Student Nurses Association is hosting a Carter BloodCare Blood Drive on
April 22, 1–6pm in the BLUU Auditorium Please come and donate! Contact: Amy Linzmeier at 949–412–0476 for more information!
Mr. Al Halvorsen Senior Director of Environmental Sustainability TUESDAY APRIL 23th 2013 4:00 PM Smith 104
PepsiCo’s ability to have a positive impact on the world is vast. “We believe that building a healthier future for people and our planet is good for PepsiCo's financial success and good for the world. This is the cornerstone of our Perfor- mance with Purpose mission: that our long-term profitable growth (our Performance) is linked intrinsically to our abil- ity to deliver on our social and environmental objectives (our Purpose).”
04 24 13 FREE SELF-DEFENSE DEMONSTRATION! April 24th from 3:00-4:00 at TCU Recreation Center Taught by TCU Police Of icer Pam Christian RAD stands for Rape Aggression Defense system and it teaches women de-‐ fensive concepts and techniques against various types of assault by utilizing easy, effective, and proven self-defense/martial arts tactics. RAD provides effective options by teaching women to take an active role in their own selfdefense and psychological well-being. The RAD program was developed for and is offered to females only.
*Other events for the Community Health Expo will include FREE massages, a FREE fitness class, door prizes, demonstra ons, and giveaways from cam-‐ pus and community resources. Events take place from 3-5 in the Recrea on Center.
04 24 13 TCU Community Health Expo
TCU Recrea on Center 3-5 PM Come join us for the TCU Community Health Expo hosted by Campus Life and Campus Recrea on! Campus organiza ons and local vendors will be providing ac vi es, demonstra ons, and giveaways that promote health in various ways.
FREE chair massages, FREE food, and FREE demonstra ons 3:00 PM: FREE self-defense demonstra on and class 4:00 PM: FREE fitness class DOOR PRIZES include gi cards to local stores and restaurants For more informa on contact Hayley Mansfield at
Kappa Lambda Delta Sorority, Inc.
Volunteers Needed to assist with field day games.
Complete your
today! Sent 04/17/2013
Ques ons? Contact TCU Ins tu onal Research at
is important and makes a big difference in helping to improve academic programs at TCU!
TCU Health Survey We still need to hear from you: Have you been invited to take the survey? The TCU Healthy Campus Survey improves health and wellness related services for TCU students by looking at health-related behaviors. It is a voluntary and confidential survey. Two participants have the chance to win $250! Please check your email to see if you’ve been invited to participate in the survey from NCHA-WEB
In(2009,(79%(of(Freshmen( and(69%(of(Seniors(at(TCU( rated(the(quality(of(their( academic(advising(as(being( good(or(excellent.(( (TCU(SA(Quality(Enhancement;(NSSE(2009)(
Respond(to(the(eSmail(survey(to(rate(your(TCU(experience( And(a(chance(to(win($250!( (
Did you know TCU recycles daily? You can too!
Bring your recylables to one of the eleven tan dumpsters on campus any day of the week to help keep TCU green. Visit for more information about the TCU single stream recycling system and like our facebook page: Sustainability at TCU