How To Write A Excellent Essay

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Effective Writing is Important

I have become to notice, through my coursework, that writing well is a tool that everyone can benefit from. Good writers will tell of many an occasion in which their talent has earned them advancement; an advancement that comes to play not only in the job market but also for personal gratification.

Fortunately,writing is a skill that can be both taught and practiced to a point at which virtual perfection is reached. The many facets of writing can seem quite overwhelming to the novice. The aspect of writing that most people are unaware of is the fact that it is actually broken down into just a few basic principles. Because of the many benefits that proper voice, structure, and thesis development bring more content... Voice is the key to getting the reader involved in anessay. Without it, the reader becomes passive and the essay can not be comprehended. Most essays have the essential material, so the manner in which the material is presented can make a difference. When voice is properly executed in an essay, the reader can interact with the writing and make the necessary connections. The best sportswriters in the country are experts in using voice. How else can one become involved in the action? Without voice, a play by play description can become a tedious mass of words. Voice is a logical facet of writing which, when properly executed, leads the path to effective writing. Effective structure is a necessity in essay writing. Without it, a capable piece of writing can become a nebulous maze of imperfection. Structure acts as a road map for the reader. When the reader can follow the essay's structure, the essay as a whole becomes easier to comprehend. The reader can follow the essay logically and therefore does not have to fill in his own gaps. When a reader can read without stumbling across deformities, he is at bliss and proper structure can lead to this bliss. Finally, the actual development of the thesis is a key to effective writing. Again, the reader is always the primary focus and the writing must adhere to his needs. The thesis statement provides a basis for the essay; a basis for the reader. Once

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Essay on Effective Writing Is Important

Overall Performance

1.How have you, in your role, been able to work towards achieving our 5 2017 key priorities as outlined in Our 2017 Plan, the overall company scorecard, and your department scorecard? Please provide specific examples.

The goal I feel I have been able to work toward achieving is number 5, continue to develop and upgrade WSB talent. I have been able to bring a new perspective and skill set to the team and made a concerted effort to share that with my coworkers. For example, I was asked to develop an RFP based off of a previous RFP for the same client. The cover page and layout for the document was terribly outdated. So, I used my graphic design skills and new WSB marketing materials to create a much more modern more content...

3.What's one thing I can do to be more effective in my role?

Recently I have made it my goal to be more purposeful with my administrative work. I frequently get into "robot mode" while entering information into DEX, putting together contracts, and vetting clients. With this, I occasionally miss details. In order to stay focused, I frequently ask questions about the client's needs. I have started treat all my administrative work as if it were the template for others. In this I find myself explaining what I'm doing to myself as if I were teaching it to another person. Even though this position exists in a fast–paced environment, I know I need to slow down and be more deliberate.

4.What's one of your key strengths that you could leverage more at WSB? I consider myself to be a people person, and I have experience in Debate that has trained me to think quickly on my feet. I would like to be able to utilize these skills while speaking with customers and speakers about WSB and potential engagements. I sincerely that I can become an influential ambassador for the company.

Reflect on Goals:

Overall Performance Essay

Review and reflect on the goals that you outlined on your Mid–Year. Where do you stand with them? How have they changed? What have you accomplished and/or need further guidance on?

While I was not at WSB while others created a mid–year, I did come to WSB with a couple of goals. I selected this position as it gave me the greatest opportunity to Get more content

Importance of Customer Service


Today's organizations fail to realize the value of their customers when it comes to the success of their business. Without customer loyalty the success of your business will always be uncertain. Organizations must sensitively tailor the designs of a successful firm to the particular challenges of understanding, attracting, and keeping valuable customers. "Having satisfied customers just aren't good enough". Kenneth Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles, co–authors of Raving Fans, believe this concept is needed to have a successful business. I agree with this concept of customers being the focal point of any business. I would want more than just a satisfied customer; I want a "Raving Fan" more content... Discover What the Customer Wants

After creating your vision, try to discover what the customer wants or what their vision is. The customer will focus on just one or two things and it will be up to you to fill in the gap with your vision. You will then pick and choose which ideas you want to use to complete or build up your vision. Not every idea of the customer will be used or has to be used. Some ideas may not be feasible or even applicable to what you have envisioned.

Deliver the Vision Plus One Percent

This is where the vision becomes reality; make it happen just as you envisioned it. Work out the bugs and keep doing what ever it takes to make this vision come alive. Start out with something small that you know you can maintain and be consistent with it. Once you have mastered that idea, add to it, make it better by just one percent. Continue to do this with each new idea, always producing better ideas by one percent. This way the customer is not promised something that you will not deliver and you're not promising something too big or complex to consistently follow through with. Consistency is critical; it creates credibility.

Importance of Customer Service Essay example


I have always believed customers are the focal point of any business. I found that having satisfied customers does not mean you are doing a good job. It may mean the customers are satisfied because their expectations are so low and there is no one else doing any better. Having

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Plan and organise an event (320) The purpose and benefits of planning an event are to ensure the event runs smoothly and to plan. In doing so you can ensure that time and cost are used effectively by all the people involved in the event by communicating to those involved throughout the planning stage. When planning an event I ensure I start the planning well in advance so that I have the opportunity to be thorough thus ensuring the event runs smoothly and to plan. The role of the event organiser is to manage the event. This will start at the planning stage which is the first part of organising any event, through to the delivery of the event. At the planning stage I would need to set out key objectives for the event. These more content...

The types of problems that may occur when organising an event are: Venue is double booked– when possible always have an alternative venue or an alternative date Resources not available – if the resource was for example having a presentation using a power–point, I would always have everything backed up in hand–outs to ensure the audience was still able to visualise what I was going to show on a power–point presentation. There are different types of events such as: Meetings – internal staff meetings at different levels depending on what is being discussed e.g. Project team meeting to discuss how things are going or Trustee board meeting to discuss how the organisation as a whole is operating Networking events – members of the company represent the bureau at an event to publicise our services. These events are ideal for making new contacts, leading to new clients, partners, and vendors Project Launches – publicise a new project by arranging an event and inviting attendees as well as media to attend This would create a buzz around the release of the new project and is a good way to get people excited and to generate media coverage Stakeholder Meetings – meeting between funders (external to our business) to discuss progress and future funding Social events – an event for all staff to attend such as a Christmas gathering. This would be an opportunity for all staff, both paid and volunteer staff, to get together outside of

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Essay about Plan and Organise
an event

What makes a good teacher? Essay

In my opinion, a good teacher should be one who puts her heart into teaching. This is because only by doing so will the students feel their passion and hard work. When a teacher strives hard for the students, students will put in their effort as well. If a teacher dislikes her job, goes to classes in a bad mood, her teaching would also be affected and students would not be able to enjoy lessons as well.

Another point that makes a good teacher would be his/her patience. Teachers should not get upset or even worse, give up on the students who are not so strong in their studies. Instead, they should have the patience to slowly coach them, give them extra lessons, and find different ways to encourage them. Let them know that the more content...

It would be better if the teacher is able to find common topics to chat with the students. This would let the students feel like they can relate better to the teacher.

"You must not give up. I want to let you know that even if you're facing so many problems, and feel like there's no one to talk to, I'll be here for you. Everyone else might want to be the sun that lights up your life, but I rather be the moon that guides you through your darkest hours. Let's strive hard and work toward our goal together!" This was what my high school teacher told me 10 years ago and I have remembered it until now, and will remember it for the next 10 years and so on.

I was once a problematic kid who mixed with bad company and flunk tests. I never thought about what I was going to do the next day, what more when I grew up. Of course when I was younger, I had lots of dreams. I wanted to set up my own company, I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to be able to drive an airplane and the list went on. But as the years went by, they became less insignificant to me and soon, I forgot every single one of those dreams and goals. I got to a new school and knew friends who smoke and took drugs. My grades started dropping from "A" to fails. But I did not care. I could not be bothered by then. I went partying every night and got home drunk. What was the point of studying? My parents are

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Upon entering Columbia College, writing was one of my weaker areas. It was very important that I gained the necessary knowledge and confidence to become a better writer. I didn't know how to express myself and felt as though my writing was not my interest. As a result of taking English 101, I have gained a better understanding on how to properly research and build a satisfactory paper. Every paper that was assigned seemed like a struggle to complete. Before entering this class, I did not know the meaning of a thesis or why it was important, however, I obtained this skill quickly. I noticed that every paper has an argument and the thesis helps clarify the rebuttal. Now, I have a new outlook on writing. It's a way to express my thoughts and allow others to see things through my eyes. There is no doubt that I still have a long way to go, but I know if I continue to write, I will get better. Just as I developed more skills in class, the various papers assigned helped to better structure the writer in me. In addition, the subject areas were not only interesting, but very informative and made it much easier to write about my experiences. This portfolio demonstrates the strongest and the weakest of my writing as a first year college student and as a rising professional of psychology major. As psychology students, we think beyond the norm and obtain enormous amounts of research for proof, similar to English majors. As a result of Columbia College being a liberal art institution,

Becoming A Better Writer : Writing
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My progression as a writer has steadily improved over the past semester. Expanding sentence variety and experiencing in–class discussion has elevated my writing style to another level. I have learned how to successfully attack time management issues head on and how to research effectively. My ability to present information in a logical and organized fashion has reached new heights and my punctuation has become much better. I have improved upon areas that I was already competent in while addressing the weaker aspects of my writing. This class has been an invaluable learning experience that granted me many opportunities to become a masterful writer. One of those opportunities was the persuasive paper assignment.

The persuasive more content...

Although my other teachers never noticed this issue, it is a valuable skill for me to gain because I am positive that most of my future writing experiences will be in the MLA format. My high school education pushed me to focus on excellent word choice and creating sentences that flow smoothly. Expressing myself via the written word has always been my preferred form of communication. Ever since I was little I enjoyed writing short stories and letters to my grandparents. The training I received in school assisted me in my development of choosing the right words to explain what I was striving to communicate in an effective fashion. Forming sentences that flowed together in an organized manner was also a skill I was naturally gifted with but have worked diligently to hone over the years. These aspects of writing are what comes naturally to me and have allowed me to sharpen other facets of my writing ability throughout this class. While word choice and sentence structure seems to flow easily as I sit down to write my paper the most difficult challenge I have faced this semester has been finding the time to work on these assignments. Between work and helping my family stay afloat the time crunch hit me hard. However facing these time management problems, I have successfully moved to a place where I know how to overcome those Get more content

How I Became a Masterful Writer Essay

I remember distinctly the first time I was exposed to how writing, and specifically my own words on paper, could compel another person to feel emotion. How they understood what I was feeling and thinking, simply by the words I wrote. I was in eighth grade and my English teacher was giving me praise for a paper I had written on my parents' divorce. For the first time, writing wasn't about getting an "A" or following a five paragraph system; we had been given minimal guidelines for the paper and I'd thrived. As my teacher, Ms. Palmer, had put it I understood how to "present a factual story while keeping the reader's' interest." She suggested that I submit it to a special essay contest and I was thrilled. I gained so much that day, more than more content...

Whether it was my frustrations about the never–ending conflicts in society or my personal dilemmas on being a modern day teenager, I can guarantee I wrote about it. Even at my young age, I started to rack my brain trying to ascertain how I could be sure to use writing in my career. Should I be a novelist, a poet, maybe even a screenwriter? All of these different ideas came and went during my phase of pondering. Once I hit high school though, it all became clear to me; how I could help others through my writing. It came to me because of what Ms. Palmer had said; I could make the pain and tribulations of everyday life less difficult, even if just for the small amount of time while someone was reading what I presented to the world. I determined I would be a journalist. I aspire for my writing to make an impact on society, and aid people through the adventure of life. Whether it's an investigative news article, editorial piece, or even a feature about an esteemable individual, I am eager to learn more about honing in on my abilities for writing. I have utilized the resources placed around me and learned much along the way. Transferring to a prestigious university in a thriving, scholastic environment is the next step in my journey and I am more than prepared to take it. Exercising the expertise I gain from the wonderful experience of attending a

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Essay On Becoming A Writer

How to Be A Good Student

To become a success in life, we all need to learn to become a good student in every aspect of life. Becoming a good student takes much work and self–discipline. There are many ways that a student can stand out from the rest of the class. These good students are distinguished by their attitude, intellectual skills, consciousness, and achievement.

Attitude is primarily a genuine desire to learn and the will to do hard academic work to achieve understanding. It is also shown by how well you apply yourself even to subjects in which you have little interest and how much you can achieve even when a teacher's style is not what you are used to. Also attitude can change the way you percieveperceive more content...

No one else can help you to attain a good attitude, you must decide and make it a goal to have a good attitude in your student life. (CS)

Intellectual skills is (S–V Agr) another importantaspect of becoming a good student. This skill includes the ability to read and understand, intelligent use of resources, mathematical and logical skills, efficient study habits, and the ability to communicate clearly and fluently. Intellectual skills include time management, exam strategies, study strategies, and goal setting.

Consciousness, or awareness, is another helpful aspect of becoming a good student. The good student must be aware of their (agr) surroundings and know what is going on in the world around them. We must strive to relate what is happening around us to what we are learning. This should be important to us because we should care about what is going on politically, academically, socially, and spiritually. Being aware and paying attention is a good trait to continually learn and apply.

Achievement is demonstrated by successful application of understanding. This aspect includes using correct and confident knowledge, effective communication, and continuanceing of education through out your life. Achievement gives you a sense of accomplishment and meaning. To become a good student, this must be a goal that you wish to accomplish.

How to Be A Good Student Essay

Becoming a good student can be time consuming but well worth

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Companies are misguided nowadays by the notion that customers depend on them, when the truth of the matter is that companies are dependent on those customers. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is now essential for a business or company to survive. So what is the difference between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and how to companies and or business achieve this? Also when you have difficult customers how do you achieve customer satisfaction?

It's essential that companies or businesses today listen to their customers. No company or business today can afford to disregard the importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Aren't they the same thing? No, they are absolutely not and they are more content... Customer loyalty is much harder to obtain that customer service satisfaction. The most important first step is to satisfy the customer by meeting their expectations. Customers only give a company one chance and if they aren't satisfied they will not do business with that company again, as well as tell others of their experience. The next step would be to exceed the customer's expectations. If a business goes above and beyond to assist the customer they begin to build loyalty. The next step is to truly surprise the customer. In order to dominate the marketplace the company must find a way to make them selves stand out with their product or service, accompanied with phenomenal customer service. Once this has been done customer satisfaction and loyalty will be gained. "Acquiring a new customer can cost four or five times more than keeping a current customer" (Bestmark, 2013). So it's essential to keep the current customer's happy and coming back for more. Some of the ways that businesses can build loyalty would be by offering loyalty programs, Interacting with customers, surveys, creating institutional ties, and personalized marketing. Another way to build loyalty is to treat your employees so well that they treat your customers well. If you have happy employees they will treat your customers happy. "The link between satisfaction and loyalty however is not proportional" (Kotler, Keller, 2009, p71), so businesses must

Customer Service Essay examples
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Descriptive Essay About A Song

One day during my sophomore year of high school while I was waiting for my class to start, I decided to explore new genres of music and artists that I haven't listened to before. I was sitting on the floor outside of my classroom searching through Spotify for something new and exciting. After looking through the Classic Rock section on Spotify, I came across the bandQueen. Since that moment, I have been and avid Queen listener and have listened to all their songs. I have been particularly fond of their albums The Game, The Miracle and Night at the Opera. The first Queen song I heard was Bohemian Rhapsody from the album Night at the Opera. It was around 7:45 am, the morning was very still and quiet and the sky was clear. My surroundings became increasingly louder as the school day was about to begin and it was a cool morning unlike the typical Floridian morning weather. After scrolling through various Queen songs on Spotify, I stumbled upon as song I have heard about through friends but not listened to: Bohemian Rhapsody. Just like the eerily still morning, the exposition of the song was smooth and relaxed. The beginning of the song sounded like there were many voices in harmony and the hazy, smooth timbre resonated in my ear buds. The lyrics of the song matched with the eerie quality of the voices, the lyrics indicate that the singers are in some state of confusion and are unclear of their surroundings. The singers hold the last word of each verse for a beat longer than Get more content

Essay about My Core Values


ENC 1101

July 30, 2009

Example Essay

My Core Values

As I have grown as an adult and moved further towards success in my life, I have always maintained a guided structure to achieve goals and tasks that challenge me. I call these my "Core Values". This is a strict regimen or a belief system that I have instilled into my everyday practice to complete any task that presents itself. Although not perfected, I have found this method to be quite successful. My work ethic, responsibility, and my drive to further my education and knowledge have never failed me. Life can seem tough and demanding on a very consistent basis, but I believe that I have cultivated a plan to accommodate and withstand any trial

The more content...

To build responsibility as a child I volunteered to take care of my family dog. Even though she was the family's pet I took it upon myself to make sure she was properly fed, watered, and walked. My mother was very proud of my new development as an adolescent. She became very encouraging and would come up with other special chores around the house that I could be relied upon to handle. To some children this would seem like a punishment, but both of my parents were so supportive and persuasive that I looked forward to having the gained accountability. My father instituted honesty and respect as monuments for responsibility. I of course struggled at times with taking care of my dog, and handling some of my other chores. But my father always wanted me to not only be honest with my parents, but also with myself. He stated that a lie would not benefit anybody and it was disrespectful to tell a lie. He would tell me that a liar was the same as a cheater, and nobody liked either. If I knew how to respect others and be honest, than my responsibility would only increase. I asked why I would want added responsibility and my father told me two things that changed my perspective completely. First, it was that responsible people always tended to be more successful. Since I had always dreamed of growing up to be rich and famous, I guess I could accept the added responsibility. The second thing he told me was that one day I could possibly

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Being a good employee is essential in today's world, especially in these tough economic times when there are many seeking work. Consequently, it is important to keep in mind that no employee is irreplaceable. While hearing many complain these days about his or her job, one just needs to look around and be thankful that they have the means in which to survive and are able to work. There are many who are not only unemployed, but also unable to perform due to illness or a disability. Sometimes when a person is feeling in a mood to complain, they may need to sit back, relax and take a look around in order to appreciate what they have, and learn how to be a good employee.

Being a good employee means caring about your job and your company. more content...

Staying to finish the job or at least reach a stopping point will not be that much of a delay. If it is impossible to stay later, then you should plan your day more effectively

Do not call in sick unless you are, or take for granted that you can call in a vacation day spontaneously. Vacations and personal time should be scheduled. When you are out, your job is delegated to others, and having to take on unexpected responsibilities without being prepared can affect production or productivity, as well cause stress and conflict among others.

Be that employee who, when someone asks you to do something, will feel confident that the job will be done, and done right, without a doubt. Dependability goes a long way in the workforce, and having the reputation of being the employee that everyone can count on is a compliment.

*Be respectful

This means to respect others as you would want them to respect you. If you ask someone for help and they concur, do not steal the credit for their work. On the other hand, if what they helped you with is unintentionally wrong, do not blame them or yell at them, as they were only trying to help you out. Never cut someone else down in front of others, yell at them or point out their bad qualities.

Do not gossip, or fall in to the trap of one who does. Gossip can destroy a person and ruin their career, and is something that is easy to fall in to.

*Use time wisely

Plan your day, have an agenda of things to

Essay about How To Be A Good Employee
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Writing is way that we can express ourselves, it is a way to interface ideas and thoughts and to prove a point. Throughout my writing experience or process I have struggled with writing especially using details or really expressing myself my work. In this course Facts & Fiction: Portraits in World Art I expect to gain more knowledge on how to write a perfectessay, story, letter, and assignment. I expect to learn new genres and rhetorical situations. I also think my writing will improve academically and I will develop my skills in writing. Also taking my writing to a different point of view, level, and writing something different rather than the usual. I look forward to getting feedback from my peers and learning their thoughts on my writing and how they can help me improve.

Reading and writing were two things my parents use to always push me to improve and work on more often. They always told me they are the essentials of everything thing. Even though I disliked both at a young age as I grew older I preferred writing because I can always change the way I write and write from my point of view, really be creative with it and prove my point. Growing up I always loved writing short stories especially scary stories. I always was creative with them and even made them realistic. To write an essay I usually have a couple of steps writing an outline, and the thesis a draft and finally a final draft. The most difficult part about this is writing the thesis because the whole essay revolves the thesis because it summarizes the whole essay. At the end of some essays, I had to use citations to do that there were many websites that helped me cite sources such as easybib which was a really simple process. So, citing sources was one of the easiest things about writing the essay.

Writing to a teacher is way more complex then writing to a fried or a family member. Writing to a teacher is way more complex, I must make sure that everything is on point or it reaches the state of protection. Which is having the right format, a great thesis and really conveying the point of the essay. Writing to a friend or a family member is much easier I usually don't focus on grammatic errors or writing a perfect thesis. Today some of us don't Get more content

1.What does the Excellence in Education (EIE) do?

I believe that the main aim of most schools is that providing the best education for each student in order to succeed in good universities and careers life. EIE also has this objective, but the reason that makes EIE different in the better way is the excellent students' advice on the way to success.

EIE provides a friendly environment for students. There are three classes for teaching students in different age ranges. The good example of this statement is the kindergarten's classroom. Each student is doing the different topic depending on their abilities and make them feel comfortable with. The proportion of students per teacher is small so that students can ask questions on the topic that they do not understand. Students can jump to the class of higher age range if the staffs assess that they have excellent progress compare to similar–age students. EIE generates special learning equipment to maximise students learning abilities. All questions are well–designed and level–up from easy to difficult. The booklet is a tool for teachers to track the progress of each student by looking at the marks for each question set to decide on progressing to a higher level. Testing in time limit condition is another tool of assessment. After the class, parents can track their child progress and discuss with tutors about their strengths and the part they need for improvement.

From the reasons above, EIE does the suitable teaching for varying

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The Importance Of The Excellence In Education

Commitment is more than a promise to do or give something. It is the state or quality of being dedicated and maintaining an attitude of someone who works extremely hard to do or support something. Commitment not only requires full attention, but also requires diversity. A person who processes the quality of commitment should be very responsible and well–rounded. I believe I am a person who represents this unique quality by processing patriotism, willingness to place service above self, ability to set goals and achieve them, friendliness and helpfulness, diverse interests, strong work ethic, confidence and leadership, and a strong sense of humor.

Memorial Day isn't just a day off of school or work; it is an annual holiday more content...

Not only have I grown a respect for my peers, but also for my coworkers. Diversity is the state of being diverse or having variety despite any differences. In today's society, diversity is encouraged to be accepted. However, within those diverse people, there are diverse interests. For example, I enjoy sports, participating in musicals, volunteering at Lancaster General Hospital, and learning instruments. I have been active in my school's track and field and field hockey team. In addition, I play guitar and piano for my own personal enjoyment and have participated in many of my school's musicals. Despite my different interests, I maintain a strong work ethic in school by maintaining a 3.7 cumulative GPA which places me on superior honor roll. My strong work ethic is also reflected outside of school during my after school job at Rutter's. Confidence and leadership reveals everything about an individual's unique personality. Whether demonstrated in sports or everyday life, leadership is extremely valuable in the sense of working well with others. I have learned to develop this trait in sports, work, and school. I have especially demonstrated this trait during my junior year by participating in York County's Distinguished Young Women's Program. Not only did this allow me to develop a relationship with strangers, but also allowed me to explore outside of my comfort zone and project myself to a higher degree than

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Commitment is My Greatest Quality Essay

1. Which parts of your essay do you feel most closely meet the expectations for exemplary writing as described in the essay rubric and why?

I feel that the two strongest parts of my essay are my thesis and certain parts of my closing paragraphs. My focus, or thesis, most closely meet the expectations because it offers significant insight that is precise and creatively stated. It also addresses the content requirements and is fully supported throughout the essay. I like the wording I used for the thesis, and to me it's inspirational. Secondly, I think that certain parts of my closing are strong, particularly the lessons in perseverance that I learned from Seth. My grammar and mechanics have fulfilled the definition of exemplary in the essay rubric as well.

2. Which parts of your essay could use improvement, and why?

While there are many parts of my essay that could use improvement, I am only going to focus on a couple. In paragraph four it feels as though I am rambling a bit about the details of the Domino Project story. I do think that how the project played out is important, I more content... Specifically, when moving from paragraph five to paragraph six, besides using the word "another" twice in a row, it seems forced, like I am jumping into the next idea. How can I clearly transition without sounding automated? Also, the last sentence in paragraph five sounds like I just threw it in there. Should I take it out completely or rewrite it? I don't like how the last two sentences of my essay flow, although I really like the wording I used. How can I mix or add to these ideas to create more flow for the ending? Another thing I can improve upon is my style or voice. Sometimes I can sound a little sterile. How can I show more easygoing flow while retaining the professional feel of the essay? The audience I chose is future employers so I want to sound intelligent but not

Writing An Exemplary Essay
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Writing the first sentence of an essay has always been an obstacle for me in writing. I just don't know where to start. And this ties with organization of my essay, where do I go after my first sentence and then where for my second paragraph and so on. I have trouble deciding or knowing which supporting paragraph should go in which order. Or when I have a sentence that seems to fit in two paragraphs but I don't know which one to put it in. I have so many problems when I'm writing an essay not just the one's in my introduction paragraph. Another big obstacle in my essay is that I don't know how to write an introduction paragraph. I know I'm supposed to introduce or list what I'll be talking about later in my supporting paragraphs. But more content...

And finally the conclusion shouldn't state anything that isn't already in the body paragraph. So when I read the tips about how to write a good essay by Safire, Murray, Vonnegut, and Marius I was shocked that the best way to write an essay is write an outline and in your first draft you should write all that comes to your mind. Then print it out and read it and make some changes then put it aside and go to sleep. So when you wake up and re–read your essay you'll have new ideas so you write out your second draft, and in your second draft you make some radical changes. Then you write out your third draft and this time you pay more attention to grammar and organization and sharpening your text. I have never tried the tips listed above, because I have never learned of them until now. And my first impression of it was tedious. Why are there so many steps? I thought to myself. But I find it tedious is probably because I have never done it before, even just the thought of going through all these steps wears' me out already. Whereas experienced writers have done it many times so once they have the hang of it, it doesn't seem that bad. My writing's is usually intended for teenagers or young adults like me or to the people I'm writing it to. Because when I write, I write to me, kind of like talking to myself. I play with

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An Excellent Essay

Throughout a student's life he will have to write numerous numbers of essays and during that time he will have to overcome a lot of hurdles to accomplish writing an excellent essay. Majority of students hate writing essays because it requires serious intellectual thought and pulling together of ideas. A lot of students will be irritated and have absolutely no interest in creating an essay due to them having no idea on how to start. I 'm sure things would be easier for students if he had a guideline or pathway built for them on how to create an essay. With some experience and research I have concluded the five important things to remember in writing an outstanding academic essay. To ease your anxiety we must first understand that every essay needs a strategy. We primarily need to do some research on the topic we are going to be writing on. It will allow us to have a plan to gather the most important points. This will be very crucial for us as this will be the starting platform of our essay. Students can use multiple tools to there advantage such as the library, the academic databases and some online resources. We must also pay attention to the information we are gathering it from, as some will not be a reliable source, such as the Wikipedia. Students will have to collect as much information that is useful for them to create their essay from the ground up. This will allow us to analyze an argument for the essay and to brainstorm an insight of our own. However, the

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