FORESIGHT EUROPE NETWORK: A PLACE FOR BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER. By Mara Di Berardo1*, Nicolas A. Balcom Raleigh2, & Epaminondas Christophilopoulos3 FEN Communication Officer, Millennium Project Communications Director and Italian node co-chair, *Corresponding author: 2 FEN Vice President, Project Researcher, Finland Futures Research Centre - University of Turku, and Co-chair of the UNESCO Chair on Learning for Transformation and Planetary Futures at University of Turku 3 FEN President, Millennium Project Greek node co-chair, UNESCO Chair on Futures Research 1
Overview The Foresight Europe Network (FEN) is an open, non-formal group of institutions and individuals working in foresight across Europe. Its objective is to foster foresight by enabling connections and supporting projects among its practitioners. The latest FEN meeting was held on June 7, 2021 as a free pre-conference virtual event organized within the “Futures Conference 2021, “Learning Futures - Futures of Learning” by the Finland Futures Research Centre. The meeting had two keynote speakers: Jake Sotiriadis, Chief, Strategic Foresight and Futures Branch, US Air Force, and Riyong Kim, Head of Natural Capital and Ecosystems, Programme at European Environment Agency. A third presentation by Jerome Glenn, The Millennium Project cofounder and CEO, was scheduled after the working group session but was given by MP members in his substitution . After the speeches, participants were randomly divided into small groups to discuss what stood out from the two speeches in an open way, and to identify some foresight contents to pursue together. A Renaissance of Strategic Foresight: Opportunities for the Road Ahead. Sotiriadis noted how foresight professionals trade in the currency of uncertainty. To help navigate