What2Do@TCU studentactivities.tcu.edu
My name is Myrtle the Attack Possum and if you didn始t come to the Union you missed me and my zoo friends. Don始t miss the exciting events this week!
Join theCrew. Seriously. ---theCrew Next Meeting: Monday @ 8:00pm Student Activities Office (Behind the Information Desk)
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cademic Success Workshops
Workshops are free and open to ALL majors! No reservations required.
Location: Scharbauer 2010
Time: 4:00 4:50 p.m.
Workshop Title
Managing Your Time for Academic Success College Writing 101
Dates Offered
Monday, August 30 Tuesday, August 31
Monday, September 13 Tuesday, September 14
Note‐taking & Getting the Most Out of Your Monday, September 20 Tuesday, September 21 Textbooks Test‐Taking Strategies
Monday, October 4 Tuesday, October 5
Help! I Think My Professor is an Alien!
Monday, October 18 Tuesday, October 19
Surviving Your Finals
Monday, November 29 Tuesday, November 30
For more information, please call Center for Academic Services at (817) 257‐7486. http://www.acs.tcu.edu/workshops.htm
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The Career and Intern Expo allows you to meet with top employers ready to hire interns, part-time and full-time positions. All students are welcome and encouraged to dress professionally and bring their résumés. Visit the “Upcoming Events” section at www.careers.tcu.edu, for more information on the Career and Intern Expo.
September 22 4:00 7:00 p.m. Campus Recreation Gym
How to turn Wednesday, September 15 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Kelly Alumni Center
a career fair
into a job or internship
Develop a career fair plan, learn how to interact with employers, how to dress, what materials to bring and how to develop an effective introduction.
Get prepared for the TCU Career & Intern Expo taking place September 22 by attending this workshop 足 register online in the Upcoming Events section at www.careers.tcu.edu All Students Welcome 足 Free Dinner!
Check us out on Facebook for daily event updates and photos What2Do@TCU