The July/August issue of VISION magazine delivers on the cover’s promise to assist you in getting smarter about all aspects of the window treatment industry.
Technology is revolutionizing everything we do, from how we work to how we communicate and to how we live.
The window treatment smart home conversation is very much focused on the integration of motorized shades and the automation capabilities of the home.
“Smart tech is an integral part of home design projects at every level,” said Kaitlin Petersen, editor of Business of Home. “Homeowners have come to expect at least some aspect of motorization and automation.”
So, welcome to the VISION classroom, where you can learn and get smart about tech trends and motorization and automation not only for window treatments, but also about what it means for the home of the future.
WINNING WAYS: Showcase Of The 2022 Winners Of The VISION Workroom Competition
THROWING SHADE: Inspiration from the Kips Bay Decorator Show House, Palm Beach, FL
& more!