What2Do@TCU Feb 24th

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Saturday, February 25th @ Texaco Gas Station From 10am-3pm (Across from Panda Express and Wells Fargo) 4429 Bellaire Dr Hulen St Fort Worth - SW, TX 76109

Price: Just Donations!!! Please help us to raise money for a replacement water pump for the poor community of Tepeyac, Nicaragua. This pump is the only source of clean water for the community. Please stop by and make a donation to support them.

You know you need your car washed, so why not help the world too? Sponsored by: TCU Catholic Community & TCU International Services Contact: Shannon Mossler (s.k.mossler@tcu.edu) Thank you so much!

Sundays @ 5:30, BLUU Auditorium

a collaboration between TCU Wesley, University UMC and White’s Chapel UMC | info@tcuwesley.org | 817.924.5639

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Get into the mind of a CEO and hear from a diverse panel of collegiate entrepreneurs. Learn expert tips on how



to be financially independent and run your own business before 25. Location: The Chambers (3rd Floor of the BLUU)

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 Moderated by Brad Hancock, Director of the TCU Neeley Entrepreneurship Center

Get involved. Do something sexy. Join theCrew Mondays @ 8:00pm First Floor Union

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Tuesday February 28th, 2012 7:30pm – 9:30pm

The Commons Residence Halls

Tuesday, February 28 1:00- 7:00 pm Carter Tech Center FREE t-shirts for the first 50 donors! Each donation saves 3 lives. Why not take a break to enjoy some snacks?



February 29 th 12-2pm

LEAP INTO SCIENCE COME GET INVOLVED WITHIN YOUR MAJOR Who: Anyone with a degree in the College of Science and Engineering Where: The Basement of Tucker Technology What: A chance to learn about organizations within your major!!

Glass Fusion Wednesday Feb. 29th 6-9pm 1st floor bluu www.facebook.com/what2do@tcu

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A Kinomonda Film

Pink Saris

International Women’s Day, March 8 6:30 p.m. Sid Richardson Lecture Hall 2 Dinner provided: Bombay Grille Sponsored by:

Questions? Contact Yvonne Giovanis at 817-257-7100 or y.giovanis@tcu.edu

Applications due March 6th, 2012

Applications & information may be found at www.ade.tcu.edu – go to the “Student” tab and click on “Frogs CARE”.


Trip Dates: March 17 - March 25 Registration Deadline: March 8 Pre-trip Meeting: March 8 & March 15 TCU Student/Faculty/Staff: $400 Sponsored Guest: $500 $100 deposit due at registration Come on the trip of a lifetime to Big Bend National Park in west Texas! This trip offers an exciting combination of backpacking and canoeing in a pristine wilderness environment!

Register at the Rec Center Front Office.

Trip Date: Saturday, March 10 | 10 am - 4 pm Location: West Fork Trinity River

(White Settlement Rd to Heritage Park downtown)

Registration Deadline: March 9 Cost: FREE Join us for a FREE canoe/kayak float down the West Fork of the Trinity River. What’s that you say? The Trinity is filled with trash? Yeah, we heard that too. Why not be part of the solution to help clean up its image? If water’s not your thing, we’ll have a land-based crew as well. Our staff will provide all the instruction you’ll need to enjoy a beautiful day on the water while doing some good for the environment. This is YOUR river - treat it well! Register in the Rec Center Front Office.

Trip Dates March 2-4

Registration Deadline & Pre-trip Meeting February 29


TCU Student/Faculty/Staff: $75 Sponsored Guest: $90


Enchanted Rock State Natural Area

Join us on a trip to Enchanted Rock State Natural Area to climb and explore the largest natural domes of pink granite in the United States. Enjoy some of the greatest hiking, rock climbing, and caving around. After a long day, relax and watch the Texas Hill Country sunset from on top of the domes.

Register at the Rec Center front office.

Volunteers are needed to participate in a nutrition research study at TCU looking at the effects of a meal on feelings of hunger, fullness, and desire to eat. Study Details o Male and female volunteers between the ages of 18 and 30 are needed. o Volunteers will be asked to come to the Metabolic Lab in the Department of Kinesiology at TCU on 1 day at lunch time for 60-75 minutes. o During the study you will be provided with a free lunch and will be asked to complete questionnaires on your demographics, health history, eating behavior and knowledge, and feelings of hunger, fullness, desire to eat, thirst, and food taste. Contact For more information and/or to participate in the study, please contact Ashlei James by e-mail (a.e.james@tcu.edu). Thank you!!!!

HOUSING SIGN-UP SCHEDULE February 3— March 2 Housing Application online at my.tcu.edu February 28

Honors House Selection Party

March 16

Housing Lottery Timeslot sent to your TCU email

March 27—30

Housing Sign-Up Lottery online at my.tcu.edu

Where can I live?! Bellaire Condos—JR/SR Only Commons GrandMarc Milton Daniel — Honors Sandage/McCart — JR/SR only Tom Brown/Pete Wright Waits Wiggins Greek Chapter House — assigned by Fraternity & Sorority Life

RISING JUNIORS/SENIORS OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING FAIR: Wednesday, March 14 @ 8:00pm Tuesday, April 17 @ 8:00pm ** All events will be held in the BLUU BALLROOM **

For a step-by-step tutorial, please visit this website: www.housing.tcu.edu

Housing & Residence Life ** Samuelson Hall ** www.housing.tcu.edu ** housing@tcu.edu ** Phone: (817)257-7865

March Sports Madness: Be a Role Model for Local Kids United Way of Tarrant County invites our college community to “LIVE UNITED” during March on Fridays.

A different sport will be played each week and you’re invited to be a mentor by participating at the Martin Branch Boys and Girls Club any Friday in March.


Every Friday in March from 3-5:30 PM


Martin Branch Boys and Girls Club


Come play a different sport each week with the kids at Martin Branch: Boys and Girls Club


tinyurl.com/uwtarrantevents -OR-


Cory Henderson 817-258-8042 Cory.henderson@unitedwaytarrant.org

Check us out on Facebook for daily event updates and photos What2Do@TCU

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