Astrological Profile for Mick Jonas Tijmen Vogelaar
Born 04-06-2012 14:35 Zwolle, The Netherlands
Lieve Mick, Hier is je horoscoop, je wereld aan mogelijkheden ... Maar laat je niks wijsmaken hoor! Al is het omslag nog zo mooi, al is de baard van de profeet nog zo lang, al zijn de knappe koppen nog zo slim, wie jij bent, dat weet alleen jij. Alle antwoorden zitten in jezelf en daar kan geen gesternte wat aan veranderen! Goede reis en veel liefs,
Contents Foreword
An Astrological Profile for Mick
2 Basic underlying Personality Traits
3 Nurturing Intellectual and Physical Health and Development
4 Embracing Emotional Drives and Needs
5 Fostering Creativity and Spirituality
6 Perception of the Parents
7 Summary
8 Natal Chart
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1 An Astrological Profile for Mick Childhood is a time filled with promise. A new life, fresh beginnings, and for parents and teachers -- it’s the ultimate challenge. How many times have parents wondered why kids did not come with instruction manuals?! There’s a secret: they do!
Each person is born at a special time, Developmental Astrology incorporates on a cer tain day and the basic concepts of place. Astrologers use this astrolog y within the This chart provides framework of the early years information to chart the an invaluable and positions of the planets of life. relative to the date, time exceptional view of This astrological report can and place of birth. This chart, the potentials, drives be used as a guidepost, and or horoscope, provides an and needs for Mick provides a few hints and invaluable and exceptional insights into the unique view of the potentials, drives qualities of this child. Please and needs for Mick. This is the “cosmic remember that everyone -- including guidebook” for each individual! a child -- has free will. So while an astrological report can give you some The patterns of the planets, Sun and valuable information, it does not indicate Moon are unique and notable for a a fixed set of limited options. Of course developing child, since in childhood environment also has its influence, but these pictures are seen in a different by understanding the significant drives light. Children are changing rapidly, and, and needs represented by Mick’s chart, in the process of becoming themselves, you can better appreciate his uniqueness, need special love and guidance. and, hopefully, guide him to fulfil his potentials in the healthiest possible way! 6
2 Basic underlying Personality Traits There are several layers to an astrological chart, just as there are layers to the personality. In astrology, the building blocks of the chart are the planets, signs and houses of the chart. You’ll see these terms scattered throughout this book.
In a nutshell, the planets (plus the Sun and Moon) represent specific energies and drives. These drives each have a different purpose in the developing personality. The twelve signs of the zodiac represent qualities, characteristics and traits. The houses (the twelve divisions of the chart wheel or circle) symbolize the facets of a person’s life. In the drama of life, the planets represent the actors, the signs show the roles the actors play, their costumes and props, and the houses illustrate the setting and scene of the play.
Using the building blocks of the zodiac signs, there’s yet another layer. Each sign falls into categories called elements and modes. There are four elements -- fire, earth, air and water; and there are three modes (or action models) -cardinal, fixed and mutable. There’s a way to distil the chart into its dominant element and mode of expression, and this leading denominator gives a powerful clue to the strongest underlying personality traits. In Mick’s chart, there is an outstanding quality of Air. Since Air is a predominant element in the chart, Mick will be more mentally active -- and is likely to be very talkative.
Everything tends to have a mental With little Water, Mick can have difficulty connection. Friends are exceptionally understanding and accepting the important, and social situations may emotional needs of others -- and his always be a powerful feature of Mick’s own emotional needs! Encourage Mick life. Even during the early years, when to accept and express his feelings more sharing and cooperative play are a openly through creative and artistic bit of a struggle, Mick will enjoy being endeavours. Music can be especially around others his own age. Later, you helpful. However, getting in touch with may discover that Mick is the one water itself -- swimming, going to the who invites social interaction in the beach, or enjoying an aquarium can help, classroom or on the playground. While too. Talk openly with Mick about learning mental st imulat ion is to trust and value intuition, important, encouraging since this will help him feel Mick to develop his own more comfortable with inner With an emphasis ideas may be somewhat on Mutable energy, sensibilities. difficult unless Mick enjoys Mick is flexible and There are three modes in exposing his thoughts! The able to adapt easily astrology. These determine logical conclusion may be that Mick is a “natural” at how a par t icular sig n such experiences, but it’s manifests its energy. These highly conceivable that presentations in qualities -- known as cardinal, fixed the classroom or sharing his own ideas and mutable -- have special meanings strikes fear. The reason may be a lack in astrology. Each sign of the zodiac of confidence in whether or not Mick is correlates with one of three modes of “correct”. Mick hates to be proven wrong action. or even having the appearance of being “stupid”! Mick is mostly Mutable. That means he is flexible and able to adapt easily. Developing objectivity and cooperation is important, but making final decisions or choosing sides can be really difficult. 8
That “fence-sitting” can be just as torturous for him as it is for other people! Praise Mick for his versatility and teamwork, but watch for signals that indicate he is becoming manipulative or has fallen victim to exploitation by others.. In summary, if an element or mode is low or lacking, there’s no reason to be highly concerned, but you can find creative ways to help Mick compensate. Focusing on what the lack of any mode or element might mean for the child can prove beneficial, although this should not be interpreted as an actual “personality deficiency”. Rather, understand that this could indicate either a tendency to overcompensate or to seek what is lacking in some way. As your child matures, you might discover that he is drawn to others who seem to possess the expressions of a quality that seems to be lacking in his own chart.
Moon Sign and Early Personality Development Although most people are familiar with the concept of the Sun sign, a child expresses the qualities of the Moon sign more than the Sun sign during the earliest years. That’s because the Moon tells the story of feelings and pure emotion. So, you might see more qualities that relate to this factor in Mick’s chart during early childhood. Expressing the Sun requires more self-awareness, and that develops later! Keep in mind that Mick is NOT a blank slate! These drives and expressions can be nourished and supported by understanding family and teachers, helping Mick make the most of these “ingredients” in his developing personality! With the Moon in Sagittarius, Mick likes to be on the go. Restraints will not be appreciated, but a close watch may be! Given lots of room, time in nature, and ample opportunity to explore, Mick will be happiest. Confirm Mick’s intellectual growth and positively reward learning to builds his selfconfidence and security. 9
The way Mick might like to be perceived, what he needs to feel motivated toward achievement and what makes him feel significant and special in the world shines through his Sun. While the full expression of Mick’s ego takes quite some time to develop, certain qualities will definitely be apparent, even early on. However, this aspect of the personality will be more apparent after the earliest years. Mick’s Gemini Sun assures a need for plenty of distractions. Crib toys, interesting mobiles and rattles (which, when finally quiet are the clue that Mick is asleep) ultimately give way to tricycles and bicycles, since moving about is a top priority. Then, early on, a preference for social play with other children is likely in preschool years. Mick may talk early, and whether or not he speaks understandable language, seems to always have something to say or questions to ask. Primary school years can be pure joy, since the chance to learn new things is usually met with great enthusiasm. However, focus can be a problem, but this will be further defined by other planetary qualities.
As a preteen, Mick may seem to change friends as interests change, although a good friend who’s fun to be around and understands Mick’s humour will be cherished. Another prevailing quality that’s likely to emerge in Mick’s early years is shown by the sign on his Ascendant, or Rising Sign. In childhood, the Ascendant and the 1st House signify Mick’s physical appearance and how other people view him. After all, most of us have our self-image shaped by what other people tell us about ourselves. Most important, the Ascendant (ASC) represents Mick’s basic attitudes and himself, and how he presents himself to the world. The significance of environmental conditioning in Mick’s developing personality is shown by the Ascendant. Virgo rising can give Mick a meticulous manner and impart a sense of perfection to his appearance. Natural fibre clothing may be necessary for him to feel comfortable. Mick may have an extra-sensitive body and may be overly concerned or fretful when he does not feel well. Mick is a 10
3 Nurturing Intellectual and Physical Health and Development Every parent watches for the signals that indicate a child’s intellectual and physical progress. From baby’s first words to performance in school, development is noted and records are kept.
studious, and sometimes shy, child. Providing the stimulus that will strengthen mental and physical development is up to parents, teachers and society. Of course, ultimately, a child will master the experience of learning! There are many factors involved in intellect -- the ability to conceptualize, the communication of concepts and thoughts, memory, creative ideas, the application of rational thought, judicial thinking, decisionmaking, speculative thought and more. In order to be whole, the child must achieve a balance between the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual parts of the Self; only then can the power of the intellect be used to its utmost.
Otherwise, the mental capacities are likely to be overemphasized or misdirected in order to compensate for under development in some other area. One important factor in a developing intellect is the nature of the thought patterns themselves. Here, the Moon plays yet another role beyond that of emotional storage house. Through the Moon, a child’s unique experiences are stored in the vaults of the subconscious mind. However, the Moon also shows the basic manner in which a child absorbs information.
With the Moon in a fire sign, Mick has a highly active mind and the thoughts range into the realm of philosophy and the theoretical. Inspirational ideas will be more interesting than practical matters, and travel and cultural pursuits can inspire learning.
with the experience. Give Mick a chance to take the lead and help others. It will occupy his time and energy, and can also help build greater tolerance.
As a small baby Mick began to explore and learn about his personal environment through the five senses, and these are In addition, since the Moon represents represented by the energy of Mercury. the basic thought patterns, the Moon’s Over time, the senses are used in a speed (or rate of travel) fundamentally more refined manner, and as the mind affects a child’s approach to gains the ability to integrate learning. The Moon moves more and more information, With the Moon in a fire at variable speeds in her learning increases. sign, Mick has a highly rotation around the Earth. Mercury shows how Mick active mind and the thoughts range into the communicates those thought Mick was born at a time realm of philosophy and patterns -- how concepts when the Moon was zipping are framed and also how the theoretical along at a very fast speed. they are expressed through This can be an indicator that communication. The years it’s easy for Mick to quickly grasp new of Mercury’s heightened developmental ideas and to retain them extremely well. cycle are from age seven to thirteen, You may even observe that Mick seems when the connections between a child to have a steel trap mind. It’s important and his world are powerfully shaped. to help Mick find a comfortable learning Language is mastered; communication pace and environment which encourages skills are refined. It is during these years, him to make the best use of his mind. If that Mick will project the qualities of a learning situation allows Mick to get Mercurial energy more strongly. bogged down -- for example, if he has to slow down to wait for others to catch up -- then he can become very frustrated 13
Mick has Mercury in Gemini Mercury in the 9th House can stimulate -- showing a quick, witty and an early interest in self-expression and easily distracted approach to communication skills. Exploring and learning. A trivia-gatherer, Mick likes to learning foreign languages can be a learn a little about a lot. Think of Mercury boost to Mick’s intellectual growth. in Gemini as the “butterfly mind”, highly Writing, public speaking, debate and curious, interested in variety. Word games philosophy can be of special interest. can be a favourite. As a baby, this child Travel may also be fascinating, as can may try at least two sensory impressions the study foreign language and history. at once to get a better sense of anything. In fact, travel may increase his learning Later, focus can be a problem, especially capacity, and cultural interests can be an if he is bored with a subject especially important way to or situation. Mick was born at a time increase Mick’s intellectual diversity. when the Moon was zipping along at a very With Mercury trine Saturn, fast speed, an indicator Mick is likely to take learning that it’s easy for Mick to Jupiter and Learning very seriously and may take quickly grasp new ideas and to retain them great pride in performing Another factor involved extremely well well in school. Writing and in Mick’s learning styles communication can f low and needs is symbolized easily, and learning in a reasonably by Jupiter. T hese qualit ies are structured environment may seem initially experienced through the more natural than a setting with too encouragement of teachers and guides, much flexibility. However, even in open but ultimately, Jupiter shows how Mick classroom settings, he can develop the will express confidence and what types self-discipline necessary to accomplish of stimulation will build his learning the tasks at hand. Practical knowledge skills. may be more interesting than abstracts, but other chart factors may be more indicative of subject preference, like Mercury’s sign placement. 14
With Jupiter in Taurus, Finding Fun and Encouraging Physical Mick will appreciate an Development educat ional experience which blends practical values into There are many factors that indicate learning. and may enjoy more one-toparticular needs in regard to physical one contact from teachers. A hands-on health. learning experience might lead to an However, I feel that specific strengths easier integration of information with and weaknesses and their care are best its practical application. dealt with in greater depth using refined astrological techniques beyond the scope Encouragement and testing are two of this book. But one feature of childhood different things. Small we can explore is where to children do not like to be With Mercury in Gemini find play and recreational tested -- life is enough of a Mick is a trivia-gatherer, activities that might be most test for them! They do enjoy comfortable and enjoyable he likes to learn a little learning, but need to be for Mick. The planet Mars about a lot; a “butterfly encouraged to learn at their mind”, highly curious and represents physical energy own pace. Finding that pace -- it’s the fuel that is needed interested in variety is one of the primary tasks to keep the physical engine of parents and teachers. running! Mars’ sign and Watch for signs that tell you when Mick house placement gives good clues about is comfortable with a situation, and a child’s preferences for play and activity, ready to push beyond it. Then, offer including sports and approach to fitness. stimulation of that expression by setting fresh goals and opportunities to learn Mick’s favourite forms of recreation and and develop the mind. sports can include racquetball, handball, table tennis, tennis, scuba-diving, aerobic dancing, yoga, gymnastics, English saddle riding, figure skating, and baseball.
Mick’s Mars in the 12th House can indicate that he prefers to dream instead of risking physical distress. However, he may enjoy dance or swimming (although getting this child to feel comfortable in water may, at first, be a challenge).
As coordination improves, fitness activities like yoga might be appealing. Creative visualization can be an exceptional aid when Mick is developing any physical skill.
4 Embracing Emotional Drives and Needs At different stages and ages Mick is developing different parts of himself. One reason childhood astrology is different from adult astrology is that a child is in the process of “becoming”.
Anyone who’s been around children There are myriad possibilities, but Mick’s knows that at some stages chart illustrates the potential of development a child emotional strengths and With Moon in is more susceptible or weaknesses, and the areas Sagittarius, Mick emotionally vulnerable, in his life where there can and that these needs and craves the freedom be greater vulnerability. It is sensibilities change as a to move about and important to explore these child matures. After all, a concepts through a lens explore the world baby struggles each day of objectivity, since when to deal with a difficultdealing with psychological to-control body, but an elementary and emotional issues with our children school age child is struggling with early we’re likely to run into our own issues as social relationships. Each of the planets part of the process! represents a different emotional need and expression, but some planetary Mick’s most powerful emotional needs symbols are more emotionally charged are symbolized by the Moon, which is the than others. primary indicator of early psychological development. These needs remain with Mick throughout life, continually growing and evolving. The Moon symbolizes the reflective nature of humanity. 17
It is the absorbing, subconscious mind and reflects the needs of the soul. This is the matrix from which habit patterns emerge. Moon is Mother -- who provides nurturing, comfort and security. Mother is the model for a child’s developing sense of how he will nurture and care for others, and, most importantly, how Mick will nurture himself. Even as a baby, Mick has had a strong inner awareness of what is happening. As he grows, more information is absorbed and stored in Mick’s subconscious mind, and deeper awareness of his feelings also grows. The Moon also indicates basic patterns of conditioning drawn from life experiences and filtered through the qualities of the Moon. With Moon in Sagittarius, Mick craves the freedom to move about and explore the world. Even as a small baby, Mick may seem eager to venture out into the world. There’s a love to play games, tell stories and learn new things. It’s a need for expansion and outreach that drives Mick.
This need to expand may include overindulgence at the dinner table as well! An urge to know the truth will stimulate this child to ask many questions. Endlessly. Mick needs to communicate and will crave connection to and interaction with others. This drive from the 3rd House Moon can indicate more intense desires to express himself and to explore the world of words and ideas. Relationships with siblings can be especially significant, and if there are not brothers and sisters, Mick may “adopt” a few among closest friends. Since Mick’s Moon and Venus are in opposition, there can be a great hunger for love and affection. However, the ability to express great emotional depth is definitely there. Overdoing emotional expression is the primary lesson of this aspect, since Mick may not know when to stop or how to limit emotional outpours. A protective quality can be positively developed, and the need to take care of others may take precedence over taking care of himself. 18
There can be a great changeability in the way he feels in regard to self worth, especially in elementary school and early adolescent years. Objectivity can be a difficult lesson, especially if and when hurts happen. Finding someone to trust (like a positive relationship with Mother or a female friend or relative) can provide a positive and much-needed anchor for the emotions.
Vestiges of this kind of behaviour need to be addressed early and with some gentility. If Mick receives hostile responses, he may accelerate the hostility instead of containing it. Positive affirmations of Mick’s strength and security are the core remedies for the more volatile side of this energy pattern.
The energy of the Sun is tied to the development of individuality and Mick’s Moon and Mars in a the sense of identity. The square aspect can indicate individuality of the Sun With Mercury trine that there are huge levels of begins to emerge once a Saturn, Mick is likely frustration when it’s time to child has developed enough to take learning very deal with the development mastery over basic bodily seriously and may of assertiveness and courage. functions so that he can start take great pride in In essence, this aspect paying more attention to the indicates strong levels of performing well in school outside world. The Sun is a emotional sensitivity, but it’s major factor in determining, a hair-trigger kind of sensitivity. Helping “Who am I?” This radiance of Self really Mick stay in touch with deeper feelings becomes focused once Mick is relating and needs and finding healthy ways to to others on a more frequent basis, meet or express those needs is absolutely especially during the school years. crucial. Bottling-up anger is never a Mick is a Gemini, basically described in good idea, but for Mick, it can create a the Underlying Personality section of this potential powder-keg. He can also be very book. However, there are factors which manipulative, and seems to know how to alter Mick’s expression and development push everybody else’s buttons. There are of his Sun. positive outlets for this, but emotional blackmail is not one of them. 19
Since Mick’s Moon opposes the Sun (full moon), he may be overly sensitive and can display strong emotional reactions to everything that’s happening in the world around him. There can be a kind of seesaw effect, with Mick vacillating between wanting to be noticed and wanting to be nurtured. Integrating masculine and feminine aspects of the psyche can be a trial, and one part of the self can suffer in favour of the other. Strong support from Mum and Dad is important, and learning that it’s okay to be in the limelight some of the time and to withdraw part of the time can be very helpful to a sense of emotional stability.
Providing positive arenas for proving himself can make a huge difference in Mick’s life. Whether sports or academics, the desire to compete is easy to identify. However, it can be difficult for him to learn discipline unless there is consistency within an environment of strong role models. Mercury is not traditionally considered an emotional expression. However, Mercury’s role in the expression of feelings is highly important . Mercury represents the function of articulation of ideas and feelings and influences how we communicate them. After all, most of us are more comfortable if we can talk about our emotional experiences to someone special. A child needs to feel that he can talk about anything with his parents, and that it is okay to share feelings and ideas. When a child is not given opportunities to communicate his emotional needs, he can develop problems communicating almost anything else!
With the Sun in a square to Mars, outbursts of temper may be a trademark for Mick, especially during the temperamental twos and threes. This aspect can confer a kind of wildness, and telling Mick “no” when he really wants something may result in a challenge -even from a toddler! 20
Mercury’s function in our lives is to You’ll see Venus expressing in a more link internal processes to the external outgoing manner after about age four, world, and one of the most important when Mick may finally want to give inner links is the experience of sharing something to another person. But the full emotion. involvement of Venusian development is during the teen years, when “falling in Mick takes communication seriously, love” becomes a reality. But, regardless since Mercury and Saturn are connected. of Mick’s age, he needs to feel love from However, the primary emotional others to encourage growth on every implication from this connection level, including the growth of is that Mick may worry excessively. self-esteem. Help him appreciate the Mick will enjoy time spent realism of situations, but sharing ideas, and may be With Venus in Gemini also encourage him to rest very talkative and expressive. and relax the mind. Teach Mick will enjoy exploring As a baby, his Venus in Gemini different places, and is positive thinking! may show when he seems to likely to find meeting be telling amazing stories Self-esteem is another part new people exciting and with all those hand and stimulating of Mick’s psychological makearm motions -- just fill in up. Venus describes the the blanks! Mick will enjoy needs for love and value systems, along exploring different places, and is likely with self-worth. Artistic expression can to find meeting new people exciting be part of this emotional outlet, and and stimulating. Gushing expressions of this is Venus in action. Selfish behaviour affection are not the style for this child. can be Venusian, too, and most small children show Venus through their Mick’s Mars shows when he expresses particular expression of selfishness and anger and personal strength. As Mick their ultimate struggle to allow Venus grows up, the way he shows personal to evolve as they develop the capacity to assertiveness will be developed. learn to share.
With Mars in Virgo, Mick needs to keep those hands busy. As a baby Mick may be fidgety and fussy if he is the least bit uncomfortable. Toddler years may find Mick fascinated with dexterity building toys, puzzles, and gadgets. As he grows, developing skills which require dexterity and attention to detail can be extended into sports like gymnastics or dance or art and music (or all of the above). Do not expect that Mick will be neat, since keeping all those tools and toys organized may not be as much fun as pulling them off the shelf and putting them to use. He can become excessively critical of self and others and needs to develop patience with the process of becoming skilful.
Uranus spends about seven years in one sign, and is one of the planetary energies that identify qualities of a generation. Mick’s age group has Uranus in Aries. This group is just now arriving on planet earth, and their opportunities are clearly about learning the proper use of willpower. As a generation, they may have to cope with human issues of war and aggression in a very direct manner. The significance of technology and warfare will be particularly notable. Sports may become even more important to the society they will create, and they will also be charged with the challenge to bring about improvements that will aid children, including their own. During the 20th century, Uranus was in this sign during the years 1927 to 1935, including the crash of 1929 and the Great Depression. That generation reached maturity just in time to fight in World War II, when it became necessary to oppose oppression and the abuses of power.
Mick may not demonstrate the energy of Uranus until teenage years, since this quality is part of the expression of uniqueness, ingenuity, and rebellion. It’s usually outwardly expressed in teen years as part of a teen’s uprising against the status quo.
This group learned that persecution for being different was dangerous, and was challenged to learn the importance of developing courage in the face of adversity. The watchword for a passage of Uranus through Aries is a fight for individual freedom. But the personal expression of Uranian energy is most likely to be seen in the arena of life most influenced by this planet. With Uranus in the 7th House, Mick may seek out social situations which involve friends whose interests are ground-breaking in some way. He is likely to resist being put in any sort of mold, and may seek out opportunities to make changes in the world around him as he matures. Mick could become a social activist at an early age!
Pluto also represents deep-seated anxieties or fears, which are, for lack of a better description, absorbed into the psyche. For a child, it’s virtually impossible to direct an awareness of this energy, since the personal self must be well developed before knowledge of this esoteric plane of consciousness awakens. In fact, most adults have difficulty with this part of the self! Although the energy of Pluto may be felt during the childhood years, it is not usually a conscious expression at this time. Pluto moves very slowly through the zodiac, and its sign tells more about the transformational influence Pluto will have on that particular generation than it will about the changes in the individual.
Another significant, but emotionally charged, generation-oriented quality is the energy of Pluto. Pluto represents the deepest reservoirs of emotional energy, and is not a quality openly expressed in childhood. However, when a personal planet or angular point in a chart is connected to Pluto, then this profound level of emotional and transformational energy is easier to see.
The generation born with Pluto in Capricorn (20092022) are born into a time when rebuilding the world will be their mission. The challenge to create new systems of government modelled on the idea of responsible power will be born by Mick and his generation when they mature.
There is likely to be a downfall or a series of environmental crises which illustrate the necessity of becoming better stewards of Earth. It’s also conceivable that life extension will become the hallmark of scientific development for this generation -- but we will definitely need a place to live out those extra years! As with the other transpersonal planets, the House position of Pluto is the area of life where you help Mick get in touch with a need for healing and transformational change. Pluto’s energy in the 4th House can indicate a deep sense of connection to family and tradition. However, this placement also suggests the potential for a fear of abandonment and a sense that the security base can be destroyed at any moment. Major changes in family in the early years will have a deep impact on Mick’s psyche, and will need special attention and care.
You’ve discovered that the Ascendant is like the window-dressing or mask of the personality, but connections from planets to the Ascendant can also alter how Mick expresses his emotional self. Jupiter in a supportive aspect to the Ascendant adds a sense of confidence, optimism and enthusiasm. However, it can also exaggerate the personality. Sometimes overindulgence and laziness is noticeable. Sometimes, planets appear to move backward in their orbital path f rom our viewpoint here on Earth. When that happens, we say a planet is retrograde. Since Venus is the expression of emotion, an inward focus of this energy adds intensity to Mick’s emotional nature. There can be a tendency to hold back demonstrative loving feelings. Values can be on the unusual side, with an attraction to unique art forms. Artistic expression (through music, painting, acting, poetry, etc.) can be a positive way to express Venus retrograde.
Songwriter Carole King and actress Sally Field both have Venus retrograde. Encourage Mick to reaffirm his selfworth. As a parent, give strong messages to establish positive self-esteem.
Pianist Van Cliburn, actor Sean Connery, dancer/actress Leslie Caron and singer Dionne Warwick were all born with Saturn retrograde. Pluto spends about half of each year in retrograde motion. Parents and teachers can help Mick understand his sense of personal power in relationship to other people and situations by finding positive role models for power. Super heroes may be fascinating, but a real hero will be more effective. Mick may feel somewhat mistrustful of this life process and needs to develop a trust of himself. Developing honesty is quite helpful to this process.
Trusting inner security is a primary lesson for any child born with Saturn retrograde. Mick may also innately mistrust authority. Saturn provides structure, direction and discipline, and teaches us about our priorities. Having this planet in retrograde sometimes makes it difficult to learn these lessons at first. Saturn retrograde may indicate problems relating to the parent who provides this structure in the early years. If this parent is inaccessible to Mick, either because he or she is absent, constantly working, or emotionally distant. Mick must learn to go within and achieve his own sense of structure, direction and personal discipline. Questions about safet y can be paramount. Affirmations which confer a sense of confidence, achievement and personal strength can be powerful tools. Mick can be remarkably self-disciplined and focused once this sense of self-doubt is overcome. 25
5 Fostering Creativity and Spirituality Children seem to be inherently connected to spiritual awareness and expression. Their joy in the daily discoveries of life can be infectious, and a child’s sense of wonder brings light into life.
To help a child find Truth and embrace a sense of The Divine, very little encouragement is needed. But it is necessary to support this natural connection, and can make all the difference in Mick’s ability to trust himself. One of the most significant ways to help Mick awaken and touch Spirit is to foster his creativity. It’s not necessary for every child to be a consummate artist, but each child needs room to experiment with the creative self. There are several factors in the astrological chart that support the development and expression of personal creativity.
Beyond education and development of the intellect in a more formal sense, Mercury plays an important role in selfexpression. After all, this is the energy of linking ideas and concepts from the inner self to the outside world -- and back again! One of the creative influences of Mercury in Gemini can be developed in the early years by encouraging artistic play with the hands themselves, since manual dexterity can be quite exceptional. Making shadow puppets with the hands can be marvellous fun, and later, finger puppets. As he grows Mick might have a penchant for prestidigitation (magic tricks) and more advanced puppetry! Also, this is sometimes an indicator of a talent with writing.
In music, guitar and stringed instruments Promote natural story-telling abilities played with the hands themselves may and help Mick develop a love of become favourite forms of expression. communication through cultivating writing skills, broadcasting, public Venus, the expression of artistry, is, of speaking or debate. Making models, course, an important part of creativity. computer games (creating original This is the energy through which Mick games), caricature drawing, and other experiences and expresses feelings. skills requiring agile hands can be In many respects, while the Moon enjoyable. In music, there’s a natural represents “feeling”, Venus represents proclivity toward violin, guitar, and wind “emotion” -- which is the voice of feeling. instruments. Venus also represents beauty, a quality deep within Venus in the 9th House A creative influence of which every child needs to expresses as a love finely Mercury in Gemini can feel, identify and express. written and beautifully be artistic play with the inspirational words. Mick Encourage Mick to get in hands themselves, since may desire to develop touch with expressions manual dexterity can be c o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l s quite exceptional that feel good to his heart! like public speaking, and Special talents and creative journalistic writing could interests can include a wide range of be lots of fun. Encourage Mick to keep opportunities to express thoughts an a diary. Later, he might enjoy debate, or ideas, and there may be special talents work on the school paper or yearbook. requiring manual dexterity. Early on, give Mick a chance to enjoy hand-play with Venus and Mars in square aspect finger puppets, and then later, with more illustrates that Mick can feel an inner elaborate puppets. There might even be frustration when expressing creativity. an excellent ability to develop skills in However, this aspect is not indicative of ventriloquism and sleight-of-hand magic a lack of talent, but more likely a problem tricks. directing it in the best possible way.
Attention to grace, style and flow will be helpful, whether Mick is singing, dancing, speaking or working in the garden. Exercises like dance, martial arts or t’ai ch’i can help him feel more connected between the emotional and physical qualities of expression. Otherwise Mick may feel like a “klutz”, with physical awkwardness leading to potentially embarrassing situations and therefore perpetuating more self-conscious behaviour.
While it may take a lifetime to develop a personal philosophy or explore religious teachings, during childhood, Mick does feel wonder about universal principles, a Higher Power, and endless questions called, “Why?” Moral questions flow through the realm of Jupiter, and learning higher principles through inspiring teachers and mentors is another outpouring of this energy. It is generally not until a child has developed some measure of cognitive skill that the awareness of Jupiter can be taught. During elementary school and preteen years, this energ y begins to flourish. Jupiter is a function of the higher mind, the part of our consciousness that can connect with the Divine. The early awareness of Jupiter deals primarily with the concepts of sharing, positive thinking, enthusiasm and hope for reward.
To get past purely selfcentred awareness, the expansive energy of Jupiter encourages a child to reach out and expand his personal universe. Through Jupiter, Mick can begin to build a basic philosophy of life, and exercise his sense of hope and vision. The need to reach out and give is Jupiter in action, but so is enthusiasm. Most important, when Mick is in touch with Jupiter, he is inspired! Here is the desire to grow, to reach into new horizons, to feel adventure and joy.
Even from an early age, Mick may have a strong interest in understanding moral values. With Jupiter in the 9th House, Mick may be interested in religion and philosophy, and will love allegorical tales which drive home the meanings of universal Truths. Exploring other cultures can be an excellent way for him to learn the value of tolerance. He will have a strong appreciation for teachers who walk their talk.
T here is nothing inferior about imagination, nor is there anything wrong with beliefs, since there are many expressions of reality. Because Neptune moves very slowly, it is another of the generation-focused planets. Other children Mick’s age will likely have Neptune in the same sign. Neptune’s sign speaks for Mick’s whole generation.
Then, there is the world of dreams and imagination. Neptune’s placement in the chart indicates the areas where a child dreams most easily. The sensitivity Neptune adds to life allows Mick to connect with the spiritual, nonphysical realm. What child is not a master at make-believe? But this energy is also an expression of Divine Compassion, and it needs special support and nourishment during childhood. Encouraging Mick to trust his dreams, while identifying the difference between the “real” and “imaginary” world can be quite a job. But it is a very important one, since walking between the inner world and the outside world requires special awareness.
Mick was born into the age group that has Neptune in Pisces, from 2011-2026. This generation has the opportunity to develop a society in which the common good is valued above simple individual desire, and when a true compassion for all life can be realized. This requires grappling with the challenge to surrender to universal principles that unite, rather than divide. Belief systems can become even more powerful, although it is also conceivable that new icons will emerge to become part of the future mythos of humanity.
Neptune’s placement in the chart shows the areas where a child can easily dream. This also provides indicators of the facet’s of life where Mick can feel a desire to let go or to exercise compassion toward others. The position of Neptune in the 5th House suggests that Mick may have high levels of dramatic, performing and artistic ability. His ability to let go and allow creative expression to flow freely can be remarkable, regardless of the nature of his artistic or creative talents.
6 Perception of the Parents Guess what? You can tell how Mick is likely to see his parents by looking at his own chart! Understanding how Mick perceives Mum and Dad can be especially helpful, since what Mick hopes to see and needs to experience from parents forms the basis of his sense of Self. W hen Mick feels happy and full In many instances, the other people of joy, the world looks are reasonable targets for bright, too. But if Mick is those projections, especially Through Mick’s eyes, physically or emotionally if their connections are low, his behaviour and bound by emotions or other Mother is the ultimate responsiveness suffer. In commitments. A child looks teacher, wise and relationships with others, spiritual; Mum may also to Mother as the person who children and adults alike will reflect the nurturing seem very independent will project their feelings feminine needs. Mother and perceptions onto other represents the inner feminine people. Mick needs to experience himself self for boys and girls alike. Mick may through projecting his needs onto the even see things in Mother that Mother people in his personal environment. In does not recognize as the way she is! fact, the undeveloped Aspects of the Self are usually projected onto others as a Mick’s Moon sign shows how he perceives means of “seeing” these feelings or needs Mother. It makes no difference whether manifested in some way. Projection is a Mother sees herself in this light or key factor in human psychology. not -- the child holds these particular perceptions what Mother needs to be because he is projecting his own inner needs for security onto her. 32
As Mick matures into adulthood, these perceptions determine how Mick will play the nurturing and mothering role toward others. Through Mick’s eyes, Mother is the ultimate teacher, since the Moon in Sagittarius projects qualities of wisdom and spirituality onto Mother. Mum may also seem very independent and sometimes unreliable. With The Moon in a tense connection to Venus, Mick may not be entirely comfortable with Mother. Part of the problem can be the feelings that Mother is difficult to please. Remember, this is a projection by Mick, whose self-esteem needs extra support. Encourage Mick when he excels, offering appropriate praise. Just as important, be aware of how criticisms are presented, since Mick may feel them very deeply.
If Mother has difficulty expressing anger, then Mick will feel a strong inner frustration with his own angry feelings. It’s as though Mum throws water on the fire. Sometimes, Mother may seem to vicariously attempt to live her artistic fantasies through Mick. If that is the case, Mick can feel very frustrated by his attempts to express his own creativity while bound by the expectations and preferences of Mother.
Since the connection between Moon and Mars shows friction, Mick’s feelings of anger are often projected upon Mother. If M ick has a basical ly ang r y temperament , he needs positive directions for that anger through Mother’s example. 33
The Sun, the primary masculine energy With Sun in the 9th House, Mick sees in the chart, is also described as a person’s Father as the ultimate spiritual teacher. sense of “self”. A young child has a very Dad’s approach to spirituality and limited true sense of self, and is not likely his basic philosophy will be strongly to “own” these qualities until the preteen imprinted in the consciousness of this years or later. This sense of individuality child. may be strongly tied to the initial relationship with Father and, later, to interactions with other significant male figures. In early childhood development, Mick’s Sun does not express fully as an individual ego. The Sun powerfully affects Mick will perceive the child’s perceptions Father as intelligent of Father; if the father is and flexible; time supportive and consistent, spent sharing ideas Mick may feel that his own with Dad is truly individuality is reliable and special for Mick strong. Mick’s perceptions of Father are strongly symbolized by the energy of the Sun in the astrological chart. The qualities of intelligence, flexibility and connection are projected onto Father, since Mick projects the strength of the Gemini Sun until he can own these things for himself. Time spent sharing ideas with Dad is truly special for Mick.
Then, there is a need for solidity, structure and safety -- and most children look to parents to establish this for them. A child is not capable of understanding the ways of the world, but will learn about them eventually. Nor does a child understand the need for limits. It’s up to parents and teachers to set these limits and expose a child to the rules of life. These rules, tests and structures are identified by the energy of Saturn. There can be a downside, since Saturn energy feels judgmental and limiting much of the time, especially in childhood. Many children are anything but delighted at the prospect of being “responsible” -that’s what adults are supposed to be, not kids! The placement of Saturn not only symbolizes the parents, but also authority in society. Saturn does not necessarily represent one parent or another. It means discipline, structure, stability, and also tradition. For the better part, what Saturn symbolizes is the story of how Mick needs to be stabilized and what he requires in terms of a sense of safety and security.
S a t u r n i n L i b ra s e e k s confirmation of equality and the impor tance of consideration for others. If Mick learns that he stands above others, the tendency to categorize people by class or social status will be difficult to undo. The relationship model presented by parents will be especially significant for Mick. Saturn in the 2nd House needs to be taught the value of things and the importance of valuing oneself and right use of resources. Mick needs to see the parents representing an attitude of respect toward resources and the environment. If parents have a negative attitude about handling resources or money, he may also feel the same way. This can ultimately damage self-esteem.
Ultimately, as Mick moves through the various ages and stages of childhood, he will be able to incorporate all these qualities and expressions once seen through others, into himself. However, some vestiges of our childhood remain throughout a lifetime. Think of the concepts in this book as the building blocks for the person who will become Mick through the course of these early years. And enjoy every moment of your journey together!
7 Summary Sun in Gemini.
Mars in Virgo.
Alert, adaptable, friendly, superficial, curious, restless, talkative.
Technical, clinical, efficient, organiser, manual dexterity, studious, articulate.
Moon in Sagittarius.
Jupiter in Taurus.
Liberated, cheerful, idealistic, outspoken, humorous, restless.
Prideful, tactile, musical, t ra d i t i o n a l , o r g a n i z e d , structured, extravagant. Saturn in Libra.
Mercury in Gemini. Organised, witty, mechanical, easily stimulated, communicative.
(For 2.5 years.) A generation noted for punctiliousness, h o n o u r, i n t o l e ra n c e , commitment.
Venus in Gemini.
Virgo Ascendant.
Sociable, witt y, spontaneous,f lir tatious, inconstant, nonphysical, traveller, dispassionate.
Health conscious, overlycritical, facile hands, personal cleanliness, pragmatic.
“Generation� (transpersonal) planets
Uranus in Aries. (For 7 years: 2010/11 - 2018.) A generation noted for impetuosity, daring, initiative. Neptune in Pisces. (For 13 years: 2012 - 2025.) A generation noted for pure spiritual and religious ideals. Pluto in Capricorn. (For 25 years: 2008 - 2024.) A generation noted f o r e x e c u t i v e a b i l i t y, conservatism, persistence.
8 Natal Chart
Some things you get from your parents and some things are written in the stars June 2012