What2Do@TCU April 5th

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Frog Hop For Autism What When Where $10 Registration @ Follow us on Orgsync and Facebook!

Writing the Mess of Greens Together : Collaboration, Community, and Southern Food

Palko 130, 5:00pm Visiting Scholar

Elizabeth Engelhardt

Monday, April 8th Associate Professor in the Department of American Studies and Center for Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Texas, Austin

Hosted by

Pinwheel Project Kickoff Event Last year there were 5,598 children abused in Tarrant County. The Pinwheel Project is an annual event sponsored by Alliance For Children in Tarrant County in partnership with the TCU Department of Social Work and College of Education to bring awareness to the issue of child abuse and the importance of prevention in keeping our children safe.

Date: April 8, 2013 Time: 8:40 a.m.

Location: University Dr. behind AddRan Statue

For more information contact Lindsey Dula at ldula@allianceforchildren.org or (817) 348-1117


5,598 children were abused in Tarrant County last year. Help spread the word about this epidemic by participating in Alliance For Children’s annual

Pinwheel Project In partnership with the TCU Department of Social Work and College of Education

Dates: April 8th-12th Location: On University Dr. behind AddRan Statue

To learn how YOU can help bring awareness to the issue of child abuse and the importance of prevention in keeping our children safe, contact Samantha Shircliff at sshircliff@allianceforchildren.org or (817) 795-9992.


Brought to you by SOWO 30833 Generalist Practice with Communities & Organizations (030- Moore) Special Thanks to our Panelists and Resource Information provided by: Safe Haven, The Women’s Center, Turning Point, Campus Life, TCU Police, and the Alcohol & Drug Education Center

E#X# P#E#R#I#E#N#C#E P#E#R#I#E#N#C#E I#N#D#I#A I#N#D#I#A E#X# Food, Music & Dance

BLUU Auditorium | Saturday, April 13th, 6 PM | Tickets: $7, $10 for two

Holocaust Museum

Come to this event to learn about the Holocaust and such things as concentration camps, laws during WWII, and much more!

What was the Holocaust? The Holocaust is the term generally used to describe the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II led by Adolf Hitler in Germany. Other groups were persecuted and killed during the regime, including political and religious dissidents, and other Slavic people.

What is Hillel? Hillel’s goal is to provide educational, social, and religious programs for TCU students, and serve as a bridge between the University and the Jewish community in order to learn together, Please email a.barkman@tcu.edu with any questions


In(2009,(79%(of(Freshmen( and(69%(of(Seniors(at(TCU( rated(the(quality(of(their( academic(advising(as(being( good(or(excellent.(( (TCU(SA(Quality(Enhancement;(NSSE(2009)(


Respond(to(the(eSmail(survey(to(rate(your(TCU(experience( And(a(chance(to(win($250!( (

Did you know TCU recycles daily? You can too!

Bring your recylables to one of the eleven tan dumpsters on campus any day of the week to help keep TCU green. Visit sustainability.tcu.edu for more information about the TCU single stream recycling system and like our facebook page: Sustainability at TCU

Be a Peer Educator. Show that Frogs CARE!




Get involved on campus! Be a part of something that matters! Make a difference in the lives of other students and the TCU community.

Apply online at www.ade.tcu.edu Contact Yvonne Giovanis at y.giovanis@tcu.edu or 817-257-7100 for more information.

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