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this issue 135 OCTOBEr looks like it’s going to be a busy month. We’ve been n inundated with details of local events from regular club meetings to film m nights to charity fundraisers – we’ve squeezed as many as we can into our What’s On (pages 26-27) but for a full list head ead over to our website www.whatsaround.co.uk and follow us on Facebook ww ok for the latest updates.
What’s Around und Editor Vanessa Preece
O page 10 we’ve done a roundup of the many kid’s events taking place On tto celebrate Halloween at the end of the month. There’s so much to do f from pumpkin parties to monster hunts to fancy dress discos. Judging b my little one, kids love any excuse to dress up so why not help them by cr create their scariest costume yet and head on down to one of the spooky activ activities we’ve shared.
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cours we also have our regular updates from Swannington Heritage Trust, Of course Ashby Museum, PC Mark Arjoo and Ibstock Surgery. As well as health and fitness advice, this month’s recipes and the local walk. It’s jam packed this month. Enjoy.
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On the Beat
Community Board
10 14
Address Ashby Life Ltd Castle House South Street Ashby de la Zouch LE65 1BR
Front cover image Donington le Heath
What’s Around is an independent publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the editor. The use of this magazine for canvassing or direct marketing is strictly prohibited.
What’s On...
Information is included on the What’s On and Community Board pages subject to space being available. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in this magazine.
Donington le Heath Manor
What’s On at The Palace
In Your Garden
42 44 46
48 50
Chamber of Commerce
52 54
Swannington Heritage Trust
A Walk in the Forest
Health Fitness & Advice
What’s On for Families
Pet’s Corner
Ibstock & Barlestone
Seasonal Recipes
Ashby Museum News Storytime
Just 4 Fun
Puzzle Solutions
Business Directory
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For details call 01530 417739 or email info@whatsaround.co.uk Copy deadline for the November edition is Thursday 13th October Please note advertising space is limited, pre-booking is recommended 4
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on the beat
Hello everyone...
ONLINE grooming is a growing threat and can take place in your home without you knowing. In November last year, 15-yearold Kayleigh Haywood received a Facebook message from Luke Harlow, a man she had never met. Over the course of 13 days they exchanged 2643 messages. Harlow told Kayleigh all the things many teenage girls want to hear. He told her she was beautiful, how much he cared for her and that she was special. Harlow was grooming Kayleigh, along with two other young girls he had also been speaking to. But it was Kayleigh that finally agreed to his requests to spend the night of Friday 13th November 2015 at his house. She spent the next day with him too, and in the early hours of Sunday 15th November, having been held against her will by Harlow and by his next
door neighbour Stephen Beadman, Kayleigh was raped and murdered by Beadman. With the support of Kayleigh’s family, Leicestershire Police has made a film about aspects of the last two weeks of her life. ‘Kayleigh’s Love Story’ is a warning to young people, both girls and boys, about the dangers of speaking to people they don’t know online. The film highlights just how quick and easy it can be for children to be groomed online without them or those around them knowing it is happening. Its purpose is to protect children now and in the future and to stop another family losing a child in this way. Since September the film has been shown in schools to children 11 and over. A trailer of the film has also been made and can be seen at www.leics.police.uk/kayleighslovestory Many children and young people spend a lot of time online so it is important to know what they are doing and who they are speaking to. There are signs that could indicate your child is engaging in a dangerous online relationship, and steps you can take to protect them. More information can be found at: https://leics.police.uk/advice-andinformation/information-zone/child-sexual-exploitation/onlinegrooming-parents For places and people that can help and where you can report any concerns, please go to: https://leics.police.uk/advice-and-information/ child-sexual-exploitation/parent-or-guardian
call: 101 voicemail ID: 1667 email: mark.arjoo@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
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what’s on for families
CONKERS annual Ghostly Encounter will take place at their Waterside Centre on Friday 28th, Sunday 30th and Monday 31st October. Visit the creepy cavern, hear ghostly tales and take a trip on the runaway train. All this plus an Ugly Bugs Disco, a fancy dress competition with creepy prizes and their fantastic Halloween Show in the amphitheatre. Tickets are available now online at www.visitconkers.com or by calling 01283 216 633. Children £6,25, Adults £7.25 and Family tickets £25.00.
There are tons of local family events taking place in the next couple of weeks giving the kids a chance to dress up in their scariest costumes for Halloween. Here’s just a selection of those on offer. See our Whats On page online for more...
Head down to CALKE ABBEY for a Pumpkin Party on Thursday 27th October from 11am through to 4pm. You can bring along your own pumpkin or buy one there then decorate it and transform it into a fabulous Halloween lantern. You choose whether you add it to their pumpkin display or take it home to enjoy. See www.nationaltrust.org.uk for more information. No tickets are required as the event is free although usual admission charges will apply.
The recently launched COPPER LEAF ART AND CRAFT CAFÉ on Bath Street Corner have a full week of drop in family crafting sessions from Monday 17th through to Saturday 22nd October costing £5 for half an hour's crafting including all materials. The kids get to try out easy to use ‘decopatch’ papers to decorate a variety of papier-mâché or wooden Halloween shapes. See their Facebook page for more details at www.facebook.com/ CopperLeafCraftCafe/
ROSLISTON FORESTRY CENTRE are holding Halloween Walks at 6.00pm, 7.15pm and 8.30pm on Friday 28th October. Calling all little monsters and cheeky goblins to help scour the woods in the annual Monster Hunt. Compete in the race and lead your team to victory. Tickets cost £6 and children under two go free. Booking is essential. See www.rosliston forestrycentre.co.uk for more details or call 01283 563 483.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all that’s happening locally.
BARNEY’S PLAYBARN are celebrating with two types of party. Their Tiny Terrors Lunch Time Party will run between 10am and 1pm on Thursday 27th & Friday 28th October whilst their Fancy Dress Halloween Disco takes place from 5pm to 7.30pm on Friday 28th October. Children’s Tickets cost £8.00 and are available to buy today. Call 01530 835 876.
ASHBY LIBRARY will be holding their Little Witches and Wizards Halloween Party on Friday 28th October between 3.30 and 5.00pm. Little ones aged 2 to 6 years are invited along to join them for Halloween fun. Bring the kids in their best costume to try the picture hunt, listen to stories and create spooky crafts. Tickets cost £2.50 per child and booking is essential. Although it is most suitable for children aged 2-6 years, older children up to 10 years are welcome.
Our online What’s On section at www.whatsaround.co.uk also has details of local events and ideas for family days out. Send us details of your family events or clubs at www.whatsaround.co.uk/submit-event.php
Whats Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine.
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community board r are you t a e r g How rents! grandpaire & Rutland are
r Sh hools to Leiceste Age UK local primary sc y whilst g n ’ Da ts n inviti re . a p Grand e charity celebrate ise funds for th October ra d n to 2 helping celebrated on any ipate at is The day hools can partic e month. sc th h ithin rt althoug it them w to suppo time to su ools are invited ecial h sp sc n Primary K with their ow clude a could in Age U ay which ly, non-school d g in is emb fundra To rents Ass ernoon. Grandpa y or silly hat aft contact a d ld u o rm ls sh unifo r te, schoo Leiceste participa head at Age UK 7346 or ir 3 a 2 F 2 n 6 Hele n 011 utland o il on Shire & R by ema kleics.org.uk ageu irhead@ helen.fa
b n Programme Pink Ribbo recovery A post-operative, pilate based, survivors. er canc st brea for e ramm prog ch, 7pm at Hall Lane Methodist Chur details Whitwick. LE67 5PF. For more 366. contact Michelle on 01530 273
A n n u al N e th e rs e al G arag e Sale
With up to 40 ga rages and tables filled with goodies ranging from cakes to ca ravans and food and drink ava ilable at the villag e hall. This very popular event on 9th Octob er is a chance to get tha t item you need from someone who ha s no further use for it. Recycling at its be st. LDC Newlands House will benefit from the day. 10am to 4pm. Contact Dennis on 07902 084 359.
erbox The Chatt oup n Gr ussion Discuslysanio disc d inclusive 45pm
3. iend 30pm and nge, Join this fr between 2. Gra group held ober at Ulverscroft t - £1. on 7th Oct ad. LE67 9QB. Cos 4 Ro 530 244 91 01 Whitwick on r te Bax en el H ct Conta t more. to find ou
Ian Clews Memoria l
The Friends of Ash by Mu Packington Memorial seum will be holding a quiz night at Hall on 21st Octob er. Teams of 6 are required but they can find you a team to join if necessary. A fish & chip supper is included in the £10 fee. Booking forms will be available at the Museum from the end of Septem ber.
e o r Fre f e e r a T me is ee Sche Grab nds r Free Tr
la usa gly popu seen tho rwhelmin me has already District e th The ove e d h n ta tional in. The sc e distric h The Na er. back aga lanted across th g up wit p en in s re m e g a e n tr te f ve o e ain once ag r district u wood; is o g il o e c D k n ; a u lly m Co pany to from: Ho the m o se o C ve o a st h h c e to Fore is year w ur trees th fo to in p a re u g a r a orde There r and ple; Elde ts able to at: Field Ma nd with residen an order online u c F u e o g Y Trees will g. 6 Hed in 1 g 0 d 2 e e h es of eeschem 0th November. 30 metr uk/freetr y2 leics.gov. n Sunda ceive www.nw for collection o ber to re to c O th le 4 b 2 ila re va fo a e e b b ur order trees. Place yo your free
‘Reve aled – The S Alm ecret Leices ost 50 inv it te Wild’ Leices rshire and ed artists fr om ar Rutlan tershir
ound d are e and Anniv ex R e Octob rsary Art Ex utland Wild hibiting at th life Tru er. The hibitio st’s 60 e n at th exhibit Sunda th e io y 4.30p 9th to Frid n is open a Guildhall in m ay ll house (Friday only 14th Octob week from e until 1 Leices d in the G pm), a r, 11am – ter. L reat n 25% o E1 5FQ. Artw Hall of the d will be Guildh f sales ork w admis all, will ill b s exhibit ion charge to go to LRWT e for sale a . There nd ion. Se e it h er th ’s e www .lrwt.o e Guildhall no rg.uk o r the for mo re info .
ad Raceill o R 0 2 y hb ich w 2017 Asfor the 2017 Ashbyarc20h,wohpen on ons r th M Applicati e on Sunday 19 m. Register you p c take pla th October at 7 0.co.uk y2 17 Monday ce at www.ashb pla
Volunteer for the Poppy Appeal To help the Armed Forces Com munity. Call Paul on 01530 417 747 for more detail.
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health & fitness advice with Mark Padgett of MP Personal Training now
Life changing weight loss IF you want to see how life changing weight loss can be, read on. Last February, local Food Cabin owner, Lee Middleton was becoming very disillusioned with his weight and it’s impact on his health and quality of life. He contacted me for some support, advice and guidance. Initially, he was concerned about doing too much too soon and triggering any old injuries, which were at the time being managed. I put Lee at ease by reassuring him that I would ease him into his exercise regime as I wasn't interested in 'running him into the ground' but wanted to help him improve his quality of life. Once Lee was comfortable he started to progress on a weekly basis, losing weight and changing shape, feeling fitter, more energetic, more positive and happier than he had felt for some time.
Here is what Lee says: “I feel better now than I have felt for 20 years. My daily life has improved dramatically, I feel more energetic, I sleep better, my shape is changing all the time. I cycle to my training sessions and do additional cycle rides on my non-training days. Before I made these changes I couldn't even cycle far without getting tired let alone working out at the gym as well! I even took part in Mark’s annual Gym Challenge for LOROS, helping to raise a massive £7,732 in just one morning! The changes I have made are now a part of my life and I wouldn't want it to be any other way.”
“Mark and his gym are a very friendly environment - anyone would feel comfortable there I really enjoy attending.”
For F r the sake of a few Fo sessions per week and some changes hanges and help with a healty diet Lee has come a really long way, losing a total of three and a half stones, looking and feeling good, all since February!
If you feel inspired by Lee’s transformation... find out more by contacting us on 01530 815610 or 07855 668618 or email mark@mppersonal training.co.uk
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swannington heritage trust
Autumn Fun in the Woods AuTuMN is a great time to enjoy the woods. The really good part is that it is possible to enjoy the woods whilst giving the environment a hand at the same time.
leaves and small branches to provide insects and small mamals with a hibernation habitat for the winter.
BuG HOuSES & ExPLORE THE WOODS Sunday 16th October, 2-4pm
Families are invited to visit Hough Mill off St George’s Hill to make bug houses to take home to their gardens.
COPPICING AND DEN BuILDING Sunday 2nd October, 2-4pm
Families are invited to bring a bow saw, loppers, secateurs and string to the Snibston No 3 Colliery (1850-1890 and 1892-1895) on Spring Lane. The Trust has some tools but not enough for everyone.
Under supervision, families can have a go at coppicing the hazels don’t forget to shout timber! New branches will sprout in the spring as the shrub regenerates. About one third of the stools should be cut down every two years to give a successive crop.
Families will then use the branches to make a child sized den, so they might like to bring a snack to eat inside. At the end of the afternoon, part of the den will be filled with
The Trust will also be launching a project to create a children’s wood. There will be an opportunity to explore the wood and suggest child friendly developments.
CHRISTMAS AT THE MILL Sunday 4th December, 2-4pm
A great chance to enjoy the decorated mill and see Santa. More details to follow.
To book a place or find out more about the events email events@swannington-heritage.co.uk
Hough Mill could be just the place for your community organisation to enjoy a festive celebration with a difference. Contact us to find out more.
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a walk in the forest
Sence Valley S
TThis month’s walk is a great one for getting the whole family out and blowing away the cobwebs. TThe paths are all very good surfaces and well maintained and I think would be great for yyoungsters on bikes or in pushchairs (be aware that the hill back up to the main car park is ssteep though!). If necessary this steep hill at the start and finish can be avoided by driving d down to the car park at the bottom of the hill and then continuing around the Horseshoe Lake aat the end of the walk instead of taking the path uphill to the main car park. Sence Valley is ssituated on the A447 close to Ibstock, the postcode for sat nav users is LE67 6NW.
TThe walk follows the main paths around the site, with views of the three main areas of water S Stonebridge Pool, Horseshoe Lake and Goss Water. You are llikely li ike ik kely l to t see a good sele lecti le tio ion of w selection water birds on the lakes and the area is rich in other wildlife there have even been sightings of otters at Sence Valley. Beside the car park is one of the six Noon Sculptures that are situated within the National Forest.
From the main car park look for the path which passes between the timber building housing the playgroup (on your left) and the Noon Sculpture (1) (on your right). This leads on to a wide, tarmac path going down the hill. Follow this all the way down, where you will see a second car park at the bottom of the hill. Just before entering p g to go through a wooden gateway (2) and onto a gravel this bottom car park turn right p path. After a very short distance there is a T junction a ahead - turn right and keep following the gravel path as i curves gradually around to the left. Shortly you will it c cross an attractive bridge over a stream (3). In front of y you is the aptly named, Stonebridge Pool.
T The track narrows a little now, passing by Stonebridge Pool on your left. The path w will pass by a public footpath off to Heather on your right and then a path/bridleway o off to your left – ignore both of these and keep straight a ahead until you cross a further stone bridge. Immediately after this bridge the track splits and you I need to take the left hand branch, which is the wider of n tthe two. Follow this path until it ends, just after going through a wide, wooden, gate gateway, at a junction of paths with Horseshoe Lake visible ahead of you.
Take the path to the right to continue along with Horseshoe Lake now on your left hand side. You will pass by a wooden shelter with a signboard in it (4). Opposite the shelter is a board listing many of the birds that can be seen in the area. Passing over another bridge you will arrive at a junction of paths. On coming to this junction, which is beside the sign for Goss Water (5), you should turn sharp left.
l ftt hand h d side id still. till You will now be walking along the opposite bank of Horseshoe Lake, with the water on your left Continue along, passing a wooden seat on your right hand side, until you see a path leading off uphill to the r right.
F Follow this path (unless you started from the smaller c park at the bottom of the hill, in which case you car n need to keep straight on). The path goes quite steeply u uphill, to come to a complicated looking set of wooden b barriers at the top of it (6). Going around the barriers t the left you will emerge in the main car park, at the to o opposite end to which you left it. All walks are checked shortly before publication but please be aware A t that paths may change over time and with the seasons.
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chamber of commerce
ow into its third year, the North West Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce was initially formed by John Merison – a local businessman, passionate about improving the business and community environment for people in the region. It was formed with the promise to be different. This is a not for profit organisation with no paid staff, run by a committee of local business people, purely for the benefit of businesses in the area. Over the last 3 years, the Chamber has hosted approximately one event or meeting every 2 months inviting key speakers - local and national professionals to relate essential business information regarding grants, business loan
schemes, apprenticeship opportunities, government employment initiatives and community based projects. The Chamber also regularly engages with the Local Authority and with the North West Leicestershire MP Andrew Bridgen to ensure the local area’s concerns in business and community are highlighted at a national level. North West Leicestershire has seen significant growth in business and employment opportunities in recent times and has one of the highest number of small businesses per capita in the UK. Whilst the Chamber does not claim any significant part in this economic prosperity, it sees itself as an integral cog in a larger mechanism that supports
business development in the North West Leicestershire region.
John Merison – President of the Chamber said “North West Leicestershire is an excellent place to do business and recent growth figures and feedback from our some 60+ members is extremely encouraging for the continued prosperity in the region. However, as always, there is much work to do and as our Chamber tag line says – it’s Your Voice. Your Vision. Our Goal – a collective voice is greater than any individual so I strongly encourage other businesses to become members, come to our events, absorb the information available that will help their business thrive and help us make the regions prospects even more promising together.”
The Royal Hotel, Ashby on the 27th September, 5.30pm for 6pm start (due to finish around 7.15pm) Speaker : Andrew Bridgen MP • FREE to Members and just £5 to non-members • All welcome To reserve your place, please visit the website www.nwleicschamber.co.uk and click on the ‘Contact’ tab.
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what’s on...
October in an acclaimed
Thursday 13th October
adaptation of Jane
Pink Ribbon
Austen's novella 'Lady
Susan'. Century Theatre
Post-operative, Pilate
Cinema at 7.30pm.
based, recovery
Tickets cost £3.50 on
programme for breast
the door. See www.
cancer survivors. 7pm at
Hall Lane Methodist Church, Whitwick. Call
Friday 7th &
Michelle on 01530 273
Saturday 8th October
366 for more details.
Ibstock Beer Festival – Friday 14th October
perries, plus fruit
Quiz Night
Saturday 1st October
Saturday 1st October
wines. Skittles match
Netherseal WI are
The Good Old Days
Ashby’s FABulous
at 8pm on Friday.
holding the Quiz Night
An Old Time Music Hall
Ashby will be alive with
Live music Saturday
starting at 7.30pm, in
Variety Show featuring
the magic of live
from 8pm. All at
Netherseal Village Hall,
the fabulous Miss Jill
models in the town’s
The Palace. See page
DE12 8BZ. Tickets £5
Daniels and the
shop windows. Ashby’s
47 for details.
per person, teams up to
magnificent Master of
FABulous – this one’s
Ceremonies. Mr David
for your Lorna.
included and a bar will
St John. Audience
Free event.
12th October
be available. For tickets
Copper Leaf Craft Cafe
or further details please
members are
6 people. Hot supper
encouraged to enter
Thursday 6th October
Beginners crochet
call Pam on 01827 373
into the spirit of the
Coffee Morning
evening and dress up in
Ibstock Community
With guest tutor, Lynne
appropriate finery for a
College are holding a
Coe; 10am-1pm. Cost
Friday 14th October
night at the Music Hall.
coffee morning
£24.50. A full kit with all
There will be a
between 9.30am and
you need to make
Packington Film Club
'stupendous' prize for
11am . For more
enough granny squares
presents ‘Suffragette’ at
the best dressed. Doors
information contact Sue
for a cushion cover
Packington Memorial
open at 7pm, The
Ross (NWDLC Resident
included in the price as
Hall 7pm for 7.30pm,
Palace, Ibstock. Tickets
Involvement Officer) on
well as tea, coffee &
adults £4 and Children
cost £10. Call 01530 262
01530 454 736.
home baked cakes.
£2. Tea and coffee
Small group of 6 maxi-
served from 7pm.
400 for details.
Real ales, ciders and
Friday 7th October
mum ensures plenty of
Saturday 1st October
‘Love and Friendship (U)’
one to one help &
Thursday 20th October
Ballroom & sequence
Lady Susan Vernon
guidance. For more
Sence Valley
arrives at her in-laws'
details, contact Copper
Supper Club
with organist Eric Black
estate, determined to
Leaf Craft Café on
The Supper Club
at Blackfordby Village
secure a husband for
07939 449 009, through
welcomes new
Hall from 8pm to 11pm,
herself and her rather
the Facebook page or
members, old friends
admission £3
reluctant debutante
call in to the gallery
and acquaintances alike
daughter. Kate
which is upstairs above
to its monthly culinary
For more details call
Beckinsale stars in the
Souk de la Zouch on the
evenings at various
01283 213 481.
performance of her life
corner of Bath Street.
venues around the local
Find us online at www.whatsaround.co.uk
at the Lecture Theatre,
which is upstairs above
Ashby School,
Souk de la Zouch on the
Nottingham Road.
corner of Bath Street.
Tickets cost £10 and are available from choir
Saturday 29th October
members or by calling
An autumnal walk in
01827 373 377 or 07833
South Wood
445 422. Please note
Dave Wroughton leads a
the new venue.
walk around this ancient wood with many veteran
Tuesday 25th October
trees and interesting
Copper Leaf Craft Cafe
things to see including
Cake & Crochet Club
fungi. Meet at Staunton
Mixed ability, social get
Harold car park 2pm.
together last Tuesday of
The LRWT are a friendly
each month. 1pm to
local group which meets
area. They meet this
conservation work and
3pm; drop in for a
monthly for talks, visits
month at Indian Fusion,
social events. All talks
"speed crochet & cake
conservation work and
Markfield LE67 9UW at
are in the church hall of
fix” at lunch time! Or 1
social events. Normally,
7pm. The meal is
Ashby Methodist Chapel,
or 2 hours to suit you.
talks are in the church
booked for 7.30pm.
Burton Road, Ashby and
£5 for tea or coffee &
hall of Ashby Methodist
Shared transport is used
begin at 7.30pm entry is
selection of home baked
Chapel, Burton Road,
wherever possible. Email
£3 each. To find out
cakes to try! Pop- up
Ashby and begin at
more about their group
shop of specialist wool,
7.30pm entry is £3 each.
please ring David Maltby
kits & equipment
To find out more about
on 01530 222 934 or
supplies. For more
our group please ring
Friday 21st October
Margaret Mabey on
details, contact Copper
David Maltby on 01530
The family life of robins
01530 412 410.
Leaf Craft Café on
222 934 or Margaret
David Tideswell returns
07939 449009, through
Mabey on 01530 412
to amuse, stimulate and
Saturday 22nd October
the Facebook page or
astonish us with his
Moira Male Voice Choir
call in to the gallery
intimate account of the
Celebrity concert with
family life of the robin.
guest singers Joanna
The LRWT are a friendly
Harries – Mezzo
local group which meets
Soprano and Neil
monthly for talks, visits
Balfour – Baritone. 7pm
uk for more details.
It’s FREE to put community information on this page or on our website. Please submit your full event details online at www.whatsaround. co.uk/event.php Deadline for submissions for the Community Board or What’s On pages for the November issue is Thursday 13th October. Information is pub-lished subject to space being available. What’s Around cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or endorse companies, products or services appearing in the magazine. For any queries please email admin@whats around.co.uk
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donington le heath manor LEICESTERSHIRE County Council’s 1620s House and Garden at Donington le Heath has now finished its first season in its new guise. The house opened in late May following an extensive refurbishment to create a fully furnished family home from the early 17th century. visitors have really enjoyed the beautiful and informative gardens, which looked truly spectacular in the sunshine, and have interacted with the hard working team of volunteer gardeners, who keep the site looking so lovely. Inside the house, our visitors have had fun getting hands-on with our fixtures and fittings while exploring the furnished 17th century rooms, and talking with the volunteer house interpreters to find out about the history of the house and its connections to a Gunpowder Plot family. The tea room staff have supplied a wonderful range of high quality home baked cakes along with filled rolls and a range of drinks.
Our plant fairs in May and August were both very popular, as ever. Although the rather unsettled weather this Summer did affect our two outdoor Shakespeare performances, we will continue the long tradition of outdoor theatre at the site.
A new feature at the site has been the introduction of guided tours around the house during normal opening hours, so look out for these next season.
We will be running events this autumn, starting with Apple Day, celebrating our wonderful heritage orchard, on Saturday 22nd October 10.30am to 4.30pm.
Look out for information on our Gunpowder Plot and Christmas activities and some tasters of next year’s events programme at www.donington leheath.org.uk or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ DoningtonleHeath
We are still looking for more volunteers to help in the gardens, show people around the house and to assist with education sessions. If you are interested in joining our volunteer team at this wonderful site then visit http://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/jobs-and-volunteering/volunteering/volunteer-withleicestershire-county-council to find out more about these roles.
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what’s on at the palace...
October... The Good Old Days
Saturday 1st October, 7pm for 7.30pm
An Old Time Music Hall variety Show featuring the fabulous Miss Jill Daniels. (Jill has previously e performed her highly acclaimed, 1940’s wartime show, ‘The Hits of the Blitz’ at The Palace. Keeping the proceedings in order will be the magnificent Master of Ceremonies, Mr David St John. Audience members are encouraged to enter into the spirit of the evening and dress up in appropriate finery for a night at the Music Hall. There will be a ‘stupendous’ prize for the best dressed. Curtain up at 7.30pm. Doors and licensed bar open at 7pm. Tickets: £10. Tickets n are also available from Ashby Tourist Information Office, North Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Tel: 01530 411767.
Ibstock LocAle Beer Festival Friday 7th & Saturday 8th October
venues include The Palace Community Centre and the Waggon & Horses pub. A wide variety of real e ales plus traditional ciders, perries and fruit wine will be available at both venues throughout the two day event. Hot food will be available at the Palace. Event times: Friday: 6pm to 11pm, Saturday: 11am to 11pm. Come and enjoy real ale at its best! For details call 01530 262400.
Skittles Match Friday 7th October
As part of the Ibstock LocAle Beer Festival the Palace will be hosting a skittles match, (£7 per ticket, including faggots and peas supper). For those NOT wishing to participate in the skittles match the entrance is FrEE. Just come along and enjoy the atmosphere and the beer! venue open from 6pm, skittles match commences at 8pm. Food served from 7pm. For further details call The Palace on 01530 262400.
Local Craft and Produce event Saturday 8th October
As part of the Ibstock LocAle Beer Festival weekend the Palace will be hosting this event, showcasing local crafters, including jewellery, ceramics, soft furnishings, garden ornaments, glassware etc and local producers of pickles and preserves, breads and meats. A selection of plants will also be available to purchase. Event opens between 10am to 3pm. refreshments served throughout
Live music at the Palace Saturday 8th October
As part of the Ibstock LocAle Beer Festival the Palace will be hosting a Live Music event. Music from 8pm. For those wishing for a ‘quiet’ pint, there will be an intriguing selection of traditional beers, ciders and perries on offer at the Waggon and Horses pub.
The Palace Film Night - ‘Criminal’ (R)
Friday 14th October, 7.30pm In a last-ditch effort to stop a diabolical plot, a dead CIA operative’s memories, secrets, and skills are implanted into a death-row inmate in the hope that he will complete the operative's mission. Stars Kevin Costner. Doors/ bar open at 7pm. Film starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £5/£4.
Palace Social Dance
Saturday 15th October A very popular evening of Ballroom, Latin, and Sequence dancing. Doors & bar open at 7pm. Dancing from 7.30pm until 10.30pm. Tickets: £5.
The Palace Bingo Night
Friday 28th October, 7.30pm, Eyes Down 8.30pm A great social night out! Join us for our special ‘Halloween’ bingo – fancy dress encouraged! Licensed bar and refreshments. Everyone welcome.
Paranormal Evening Saturday 29th October
TICKET BOOKING - To book advanced tickets for any event please contact The Palace Tel: 01530 262400 or Halls Electrical Tel: 01530 260460. Tickets can be purchased ‘on the door’ (subject to availability). Please check with ticket outlets to avoid disappointment.
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Regular bookings... Monday
Mosaic Disability Services, 9.30am-3.30pm Call Amanda Tebbutt on 0116 2318720 or 07912 480961.
Fitness Pilates class, 7.45pm-8.45pm Focussing on core stability whilst improving tone and body alignment through controlled movement. Contact Michelle on 07887 678367.
Bubbles Playgroup, 10.30am-12noon Contact Gary on 01530 262400.
ME Sports, 4pm-5pm Afternoon dance and movement session for girls and boys from 4-14 years to enjoy. For more information or to book a place call 07584 568937.
Circuit Training, 6.45pm-7.45pm Call Curtis Smith on 07870 498110 or 01455 291656.
Tai Chi, 8pm-9pm Call Doug Gerrard on 07969 480684.
‘Simply Ballroom’ Tea Dance Fortnightly, on a Wednesday, 2pm to 4pm, £3.50 entry. An afternoon of dancing, socialising and great music. Call 07768 372321 for more details. 50+ Fitness Pilates, 9.30am-10.30am A specially designed program to encourage maintenance and flexibility of muscles used in our everyday movements providing a sense of harmony and wellbeing. Call Michelle on 07887 678367. ‘FITSTEPS’ 6pm to 7pm - dance/exercise class. Contact rose Debney 07562 331041 or email rosemarydebney@gmail.com.
Palace Players, 7.30pm-9.45pm For anyone who is interested in getting involved with any aspect of amateur theatre. Contact the Palace on 01530 262400 for more details.
‘Healthy Hearts’, 9.30am-10.20am A low impact aerobic workout specifically designed for the 50+ age group. Call Michelle on 07887 678367.
50+ Fitness Pilates, 10.30am-11.30am Call Michelle Scott-Worthington on 07887 678367.
Outlook Group, 1.30pm-3pm A social group for senior citizens for details call Elaine Hodgetts on 01530 262400.
‘Weightwatchers’ class, 7pm-8pm For details call Jo Wyld on 07877 281831 or email jwyld@weight-watchers.co.uk
Tai Chi, 10am – 11am Call Michael Cashmore on 07714 215216.
Ibstock Soccertots!, 1.45pm-2.30pm For 2, 3 and 4 year olds – a fun way for young children to learn fundamental sports skills. Contact ME Sports on 07584 568937.
Children’s Dance Classes Beginners Ballet 4-4.45pm; Beginners Tap 4.45-5.30pm; Musical Theatre 5.30-6.15pm Contact Miss Jessica of rochelle School of Dance (established over 60 years in the area) 01455 636514, 07949 121442 or email office@rochelle-dance.com
Monthly Bingo Friday 28th October. Doors open 7.30pm. Eyes down at 8pm. Licensed bar and refreshments. A great social night out for all.
Community Morning, 10am-12noon. Every Saturday (except the 1st Saturday each month) the Palace plays host to groups, organisations and associations from the village. If you would like to learn more about what is going on in your community, come along. Also a variety of market stalls selling locally produced goods, including delicious home made cakes. Light refreshments available.
The Palace Community Centre Ltd., High Street, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE67 6LH. Tel 01530 262400. Email:enquiries@thepalaceibstock.co.uk Visit www.thepalaceibstock.co.uk for more details
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pet’s corner
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in your garden
Editorial by Pippa Greenwood
TOOLS OF THE TRADE WITH the arrival of autumn, there is plenty of maintenance work needed in the garden. using the right equipment will ensure that jobs are completed as easily and quickly as possible. It really is worth buying as good a quality garden tool as you can afford. Poorly made and badly designed tools can work out a lot more expensive (and frustrating!) in the long run, so start with a few good ones and build up gradually. A good quality fork and spade are essential and they need to be sturdily built. The neck and head of the spade should be moulded from one piece of metal for added strength. The shaft is usually constructed from wood or metal and you should make sure that it is firmly attached at both the head end and the handle. Ensure the metal parts have been treated to prevent rust. A hand fork and trowel are essential for smaller jobs such as weeding or gardening in confined spaces, and they are also great for moving and dividing smaller plants,
for planting bulbs and for mixing up small amounts of compost. It is definitely worth feeling the handle to ensure that that the grip is comfortable.
Next decision: stainless steel or coated steel? Stainless steel does not rust and many people find they move through the soil better, but they are pricey. Coated steel tools are much cheaper and provided you keep them clean and oil them periodically and at the end of each season, they last well.
You will need a hoe for weeding between small plants and for aerating the surface of the soil. Sharpen your hoe regularly and it will last for ages and slide rapidly and easily through the soil. Most hoes have a 1.5 metre (5 foot) shaft but if you are very tall, then longer ones are available from some manufacturers. My favourite is the SpeedHoe, UK designed and with an unusual almost heart-shaped head with a blade running around all edges and a pronged rear, making it the easiest and most effective hoe I’ve ever used.
A spring-tined rake is really useful because it has thin flexible wire tines which make it perfect for raking up lightweight debris and fallen leaves or, of course, lawnmower clippings. Although a garden rake can also be used to rake up leaves, its main purpose is to break up lumps of soil and help you to create a fine level area for sowing seed, whilst at the same time removing stones, lumps and other debris. If you plan to grow vegetables, then a small hoe known as an onion hoe is an invaluable tool and allows you to weed between fairly closely spaced crops. For really tight spaces and weeding between paving, I’m addicted to my SpeedWeeder, a small red-handled tool which is the best I have used for hoiking out dandelion roots in one piece too! Finally, if the tools carry a guarantee then make sure that you keep the receipt and any relevant label from the tool itself or else it may well be difficult to prove precisely when and where you bought it.
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ibstock & barlestone surgeries
We’re now in flu vaccination season and so if you haven’t booked already please do so. We’re running clinics throughout the week both here and in Barlestone. Please support your local GP practice by having your jab with us, we really appreciate this. We’re also running special nasal flu vaccination clinics for the 2, 3 and 4 year olds so if you have a young child (whose date of birth is in one of these ranges: 1/9/13 to 31/8/14; 1/9/12 to 31/8/13; 1/9/11 to 31/8/12) please call reception on 01530 263 467 to book them in. STAFF CHANGES
We’re sadly saying goodbye to our nurse Mandy who is emigrating to New Zealand. We wish her all the best in her new life. Hopefully by the time you receive this we’ll have appointed a new nurse to replace her.
On Saturday 3rd September most of our doctors took part in an extremely wet and muddy Wolf Run. They climbed over obstacles, crawled through muddy tunnels and swam through muddy lakes. Despite the wet weather and mud they had a great time although it took about a week for them to stop aching!
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seasonal recipes Lean and tender pork fillet is a great cut of meat for family suppers as it cooks fairly quickly and slices beautifully.
Serves 4 Ready 90 min in s + marin ating
Roast Pork with vegetable Fried rice YOu WILL NEED
• 500g pork fillet (also called pork tenderloin) • 3 tbsp hoi sin sauce • 3 tbsp soy sauce • 225g easy cook long grain rice • 2 carrots, peeled and diced • ½ red pepper, deseeded and diced • 2 tsp vegetable oil
• 6 spring onions, trimmed and chopped • 4 tbsp tinned sweetcorn kernels, drained • 50g frozen peas, thawed • 1 large egg, beaten • 600ml of water • Pepper for seasoning • Chilli pepper (optional)
1 Place the pork fillet in a shallow dish. Mix together the hoi sin sauce and 1 tbsp of the soy sauce and spread over the pork fillet. Cover and leave to marinate in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours. remove from the fridge and stand at room temperature for 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200°C / Fan 180°C / Gas Mark 6. 2 Place the pork fillet on a rack set over a roasting tin. Pour 600ml water into the base of the tin (this helps to keep the pork moist during cooking). roast in the oven for 35 to 40 minutes until just cooked through. Cover with foil and leave to rest in a warm place for 15 minutes. 3 Meanwhile, cook the rice in a large pan of boiling, salted water for 8 to 10 minutes until just tender. Drain well. Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok and fry the carrots for 5 minutes. Add the pepper, spring onions, peas and sweetcorn and cook for a further 2 to 3 minutes. 4 Stir in the cooked rice and beaten egg and cook over a high heat, stirring all the time, for 1 to 2 minutes, or until the rice is piping hot and the egg has just set. Stir in the remaining soy sauce and season with freshly ground black pepper. Use a sharp knife to slice the pork fillet and serve on a bed of the hot vegetable rice. TOP TIP You can add a bit of extra heat to the marinade with a finely chopped red chilli pepper or a few crushed dried chilli flakes, if preferred.
For the ultimate Halloween sweet treat why not have a go at making Makes 16 a batch of French Ready in Macaroons? 60 min
Macaroons Halloween YOu WILL NEED • • • •
s+ cooling
230g icing sugar, sifted 75g ground almonds 2 large egg whites Orange and black food colouring gel
• 50g caster sugar • 55g unsalted butter, softened • ½ tsp vanilla extract
1 Place half the icing sugar and all the ground almonds in a food processor and process for 30 seconds, or until fine and powdery. Sift the mixture into a mixing bowl, discarding any tiny pieces of almonds left in the sieve. Set aside. 2 Whisk the egg whites in a large bowl until softly peaking. Gradually whisk in the caster sugar, to make a firm and glossy meringue. Whisk in enough of the orange food colouring gel to colour the meringue deep orange. 3 Fold one third of the icing sugar mixture into the meringue using a spatula. repeat with another third of the mixture. Finally add the last third and continue to cut and fold the mixture until it forms a shiny and thick batter that falls in a slow ribbon when the spatula is lifted. 4 Line 2 large baking sheets with baking paper. Spoon the mixture into a large piping bag fitted with a 1cm plain piping nozzle. Pipe 32 discs of the mixture onto the baking sheets, each with a diameter of 3cm. Lift the nozzle at the top of half the piped discs to create a small point. Leave for 30 minutes to allow the macaroons to dry and form a slight crust. Preheat the oven to 160°C / Fan 140°C / Gas Mark 3. 5 Bake, one sheet at a time for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the macaroons have a crisp shell and the frilly bases don’t stick when gently lifted from the paper. Leave on the baking sheets for 10 minutes, then carefully transfer to a wire cooling rack to cool completely. 6 To decorate, dip the tip of a fine paintbrush into the black food colouring gel and paint pumpkin faces on the 16 pointed macaroons. 7 To make the filling, beat the butter, remaining icing sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl until smooth and creamy. Place all the undecorated macaroon shells flat-side up on a board. Pipe a small mound of the buttercream onto each shell then gently sandwich together with a decorated shell, pressing down gently.
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ashby museum news
he Museum thanks Steve Saunders for putting on an excellent exhibition of local archaeology, which finished at the end of August. The current exhibition is on Gunther Pluschow, a German prisoner-of-war at Donington Hall in WW1. Come and see what life was like for him and other prisoners and learn about his daring escape from the Hall. Gunther Pluschow
We are fortunate in that, every so often, people kindly donate rare history books. recently we have
been given one of the earliest works on the county – ‘The Description of Leicestershire’ by William Burton (1622). Also received were ‘A Topographical History of the County of Leicester’ (1831) by rev. J. Curtis Donington Hall during WWI (H (Headmaster of A Ashby Free Grammar School); the 3rd volume of the ‘Report on the Manuscripts of Regin nald Rawdon Hastings’ (1934 Reginald (1934); three late 19th century Directories of the county; and another copy of Wayte’s ‘Guide to Ashby’ (1831). The appeal for volunteers goes on, so please think about giving two hours a fortnight to help us, especially if you have a friend who would join you call the Museum on 01530 560090.
FRIENDS OF ASHBY MuSEuM It will soon be time for our annual Ian Clews Memorial Quiz to be held at
Packington Memorial Hall on Friday October 21st, 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Teams of 6 are required but we can find you a team if necessary. The cost is £10, to include a fish and chip supper. Please call the museum on 01530 560 090 to book.
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storytime THE weak afternoon sun could not reach the house at the bend in the lane. The path through the garden was criss-crossed with brambles, and the front door seemed held together by its peeling coat of brown paint. Gertrude checked the address scrawled inside the purse, raised her hand and knocked.
here She waited. From somewhere inside she heard lumpyy footsteps, then a rustyy key turned and the door creaked open. An elderly man with wild eyebrows appeared. He wore Wellington boots and a dusty dinner jacket. The most remarkable thing about him was his height; he seemed barely able to reach a light switch.
“Is your wife at home?” Gertrude asked breezily.
“Who wants to know?” he said gruffly, his milky blue eyes examining her.
“I found her purse in the lane,” she offered, “I just came to return it.” “My wife is away,” he grumbled, “visiting her sisterr in the Baltic.” “Perhaps you could reunite her with it on her return?”
closing the front door. Gertrude shivered.
“It’s up there, look.” The man pointed, dragging a rickety stool across the kitchen floor. Gertrude peered into the shadows above a battered oak dresser and saw a dusty glass jar.
“You just need to jump up there and reach it down,” he said. “Up you get.”
In a daze Gertrude climbed onto the stool, which wobbled drunkenly. She lifted the sticky glass jar, and shuddered. It was surrounded by a sprinkling of mouse droppings. The stool wobbled and the lumpy liquid sloshed unpleasantly. Whatever was inside the jar, she had no desire to drink it or be covered in it. Quickly she passed it to the old man. “How much do you want?” he said, cradling it like a new baby.
“I honestly don’t want any,” Gertrude said, gla glad to be back on solid ground. His face b brightened.
“Are you sure?” His eyebrows bounced up and down. “Not any?”
“It’s all yours,” Gertrude said. “I really must be on my way.” She stepped towards the door but the man barred her way.
“Maybe.” He looked her up and down. “You’ll do.”
“I beg your pardon?” Gertrude asked in surprise.
“I said ‘I suppose you want a reward.’” He opened the door fully. “Come in.” “Honestly, it’s fine,” Gertrude said, backing away. “Come inside,” he ordered, “you’re letting all the cold air in.” Confused, Gertrude stepped into a dark kitchen that smelled of damp and boiled cabbage. “Do you like sloe gin?” the man asked.
Gertrude was uncertain how to answer.
“My wife made it. Perhaps I could pour you a small glass?”
“There really is no need,” Gertrude insisted, “I just wanted to return her purse.”
“She never uses that one anymore.” The man waved his hand dismissively. “Now, about that sloe gin.”
“Actually I must dash, my friend is waiting for me,” Gertrude lied. “This will only take a minute,” he said firmly,
“I’m hoping this could be our little secret?” he said. “My wife hid it up th there, because she knew I wouldn’t be able to reach.” “B “Because of your height?” Gertrude asked.
“Vertigo, I’ve got vertigo,” the old man snapped. “That purse has been out in the lane for two days and you’re the first person who’s come to return it.”
It took Gertrude a moment to realise that she’d been tricked into enabling this strange little man’s love of sloe gin. She smiled courteously in spite of herself. “Glad to be of service.”
“Just one more thing,” he said, as he clumsily poured himself a generous measure, “can you come round again to put it back up there before my wife gets back?”
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by Jackie Brewster
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just 4 fun
Solutions on page 52
CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.
Solutions on page 52
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Excellent: 45+ words Good: 38 Fair: 30 ANSWER: Arboretum
WORD LADDER Blue Glue Glut Gout Goat Goad Gold
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business directory Accountants & Payroll
JAWS Accountancy Services Ltd
Stocktons Satellite & Aerial
Ashby Bears
NWL Chamber of Commerce
Ashby Decorator Centre
Haines Watts Ashby Ltd
Aerials & Satellite
Arts, Crafts & Gifts
Business Services
Carpets & Interiors
Coalville Furniture Superstore
richardsons Furniture
Signature Blinds
The Bed Shop
28 & 29
The Flooring and Bed Company
Orchard House Day Nursery Swingboat Nurseries
Cleaning, Ironing, Laundry Services
NJr Pure Clean
Oven Clean
Toni’s Ironing Angels
Bardon School of Motoring
Driving Schools
r D T School of Motoring Electricians
Bright Sparks
D&B Electrical
Estate Agents & New Housing St. Modwen Homes Events
Cattows Farm Fireworks Display
17 49
24 & 25 7
Free Tree Scheme
Measham Car Boot Sale
Ibstock Beer Festival
The Palace Community Centre Florists
Holywell Petals
Food & Groceries
Conibears Kitchen Moo Fresh
41 8 49 16
Garden Charnwood Tree Services Darren robinson Eden Tree Care & Fencing Endurance Landscape Services Ltd GreenThumb (Ashby) Orchid Garden Services The Ten Mile Timber Company Tindle Tree Care Ltd World of Sheds Healthcare Bosworth Home Care Traditional Acupuncture IT Services Midland IT The PC Clinic
Kitchens & Bathrooms Ashby Tile & Bathrooms Ibstock Kitchens Locksmiths Hazlewood Locksmiths Painters & Decorators W L Lacey & Son Pet Services Paws Go Walking Woodward veterinary Practice Plumbers & Gas Services B Wilkinson Plumbing D B Plumbing MBr Plumbing Services Property Repairs & Maintenance 1-4-All Appliance repairs Century Fire & Security Cloudy 2 Clear Dream Doors roof Tech rSJ roofing Tim Broster Jet Washing TS roofing Window Mate Pubs, Restaurants & Takeaways The George Inn The ram Inn Sports & Fitness MP Personal Training
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30 38 21 52 37 40 18 14 40 35 51 43 45 2 13 17 8 35 34 49 39 45 8 3 6 31 51 35 42 49 16 13 53 15
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