What2Do@TCU April 12th

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E#X# P#E#R#I#E#N#C#E P#E#R#I#E#N#C#E I#N#D#I#A I#N#D#I#A E#X# Food, Music & Dance

BLUU Auditorium | Saturday, April 13th, 6 PM | Tickets: $7, $10 for two

Monday 4. 15. 2013

BLUU Chambers


Join TCU NAACP in the discussion about social and racial differences and concerns in an effort to unite all students across campus.

7 PM

Fired UP‌ Ready to Go!

IF YOU COULD SAVE A LIFE, WOULD YOU? Tuesday, April 16 Wednesday, April 17 2013 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Founders’ Statue TCU A bone marrow donor drive will be held to help find a donor for the four Murry brothers and other patients with blood cancer/disorders. Sean, Patrick, Danny and Timmy all have a very rare blood disorder that has caused the family 22 years of monthly blood transfusions. These boys need to find matching donors for bone marrow transplants to give them a second chance at life. You just might be the one to save one or all of these boys. Registering is simple, painless and takes only a matter minutes. Just complete a form and swab your cheek. If you are between 18-55 and in good health, you are eligible to register. In addition to the Murrys, there are 10,000 other patients who need transplants, 3,000 will die without a suitable match. This is your chance to save a life...Please register!

Delete Blood Cancer DKMS I 33 East 33rd Street I Suite 501 I New York, NY 10016 p: 212.209.6700 I f: 212.209.6710 I info@dkmsamericas.org




!!!!!!!!! ! Leadership!Forum! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Office!of!the!Chancellor !!! !

“The Challenge of Leadership” Admiral Vernon E. Clark, USN (Ret.) Former United States Chief of Naval Operations !


Thursday,!April!18th! 5:00A6:00!PM! TCU!BLUU!Auditorium! Refreshments!at!4:30!PM!

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TCU Community Health Expo

TCU Recrea on Center 3-5 PM



date 04 24 13

Come join us for the TCU Health Expo hosted by the Campus Life Office and Campus Recrea on! Campus organiza ons and local vendors will be providing ac vi es, demonstra ons, and giveaways that promote health in various ways.

FREE fitness class, FREE self-defense demonstra ons, FREE food, and...DOOR PRIZES!

For more informa on contact Hayley Mansfield at h.b.mansfield@tcu.edu

Volunteers Needed to assist with field day games.

Holocaust Museum

Come to this event to learn about the Holocaust and such things as concentration camps, laws during WWII, and much more!

What was the Holocaust? The Holocaust is the term generally used to describe the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II led by Adolf Hitler in Germany. Other groups were persecuted and killed during the regime, including political and religious dissidents, and other Slavic people.

What is Hillel? Hillel’s goal is to provide educational, social, and religious programs for TCU students, and serve as a bridge between the University and the Jewish community in order to learn together, Please email a.barkman@tcu.edu with any questions


In(2009,(79%(of(Freshmen( and(69%(of(Seniors(at(TCU( rated(the(quality(of(their( academic(advising(as(being( good(or(excellent.(( (TCU(SA(Quality(Enhancement;(NSSE(2009)(


Respond(to(the(eSmail(survey(to(rate(your(TCU(experience( And(a(chance(to(win($250!( (

Did you know TCU recycles daily? You can too!

Bring your recylables to one of the eleven tan dumpsters on campus any day of the week to help keep TCU green. Visit sustainability.tcu.edu for more information about the TCU single stream recycling system and like our facebook page: Sustainability at TCU

Be a Peer Educator. Show that Frogs CARE!




Get involved on campus! Be a part of something that matters! Make a difference in the lives of other students and the TCU community.

Apply online at www.ade.tcu.edu Contact Yvonne Giovanis at y.giovanis@tcu.edu or 817-257-7100 for more information.

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