1 minute read
Aftershocks and Opportunities -
Scenarios for a Post-Pandemic Future*, edited by Rohit Talwar, Alexandra Whittington, and Steve Wells is a collaboration between 25 futures thinkers from around the globe, who draw on their expertise and insight to help provide individuals, leaders, and organisations with a vision of what kind of world we might be facing - from a few months’ time through to 2035. Many contributors see the pandemic as a once in a generation opportunity for positive change. They outline the potential to reset our values, tap into the possibilities created by advancing technologies and green new deal initiatives, and so lead to a fairer, more progressive, transparent, and sustainable society. The book includes possible scenarios for the coming years and covers four core y themes: critical shifts and scenarios, society and s social policy, government s and economy, and business
and technology. The four possible scenarios explored are: • The Long Goodbye (poorly contained pandemic, deep and prolonged downturn) • The VIP Economy (poorly contained pandemic, vibrant economic rebound) • Safe but Hungry (eradication of the pandemic, deep and prolonged downturn) • Inclusive Abundance (eradication of the pandemic, vibrant economic rebound)
Alternating between trends, possibilities, and scenarios, the book’s 27 chapters explore topics such as the effects of social distancing on crime; whether indebted countries might have to consider merging or being taken over by richer nations; the potential for adoption of personal digital twins; and how companies might change the way they work so that they are more resilient and responsive to sudden, disruptive events.
*Available as an eBook on PDF at Fast Future www.fastfuture.com and on Amazon for US$12.95.