Astrological Profile for Harley Jones Born 02-07-10 06:02 am New York, NY USA
An Astrological Profile for Harley
So while an astrological report can give you some valuable information, it does not indicate a fixed set
Childhood is a time filled with promise. A new life,
of limited options. Of course environment also has
fresh beginnings, and for parents and teachers -- it’s
its influence, but by understanding the significant
the ultimate challenge. How many times have parents
drives and needs represented by Harley’s chart, you
wondered why kids did not come with instruction
can better appreciate her uniqueness, and, hopefully,
manuals?! There’s a secret: they do!
guide her to fulfill her potentials in the healthiest
possible way!
Each person is born at a special time, on a certain day and place. Astrologers use this information to chart the positions of the planets relative to the date, time and place of birth. This chart, or horoscope, provides an invaluable and exceptional view of the potentials, drives and needs for Harley. This is the “cosmic guidebook” for each individual! The patterns of the planets, Sun and Moon are unique and notable for a developing child, since in childhood these pictures are seen in a different light. Children are changing rapidly, and, in the process of becoming themselves, need special love and guidance. Developmental Astrology incorporates the basic concepts of astrology within the framework of the early years of life. This astrological report can be used as a guidepost, and provides a few hints and insights into the unique qualities of this child. Please remember that everyone -- including a child -- has free will.
In Harley’s chart, there is an outstanding quality of
Basic Underlying PersonalityTraits
Water. Outstanding strength in the Water element
means that Harley is definitely sensitive. At times, There are several layers to an astrological chart, just especially in very early years, you may see evidence as there are layers to the personality. In astrology, the that Harley is uncomfortable around new people or building blocks of the chart are the planets, signs and in different environments, and the underlying cause houses of the chart. You’ll see these terms scattered is sensitivity to the “vibrations”. Everything alive has throughout this report. In a nutshell, the planets (plus a kind of vibratory rate, and as a “water child’, Harley the Sun and Moon) represent specific energies and is acutely aware of these vibrations. There’s also an drives. These drives each have a different purpose in ability to sense the underlying quality of emotionally the developing personality. The twelve signs of the charged situations. Watch out! Since there can also zodiac represent qualities, characteristics and traits. be a high impressionability and even deceptiveness The houses (the twelve divisions of the chart wheel associated with strong water, it can easily conform or circle) symbolize the facets of a person’s life. In the to whatever (or whomever) is around. However, drama of life, the planets represent the actors, the the most notable personality trait may be a strong signs show the roles the actors play, their costumes tendency to nurture others and a keen sensitivity to and props, and the houses illustrate the setting and the feelings of other people. Encouraging artistic or scene of the play. creative expression is helpful, particularly if this can be experienced as pure fun and not a “judged” activity. Using the building blocks of the zodiac signs, there’s Also, encouraging Harley to trust her intuitive sense yet another layer. Each sign falls into categories called of things will strengthen confidence and enhance elements and modes. There are four elements -- fire, creativity. earth, air and water; and there are three modes (or action models) -- cardinal, fixed and mutable. There’s a Little Air can indicate problems with objectivity way to distill the chart into its dominant element and and can show a potential for difficulty with mode of expression, and this leading denominator communication and relating, in general. Make a gives a powerful clue to the strongest underlying special effort to engage Harley in conversation, to personality traits. read together, and tell stories. 3
Applaud her development of tolerance for the
Rather, understand that this could indicate either
differences between people. Harley might also benefit
a tendency to overcompensate or to seek what is
from the simple exercise of keeping a daily diary.
lacking in some way. As your child matures, you might
discover that she is drawn to others who seem to
There are three modes in astrology. These determine
possess the expressions of a quality that seems to be
how a particular sign manifests its energy. These
lacking in her own chart.
qualities -- known as cardinal, fixed and mutable -have special meanings in astrology. Each sign of the zodiac correlates with one of three modes of action. With an emphasis on Cardinal energy, Harley likes to get things going! Cardinal energy is motivational. Much like the ignition of an automobile, the principle of cardinality is required to get things started. Initiative, assertiveness, ambition and independence are all cardinal qualities. The negative traits of impatience and restlessness can be strong, especially if Harley is bored! And, Harley is likely to have a strong desire to act without outside guidance. In summary, if an element or mode is low or lacking, there’s no reason to be highly concerned, but you can find creative ways to help Harley compensate. Focusing on what the lack of any mode or element might mean for the child can prove beneficial, although this should not be interpreted as an actual “personality deficiency�.
The way Harley might like to be perceived, what
Moon Sign and Early Personality Development
she needs to feel motivated toward achievement
and what makes her feel significant and special in Although most people are familiar with the concept the world shines through her Sun. While the full of the Sun sign, a child expresses the qualities of the expression of Harley’s ego takes quite some time to Moon sign more than the Sun sign during the earliest develop, certain qualities will definitely be apparent, years. That’s because the Moon tells the story of even early on. However, this aspect of the personality feelings and pure emotion. So, you might see more will be more apparent after the earliest years. qualities that relate to this factor in Harley’s chart during early childhood. Expressing the Sun requires Childhood years may be long-remembered, since more self-awareness, and that develops later! Harley’s Cancer Sun stimulates a special fondness Keep in mind that Harley is NOT a blank slate! for family and the associated experiences that These drives and expressions can be nourished and identify family ties. As a baby, Harley prefers close supported by understanding family and teachers, physical contact and may be fussy in the presence of helping Harley make the most of these “ingredients” strangers, since the familiar comforts of Mom, Dad in her developing personality! or siblings is much more soothing. Then, as a toddler, there may be a dislike for separation from family Harley may seem to be quite peaceful, since she has or home, and Harley may be especially clingy when the Moon in Pisces. However, do not interpret “quiet” Mom needs to leave for work or errands. If there’s to mean “secure”. (It could be that game: “if I close my a safe, comfortable substitute, Harley can just as eyes and can’t see trouble, then trouble can’t see me readily seek shelter in that familiarity. (Mother does either”, concept at work!) Harley can be highly sensitive not always know this as she walks away to the sound emotionally and can be easily upset if circumstances of sad whimpers.) During elementary school years, are too disruptive or unsettling. As a young child, attachments to teachers are the norm, although saying good-by to Mommie can be frightening and working with parents on school projects can be the may be accompanied by great wailing. Yet Harley can stuff that makes lifetime memories. Harley will also also become attached to the baby-sitter! Watch for want to invite playmates to share family gatherings drama. when friendships grow strong. 5
However, during preteen years, Harley can be
Nurturing Intellectual and Physical Health and Development
especially moody as hormonal changes flood her with unfamiliar emotions. Maintaining open lines of
acceptance, understanding and communication is
Every parent watches for the signals that indicate a
absolutely necessary.
child’s intellectual and physical progress. From baby’s Another prevailing quality that’s likely to emerge
first words to performance in school, development
in Harley’s early years is shown by the sign on her
is noted and records are kept. Providing the
Ascendant, or Rising Sign. In childhood, the Ascendant
stimulus that will strengthen mental and physical
and the 1st House signify Harley’s physical appearance
development is up to parents, teachers and society. Of
and how other people view her. After all, most of us
course, ultimately, a child will master the experience
have our self-image shaped by what other people tell
of learning!
us about ourselves. Most important, the Ascendant (ASC) represents Harley’s basic attitudes and
There are many factors involved in intellect -- the
herself, and how she presents herself to the world.
ability to conceptualize, the communication of
The significance of environmental conditioning
concepts and thoughts, memory, creative ideas, the
in Harley’s developing personality is shown by the
application of rational thought, judicial thinking,
decision-making, speculative thought and more. In order to be whole, the child must achieve a balance
It’s part of Harley’s Cancerian Ascendant that shows
between the mental, emotional, physical and
as Harley’s protectiveness and sensitivity. She may
spiritual parts of the Self; only then can the power
enjoy hanging around close to home, being with Mom
of the intellect be used to its utmost. Otherwise, the
or doing family things. She might also like taking care
mental capacities are likely to be overemphasized
of critters, pets or even babying friends and younger
or misdirected in order to compensate for under
relatives. Stuffed animals may go everywhere she
development in some other area.
One important factor in a developing intellect is the
Following cautious observation and consideration,
nature of the thought patterns themselves. Here,
new situations are then less threatening. After that,
the Moon plays yet another role beyond that of
Harley may do just fine with learning, but if forced
emotional storage house. Through the Moon, a child’s
to move too quickly may lose confidence. Retaining
unique experiences are stored in the vaults of the
ideas can be a plus for this gently paced Moon.
subconscious mind. However, the Moon also shows the basic manner in which a child absorbs information.
As a small baby Harley began to explore and learn
Harley’s Moon is in a water sign, indicating a strongly
about her personal environment through the five
impressionable consciousness and a tendency to
senses, and these are represented by the energy of
have a “photographic” mind. Imaginative and creative
Mercury. Over time, the senses are used in a more
concepts are most enjoyable, and artistic expression
refined manner, and as the mind gains the ability
may be easier than pure verbal expression (except for
to integrate more and more information, learning
increases. Mercury shows how Harley communicates those thought patterns -- how concepts are
In addition, since the Moon represents the basic
framed and also how they are expressed through
thought patterns, the Moon’s speed (or rate of travel)
communication. The years of Mercury’s heightened
fundamentally affects a child’s approach to learning.
developmental cycle are from age seven to thirteen,
The Moon moves at variable speeds in her rotation
when the connections between a child and her
around the Earth.
world are powerfully shaped. Language is mastered;
communication skills are refined. It is during
Harley’s Moon was moving at a moderate pace at
these years, that Harley will project the qualities of
the time she was born. This can indicate a strong
Mercurial energy more strongly.
need to observe a situation before making a change,
and suggests a reluctance when facing unfamiliar
Since Harley has a Cancerian Mercury, she may
ideas or situations. In learning, a careful, structured
very well have a photographic memory. It’s more
circumstance can create the safety zone that allows
comfortable to be indirect in communication, since
Harley to move through education with greater
Harley can be mentally protective, and is likely to hold
back information until certain that it is safe to speak. 7
It’s easy for Harley to confuse “what I feel” with “what
Jupiter and Learning
I think”.
Another factor involved in Harley’s learning styles Harley’s pioneering attitudes toward learning is and needs is symbolized by Jupiter. These qualities shown by Mercury sextile to Mars. There can be are initially experienced through the encouragement an increased enthusiasm for material which is of teachers and guides, but ultimately, Jupiter personally interesting. While this connection can shows how Harley will express confidence and what suggest a bright intellect, there can be a lazy attitude types of stimulation will build her learning skills. toward study, since Harley may feel that since she Harley’s Jupiter in Aries shows a need for plenty of seems to grasp ideas rather quickly that study is not independence when learning, with an appreciation necessary. This can work well through early years in of challenging games as part of the learning process. school but can be problematic if she is not motivated She needs a place to stand out and show leadership to achieve through concentrated efforts in later abilities. school years. Encouragement and testing are two different things. Small children do not like to be tested -- life is enough Mercury in the 12th House indicates that Harley may of a test for them! They do enjoy learning, but need be highly imaginative and artistically inclined. She to be encouraged to learn at their own pace. Finding may prefer a private, closed room for study and that pace is one of the primary tasks of parents and will enjoy some serenity when composing ideas teachers. Watch for signs that tell you when Harley or developing thoughts. Meditative practices may is comfortable with a situation, and ready to push seem natural, even in elementary school years. beyond it. Then, offer stimulation of that expression This placement suggests an impressionable mind, by setting fresh goals and opportunities to learn and although the sign and aspects of Mercury will indicate develop the mind. how Harley responds and uses that impressionability.
Focus can be a problem for her, and having
Finding Fun and Encouraging Physical Development
opportunities to stay physically and mentally active will provide direction for energy which could be seen
as “nervous” by those who hope to have peace and
There are many factors that indicate particular
quiet. This influence adds a quickness to her ability
needs in regard to physical health. However, I feel that
to grasp new concepts. Neighborhood sports and
specific strengths and weaknesses and their care
activities with nearby friends can be favorites.
are best dealt with in greater depth using refined
astrological techniques beyond the scope of this
Since Harley has a connection between Mars and
report. But one feature of childhood we can explore
Neptune, there’s an extra physical sensitivity. This
is where to find play and recreational activities that
can also increase the potential for developing grace.
might be most comfortable and enjoyable for Harley.
Unfortunately, there can be a damper on Harley’s
The planet Mars represents physical energy -- it’s
exuberance and vitality, or she might prefer to
the fuel that is needed to keep the physical engine
channel physical energy into creative activities,
running! Mars’ sign and house placement gives good
like playing music. She might also be able to utilize
clues about a child’s preferences for play and activity,
visualization to improve physical skills. Also, during
including sports and approach to fitness.
teen years, these aspects can indicate that Harley harbors powerful dreams about her physical prowess
Harley’s favorite forms of recreation and sports can
or abilities.
include racquetball, handball, table tennis, tennis, scuba-diving, aerobic dancing, yoga, gymnastics, English saddle riding, figure skating, and baseball. Harley’s Mars in the 3rd House can indicate high activity and talkativeness.
Harley’s most powerful emotional needs are
Embracing Emotional Drives and Needs
symbolized by the Moon, which is the primary
indicator of early psychological development. These At different stages and ages Harley is developing needs remain with Harley throughout life, continually different parts of herself. One reason childhood growing and evolving. The Moon symbolizes the astrology is different from adult astrology is that a reflective nature of humanity. It is the absorbing, child is in the process of “becoming”. Anyone who’s subconscious mind and reflects the needs of the been around children knows that at some stages soul. This is the matrix from which habit patterns of development a child is more susceptible or emerge. Moon is Mother -- who provides nurturing, emotionally vulnerable, and that these needs and comfort and security. Mother is the model for a sensibilities change as a child matures. After all, a child’s developing sense of how she will nurture and baby struggles each day to deal with a difficult-tocare for others, and, most importantly, how Harley control body, but an elementary school age child is will nurture herself. Even as a baby, Harley has had a struggling with early social relationships. Each of the strong inner awareness of what is happening. As she planets represents a different emotional need and grows, more information is absorbed and stored in expression, but some planetary symbols are more Harley’s subconscious mind, and deeper awareness of emotionally charged than others. her feelings also grows. The Moon also indicates basic patterns of conditioning drawn from life experiences There are myriad possibilities, but Harley’s chart and filtered through the qualities of the Moon. illustrates the potential emotional strengths and weaknesses, and the areas in her life where there can With Moon in Pisces, Harley is very emotionally be greater vulnerability. It is important to explore sensitive, and can easily absorb the moods of others these concepts through a lens of objectivity, since in the environment. There is a need to blend with when dealing with psychological and emotional others and feel a bonding with the significant people issues with our children we’re likely to run into our in her life. Also, there’s a drive to escape from ordinary own issues as part of the process! reality into a world of fantasy and imagination. A primary challenge for Harley is to integrate the inner and outer environments. 10
The most pressing need is to feel a peaceful
As Harley grows into early social relationships, she
may stir up trouble between friends if she has been
hurt or feels insecure.
Harley needs to be on a quest. That also means that Harley may ask lots of questions! The Moon in the 9th
The energy of the Sun is tied to the development
House can stimulate a special enjoyment of travel,
of individuality and the sense of identity. The
reading, and the parts of school that are inspirational.
individuality of the Sun begins to emerge once a
Her spiritual life is a high priority, and that can be
child has developed enough mastery over basic
nourished in simple ways by making a connection to
bodily functions so that she can start paying more
Truths of life.
attention to the outside world. The Sun is a major
factor in determining, “Who am I?” This radiance of
The Moon in trine aspect to Mercury stimulates a
Self really becomes focused once Harley is relating to
strong desire to be sure that others really know and
others on a more frequent basis, especially during the
understand what Harley wants and needs. While
school years.
there may be some sensitivity to the way others
react to her words, developing understanding is so
Harley is a Cancer, basically described in the
important that she can be rather flexible. There can
Underlying Personality section of this report.
be a real talent in writing, public speaking or public
However, there are factors which alter Harley’s
relations ability.
expression and development of her Sun.
Since the Moon and Mars are in opposition in Harley’s
A supportive relationship from family and parents is
chart, there’s a tendency to feel at war with the self.
suggested by Harley’s Moon in trine aspect to the Sun.
Harley needs ample healthy and positive outlets
The potential to learn how to positively integrate
for feelings, and will benefit from learning good
what Harley needs with what she wants is strong.
sportsmanship as she matures. Toddler years can
Self-awareness may develop comfortably, with good
be filled with outbursts of temper, since frustration
confirmation and a sense that Harley is an integral
levels can reach a peak very quickly. Patience will be a
part of her family.
trying lesson. 11
A sound external support system is still necessary,
With Mercury and Mars in contact, Harley can
although this aspect does indicate a great deal of
be quite assertive expressing ideas. Words can be
emotional and personal resilience.
spoken before their consequences are considered. The tendency to blurt-out ideas can be useful when
With the Sun in a sextile aspect to Mars, Harley can
it’s time to speak publicly, since this connection adds
be bold, and may seem to have no fear when it comes
courage to the need and desire to communicate.
to trying new things. Early years may be especially
However, if Harley is angered, words are likely to be
active ones, although she is likely to respond well to
used as a weapon! During teen years, Harley might
lessons which include cause and effect.
enjoy lessons in debate. Prior to that, parents and teachers will be likely to see ample evidence that this
Mercury is not traditionally considered an emotional
is a natural tendency. Arguments can be a form of
expression. However, Mercury’s role in the expression
entertainment. Encourage healthy banter.
of feelings is highly important. Mercury represents the function of articulation of ideas and feelings
Self-esteem is another part of Harley’s psychological
and influences how we communicate them. After
make-up. Venus describes the needs for love and value
all, most of us are more comfortable if we can talk
systems, along with self-worth. Artistic expression
about our emotional experiences to someone special.
can be part of this emotional outlet, and this is Venus
A child needs to feel that she can talk about anything
in action. Selfish behavior can be Venusian, too, and
with her parents, and that it is okay to share feelings
most small children show Venus through their
and ideas. When a child is not given opportunities to
particular expression of selfishness and their ultimate
communicate her emotional needs, she can develop
struggle to allow Venus to evolve as they develop the
problems communicating almost anything else!
capacity to learn to share. You’ll see Venus expressing
Mercury’s function in our lives is to link internal
in a more outgoing manner after about age four,
processes to the external world, and one of the most
when Harley may finally want to give something to
important inner links is the experience of sharing
another person. But the full involvement of Venusian
development is during the teen years, when “falling in
love” becomes a reality.
But, regardless of Harley’s age, she needs to feel love
She can become excessively critical of self and others
from others to encourage growth on every level,
and needs to develop patience with the process of
including the growth of self-esteem.
becoming skillful.
With Venus in Leo, Harley enjoys being the entertainer
Harley may not demonstrate the energy of Uranus
and being entertained. She is looking for a great time,
until teenage years, since this quality is part of the
and can radiate the warmth and enthusiasm that
expression of uniqueness, ingenuity, and rebellion.
will attract some spectacular experiences. Expressing
It’s usually outwardly expressed in teen years as part
affection through hugs, laughter and grand gestures
of a teen’s uprising against the status quo. Uranus
seems to develop in early childhood years.
spends about seven years in one sign, and is one of the planetary energies that identify qualities of a
Harley’s Mars shows when she expresses anger and
generation. Harley’s age group has Uranus in Aries.
personal strength. As Harley grows up, the way she
This group is just now arriving on planet earth,
shows personal assertiveness will be developed.
and their opportunities are clearly about learning
the proper use of willpower. As a generation, they
With Mars in Virgo, Harley needs to keep those hands
may have to cope with human issues of war and
busy. As a baby Harley may be fidgety and fussy if she
aggression in a very direct manner. The significance of
is the least bit uncomfortable. Toddler years may
technology and warfare will be particularly notable.
find Harley fascinated with dexterity building toys,
Sports may become even more important to the
puzzles, and gadgets. As she grows, developing skills
society they will create, and they will also be charged
which require dexterity and attention to detail can
with the challenge to bring about improvements
be extended into sports like gymnastics or dance or
that will aid children, including their own. During
art and music (or all of the above). Do not expect that
the 20th century, Uranus was in this sign during the
Harley will be neat, since keeping all those tools and
years 1927 to 1935, including the crash of 1929 and the
toys organized may not be as much fun as pulling
Great Depression. That generation reached maturity
them off the shelf and putting them to use.
just in time to fight in World War II, when it became necessary to oppose oppression and the abuses of power. 13
This group learned that persecution for being
For a child, it’s virtually impossible to direct an
different was dangerous, and was challenged to learn
awareness of this energy, since the personal self must
the importance of developing courage in the face of
be well developed before knowledge of this esoteric
adversity. The watchword for a passage of Uranus
plane of consciousness awakens. In fact, most adults
through Aries is a fight for individual freedom.
have difficulty with this part of the self! Although
the energy of Pluto may be felt during the childhood
But the personal expression of Uranian energy
years, it is not usually a conscious expression at this
is most likely to be seen in the arena of life most
influenced by this planet. Uranus in the 10th House
stimulates a desire to gain public notice. Not just
Pluto moves very slowly through the zodiac, and its
anything will do: Harley needs to stand out as special,
sign tells more about the transformational influence
unusual, or her accomplishments need to be ground-
Pluto will have on that particular generation than
breaking. Harley may feel good about being different.
it will about the changes in the individual. The
However, this desire will need to be nurtured, and
generation born with Pluto in Capricorn (2009-2022)
parents or teachers who feel Harley is not ready for
are born into a time when rebuilding the world
an experience may be well-advised to reconsider
will be their mission. The challenge to create new
before standing in the way.
systems of government modeled on the idea of responsible power will be born by Harley and her
Another significant, but emotionally charged,
generation when they mature. There is likely to be a
generation-oriented quality is the energy of Pluto.
downfall or a series of environmental crises which
Pluto represents the deepest reservoirs of emotional
illustrate the necessity of becoming better stewards
energy, and is not a quality openly expressed in
of Earth. It’s also conceivable that life extension will
childhood. However, when a personal planet or
become the hallmark of scientific development for
angular point in a chart is connected to Pluto, then this
this generation -- but we will definitely need a place
profound level of emotional and transformational
to live out those extra years!
energy is easier to see. Pluto also represents deep-
seated anxieties or fears, which are, for lack of a better description, absorbed into the psyche. 14
As with the other transpersonal planets, the House
Mercury’s connection to the Ascendant links the
position of Pluto is the area of life where you help
personality to the intellect. Harley may be very
Harley get in touch with a need for healing and
talkative and communicative. The mental abilities
transformational change. With Pluto in the 6th
will provide part of the “mask” for this child, and will
House, Harley can be suspicious about other people
be a sensitive trigger for her self-image.
and their “motives”. She can also be unusually fearful of falling ill or may be insecure around doctors.
Mars in a positive aspect to the Ascendant confers
Sometimes this can manifest as a fear of dogs, cats,
a need to project strength and energy. Harley may
or other animals -- especially if Harley has been in an
be highly active. Assertiveness is a key factor in
unsupported situation when an animal scratched
personality projection, and physical activity is a must.
or bit her. However, there can be an exceptional
Many times this indicates a strong interest in sports.
relationship with pets if handled in the right manner. Sometimes, planets appear to move backward in You’ve discovered that the Ascendant is like the
their orbital path from our viewpoint here on Earth.
window-dressing or mask of the personality, but
When that happens, we say a planet is retrograde.
connections from planets to the Ascendant can also
alter how Harley expresses her emotional self.
Neptune’s energy draws us into the inner self where
we dream, visualize, imagine and escape. Since Harley
With the Sun in a supportive contact with the
has Neptune retrograde, this introspective energy is
Ascendant, Harley may have a “sunny” disposition!
more deeply sensitized. There can be an intensified
There’s a tendency to be highly noticeable, and she
desire to escape the ordinary world and its pressures.
may like to shine above the crowd.
It’s absolutely necessary that Harley learns positive uses of creative imagination. Plus, she can struggle
The Moon’s connection to the Ascendant adds a
to distinguish the difference between physical
receptive quality to Harley’s personality. She can also
plane reality (what we usually think of as “real”) and
feel self-protective or a bit shy, since there’s greater
the world of imagination or illusion. Imagination
emotional sensitivity to what others think about her.
should certainly be encouraged, but in ways that are
Her emotions are more noticeable.
constructive to Harley’s growth. 15
Neptune’s house placement will indicate the area in
Fostering Creativityand Spirituality
which Harley needs a creative escape and how she
can be effective in using her imagination. Farrah Children seem to be inherently connected to spiritual Fawcett, Yoko Ono, and Ralph Waldo Emerson were awareness and expression. Their joy in the daily all born with Neptune retrograde at birth. discoveries of life can be infectious, and a child’s sense of wonder brings light into life. To help a child Pluto spends about half of each year in retrograde find Truth and embrace a sense of The Divine, very motion. Parents and teachers can help Harley little encouragement is needed. But it is necessary understand her sense of personal power in to support this natural connection, and can make all relationship to other people and situations by finding the difference in Harley’s ability to trust herself. positive role models for power. Super heroes may be fascinating, but a real hero will be more effective. One of the most significant ways to help Harley Harley may feel somewhat mistrustful of this life awaken and touch Spirit is to foster her creativity. process and needs to develop a trust of herself. It’s not necessary for every child to be a consummate Developing honesty is quite helpful to this process. artist, but each child needs room to experiment with the creative self. There are several factors in the astrological chart that support the development and expression of personal creativity. Beyond education and development of the intellect in a more formal sense, Mercury plays an important role in self-expression. After all, this is the energy of linking ideas and concepts from the inner self to the outside world -- and back again! One of the creative influences of Mercury in Cancer can be developed in the early years by encouraging artistic play with yarn and fabrics.
Early on, encourage simple skills like making pot-
Costume design can be fun, and it might start with
holders, and later, Harley might like weaving, knitting
paper dolls, then play-acting, and by teen years be
or embroidery work. Water colors might be a favorite,
expressed with special outfits -- some quite elaborate.
too. But don’t forget about incorporating play with
dolls and stuffed animals, and their necessary outfits!
Venus in the 2nd House indicates that Harley will want
to make or do things which are appreciated and have
Venus, the expression of artistry, is, of course, an
a tangible value. “See what I made, Mommy?!” definitely
important part of creativity. This is the energy
requires a response, and may be accompanied by the
through which Harley experiences and expresses
need for some reward. Hugs and acknowledgment
feelings. In many respects, while the Moon represents
fall into the safe category. Later on, she may be the
“feeling”, Venus represents “emotion” -- which is the
first in the neighborhood to have a good time going
voice of feeling. Venus also represents beauty, a
door-to-door with those school fund-raising projects.
quality deep within which every child needs to feel, identify and express.
To get past purely self-centered awareness, the
expansive energy of Jupiter encourages a child to
Encourage Harley to get in touch with expressions
reach out and expand her personal universe. Through
that feel good to her heart! Special talents and
Jupiter, Harley can begin to build a basic philosophy
creative interests can include a wide range of forms
of life, and exercise her sense of hope and vision. The
of dramatic expression. Acting, circus performing,
need to reach out and give is Jupiter in action, but
movie-making, directing, or persuasive speaking can
so is enthusiasm. Most important, when Harley is in
all be outgrowths of backyard and family room events.
touch with Jupiter, she is inspired! Here is the desire
Provide a video camera if Harley shows an interest,
to grow, to reach into new horizons, to feel adventure
or suggest a family talent night where everyone does
and joy. While it may take a lifetime to develop a
something to express silliness or creative joy. Harley
personal philosophy or explore religious teachings,
may also be adept at creating games, so when she
during childhood, Harley does feel wonder about
seems to make up rules, don’t be surprised.
universal principles, a Higher Power, and endless questions called, “Why?” 17
Moral questions flow through the realm of Jupiter,
Then, there is the world of dreams and imagination.
and learning higher principles through inspiring
Neptune’s placement in the chart indicates the areas
teachers and mentors is another outpouring of this
where a child dreams most easily. The sensitivity
energy. It is generally not until a child has developed
Neptune adds to life allows Harley to connect with the
some measure of cognitive skill that the awareness of
spiritual, nonphysical realm. What child is not a master
Jupiter can be taught. During elementary school and
at make-believe? But this energy is also an expression
preteen years, this energy begins to flourish. Jupiter
of Divine Compassion, and it needs special support
is a function of the higher mind, the part of our
and nourishment during childhood. Encouraging
consciousness that can connect with the Divine. The
Harley to trust her dreams, while identifying the
early awareness of Jupiter deals primarily with the
difference between the “real” and “imaginary” world
concepts of sharing, positive thinking, enthusiasm
can be quite a job. But it is a very important one, since
and hope for reward.
walking between the inner world and the outside
world requires special awareness. There is nothing
Teachers and parents will be lasting models for
inferior about imagination, nor is there anything
spiritual leadership, since Harley’s Jupiter in the
wrong with beliefs, since there are many expressions
10th House stimulates a strong need to learn about
of reality.
morality through role models. Her enthusiasm for
any value systems will be directly related to the type
Because Neptune moves very slowly, it is another
of response parents and other authorities provide
of the generation-focused planets. Other children
during formative years -- ranging from religious
Harley’s age will likely have Neptune in the same
ideologies to political philosophies. It is crucial that
sign. Neptune’s sign is another quality that speaks for
she be given permission to explore ideals different
Harley’s whole generation. Harley was born into the
from those of her “origins” in order to understand
age group with Neptune in Aquarius, from 1998-2012.
that one belief system does not necessarily make a
A generation of visionaries who will be exposed to
person better than others.
many dreams and possibilities, there is great promise for Neptune in Aquarius. During their lifetimes space
travel could become common, and extraterrestrial communications are likely to advance. 18
It may be that this generation will be the first to
Perceptions of the Parents
make contact with life forms beyond our own planet.
This group is likely to see interesting connections Guess what? You can tell how Harley is likely to see her developing between science and religion. It may be parents by looking at her own chart! Understanding up to them to find the common threads that bind how Harley perceives Mom and Dad can be especially us all together, and the ideas that can light our path helpful, since what Harley hopes to see and needs to toward peace. experience from parents forms the basis of her sense of Self. Neptune’s placement in the chart shows the areas where a child can easily dream. This also provides When Harley feels happy and full of joy, the world looks indicators of the facet’s of life where Harley can feel bright, too. But if Harley is physically or emotionally a desire to let go or to exercise compassion toward low, her behavior and responsiveness suffer. In others. Harley will enjoy applying imagination to relationships with others, children and adults alike higher ideals, since Neptune influences her 9th House. will project their feelings and perceptions onto other Whether she is enthralled with the stained glass people. Harley needs to experience herself through windows in a cathedral or loves the pageantry of a projecting her needs onto the people in her personal parade, if there’s inspiration involved, her imagination environment. In fact, the undeveloped Aspects of the can go crazy. Self are usually projected onto others as a means of “seeing” these feelings or needs manifested in some way. Projection is a key factor in human psychology. In many instances, the other people are reasonable targets for those projections, especially if their connections are bound by emotions or other commitments.
A child looks to Mother as the person who will reflect
Since the connection between Moon and Mars
the nurturing feminine needs. Mother represents
shows friction, Harley’s feelings of anger are often
the inner feminine self for boys and girls alike. Harley
projected upon Mother. If Harley has a basically
may even see things in Mother that Mother does not
angry temperament, she needs positive directions
recognize as the way she is!
for that anger through Mother’s example. If Mother
has difficulty expressing anger, then Harley will
Harley’s Moon sign shows how she perceives Mother.
feel a strong inner frustration with her own angry
It makes no difference whether Mother sees herself
feelings. It’s as though Mom throws water on the fire.
in this light or not -- the child holds these particular
Sometimes, Mother may seem to vicariously attempt
perceptions what Mother needs to be because she is
to live her artistic fantasies through Harley. If that
projecting her own inner needs for security onto her.
is the case, Harley can feel very frustrated by her
As Harley matures into adulthood, these perceptions
attempts to express her own creativity while bound
determine how Harley will play the nurturing and
by the expectations and preferences of Mother.
mothering role toward others.
The Sun, the primary masculine energy in the chart,
Through Harley’s eyes, Mother personifies the
is also described as a person’s sense of “self”. A young
ideals of compassion. The Moon in Pisces projects a
child has a very limited true sense of self, and is not
sensitivity and tolerance upon Mother. Mom may be
likely to “own” these qualities until the preteen years
like an angel to her, with a calming, mystical quality.
or later. This sense of individuality may be strongly
Mom may also be difficult to figure out, since she does
tied to the initial relationship with Father and, later,
not always seem completely real to Harley.
to interactions with other significant male figures. In
early childhood development, Harley’s Sun does not
The Moon in a supportive connection to Mercury will
express fully as an individual ego. The Sun powerfully
help foster open lines of communication between
affects the child’s perceptions of Father; if the father
Mother and child. Harley will perceive Mother as
is supportive and consistent, Harley may feel that
communicative. Mother may be the one person she
her own individuality is reliable and strong. Harley’s
finally talks to, although Mom may have to initiate
perceptions of Father are strongly symbolized by the
the conversation.
energy of the Sun in the astrological chart. 20
Father is seen as a nurturing caretaker, since Harley
Many children are anything but delighted at the
tends to project the tender qualities of the Sun
prospect of being “responsible” -- that’s what adults
in Cancer onto Dad. The manner in which Father
are supposed to be, not kids!
handles family tradition is very likely to be emulated
by Harley, and the “passing of the torch” experiences in
The placement of Saturn not only symbolizes the
the family will have great meaning to her.
parents, but also authority in society. Saturn does not necessarily represent one parent or another. It means
Through the Sun in the 12th House, Harley may over-
discipline, structure, stability, and also tradition. For
idealize Daddy, although the relationship can be close.
the better part, what Saturn symbolizes is the story
If Dad’s work or lifestyle make him less available,
of how Harley needs to be stabilized and what she
then Harley will be likely to create a “dream” Daddy.
requires in terms of a sense of safety and security.
To strengthen their bonds, shared dreams and
aspirations can make a lifelong impression.
Saturn in Virgo needs to learn the merits of applied effort. Harley will look to the parents to determine the
Then, there is a need for solidity, structure and safety
value of work and service. Extra-critical evaluations
-- and most children look to parents to establish this
will be taken to heart, and Harley needs to know that
for them. A child is not capable of understanding
parents approve of her no matter what.
the ways of the world, but will learn about them
eventually. Nor does a child understand the need for
Saturn in the 4th House symbolizes Harley’s need
limits. It’s up to parents and teachers to set these
for a sound home environment and sense of family
limits and expose a child to the rules of life. These
continuity. If Harley experiences parents who show
rules, tests and structures are identified by the
respect for family, it will be especially confirming for
energy of Saturn.
her. Learning the importance of family tradition and
the best ways to incorporate those traditions into
There can be a downside, since Saturn energy feels
her life will make a positive impact. However, if Harley
judgmental and limiting much of the time, especially
learns from parents that these traditions carry great
in childhood.
guilt, then the imprint will be quite different.
Ultimately, as Harley moves through the various ages and stages of childhood, she will be able to incorporate all these qualities and expressions once seen through others, into herself. However, some vestiges of our childhood remain throughout a lifetime. Think of the concepts in this report as the building blocks for the person who will become Harley through the course of these early years. And enjoy every moment of your journey together!
Summery Mars in Virgo. Sun in Cancer. Technical,
Moody, nurturing, sensitive, shy, possessive, family-oriented. studious, articulate.
Moon in Pisces. Spiritual,
Jupiter in Aries. susceptible,
Inventive, militant, likes speculation,
intuitive, whimsical, compassionate.
generous, spendthrift, lucky.
Mercury in Cancer.
Saturn in Virgo.
Intuitive, biased, receptive, subliminal,
(For 2.5 years.) A generation noted
either an above average or very poor
worrying nature.
Venus in Leo.
Cancer Ascendant.
Seeks direction, vulnerable, body
ardent, demonstrative, loyal, popular.
retains domestic.
“Generation� (transpersonal) planets Uranus in Aries. (For 7 years: 2010/11-20118) . A generation noted
Neptune in Aquarius. (For 13 years: 1998 - 2012.) A generation noted for humanitarian and social ideals.
Pluto in Capricorn. (For 25 years: 2008 - 2024.) A generation noted for executive ability, conservatism, persistence.
Horoscope wheel
Some things you get from your parents and some things are written in the stars