duration of the risk period.

• Considering Lyme vaccination for canine patients. “When you think about tick control and trying to reduce the risk of exposure to tick-borne disease, it helps to imagine a maze,” says CVMA presi-

dent, Dr. Tim Arthur.

“If we do nothing, ticks can have a straight path to our pets, but by layering tick and tick-borne disease protection efforts, you can make the maze more and more complex, so it becomes harder for ticks to get through.”

Public Health Agency of Canada, will shared some “pearls of wisdom” from recent literature and summarize key updates related to ticks and tickborne diseases in Canada to help veterinary teams effectively communicate changing risks to pet owners.

Dr. Coe, University of Guelph, will focus on how vets can help pet owners understand the value of tick control recommendations and how this understanding can minimize gaps in protection. Using the Spectrum of Care approach, Dr. Coe will explore the benefit of providing options to pet owners when engaging in tick control discussions.

Spring thaw causes many blocked catch basins

Potentially by press time, this may not even be an issue in the Town of Assiniboia as the continued warm weather melting has already occurred. However daytime melting with overnight freezing can result in continual frozen drainage spots and catch basins throughout

town. The Town of Assiniboia Public Works crew goes out with the steamer to help open up these catch basins.

TOA had put out a social media and Voyent message asking residents to report blocked catch basins however with only one steamer and 200 catch basins in town, the TOA appreciates residents

adopting the catch basin in their neighbourhood, and opening them as they are able to do safetly.

TOA states, “it can take us a bit to get to these frozen catch basins but we appreciate people’s patience, and help, in these efforts. Thank you to those residents that have taken the time to open up the catch basins in their


Potentially varying forecasts are still calling for more snow, and potential freezing rain, in March. The TOA says they are prepared for whatever Mother Nature delivers and appreciates everyone’s efforts in completing the task at hand with the conditions they are dealt with.

The Assiniboia Curling Club awarded the 2024-25 League Champions for Thursday Night Competitive Recreation League. From left are Ron Lucas, Leah Harper, Lane Jepson and Candice Mowbray.

to say “Stop Bullying”.

Seniors, and Rural and Remote Health Minister Lori Carr met with counterparts at the Federal/Provincial/Territorial (FPT) Minsters Responsible for Seniors Forum in Moncton, New Brunswick on March 4 and 5 to discuss issues related to seniors and ways they can be best supported.

“Our government is committed to supporting

the health and wellbeing of older adults in Saskatchewan,” Carr said. “Working with my provincial and territorial counterparts was productive, as we learned about initiatives underway in other parts of Canada, and ways we can learn from each other to support seniors.”

Saskatchewan’s 202425 Provincial Budget provides more than $43

million in targeted initiatives to support seniors to live within their communities and provide the supports they need.

This investment fulfills government’s commitment to provide home nursing services free of charge; subsidize supportive services through home care; subsidize the overall cost of publicly funded longterm care; provide reduced

ambulance costs; and cap the cost of prescription drugs to $25, for those listed on the Saskatchewan Formulary and those approved under Exception Drug Status.

Through Saskatchewan’s Connected Care Strategy, four community health centres in Regina and Saskatoon continue to meet the needs of senior citizens.

A further funding commitment extends to coverage of Continuous and Flash Glucose Monitoring Systems to seniors aged 65 and older with a diabetes diagnosis and currently using any version of insulin.

Government continues to assist seniors by having increased the maximum monthly benefit for the Seniors Income Plan and

the Personal Care Home Benefit. The FPT Seniors Forum is an intergovernmental body established to share information, discuss new and emerging issues related to seniors and work collaboratively on key projects. All provinces and territories and the federal government participate in the forum.

For further information, visit: FPT Seniors Forum

Hockey playoffs coming to a conclusion as March winds down

The latest on playoff quests include Assiniboia area minor hockey team provincial playoffs: Three teams have concluded their provincial runs with valiant efforts by all.

U13C HockeySask provincial quest by Gravelbourg had the team facing off against Wawota in the quarter final series. Gravelbourg dropped game one and tied game two, with Wawota leading in points scored earning them the berth to the semi

finals, thus eliminating the Gravelbourg team.

Female U13B Wood River Ice Cats (Lafleche) dropped game one to Balcarres and played game two on the road Feb. 28, with a game three if necessary to see who advances to semi finals. While the Ice Cats were able to keep the games close, they were unable to advance from this series thus ending their provincial quest.

U15B Assiniboia Rebels advanced out of first round with Fort Knox to take on Lumsden Lions in quarter

finals. Game one of the series resulted in a tie, and game two did not go in the Rebels favour, thus ending their provincial quest.

To clarify this game series, the Assiniboia Times was advised, “It’s a best of 3 series. They play two full games, if it’s a tie, they play a 10-minute mini game. If it’s still tied, it goes in to sudden death overtime. In our case, Lumsden came here and tied, which counts as a “win” for each team. So, when we went back, whoever won the 2nd game,

claimed the series.”

The lone Assiniboia area team left in provincial playoffs are the U18D Wood River Lafleche Flyers who have advanced.

The team captured game one of provincial quarter finals against Meunster, playing game two on March 2, earning the win on that one sending them to the HockeySask provincial semi finals against the Redvers Rockets.

The Redvers semi final series will start at home for game one on March 10 and game two will

take place in Redvers on March 14. A mini game will take place for third and deciding game, if necessary. The semi final winner will advance to provincial final against the north winners of either Macklin or Kerrobert.

AMHA teams league playoffs –Two Assiniboia teams were part of the Southwest Sask. Hockey League playoffs, however neither team was able to advance.

U15 Assiniboia Rebels forced a game three against Eastend in league

playoffs. Assiniboia incurred a one goal loss in a hard-fought battle in game one however, they returned to Eastend on March 3. The U15 Rebels doubled Eastend by a score of 6-3 forcing a deciding game three in Assiniboia on Mar. 5. The U15 Rebels were unable to defeat a strong Eastend team, thus ending their season. For the U18 Assiniboia Rebels, Mossbank proved too much for them as they were defeated both games in their league playoffs by a score of 4-3.

These students and teachers at Assiniboia Elementary School take anti-bullying very seriously as they join together at their school

Editorial & Opinions

Did you know the average person, at rest, takes approximately 16 breaths per minute. If you are a math wizard you will figure out that is about 960 breaths per hour and you can equate the breaths per day and per week, per month and per year from there. If you are even more ambitious you can estimate at the age of 80, how many breaths you will have taken in a lifetime.

Breathing is a vital part of our lives but also a part of our being that we rarely give a second thought to, unless something or someone forces us to draw attention to it.

I joined a new mobility yoga class and one of the key components of the practise is to focus on concentrated breathing efforts. You will surprise yourself with what this focus can do while learning of what you are capable of when using calculated breathing in and out methods.

A mother in labor tries very hard to focus on breathing to not only help with potential pain endurance but because it is easy to get out of breathing rhythm when working hard to bring another life into the world through physical efforts.

When that child is first born, parents may hold their breath while waiting for that child to take their first. And hearing that first breath, accompanied by that first cry draws the

inevitable sigh while breathing outward with that relief.

Our son was a trauma baby and he had very irregular and scary breathing patterns as a babe however when we learned the benefits of baby massage to help relax the child and create a breathing pattern, we were thankful for the advice and methods to relax him, and the resulting easier breathing efforts.

While watching someone in palliative care, we spend endless minutes or hours watching the person we love breathe in and out; never wanting to forget those moments and agonizing in grief when the last breath is drawn.

We hold our breath at sports events anxiously awaiting the clock to expire so that we can finally celebrate our teams win. As parents of a sports participant, we find ourselves holding our breath while our kid is pitching, batting or goal-tending, or on a breakaway or running the bases.

When we are scared out of our wits, we take minutes to “catch our breath” after the fright is over. When we are nervous, we take deep breaths in our nose and exhale through our mouths to help nullify the butterflies.

When enduring painful procedures or an injury, we are encouraged to practise distinct, methodical breathing to help ease the pain and distract from it.


When we are in the outdoors, we instinctively draw deep breaths to take in the fresh air that surrounds adding to the pleasure of the views we are seeing.

Entering a restaurant, or our mom’s kitchen, we can take deep breaths to capture the full flavor of the aroma we are experiencing of delectable cuisine.

Children, when hurt or scared, are known to hold their breath while crying adding to the anxiety and fear of the parent trying to comfort them.

Breathing is in many catch phrases – waiting with baited breath, breathtaking views, breathe it all in, just breathe, you take my breath away, don’t hold your breath waiting, or comparing some experience to a breath of fresh air.

So many songs have been written about breathing. “Every breath you take,” by the Police; ‘Breathe” by country artist, Faith Hill; or Shania Twain’s song, “It only hurts when I’m breathing”.

I was looking for inspiration for this monthly editorial and all I had to do was just simpley focus on something we don’t pay near enough attention to, and that’s breathing. I’ll finish with this wise quote I found online, “When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.” –Unknown.

Written by Rev. Sarah E. Mowat Dealing with Difficult Times 1 Peter 5:7 says: “…cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” We are currently living in challenging political and economic times. It can be difficult to not be anxious and angry and frustrated as things seem to be in a descending into negative nebulas. The daily media reports and rumors (opinions) saying all sort of conflicting information. A quote that I have in my office says “Let’s steady one another today. When the world shook for our parents and grandparents, God was there. When the next generation faces uncertainties and challenges, God will offer a strengthing hand. As we seek to live out Christ’s love in this beautiful and troubling world. God is with us.”

It is true God is with us in all of our struggles and difficulties, just as God is with us in our more positive experiences. I think it is important that we look to the Bible and see the promise held there for us, that the prove truth of this quote. The quote at the top of this article and from the book of Psalms we read: “In the days of trouble, God will give me shelter…”.

No matter what is happening to you, know that you can go to God with your anxiety and find peace. God has broad shoulders and he can take what you give him. God is waiting for you to go to him to find security in the shelter (he provides) from the storm made up of political and economic realities.

I pray that you know God’s peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) as you go to him.

World Day Of Prayer observed at Assiniboia Apostolic Church

It’s that time of year when those from a faith-based lifestyle prepare themselves for the season. Just like those among us who prepare for winter by wrapping themselves in a protective coating, those among us who prepare for Lent wrap themselves in a prayerful protective coating.

Lent began with the annual Ash Wednesday service on March 5. To the members of our community who choose to observe the faithbased meaning of Easter, one of the ways to prepare themselves is to attend the World Day of Prayer.

This international annual event is ecumenical in nature and global in locale. Each year a different Christian faith hosts the special service. The day of observance is a movement led by Christian women who come together in prayer and action for peace and justice. The date for World Day of Prayer in 2025 was March 7 and the theme created specially for this year was “I have made you wonderful.”

Not only the location within each community changes, but the country that writes the program also changes yearly. Each annual service begins years before with a choice of writing country and theme. After being written

the service is sent to the International Committee in New York for translation. Later, it is disseminated to the National Committee in each of the countries that participate.

At that level it is discussed and edited, then presented nationally, regionally and locally. Branches at the local level develop their plans. In each community within the branch a Church is chosen and on the date previously decided the people will gather to celebrate the service. The service for 2025 was written in the Cook Islands by the Somoan women.

This day is celebrated in over 120 countries.

Starting in Samoa the prayer begins in native languages and travels throughout the world.

From the initial country it goes through Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas finishing approximately 38 hours later in a worldwide wave of prayer. Assiniboia’s World Day of Prayer took place at the Apostolic Church at 7 p.m.

Included in the program were sections of music by Zoe King and Laura Winter. About an hour was spent listening to guest speaker Cher Dombowsky talk about the Living Hope Ranch and the program that is run there. The ranch is located near Consul, Sas-

katchewan and is geared to providing healing for teenage girls suffering from trauma and sexual abuse. The ranch kept a counselor, social worker, equine assisted learning coordinator and youth care workers on staff before being tem-

porarily shut down during COVID. They are currently in a fundraising stage while developing programs to be able to respond to girls and families reaching out for their support. Information regarding financial aid to the program may

be obtained through the Apostolic Church. There were a few bible readings. Other women gave prayers regarding abused women, medical issues, women and children living in conflict/ war, families and children, marriages, mercy and grace for Assiniboia and area as well as forgiveness. A cloak of protection has been put on by the people observing Lent in preparation for Easter season. The faithful of the community will meet again next year.

At left, Cher Dombowsky of Living Hope Ranch. During a break in the evening, she offered information and fundraising opportunities in the Apostolic Church’s front foyer. At right, Sandra Massett offered prayers for all medical issues. “I pray for medical teams of doctors, nurses and counsellors to come to Saskatchewan rural communities and to remain to rebuild medical care. By his stripes we are healed and I proclaim him ultimate healer.”

Photos courtesy of Muriel Fehr

Our Town

Senior Rebels looking to repeat as league champs, start provincial push

Sherri Solomko

Reigning Notekeu Hockey League Champions, Assiniboia Senior Rebels, will have another crack at the league title.

After winning the deciding game against Mossbank Blades in the final round of the Wood River division, in overtime, the Rebels will face the Yellow Grass Wheat Kings in a best-of-seven series final.

Of interest to note, Mossbank put three of four of their quarter final games into overtime, winning that series, and pushed the Rebels into overtime for the final semi-final game, showcasing the strength of their team.

The Rebels opened the league final with a win at home on March 5. Game two in Yellow Grass takes place on March 14. Coming up March 15, the Rebels will host game three on home ice, while returning to Yellow Grass for game four on March 19. Game five is in Assiniboia on March 21 with game six in Yellow Grass. If a game seven is necessary, it will be back in

Assiniboia on March 26.

Senior Rebels

Provincial playoffs

The Rebels Sr. handed Oxbow Huskies the loss in opening series of Hockey Sask Provincial C finals. This put them up against Foam Lake Flyers for the south provincial final. Southland Co-op Centre was the venue for game one of this provincial playoff series on March 1. Even with a strong hometown crowd behind them, the Senior Rebels were unable to defeat Foam Lake, losing their opening game

by a score of 7-3.

The Assiniboia Senior Rebels are now down one game in the best of three series. Game two was held in Foam Lake on March 8 and game three (if it was needed) was also held in Foam Lake on March 9. Game results were not available at press time.

Stay tuned to Southland Co-op Centre or team’s social media pages as well as electronics at the rink and posters around town, or the league and HockeySask websites for updates, schedules and results.

Rocket Report: B-ball playoffs are in full swing

Basketball playoffs are in full swing for both the Rockets’ senior girls’ and boys’ basketball teams.

In Moose Jaw High School Athletics Association (MJHSAA) league action, both teams played in the Junior Varsity league semi-finals on March 5.

The senior girls’ team travelled to Briercrest Christian Academy where they lost a close hardfought battle 42-49. The senior boys’ team hosted Gravelbourg where they came out victorious in a nail-biting 67-64 win.

The boys’ team hosted the MJHSAA Junior Varsity league champion -

ship on March 11 against Briercrest. This was the final home game of the season for the boys.

This past weekend was also the beginning of the Saskatchewan High School Athletics Association (SHSAA) playoffs starting with conference playoffs for both Rockets basketball teams.

The senior girls’ team were on the road to Regina, where they faced off against Oxbow where they came away with a commanding win 64-28. The girls next squared up against Indian Head where the fell 42-83. Their win over Oxbow secured the girls’ team advancement to the SHSAA regional playoffs to be held on Friday, March 14 and Saturday, March 15.

The senior boys’ conferences were held in Shaunavon where the Rockets played the hometown squad in the hopes of also advancing to regional playoffs. Unfortunately, the boys lost 73-79 in a close back-and-forth game.

Badminton season is well underway, and track and field season will begin at the end of March.

1. ATown of Assiniboia business licensegets you afree spot foradvertising your business on ourwebsite under our business directory. (Check Your listingfor aquick edit!)

2.Contractors who do not obtain abusiness license, willleavetheir customer withthe cost of the business license. Please ask your contractors fora copy of theirAssiniboia business license or call our Town Office.

3. If more than onebusiness operatesfrom alocation, allbusiness’s needa business license. For moreinformation, visit https://www.assiniboia net/town_office/licensing.html.

Willows Dam

In accordancewith Section 23 (2)(a) of the Fisheries Regulations, Saskatchewan 1995 ProhibitionsreShelters: No person shall fail to remove the shelter a) By March 15, if placed in any part of the Southern Zone south of Highway No.16. (which Assiniboiaissouth of).

Removalprior to theregulations date of March15th is appreciated. Stay Safe. DID YOUBRING YOUR ICE FISHING SHACK TO ASSINIBOIA? Reminder there is NO LONG-TERM PARKING of vehicles,trailers or dumpsters &weappreciate the removal of your garbage/recycling binsfromour roadways. Please find alternative storage, thank you!

The ACHS Rockets boys’ team recently hosted the MJHSAA Junior Varsity league championship.

Cy Walters was a key contributor to Assiniboia’s curling community

Since it was announced that the Assiniboia Curling Club is celebrating their 90th anniversary in 2025, many notable Assiniboia residents have been talked about for their roles in Assiniboia’s curling community, and provincal and national as well.

Cyril Walters was one such person. He was inducted into the Canadian Curling Hall of Fame in 1986. Walters served as the Canadian Curling Association’s President from 1982 to 1983. This is a remarkable achievement for someone from small town Saskatchewan.

The information on this induction on the Canadian Curling Association website states, “Cy Walters first

become involved in curling administration at the Assiniboia Curling Club, where he served a number of terms as director, and finally president. His involvement swung to the provincial level beginning in 1964, with the Saskatchewan Curling Association. In 1976, Walters was elected president of the association for one term.”

Walters served as Saskatchewan chairman of the Seagram Mixed Championship, President and delegate to the CCA. The curling enthusiast was born in Kingston, Ont and operated his own automotive parts and glass supply company in Assiniboia.

Walters would have known the flapping thunderous sound made from straw and foam brooms

while sweepers worked to get the rock in the house but he would not have experienced any of the latest broom controversies with flat head foam brush heads. He would have experienced curling in matching knit sweaters as often rinks were cold compared to the sleeveless players of today. And, the whole world of curling has changed, expanding beyond provincial and Canadian borders as well as evolving into more competitive events for curlers to have a full season to curl in, although it definitely has showcased a clear division of pro and amateur curlers and events.

The Assiniboia Times reached out to the family of Cy Walters for their recollection of their dad’s involvement in so many

curling aspects across the country.

Jason Walters, Cy’s eldest son, said, “I guess I would have been 8-10 years old when I first became aware that Dad was a big part of Assiniboia, and the province’s, curling community. It was one of the times Assiniboia hosted Southern or Provincial Men’s Playdowns in the old Civic Centre. I remember going into the press box with him. At that age you thought your dad was the best, so it was cool to be able to go with him to some of these things.”

Jason noted that everyone in the Walters’ family curled and that he grew up with pictures on the wall of his grandpa, dad and cousins winning bonspiels.

“Any time I went to a

curling event with my dad, I not only felt or saw the recognition he received, but I also came to realize what a community it is which my Dad was so drawn to. Being a part of that was more special than any recognition, it was like an extended family. Especially the year he was President of the Canadian Curling Association. I attended the Brier in Sudbury that year and we were treated like royalty. There was a vehicle with a driver outside our hotel all day long who would take us anywhere, anytime.”

While Jason said he was pursuing a degree in university most of the year his Dad was president of CCA so he didn’t notice much that his Dad was away alot.

However, brother Barton says, “I was only 1314 years old when he was president and inducted into the Hall of Fame so I have little recollection of how that all went. I was just enjoying the weekend of freedom with him always being gone, LOL (laugh out loud).”

Cy’s eldest son said he feels it would be hard to pick a biggest highlight of his dad’s curling contributions but one thing stands out, “The thrill of being on a CBC broadcast doing some color commentary at least once. Dad was part of the CCA at a time when the sport was starting to change a lot. They wanted to be in the Olympics so things like physical fitness became important. Managing the time, it took to play a game was something that had to change to appease the broadcast companies. I think he was proud of being part of all that.”

Cy’s wife Rita also adds,

Rita Walters noted that when he served as president of CCA, she can remember he was only home ten days out of that whole season as he had to travel.”

Jason acknowledges that he tries to attend at least a couple of games whenever the Brier is in Calgary and he can still see and feel that community that his Dad was a big part of.

“My desire to give back to my community was learned from Dad. He was involved in more than curling as he was also part of town council, Assiniboia Housing Authority, and Kinsmen. I expect he got that from his father,” adds Jason.

“A huge highlight for him was wearing Canadian colors and throwing the first rock at the World Championship (then known as the Silver Broom), in Regina in 1983, the same year he was president.”

Nine decades of history doesn’t’ just happen. They need people to commit to an association’s viability, longevity, evolve with change and dedicate to maintaining Assiniboia’s curling community for the future. Walters is but one of those people. Stay tuned as we hope to continue with stories of those community builders who were an integral part of Assiniboia’s 90-year curling history.


R.M. of Poplar Valley No 12

Notice of Discretionar y Use Application

Pursuant to Section 55 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007 and the R.M. of Poplar Valley No. 12 Zoning Bylaw, the Council of the R.M. of Poplar Valley No. 12 gives notice that a discretionar y use application has been received and the details are as follows:

Discretionar y Use Application: Intensive Livestock Operation

The applicant is applying to expand an existing intensive livestock operation on the SE 1/4 14-02-30-W2M

Council will hold a public meeting for the above noted discretionar y use development application at 11:00 a.m. April 9th at the R.M. of Poplar Valley conference room located at 423 Railway Avenue in Rockglen Saskatchewan. Council will consider written comments delivered to the undersigned at the RM office during the regular meeting of council. For further information please contact the RM office. Dated at the Town of Rockglen, in the Province of

this 14th

of March,

Cyril Walters

Season ends for Southern Jr. Rebels as they lost out in PJHL playoffs

Sherri Solomko

After much hope and anticipation when the Rebels dug deep earning them a playoff spot for the Prairie Junior Hockey League, the season has come to a conclusion for the team, losing four consecutive games to Fort Knox.

It was a rough start for the Jr. Rebels dropping their three opening games

of the Prairie Junior Hockey League playoffs against Fort Knox, putting their backs against the wall in a best of seven series. Game one on the road was lost by a score of 6-1. Game two was a penalty filled outing resulting in a loss of 7-2. Assiniboia’s only goals of the game didn’t come until the third period but the efforts were too late. According to the

PJHL website, Assiniboia was assessed eight of the 18 penalties in the second period.

In a best of seven series, the Rebels were now in the pressure position of having to win games to keep this playoff series alive, with Fort Knox having a chokehold on the hometown team. The Rebels lost another one on the road being blanked 6-0 in game three.

Game four was back at Southland Co-op centre, and even with the increased energy brought by home town fans it wasn’t enough to overcome a strong Fort Knox team, as they took the series and advance in the PJHL playoffs.

Team President, Curtis Nelsen, reflects on the season saying despite their playoff exit, there were a lot of positives.

“We finished with more points than last year. We made it to the south final which is the first in time in five years the team has accomplished this. We have a good nucleus of players to work with that are all young as we had a younger team this year, which will also provide more experience going forward.”

Next on the agenda for the Jr. Rebels is the open spring I.D. camp taking place April 5 and 6, and the executive is taking registration for players 16-20 to attend. That weekend will include a tournament and an end of year awards banquet for team, parents’ players and camp attendees. The weekend will also include an intersquad game. Nelson affirms from that point forward it will be time for a well-deserved break after almost seven months of hockey. There is a potential for a fundraising golf tournament this summer but confirmed next on the team leaders’ agenda is training camp set for the end of August.

Overall fans say they loved the excitement this home town team provided them throughout the season and judging by the amount of Rebels gear seen around town and the province, it was a united effort in supporting their team.

RCMP Crime stats

The Assiniboia RCMP responded to 18 calls of service during the week of February 24 to March 2.

These included:

- 9-11 Act - Offenses - 1

- Coroner’s Act - 1

- Fail to Stop or Remain - 1

- False Alarm - 2

- Information File - 1

- Municipal Bylaws - 2

- Operation while Impaired - 1

- Traffic infractions - 4

- Other Provincial Statutes - 1

- Suspicious Person - 2

- Taking Motor Vehicle without Consent - 1

- Traffic Collision - 1

The RCMP and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) are warning the public about an ongoing phishing scam impersonating the RCMP.

Unsolicited RCMP “delivery notices” are sent via text messages. The messages inform recipients that the RCMP was unable to deliver court documents and ask to reschedule to avoid missing a court date. These messages contain a link to an unofficial and fraudulent RCMP website.

The RCMP does not issue notices by text messages and their home page is

The U9 Bengough Flyers recently won the Candy Cup, awarded at the end of their season. Players included Benjamin Nicolay, Bennett Tendler, Brooklynn Hutchinson, Casey Hazen, Emmett Verhaeghe, Jake Ulm, Jake Haugen, Mitch Shaver, Tucker Foley, Tyce Ulm and Wesley Buckler. The coach is Blaine Tendler and assistant coach is Chris Verhaeghe.

Mossbank Mayor optimistic about future, council believes in teamwork

Greg Foreman was acclaimed as Mayor of Mossbank in November of 2024. His role began when he won a byelection in 2023. Interestingly enough, Foreman ran for council three times previously and was defeated all three times.

The mayor moved to Mossbank in 2009 after having lived in Edmonton as his wife’s family is from the area.

While in Edmonton he served in a variety of leadership and volunteer roles which he believes will help him as the community’s

mayor. He also experienced Mossbank from the frontline having worked in the town office for a little more than a year.

He wants Mossbank to be a place that you just don’t associate with a highway sign as you drive by but rather as a desirable southern Saskatchewan community to stop in at.

“There are a number of things that can be attractive to the visitor or newcomer.

The Old Wives Lake festival and community car show are but two examples, We also have a very good museum,” said Foreman.

Perhaps, Foreman ac -

knowledged, being off the highway entices visitors to make a trip in to find out what Mossbank is all about.

It has been said that people feel safer being directly off the highway route.

He was excited to note, that after sitting vacant for four years, the Mossbank Bar and Grill is now back in business. “Our rink board does a great job of attracting surrounding communities to use their facility as it is hard to get ice time. Lots of tournaments are held here and in turn that attracts people to town. A strong senior hockey team also benefits the rink.”

Foreman feels the community used to have an aging population, but that has changed. “There has been a turnover of second-generation families. Other families moved back in from the farm or completed education and returned home, as people who grew up in Mossbank want to return ‘home’. This town has more children in it than I have seen in years.”

Some of the attraction factors can be attributed to an ag based community closer to larger centres. Cheaper cost of living in Mossbank and a midway commute to either Moose Jaw or Assiniboia.

“Goals for upcoming four-year term include concentrating on maintaining the basics like keeping taxes at a reasonable level. Keep town operational, replacing equipment when needed, maintaining infrastructure. We have to keep looking at the basics as we have to be aware of what we can do and what we can’t do, so being realistic while helping the community grow,” affirms the Mossbank Mayor.

well-balanced community with an optimistic future for Mossbank. Transparency is an important part of what I emphasize as everyone needs that and sometimes it is forgotten.” said Foreman.

Foreman says some highlights he could pinpoint is their close proximity to larger centres, a pleasant town to live in, location is desirable as once you get over the hills on the trip from Moose Jaw, it is beautiful and their location is very close to Grasslands National Park.

Challenges Foreman mentioned would be community expectations vs what can be afforded as their administration wants to be fiscally responsible. Get younger generation involved in government and leadership roles.

“If it weren’t for provincial and federal grants continually researched and sought, we couldn’t do what we do. For example, the walking path was made possible through grant money and a charitable organization. We are looking for a grant right now to help do updates to infrastructure,” adds Foreman.

Mossbank Wellness Centre has a nurse practitioner who works three days a week and the community is also closer to larger centres if needed.

“We might not have all the solutions but our great team are motivated to be a

The community is seeking a grant for the hockey and curling rink’s ice plant which needs replacing with estimated cost upwards of $500,000, with about $200,000 raised right now, and the town admits it cannot afford to help out acknowledges the mayor.

“We have a swimming pool and campground adjacent to it that always appears busy in the summer. School is also a draw as people from a varied radius, like Mitchellton, and even further away come to this school. We are also in the process of developing more residential lots.”

Another exciting addition is the upcoming official opening of the new daycare, with one of our councillors being a driving force behind this development.

With daycare being such a premium, people are coming from outside of Mossbank to secure daycare spots, which resulted in the need for expansion.

Greg Foreman

Hockey season ends, but overall community benefits from playoffs

If you get fired up over hockey lingo like snipes and cellys, delighted by dirty dangles or celebrate your team’s goals in the five hole, there’s a good chance you’re a hockey fan from small town Canada. Hockey season offers the community social connections, especially in playoff season when everyone is rooting for the same team.

Whether your favorite Assiniboia team or player succeeded in their quests for league and provincial finals came to fruition or

not, the benefits all around for players, fans, arena, and communities are the biggest success story.

Extended period of gate income, and 50/50 draws help teams overall bottom line. Vendors at arenas like team sales and booths enjoy extended seasons. Success and excitement translates into season tickets and attracting more fans. There is new material to talk about on coffee row. Hometown pride grows immensely during playoffs. Arenas get an extended season and showcase all that it has to offer.

Community economic spinoffs are extended as playoffs bring visitors to town who are likely taking in food, fuel and shopping opportunities as well as supporting the home team’s gate, 50/50 sales and booth in local arenas.

Hometown pride in print, social media, online and in the news generate interest in home communities, which offer another way to promote the Town of Assiniboia. Employees who work at the rink enjoy longer seasonal job opportunities.

Players get to enjoy a rock star experience as

communities revel in their successes, cheers on their goals and wins, are personally congratulated by excited fans on their contribution to the wins, and inspire younger players who look to emulate their hometown heroes by wearing their jersey or team’s jersey, and maybe even seek an autograph or two.

Whether win or loss, coaches can pat themselves on the back for successful leadership throughout playoff runs and revel in the community’s pride in their team’s efforts.

Excitement and energy in town throughout playoff

Assiniboia Senior Rebels won against Yellow Grass in their playoff series on March 5. The battle to win continues in Yellow Grass on March 14, in Assiniboia on March 15 and in Yellow Grass on March 19.

runs is evident as everyone embraces playoff enthusiasm, helping people put aside the news for awhile.

Throughout the journey of hockey season, one thing is abundantly clear, and that is the local arena is the beating heart of small rural communities like Assiniboia.

The gathering hub doesn’t just assemble at game time, it is a season long gathering place that doesn’t just revolve around game time. People come to meet their friends and neighbors, embrace and experience community

camaraderie and collectively establish and maintain a sense of collective identity and strengthened hometown pride.

This year’s hockey season that began back in September and culminates with playoff hockey runs, both those that are still ongoing, and those that ultimately ended their team’s season. One thing is for certain, regardless of how the Assiniboia team’s season ended, the memories will last forever, by the players, their fans and the community as a whole.

STF: Arbitrators rule for teachers on class complexity

John Cairns Saskatchewan Teachers Federation is reporting that the Arbitration Board has ruled class complexity will be included as a new article in the Provincial Collective Bargaining Agreement.

According to STF’s news release, the Board directed the Teachers’ Bargaining Committee and Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee to agree on collective agreement language for class complexity. If both sides cannot come to an agreement, the issue will go back to the Arbitration Board.

It has also been ruled there will be a class complexity fund of $20 million per year in addition to all other provincial funding. On salary, teachers will receive an increase of nine percent over three years: four percent retroactive to Sept. 1, 2023; three percent retroactive to Sept. 1, 2024; and two percent as of Sept. 1, 2025.

The two sides has agreed to binding arbitration to settle a months-long teachers’ labour dispute in the province last year, one in which class complexity was a key issue and a major stumbling block.

The teachers had pointed to class complexity language being included in the language of collective agreements in other prov-

inces. STF has called this arbitrator’s ruling historic.

“The collective efforts of so many people throughout the province brought attention to the issues facing Saskatchewan students. This is a hard-won first step to ensure these critical issues will be addressed,” said Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation President Samantha Becotte in a statement.

“This decision is a decade in the making and will have a significant impact on students, teachers and the future of public education in Saskatchewan. I am endlessly proud of and inspired by the teachers and families of this province, and their efforts to improve learning conditions for students and working conditions for teachers.”

Becotte adds they “welcome the chance to work with the GTBC to finalize this important language. We appreciate the dedication and professionalism the Board demonstrated throughout this process.”

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation has advanced the interests of teachers and advocated for excellence in public education for more than 80 years. They are a professional organization of over 13,500 teachers employed in PreK-12 schools across the province who are trusted and respected leaders and partners in education.

Seed Directory

Melting snow and ice can bring risks to home and property, tips to protect

Saskatchewan residents aren’t out of the winter woods yet, however, the warm temperatures and water flowing around us as a result of these temps, reminds us that water woes can cause spring headaches for home and property owners. It’s like spring cleaning, in proactive measures style, only outside our home.

from your foundation, and if they’ve been beaten up by the ravages of winter, now is a good time to replace them.

If you hadn’t cleared snow away from the edges of your roof to protect from ice damming, you may want to check for water stains on your roof and in your attic.

the spring thaw, a much better alternative than being forced into reactive measures.

• Shovel snow away from your foundation –Piling snow against your house increases the risk of water seeping into your basement.

• Keep window wells clear. Remove built-up snow and ice around basement windows.

SGI regularly issues some helpful resources and tips for those wanting to be proactive in potential water issues caused by spring thaw at their homes and properties. Checking eavestroughs and downspouts for debris and ice that has accumulated will prevent water from running through to downspouts. Fix any damaged pieces. Ensure downspouts are in good condition, and aimed away

Check around your foundation and find any cracks or leaks that need to be filled which prevents air from leaking out of your home and prevents water, and critters, from getting inside.

Protecting storage items inside in plastic containers is a much safer option than cardboard, in the event of water seepage. Place these storage containers off the floor of the basement or garage for added protection.

Here are other steps and tips to help be proactive in

• Clear storm drains. If you can do so safely, clear debris and ice from nearby storm drains to improve street drainage. Otherwise contact your community’s public works crews and notify them of the buildup and drainage issues and they will address the concern.

• Use sand or ice melt on walkways. Melting snow can refreeze overnight, creating hazardous conditions.

• Never drive over flood-

ed roads as you never know the hidden dangers beneath the water. In communities, this water pooling often conceals asphalt failure or potholes that can damage vehicles. Low lying underpasses can quickly deceive the driver as to how deep the water is. On the highway, flooded roads do not accurately show the driver how deep the water is or can be, or the strong current that may be running in that water.

• Ensure your insurance is up to date and talk to your insurance provider on coverage that may include spring thaw conditions such as ice dam damage, overland flood coverage, or potentially even vehicle flood damage.

Spring thaw brings both a mixture of relief as well as new challenges, but simple preventative measures can help reduce the risk of damages to your home and property.

Remember that time when Amazon sponsored your church fundraiser?

Remember when Facebook bought a case of Girl Guide cookies to support your daughter?

Remember when Google provided free pizza to your child’s soccer team when they won the championship?

Assiniboia and surrounding areas once again proved what amazing communities we have with the combined donation to the 2025 Telemirace of $64,341.24. It was an amazing total for an amazing purpose.

Premier Moe announces retaliatory measures, stops U.S. liquor sales

John Cairns

Premier Scott Moe announced the retaliatory measures Saskatchewan is taking against President Donald Trump’s tariffs, and liquor is a prime target.

At a news conference Wednesday afternoon at the legislature, Moe announced that effective immediately, Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority will “stop purchasing U.S. produced alcohol and will stop selling any U.S. alcohol that we currently have in stock to any of the private retailers that are in the province.”

Moe also announced that goods and services that are procured by Government of Saskatchewan Ministries as well as Crown Corporations are “going to make every effort to prioritize Canadian suppliers.” As well, there will be a temporary pause placed on capital projects that are not yet in motion to “reassess how they are moving through the Sask Builds procedure.”

For those projects now being constructed, Moe said a call and ask has gone

out to contractors involved “to report back with respect to what level of American content they have in that construction, and how they are going to drive that number down and drive the Canadian content up.

“The goal here is for us to greatly lower or even get to zero with respect to the U.S. procurement and the capital projects that we have.”

Moe did say there were a number of exceptions for what he called “essential products.” As well Moe said they are also encouraging “school divisions, municipalities, post-secondary institutes to adopt similar procurement policies as they go through the next number of days.”

Moe added that “our most significant trading partner has and when the dust settles will still be the United States of America.

Our most significant ally has and will continue to be when the dust settles our most significant ally in the world.”

“That’s not to say that our relationship isn’t changing before our very eyes. But we do export as


Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll of the Town of Assiniboia for the 2025 year has been prepared and is open for inspection at the Town Office from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Monday to Friday from March 10, 2025 until May 11, 2025.

Bylaw 857 a bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act was passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her appeal accompanied by a $100 appeal fee, which will be returned if the appeal is successful, to: The Assessor located at the Town of Assiniboia Office at 131- 3rd Avenue West, or by mail to PO Box 670, Assiniboia, SK S0H 0B0 by May 11, 2025 The Secretary of the Board of Revision contact information is as follows: Western Municipal Consulting Box 149 Meota, SK S0M 1X0 For more information about Assessment visit SAMA’s website: or call the Weyburn Office at 1-800-498-0575.

Dated at Assiniboia, Saskatchewan this 14th day of March 2025

Kerri Martin, Assessor



Noticeisherebygiven that theassessment roll of the Town of Rockglen forthe year of 2025 hasbeenprepared andisopentoinspectionatthe office of theAdministrator from9:00a.m.to12:00 noon and1:00p.m.to5:00p.m on MondaytoFriday. March14, 2025toMay 14th,2025 Abylaw pursuanttosection214 of TheMunicipalities Act hasbeen passedand theassessmentnotices have been sent as required.

Anypersonwho wishes to appeal againsthis or her assessmentisrequiredtofile hisorher noticeofappeal byMay 14th,2025 to: Secretaryofthe BoardofRevisions WesternMunicipalConsultingLtd, Box149 Meota, SK S0M1X0

Acopy of theappeal as well as a$200.00 appeal fee, whichwill be returned if theappeal is successful,tobe sent to:

TheAssessor Box267

Rockglen,SK S0H3R0

DatedatRockglen,Saskatchewanthis14th dayof March2025 March, 2025

Shannon Ellert Assessor

the province of Saskatchewan over 55 per cent, while $29 billion of our exports do go to the United States. Well 80 per cent of our imports also come from the United States.”

“We very much as a government have committed not only to deepening the trade relationship with the United States of America, but diversifying our trade relationship with other countries around the world,” said Moe.

The measures announced by Moe are not much different from those announced by other prov -

inces in the wake of President Trump’s imposition of 25 per cent tariffs on Canada.

But the Moe government has been under fire over the last 24 hours from the Opposition for being the last of the provinces to announce their measures.

At a media available later Wednesday afternoon Opposition Leader Carla Beck described Moe’s actions as a “day late and a dollar short,” and characterized it as “weak leadership.”

When asked about the delay, Moe pointed to the fluid situation, saying there

was “a lot that’s still in motion yesterday.”

“And I think you could say welcome to at least the next number of months and maybe the next number of years as things change before our very eyes. Today was the day for, in my opinion, the Prime Minister to lay out what the national plan was, of which we had highly discussed and then discussed on numerous occasions in our weekly calls, and even more frequent at times.”

He also pointed to a “somewhat coordinated response among the prov-

inces. Not entirely coordinated, but somewhat coordinated among the provinces.”

He added the “fact that we’re doing this today versus yesterday, I think, is of little significance.”

Moe said this is “going to be a changing environment day by day by day. And we’ve seen changes even today as it looks like the American auto manufacturers have made, to some degree, a breakthrough in the President understanding the true impact of the tariffs on that industry.”

Joseph Orban

Joseph Louis Orban of Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, passed away peacefully on Friday, Feb 28th, 2025, in his hundredth year of life He was born August 1st, 1925 on a farm in the district of Arbury, Saskatchewan to Louis & Helen (Mihalicz) Orban, the fourth of nine children Helen passed away when Joe was only nine years old His father later married Elizabeth Kurucz, who lovingly took on the responsibility of the existing family and over the years six more siblings were born to the Orban household Growing up, Joe attended the local one-room schoolhouse and helped run the family farm At the age of eighteen, he was recruited to the army but never saw active duty overseas Following his discharge from the army in 1946, Joe returned home to take over his uncle s farm After a few years, Joe decided that farming was not his passion and left to find work elsewhere He landed a job at an autobody shop in the nearby town of Southey Joe was a likeable guy and was quick to make friends His newfound friend Bob was as passionate about cars as Joe was so they quickly bonded over Joe s new Ford LTD One day Joe and Bob decided to take a cruise to visit one of their buddies on a nearby farm While they were there they discovered that their friend had two attractive sisters Irene and Edna Kurz It wasn t long before they were escorting these two gals to the local dances and soon fell in love Joe and Irene moved to Regina realizing that the city offered more opportunities for their future Joe attended barber school and then opened his own barber shop After establishing themselves in Regina Joe and Irene were married in 1958 in a double wedding alongside her sister Edna and Joe’s friend Bob Over the next seven years three children were born to Joe and Irene: Gregg Sandra and Michelle With a growing family Joe began to look for better job opportunities His cousin Mike owner of Orban Motors in Assiniboia told Joe that there was a Billard Hall with Barber Shop for sale which would be good fit for his skills He convinced Joe that Assiniboia was a thriving community and the perfect place to raise a family In 1966 Joe purchased the Assiniboia Billiard Hall and Barber Shop and moved his family to Assiniboia Joe ran the business for seven years but eventually got tired of the long hours required to run the pool hall Joe wanted a different career and in1973 with encouragement from his wife, Joe sold the Pool Hall and purchased a local men’s clothing store Joe’s Men’s Wear was a family business and over the years expanded to include western wear, sports wear, as well as women’s and children’s shoes After many years of hard work, Joe was ready to retire In 1988, Joe sold the business to Timothy Daniels, which still exists today During retirement, Joe and Irene spent winters in Arizona where they enjoyed the warm weather and an active social life Joe finally had time to dedicate to his true passion which was country music He played banjo, guitar, and fiddle throughout his life During his time Arizona, he had the opportunity to join jam sessions with other musicians and fiddling became a big part of Joe’s life After 25 happy winters, they sold their home in Arizona to spend their winters in Assiniboia Joe joined the local Old Tyme Fiddlers group who continued to entertain at retirement homes and local venues Joe always said that it was music that kept him young and it indeed it contributed to his long and happy life Joe is survived by his wife of 67 years, Irene (Kurz), children: Gregg (Terry) Orban, Sandra (Jansin) Ozkur, Michelle (Alex) Buchan; grandchildren: Jasmin Ozkur, Julian (Katherine) Ozkur, Audla (Maddy) Buchan, and Iola Buchan Joe was predeceased by several brothers and sisters and one grandchild, Alainga Buchan A private celebration of life with immediate family will be held later in the summertime We invite you to post your memories and photos of Joe at www rossfuneralservice com Donations in Memory of Joe may be made to support the Ross Payant Nursing Home music program; by cheque to: Assiniboia Auxiliary for Long Term Care Box 454 Assiniboia, SK S0H 0B0; Electronically to: Michelle Buchan (Orban) buchansaaam@gmail com and a cheque will be sent to the Nursing Home in their names Arrangements entrusted to Ross Funeral Service, Assiniboia, SK 306-642-3373

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Bryden Construction & Transport Co. requires SHOP LABORERS

Duties involve cleaning the shop and equipment, assisting in the service/ maintenance area, and general laborer duties. Clean driver’s abstract required. Job location is Arborfield, Sask. Room and board provided. Send resume with work references to: brydenconstruct@ or fax 306-769-8844

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Parkinson’s disease can affect people of all ages, genders

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects people of all ages, races and genders. Certain factors can increase the risk of developing PD, including being over the age of 60, being male, having a family history of the disease, and exposure to certain toxins like pesticides and herbicides. Parkinson’s disease touches people from all walks of life.

Symptoms of PD start slowly and can worsen over time. The first symptom of the disease may be a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand or sometimes the jaw or foot. While there is no cure for PD, early intervention therapies may slow its progression, making diagnosis at the earliest of symptoms advantageous. The following

are some of the common symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, courtesy of the Parkinson’s Foundation.

• A slight shaking (tremor) in a finger, thumb, hand, or chin while at rest.

• Slowed movement, also called bradykinesia, can be a symptom. People with bradykinesia may find it hard to get out of a chair, shower or get dressed. Bradykinesia also may make it more difficult to blink and a person may have less expression in his or her face.

• Loss of automatic movements, such as smiling or swinging arms while walking, can occur.

• Those with PD often have diminished posture that becomes stooped, causing balance problems and falls.

• Voice changes, such as a breathy, soft or hoarse voice, could be an indicator of PD, as can slurring of words.

• Facial masking, which involves a serious or angry looking face, is present in some people with PD.

Additional potential symptoms of PD can include vivid dreams that cause acting out, frequent need to urinate, constipation, feeling very tired, and problems with thinking and memory.

A person should see a health care professional if any of these symptoms seem familiar. A doctor can help diagnose the condition and rule out other potential causes.

Senior’s residents are a safe-living setting

Seniors’ residences are designed to provide a pleasant and safe living environment. Did you know that living in one can also positively affect your health? Here are a few key benefits.

Access to healthcare: Many residences offer on-site medical care, including consultations, medication assistance and dressing changes. Having access to qualified staff provides you with invaluable peace of mind.

Balanced meals: The meals and snacks served in seniors’ residences are prepared to the highest quality standards, taking into consideration seniors’ dietary needs. Eating balanced and nutritious meals every day can significantly improve your overall health.

Engaging activities: Seniors’ residences offer a variety of activities that stimulate both the body and mind, including yoga, line dancing, games, swimming, art workshops and bingo. These enjoyable activities help boost your physical health and enhance your mood.

Vibrant social life: Living in a seniors’ residence is all about becoming part of a dynamic community. The daily interactions and laughter can be an effective way to combat loneliness and promote excellent mental health.

Newspapers broaden horizons, expand minds, stimulate curiosity and cultivate critical thinking for readers. They also improve reading and writing skills, while bringing lessons and current events to life!

Saskatchewan signs on with the National School Food Program

The governments of Saskatchewan and Canada have signed a $15.8 million three-year agreement under the National School Food Program.

The federal investment is in addition to Saskatchewan’s Child Nutrition Program, which in 202425 invested $2.7 million to assist school divisions and community-based organizations in addressing child hunger, offer nutrition education and provide skill-building opportunities like cooking classes.

“When kids are hungry, they can’t focus - it’s that simple,” said Federal Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Jenna Sudds

“That’s why we’re making sure more kids in Saskatchewan get healthy meals at school. Filling their bellies with nutri -

tious food will set them up for success. It also helps parents save hundreds on groceries. It’s a game changer for everyone.”

“We recognize that basic nutrition at school contributes to positive student outcomes including improved academic work, initiative, class participation and problem solving,” said Education Minister Everett Hindley.

“This funding will make a difference and allow us to continue to support the wellbeing of children and families who need it most across our growing province.”

The National School Food Program was announced by the federal government in 2024 and, through a $1 billion investment over five years, will provide meals to up to 400,000 children across Canada each year.

Keep us informed on local events and acitivities!

Email your news tips to

B Rebels as the hang up the skates till next season. It was a great year with lots of challenging hockey. They look forward to Spring Camp, to be held April 5 and 6.

Rural Roads to receive $34.4M in improvements

The Government of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) announced more than $34.4 million for 32 road, bridge and culvert projects, which supports the export of goods and resources originating in rural municipalities.

Through the Rural Integrated Roads for Growth (RIRG) program, the Ministry of Highways will invest more than $12.6 million toward the projects and rural municipalities (RMs) will fund the remaining more than $21.7 million. The work will occur in the 2025

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construction season.

“These projects will enhance the integration of rural roads and the provincial highway network so that farmers, ranchers, businesses and industries can ship their goods more efficiently,” Highways Minister David Marit said. “This program recognizes rural municipal roads play a valuable role in Saskatchewan’s exportbased economy.”

Text: RIRG Rural Integrated Roads for Growth. Illustration on the left in the rectangle shape of the Saskatchewan province. Top of the rectangle is light blue, the bottom

of the rectangle is different shades of green and a brown longer rectangle to mimic a road going through Saskatchewan.

“Perhaps now more than ever, improving our transportation infrastructure in rural areas is needed to bring stability and strength to our economy — not only as a province, but also as a nation,” Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities President Bill Huber said. “Without reliable roads, bridges, and culverts, we can’t get goods to market. For this reason, SARM is very pleased to see these RMs receive fund -

ing assistance through the RIRG program.”

The provincially funded RIRG program administered by SARM invests in constructing and upgrading RM road infrastructure. RIRG funding is up to 50 per cent per project to a maximum of $500,000 for a road and to a maximum $1 million for a large culvert or bridge. RMs fund the remaining project costs and are responsible for managing their approved projects.

A Program Management Board of SARM and the Ministry of Highways representatives oversees RIRG.

The season is over for the Junior

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