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Spring is in the Air!
March heralds a change of season as we finally emerge from winter and start to see the first daffodils appear. It’s a busy month with Mother’s Day and Easter but if you can find the time March is also the perfect month for the traditional spring clean. Don’t dig out your marigolds just yet though, turn to page 50 for tips on how to organise your life and on page 16 find out how to clear out your make up bag and refresh it with key new beauty products. We’ve also got Easter covered with details of all the local church services and tons of ideas for family fun during the Easter school holidays. Finally, Mother’s Day is on Sunday 6th March this year – why not book lunch at The George Inn, buy a bouquet from Holywell Petals or book a beauty treatment with Alexis Brooke Hair & Beauty? You’ll find them all inside this month’s magazine.
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ashby Museum News
On the Beat
address Ashby Life Ltd Castle House South Street Ashby de la Zouch LE65 1BR
Front cover Image by Rebecca Soanes
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ashby museum news
he Museum is looking forward to playing its part in the ashby Bath Grounds celebrations during the coming year. The updated guidebook is now finished and ready for publication and the Education Boxes are being compiled. an updated edition of the ‘Guide to Grace Dieu Priory’ is also being published by the Museum, in partnership with the Friends of Grace Dieu Priory. The temporary exhibition on LOUNT will run from March to the end of april. apologies to any visitor coming to view it in February, but the delay was unavoidable. This display will be followed by one on the ashby & Burton Light railway (Tram), which will complement a book on the subject published by the Museum and compiled by Keith Gilliver. Later in the year there will be a two month exhibition on Gunther Pluschow, the only German to escape from a Prisoner of War camp (Donington) back to Germany
during the Great War. More details on the above exhibitions, and the Museum's involvement in the National archaeology annual series of events in Leicestershire, will follow in future editions of Ashby Life. The new volunteers, who have joined in the last couple of months, have settled in and are proving invaluable to our cataloguing and front of house duties. We are always keen to welcome more volunteers - please contact the Museum if interested. Advance notice is given for the next course of Peter Liddle’s successful talks to take place in April and May. A series of 6 lectures showing how key archaeological projects have thrown huge light on the archaeology of Leicester and Leicestershire. Full details are available on our website or on the What’s Around What’s On section online.
FRIENDS OF ASHBY MUSEUM The Friends of ashby Museum are planning several events this year. Talks in mid March, May and September, the Ian Clews Memorial Quiz in October and afternoon looking at some of the material kept in the museum archives and not normally on show. Further details and dates will be on the museum website, Facebook page and on posters around the town as well as here in What’s Around.
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seasonal recipes Just a few ingredients are needed to make this simple rice dish but it’s full of flavour! It’s ideal for a quick and easy supper or filling weekend brunch served with crusty bread or warmed mini naanbreads.
Serve warm from the oven, split and spread with orange flavoured butter for the ultimate treat!
Serves 4 Ready 45 minin s
Smoked Haddock Kedgeree
• ½ tsp ground coriander • 350g smoked haddock • ½ tsp ground turmeric fillet • 4 large eggs
• 1 tbsp sunflower oil
• 1 tsp mild curry powder
• 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
• 3 tbsp fresh chopped coriander
• 1 small onion, peeled and finely chopped
• 300g easy-cook basmati rice
1 Place the haddock in a large pan, cover with plenty of cold water and bring to the boil. reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 5 to 6 minutes until the fish just flakes. Boil the eggs in a small pan of water for 7 to 8 minutes. 2 remove the fish with a slotted spoon and flake the flesh discarding any skin and bones. Strain the cooking liquid into a jug – you’ll need about 600ml so top up with water if needed. run the boiled eggs under cold water until cool enough to handle. remove the shells and cut into wedges. Set aside.
3 heat the oil in a large deep frying pan and fry the onion and garlic over a medium heat for 5 to 6 minutes until softened. Stir in the spices and cook for 1 minute then add the basmati rice and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Gradually pour in the reserved stock and bring to the boil.
4 reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes or until the rice is tender and most of the liquid has been absorbed, stirring occasionally. Gently stir in the flaked haddock, eggs and coriander and heat through for 1 minute. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve immediately. TOP TIP add a large handful of baby spinach leaves or some lightly fried mushrooms just before the end of cooking to make this dish even more substantial.
Hot Cross Buns YOU WILL NEED
• 500g strong white plain flour, plus extra for dusting • ½ tsp salt • 2 tsp ground mixed spice • 55g caster sugar • 1 x 7g sachet easy blend or fast action dried yeast
Makes 12
• • • •
300ml milk 55g butter, cubed 1 large egg 150g dried mixed fruit
FOR THE CROSSES AND GLAZE • 3 tbsp plain flour • 1-2 tbsp warmed golden syrup or honey
1 Sift the flour into a large bowl and stir in the salt, mixed spice, sugar and dried yeast. Make a well in the middle.
2 Bring the milk almost to the boil in a small pan then stir in the butter until melted. Leave the liquid to cool until it’s just hand hot. Pour the liquid into the well with the beaten egg and mix with a roundbladed knife to make a soft and slightly sticky dough. 3 Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 8 to 10 minutes until smooth and elastic, adding a little more flour if too sticky.
4 Place the dough in a clean, lightly greased bowl and cover with oiled cling film. Leave the bowl in a warm place for about 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in size. 5 Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead in the dried fruit. Divide and shape the dough into 12 even-sized buns and place on a large greased baking sheet, leaving about 2cm space around each bun.
6 cover loosely with oiled cling film and leave in a warm place until the buns have risen by at least half again and are almost touching each other. This will take about 45 minutes to an hour. Pre-heat the oven to 220oc, 200oc fan, Gas Mark 7.
7 For the crosses, place the flour in a bowl and gradually add enough cold water (about 2 tbsp) to make a thick paste. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a small plain nozzle and pipe crosses on each of the buns. Bake the buns in the preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes until risen and golden brown. Leave on the baking sheet for 5 minutes then transfer to a cooking rack. Brush with the warmed golden syrup or honey while the buns are still warm.
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on the beat
hello everyone...
LEICESTERSHIRE Police is warning residents that it will no longer hold key holder details and is encouraging people to register their details with ‘Icebook’ instead. For many years, the force has held the details of key holders and people with key safes; however, it has proved very difficult to keep up to date. as of Friday 20th November 2015, Leicestershire Police no longer held those details on its databases instead officers and call handlers now get the information from Icebook. Icebook is the UK’s only online secure ‘In Case of Emergency' database. It holds emergency contact details which are updated by the individual which increases the accuracy of the available data which is essential when the emergency services need them quickly. The force has contacted everyone currently on its database and asked them to transfer their details however it is also encouraging everyone in Leicester, Leicestershire and rutland to input their details on the database.
Icebook is a national database which enables officers and call handlers to instantly access important information in emergency situations. Getting accurate next of kin information quickly can often be problematic particularly at the scene of a major or critical incident as mobile phones are often locked. We would really urge everyone to use Icebook as you just never know when those details might be needed. Paul Stubbs, Managing Director of Icebook says "I’m delighted to be working with Leicestershire Police, ensuring Icebook is accessible across Leicestershire and Rutland. Emergency services haven’t, until now, had any reliable method of accessing accurate records of emergency contact information. Icebook provides an opportunity to significantly increase accuracy and speed of sharing information, at times when every second counts! “Basic access to the system which provides identification and next of kin details is completely free of charge to the public. Additional information in respect of householders and business users will require membership, which attracts a modest fee for the services. However, the additional functionality could easily pay for itself over and over on the first occasion it is required." With Icebook, the public choose what information they would like to share and once submitted can immediately be accessed if required by staff within the Police control room free of charge. In order to register your details with Icebook or find out more information about Icebook's products and services visit https://www.icebook.co.uk
call: 101 voicemail ID: 1667 email: mark.arjoo@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
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what’s on for families With two whole weeks of school holidays at Easter we know you’ll be looking for local family events and days out to keep the kids entertained. Here’s a round up of activities happening nearby – as you’ll see there’s something for everyone!
Embark on an Easter Adventure Quest at Ashby Castle. You'll meet characters from the past with stories of times gone by - maybe a king, a butler, a roman centurion or even a monk who will help you on your quest as you explore the castle and crack the clues. rise to the challenge and win your chocolate reward. Friday 25th to Monday 28th March 11am-5pm. Price: (includes entry to castle & Grounds) adult £4.80 / child £2.90 / concession £4.30 / Family £12.50 Members: Free. See www.english-heritage.org.uk/ashbydelazouch You can’t beat a good old Easter Egg Hunt and where better than in the beautiful grounds of Calke Abbey. running from 25th to 27th March 2016 between 11am and 3.30pm each day, kids can follow the Easter trail and hunt down the clues that lead to a Cadbury's chocolate prize. Price: £3.50 per child (children must be accompanied by an adult). Normal admission applies. Find out more at www.national trust.org.uk/events
as always Conkers has a variety of activities planned every day of the holidays. These include shows from either Dippy or Flip the Clown, Pirate Pat with his sea shanty’s and magic tricks and Trevor Hill’s Animal Encounter. Each Tuesday there’s also Sublime Science with a spectacular dry ice show and daily ranger activities are running such as bush craft, shelter building, construction derby and sensory art. See www.visitconkers.com/events/ for more details such as show times and prices.
You’ll find an ‘Easter Eggstravaganza’ down at the National Forest Adventure Farm. Between 25th March and 10th April you can take the Easter Eggspress tractor and trailer ride to Bunny Woods. Meet a whole host of interesting characters as you follow the woodland path to find the Easter bunny. See the website for full details - www.adventurefarm.co.uk For nature lovers the Spring Wildlife Watch at Rosliston Forestry Centre on Tuesday 5th April is the perfect family activity. head to the classroom between 2pm and 3pm then explore the site looking for spring birds, beasts and flowers. Take your camera along to photograph what you find, then return to the classroom for help with identification. Price £2.50 per group. call 01283 535039 or email rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk to book or find out more. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all that’s happening locally.
Hood Park and Hermitage Leisure Centres will have their usual range of kids activities scheduled throughout the holiday from trampolining to football to swimming. For a full list, times and prices see their website www.nwleics.gov.uk/ pages/holidays
Our online What’s On section at www.whatsaround.co.uk also has details of local events and ideas for family days out. Send us details of your family events or clubs at www.whatsaround.co.uk/submit-event.php
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ibstock & barlestone surgeries
AS many patients know, the PPG fundraises at both surgeries on an ongoing basis. This allows us to purchase an array of items which benefit our patients. In the Autumn, we bought a portable ECG machine for Hayley Aldridge, our Emergency Care Practitioner, to take out on visits with her. This means that Hayley can do an ECG on a patient at their home saving them the inconvenience of coming to surgery. This can be really helpful for elderly, vulnerable and housebound patients. SUCCESSFUL FUNDRAISING Last month, we purchased a new ear syringing machine to replace one which had broken and the surgery has also bought books about diabetes with a specific donation from one of the PPG members which are being used to help our diabetic patients. We are very grateful to the PPG for raising this money as well as to all patients who have given to the funds.
Dr houghton also wishes to thank everyone who has given to the charity Sense for whom she is running the London marathon. She is very grateful for this and her training is going well.
CALLS TO THE SURGERY We have been getting a lot of requests for calls about blood test results recently which is having an impact on the number of other calls which can be dealt with. If you have a blood test done at the surgery and it is not absolutely normal, we understand this can be worrying. however, all our blood results are reviewed by a GP and the patient will be contacted by a doctor if they need urgent follow up. Therefore, please be assured that if your blood test isn’t absolutely normal, there is no immediate rush to speak to the doctor about your results. Insisting that you speak to the duty doctor only adds pressure to the system, and reduces the appointments for those who genuinely need to speak to the doctor that day. Instead, please accept the appointment offered by our receptionist who will have been advised on a suitable timescale by the doctor when they reviewed your result. This will benefit all patients. Many thanks for your co-operation with this.
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beauty Spring is a great time to clear out the makeup bag (or overflowing cupboard in my case) and treat yourself to a few new goodies.
Spring is in the air how pretty is this new palette from Paul & Joe? Teaming an eye shadow duo with a powder blush, the palette is available in two shades: Papillons de Printemps and Floral Nectar (1). retailing at £28 each, they’re not cheap, but the colours are easy to apply and you’ll be the envy of the other bathroom mirror hoggers on a night out. If you really want to splash out, Paul & Joe have also released some new lipsticks, in three vibrant spring shades.
Many people find that they need to buy a new foundation for spring/summer, as their skin loses its winter hibernation paleness. (Or that’s my excuse anyway.) The new Aqua Glow Serum Foundation (2) by Stila combines foundation with a treatment serum. It gives great, natural looking coverage, while 2 hydrating and softening skin. 94% of testers reported dramatically improved skin tone. If you can’t wait to take your makeup off at the end of the day because your face feels dry and uncomfortable, you need to try this foundation. It contains hyaluronic acid and other ingredients that help to keep skin hydrated for up to 12 hours after applying it. available in 10 shades, the aqua Glow Serum Foundation retails at £34.50.
If your hair is looking a little ‘meh’, but there’s still weeks to go until your next trip to the salon, try a KC Color Mask (3). available in 14 shades, including platinum, golden copper, plum and coffee, these masks revitalise coloured hair. a small amount helps to maintain the hair colour and add brightness, while a larger amount can deepen the colour intensity. Just apply to freshly washed hair, comb through, leave for up to ten minutes and wash out. They’re particularly useful for toning down brassy tones in blonde hair, and giving depth to darker shades. The masks also contain Pro-Vitamin B5 and keratin derivative, to help repair the cuticle. Prices start from under £5.
Spring demands a lighter, fresher fragrance, and Yardley London has just released the perfect one. English Daisy (4) is reminiscent of a wildflower meadow – floral, but not too sweet. It’s unashamedly girly, with notes including hyacinth and white rose, warmed with sandalwood and musk. and, at just £19.99 for 50ml, it’s a bit of a bargain. Team it with the English Daisy body lotion, £6.50 and embrace the warmer weather.
I’m finding that the sun’s reappearance means it’s a lot easier to drag the kids out for a walk (although it’ll be a while before we’re out of our wellies I reckon). along with wet wipes and plasters, the one thing I always take with me is Pure & Light Organic’s Essential Family on-the-Go Cream (5). It’s packed with plant-derived vitamins, and helps to treat everything from insect bites and bruises to eczema. The 18 natural active ingredients include soothing calendula, hydrating shea butter and nourishing avocado. Priced at £15, it’s available from www.pureandlightorganic.eu and www.lovelula.co.uk.
4 16
Kate Duggan : www.kateduggan.co.uk
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a walk in the forest
Sutton Cheney and Bosworth Battlefield This is a fabulous Easter holiday walk and could easily be extended into a whole day out for the family. Sutton Cheney Wharf is situated on the Ashby Canal and has a waterside café. Shenton Station is at one end of the Battlefield Line – there are usually trains running at weekends and holiday periods At Bosworth Battlefield there is a wealth of information relating to the battle plus the chance to visit the Battlefield Heritage Centre – they also have special events on over the Easter period.
I’ve started the walk by parking at Sutton cheney Wharf which is reached by following the a447 from coalville towards hinckley and taking the turning signed Sutton cheney a little way after passing the Market Bosworth turn. The postcode is cV13 0aL for those using sat nav. The car park is pay and display, cost £1. The walk is circular and you could also choose to start either at Shenton Station or Bosworth Battlefield – there are car parks at both points, charges do apply. This walk itself takes a little over one hour but there is so much to see and do on the way that it’s advisable to leave plenty of extra time for exploring.
From the car park at Sutton cheney Wharf walk back towards the road, going through the metal swing gate and turning right to follow the pavement over the canal bridge before taking the steps that lead down onto the tow path. Follow the tow path the wharf will be opposite you now on your right hand side (1). continue on along this peaceful stretch of canal until you reach the first bridge (each canal bridge has a number, this is 34a). Go underneath the bridge and then turn sharp left to go up onto the bridge (2) and over it, joining a disused section of railway.
Follow the wide path straight ahead and it will lead you past a seating area with information boards on your left and eventually come out at Shenton station (3) and the start of the Battlefield Line. arriving in the station yard you need to follow the yellow footpath arrow that leads through a small gate and over the railway line. Keep following the bridle path sign to pass through a metal swing gate and then take the well-made hard-core path which wends its way uphill towards the Battlefield Centre (4). as you near the top of the hill you will see the standard of richard III flying off to your right.
The path reaches an interesting circular area which supplies more information about what happened during the battle laid out in the form of a clock face on the ground. Take the first exit out of this area (view it like a roundabout!!!) and the hard core path will take you towards, but then around the back of, the Visitor centre.
Following the signs towards ambion Wood and the ashby canal you will pass through two swing gates (5). You are now in ambion Wood and a good, clear path takes you through this lovely stretch of woodland coming out alongside the canal on the same side as Sutton cheney Wharf, just follow the path straight ahead and you will pass through a small gate and emerge in the far end of the car park, behind the café. All walks are checked shortly before publication but please be aware that paths may change over time and with the seasons.
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driving Iain Betson conducts enquires into a useful new website...
Gotta Get A Witness COME-ON, ‘fess up. I know it’s happened to you because it’s happened to me. how many times have you seen, or been the victim of, down-right dangerous driving by another and wished that a policemen had also seen what you had experienced and nabbed the perpetrator? Well now your wish can come true. It takes a little forethought and effort on your part, but if it helps to get numpty drivers and, frankly, those who seem to have little regard for human life when driving off the road and given their just desserts, then I think it’s time and money well spent. The use of the dash-board mounted camera is comparatively recent in the UK, although it is rising. This is in contrast to russia, where, judging from the hours of Youtube dash-cam uploads, its use seems universal.
Fitting one to your car is quite simple and reasonably inexpensive to do, certainly when you consider that the material it captures could save you a fortune in insurance.
But what do you do with that footage if you do record bad, dangerous or illegal driving?
You could contact the police directly and show them the evidence, but your camera may not have recorded enough material for charges to be brought.
alternatively, you could consider submitting it to the Police Witness.com website. The aim of the site is to highlight dangerous driving and that those responsible are now having their actions recorded. They also act as a conduit to the police and insurance companies when claims or charges are brought. You may not have been the only one recording an incident, so the site can act as a collection point for other footage of the same incident, thereby increasing the chances of a prosecution. an additional incentive for getting a dash-cam is that, to help insurance companies prove liability, they may also pay for your footage, meaning it could pay for itself.
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in your garden Editorial by Pippa Greenwood
Vertical Cover Climbers A visit to your local garden centre will reveal a plentiful supply of suitable plants. Start by looking at the surface you have, the size, the direction it faces and the amount of sun or shade the plants growing on the wall or fence are likely to receive. Soil type is important as the plant you choose must be suited to the site.
Some climbers are quite quick growing and will look good later this year, and improve as the years pass. Many provide strong colour and others will be a useful backdrop for the garden as a whole. Most buildings can have climbers grown against them, so if you have an unsightly shed, garage or even a fairly uninteresting looking back to your house, then consider erecting some sort of support system on which to grow your climbers.
Break up the monotony of a long stretch of wall with a range of different plants, and make a tall, narrow building seem broader by only allowing them to reach the height of the first floor. a climbing hydrangea, hydrangea petiolaris, or
self-clinging plants such as ivies are ideal, but make sure the mortar on your wall is in good shape before planting.
climbers are best planted in open ground as they tend to have sizeable root systems. If grown in containers you must re-pot regularly and ultimately plan to use a big container such as a half barrel. Use a loam-based potting compost and add extra grit for drainage, and place a deep layer of crocks at the base of the container. add controlled release fertilizer granules to the compost, to ensure that plants get adequately fed for the first few months. a triangular or V-shaped trellis panel at the back will give initial support for the plant to climb up before moving on to your wall or fence. Tie the top section of the trellis into the wall or fence, so that it does not rock about.
For ground planting, dig a large hole at least 18 inches (45 cm) from the wall or fence and incorporate plenty of compost or well rotted manure. Soak the plant’s root ball and place
FOR A QUICK EFFECT: Actinidia chinensis Akebia quinata Clematis montana Clematis montana ‘Rubens’ Vitis coignetiae FOR CLAY SOILS: Campsis Celastrus scandens Clematis Ivies Golden hop Climbing hydrangea Honeysuckles (most) Vitis coignetiae FOR ALKALINE/CHALKY SOIL: Actinidia kolomikta Akebia quinata Clematis Ivies Climbing hydrangea Jasminum officinale Honeysuckles Trachelospermum jasminoides Wisteria
in the hole, ideally at a 45 degree angle so that it leans towards the wall, then spread out the roots and plant. If your climber came already attached to bamboo canes, untie the stems from any central stake and train the best looking shoots towards your new support system, using the bamboo canes to help it on its way. Keep climbers well watered, particularly if they are on or near a sunny wall.
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what’s on...
March 11th March Packington Film Club presents Two by Two (U) animation adventure, comedy. Packington memorial hall 6.15pm for 6.45pm start.
5th March ‘Spring Concert’ featuring Concordia Choir, Ashby Ukulele Group and guest performers. At Holy Trinity Church, Ashby 7.30pm. Tickets £8 to include refreshments. You can buy tickets from group members, Ashby TIC on 01530 411 767 or call Sheila Neate on 01530 414 539. Proceeds to Christian Aid. The Savannah Jazz Band Venture Jazz Club, tickets £10 from Ashby TIC. Doors open 7.30pm for an 8pm start. Disney Delights and Musical Magic A magical evening of music and dance with Expressions Dance
Academy and local singing star Natalie Nightingale. Century Theatre at Snibston, starts 6.30pm. Tickets £8, concessions £5. Book online at www.centurytheatre.co.uk or call 01530 278 444. 10th March Mark Steel ‘Who do I think I am?’ The popular stand-up comedian's latest touring show as he tells of his journey of discovery trying to track down his mother, who put him up for adoption 55 years ago. Century Theatre at Snibston, starts 8pm. Tickets £15. Book online at www.centurytheatre. co.uk or call 01530 278 444.
Lady in the Van (12A) Maggie Smith stars in the true story of an old lady who lived in her old van in playwright Alan Bennett's driveway, for fifteen years. Century Theatre at Snibston starts 7.30pm. Tickets £3.50 pay on the door. Call 01530 278 444. 12th March ’An Evening with Anne Boleyn' Join Lesley Smith, historical speaker and curator of Tutbury Castle in her portrayal of Anne Boleyn. Please note that the talk is not suitable for anyone under the age of 16 years old. Venue is St Helen’s Church, Ashby. For further event information and to purchase tickets, please contact Ashby de la Zouch Town Council on 01530 416 961 or email info@ashbytowncouncil. org.uk. Tickets £12.50 each, (ticket to include light refreshments and a glass of wine or soft drink). Tickets also available on the door subject to availability. 14th March Resurrection the Royal Celebrate the Easter story with music from the band, 'Parking Space' and a variety of local speakers. At 6.30pm to 8.30pm, The Royal, Station Road, Ashby.
Charnwood Flower Guild flower demonstration ‘Sensations of Spring’ by Laura Leong, Chelsea Florist of the Year 2015. The Adult School, Bridge Road, Coalville, LE67 3PW at 7.30pm. Visitors welcome £6. For more details call 01530 450 595. 16th March Cycle Lamps Trevor Stewart is giving a talk on Cycle Lamps at 2pm, Ashby de la Zouch Museum. The cost is £3 to include refreshments. 18th March LRWT North West Group Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Wood Normanton le Heath. Gerald Price of the Woodland Trust explores the development of the woodland, and considers the many factors which will affect its future development. Ashby Methodist Chapel, Burton Road, Ashby, 7.30pm. Entry £2. For more details please call David Maltby on 01530 222 934 or Margaret Mabey on 01530 412 410. 19th March Broom Leys Choral Society presents Dvorak's Mass in D + Hear my Prayer and other individual items. Musical director is Charles Patterson, guest Soloist is Caroline Palmer and guest Organist Simon Headley. At 7.30pm, St. John's Parish Church, Hugglescote. Tickets £8 from any society member or ring Marion Simpson on 01530 450 217.
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26th March LRWT North West Group Guided visit to Jubilee
19th March Talon ‘The Acoustic collection’. Talon return as part of their national In ‘The Raw 2016 tour’. Century Theatre at Snibston, starts 7.30pm. Tickets £16 advance, £17 on the door. Book online at www.centurytheatre. co.uk or call 01530 278 444. 20th March Casablanca (U) Classic action as Humphrey Bogart takes on the Nazis, with Ingrid Bergman and Claude Rains. A Silver Screenings
Vintage Cinema presentation plus full supporting programme. Century Theatre at Snibston, tickets are Adult £5, Groups (10+) £4, Child £3.50, carers free. Pay on the door. 23rd March AFAR (Active Forum for Active Retirement) will be meeting at Prior Park Community Room Ashby at 2.15pm for an interesting talk by the Air Ambulance. Members £2 non-members £3 which includes light refreshments. All welcome.
Wood with Gerald Price. Come to explore this rapidly developing new plantation in spring. Meet at 2pm in the car park between Normanton and Heather G.R. 385115. For more details please call David Maltby on 01530 222 934 or Margaret Mabey on 01530 412 410. 27th March Easter Egg 3K Fun Run/Walk Join the Easter Egg Hunt at Hicks Lodge on Sunday 27th March at 10.30am and take part in their very first Easter Egg Fun Run/Walk in aid of Leicestershire charity
Wishes 4 Kids. Suitable for the whole family (pushchair friendly), you will follow a scenic 3k route around the lakeside paths. Places, must be booked in advance, limited spaces available. Cost £6.50 per person (Under 3's free). ALL monies will go directly towards granting wishes for very poorly children in Leicestershire. https:// www.facebook.com/event s/976122049129123/.
April 2nd April Remi Harris and his Band Venture Jazz Club, tickets £10 from Ashby TIC. Doors open 7.30pm for an 8pm start.
It’s FREE to put community information on this page. Please submit your event details via email to admin@whatsaround.co.uk or online at www.whatsaround.co.uk/event.php Deadline for submissions for the Community Board or What’s On pages for the April issue is Thursday 10th March. Information is published subject to space being available. What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine.
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fun quiz
Answers on page 52
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community board ee de d Help n of a number
g e attendin rshire, to te ope will b Hospice H North West Leices pport they events in charity and the su holiday e eir th ets for th promote to sell tick ally run from 10am d an , er ff o r ner events ge looking fo raffle. The 4pm and they are f 2 hours. o to ts o gh u sl r ro th d fo ble ne availa s to atten volunteer ity is open to anyo and is not , er un n rt o an p p m o This afé willing ndly and Support C with a frie to our registered please email p ed el ct h ri rest k, or you can ope.org.u s only. If volunteer en jane@hospiceh rg.uk. o re e. p ag o eh Jane H w.hospic go to ww
n xhibithibioition E y r e l l x ee Ga Ferreeresthe Wood for ths aenTdreweos’.odTahndnainl calurtdisetss
Measham Library needs YOU If you are a friendly, approachable and eager community, please contact them on info to help the @measham library.org or find the m on Facebook and Twitter.
Swannington Heritage Tru st seek volu The Trust ha s won many nteers awards for re its 10 acres stor of ing Hough M ill and are accessed former coal mining and railw by about their vo 15,000 visitors each year ay sites which . lu To nteer roles, co fin discussion ntact them fo d out more emai r an inform call 01530 22 l chairman@swanningto n-heritage.co al 2 833. www. .uk or swan Hough Mill Fa nington-heritage.co.uk or cebook page .
Wishes 4 Kids
e ‘Can’t S bration of tre local and regio , woodgs is a cele ore than 30 paintin ng with m ti y lay are work b kers. On disp art of decora ics, e and ma yrography (th , glass, ceram l re p ti , u turning marks), furnit les on now un texti burn d n . a 6 1 ry jewelle 0th March 20 2
Charity Dinner & Disco in aid of Wishes 4 Kids on Saturday 14th May at The Lyric Rooms, Ashby. Go along for a great night out and support a local Leicestershire Charity by raisin g much needed funds. Three course dinner with coffee, Raffle, Auction and Disco. Tickets £29. 50pp. For more information or to buy tickets pleas e contact Richard & Ange Bebbington on Tel; 0775 1 259 489 Email; charitydinner@ivanhoechallen ge.co.uk.
D iv o r ce R e co v e r y Wo r k s h o p
If you are rece ntly separated or divorced for so me time, you ca n ‘go’ through th e experience or ‘grow’ through it. DRW is suita ble for anyone of an y age, gender, faith or background , and at any sta ge of separation or div orce. The workshop will be on 6 Monday evenings from 11th April. It is run by trained past participants, at the Quaker Meeting House on Quee n’s Road Leicester. To reserve a pla ce, see our nationa l website www.drw.org.u k. Or book with Val 0116 210 1702 or Liz 07932 74 8 29.
f Weekend o nt e entertainmling featuring a
larg Com nal Forest scapes Scheme, its rs with a The Natio r landowne ho are ing Land fo ng g in ha C ok e lo w st are of th re ey Fo Th e e. in th hem creation sc one hectare of land and and associated of new woodl and wetland. All of minimum g tin ea cr in nd . interested as meadows, parkla the Forest lopment of ch habitats su portant to the deve ions until 5pm on im for applicat these are e is open April. The Schem Friday 8th
rest are to ofessional w Darts and pr former world champion 22nd o ay id tw d Fr an re t nt en Ce re curr rmitage Leisu so pin down your take over He 23rd April, ckets and Saturday re they‘re all gone. Ti pm. befo 6.30 w at no en ts op ke s tic or st £10 and do visit start from ju t more and buy tickets . To find ou otions.co.uk om pr m le ip www.tr
ting orest Plan d9 National Fpany (NFC) has openedestRofoun rest
‘Sing Loud B e Proud Community Choir’ If you sin
g in th singing is go e shower come and give od fo them a try, They meet on r both physical and men tal health. a Monday fro New Life Ch m 1. 30 pm to 3pm at urch, Marga ret Street, Co 3LY. Cost is alville, LE67 £3 per w For more info eek but first session is fre rmation plea e. se Michele Croo contact ks on 07477 593 814.
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what’s on at the palace...
Coming soon...
Skittles Night
Friday 4th March, 7.45pm start with Fish & chip Supper included in the ticket price. Tickets: £7 adults and £3 under 16’s from halls Electrical, high Street, Ibstock, Tel: 01530 260460 or The Palace Tel: 01530 262400.
The Palace Indoor Car Boot Sale Sunday 6th March, 9am ‘til Midday Pick up a bargain! admission 20p. For more details or to book a table call Gary on 01530 262400.
The Palace Wine Club tasting evening
Wednesday 16th March, 7.30pm Tickets: £8. Limited to a maximum of 30 places! Tel: Gary at The Palace on 01530 262400 or corinne 01530 451725 to reserve your place.
The Palace Film Night ‘The Lady in the Van’
Friday 18th March, 7.30pm Enjoy a drink from the bar whilst watching a great film in this unique venue; one of the oldest surviving purpose-built cinemas in the country. a brilliant portrayal of a truly odd couple. Based on a true story by alan Bennett. (Starring Maggie Smith) Doors/ bar open at 7.00pm. Film starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £5/£4.
The Palace Bingo
Friday 25th March Doors open at 7.30pm. Eyes Down at 8.00pm. a great social night out! Licensed bar & refreshments. Everyone welcome.
Art Exhibition showcasing local artists
Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd April Open to the public (free entry) on Saturday 10am to 6pm and Sunday 10am to 5pm. Paintings available for sale. Light refreshments available during both days.
Regular bookings... Monday
Mosaic Disability Services, 9.30am-3.30pm call amanda Tebbutt on 0116 2318720 or 07912 480961.
Fitness Pilates class, 7.45pm-8.45pm Focussing on core stability whilst improving tone and body alignment through controlled movement. contact Michelle on 07887 678367.
Bubbles Playgroup, 10.30am-12noon contact Gary on (01530) 262400.
ME Sports , 4pm-5pm afternoon dance and movement session for girls and boys from 4-14 years to enjoy. For more information or to book a place call 07584 568937.
Circuit Training, 6.45pm-7.45pm call curtis Smith on 07870 498110 or 01455 291656.
Tai Chi, 8pm-9pm call Doug Gerrard on 07969 480684.
TICKET BOOKING - To book advanced tickets for any event please contact The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or Halls Electrical Tel: 01530 260460. Tickets can be purchased ‘on the door’ (subject to availability). Please check with ticket outlets to avoid disappointment. 38
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50+ Fitness Pilates, 9.30am-10.30am a specially designed program to encourage maintenance and flexibility of muscles used in our everyday movements providing a sense of harmony and wellbeing. call Michelle on 07887 678367. ‘FITSTEPS’ 6pm to 7pm - dance/exercise class. contact rose Debney 07562 331041 or email rosemarydebney@gmail.com.
Palace Players, 7.30pm-9.45pm For anyone who is interested in getting involved with any aspect of amateur theatre. contact the Palace on 01530 262400 for more details.
‘Healthy Hearts’, 9.30am-10.20am a low impact aerobic workout specifically designed for the 50+ age group. call Michelle on 07887 678367. 50+ Fitness Pilates, 10.30am-11.30am call Michelle Scott-Worthington on 07887 678367.
Outlook Group, 1.30pm-3pm a social group for senior citizens for details call Elaine hodgetts on 01530 262400.
‘Weightwatchers’ class, 7pm-8pm For details call Jo Wyld on 07877 281831 or email jwyld@weight-watchers.co.uk
Tai Chi, 10am – 11am call Michael cashmore on 07714 215216.
Ibstock Soccertots!, 1.45pm-2.30pm For 2, 3 and 4 year olds – a fun way for young children to learn fundamental sports skills. contact ME Sports on 07584 568937.
Friday continued
Childrens Dance Classes
Beginners Ballet 4-4.45pm; Beginners Tap 4.45-5.30pm; Musical Theatre 5.30-6.15pm contact Miss Jessica of rochelle School of Dance (established over 60 years in the area) 01455 636514, 07949 121442 or email office@rochelle-dance.com.
Monthly Bingo - Now Monthly on a FRIDAY Friday 25th March, Doors open 7.30pm. Eyes down at 8pm. Licensed bar and refreshments. a great social night out for all.
Community Morning, 10am-12noon. Every Saturday (except the 1st Saturday each month) the Palace plays host to groups, organisations and associations from the village. So if you would like to learn more about what is happening in your community, come along. also a variety of market stalls selling locally produced goods, including delicious homemade cakes, plus produce from Ibstock’s very own dairy, including milk, butter, yoghurt and cream. Light refreshments available.
Available for Hire...
The Palace community centre is available to hire. a fully licensed bar, kitchen facilities, large free car park, good disability access and facilities, full Pa and lighting system, large screen and wi-fi, making it an ideal venue.
The Palace Community Centre Ltd., High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE67 6LH. Tel (01530) 262400. Email:enquiries@thepalaceibstock.co. Visit www.thepalaceibstock.co.uk for more details Please mention WHAT’S AROUND when responding to adverts
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Poppity By Jackie Brewster
“Maxwell, we need to talk about the rabbit”, colin said gruffly, “will you please stop twitching the curtain?” “No can do, Dad”, Maxwell peered through his parents’ window into the twilight, “I’m checking the coast is clear”. “Didn’t you buy that fancy sports car to attract the ladies?” colin chuckled, picking up his newspaper. “Your neighbour, Dolores Bagwell, is no lady. She treats me like a free taxi service”, moaned Maxwell, “the second I unlock the car she virtually leaps into the passenger seat”. Maxwell closed the curtain and looked at his Dad. he knew what this was about. “You’re not getting rid of Floppity Poppity”, he said, “and that’s final”. “Mum and I want to decorate the spare room, and it’s time the rabbit went”, colin said. “Went where?” Maxwell asked suspiciously. “I’m sure there’s space in your flat”, colin smiled. Maxwell grimaced. his flat had nothing but space, and that’s the way he liked it. It had reclaimed oak floorboards, and zinc worktops. Floppity Poppity, a four foot cuddly rabbit with one ear, a tatty bow, and some mysterious stains would certainly not go with his decor. “I don’t see why I’ve got to take him just because you’re giving my bedroom a lick of paint”, Maxwell sulked, “it seems very selfish”. Floppity Poppity had been a present from aunty Betty for Maxwell’s first birthday. he had sat in the corner of Maxwell’s bedroom and been a wrestling partner, a makeshift beanbag and a comforter through chicken pox. Maxwell loved him, just not enough to have him in his flat. “Chuck him in a skip”, colin said bluntly. “The Dawson’s on the corner have got one, and it’s only half full”. “I’m sure they’d be delighted if Floppity suddenly appeared in it”, Maxwell said sarcastically. “They’d be fine, I’ve already asked them”. colin quickly hid behind the sports page. Maxwell’s mouth fell open, “You want me to just throw him away, like we owe him nothing? Can’t you just put him back in my bedroom once you’ve decorated?” “It hasn’t been your bedroom for over ten years and why you still need a cuddly toy is beyond me”.
“I can’t believe you could be so heartless”. Maxwell snatched up his car key. “I’m going”. “Take the rabbit with you”, colin called after him. Maxwell bundled the rabbit out of the house, slamming the door behind him. Opening the passenger door of his car he sat Floppity down on the seat. The rabbit looked sadly at him. “I guess it’s time to say goodbye old fellow”, Maxwell said, and, in one last tender gesture, fastened the seatbelt around him. Maxwell was getting into the driver’s side when he heard the familiar sound of high heels tottering up the drive. his heart sank. “Maxwell darling”, Mrs Bagwell called, “the offlicence please. And be quick, it closes in ten minutes”. “Mrs Bagwell, I can’t…”, Maxwell began. “Who’s that? A lady friend?” Mrs Bagwell peered indignantly through the windscreen at the shadowy figure inside. “That’s no good, she’s in my seat”. Maxwell seized his opportunity, “Yes, that’s, er, Flo”. “Flo who?” Mrs Bagwell asked resentfully. “Flo who sits in the passenger seat now”, he added cryptically and quickly started the engine. reversing off the drive, he called, “Dad would love to give you a lift”. Then he grinned at the sound of Mrs Bagwell’s urgent knocking on his parents’ front door. “Floppity, old friend”, Maxwell smiled, accelerating past the Dawson’s skip, “I think you’ve just found a whole new purpose in life”.
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book reviews
Lost and Found They say you can both lose yourself and find answers to the meaning of life in a good book. We’ve put together a collection of some of the best stories about getting lost, being lost, and (sometimes) being recovered. Whatever age we are, sometimes we all feel a little lost and disoriented. This will help get you back on the right track- from a literary point of view at any rate.
Oliver Jeffers What would you do if you found a penguin on your doorstep? Would you keep him as a pet as in some soppy christmas advert for a department store, or would you assume he was lost and take him back to the South Pole? This is such an endearing story for a picture book and asks questions about loneliness and isolation. Next time a penguin comes a-knocking, he might well just be looking for a friend.
Lost and Found...
Yann Martel This is an incredible novel, and if you haven’t read it or heard about then you must have been stranded on a boat in the middle of the Pacific for some considerable time. Sixteen year old Pi is searching for answers and meaning to his life when he becomes lost at sea after a cargo ship sinks. his only companions are a lame zebra, a blood-thirsty hyena, a sea-sick orang-utan…and a 450 pound Bengal tiger. Not the most ideal of situations but what unfolds is the most incredible story of survival. Beautiful.
Life of Pi...
Lord of the Flies... William Golding
how long would it take for a group of young castaways to turn feral? William Golding’s classic tale of schoolboys who find themselves washed up on a desert island after a plane crash has stood the test of time, with new readers discovering it from every generation. There’s camaraderie at first, with allegiances formed and survival skills kicking in. But events soon take a sinister turn and leader ralph finds he has a bit of a mutiny on his hands. Who wants to spend all day doing chores when you have a tropical island to explore and enjoy? civility quickly descends into anarchy and sadly, not everyone will leave the island alive. Lucy Christopher Not so much lost as taken - Gemma is a teenage girl who’s kidnapped at Bangkok airport and transported to the australian Outback by her captor, the unusually gorgeous Ty. Gemma starts to develop a serious case of Stockholm syndrome and begins to see her captor in a different light. The story is recounted through a letter Gemma is writing to Ty- the man who wanted her and her alone. Once again, the descriptions of the harsh and unforgiving aussie landscape give it a great presence, as though it’s essentially the book’s third main character.
David Mitchell From acclaimed author David Mitchell, this novel’s set just before the turn of the 18th century, in 1799. clerk Jacob de Zoet becomes stranded on the Dutch East India company trading post of Dejima just as war breaks out between the English and the Dutch. The historical novel focuses on the story of the Dutch trader’s love for a Japanese midwife and it’s a compelling tale, but it’s the attention to detail that makes this novel so remarkable as Mitchell paints a brilliant and elaborate picture of Japanese life and culture at that time.
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet...
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easter church services
Easter Church Servic Holy Rood Church Packington Palm Sunday: March 20th 11.00am Morning Prayer Good Friday: March 25th 7.30pm Way of the Cross Easter Day: March 27th 11.00am Holy Communion St Christopher’s Ellistown Palm Sunday: March 20th 11.15am Parish Communion Good Friday: March 25th 7.30pm Good Friday Service Easter Day: March 27th 11.15am Parish Communion
Holy Trinity Church Normanton-le-Heath Palm Sunday: March 20th 9.30am All age/family service Maundy Thursday: March 24th 7.30pm Holy Communion as we celebrate the last supper Easter Day: March 27th 9.30am Holy Communion St Denys Ibstock Palm Sunday: March 20th 11.00am Morning Praise 6.00pm Holy Communion Maundy Thursday: March 24th 7.30pm Holy Communion Good Friday: March 25th 7.30pm An Hour at the Cross Easter Day: March 27th 11.00am Easter Communion St Bartholomew Snarestone Palm Sunday: March 20th 10.30am Community Worship Good Friday: March 25th 3.00pm Way of the Cross
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St John the Baptist Heather Palm Sunday: March 20th 9.45am Morning Praise Maundy Thursday: March 24th 7.30pm Holy Communion (with St Denys) Good Friday: March 25th 2.30pm An Hour at the Cross Easter Day: March 27th 9.45am Easter Communion Marlborough Square Methodist Church, Coalville Palm Sunday: March 20th 10.30am Service by Ruth Towers 3.00pm Easter Tea Party Adults £6 / Children £3 Good Friday: March 25th 10.30pm Service by Colin Jackson with Refreshments. Easter Day: March 27th 10.30am Communion Service by Barbara Crockett Wesleyan Reform Church Ibstock Good Friday: March 25th 7.00pm Service led by Ian Relf Easter Day: March 27th 8.30am Communion and Breakfast 6.00pm Service
St John’s Baptish Church Hugglescote Palm Sunday: March 20th 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Communion Maundy Thursday: March 24th 7.30pm Parish Eucharist Good Friday: March 25th 2.00pm Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday: March 26th 8.00pm Easter Vigil Easter Day: March 27th 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Communion Hall Lane Methodist Church Whitwick Palm Sunday: March 20th 10.30am Morning Prayer Good Friday: March 25th 3.00pm Way of the Cross Easter Day: March 27th 10.30am Holy Communion
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just 4 fun
Solutions on page 52
CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.
Solutions on page 52
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all about you Useful hints and tips from Debbie Singh-Bhatti to help you...
SOME people seem to be born more organised than the rest of us, but we can all develop habits that will make for a more organised and productive life. Here are five to consider.
Organise Your Life
WRITE THINGS DOWN Don't try to remember everything. From shopping lists or ideas for home decor, to important family or business dates, or goals you'd like to achieve write them down! DO IT NOW The longer you wait to do something, the more difficult it will become. Putting in the effort to get things done as soon as possible will make your life less stressful and less demanding. GIVE EVERYTHING A HOME Knowing where to find a thing saves time and frustration. Decide where things belong, label the space if necessary but NEVEr designate a storage space as “miscellaneous!” GET RID OF CLUTTER Schedule regular clear outs to go through the items in your inbox, cupboards or drawers. Only keep things you really need and use, which will clear the way for greater creativity and productivity. DELEGATE RESPONSIBILITIES Whether at home or work, delegate as much as you can. Organised people know how to share the load. No person can do everything, but everyone can do something. This is a great way to help others grow and develop too.
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Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9, with no repetition. That’s all there is to it.
You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic there’s no maths involved and no adding up. It’s fun, it’s challenging, it’s additive!
Solutions to all puzzles can be found below.
Leaf, Leak, Leek, Seek, Seem, Stem.
Excellent: 36+ words, Good: 28, Fair: 25. ANSWER: Produce.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Yellow Agnes Head teacher of Grange Hill Dr. Evil (in the Austin Powers films) Mistress (note: Mistress originally applied to married and unmarried women) The Magic Roundabout Paddington Bear A hedgehog Flowers Grumpy and Happy
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business directory Accountants & Payroll accapita haines Watts ashby Ltd JaWS accountancy Services Ltd Aerials & Satellite Stocktons Satellite & aerial Arts, Crafts & Gifts ashby Bears Builders Green Builders Keith armston Building contractors Carpets & Interiors coalville Furniture Superstore richardsons Furniture Signature Blinds The Flooring and Bed company The Station Childcare Orchard house Day Nursery Swingboat Nurseries Cleaning, Ironing, Laundry Services Deanclean NJr Pure clean Oven clean Safeclean Toni’s Ironing angels Courier and Transport Services SJB Logistics UK Ltd Driving Schools Bardon School of Motoring Electricians Bright Sparks M Gleeson Electrician Events Ivanhoe Way challenge Donington Park racing The Palace Financial Services regent Financial Management Florist holywell Petals Food & Groceries conibears Kitchen Fine country Fayre Priceless Garden charnwood Tree Services
50 9 41 45 19 23 21 49 53 25 28 & 29 27 13 56 10 41 22 25 21 41 45 17 36 10 35 26 5 17 32 51 25 18
Dc Tree care Eden Tree care Endurance Landscape Services Ltd GreenThumb (ashby) Tindle Tree care Hair & Beauty alexis Brooke hair & Beauty Healthcare caring hands Juliet Brooke chiropody Slimming World Therapeutic Touch Traditional acupuncture IT Services Midland IT The Pc clinic Kitchens & Bathrooms ashby Tile & Bathrooms holme Tree Kitchens Ibstock Kitchens Locksmiths hazlewood Locksmiths Motor Services Sturgess Loughborough Painters & Decorators W L Lacey & Son Pest Control Pest away Pet Services Woodward Veterinary Practice Plumbers & Gas Services B Wilkinson Plumbing D B Plumbing Property Repairs & Maintenance cloudy 2 clear Mr Oddjob handyman Services rSJ roofing rooftech TS roofing Window Mate Pubs, Restaurants, Take Aways The George Inn The ram Inn Sports & Fitness MP Personal Training Travel and Holidays Villair Travel
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53 7 & 22 14 3 26 6 40 33 22 32 43 43 6 2 33 18 51 21 19 21 35 41 19 37 32 45 17 19 23 36 15 & 25 11 55
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