Persuasive Essay About Bullying

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When someone thinks of school, they think about classes, friends, and books. They think about the minor struggles of drama and studying for next week's big test. For them, school is just school. It's something that has just become a part of life, not good or bad. For victims of bullying, school is a living nightmare. School is harassment, and pain, and a whole series of struggles too much for the normal person to comprehend. Schools have created this image of "normal" that many people strive to fit into. But when there is someone who cannot fit in, no matter how hard they try, due to things like epilepsy or obesity, they get deemed an outsider. People don't seem to understand the struggles of being different, so instead of being nice more content...

Cyberstalking includes harassment that threatens harm or is highly intimidating, often intruding upon someone's privacy. A common type of cyberstalking is to send disturbing messages or pictures to the victim's phone or email. Chat rooms are a very popular place for kids to meet and talk online; but they are not always innocent. The Bayside Leader says that "most victims of cyberbullying say abuse occurs in chat rooms". The bully will engage someone in a conversation, earning trust. Then they will trick the victim into revealing information that they otherwise would not reveal. The bully will find ways to spread the secret, maybe taking a picture of the chat box or forwarding the message around. Another form of cyberbullying, as hard as it is to believe, is purposely leaving someone out. "Exclusion" is when some bullies deliberately exclude someone from an Instant Messaging group or a buddy list, to hurt his or her feelings. There are many ways to cyberbully someone; all of them hurtful and all of them affective.

School is also a very common place for bullying to take place. Exclusion occurs at school as well as on the internet, and is much more prominent in classrooms. Bullies at school usually have some insecurity or self–esteem issues that cause them to abuse others. Hurting people gives them a sort of sense of power that soon becomes addicting. It does not get better, and it rarely goes away. The victims Get

Persuasive Essay on Bullying
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