Friday March 1st 9PM BLUU Auditorium
Women’s Basketball vs. Iowa State Saturday, March 2nd at 4:00 pm
Men’s Basketball vs. Oklahoma Saturday, March 9th at 4:00 pm
Tennis vs. Memphis Saturday, March 30th at 1:00 pm
Baseball vs. Oklahoma State Friday, April 12th at 6:30 pm
Come alcohol free and support TCU athletics.
Safe Spring Break Campaign 2013
Safe Break Table - BLUU 1st Floor Wed. 2/27 and Mon. 3/4
12noon - 2pm Enter our drawing to win one of two $25 gas cards
Special Events: Tuesday - February 26 Spring Break “Road Trip” 5:30pm—King Hall
Quick Tips: Protect yourself from the sun. Use sunscreen with an SPF15 or higher and wear sunglasses. Party smart and be responsible. If you choose to drink, make sure you stick to your limits and be aware of how much is too much. Watch out for alcohol poisoning. Use a designated driver. Decide who it is BEFORE you go out! Set your sexual boundaries. Know what you are comfortable with before the situation arises. If you choose to have sex, use protection.
Thursday - February 28
Senseless Acts of Comedy: Spring Break Edi on 9 pm—BLUU Auditorium
Friday, March 1 Skin Cancer Screenings 9am-3pm, Outside the BLUU Call 1-877-847-933 for an appt. *Sponsored by TCU Health & Wellness
Tuesday, March 5 Safe Break Quiz Compe 6:30pm—Colby Hall
Wednesday, March 6 Watch out for your friends. Go out together and go home together. It keeps you safer, and eliminates about 98% of bad drama.
If going on a road trip, check your car's tires, fluid levels, and charge your phone before you leave!
Sun, Slopes or Service: Make Your Break Safe! 7 pm—BLUU Chambers * Sponsored by the BSA
Be Safe …. Be Smart … Have Fun!!
e v r e s n 2 r a le Learning
e g n a h C l a ci o S 4 g n i & Lead
Learn2Serve is a speaker series designed to educate TCU about our local community and to promote effective service, leadership and social change. Each event will feature interactive conversations with community partners, faculty and student organizations and will challenge us all to never stop learning about our neighbors and community. Sustainability & Social Justice Film: “Which Way Home”
Thurs, Jan. 31*
6:00 PM
Palko 130
INVOLVED Film: “The Revisionaries”
Wed, Feb. 6
5:30 PM
Sid Richardson Lecture Hall 2
Service 101
Tues, Feb. 19
6:00 PM
BLUU Geren
Homelessness in Tarrant County
Mon, Mar. 4
6:00 PM
BLUU Geren
College Access: mentoring undocumented students
Tues, Mar. 19
6:00 PM
BLUU Geren
Sustainability & Social Justice Film: “Urban Roots”
Tues, April 2*
6:00 PM
Sid Richardson Lecture Hall 1
The State of Women in Tarrant County
Wed, April 10
6:00 PM
BLUU Geren
*Nervios* and *Ataques de Nervios* among Puerto Ricans: Problems and Promise of Creating
Wed, April. 17*
6:00 PM
Dan Rogers Hall 134
*Part of the Sustainability & Social Justice Event series sponsored by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology
No need to RSVP, just show up and learn!
What are we not talking about?
Let’s start the conversation.
Be a Peer Educator. Show that Frogs CARE!
Get involved on campus! Be a part of something that matters! Make a difference in the lives of other students and the TCU community.
Apply online at Contact Yvonne Giovanis at or 817-257-7100 for more information.