What2Do@TCU January 28th 2011

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JANUARY 28, 2011


Wednesday, February 2nd 7pm BLUU Auditorium Sponsored by the TCU Relay For Life Club




Student Filmmakers Association Thursdays @ 5pm Starting Jan. 27th Moudy 141N

How to turn Wednesday February 9 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Kelly Alumni Center

a career fair

into a job or internship

Develop a career fair plan, learn how to interact with employers, how to dress, what materials to bring and how to develop an effective introduction.

Get prepared for the TCU Career & Intern Expo taking place February 16th by attending this workshop. Register online in the Upcoming Events section at www.careers.tcu.edu.

All Students Welcome - Free Dinner!

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The State of Leadership Conference Community Renewal & SoCial entRepReneuRShip

FebRuaRy 11 & 12, 2011 heaR FRom inFluential SoCial entRepReneuRS and delve into the nuanCeS oF impaCting a Community. SpeakeRS inClude: heather Reynolds CEO of Fort Worth Catholic Charities peyton tune Senior Program Director, YMCA of Fort Worth keynote Speaker: donnie hodge President of Knights Apparel & Alta Gracia brand

$15—institute dinner only $20—State of leadership Conference

FoR moRe inFoRmation and to RegiSteR, viSit www.leadeRShip.tCu.edu.

MENtality L uncheon featuring Khadevis Robinson

8-­‐Time USA Na onal Champion 800m, Peak Performance Coach, Fitness Expert, TCU Alum

How do you define success? Conversa ons about men , for men

Feb 15 @ 12:30 BLUU Ballroom

free lunch buffet

Premium Night Swipe Only!

8oz Steak with Green Beans, Baked Potato & a Dinner Roll Tuesday, February 15th, 5-7p.m.


! ! ! ! !


Wed.!February!16!!!!12:001!8:00!pm!! Carter!Tech!Center!! ! ! ! ! !

FREE!t3shirts!for!the!first!50!donors!! Help!someone!in!need,!give!blood.! Why!not!take!a!break!to!enjoy!some!snacks?!

TCU Women’s and Men’s Programs presents Feed Your Body & Soul Luncheon featuring

former contestant on the Biggest Loser Abby shares her message of hope, inspira on and perserverance on February 21 @ noon Dee J. Kelly Alumni Center

Lunch provided to the 1st 150 to RSVP RSVP to 817-­‐257-­‐7855 part of


Come on the trip of a lifetime with Campus Recreation’s Adventure Trip Program! Spend your Spring Break backpacking through Canyonlands National Park near Moab, UT. Canyonlands is a park of undisturbed beauty, endless splendor, and countless miles of hiking trails. Over millions of years, the Colorado River and its tributaries have carved out vast deposits of rock, creating this amazing canyon landscape with its tall mesas, deep river gorges and rock formations known as the needles. Don’t miss out on this truly amazing opportunity! Space is limited!

www.campusrec.tcu.edu | 817-257-PLAY (7529)

Want a Spring Break experience unlike any other?

Heifer Global Passport Program Sign up now! $50

March 12-19 Only $50



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